<p>Issued: June 4, 2004 Revised: February 27, 2007</p><p>IFDR Scope and Requirement Comments</p><p>As part of this industry review, UL will be confirming that products included in the Low Voltage Incandescent Luminaires and Fittings category, IFDR, are appropriate to remain in the category. There may be low voltage lighting products Listed in IFDR where the intended lighting product usage is now recognized to require Listing in another lighting product category. Where such luminaires are encountered by UL during this industry review, we will work with the Applicant to have the luminaire evaluated for Listing for the intended use and in the proper category. The information below summarizes the criteria for establishing whether or not a low voltage lighting product is covered within the scope IFDR. Applicants needing assistance to apply the IFDR Scope and Requirements Criteria in below to a specific low voltage lighting product can contact UL.</p><p>The scope of IFDR might change before 2007. If this happens, the IFDR Scope and Requirements Criteria below will also change. The latest scope for the IFDR category can always be found in the Guide Information for the category in the Online Certifications Directory. A manufacturer can also always contact UL with a specific product of interest to confirm the category and requirements that apply.</p><p>Where a low voltage lighting product is intended for use in ways covered by two or more product categories, UL’s Complementary Listing program can be pursued. In the UL Complementary Listing program, the product is confirmed to comply with the applicable requirements for all involved types of use and is then authorized to bear the UL Listing Mark for both uses and categories.</p><p>UL believes there are some low voltage lighting products that require Listing in IFDR but were previously Listed in Luminaires and Fittings, Special Purposes, Miscellaneous, IETR; and Luminaire Fittings, IFFX. Therefore, as part of this industry review, the Listings of these two categories (IETR and IFFX) will also be reviewed to identify those products that need to be relocated to IFDR. In these situations, further evaluation may be required.</p><p>Summary IFDR Scope and Requirement Criteria</p><p>1 Products Covered in IFDR</p><p>1.1 IFDR covers the products identified in items (a) through (d) below. As used in this document, low voltage refers to maximum 30 volts RMS, 42.4 volts peak. </p><p> a) A low voltage lighting power unit with low voltage output circuit(s) and that meets at least one of criteria 1, 2, or 3 below. [Requirements of UL2108 apply]</p><p>1. The power unit has a rated output current of not more than 25 ampere, and is capable of being readily connected by a fixed wiring means to the branch circuit.</p><p>2. The power unit has a rated output current of not more than 25 amperes, is provided with a power supply cord, and is intended to supply a field-installed exposed bare conductor circuit for luminaires.</p><p>3. The power unit has a Class 2 output circuit, is provided with a power supply cord, and is intended to supply a field-installed Class 2 circuit for luminaires. Subject No. Page 2 of 6 (action required letter date</p><p> b) A low voltage luminaire with incandescent or LED lamp and that meets at least one of criteria 1, 2, 3, or 4 below. </p><p>1. The luminaire is intended to be connected to a field-installed exposed bare conductor circuit (as defined in 3.6 of UL2108) rated 25 amperes or less. [Requirements of UL2108 apply]</p><p>2. The luminaire has exposed bare conductors (as defined in 3.6 of UL2108) and is intended to be connected to a field-installed circuit rated 25 amperes or less. [Requirements of UL2108 apply]</p><p>3. The luminaire is intended to be connected to a field-installed Class 2 circuit. [Requirements of UL2108 apply]</p><p>4. The (low voltage) luminaire does not meet criteria 1, 2, or 3 above. [Requirements of applicable standard of UL1574 or UL1598 apply].</p><p> c) A low voltage luminaire fitting that is a part or subassembly intended for final assembly into low- voltage luminaires or low voltage luminaire systems in the field. [Requirements for final assembly as specified in items (a) and (b) above apply.]</p><p> d) A low voltage lighting system. A system must include a low voltage lighting power unit of (a) and one or more low voltage luminaires of (b). The system may also include one or more low voltage circuit conductors or parts or low voltage luminaire fittings. [Requirements for system components as specified in items (a), (b), and (c) above apply.]</p><p>2 Some Products Not Covered in IFDR</p><p>2.1 IFDR does not cover the products identified in (a) through (h) below. Complementary Listing can be pursued if intended usage for low voltage lighting product places it in both IFDR and another category, such as the identified below. </p><p> a) A product with a circuit operating at more than 30 volts RMS or 42.4 volts peak not entirely contained within a separate and remote power unit.</p><p> b) Landscape lighting products, which are covered in IFDH and UL1838.</p><p> c) A product intended for installation into open or enclosed portable cabinets such as china hutches, bookcases, etc, which are covered in QOVJ and UL153.</p><p> d) Stage and studio luminaires, IFDZ and UL1573.</p><p> e) Emergency Lighting or Exit Fixtures, FTBR and FWBQ, UL924.</p><p> f) Floor Proximity Egress Path Marking Systems, IMZI and UL1994.</p><p> g) Underwater luminaires.</p><p> h) A lighting product where the power unit and lamp are both part of the factory-provided assembly that does not involve a field-installed low voltage circuit. Subject No. Page 3 of 6 (action required letter date</p><p>SUMMARY OF UL2108 REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The following is a brief summary of some, but not all, of the requirements in the new Standard for Low Voltage Lighting Systems, UL 2108, which have a future Effective Date of October 15, 2008 and the action that may be required to determine compliance. Anyone assessing a product for compliance with the requirements of UL2108 must review UL 2108 in its entirety. There are many requirements in UL2108 that are not summarized below. Those requirements summarized below are those thought by UL to be of wide interest to manufacturers and others associated with Low Voltage Lighting Systems. </p><p>The first edition of Standard for Low Voltage Lighting Systems, UL 2108, provides the new requirements for a) Low voltage lighting power units, b) Low-voltage exposed conductor lighting systems and luminaires incorporating exposed conductors, and c) Class 2 low voltage lighting systems.</p><p>The above products as well as low voltage luminaire fittings (parts and/or subassemblies intended for final assembly into one of the above products in the field) must be reviewed to determine compliance with all of the requirements of UL 2108. </p><p>Brief Summary Of Some Requirements:</p><p>Paragraphs General Subject and Comment 7.2 – Power Unit The output circuit of a power unit shall not exceed 30 volts (42.4 volts peak), Output Rating Limits 25 amperes per circuit under any conditions of load. 9.1 – Parts That Must All splices, current-carrying parts, devices with current-carrying parts that do Be Enclosed. not have integral enclosures or are not protected as required for exposed bare and insulated conductors (Section 30) shall be provided with an enclosure complying with the requirements of Section 9, Enclosure. 13.2 – Damp and Wet Products marked for wet locations shall comply with additional wet location Location Products and construction and performance requirements of UL1598. UL1598 14.1, 34.4.5 – Products that use a conductor material other than copper or copper alloy shall Conductor Material comply with the 84 8-hr cycles of operation at rated power during the Normal Other Than Copper or Temperature Test. Copper Alloy 17.1 – Transformer The primary and secondary windings of a transformer shall be isolated and Winding Isolation comply with one of the following standards: a) Specialty Transformers, UL 506;</p><p> b) Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers, UL 1585;</p><p> c) Transformer and Motor Transformers for Use in Audio-, Radio- and Television-Type Appliances, UL 1411;</p><p> d) Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Systems, UL 1838</p><p> e) Power Units Other Than Class 2, UL 1012; or</p><p> f) Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310. Subject No. Page 4 of 6 (action required letter date</p><p>17.3 – Transformer The construction of a transformer in a power unit used with an exposed bare Winding Isolation for conductor lighting system or a power unit marked suitable for wet locations Exposed Bare shall include at least one of the following: Conductor Lighting Systems or for Wet a) Primary and secondary windings mounted on separate sections of the core; Locations b) Primary and secondary windings separated by a shield of copper minimum 0.002 inches (0.051 mm) thick, or brass, minimum 0.005 inches (0.127 mm) thick;</p><p> c) A flanged bobbin-wound construction that complies with UL 1012, Standard for Power Units Other than Class 2;</p><p> d) A split bobbin construction and comply with the requirements for double insulation in UL 1097 or UL 2097, Reference Standards for Double Insulation Systems for Use in Electrical and Electronic Equipment;</p><p> e) Comply with Transformer and Motor Transformers for Use in Audio-, Radio- and Television-Type Appliances, UL 1411, construction, performance, and 3500 V rms dielectric voltage withstand test requirements; or</p><p> f) Comply with the Class 2 requirements in Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers, UL 1585, or Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310.</p><p>19.5 – Power Unit A power unit with an output circuit available power exceeding Class 2 limits Integral Protection for and intended for use as part of an exposed bare conductor lighting system Exposed Bare shall be provided with integral protection against inadvertent shorting and Conductor Systems overloading of the exposed conductors. The effectiveness of the protection shall be evaluated by compliance with the Exposed Bare Conductor Abnormal Operation Test described in Section 38. 27.4 – Electrical The continuity of the electrical bonding path shall not rely on the dimensional Bonding Path Not integrity of a polymeric material if the design has not been found to comply with Depend on the applicable requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Dimensional Integrity Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL746C. of Polymeric Material Section 28 – Supply A power unit for use only as part of exposed bare conductor lighting systems Connections or Class 2 lighting systems, or both, shall be provided with either (a) a power supply cord (includes attachment plug) or (b) means for permanent electrical connection and installation. All other power units shall be provided with means for permanent electrical connection and installation. Section 30 – Exposed Requirements for exposed bare and exposed insulated conductors and the Bare and Insulated involved lighting systems are specified in Section 30. Exposed bare conductors Conductors not (a) supplied by a power unit provided with integral protection against inadvertent shorting and overloading, (b) supplied by a Class 2 power unit, or (c) provided with insulation meeting the Section 9 Enclosure requirements must comply with the Section 44 Insulated Conductor Dielectric Withstand Test and be intended and marked for mounting at least 7 feet above the floor. 33.2.2 – Maximum Means shall be provided to prevent a power unit from delivering an output Output Test current of 33.75 amperes or more for 1 or more hours immediately after having been operated until temperature stabilization while loaded at rated current. 34.2.3, 34.2.4, 42.2.8 A power unit shall be (a) marked “Not for use with dimmers”; (b) marked – When 2-Volt DC “Dimmer, if used, must be a magnetic low-voltage dimmer” if the power unit is Offset Is Used magnetic or “Dimmer, if used must be electronic low-voltage dimmer” if the power unit is electronic, or equivalent wording; or (c) be subjected to the Subject No. Page 5 of 6 (action required letter date</p><p>Normal Temperature Test with a 2-volt dc offset. 34.4.1, 34.4.2, 34.4.3, Surface mounted, recessed mounted, and under-cabinet or shelf mounted 34.4.4 – Test Ceilings, products shall be subject to the Normal Temperature with test configuration Cabinets, and and conditions as specified in correlating applicable requirements in the Shelves. Standard for Luminaires, UL1598. A product intended for installation in an open or enclosed cabinet shall be subjected to the Normal Temperature Test while mounted in the test box for portable cabinet lights described in the Standard for Portable Electric Luminaires, UL 153. Section 35 - Abnormal When marked “Type Non-IC Recessed”, a recessed power unit or luminaire Recessed shall comply with the Abnormal Temperature Test of the Standard for Temperature Test Luminaires, UL1598 and meet specific temperature requirements, depending on whether or not the thermal protector operates within 3 hours. Section 36 - Overload All power units shall be operated with an output load of 115 percent of rated Test wattage while enclosure temperatures are monitored and while being monitored for operation of a protector or transformer burn-out. If a thermal protector does not operate and transformer burnout does not occur, the output load is increased by another 15 percent of rated wattage and the test procedure continued. The test procedure is repeated with 15 percent load increases until enclosure temperatures exceed 90C (160C for certain situations), the thermal protector operates, or transformer burnout occurs. When an automatic resetting thermal protector operates, the power unit is operated for 18 days. A Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test is conducted at conclusion of operation. Section 37 - Dielectric 1000 Volts plus twice the rated voltage between the primary circuit and the Voltage Withstand exposed grounded dead metal of the enclosure; and Test 2500 volts between the primary circuit and the isolated output circuit. Section 38 – Exposed The output circuit of the power unit for an exposed bare conductor system is Bare Conductor connected to both (a) up to 30 feet of the exposed bare conductors of the Abnormal Operation system and (b) a “test shorting fixture”, described in UL 2108. A representative Test luminaire load of 80 percent of the power unit rating is connected to the exposed bare conductors. An 8-inch length of 22 AWG solid tin-plated copper conductor is installed in the test-shorting fixture to short circuit the output circuit of the power unit. Under the various test configurations specified in UL2108, testing is completed to determine if, within one minute, one or more of (a) the test shorting wire melts or (b) the exposed bare conductor is de-energized occurs. Compliance occurs when (a) the test shorting wire does not melt through and the exposed bare conductors are de-energized within 1 minute or (b) the exposed bare conductors are not de-energized within 1 minute and the design meets additional repeated test conditions (see 38.8). Section 39 – Under conditions of faulted electronic components (as specified in 20.4), a Component Fault Test power unit shall not exhibit a risk of fire or electric shock. Section 40 – The bonding path between the grounding means and a metal enclosure Grounding Continuity required to be bonded to the equipment-grounding conductor shall not exceed Test 0.1 ohm. Section 41 – Impact Power units with a polymeric enclosure are subjected to a 5 ft-lb impact test. A Test power unit marked for damp or wet locations are preconditioned at 0C and minus 35C, respectively. Section 42 – Strain One-minute 35 lb force. Relief for Flexible Cord Test Section 43 - Mounting Exposed bare conductor system is installed on a simulated ceiling of 3/8 thick Subject No. Page 6 of 6 (action required letter date</p><p>Means Test plasterboard. A weight of three times that of the power unit or 25 lb, whichever is greater is suspected from the power unit. A weight of four times that of the heaviest luminaire (including lamp) or 20 lb, whichever is greater, is suspended from a luminaire connector located midway between two exposed bare conductors. Section 44 – Insulated Applies to certain exposed insulated conductors intended to be installed at Conductor Dielectric least 7 feet above the floor. One minute, 500 volt potential. Withstand Test Section 45 – Loose Applies to products with connections that rely upon user adjustments made Luminaire/Connection without the use of tools. Similar to the Normal Temperature Test except user Test connections are made in the loosest condition possible without jeopardizing the integrity of the assembly. Temperatures exhibited at the connections are monitored and must meet certain criteria. Manufacturing and 100 percent of production for power units - Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test Production Tests and, if provided with a grounding attachment plug, Continuity of Grounding Connection Test 48.2.2 - Power Unit The electrical rating marking for a power unit shall include input voltage, input Electrical Rating current, frequency, nominal output voltage, and output wattage. Markings Part II Identifies requirements for exposed bare conductor luminaires and Class 2 luminaires. 53.2(a) Luminaire The polymeric enclosure of the luminaire for an exposed bare conductor Enclosure system shall be V-0 or better. The polymeric enclosure of a luminaire for a Flammability Class 2 system shall be HB or better. 53.2(b) Impact, Luminaire for an exposed bare conductor system shall comply with the Section Section 61 61 Luminaire Drop Impact Test – A three-foot drop. Section 55 – Requirements for these design features are provided in this section. Tungsten-Halogen Lamp Containment Barrier and UV Filter 56.3 Flexible cord Maximum flexible cord supported luminaire weight is specified, depending on supporting luminaires type of flexible cord. Section 62 – Strain Twenty pound, 1 minute. Relief For Conductor Test</p>
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