TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer s1

TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer s1

<p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Take turns to listen and speak without interrupting, identify and describe differences and similarities</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Revise the Birthday Chart. Birthday Chart Daily Emergent -‘read’ it (focus on dates, names of Flashcards: Months Reading learners and months) of the year, names of learners</p><p>Eye Exercises/Movements, like follow Tues. my finger moving from left to right, word on the birthday chart.</p><p>Develop sense of direction: Move Blocks Wed. blocks from L to R and from top to bottom</p><p>Dramatize parts of a rhyme or story Story / Rhyme Thurs.</p><p>Listening and Take turns to listen and speak Birthday Chart Daily Speaking without interrupting. Talk about Birthdays Share own experiences. Take turns to talk.</p><p>Identifies and describes differences and similarities, e.g. Who has a birthday in the same month? Who has had a birthday already and who must still have one? Which months have the same number of Birthdays?</p><p>Word and Identifies words starting with “S” Sand tray to write Daily sentence level Repeat the words aloud. alphabet sounds in. work (Phonics): Ask learner to identify initial sound in a Text which has the word (auditory) ‘s’ sound in it. Write the letter in the air/ in the sand/on one another’s backs. Identifies the “s’’ in a text (e.g. magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>1 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading: Text: Revise the Birthday Chart Birthday Chart Emergent Reading -‘read’ it (Focus on dates, learner names and Flashcards: Months months) of the year, names of learners</p><p>Listening & Speaking Take turns to listen and speak without interrupting.</p><p>Talk about birthdays Share own experiences. Take turns to speak.</p><p>Identifies and describes differences and Birthday Chart similarities, e.g. Who has a birthday in the same month? Who has had a birthday already and who must still have one? Which months have the same number of Birthdays?</p><p>Word and sentence Identify words starting with ‘s’. text level work ( Phonics): Identify the “s” in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, stories)</p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Rewrite text Make a birthday Draw your Develop fine Educational from the card for your best holiday news. motor skills e.g. Game: Build a environment. friend. Cut and Colour in with rolling clay. puzzle Draw a birthday paste pictures on board chalk and cake and colour the background, sugar water. Cut it in. Stick as fold it in half and - and - paste a many candles on “write” a frame. it as you are old. message in it. Teacher writes below:” I have a birthday on” Child looks on birthday chart and copies his day and month e.g. 4 April.</p><p>2 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 1 CONTEXT: Summer</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING CORNER EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about Summer Before and After Clay works with -Form the “s” Sunglasses Magazines adverts for Same & Different beads. with dough Beach towel sun tan lotion. Thread: Plastic Easel for Paint like the Sunhat Shapes e.g. Board chalk with example Picnic basket squares sugar water provided. Look for the “s” in a magazines and cut and paste on paper. Decorate with khoki’s</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>3 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 2 CONTEXT: Shapes, Colours, Patterns</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Uses language to develop concepts in all subject areas such as quantity, direction, time, sequence, colour, age. Participates in discussions & asks questions Understands that writing & drawing are different and begins to copy letters and numerals from the classroom environment in own attempts: pretend writing using a mixture of copied letters and squiggles. “Reads” what letters and squiggles “say”</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Story book (Yellow Yolanda) BIG BOOK: Daily Emergent Listens to stories and other texts read Yellow Yolanda Reading or told aloud. Recalls detail and states main idea.</p><p>Uses pictures to “read” simple Simple phrases / phrases or caption books e.g. The magazines bathroom (page with picture of a bathroom etc.)</p><p>‘read’ books independently for pleasure in reading corner (independent play)</p><p>Listening & Uses language to develop concepts in colours Mon Speaking all subject areas, such as: quantity, Tues direction, time, sequence, colour, age. Thurs.</p><p>Participates in discussions & asks Daily questions </p><p>Fri. Listens to two or three- part instruction and responds appropriately.</p><p>Word and Identifies words which begins with f/v Sand tray in which Daily sentence level Repeat the alphabet sound loudly. to write. work (Phonics) Ask learners to identify the beginning Text with f/v sound sound of a word (auditory) in it Write the letter in the air/in sand/on one another’s back. Identify the f/v in ‘n text (e.g. Magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>4 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 2 CONTEXT: Shapes, Colours, Patterns</p><p>SMALL GROUEP: STUDYAREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared reading: Text: Story Book (Yellow Yolanda) Big Book: Yellow Emergent Reading Uses pictures to “read” simple phrases or Yolanda caption books e.g. The bathroom (page with picture of a bathroom etc.) Simple phrases/ magazines Listening & Speaking Uses language to develop concepts in all Colours in Big Book subject areas, such as: quantity, direction, time, sequence, colour, age. </p><p>Participates in discussions & asks questions</p><p>Word and sentence Identifies words, which begins with f/v. f/v - sounds level work (Phonics): Identifies the f/v in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 2 CONTEXT: Shapes, Colours, Patterns</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Draw the main Fine motor Understands Play Dough: Stick the s-shape idea in story muscles: finger that writing & Form the f/v with dot stickers. read during muscles drawing are alphabet sounds Use the sound to shared reading. Thread around different and with play dough create a picture. Draw with wax shapes begins to copy on an example. Colour in with and colour in letters and Work from top retractable with paint. numerals from to bottom and crayons the classroom from L to R. environment in own attempts: pretend writing using a mixture of copied letters and squiggles. “ Reads” what letters and squiggles “say”</p><p>5 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK:2 CONTEXT: Shapes, Colours and Patterns</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE ‘Read’ books Fine motor Words to copy Patterns on Fantasy independently muscles: small e.g. Summer pages to clothing, with for pleasure in balls and Draw and colour complete. many patterns reading corner pinchers/tweezers in. Writing patterns on. Clown Around: on small chalk Face paint Opposites board What does not belong?</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>6 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK:3 CONTEXT: Emotions </p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Understand that print communicates meaning. Knows words can represent own name, names of people, places and things e.g. smarties, etc</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: AKTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: A Recipe Recipe Daily Emergent Arrange a set of pictures in logical Pictures of Reading sequence and “read” the recipe sequence of recipe Names of Understand that print communicates ingredients meaning. Knows words can represent own name, names of people, places and things e.g. smarties etc</p><p>Listening and Matches things that go together and Ingredients Daily Speaking compares things that are different: Which ingredients suits the recipe we are following today, which does not?</p><p>Asks questions and asks for explanations: why does some of the ingredients not suit today’s recipe. What can we do with it? Word and Visual Memory: Ingredients Daily sentence level What have you seen? work ( Phonics): Allow learners to look at ingredients. Cover it with a cloth and allow them to recall what they saw.</p><p>Identify words that start with “m”. Sand- tray to write Repeat it aloud. letters in. Ask learners to identify beginning Text where m can sound in words (Auditory) be found in Write the letter in the sky/ in the sand/ on someone’s back. Identify the m in a text (e.g. Magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>7 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 3 CONTEXT: Emotions</p><p>SMALL GROUP: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared reading: Understands that print communicates Names of Emergent Reading meaning. Knows words can represent own ingredients name, names of people, places and things e.g. smarties etc</p><p>Listening & speaking Matches things that go together and Ingredients compares things that are different: Which ingredients suits the recipe we are following today, which does not?</p><p>Words and sentence Identify words starting with m. Text where m level work (Phonics) Identify the m in a text (e.g. Magazines, appears newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 3 CONTEXT: Emotions</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Recipe: Eye – hand Fine motor Educational Play Dough: Jelly with fruit in coordination: control: Cut out games: Spot the Form the “m” it. Throw and clearly outlined Difference with play dough. catch beanbag, picture, shapes Make an item big and small etc. Cut out a that begins with balls, paper circle. Paste on m with the play balls etc. Draw background dough, eg. Moth, pictures and page. Draw a mouse make more face and indicate complicated if the face is patterns with happy/sad/scared crayons. Colour etc. Add wool with ink or food for hair. Colour colouring and in with ink/food keep as colouring. background page.</p><p>8 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK:3 CONTEXT: Emotions</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about Shadows Collage with Writing patterns Masks emotions. Memory Card faces with Small Chalk Clothes Pictures about Game emotions Board Shoes emotions 10 Rules Draw yourself Wigs Puppet show And then? as you feel Gloves set-up today.</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>9 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 4 CONTEXT: Time</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: ‘Read’ enlarged texts such as poems, big books, posters and electronic texts (computer texts) as a whole class activity with teacher. Tells stories and retell other children’s stories in own words. Find object hidden in between other objects in the class. Draw pictures to convey a message like own news. Begin to “write” from L to R and from top to bottom of the page.</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Rhyme Rhyme Daily Emergent ‘Read’ enlarged text as a whole class Enlarged text Reading with teacher</p><p>Talk about text such as stories using terms such as beginning, middle, end, sound, word, letter, rhyme</p><p>Listening and Tells stories and retell other children’s Daily speaking stories in own words. </p><p>Build 10 –piece or more puzzle Puzzle (Read)</p><p>Find object hidden in the classroom in Objects in the class between other objects. Word and Understand that words consist of Daily sentence level more than one sound. For example, work (phonics) sat: s- a- t done aurally</p><p>Identifies words starting with “w” w- alphabet- Repeat it aloud. sound , chalk board Ask learners to identify beginning sound and chalk. (Auditory )</p><p>Write the letter in the sky/ on a chalkboard/ on each another’s back.</p><p>Identify the w in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>10 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 4 CONTEXT: Time</p><p>SMALL GROU SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading: Text: Rhyme Rhyme Emergent Reading ‘ Read’ enlarged text in the class with teacher</p><p>Listening and Tells stories and retell other children’s speaking stories in own words. </p><p>Find object hidden in the classroom in Objects in the class between other objects.</p><p>Word and sentence Identify words which begins with w. w- Alphabet sound level work (Phonics): Repeat it aloud. Write it on a chalkboard Chalkboard and Identify the w in a text (e.g. magazines, chalk newspaper, story) texts</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 4 CONTEXT: Time</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Copies patterns -Draw pictures Educational Cut and paste Roller paint the onto pegboards to convey a Game: Puzzle “w” out of letter “w” and and copies message, like magazines. decorate the rest patterns, words own news. Draw something of the page with and letters onto - Begins to that starts with a khokis and paper. ‘write’, “w” e.g. worm, ink/food Copy the words observing watch and colour colouring day/night on a conventions of it. page. Draw directionality: something that ‘write” from L suits the words. to R and top to bottom of a page. ‘Write’ below you news picture which you have drawn, by copying teachers writing.</p><p>11 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 4 CONTEXT: Time</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING CORNER EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about time Next up Teacher Words to copy. Clothes from Pictures of different Join up provides Poster with long ago. kinds of clocks and And then? watch faces. watch with Work clothes watches (with captions) Before and after Children sight words which Mom create their which learners and Dad own pictures can match and would wear. with it. Colour ‘read’ High Heel in with ink or shoes, food sunglasses colouring. and handbags Play Dough and rollers & Cookie cutters</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>12 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 5 CONTEXT: Safety: At Home</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Hold book the right way up and turns pages correctly when “reading”, Discuss and describes characters in stories, Works individually or in a group and forms alphabet letters with body. (Handwriting)</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: AKTIVITY: RESOURCES DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Big Book Big Book Story Daily Emergent Hold book the right way up and turns Reading pages correctly when “reading”</p><p>Discuss and describes characters in stories </p><p>Use pictures to predict what a story is about: “read” pictures and captions</p><p>Shows an understanding that pictures and words are related, yet different.</p><p>Draws pictures to convey the main idea (group work)</p><p>Listening and Listens to stories and dramatize it. Story to dramatize Wed. speaking Classify things according to colour, Fri. shape or size.</p><p>Word and Work as an individual or as part of a Learners Daily sentence level group to form letters with the body work (Phonics): (Handwriting) Identify words which begins with r. Repeat it aloud. r –alphabet sound Ask learners to recognize the beginning chalkboard and sound in words e.g. red, rainbow, rose crayons (Auditory) text</p><p>Write the letter in the sky/on a chalkboard/on one another’s back.</p><p>Identifies the r in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>13 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 5 CONTEXT: Safety: At home</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared reading: Text: Big Book Story Big Book Story Emergent Reading Hold book the right way up and turns pages correctly when “reading”</p><p>Discuss and describes characters in stories </p><p>Listening and Listens to stories and dramatize it. Story to dramatize Speaking Word and sentence Work as an individual or as part of a group level work (Phonics): to form letters with the body (Handwriting) </p><p>Identify words that begins with r. r – sound Repeat it aloud. Ask learners to recognize the beginning sound Chalkboard and in words e.g. red, rake, rifle (Auditory) chalk text Write the letter in the sky/on a chalkboard/on one another’s back.</p><p>Identifies the r in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 5 CONTEXT: Safety: At home</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Draw the main Group words Drip warm Create a collage Educational idea of story which begins candle wax from form matches. Games: puzzles read during with the same top to bottom Create a picture shared reading. sound together. and L to R on of your own Learners (Use words the letter m. choice. (create “ write” the which appeared Bubble paint on an awareness of name of story in the story and the rest of the the dangers of below their were used as page. Print a matches). Add drawing. ‘Read’ sight words) frame around the drawings with it to your Now use one of sides with paint. pastels and paint friends. the words e.g. matches with ink house and draw if they were not a picture of it. coloured Colour it with beforehand. ink/food colouring</p><p>14 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 5 CONTEXT: Safety: At home</p><p>INDEPENDENT PALY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about Puzzles Weaving Visual Old Kitchen electricity Barney Memory Make a mat for discrimination appliances and Books about Game your home) worksheet: equipment e.g. first aid Where do I live Paint and scrape which picture kettle, iron, pots, and what do I eat? patterns on a does not fit? stove etc. Threading: plastic background Match sight shapes page words with words on poster that relates to the theme/ context</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>15 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 6 CONTEXT: The Sea</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Sing songs, recites rhymes and performs actions with the whole class. Recognises initial spoken sounds especially at the beginning of own name.</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: AKTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared reading: Text: Big Book Big Book Daily Emergent Interprets pictures to make up own Reading story: ‘reads’’ the pictures</p><p>Arranges a set of pictures in such a Pictures way that they form a story and then “reads” story</p><p>Pretends to read and then adopts a “reading voice”</p><p>Understands that written words refer to spoken words such as daily news BIG NEWS BOOK written down by the teacher as the child speaks Listening and Gives explanation and gives Daily speaking clarification</p><p>Sing songs, recites rhymes and performs actions with the whole class</p><p>Auditory discrimination: Which sound does not match e.g. p p t p.</p><p>Word and Recognise initial sound in spoken Daily sentence level words, especially at the beginning of work.(Phonics): own name</p><p>Identify words that begins with k. k – sound Repeat it aloud Chalkboard Chalk Ask learners to recognise initial sounds text in words (auditory) Write the word in the air/on a chalkboard/on one another’s back</p><p>Identifies the k in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>16 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 6 CONTEXT: The Sea</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading Text: Big book Big Book and Emergent reading Arrange pictures in the correct order pictures </p><p>Listening and Sing songs, recites rhymes and performs Speaking actions with the whole class</p><p>Word & Sentence Recognise initial sound in spoken words, level work (Phonics): especially at the beginning of own name</p><p>Identifies words that begins with k. k – sound Repeat it aloud Chalkboard Ask learners to recognise initial sounds in Chalk words (auditory) text Write the word in the air/on a chalkboard/on one another’s back</p><p>Identifies the k in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON:</p><p>TERM:2 WEEK:6 CONTEXT: The Sea</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Draw the Role Play Cut and Paste a Educational Salt Clay: outlines of writing in play fish. Add the sea games: pick up Create fish and simple pictures, situations: with crayons and little fluffy pom- print patterns on patterns and making cover the whole pom balls with their bodies with own name while greeting cards, page with ink pinchers or toothpicks etc. starting at write letters etc. colouring. tweezers. correct point Sprinkle sand at and observing the “bottom” of conventions of the Sea, use glue directionality. and coloured Form the letter k sand On an example page: finger paint, decorate with glitter and spatter paint.</p><p>17 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 6 CONTEXT: The Sea</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING CORNER EDUCASTIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about the sea Memory card game Play dough -Form the k- Sun Umbrella Scrap book about the Something’s Paint sound with Picnic sea Different background roller paint on goodies Puzzle picture with page – Beach clothes Which does not fit? thick paint and foreground/ Hats scrape patterns background Sunglasses on it. worksheet. Only colour in the fish</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>18 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM:2 WEEK: 7 CONTEXT: Birds</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Recite poems & rhymes and add actions to them in a group. Begins to form letters using painting, paint brushes, wax crayons, etc.</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Newspaper article Newspaper article Daily Emergent Reading Recognize own name and at least 5 Names of learners names of other friends</p><p>‘Read’ theme related flashcards and Poster: Birds with captions in a group with the teacher. flashcards</p><p>Listening & Identify parts from the whole, e.g. Pictures: Parts of Daily Speaking Name parts of the body such as the body elbow, wrist, knee etc.</p><p>Recite poems & rhymes and add Poster/book of the actions to them in a group. least 5 themes which were covered Talks about pictures in posters, theme charts, books etc. related to a minimum of 5 themes per term</p><p>Auditory Discrimination: which alphabet letter sounds different? l l m l Word and Listens for the odd word in a Daily Sentence level sequence where all words begin with work ( Phonics): the same sound. For example, ring, rose, round, pose). Identify whether two given sounds are the same or different</p><p>Identify words starting with t. t- alphabet sound Repeat it aloud. Chalkboard Ask learners to identify the beginning Chalk sound in words (auditory) text Write the letter in the air/ on a chalkboard/ on one another’s back. Identifies the t in a text (e.g. magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>19 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 7 CONTEXT: Birds</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading: Recognises own name and the names of five Name of learners Emergent Reading other children in the class</p><p>‘Read’ theme related flashcards and Poster: Birds with captions in a group with the teacher. flashcards</p><p>Listening & speaking Recite poems & rhymes and add actions to them in a group. </p><p>Word and sentence Identify words starting with t. t- alphabet sound level work (Phonics): Write the letter in the air/on the chalkboard/ Chalkboard on one another’s back. Chalk Identifies the t in a text (e.g. magazines, text newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 7 CONTEXT: Birds</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Begins to form Play dough: Paint: Draw an Create a 3D Educational letters using Model birds and owl and colour chicken with games: Build a painting, paint add feathers, in with paint. toilet roll puzzle brushes, wax eyes etc.to it. Decorate with holders. crayons, etc. sequencing. Decorate with paint and khokis Form the t alphabet sound with finger paint. Cut and paste a lovely frame around your page. Decorate it with chalk</p><p>20 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 7 CONTEXT: Birds</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING CORNER EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about birds Fine motor control: -Collage of Eye – hand -Masks of Scrap book about birds Pinch balls with seeds: Create coordination: birds tweezers own picture Draw a line Animal Babies - Stuffed owl: between the Ani- match cut out body, outside lines Mothers and babies stuff with without cotton wool touching. and staple Match baby sides. Stick animal with feathers, eyes mother and beak animal. Form letters on example (laminate page with big letter) indicating where to start and where to finish</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>21 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 8 CONTEXT: Insects </p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Consolidation</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Poster about insects Poster of insects Daily Emergent Flashcard words Reading “Read” flashcard words and match picture with words</p><p>Listening and Distinguish between the shape of Pictures of insects Daily speaking different letters and words. For example, sorts identical objects, views Words which a sequence of nearly identical almost look similar pictures and picks out the one that is e.g. top, top, pop different and explains why it is different (Compare pictures of insects, which look the same. How are they different? Compare words like top, top, pop. Which is different and why?</p><p>Rhyming words: Which words rhyme with……moth - cloth</p><p>Word and Divides multisyllabic words into Daily sentence level syllables: uses clapping or drum work (Phonic): beats on each syllable in the word ‘ba-na-na’ or identifies the number of syllables (claps) in the names of the children in the class: ’Lu-ne-ta’ has three claps, “Rose” has one clap. Identify rhyming words in well -known rhymes and songs and complete the line or sentence.</p><p>Consolidation: s, f, v – alphabet Identify words starting with s, f, v sounds alphabet sounds. Text Repeat it aloud. Chalkboard and Ask learners to identify initial sound chalk Write the letters in the air/ on a chalkboard/ on one another’s back.</p><p>Identify s, f, v in a text (e.g. Magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>22 TERM: 2 WEEK: 8 CONTEXT: Insects</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading: Text: Poster of Insects 6 x small posters of Emergent Reading Flashcards with words insects Flashcards with words Listening and Distinguish between the shape of different Pictures of insects Painting letters and words. For example, sorts Words which looks identical objects, views a sequence of almost similar, e.g. nearly identical pictures and picks out the top, top, pop one that is different and explains why it is different</p><p>Word and sentence Identifies a letter or space between words level word (Phonics): in print: own names or familiar words or in a book (writing and handwriting)</p><p>Identify words which begins with s, f, v. Write the letter in the air /on the chalkboard/ S, f, v- alphabet on one another’s back. sounds Identify the beginning sound in a text (e.g. Text magazine, newspaper, story) Chalkboard and chalk</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 8 CONTEXT: Insects</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Uses a range of - Hold crayons Choose the Make a 3D bee Spatter paint a writing tools: correctly using names of two of toilet roll template of an paint brushes, an acceptable insects which holder etc. Paint insect. Allow it wax crayons etc. pencil grip. you would like it to dry and draw Make a collage of - “Writes” to draw. Copy in detail with your choice. Use using the the names onto pastel crayons the above tools to correct sitting your page. next time. create your position. Ensure you picture. Draw insect of leave space your choice and between the colour it in using two words. wax crayon. Spray colouring over using suitable spray can.</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>23 TERM: 2 WEEK: 8 CONTEXT: Insects</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about Join up Paint Easel - Form letters on Masks of insects Same and Different Play Dough example (laminate insects Shadows Collage with page with big Bee catchers What comes next? waste material letter) indicating outfit where to start and where to finish Visual closure: Complete the half- picture</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>24 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM:2 WEEK: 9 CONTEXT: AUTUMN</p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Consolidation</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Story: The three pigs Story: 3 pigs Daily Emergent Reading “Reads” high frequency words: e.g. High frequency days of the week words</p><p>Responds to stories through movement and drama activities or rings (e.g. Three little pigs) Predicts what will happen next in the Pictures and story story using familiar texts and picture cues.</p><p>Responds to stories through creative art: paint a picture of the story</p><p>Listening and Auditory memory: Listens to and Daily Speaking recalls in order simple word sequences such as big, beg, bag etc.</p><p>Identify parts from the whole: Identify selected information from a description </p><p>Arrange pictures in proper sequence Sequence pictures and tells the story</p><p>Word and Consolidation: m,w,r – alphabet Daily sentence level Identify words starting with m, w, r sounds work (Phonics): Repeat it aloud. Chalkboard and Ask learners to identify beginning chalk sound in words (Auditory) text Write the word in the air/ on a chalkboard /on one another’s backs.</p><p>Identify the beginning sounds of words in a text (e.g. magazines, newspaper, story)</p><p>25 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 9 CONTEXT: Autumn</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: HULPBRONNE Shared Reading: Text: Story: The three pigs Story: 3 pigs Emergent Reading “Reads” high frequency words: e.g. days of High frequency the week words</p><p>Listening and Arrange pictures in proper sequence and Sequence pictures Speaking tells the story</p><p>Word and sentence Identify words beginning with m, w, r m, w, r – alphabet level words (Phonics): Write the letter in the sky, on a chalkboard letter sounds and on one another’s backs Chalkboard and Identifies the m,w,r sound in a text chalk (magazine, newspaper, story) Text</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 9 CONTEXT: Autumn</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Draw and paint Contribute Stick pictures of Cut out Autumn Play Dough: the story of the sentences to story of three leaves, colour in Own choice three little pigs. written piece of little pigs in the with paint and Provide collage What do you class: Learner proper sequence stuff it. Put on a material for the remember? dictates while and colour in. piece of string child to create teacher writes. and hang from a his/her own tree branch. collage</p><p>26 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 9 CONTEXT: AUTUMN</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Books about What comes next?← Trace back of -Visual Fantasy clothes Autumn Before and after leaves discrimination Hats Writing patterns ← Cut these worksheet: Gloves Board for practice out paste on a which leave in Handbags picture of a the row looks tree. Paint different? Form Autumn tree the alphabet letter sound your name begins with, with dough</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>27 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 10 CONTEXT: Festivals and special days </p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Revision</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAG: Shared Reading: Text: Shopping list Shopping list Daily Emergent Match flashcards with items Flashcards with Reading ‘Read’ high frequency words such as shop names e.g. names of shops Pick & Pay Listening and Discuss: where do you buy food? Daily speaking Takes turns to speak Listens attentively</p><p>Rhyme words: Which words rhyme with can? fan etc.</p><p>Which words does not match: orange, apple, table, banana? (table) Word and Visual memory: Teacher flashes the Names of shops Daily Sentence level names of a few well- known shops. work (Phonics): Learners try to identify as many as they can remember.</p><p>Consolidation: Identify words which begins with k,t. k, t –alphabet Repeat it aloud. sounds Ask learners to identify the beginning Chalkboard sounds of words (auditory) chalk Write the alphabet letter in the air/ on the chalkboard/ on one another’s back. Identify the k,t in a text (magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>28 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM:2 WEEK: 10 CONTEXT: Festivals and special days </p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared Reading: Text: shopping list 6 x small shopping Emergent Reading Match flashcards with items lists ‘Read’ high frequency words like shop names Flashcards with shop names</p><p>Listening and Bespreek: waar koop julle kos? Speaking Neem beurte om te praat Luister aandagtig</p><p>Words and Sentence Identify words which start with k, t, k,t- alphabet sound level work (Phonics) Write the letter in the air/ on a chalkboard and text on one another’s backs chalkboard and Identify the alphabet sound k,t in text (e.g. chalk magazine, newspaper, story)</p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK:10 CONTEXT: Festivals and special days</p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Cut and paste a Draw up your Play dough: free Educational Paint: Create a shopping on a own shopping choice Games: Shadow background page background list. Draw a pictures with thick paint, page. Cut out picture of what scrapers and pictures of you need and sequence. Keep products which “write” the it to be used next can be bought at names of the time. shops and paste items next to it in the trolley. each. Cut out a name of a shop and paste it on the top of the page</p><p>29 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 10 CONTEXT: Festivals and Special days</p><p>INDEPENDENT PLAY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Story Books Where do I live White board & Match beginning Clothes Scrap books and what do I eat? koki’s sounds with the Kitchen items Albums And then? Salt Clay and right pictures Dolls Climbing Pictures cookie cutters e.g. t - sound trolley Draw & Paint with picture of tap</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>30 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 11 CONTEXT: Revision </p><p>FOCUS FOR THE WEEK: Revision</p><p>WHOLE CLASS: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES: DAY: Shared Reading: Text: Recipe Recipe Daily Emergent Add flashcards. “Read” the recipe Flashcards with Reading Match flashcards to pictures of items names of ingredients Pictures of ingredients</p><p>Listening and Talk about own baking activity Daily Speaking experience Listens attentively and reacts appropriately Takes turns</p><p>Auditory memory: Teacher calls out three words and learners must repeat it, e.g. flour, sugar, milk</p><p>Auditory Discrimination: Which alphabet sound does not fit? d t d d</p><p>Words and Revise alphabet sounds learnt this Prints of alphabet Daily Sentence level Term: s f v m w r k t sounds work (Phonics): Identify beginning alphabet sound of Text for words which start with above alphabet identification sounds. Repeat it aloud Ask learners to identify the beginning sound of words (auditory)</p><p>Write the letter in the sky, on a chalkboard and on one another’s backs Identifies the s f v m w r k t sound in a text (magazine, newspaper, story) </p><p>31 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 11 CONTEXT: Revision</p><p>SMALL GROUP SESSION: STUDY AREA: ACTIVITY: RESOURCES Shared reading: Text: Recipe Recipe Emergent Reading Add flashcards. “Read” the recipe Flashcards with Match flashcards to pictures of items names of ingredients Pictures of ingredients</p><p>Listening and Talk about own baking activity experience Speaking</p><p>Words and Sentence Revise alphabet sounds learnt this Term: s f v Prints of alphabet level work (Phonics): m w r k t sounds Identify beginning alphabet sound of words Text for which start with above alphabet sounds. identification Repeat it aloud Ask learners to identify the beginning sound of words (auditory)</p><p>Write the letter in the sky, on a chalkboard and on one another’s backs Identifies the s f v m w r k t sound in a text (magazine, newspaper, story) </p><p>HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 11 CONTEXT: Revision </p><p>GROUP WORK: GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Box construction Draw your news Use a template Form the letter Cut and paste with small and colour in & draw the in the middle of faces from boxes, sticks, with crayon & outline of shapes your page with magazines. Draw wool, cloth & food colouring/ and create your roller paint. the outline of the paint ink own picture. Thread a frame rest of the body Colour with around the edge with crayon and retractable of your page. paint with food crayons and colouring. bubble paint over it</p><p>32 HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSON: </p><p>TERM: 2 WEEK: 11 CONTEXT: Revision</p><p>INDEPENDENT PALY: READING EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE HOME FANTASY CORNER GAMES WORK LANGUAGE CORNER FOCUS TABLE Reading Books Threading Paint easel Mould alphabet Clothes Scrap Book Puzzle Crayons letters on example Shoes Shadows scrapings on a indicating where Hats What does not fit page, cover with to start and where Telephone ink or food to stop Kitchen ware colouring for Dolls background page</p><p>REFLECTION:</p><p>33</p>

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