<p> METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Methacton High School</p><p>I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM</p><p>II. OPENING CEREMONY</p><p>III. ATTENDANCE</p><p>BOARD OF LATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS PRESENT ABSENT ARRIVAL Mrs. Marijane Barbone, President X Mr. Daniel B. Sattler, Vice President X Dr. Winifred S. Hayes X Mr. Howard Jones X Mr. John P. Lynch X Ms. Joyce E. Petrauskas X Mr. Grant T. Schanbacher X Mr. Michael J. Simeone X Mr. James T. Van Horn X</p><p>NON-VOTING MEMBERS Dr. Timothy J. Quinn, Superintendent X</p><p>OTHERS Mr. Paul R. Koehler, Board Treasurer Dr. Jane E. Martin, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Robert P. Harney, Director of Labor Relations/Human Resources Mr. Denis J. McCall, Director of Business Services</p><p>IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EXECUTIVE SESSIONS – Mrs. Marijane Barbone Mrs. Barbone announced an executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss a personnel issue and a real estate issue.</p><p>V. PUBLIC COMMENT ON BOARD ACTION ITEMS John Andrews, Lower Providence Superintendent’s compensation</p><p>VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Mrs. Marijane Barbone It should be noted that public notice was given for this meeting in accordance with Act 84 of 1986. The preliminary agenda with additions and deletions as discussed at the work session on August 18, 2009 is submitted for Board approval.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the agenda as indicated. Motion: Mr. Lynch Second: Dr. Hayes August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved VII. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS AND SCHEDULED SPEAKERS – Dr. Timothy Quinn A. August 25, 2009 Raptor System – Mrs. Janeen Marzewski Arcola/Skyview Building Update – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>VIII. REPORTS A. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Mr. Schanbacher gave a report. B. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Dr. Martin gave a report. C. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Barbone gave a report. D. NORTH MONTCO TECHNICAL CAREER CENTER Mr. Lynch gave a report. Mr. Van Horn questioned whether or not the contractual issue with salaries has been resolved. Mr. Simeone responded that they are gathering data. E. INTERMEDIATE UNIT #23 No report. F. COMMUNITY LIAISON Mr. Lynch gave report on Worcester. Mr. Van Horn gave a report. G. HOME AND SCHOOL REPORT Ms. Petrauskas gave a district council report. H. SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Quinn gave a report. IX. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION By notice of the President, the following action items suggest a roll call vote. You will be recorded as voting in the affirmative for the motion unless you say “nay” or “I abstain”. Board Members are further advised that they must publicly announce and disclose the nature of any conflict of interest before the vote on the matter is taken and file the appropriate form with the Secretary of the Board.</p><p>A. CONSENT AGENDA – Dr. Timothy Quinn 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Copies of the minutes of the work session and regular meeting combined held on July 21, 2009 were forwarded in advance to all members of the Board of School Directors. 2. FISCAL ITEMS a. BILLS The bills that will be presented for Board approval are chargeable against the funds and accounts indicated. The list of bills recommended for approval will be provided prior to the regular meeting.</p><p>(1) General Fund Account $1,977,785.90 (2) Activity Account $ 4,519.00 (3) Athletic Account $ 7,873.80 (4) Capital Improvements $ 0 (5) Capital Reserve $ 953,110.25 (6) Food Services $ 3,134.54 (7) Scholarship/Memorial $ 0</p><p>Page 2 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>(8) 2007 Construction Fund $ 82,929.26 (9) 2008-2009 Construction Fund $5,474,304.88 3. SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERSONNEL ISSUES: a. RESIGNATIONS – CLASSIFIED 1) Accept the resignation of Renee Bartlett, food services at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective: July 27, 2009. 2) Accept the resignation of Susan Duffy, instructional assistant at Eagleville Elementary School. Effective: September 2, 2009. 3) Accept the resignation of Dawn Warkentin, bus aide. Effective: July 27, 2009. 4) Accept the resignation of James Golden, custodian at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective: September 14, 2009 5) Accept the resignation of Jamie Barbone, instructional assistant at Worcester Elementary School. Effective: August 25, 2009. b. EMPLOYMENT – SUPPLEMENTAL 1) Approve the list of Department/Subject Area Coordinators in the amount of $84,025 for the 2009-2010 school year. 2) Approve the list of Instructional Software Support Specialists in the amount of $17,053.60 for the 2009-2010 school year. 3) Approve the list of Mentors in the amount of $28,469.70 for the 2009-2010 school year. 4) Russell Vincent for outdoor education in 2008-09 in the amount of $241.66. 5) Additional coaches for the fall of 2009: a) Lynn Gureck, Arcola grade 7 field hockey coach, in the amount of $1,398.52. b) Rachel Maaskant, Methacton High School junior varsity cheerleading coach in the amount of $1,691.76. c. CHANGE OF STATUS – CLASSIFIED 1) Approve a change of status for Eileen Brown, secretary to the coordinator of technology, from C-2 to C-3 classification. Hourly rate of $18.35. Effective: August 25, 2009. 2) Approve a change of status for Diane Seeberger from secretary to the assistant superintendent to secretary to the special education supervisors and staff development coordinator. Hourly rate of $19.28. Effective: To be determined. This is a new position. 3) Approve a temporary change of status for Kim Shade from custodian at Methacton High School to head custodian at Worcester Elementary School. Hourly rate of $23.01. Effective: July 27, 2009. This is a replacement position. 4) Approve a change of status for Linda Foulke from bus driver to custodian at Methacton High School. Hourly rate of $21.41. Effective: August 25, 2009. This is a replacement position. 5) Approve a change of status for Jay Donis from personal care assistant to instructional assistant at Worcester Elementary School. Hourly rate of $14.28. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position. 6) Approve a change of status for Joanne Numerato from food services </p><p>Page 3 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p> to part-time bus driver. Hourly rate of $23.68. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position.</p><p>7) Approve a change of status for Denis Wheeler from instructional assistant to personal care aide at Methacton High School. Hourly rate of $14.94. Effective: September 8, 2009. This is a new position. d. CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTE LIST ADDITIONS Approve the following additions to the classified substitute list: Steve Martin, Dawn Warkentin, James Golden</p><p>END OF CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the consent agenda as recommended. Motion: Dr. Hayes Second: Mr. Schanbacher Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>B. FISCAL – Mr. Denis McCall 1. TREASURER’S REPORT Approve the treasurer’s report for the month of July. The treasurer’s report was forwarded in advance to all members of the Board of Directors. 2. SALE OF EQUIPMENT Approve the sale of the following equipment to Wilson Metz School Bus Company in the amount of $ 2,000.00.</p><p>Bus Vin No: Plate No: Year Model Capacity Selling Price</p><p>8 1BAANCSA2SF062507 SC14772 1995 Bluebird 84 $ 800.00 29 1HVBJABN0TA073608 SC03380 1996 International 72 $ 800.00 44 1GBHG31Y0SF192593 SC14779 1996 Chevy 8 $ 200.00 56 1GBHG31YTF105963 SC14771 1996 Chevy 19 $ 200.00 3. 2009-2010 CAPITAL PROJECTS a. Authorize the Administration to add to the 2009-2010 capital projects list the installation of a water line from the Farina building to the lower sports fields as recommended by the property committee. Cost of the project not to exceed $50,000. b. Authorize the following change orders to asphalt paving contract, Harris Blacktopping, Inc.: Proposed change order for three (3) manhole rings, 1,200 lin. ft. of deep crack repair w/fabric, and replacement of one (1) ADA depressed curb in the amount of $6,210.00. Proposed change order for paving high school track driveway from stadium to bus driver parking area including prep, stone base and wearing coarse in the amount of $12,423.00. c. Authorize the following change order to high school roofing contract, United States Roofing Corporation: Proposed change order to rework existing masonry sill and install new copper flashing at four (4) second floor window locations in the amount of $2,900.00.</p><p>Page 4 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>4. WOODLAND PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS a. Authorize the following change order to General Construction Contract, Penn Builders, Inc.: Proposed change order for installation of underground drain piping at playground area to correct parking lot water problem in the amount of $17,046.00. b. Authorize the following change orders to Mechanical Construction Contract, JBM Mechanical, Inc.: Proposed change order to relocate ductwork in conflict with changed location of stage folding partition in the amount of $2,507.06. Proposed change order to provide automatic temperature controls to MDF room which was not called for in contract documents in the amount of $4,568.04. 5. RESOLUTION #09-06 TAX COLLECTION COMMITTEE VOTING DELEGATE APPOINTMENT Approve Resolution #09-06 to appoint delegates to the Tax Collection Committee per Act 32. 6. RESOLUTION #09-07 GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENT Approve Resolution #09-07 allowing for the reimbursement to the General Fund for computer equipment purchased prior to the finalization of the lease-purchase funding agreement with TD Equipment Finance, Inc. 7. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FINANCING PROPOSAL Approve a three year lease financing proposal from TD Equipment Finance, Inc. for the purchase of computer equipment in the amount of $215,000. Annual payments will be $73,953.21 due annually on September 1 with the first payment due September 1, 2009 to be funded by the General Fund. The annual interest rate is 3.10% with total interest payments in the amount of $6,858.63.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve fiscal items #1 through #7 with the exception of 3.a. as presented.</p><p>Motion: Ms. Petrauskas Second: Mr. Simeone Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>Mrs. Barbone announced the following modified motion for fiscal item 3.a.:</p><p>3. 2009-2010 CAPITAL PROJECTS a. Move this project for the water line to the capital project list and authorize the administration to put the project out for bid.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve 3.a. as modified. Motion: Mr. Van Horn Second: Mr. Lynch</p><p>Page 5 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>8. COMPENSATION – ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Approve the compensation for Assistant Superintendent, Jane Martin in the amount of $128,922. Effective: 2009-2010 school year and retroactive to July 1, 2009.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the assistant superintendent’s compensation as presented. Motion: Mr. Simeone Second: Mr. Schanbacher Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>Mr. Van Horn commented that he will vote in favor of this action but is somewhat reluctant due to the current economy and contractual negotiations. It has nothing to do with Dr. Martin personally. This is something that could be delayed since it is not an annual review. He reiterated that he would vote favorably, but he was not satisfied with the amount of discussion had by the Board. 9. COMPENSATION – SUPERINTENDENT a. In accordance with the superintendent’s commission, the school board has reviewed Dr. Quinn’s performance and is approving the payment of $7,000.00 for specific goal achievements in 2008-2009 school year.</p><p> b. In consideration of Dr. Quinn’s compensation plan for 2009-2010, the school board is approving an increase in the performance incentive target of 3% of base salary. (The resultant incentive target will be a total of 8% of base salary. There will be no increase in base salary)</p><p>Mrs. Marijane Barbone requested public comment at this time on the superintendent’s compensation. No public comment was given.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the superintendent’s compensation as presented in items #9a and #9b. Motion: Mr. Van Horn Second: Mr. Simeone Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>C. PERSONNEL – Mr. Robert Harney 1. EMPLOYMENT – PROFESSIONAL a. Approve the employment of Frances Say, speech language therapist, at Woodland Elementary School. Salary: $59,941 based on Masters, Step 9. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position. b. Approve the employment of Kathleen Thompson, nurse at Methacton High School. Salary: $32,800 based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position. c. Approve the employment of Theresa Allerton, .5 ESL instructor at Audubon Elementary School. Salary: $41,536 (prorated) based on</p><p>Page 6 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>Bachelors, Step 1.5. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position.</p><p> d. Approve the employment of Julie Rapine, reading specialist at Woodland Elementary School. Salary: $47,016 based on Masters, Step 2.5. Effective: To be determined. This is a replacement position. 2. EMPLOYMENT – LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE – PROFESSIONAL a. Approve the employment of Kristin Abell-Galella, long-term substitute guidance counselor at Arcola Intermediate School. Salary: $45,000 (prorated) based on Masters, Step 1. Effective: Approximately September 2, 2009 – December 4, 2009. b. Approve the employment of Kaitlyn Fetterman, long-term substitute special education instructor at Eagleville Elementary School. Salary: $41,300 (prorated) based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective: Approximately September 16, 2009 – January 29, 2010. c. Approve the employment of Jennifer Naples, long-term substitute special education instructor at Methacton High School. Salary: $41,300 based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective: 2009-2010 school year. d. Approve the employment of Joseph Perry, long-term substitute music instructor at Methacton High School. Salary: $41,000 (prorated) based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective: September 2, 2009 through approximately November 11, 2009. e. Approve the employment of Heidi Alderfer, long-term substitute health and physical education instructor at Methacton High School. Salary: $41,500 based on Bachelors +15, Step 1. Effective: 2009-2010 school year. 3. EMPLOYMENT – CLASSIFIED a. Approve the employment of Suzanne Lowery, part-time guidance office assistant at Methacton High School. Hourly rate of $14.19. Effective: September 8, 2009. This is a new position. b. Approve the employment of Carolyn Gallagher as a part-time bus aide. Hourly rate of $13.16. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position. c. Approve the employment of Linda Heil as a long-term substitute instructional assistant at Arcola Intermediate School. Hourly rate of $14.18. Effective: September 2, 2009 through the first semester of the 2009-2010 school year. d. Approve the employment of Diane Miller as a long-term substitute instructional assistant at Eagleville Elementary School. Hourly rate of $14.18. Effective: September 2, 2009 through approximately December 11, 2009. e. Approve the employment of Burton Ross as a bus driver. Hourly rate of $20.13. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position. 4. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – CLASSIFIED a. Approve an uncompensated leave of absence for Colleen Clayton, personal care assistant at Eagleville Elementary School. Effective: First semester of the 2009-2010 school year. b. Approve an uncompensated leave of absence for Tracy McGonigle, instructional assistant at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective: First semester of the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>Page 7 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>5. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – PROFESSIONAL a. Approve the extension of an uncompensated leave of absence for Jaimi White, speech and language pathologist at Woodland Elementary School. Effective: First semester of the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p> b. Approve the extension of an uncompensated leave of absence for Deborah Larkin, health and physical education instructor at Methacton High School. Effective: 2009-2010 school year. 6. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – CLASSIFIED a. Approve the termination of employment for Joan Ewing, bus driver. Effective: August 25, 2009.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the personnel items as presented. Motion: Mr. Jones Second: Mr. Simeone Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>D. PROGRAMS - Dr. Jane Martin 1. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE Approve the special education settlement for student #9644318609 with special language of the terms of the settlement agreement drafted and approved by the district solicitor. 2. NEW STUDENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Approve the appointment of Methacton High School juniors, Jaisheela Setty and Benjamin Greenberg as Student Board Representatives for a term of two (2) years.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve Program items #1 and #2 as presented. Motion: Mr. Lynch Second: Ms. Petrauskas Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>E. POLICY – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>1. SECOND READING a. Policy #346 – Workers Compensation b. Policy #347 – Workers Compensation Transitional Return to Work Program</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the policies as presented. Motion: Mr. Van Horn Second: Dr. Hayes Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved</p><p>F. OTHER – Dr. Timothy Quinn a. ESTABLISHED BUS STOPS FOR 2009-2010 Approve the list of established bus stops for Methacton School District for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>Page 8 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the bus stops as presented. Motion: Mr. Jones Second: Dr. Hayes Vote: 8-0 Result: Approved X. INFORMATION ITEMS A. DATES FOR BOARD MEMBERS’ CALENDARS August 25, 2009 Property Committee Meeting 5:30 PM Board Meeting 7:30 PM September 15, 2009 Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 PM Work Session 7:30 PM September 22, 2009 Property Committee Meeting 5:30 PM Board Meeting 7:30 PM</p><p>Mrs. Barbone cautioned the public to check the district website regularly for updates on finance and property committee meetings due to possible cancellations.</p><p>B. ADVISEMENTS – Dr. Timothy Quinn 1. POLICY – Dr. Timothy Quinn a. FIRST READING 1) Policy #706.1 – Disposal of Property 2) Policy #907 – School Visitors 2. TRANSFERS - CLASSIFIED a. Donna Powers, from office assistant at Woodland Elementary School to office assistant at Audubon Elementary School. Effective: September 8, 2009. b. Donna D’Innocenzo, personal care aide, from Methacton High School to Arcola Intermediate School. Effective: September 8, 2009. This is a new position. c. Carol Harrity, instructional assistant, from Woodland Elementary School to Eagleville Elementary School. Effective: September 2, 2009. This a replacement position. d. Zita Millichap, instructional assistant, from Eagleville Elementary School to Worcester Elementary School. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a new position. e. Amanda Swartz, instructional assistant, from Worcester Elementary School to Eagleville Elementary School. Effective: September 2, 2009. This is a replacement position.</p><p>XI. OLD BUSINESS Ms. Petrauskas announced that district volunteers requiring clearances will now be reimbursed by the district. A form can be found on the district’s web site for volunteers to complete and submit for reimbursement.</p><p>Mrs. Barbone confirmed that this reimbursement is new for this year. XII. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Van Horn gave an update on negotiations. The negotiations team of the Board which includes Dr. Quinn, Mr. McCall, Mr. Harney, Mr. Jones, Ms. Petrauskas and myself have been meeting regularly with the union, MEA representatives. We are still working towards a contractual settlement. It does take time and I don’t anticipate a resolution in the next week or two, but there is a positive feeling that we are working together and working towards a</p><p>Page 9 of 10 August 25, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes</p><p> settlement. We spent a lot of time over the summer looking at working conditions and language. We have worked through a great deal, but there are still things we need to work on as well as salary and benefits. We have some work ahead, but we have been working diligently throughout the summer and will continue to work together. </p><p>XIII. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR John Andrews, Lower Providence Sunshine lawsuits and legal costs Current Enrollment Skyview Computer Wiring – Was the project put out to bid? Bus Depot Realter Agreement</p><p>XIV. COORDINATOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Mrs. Angela Linch gave a report.</p><p>Mr. Van Horn commented on it being his understanding that Mr. Andrews is part of the sunshine claim against the district and his comments under courtesy of the floor seem inappropriate. </p><p>XV. ADJOURNMENT On a motion made by Dr. Hayes and seconded by Mr. Simeone, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>Donna E. Koons Board Secretary </p><p>Page 10 of 10</p>
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