<p>MODULE PROPOSAL FORM School use only: Date Proposed Date approved School TQEC Date reported to College Module Code Programmes Committee LALA217H6</p><p>Please refer to the Guidance Notes to help you complete this proposal. Mock Trial module 1 Module Title</p><p>Level Credit Value 15 2 6 3 (See Guidance Note 2) (See Guidance Note 3) DEPARTMENT/School Subject Area Law 4a 4b (See Guidance Note 4) (See Guidance Note 4) Date Module will commence Minimum / Maximum 5 6 20/40 / (mm/ yyyy) NOT IMMEDIATELY number of students Mode of Delivery 7a Face to Face xx Distance Learning Moodle Access required (Tick as appropriate) Programme/ Modular Programme 7b Modular Enrolment Enrolment* Enrolment (Tick as appropriate) * (see notes for PG) For modular Enrolment only: Subject to Placement Open/Restricted /Subject to Restricted 7c Open Enrolment Test Placement Test Enrolment (language modules only) (See Guidance Note 7)</p><p>8 Teaching and Learning (See Guidance Note 8)</p><p>Indicate (a) total contact hours for each entry as appropriate and (b) approximate non-contact study hours. Normally, 1 credit = 10 notional hours of learning. (a) Method of Teaching Contact hours and attendance requirement Lectures</p><p>Seminars</p><p>Tutorials</p><p>Project Work</p><p>Practical Classes (labs, computers, languages) 20 hours</p><p>Field Work</p><p>Other (please specify)</p><p>TOTAL CONTACT HOURS 20 (b) Directed Learning / Private Study / Assessment (please detail as Private study and group work appropriate) TOTAL NON-CONTACT HOURS</p><p>TOTAL LEARNING HOURS (CONTACT & NON CONTACT)</p><p>Status Designated as a CORE for the following Designated as a COMPULSORY for the following 9 (Tick as appropriate) xxx (See Guidance Note 9) programme(s) programme(s) Programme Code Title of Programme Criminal Law, Policy and Practice</p><p>Available as an OPTIONAL Module on the following Programme(s) Programme Code Title of Programme</p><p>10 Designated as Pre- requisite (PR), Co-requisite (CO) and/or Restrictions (RES) (See Guidance Note 10)</p><p>Module Code Title of Module PR / CO / RES Moot Court Module Co-Requisite</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 1 11 Rationale for introducing this module (See Guidance Note 11)</p><p>The proposed Mock Trial module is one of a suite of compulsory modules designed to develop Professional skills relevant to law, and general transferable skills. In particular, it allows students to acquire key skills and practical experience of criminal advocacy, technical trial procedure, criminal evidence rules, and presentation in court. The School has a well-established mock trial programme (including 21 hours of training). It is proposed that that the core of current activity is revised to enable students (including students on the proposed new programme) to acquire 15 credits toward their studies.</p><p>BSIS: If the proposal supersedes an existing module, please give the code and title of the superseded module and the reason for replacement. Module Code Title of Module Reason for replacement</p><p>12 Main Aims (See Guidance Note 12)</p><p>The module aims to: 1. Provide students with skills in witness handling – both in court and during the pre-trial process 2. Introduce students to the procedures and etiquette of the Magistrates and Crown Courts 3. Develop group work skills – specifically in terms of preparatory work 4. Develop students’ ability to develop cogent argument from complex and sometimes contradictory facts and evidence 5. Provides students with practical experience of trial advocacy – including evidence in chief and cross examination 6. Develop students ability to draft basic legal documents, such as bail applications 7. Introduce students to competitive mock trials 8. Provide students with practical experience/knowledge of the work of Barristers and Solicitor Advocates</p><p>13 Prospectus Entry (See Guidance Note 13) This module aims to provide students with practical knowledge/experience of the work of Barristers and Solicitor advocates. Students following the mock trial module will receive training from experienced members of the legal profession on witness handling, fact handling, presenting evidence in chief, cross examination and document preparation for bail and other routine applications. Students are required to take part in one internal mock trial application. </p><p>14 Learning Outcomes (See Guidance Note 14</p><p>Outcomes may be Subject Specific, Intellectual, Practical, or Personal and Social. On successful completion of this module a student will be expected to be able to:</p><p>Intellectual 1. Ability to deal professionally, sympathetically and efficiently with witnesses and witness evidence 2. Synthesize information from complex facts 3. Construct cogent arguments from a variety of perspectives and standpoints Practical 1. Develop oral skills 2. Undertake research 3. Understand the requirements for the presentation of court documents Personal and Social 1. Develop group work skills 2. Learn through experience rules of etiquette relevant to a branch of the legal profession, including dress codes</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 2 15 Syllabus (See Guidance Note 15)</p><p>Please itemise the main topics of study 1. Interviewing witnesses before trial 2. Witness handling in court 3. Developing a theory of case 4. Drafting and presenting a bail application 5. Drafting and presenting applications relating to character 6. Dealing with expert evidence/witnesses 7. Judicial intervention 8. Closing and opening speeches</p><p>16 Scheme of Assessment – please list in chronological order (See Guidance Note 16)</p><p>Title of Assessment (e.g. Dissertation) Weighting (%) Characteristics (e.g., word count, duration of exam) Draft application 40% 2-3,000 words Internal mock trial competition 60% Assessed on performance during a recorded internal moot competition</p><p>Total 100% xxx a pass overall Pass requirements: all elements have to be passed some elements must be passed PLEASE INDICATE *</p><p>17 Core Teaching Staff (See Guidance Note 17)</p><p>Module Co-ordinator Mr Jonathan Thorpe (Learning Development Tutor (professional/extra-curricular skills) PT</p><p>Please indicate whether permanent and/or sessional staff will be teaching on this module</p><p>Permanent Claire Dowse (Barrister) Bill Bowring (Professor of Law) Philip King (Barrister)</p><p>Name(s): Name(s):</p><p>18 Resources – ASQ do not contact departments listed below: (See Guidance Note 18) (INDICATIVE ) READING LIST SENT TO SUBJECT LIBRARIAN YES / NO Will this module be offered on an annual or biennial basis? Annual/Biennial</p><p>Are additional resources required for this module? YES / NO (Delete as appropriate)</p><p>If YES, please give details of additional resources required. </p><p>Confirm that consultation has taken place in all cases with relevant colleagues supporting these services (detailed below) to indicate agreement. This consultation should be evidenced by covering emails.</p><p>Accommodation – additional resources required: Consultation with Room Bookings: NO</p><p>APPROPRIATE SPACE TO BE ADAPTED FOR USE AS MOOT COURT Library – additional resources required: Consultation with Subject Librarian: YES / NO</p><p>ITS– additional IT and Audio Visual resources required: Use of specific software packages or IT facilities (including workstation rooms) – consult with ITS User Support Manager: YES / NO</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 3 19 Agreement (See Guidance Note 19)</p><p>Name Date</p><p>Module Co-ordinator Jonathan Thorpe (or author of this proposal, if 08/02/2016 different)</p><p>Head of Department (or Executive Dean for School held modules) – to be evidenced by covering email Patricia Tuitt 08/02/2016</p><p>Chair of STQEC </p><p>(including date of STQEC meeting at Oscar Guardiola-Rivera 08/02/2016 which module approved)</p><p>Relevant External Examiners should be consulted and notified of any changes made to existing programmes within their remit, including new modules.</p><p>CLOSING DATE FOR NEW MODULES: by the end of the 2nd week of the term preceding the starting date i.e. when teaching would begin. Thus, for a new module planned to be introduced in the Summer term 2011, notification should be made by Friday 21st January 2011 at the latest. </p><p>YOU MUST ALSO ENSURE ALL OF THE ABOVE CONSULTATION/APPROVAL HAS TAKEN PLACE BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THE FORM. Please return the form to the Secretary of the School Teaching and Quality Enhancement Committee (STQEC) in line with the above deadline. If this is not the case the proposal may not be approved for submission to the Committee at this time since this does not allow sufficient time for full consideration to take place and for any possible further work/areas of clarification to be dealt with.</p><p>Following approval (where appropriate) by the School TQEC notification of the new module should be made to the College Programmes Committee via Quality Enhancement and Validation (Registry Services). At this time QEV will notify Planning and Business Systems and the required changes will be made to the Birkbeck Student Information System (BSIS).</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 4 Module Proposal Form Guidance Notes</p><p>In developing the module, account should be taken of the College’s Common Awards Scheme, the College Strategy for Learning and Teaching Enhancement, the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, Higher Education Credit Framework for England, relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statements and, the QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education.</p><p>Section Note 1 Self explanatory 2 Level: either 4, 5 or 6 for undergraduate modules; Level 7 for postgraduate modules Level descriptors are described in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications 3 Credit Value: 15 (half), 30 (single) or 60 (double) 4 4a: Self explanatory. 4b: For modular enrolment only the subject area should be provided in addition to the Department with academic responsibility as these are the areas under which the module will appear in the online prospectus and in GURU. 5 Self explanatory 6 Give the minimum and maximum number of students required to run this module. 7 7a: Tick one or more boxes as appropriate. 7b: Tick one or more boxes as appropriate. For PG Modular Enrolment only: Birkbeck does not currently offer postgraduate level modules via the online modular booking and there is no award available for students taking individual PG modules. If a student wants to take an individual PG module, they would have to submit an affiliate student application http://www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbeck/services/administration/enrolment/affiliate 7c: Open Enrolment/Restricted Enrolment/Subject to Placement Test should be detailed here. Most modules that are available to book individually will be open enrolment, but some are restricted to a specific group or have prerequisite modules. 'Subject to Placement Test' refers specifically to language modules which require a separate fee module to be set up to take payment prior to the test. 8 Normally, 1 credit = 10 notional hours of learning. This includes all study undertaken to achieve the specified learning - contact hours, assessment and private study. Therefore a 30-credit module = approximately 300 hours total learning hours. Method of teaching and Contact hours/attendance: For each teaching component give details of the number of associated study sessions and contact hours the student will be expected to attend/undertake in College or elsewhere, eg, Lectures: 11 weekly sessions, each 1.5 hours, plus revision week. Directed Learning/Private Study/Assessment: Please indicate the approximate number of hours a student might be expected to undertake in other learning and private study, including assessment and preparation for assessment. 9 Tick one or more boxes as appropriate to indicate status of module. Core: must be taken and passed. Compulsory: must be taken, but may be compensated on some programmes (not on subsidiary awards i.e. Cert/Dip HE, GradCert/Dip, PgCert/Dip) if not passed. Add details of the designated programme(s) for Core/Compulsory modules. Option: selected from a range of approved modules within the field as specified in the programme regulations. Add details of all programme(s) for which the module may be selected as an approved Option. Elective modules: unless specified otherwise, all modules will be available as electives and open to any student whose programme of study has defined an elective module as part of the approved programme, subject to availability of places, pre(co)-requisite requirements, timetabling constraints and being at the appropriate level/value. 10 Pre-requisite: List any module (Code and Title) which must be successfully completed prior to undertaking this module, or any other condition(s) of eligibility. Co-requisite: List any module (Code and Title) which must be selected in parallel with this module Restrictions: List any modules which CANNOT be taken in conjunction with this module 11 Rationale for introducing this module in the context of existing provision, including statement of how the proposal meets students needs. If the proposal supersedes an existing module, please give the code and title of the superseded module and the reason for replacement. If the proposal relates to an existing module, please give the code and title of the related module and an explanation of how this relationship will work. 12 The overarching aims of the module and how it fits with the programme(s). Any special features should be highlighted. 13 Short description of the module for inclusion on the web site. 14 Learning Outcomes should relate to the overall aims of the programme(s) to which the module forms part and should be achievable and measurable. The entry should be written in the following format: “On successful completion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to …..”, followed by a verb, eg, demonstrate, evaluate, operate, apply, analyse, and then an indication of the appropriate skills, complexity, knowledge or understanding. Learning outcomes may relate to some, or all, of the following categories: Subject Specific: The main areas of knowledge to be gained by the student, the understanding of the context in which this knowledge exists and the understanding of how this knowledge can be applied. Intellectual: Reference should be made to evaluation, applications of theoretical understanding to work/life situations, critical reasoning, formulation and testing of hypotheses, problem solving, analytical skills, synthesis, the ability to study a problem in depth etc. Practical: Research skills, laboratory skills, IT skills, numeracy skills, use of specialised statistical packages, ability to handle historical documents in a history programme, or other as appropriate. Personal and Social: Skills that the student should be able to use in areas of life independent of the programme eg, communication skills, the ability to work independently, self-awareness, planning and organisational skills, continuous learning skills, presentational skills, teamwork or an increased awareness of ethical practice. 15 Self explanatory 16 Assessment methods should enable the student to demonstrate the learning outcomes for the module. ALL elements of assessment must be listed (including those that are zero-weighted for purposes of calculating the overall final mark). Title of Assessment: e.g. coursework essay, dissertation, project, examination (seen), examination (unseen), group assessment, presentation, portfolio, oral, viva, report (or other that may not be listed here). Weighting: percentage weighting the element contributes to the final module result. Characteristics: e.g. word count, submission date, duration of exam or other timed assessment Pass requirements: e.g. all elements have to be passed; some elements must be passed as well as a pass overall; just a pass overall must be obtained. Please list in chronological order – for completion statistics released by BSIS to the colleges funding authorities. 17 The module co-ordinator should be a permanent member of teaching staff who should ensure that procedures are being adhered to with regard to teaching and assessment practices.</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 5 18 State in Reading List has been sent to Subject Librarian. Provide details of any ADDITIONAL resources required. Consultation with Room Bookings, User Support Manager (ITS) and Media Services Manager are required in all cases and this consultation should be evidenced by covering emails. All teaching and learning must be sufficiently flexible to enable all reasonable adjustments to be made in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). 19 Approval of the Head of Department (or Executive Dean for School held modules e.g. Law) and the Chair of the School Teaching and Quality Enhancement Committee to include the date of the STQEC meeting at which the module was approved.</p><p>Updated Summer 2015 6</p>
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