E2098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 14, 1999 Though Rabbi Halpern is dedicated to his ca- Budget and Finance for Respect for Law Alli- also been a driving force in countless commu- reer and his community, he has never limited ance Inc. nity service organizations in Santa Barbara. his time and love for his 16-year-old daughter, Aside from his professional duties, Robert He has served on the boards of the United Sasha. Fonti donates his time and energy to such Nations Association of the USA, United Boys Rabbi Michael Stevens, a native of Brook- worthy causes as the New York State Order of & Girls Clubs, the Santa Barbara Symphony, lyn, New York, received both a bachelor's and the Sons of Italy in America, the Coalition of Lobero Theatre Foundation, and the Santa master's degree in music, as well as a mas- Italian American Organizations, and the Boy Barbara Arts Council. He was also founder ter's degree in Hebrew literature. In 1976, Scouts of America. and Chairman of the Nuclear Age Peace Rabbi Stevens was ordained as a Rabbi at the Robert is a devoted husband to his wife, Foundation and Senior Warden at All Saints Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Reli- Barbara, and father to his daughters, Barbara by the Sea Episcopal Church. In addition, Mr. gion in New York. Before coming to Northwest Olivia and Lauren Anne. Drew has served on every committee within Indiana in 1987 to serve the Temple Beth-El Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the the Santa Barbara County United Way organi- in Munster, Rabbi Stevens served as Rabbi of House of Representatives to join me in ex- zation, including Vice-Chair of ``Burn the Mort- Beth Israel Temple Center in Warren, Ohio, tending my congratulations to Robert Fonti as gage in 90'' Campaign, founding member of and of Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Mon- he is honored by the Saul Weprin Democratic the Endowment Committee and Leadership treal, Quebec. He also served as Interim Club for his years of active service to his com- Circle Committee, and Board Treasurer and Rabbi of Congregation Keneseth Israel in Al- munity. President. lentown, Pennsylvania. While Rabbi Stevens f Board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, has dedicated considerable time and energy now retired, Dr. Ursula Henderson Drew was to his work, he always made an extra effort to IN RECOGNITION OF JAMES in private practice in Santa Barbara since give to the community. He has served on the CONLON 1977. She married Wallace T. Drew in 1993. Lake County AIDS Pastoral Care Network, re- She has served on the Santa Barbara City viewed concerts of the Northwest Indiana HON. BOB FRANKS College Foundation and on the Advisory Com- Symphony Orchestra, composed music for the OF NEW JERSEY mittee for the Garvin Theatre. She has also Temple Beth-El choir, and has played the role IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served on the boards of the Santa Barbara Film Festival and the Ensemble Theatre. As of the Rabbi in a production of ``Fiddler on the Thursday, October 14, 1999 Roof.'' He has served for many years on the Chairwoman of the Department of Psychiatry faculty of the Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute Mr. FRANKS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I at Cottage Hospital, she also served on the camp in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, and cur- rise today to acknowledge an admirable and Committee for the Homeless and the Physi- rently teaches in the Department of English dedicated resident of Union, New Jersey who cian's Well-Being Committee. She currently and Philosophy at Purdue University Calumet. has graciously served his community for many serves on the Board of the Santa Barbara Rabbi and Judy Stevens are the proud par- years. Mental Health Association. Her latest leader- ents of four wonderful children, David, Joshua, James Conlon is a graduate of the Rutgers ship role has been Co-Chair of a $1.5 million Andrea, and Aaron. University School of Law and member of the campaign to reopen Health House and retain The special guest at this gala event will be New Jersey State and Union County Bar As- Sarah House. Mr. Uriel Lynn. Mr. Lynn is a distinguished sociations. He served for 21 years as a Union Mr. Speaker, I was honored to join the lawyer and businessman and a former highly Township Committee member where he went United Way in recognizing Wallace and Ursula regarded member of Israel's Knesset. on to become Mayor for five terms between Drew for their generosity to the City of Santa Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my distin- 1975 and 1982. Mr. Conlon was an attorney Barbara. I am inspired by the Drews' service guished colleagues to join me in congratu- for Union Township from 1982 to 1993 and and commitment to their fellow citizens. The lating Rabbis Stanley Halpern and Michael has been admitted to practice law before the lifetime achievements of Wallace and Ursula Stevens for receiving the Shema Yisrael United States Supreme Court. Henderson Drew will continue in perpetuity. Award. Their dedicated service to both the Mr. Conlon has contributed countless hours f of his time to the younger community in Union, State of Israel and our Northwest Indiana TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER GENERAL as well as to the fight against cancer. He has community is commendable and admirable. ROBERT CARDENAS f served as counsel to the American Lung As- sociation of New Jersey and acted as a former IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT trustee for the Boys and Girls Club of Union. HON. DUNCAN HUNTER FONTI In addition, Mr. Conlon has exhibited a strong OF CALIFORNIA involvement in the religious community as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN member of, and advocate for, the Union Coun- Thursday, October 14, 1999 OF NEW YORK cil Knights of Columbus. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, to quote one of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Conlon is an example of courage, integ- our Nation's greatest Presidents, Ronald rity, and commitment through his political, pro- Thursday, October 14, 1999 Reagan: fessional, and civic efforts to better the com- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Those who say that we're in a time when munity of Union, New Jersey. Please join me there are no heroes just don't know where to to pay tribute to Mr. Robert G. Fonti as he is in thanking him for his years of service and look. You can see heroes every day going in honored by the Saul Weprin Democratic Club wishing him continued success. and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in on Sunday, October 17th, 1999 at the club's f number, produce enough food to feed all of us 42nd annual dinner dance. and then the world beyond. You meet heroes Robert Fonti is an active member of the HONORING WALLACE T. DREW AND across a counterÐand they're on both sides Board of Governors of the Saul Weprin Demo- DR. URSULA HENDERSON DREW of that counter. There are entrepreneursÐ cratic Club. He is the President and the CEO with faith in themselves and faith in an of the Vincent James Management Company ideaÐwho create new jobs, new wealth and HON. LOIS CAPPS opportunity. They're individuals and fami- where he specializes in Real Estate Brokerage OF CALIFORNIA lies whose taxes support the government and and Property management. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whose voluntary gifts support church, char- An alumni of St. John's University, Robert ity, culture, art and education. Their patri- Fonti earned a Bachelor and a Master of Arts Thursday, October 14, 1999 otism is quiet but deep. Their values sustain in Government and Politics as well as a Cer- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to our national life. tificate in Public Administration. He is actively bring to the attention of my colleagues two ex- San Diego is fortunate to have many heroes involved in professional organizations such as traordinary people, who on October 9th were in our community. I would like to take this op- the National Realty Organization, the Real Es- honored by their community with the distin- portunity to highlight one of our local heroes tate Board of Education, the New York Asso- guished United Way Community Excellence and honor his sacrifice and achievements. ciation of Realty Managers and the National Award. Many of you may already know the story of Asbestos Council. As a real estate consultant Wallace T. Drew has had an impressive ca- Brigadier General Robert Cardenas (USAF re- to the Town of Huntington, Robert Fonti ad- reer as a managing director for Revlon, Inc., tired), one of the greatest test pilots of all time. vises the Town Board on all trustee and land head of Coty Inc. and Vice President of the While General Cardenas is well known for use matters. He also serves as the VP of local Salomon Smith Barney. Mr. Drew has being the pilot of the aircraft that dropped the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2099 X±1 being flown by Chuck Yeager, he also A Roman Catholic, Nyerere was married management programs, Pfizer helps people was the test pilot for the ``Flying Wing'', the and had eight children. control their illness, rather than letting peoples' Northrop YB±49, in 1947 and 1948. The Fly- The current President of Tanzania, Presi- illness control them. ing Wing was a revolutionary aircraft at the dent Mkapa, has announced that a state fu- Recognized as one of the world's most ad- time and to be chosen as a test pilot was a neral will be held for Nyerere in Dar es Sa- mired companies, Pfizer was recently named great honor.
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