<p>Pullman House, The Sidings, Chester Street Saltney, CHESTER, CH4 8RD byrne’s Tel: 01244 681311 Auctioneers & Valuers Fax: 01244 681650 e-mail: [email protected] Wednesday 15th August 2007 at 10.00am General Antiques & Later Effects Catalogue £1.50</p><p>Viewing: Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 7.00pm Morning of sale: 9.00am</p><p>Next Sale: Collectors Items followed by General Sale – Wed 29th August CATALOGUE FOR COLLECTORS SECTION ONLINE FROM 22nd August COLLECTORS SECTION WILL BE LIVE ONLINE ON the-saleroom.com</p><p>Next General Antiques & Later Effects: 29th August 2007 Important Notices If you are attending viewing or sale day please park in ZONE D, situated at the far end of Great Western House on the RIGHT of the main car park. The café will not be open on viewing days. Your attention is drawn to our Conditions of Sale at the back of the catalogue 1 Assortment of ceramics and glass including 24 Mintons chamber pot, a Victorian china toby Gaudy Welsh sugar basin, Derby soup bowl, jug, another character jug, Meakin bowls, a Royal commemorative tankard, glass scent saucer and three cutlery boxes bottles etc. (1 tray) 25 Royal commemorative china beakers, tankard, 2 Royal Doulton 'Temple' pattern cake plate, plates, and a Wade Beefeater water jug (14) silver mounted scent bottles, Wedgwood black 26 Regency cut glass pedestal table salt, other cut basalt milk jug etc. glass salts, five custard cups and other 3 Royal Albert 'Old Country Roses' part tea glassware service, with round table cloth 27 Royal Doulton 'Bunnykins' nursery set, boxed, 4 Carltonware coffee service and other decorative and a 'Bunnykins' teaching clock (2) china (1 tray) 28 Royal commemorative china Sadler three piece 5 Assortment of Chinese and English blue and tea service, two further china tea services white tea and coffee wares (1 tray) 29 Burnett savings tin, and another savings tin (2) 6 Hand decorated oval serving platter and a 30 Tray of assorted blue and white figural Czech eggshell china tea service ornaments 7 Decorative German dressing table set, Crown 31 Tray of decorative china ornaments, vases etc. Staffordshire pin dishes, Masons ashtray etc. 32 Woods 'Indian Tree' patterned jug, Royal 8 Newhall Boumier ware bowl, Victorian copper Worcester egg coddlers, an extensively lustre milk jug, cut glass decanters and damaged Beswick bull, other ornaments (1 tray) glassware (1 tray) 33 'The War Years in Pictures', and 'The Victory 9 Assortment of plated wares including bottle Book', seven volumes coaster, teapot, goblets etc. 34 Assortment of Wedgwood blue Jasperwares 10 Floral decorated china tea set including Royal commemoratives and other 11 T & G Green Cornish ware mixing bowls decorative plates (1 tray) 12 Masons 'Regency' patterned dish, two 35 Squirrel ornaments etc. sandwich dishes, a Delft jar, two 1960's glass 36 Old Hall stainless steel four piece tea service plates and a Brownie camera 37 Noritake 'Craftone' modernist breakfast, dinner 13 Victorian decorated opaline glass covered vase, and coffee service and another opaline bottle vase (2) 38 Small amount of oven to table ware 14 Victorian floral decorated ruby glass carafe, decorative bowl, and a Japanese Satsuma vase 39 Yellow and blue trimmed dinner and breakfast service, and other dinnerwares 15 Pottery spaniel 40 Le Creuset trout kettle, and a Denby vegetable 16 Bretby green glazed jardiniere, two Pearsons dish (2) stoneware vases, and a Portuguese cabbage leaf dish 41 Assortment of Royal commemorative tankards, a Welsh lady character jug, old feeding bottle, 17 Quantity of Royal Doulton Old Leeds Sprays 'The Childrens Circus Book' and a small patterned dinner, tea and coffee wares number of other publications 18 Myott Art Deco jug, a Doggie cookie jar, and 42 Pountney 'Bristol' patterned part dinner service two German vases (4) 43 Cut glass basket, glass cake dish and cover, 19 Crown Ducal decorative vase, a Japanese onyx and brass table lamp etc. vase, a Victorian relief moulded jug, another relief moulded jug etc. (9) 44 Various cased cutlery including coffee bean spoons, fish knives and forks etc. 20 Edwardian Staffordshire pottery Collie dog 45 Mintons 'Greenwich' patterned slop pail 21 Two Japanese eggshell coffee services 46 Decorative china wares including Sylvac style 22 Royal Doulton 'Sherbrooke' china dinner and squirrel, Coalport goblet etc. part tea service 23 Six 'tin trunk' tins 47 Cauldon blue and white teapot and other 71 Denby chocolate glazed service, pudding bowls decorative china and porcelain and boxed cutlery 48 Adams Landscape pattern blue and white 72 Box of tools dinner and tea service 73 Decorative china and vases, and a small 49 Framed Indian miniaturist painting, and another assortment of fabrics 50 Cut glass powder jar and cover, two white metal 74 Three Russell Flint prints, a Chinese mounted cut glass jars, a salad bowl, a embroidery, a wooden marquetry picture, and a cranberry powder bowl and a moulded blue white framed mirror glass beaker 75 Quantity of embroidered and other table linen, 51 Maling green ground bowl, a Ridgeways 'Old and a pair of curtains (1 box) English Birds' slop bowl, Bell china tea service, 76 Large quantity of 1986 Royal Wedding and a Bowbell china tea service commemorative playing card (as new) 52 Victorian relief moulded water jug, old tins, a 77 Small amount of decorative china cauldron, a quantity of modern football cards and picture cards 78 Framed mirror, two framed prints, and a small framed oil painting 53 Decorative china and glassware 79 Cricket bat, pads, and a tennis racket 54 Copper inkstand and a blotter 80 Quantity of 1986 Royal Wedding 55 Inlaid mahogany mantel clock, and a brass commemorative playing cards (as new) lantern style clock (2) 81 Large quantity of plated hotel ware cutlery 56 Chinoiserie bowl 82 Quantity of souvenir dolls 57 Six pieces of Victorian copper lustre 83 Victorian part tea service, and an assortment of 58 Blue and white china teawares and other blue household wares (3 boxes) and white bowls and plates 84 Two boxes of assorted decorative china 59 Two reproduction Guinness advertising jugs, teawares including Japanese eggshell china two reproduction Guinness advertising ostrich figures, and a German nursery stacking cube 85 Signed Maltese print by Edwin Galea, and four set further Maltese prints by the same artist (5) 60 Bloor Derby jug, a Victorian water jug, a teapot, 86 Royal Defense warrant, framed photograph of comport and a dish (5) 48 AMF(L) Company RAOC; also a carved wooden elephant (4) 61 Assortment of glassware 87 Two boxes of decorative ceramics and 62 Masons 'Regency' patterned part breakfast glassware service 88 Two boxes including elephant ornaments, 63 Large green glass goblet, a Carltonware household china etc. Guinness ashtray, a Guinness goblet, two miniature Guinness bottles, a draft Guinness 89 Old Monopoly, more modern Monopoly, roulette aluminium cask and other brewery items wheel, snooker cue, cuddly toy etc. 64 Royal Albert 'Lavender Rose' patterned part 90 Two boxes of household ceramics, glassware coffee service and ornaments 65 Royal Doulton Series ware pedestal bowl, a 91 Box of household items including curtains Royal Doulton plate and an oriental plate (3) 92 Box of books 66 Shorter & Sons plate, a Shelley sandwich plate and two further plates (4) 93 Three boxes of assorted household items, kitchenwares 67 Midwinter breakfast and dinner service 94 Box of pictures 68 Wedgwood green printed china tea and dinner service 95 Two boxes of decorative ceramics and ornaments including novelty teapots 69 Seven modern pewter tankards 96 Box of assorted drinking glasses, Victorian cut 70 Victorian brass gallery fender, fire irons, brass glass oil lamp reservoir etc. tray and another tray 97 Cream coloured telephone 98 Assortment of collectors' plates 122 Royal Doulton china figure 'Old Country Roses', with box 99 Box containing Royal Doulton 'Bunnykins' nursery china, Royal commemorative china, 123 Victorian white glazed china table centrepiece Staffordshire sponge ware, party invitations etc. for T Goode & Sons 100 Tray of miscellany including carved wooden 124 Continental Art Nouveau period blue glazed figures, brass sundial, horn ornaments etc. (1 vase tray) 125 Denby owl jug 101 Pair of cut glass candlesticks, two chamber 126 French Limoges style gilded pedestal comport pots, Cauldon water jug, Peter Rabbit's Race Game, modern doll, table linen, plated 127 Royal Doulton 'Under The Greenwood Tree' condiments etc. (a lot) series ware pedestal bowl 102 Tuscan china part tea service, cut glass biscuit 128 Three amusing Japanese puppy condiments barrel, other blue and white wares and a Motto ware chamber stick (1 tray) 129 Crown Ducal 'Gay Meadow' breakfast service, Wedgwood gilded floral decorated china 103 Royal Standard china part tea service and teacups and saucers, and a green printed china Silver Wedding anniversary cups and saucers breakfast service with egg cups (a lot) 104 Regency cut glass mallet decanter, Victorian 130 Assortment of blue and white wares including Toby jug, Goss loving cup and other two blue and white Willow pattern meat plates ornamental china including Keith Murray tankard, and an HMS Ganges wooden ashtray 131 Webb Continental crystal vase (1 tray) 132 Murano flared glass vase 105 Draughts, chess pieces, wooden moulding 133 Victorian paperweight planes and brass mounted spirit level 134 Large Mdina glass vase 106 Two brass barleytwist candlesticks, moulded glass candlesticks and table lighter 135 Royal Copenhagen floral decorated cabinet plate 107 Brass and copper wares, pair of oak barleytwist candlesticks, and a moulded green glass 136 Wade moulded jug, Wedgwood ashtray, dressing table set Hornsea posy trough, an olivewood beaker jar (4) 108 Two bags of tools 137 Royal Worcester china figure, modelled by 109 Milk churn, pump and a hanging light fitting Freda Doughty 110 Two boxes of books 138 Two Friedel figurines, and a Friedel plaque (3) 111 Large box of assorted moulded and other 139 Wedgwood china figure 'Dominic Sly' glassware 140 Copeland Spode 'Huntsman' oversize cup and 112 Six Booths 'Real Old Willow' pattern plates, a saucer Wade Johnny Walker water jug, and other ceramics 141 Three china animal figures 113 Box of cushions, box of cuddly toys and a box 142 Crown Ducal jug, designed by Charlotte Rhead of household china and miscellany (3) 143 Doulton plate, Kate Greenaway style plate, 114 Murano free blown glass lightshade three porcelain jars and a Paragon milk jug (6) 115 Cricketing plaque, two dog prints and a framed 144 Meissen bowl, Derby plate, two further plates, watercolour five various teapot stands (9) 116 Royal Doulton china figure 'Autumn Breezes' 145 Poole Studio vase 117 Royal Worcester china figure 'Sweet Anne' 146 Royal Crown Derby pin dish, pattern number 1128 118 Royal Doulton china figure 'Elaine' 147 Animal printed studio ceramics including 119 Royal Doulton bridge set teapots and plates, all signed (9) 120 English china pedestal salt, and a miniature 148 Gouda pottery tray, and a blue and white dish Mintons pot pourri basket (2) (2) 121 Royal Doulton china figure 'Elaine' 149 Pair of Victorian blue and white 'Willow' pattern vegetable tureens 150 Carltonware chinoiserie vase 180 Victorian jewellery box, and another modern empty jewellery box 151 Nao 'Angel' figure 181 Kitchen scales with weights; also a Springfields 152 Goss style cottage night light LP record (2) 153 Nao porcelain figure of a girl 182 Festival of Britain souvenir teapot, First World 154 Royal Doulton character jug 'The London War Eastern Front photograph frame, an Bobbie' ambrotype photograph, eye baths, miniature bisque doll, evening bag etc. 155 Hummel figure 'Toothache' 183 Victorian walnut box containing boxwood and 156 Collectors' figure 'Red Rum Past the Winning ebony Staunton pattern chess pieces Post' 184 Box containing military figures, regimental 157 Crown Ducal 'War Against Hitlerism' teapot plaques etc. 158 Wood & Sons Chung ware vase 185 Small assortment of plated wares and 159 Royal Doulton Winnie the Pooh tankards, cup glassware including pewter hip flask and saucer, two Brambley Hedge books, two 186 Small assortment of plated cutlery, travelling Bunnykins books and ten snowmen Christmas inkwell, and a lighter tree decorations 187 Assorted pipes, James Douglass wooden 160 Staffordshire pottery lion brace, police whistle etc. (1 tray) 161 Early 19th Century Staffordshire creamware 188 Old mahogany star back centre pin reel, figure group 'Musicians', also a pearlware figure Paramount sea reel, trout reel and three group and two porcelainous figures (4) multiplier reels (6) 162 Copeland Spode 'Who Burnt The Tablecloth' 189 The War Illustrated', eight volumes motto dish 190 Miscellany including cameras, postcard, gents 163 Six pieces of Royal Doulton 'Bunnykins' ware wristwatches etc. (1 tray) 164 Seven Victorian green glazed leaf plates, and a 191 Walnut cased Westminster chiming mantel similar dish (8) clock 165 Pair of Wedgwood blue glazed trumpet vases 192 Oak cased Napoleon's hat mantel clock 166 Wedgwood dark blue Jasper baluster vase 193 Oak cased mantel clock 167 Clarice Cliff Newport Pottery foliate dish 194 'Stained glass of the Middle Ages', 1913, also 168 Poole Aegean Studio plate, and a Poole vase Benn, 'Style and Furniture', 1904 (2 volumes) (2) 195 Cased cutlery, box camera, plated teapot, 169 Victorian pink bordered part dinner service ornamental mirror 170 Two framed hunting prints 196 Pharmaceutical scales and Salter scales (2) 171 Edwin Galea watercolour, 'The Harbour, Gozo', 197 Box of assorted cameras and equipment also a Galea Maltese print (2) 198 Assortment of cutlery, cased cutlery, glassware 172 Macbeth, Village cottages, signed watercolour including anniversary clock 173 'Newcastle Champion Brown Ale' advertising 199 Assortment of books including early 19th sign Century edition of 'The Physician', assorted children's volumes and a folder of Royal Silver 174 H Clark, oak framed watercolour of a cornfield, Jubilee first day covers (1 box) and a small gilt framed oil painting (2) 200 Box of household ceramics including 175 Macbeth, Coastal cottages, signed watercolour Wedgwood vase 176 Two signed and framed watercolour studies, 201 Two mirrors and a framed copper plaque 'Victory' 202 Portmeirion rolling pin and other decorative 177 Two signed limited edition coloured prints ceramics (1 box) 178 Two oak cased Westminster chiming mantel 203 Quantity of bound Punch volumes, circa 1850 clocks, and a Smiths electric mantel clock (3) and later 179 'Family Friend' book, 1888, also 'Chatterbox', 204 Box of glassware 1914, and a oak leaf decorated blotter (3) 205 Boxed Optiscope projector 236 Three items of miniature furniture 206 Cometa 300 .22 calibre air rifle, with telescopic 237 German limewood carving, dead game sight 238 Silver plated hip flask 207 Quantity of framed pictures and prints 239 Pair of William IV silver plated wine coasters 208 Split cane three piece fly rod, and two old boat 240 Kings pattern carving set rods (3) 241 Silver plated three piece bachelors tea service, 209 Pair of Victorian shoulder painted clear glass silver plated cigarette box, and a small silver decanters trophy (5) 210 Pair of Chinese famille noir covered ginger jars 242 Pair of silver backed hairbrushes 211 Wedgwood green jasperware covered 243 Small assortment of silver and silver plated campagna pedestal vase cutlery including a silver sugar sifting spoon 212 Four pieces of Chester souvenir ware 244 Late Regency silver plated wine funnel, a silver 213 Decorative orange mottled glass art vase coaster, five silver plated bridge coasters, and two napkin rings 214 Pair of Victorian 'Lily of the Valley' painted blue glass ewers 245 Pair of Art Deco silver plated bonbon dishes, a silver plated tray, two glass table salts and a 215 Fifteen pieces of Belleek porcelain table ashtray 216 Large Mdina art glass vase 246 Walker & Hall silver cigarette box 217 Eleven assorted modern glass paperweights 247 Two silver toast racks and two silver plated and a hardstone egg (12) toast racks 218 Chinese provincial yellow ground ginger jar, 248 Silver teapot and a similar silver plated kettle on and two famille verte ginger jars (3) stand (2) 219 'Caldicott's Picture Book', number 1, and 'The 249 Walker & Hall silver breakfast teapot Prize', 1892 (2 volumes) 250 Cased cutlery including partial carving sets 220 Two Norah Wellings sailor boy dolls 251 Silver plated double entree dish and three 221 Large Chinese blue and white ginger jar further entree dishes (4) 222 Lacework collar 252 Silver coffee pot and a similar hot water jug (2) 223 Facsimile copies of surrender documents 253 Silver mounted cut glass vase, and a silver ending the Falklands War, 1982 mounted cut glass specimen vase (2) 224 Two Victorian blue and white 'Willow' pattern 254 Three silver mounted bottles meat plates 255 Pair of silver pepperettes and a silver table salt 225 Geoffrey Archer, signed copy 'Honour Among (3) Thieves' 256 Silver mounted cut glass scent bottle, and two 226 Assortment of decorative silver plated cutlery further cut glass scent bottles (3) and a Garrard gent's wristwatch contained in a cutlery box 257 Art Deco silver three piece condiment and a silver plated tray (4) 227 Unusual brass sphinx ornament 258 Silver twin handled presentation trophy 228 Set of brass postal scales 259 Silver mounted Royal Brierley atomiser 229 Princess Mary's Christmas tin, containing stamps 260 Pair of small silver bonbon dishes 230 Reproduction brass lantern clock 261 Silver capstan inkwell 231 French brass carriage clock 262 Pair of silver candlesticks 232 First World War trench art shell case 263 Silver pint tankard and two Treasures from Russia beakers (3) 233 Three pairs of brass candlesticks 264 Pair Victorian silver table salts 234 French brass carriage clock 265 Cased silver spoon, fork and knife 235 Japanese carved ivory okimono figure group 266 Pair of silver plated sauceboats, and large silver 295 Box of miscellaneous items including slide plated sauceboat (3) rules, boxes etc. 267 Two silver bonbon dishes 296 Collapsible top hat 268 Silver cigarette case 297 Quantity of collectors plates including Racehorses 269 Silver mounted cut glass sauce bottle and a pair of Victorian wine glasses 298 Pair of Japanese Imari plates 270 Cased silver baby's spoon and pusher 299 Victorian Vienna style wall clock 271 Set of six silver grapefruit spoons, by Elkington, 300 Pair of spelter figures cased 301 KPM Berlin porcelain basket 272 Pair of silver coasters 302 Pair of German cherubim chariots 273 Silver pierced bonbon dish 303 Two cast metal dancing figures 274 Silver pedestal trophy 304 Mahogany jewellery box, old tin, oak cigarette 275 Silver covered golfing trophy box and a brass 40 year calendar 276 Cased set of continental 800 standard silver 305 Victorian ruby glass lustre, fitted as a table lamp tablespoons 306 Walnut box with contents and a pair of oak 277 Art Deco silver backed hand mirror barleytwist candlesticks 278 Pair of Victorian silver plated wine coasters, 307 Cased binoculars and two further wine coasters (4) 308 Field glasses and a pair of Parisian opera 279 Cased pair of cutlery rests, boxed spoons and glasses (2) loose servers 309 White marble (moonstone) sphere, and a grey 280 Millennium 2000 hallmarked silver mounted marble sphere (2) spirit decanter 310 Breadboards, rolling pin, skipping rope etc. 281 Small assortment of silver plated wares 311 Assorted modern dolls (2 boxes) including boat shaped baskets, kettle, muffin dish and cover, trays etc. 312 Assortment of wines and liqueurs including Remy Martin, Cognac, Gordons Gin (1ltr), 282 Victorian silver plated muffin dish Martel Cognac, Piper Heidsieck champagne 283 Four silver plated entree dishes, and a muffin etc. (19 bottles) dish and cover 313 Teaching aids including posters, illustrative 284 David Wright limited edition print cards etc. 285 Sewing machine 314 'The War Illustrated', also 'History of the Great War' and Keesings 'Contemporary Archives', 286 Framed mirror 1931 onwards 287 Three framed coaching prints 315 Brass brandy set, collar box and contents, gas 288 Two Victorian copper kettles, pair of brass mask, evening bags etc. candlesticks, shell case, breakfast gong etc. 316 Wills Gold Flake enamelled advertising sign 289 Large composition doll, in Gollywog dress 317 Large mahogany framed tapestry picture 290 Sherlock Holmes chess set 318 Stephan, Alpine landscape, gilt framed oil 291 Saunders & Co. patent Liverpool water filter painting, with certification 292 Glass condiment, assorted ornamental 319 Baumgart, Sunset over a rural landscape, brassware signed oil painting, with certification 293 Assortment of silver plated flatware including a 320 Oriental fishbowl hunting horn 321 Four framed hunting prints after Alken 294 Carriage clock and a desk barometer (2) 322 Assortment of Mecanno pieces and accessories 294A Victorian watercolour signed Bradwell, 1893 including pulleys, wheels (1 box) and an oil painting of a highland loch scene (2) 323 Box of plated ware including silver plated candlesticks 324 Box of decorative ceramics and ornaments 352 George III Glasgow hallmarked Fiddle and Shell pattern table fork, and a London hallmarked 325 Box containing boxed cutlery, ceramics, carbon Georgian Fiddle and Shell pattern table fork (2) figure etc. 353 Harlequin set of six silver Fiddle pattern table 326 Box containing decorative ceramics, silver forks, George IV and later plated candlesticks 354 Pair of silver Old English pattern tablespoons 327 Box of miscellany including copper ware, feathered hens, needlework roundel, glass 355 Victorian bone and vegetable ivory dressing table pieces etc. stanhope/tape measure 328 Royal Doulton 'Rossetti' pattern jug, Tuscan 356 Finely carved bone brooch, decorative buttons bowl, and other decorative ceramics and a pendant necklace 329 Assorted ornamental brassware 357 Agate brooches, silver fob, enamelled pendant etc. 330 Silver topped malacca cane, and an antler mounted cane (2) 358 15ct gold belt ring, and a lady's 9ct gold wristwatch 331 Six Chester hallmarked silver coffee spoons 359 Small assortment of coinage and a Royal 332 George V silver Kings pattern teaspoon commemorative medallion 333 Silver vesta case 360 Edward VII half sovereign, 1909 334 Pair of Victorian silver Fiddle and Thread 361 Citrine and seed pearl necklace patterned dessert spoons 362 Sovereign ring (1968); also a half sovereign 335 Pair of George III Newcastle silver sugar bows ring (1902) (2) 336 Silver vesta case 363 14ct gold gem set bracelet and matching ring 337 Japanese sterling silver cigarette case 364 Silver and enamelled brooch 338 Sterling silver vesta case 365 Two 9ct gold signet rings 339 Victorian silver butter knife and other plated 366 9ct gold gem set ring brooch cutlery items (5) 367 Silver hinged bangle 340 William IV silver salt spoon, and a William IV silver teaspoon (2) 368 18ct gold diamond and sapphire cluster ring, three 9ct gold gem set rings, and a cameo ring 341 Thirteen silver commemorative and souvenir (5) spoons, also a silver golfing spoon (14) 369 Butterfly brooch 342 Pair silver sugar nips 370 Jadeite pendants 343 Victorian papier mache snuff box, horn snuff box, small dressing table clock, and an HMV 371 Gent's Limit 9ct gold cased open faced pocket record brush (4) watch 344 Onoto Minor fountain pen, and a Waterman's 372 Dog vesta case fountain pen (2) 373 Enamelled vesta case 345 German bronze novelty matchbox holder 374 Elgin silver cased open faced pocket watch 346 Three George III Newcastle silver dessert (screw back) spoons, and a similar William IV dessert spoon 375 Decorative enamelled pendant (4) 376 9ct white gold and black onyx cufflink and stud 347 Small assortment of decorative spoons, and a set, cased silver filigree dish 377 Lady's Longines wristwatch, cased 348 Eight silver First Surrey Rifles commemorative spoons 378 Chester hallmarked silver basket sieve 349 Nine silver apostle teaspoons 379 Set of three Crown Staffordshire decanter labels, and two Hammersley decanter labels (5) 350 Pair George IV silver Fiddle pattern tablespoons 380 9ct gold guard chain 351 George III silver Fiddle and Thread pattern 381 Ornamental pipe tablespoon 382 Heavy graduated curb link silver watch albert 408 Tavannes gold plated 17 jewel open faced with shield fob pocket watch 383 9ct gold rose carved cameo ring 409 Waltham gold plated 17 jewel open faced pocket watch with 24hr Canadian dial, 20 year 384 Two carved netsukes case, circa 1907 385 Silver pipe tamper 410 Three tins of assorted old English coinage 386 Silver graduated curb link watch albert with 411 Assorted costume jewellery including watches rugby ball fob 412 Bag of costume jewellery including compacts 387 Goldsmiths Company steel cased pocket watch 413 Three UK proof coin sets, 2 x 1985 and 1984 388 Costume jewellery including Seconda pocket watch, two lady's watches, thimble, pendant 414 Box containing costume jewellery and a medallion etc. lacquered box of costume jewellery including watches 389 9ct gold garnet and pearl cluster ring 415 Assortment of proof and other commemorative 390 Six decorative dress rings coins (2 bags) 391 Carved shell cameo brooch 416 Jewellery box and contents 392 Pair of 9ct gold octagonal cufflinks, and a pair 417 Quantity of pocket watches, pocket watch parts of silver cufflinks and a wristwatch 393 Buren silver cased open faced pocket watch 418 Basket of costume jewellery including 394 Silver and cornelian swivel fob, and another wristwatches etc seal fob (2) 419 Assortment of cased and other coinage 395 Silver graduated curb link watch albert with 420 Small assortment of costume jewellery, buttons swivel fob and lace edging 396 Victorian hardstone and turquoise pendant 421 Quantity of framed modern pictures 397 Lady's 9ct gold cased wristwatch, and another 422 Pair of gilt framed prints lady's 9ct gold cased wristwatch (2) 423 W A Cox signed coloured mezzotint 398 Two Victorian brooches and a lady's wristwatch (3) 424 G N Allenby, Lakeland landscape framed oil painting 399 Admiral gold plated 15 jewel gold plated hunter pocket watch 425 Five framed hunting prints 400 Gold plated Swiss 15 jewel half hunter pocket 426 Gilt framed circular wall mirror and a gilt watch lacquered framed oval wall mirror (2) 401 Assorted costume jewellery 427 J S Kell 'An otter with fresh caught salmon', also 'A catch of brown trout', two gilt framed oil 402 Swiss gold plated open faced pocket watch paintings, signed and dated 1892 403 First World War Victory medal awarded to 428 Modern framed oil painting 59760 Pte. W. R. Griffiths, Welsh R.; also a Second World War Defence medal, and 39-45 429 Mahogany and inlaid oval wall mirror Star, un-named, and a novelty French petrol 430 W Perry still life oil painting and another oil lighter (4) painting of a Roman bridge, signed D Lee (2) 404 First World War pair including Victory and Great 431 Five modern framed oil paintings War medals, awarded to 91709 Pte. H Cliffe, R.W. Fus; also United Nations Korea medal; 432 Pickup, East Anglian landscape, signed oil and two Denbighshire County Council 1937 painting Coronation medallions, and Elizabeth II Coronation Crown (6) 433 F Fortescue, Coastal landscape, signed oil painting 405 Cased MBE 434 J M Yates, framed watercolour of a stone 406 Equity gent's gold plated open faced screw bridge, also a view of Snowdon by Ann Cooper back pocket watch (2) 407 Waltham (1888 model) gold plated open face 435 Victorian simulated walnut oval framed wall pocket watch mirror 436 Victorian mahogany framed lady's chair 469 Reproduction advertising, another advertising mirror and a pine framed hall mirror (3) 437 French carved walnut bergere chair 470 Framed dog print 438 Pair of beech framed bergere tub chairs 471 Four hunting prints 439 Victorian green fabric upholstered tub chair and a Victorian balloon back chair (2) 472 Frank Harding 'Brixham', signed etching, also a Guinness advertising mirror, a framed copper 440 Two ladderback chairs map (3) 441 Four oak slat back dining chairs and a Victorian 473 Honnef, oil painting of horses drinking at a well, mahogany side chair (5) with certificate 442 four mahogany vase splat dining chairs 474 Impressionist School, signed oil painting 443 Set of four oak lath back dining chairs 475 Oak octagonal wall mirror 444 Edwardian mahogany framed pink upholstered 476 C B Earp, still life of fruits, signed oil painting tub chair 477 Baumgart, Loggers return, gilt framed signed oil 445 Victorian mahogany framed folding campaign painting chair 478 Framed oil painting, Llyn Padarn, North Wales 446 Ladderback armchair 479 H H Vockwien, still life study of dahlias in a 447 Pair Victorian carved mahogany salon chairs vase, signed oil painting 448 Sherborne electric recliner armchair 480 Gilt framed oval wall mirror 449 Upholstered wing armchair 481 Gilt framed watercolour of a Sussex cottage 450 Oak framed rocking chair and another of a pastoral view with a village (2) 451 Queen Anne style upholstered side chair 482 Quantity of framed pictures and prints 452 Pair of Queen Anne style red upholstered 483 Gilt metal framed oval wall mirror and a plain armchairs bevelled glass wall mirror (2) 453 Pair of cream upholstered armchairs 484 Walnut demi-lune display cabinet 454 Pair of beech tub chairs 485 1940s walnut dining room suite comprising draw leaf dining table, four chairs and a 455 Late Victorian simulated mahogany framed oval sideboard wall mirror 486 Pink Lloyd Loom style linen basket and a wicker 456 Edwardian inlaid mahogany double door display bedside table (2) cabinet 487 Student's desk 457 Warming pan 488 Victorian pitch pine two drawer side table 458 Handmade wall hanging, 5ft 10ins x 7ft 6ins 489 Eastern hardwood twelve drawer chest 459 Edwardian mahogany serpentine front sideboard, circa 1910 490 Two oak luggage racks 460 Persian Bokhara rug, 3ft x 4ft 11ins 491 Mahogany twin pedestal dining table 461 Oak drop leaf tea trolley 492 Lloyd loom ottoman and linen basket (2) 462 Oak cottage dresser 493 Lacquered standard lamp 463 Magazine rack and a table top 494 Oak cased gramophone cabinet with sheet music and 78rpm records 464 1960s display cabinet 495 Walnut three piece bedroom suite 465 Mahogany secretaire bookcase 496 Ikea two door wardrobe 466 Reproduction Coca-Cola advertising mirror 497 Ikea three drawer chest 467 W Eyre, 'A snowy scene in Surrey' and 'Country Scene Norfolk', two signed and framed 498 Lloyd loom linen basket and a wicker basket (2) watercolours 499 Painted two drawer nursery chest 468 W Eyre, 'Canal Scene, Amsterdam' and 'Dutch 500 Wood effect three drawer chest Yachting', two framed watercolours 501 Wood effect five drawer chest 538 Two pairs of nursery teddy bear curtains 502 Oak barleytwist gateleg table 539 Pair of nursery curtains with tiebacks 503 Oak two door chest 540 Yew wood two drawer hall table 504 Walnut bureau 541 Edwardian inlaid mahogany lady's writing table 505 Pine glazed corner cupboard 542 Lloyd loom style linen basket and a similar ottoman 506 Mahogany Sutherland table 543 Victorian mahogany two drawer side table 507 Persian Qashqai rug, 3ft x 5ft 6ins 544 Edwardian mahogany centre mirror wardrobe 508 HMV table top gramophone 545 Modern white painted glazed kitchen dresser 509 Ghazni wool Kilim, 3ft x 4ft 11ins 546 Two lloyd loom linen baskets and an ottoman 510 Edwardian mahogany and satinwood banded (3) armchair 547 Minty style mahogany bookcase cocktail 511 Good quality twin pedestal extending dining cabinet table, circa 1920-50 with extra leaf and four dining chairs (red and white stripes, 3+1) 548 Pine open bookcase 512 Belgian style tapestry 549 Quality mahogany two door bookcase 513 Modern pine blanket box 550 Oak bureau display cabinet 514 Music stool 551 Chinese violin 515 Victorian mahogany drop leaf table 552 French spelter figural table lamp 516 Oak coal scuttle 553 R W Griswold 'Female Poets of America' (2nd Ed.), also 'Beeton's Great book of Poetry' and 517 Mahogany framed dressing stool 'Bunyan's Works' (illustrated ed. pub. Tallis) (3) 518 Oak draw leaf dining table 554 The New Temple Shakespeare, leather bound 519 Oak nest of tables pocket editions (40) 520 Persian Gabbeh rug, 2ft 7ins x 5ft 9ins, also a 555 Mahogany demi-line side table Gabbeh wool runner, 2ft x 5ft 10ins (2) 556 Pair of Fischel bentwood side chairs 521 Oak and mahogany two drawer library table 557 Torchere 522 Glass topped nest of tables 558 Victorian mahogany Pembroke table 523 Pine dresser sideboard 559 Three mantel clocks 524 Oak wardrobe and an oak dressing chest 560 Victorian mahogany three drawer chest 525 Oak demi-lune display cabinet 561 Pine two drawer side table 526 Oak drop leaf breakfast table 562 Walnut cased Westminster chiming mantel 527 Open wall shelves clock 528 Concave front single drawer side table 563 Victorian mahogany chest of drawers 529 1960s five drawer chest 564 Glass topped coffee table 530 Modern eastern hardwood two door small 565 Oak mirror backed sideboard in Jacobean style cabinet 566 Oak three piece bedroom suite 531 Oak luggage rack 567 Edwardian mahogany and inlaid mirrored 532 Victorian mahogany chest of drawers wardrobe 533 Mahogany gateleg dining table 568 Edwardian inlaid mahogany dressing chest (matching to previous lot) 534 Modern pine low chest with two cupboard doors 569 Oak glazed corner cupboard 535 Burr walnut two piece bedroom suite 570 Oak cased chiming granddaughter clock 536 Pair of yellow and blue iris lined curtains 571 Oriental hardwood plant stand 537 Pair of red velvet curtains with tie backs 572 Oriental hardwood bureau 610 Longcase clock dial fitted into an oak case 573 Assorted pottery table lamps 611 Oak stair rods 574 Modernist glass topped coffee table 612 Art Deco oak table 575 Modern beech framed cheval mirror 613 Glass topped coffee table 576 Wrought iron jardiniere stand 614 Pair of beech children's stools and a beech pedestal occasional table (3) 577 Oak mirror back sideboard 615 Phillip tricycle 578 Warming pan and two mirrored candle stands 616 Decorator's dummy 579 Burr walnut bow front four drawer chest 617 Fischel bentwood rocking chair 580 Jacobean style moulded oak chest of drawers 618 Mahogany partner's desk 581 Bamboo style vegetable stand 619 Lloyd loom style ottoman 582 Modern pine multi-drawer chest 620 Table lamp 583 Double school desk 621 Pine six drawer chest 584 Modern pine single drawer open cabinet 622 Six Cecil Aldin prints 585 Modern trellis form linen basket and an open unit (2) 623 Simplex large library open bookcase 586 Pine chest of drawers 624 Victorian carved oak coat rack with brolly rail 587 Chinese nest of carved tables 625 Mahogany bow front kneehole desk 588 Late Victorian shaped walnut occasional table 626 Simulated walnut oval wall mirror 589 Pine single drawer hall table 627 Mahogany flat front corner wardrobe 590 Victorian pine ottoman 628 Edwardian inlaid mahogany two door display cabinet 591 Oak bookcase containing 'Charles Dickens Library' 629 Single door mahogany wardrobe 592 Patchwork quilt 630 Large gilt and partly ebonised wall mirror 593 Modern khazak style rug 631 1920s walnut chest of drawers 594 Modern upholstered chaise longue 632 Modern Italian inlaid pedestal occasional table 595 Oak barleytwist hall table 633 Large mahogany carved square coffee table 596 Walnut cased mantel clock 634 Burr walnut drinks cabinet 597 Oak jardiniere stand 635 Reproduction inlaid mahogany bonheur du jour 598 Victorian carved oak buffet 636 Indian glass topped coffee table 599 Picquot ware tea set on tray 637 Beech framed three fold screen 600 Model boat and caravan 638 Mangle 601 Brass fireirons and firedogs 639 Large hessian carpet square 602 Conran designed ten drawer narrow chest 640 Shaped gilt framed wall mirror 603 Ornamental glass tree ornament 641 Old oak dresser and plate rack 604 Conran three drawer chest 642 Sun dial 605 Conran twelve drawer chest 643 Late Victorian oak mirror back sideboard 606 Mahogany hall table 644 Pair of reconstituted stone lion wall fountains 607 Small oak gateleg occasional table 645 Victorian walnut press wardrobe 608 Oak crossbanded dining table 646 Pine fire surround 609 Victorian walnut octagonal topped occasional 647 Mahogany occasional table table 648 Pine corner TV cabinet 649 Pair brass firedogs and two fire baskets arises, the Auctioneer has absolute discretion to settle the dispute or to re-offer the lot. At the fall of 650 French style beech chair frame for reupholstery the hammer, every lot shall be at the risk of the Buyer who shall give to the Auctioneer his name and 651 Bentwood rocking chair (af) address and, if so required by the Auctioneer, his 652 Teak dining table and four matching chairs bank and other suitable references. The Buyer may also be required to pay the whole or any part of the 653 Painted two door wardrobe with adjustable purchase price as the Auctioneer may require in shelves and a rail shelf default of which the Auctioneer may re-offer and resell the lot in question. 654 Victorian swivel chair 7. Buyer’s Premium. A Buyer’s commission at the current rate published in the room will be charged in 655 Steel and brass mounted king size bed addition to the hammer price of each lot (this premium will be subject to VAT at the prevailing 656 Steel and brass ball mounted bed end rate). 8. VAT. Value Added Tax at the prevailing rate will be 657 Persian style machine made carpet charge, as appropriate, on Buyer’s and Vendor’s 658 Tapestry wall hanging commission and charges. VAT will also be charged on the hammer price of lots when appropriate. This 659 Burr walnut two door wardrobe will be indicated by the Auctioneer prior to the sale. 9. Our Bank. HSBC Bank plc, 47 Eastgate Street, 660 Queen Anne style walnut two door wardrobe Chester, CH1 1XW, 08457 404404 Sort Code 40-17- 14. 661 Modern upholstered companion stool in 10. Payment. All payments must be made at the Victorian style conclusion of the sale unless prior written </p><p>TH arrangements have been made with the Auctioneer. NEXT SALE: COLLECTORS & GENERAL 29 AUG Interest will be charged on monies outstanding 7 Conditions of Sale days after the sale at the rate of 5% above the bank base rate, chargeable per week or part thereof. 1. Definitions involved. 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