Sea Scout Academy s3

Sea Scout Academy s3

<p> Sea Scout Academy Lesson Plan QM-13 Electives Time: </p><p>Note: These lesson plans may also be used for teaching in the ship. For administrative convenience, they cover the entire specific numbered requirement. Individual Sea Scout Academy lessons may only cover part of the requirements. Similarly, ships may find that even just a portion of a subrequirement is all that can be done during a particular ship meeting. Adapt these lessons as needed to fit your youth and your situation. Share these plans with your youth who are teaching. For QM-13, in some cases I have included information which should be shared with the Scout because there is no material available in the files.</p><p>Philosophy: Sea Scout Academy’s primary purpose is to teach the material to the Sea Scout. If the Sea Scout demonstrates mastery of parts of the subject, then the instructor should annotate on the class roster what has been passed, in the instructor’s opinion. Skippers have the right to re-examine any Sea Scout in any requirement. (Knots are not a good subject to give a pass in.)</p><p>Requirements: 13. Electives a. Sailing: Know the principles of handling a schooner, ketch, yawl, or other suitable sailing vessel. Under competent direction, take charge of a crew and demonstrate your ability to handle a suitable sailing vessel in all points of sail. b. Engines: i) Explain the principal features of steam turbine, turboelectric, direct reversing diesel, diesel-electric, gas turbine, nuclear, gasoline, and diesel engines and the relative advantages of each type. ii) Explain the operation of spark ignition and compression ignition for internal combustion engines used aboard small vessels. iii) Demonstrate your familiarity with the engine aboard the vessel used by your ship, including its principles of operation, fuel, lubrication, cooling and electrical systems, and their component parts. iv) Demonstrate your ability to locate and correct minor engine troubles according to the engine manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide. c. Vessel Maintenance: Take charge of reconditioning or overhauling at least one of your ship’s vessels, or take charge of hauling out the principal vessel used by your ship. In either case, lay out a plan of the work to be done in advance, including an estimate of the materials, tools, cost, and time involved. d. Electricity: i) Know and demonstrate the correct method of rescuing a person in contact with a live wire. ii) Understand the construction of simple battery cells. Demonstrate the proper care of storage batteries. iii) Explain the difference between direct current and alternating current and the best uses for each. iv) Demonstrate that you know how to replace fuses, reset circuit breakers, and properly splice shipboard electric cable. v) Submit a diagram of the electrical system aboard the vessel used by your ship. vi) Explain wire tables, the current-carrying capacity of circuits, and the hazards and prevention of electrical overloading. vii) Explain electrolysis as applied to the deterioration of a boat’s underwater fittings by galvanic action and its prevention. e. Navigation: i) Explain how the sextant works. Show how to use it and demonstrate measuring horizontal angles and altitudes. ii) Find latitude by the altitude of Polaris or by the sun’s altitude at local apparent noon. Demonstrate how longitude is determined. iii) Demonstrate finding error in the boat’s compass by the sun’s azimuth. f. Drill: Demonstrate your ability to handle the ship’s company in close-order drill. Do all required maneuvers. g. Piloting: Under competent direction, assume the duties of navigator of your ship’s vessel. Plot its projected course between two ports at least two hours apart and cruise that course mooring to mooring handling all piloting duties. The cruise should be made in daylight hours with good visibility. h. Yacht Racing Crew: Take charge of a crew in a race using current ISAF racing rules. i. Rigging: Demonstrate your ability to splice and handle wire rope, attach wire rope fittings, and complete a safety and tuning inspection of a ship vessel. j. USPS: As an apprentice member of the United States Power Squadrons complete the Advanced Piloting course. k. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary: Join a local Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla as a Basic Qualified member and qualify for any Operational Auxiliary Program (AUXOP) or Trident Marine Safety specialty rating.</p><p>Lesson Plan: </p><p> a. Sailing: Know the principles of handling a schooner, ketch, yawl, or other suitable sailing vessel. Under competent direction, take charge of a crew and demonstrate your ability to handle a suitable sailing vessel in all points of sail.</p><p>Wanted – someone who can explain in one page the differences, advantages, disadvantages, and principles of handling a schooner, a ketch, or yawl, in comparison to a sloop. You don't have to know all three, just one at a time. </p><p> b. Engines: i) Explain the principal features of steam turbine, turboelectric, direct reversing diesel, diesel- electric, gas turbine, nuclear, gasoline, and diesel engines and the relative advantages of each type. ii) Explain the operation of spark ignition and compression ignition for internal combustion engines used aboard small vessels. iii) Demonstrate your familiarity with the engine aboard the vessel used by your ship, including its principles of operation, fuel, lubrication, cooling and electrical systems, and their component parts. iv) Demonstrate your ability to locate and correct minor engine troubles according to the engine manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide.</p><p>1 57 07 F er nR id geD r, Q ui tza u T ho ma s H o us ton , TX 77 08 4 S co u ter M C 28 1-9 48 -4 12 7 tq ui tza u @a w ty. or g Pa re nt Requirement i) should be explained in the Engines download available at the website, but at this writing it is not available. The 10th edition, 2002, has a good explanation. The discussion is more logical if it is organizeed into reciprocating engines, turbines, electric drives, and nuclear propulsion. Reciprocating engines cover gasoline and diesel engines, including 4-stroke and 2-stroke gasoline and 4-stroke diesel. Cover the intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes of a 4-stroke engine. Then show how those are combined in the 2-stroke gasoline engine. Both gasoline engines require a spark plug. The 4-stroke diesel cycle is the same, but the power stroke comes from injection of the fuel, no spark plug. Direct reversing diesel engines are quite old, and not in favor today. They have to be stopped to change direction, meaning no need for a transmission, but changes to the engine itself are required. The major disadvantage is that they may not restart going in the opposite direction at a critical time. I have often mentioned that Watt's original steam engine was a reciprocating engine. The next major advance in propulsion is the steam turbine. About 120 years ago an experimental vessel named “Turbina” was built with turbine power, able to go 32 knots, far faster than any other vessel. Straight steam turbines required gear boxes to gear down and reverse the high speed turbine thrust. No straight steam turbine ships are in service today. Turbines, however, had been identified as wonderful electric generating devices. Turboelectric drive married a turbine driving a generator with an electric motor driving the propeller. Electric motors did not require gearboxes, and were instantly responsive to needed thrust changes. Both turbine electric generation and electric motors took up much less space and weight. Diesel motors driving generators led to the diesel-electric drive, with space and weight savings. Initially, we had steam turbines generating electricity. That gave way to gas turbine /generator combinations, burning gasoline, diesel, and bunker fuel. That is one of the most common arrangements today. Finally, the military has found significant advantages in installing nuclear engines in submarines and aircraft carriers. They have an unlimited range, submarines do not need to surface for as long as 90 days, and they are extraordinarily quiet, a significant military advantage. The nuclear power plant heats the water with nuclear energy, runs a steam turbine that produces electricity, and uses an electric motor to produce the thrust with the propellers. Advantages / disadvantages are: Gasoline – OK for small boats, especially outboards, a more dangerous fuel, requires a transmission Diesel – safe, fuel efficient, less dangerous fuel, requires a transmission Direct reversing diesel – requires no transmission, engine more complex, may not restart Diesel-electric – high efficiency, no transmission, better propeller efficiency, high reliability, more payload (smaller equipment) Gas turbine – highly reliable, light weight, very responsive, significantly more expensive to run Nuclear – great for subs, no emissions, very expensive, not suitable for commercial ships</p><p>Requirement ii) – comparing a 4-stroke engines, gasoline is usually lighter, can turn faster, fuel is less expensive, but you burn more of it, engine maintenance is usually less expensive Diesels are usually haavier, have better torque, fuel cost per mile is usually less, engines can handle continuous use, but more expensive to repair. Spark ignition uses gasoline and some other fuels (LNG, etc.), has moderat compression of 5:1 > 8:1. Spark sets off explosion in cylinder, spark plug is key, needs electricity, and right spark gap. Compression ignition uses diesel, has high compression 16:1 > 24:1, fuel is injected into very hot gas mixture, explodes. No spark plug, very reliable, injectors do need occassional maintenance.</p><p>Requirement iii) relates to the specific ship that is used by the candidate's ship.</p><p>Requirement iv) also relates to troubleshooting for the candidate's ship. Some engine manufacturer’s do not have much troubleshooting in their guide. Troubleshooting guides for gasoline and diesel engines can be found on the internet. c. Vessel Maintenance: Take charge of reconditioning or overhauling at least one of your ship’s vessels, or take charge of hauling out the principal vessel used by your ship. In either case, lay out a plan of the work to be done in advance, including an estimate of the materials, tools, cost, and time involved.</p><p>Lesson Plan: First, determine the size of the task. Fiberglass repair to some Sunfish may be in a different category than hauling out a nominal 30-foot sloop. Agree with the Sea Scout that the task is within the capabilities of the Scout, and equivalent to the work of one of the other electives. Next, counsel the Scout on preparing the plan of work. The plan is often the difficult part. Sometimes you don't know all the issues until you get into the work, but you should be able to identify the likely problems. Predict the needed materials. Check on tools, and their availability or cost to buy or rent. Figure the number of man-hours and days involved. This includes the skills involved, and are they available within the ship or do you need to hire people or a company to do your job. Finally, the dollar outlay that will be needed. Determine if this is a firm estimate, or more in the nature of a best guesstimate. Schedule the work carefully, so you do first steps first, and don't have too many people on the site, and wasting their time. Schedule things such as paint drying time as well, since you need to allow for that. If the Scout has the technical expertise to supervise the actual work, s/he should do so. In many cases the Scout will be learning with the workers themselves. Insure that there is a competent consultant who can supervise and/or check the work regularly. At the end, if the Scout would hold an after-action briefing to discuss with the Scouts and their leaders what went well and what needed improvement, the next similar project will benefit. d. Electricity: i) Know and demonstrate the correct method of rescuing a person in contact with a live wire. ii) Understand the construction of simple battery cells. Demonstrate the proper care of storage batteries. iii) Explain the difference between direct current and alternating current and the best uses for each. iv) Demonstrate that you know how to replace fuses, reset circuit breakers, and properly splice shipboard electric cable. v) Submit a diagram of the electrical system aboard the vessel used by your ship. vi) Explain wire tables, the current-carrying capacity of circuits, and the hazards and prevention of electrical overloading. vii) Explain electrolysis as applied to the deterioration of a boat’s underwater fittings by galvanic action and its prevention.</p><p>Lesson Plan: i) Know and demonstrate the correct method of rescuing a person in contact with a live wire. If you see a person come into contact with indoor, low-voltage electricity, do not touch the person. Doing so can result in you being electrocuted yourself. If you ever have any doubts of what to do, call emergency personnel immediately and they can help guide you through the process. If the person has come into contact with high-voltage outdoor wires, call 911 and then the power company immediately. Do not attempt to touch the person. Turn the power off at the nearest control switch or service panel immediately when you identify that someone is in contact with any 'live' or 'hot' electrical wire. If you cannot turn the power off, separate them from the electrical wire by using a wood or plastic pole or other non-conductive material (rope, board, broom handle) that is within immediate reach. Use the pole or other material to pull or pry loose the wire from contact of the person's body. Once free from the electrical charge, lay the person flat on his back. Check his breathing and heartbeat. If the person is not breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the person's heart has stopped beating, start CPR if you're trained to do so. Treat the victim for shock. Keep him lying down. Cover him enough to maintain body heat. Do not move the victim if you suspect neck or spine injury. Treat burns by immersing in cold water. Do not apply grease or oil. For severe burns, cut away loose clothing and cover the burned area with a sterile dressing. Call 911 immediately and stay on the line until help arrives. They will walk you through important steps, such as turning the patient on their side or covering them with a blanket to help prevent shock. ii) Understand the construction of simple battery cells. Demonstrate the proper care of storage batteries.</p><p>A simple battery cell is lead and lead oxide with an electrolyte solution. Each cell can generate two volts (2 V.). To get a 12V battery, you must have six cells, connected in series (one after the other). A marine or car battery has a positive (+, red) pole at one end, and a negative (-, black) pole at the other end, with six cells connected inside the battery inside. Some batteries require distilled water to be added as necessary, others are designed as “maintenance free.”</p><p>The most important thing for the flooded acid variety is to keep them full. Top them off with only distilled water whenever possible, as minerals in tap water can contaminate the electrolyte. Keep the terminal clamps clean and free of corrosion; coat them with anti-corrosion spray or even petroleum jelly. Check connections and keep them tight; watch for frayed wires and replace them. And for a few bucks spent at your local auto parts store, a Battery Hydrometer – used to check the specific gravity (concentration of acid) is a good investment. It is a great way to determine if one of the cells is bad. If the difference in specific gravity is 30 points or more… it’s time to replace your battery! You may have gel or AGM (absorbed glass mat) batteries on your boat. Know what you have, use the appropriate charging cycle for those batteries. iii) Explain the difference between direct current and alternating current and the best uses for each.</p><p>Direct current provides steady power flowing in one direction. A graph of DC voltage will show a steady line over time. Alternating current flows back and forth. A graph of AC voltage will show a sine-wave curve over time.</p><p>Home and office outlets are almost always AC. This is because generating and transporting AC across long distances is relatively easy. At high voltages (over 110kV), less energy is lost in electrical power transmission. Higher voltages mean lower currents, and lower currents mean less heat generated in the power line due to resistance. AC can be converted to and from high voltages easily using transformers. AC can power motors, or lights, relatively easily. DC, on the other hand, is used extensively in electronic devices, such as computers, but is hard to transmit for more than a mile. You would need a generating plant every mile, which would make serving rural communities impossible. iv) Demonstrate that you know how to replace fuses, reset circuit breakers, and properly splice shipboard electric cable. </p><p>Replacing fuses. If you have it, consult the fuse box list which shows which fuses protect what circuits. If you don't have such a list, you may have to experiment, and write down your findings as you do. If you can turn off the master switch, that is best, but should not be necessary. Remove the fuse cover, remove (unscrew or pull out) the fuse, inspect to confirm the broken connection, confirm the proper fuse rating, and install a fuse of like or lower amp rating. Fuses are rated in amps. Common ratings are 10A, 15A, and 30A fuses, though there are others. After putting a new fuse in, install the cover securely. If the fuse blows in a short time, fix the underlying problem before continuing to install new fuses. Your circuit is overloaded and could cause a fire. Resetting circuit breakers. Circuit breakers look like small light switches and are generally organized in rows of two to eight or more that can run horizontally or vertically. When a breaker is tripped, the switch-shaped button is forced out of alignment. You can easily locate the affected breaker by running your hand along the row of breakers and locating the one that is out of line with the rest. For the "off" breaker to engage in the "on" position, you may have to push the breaker that has tripped to the "off" position then back "on" again. The circuit may immediately break again if the cause of the initial overloaded circuit was not corrected. Again, correct the problem, don't keep resetting the circuit breaker. Shipboard electrical cable cannot be spliced in the careless manner often done ashore. The cable must be tight, electrically solidly connected, thoroughly insulated, and where necessary waterproofed. Splices should be accessible. Use a compression butt connector with a one-cycle compression tool and appropriate dies. Splices in multi-conductors cables should be staggered so they are not next to each other. Replacement insulation should be as good electrically and thermally as the original cable. Cable shielding and cable jackets should be at least as good as the original cable, and overlap the cable by 2”. They should be waterproof. The Scout should either demonstrate on a real boat, or use similar cabling to learn to splice, under the supervision of a competent electrician. v) Submit a diagram of the electrical system aboard the vessel used by your ship.</p><p>Most vessels will have both a DC and an AC system. The DC system is used underway, starts the motor, recharges the battery, provides navigation lights, instrument lights, and one set of cabin lights. The AC system is normally used at the dock, is plugged into an AC power cord at the dock, and supplies cabin lights, air conditioning power, microwave oven, and AC power outlets used for tools, lights, fans, etc. It will take some wire tracing, especially on older boats, to accurately diagram most boat systems, though most boat and/or engine maintenance handbooks should have the basics for those models. vi) Explain wire tables, the current-carrying capacity of circuits, and the hazards and prevention of electrical overloading. Googling “wire tables” will bring up Wikipedia and several commercial sites with similar AWG wire tables which show the current capacities of many wire sizes. Resistance based on temperature, capacity as a single wire, and other information is displayed. It is important that wire capacity is related to how the circuit is set up and how wires are bundled with others in building all the boat's circuits. Electrical circuit overloads happen when more amperage is put across an electrical wire or circuit than it can handle. For instance, a #14 wire can safely carry 15 amps and should be protected by a 15-amp breaker. If it happens to get connected to a 20-amp breaker instead, the breaker will allow 20 amps of current to flow through a wire that can only handle 15 amps. The wire and breaker start to heat up and could cause an electrical fire. Circuit overloads can also be caused by loose or corroded wires and connections. This could be a breaker connection, a splice in a box, especially if the connection has been exposed to moisture. It could be a wire is not making good contact under a wire nut splice, only because the wire were not lined up evenly when installed, or it may be a loose connection on a part of a light fixture. Correcting the problem may be as easy as unplugging a device that you plugged into a circuit already loaded up. Think to yourself, what did I just recently add to the circuit that tripped. Maybe it's just something simple like a hot day and you plug in an air conditioner and a couple of fans. All of a sudden the breaker trips. Unplug the fans and wait a few minutes before resetting the breaker. Try turning on just the air conditioner. Chances are that if you look at the nameplate rating on the unit, you'll see that the air conditioner used up most of the circuit's capacity and the fans put it over the edge. vii) Explain electrolysis as applied to the deterioration of a boat’s underwater fittings by galvanic action and its prevention. Dissimilar metals and alloys have different electrode potentials. Water is an electrolyte. When two or more metals come into contact in an electrolyte, one metal acts as anode and the other as cathode. The electropotential difference between the dissimilar metals is the driving force for an accelerated attack on the anode member of the galvanic couple. The anode metal dissolves into the electrolyte, and deposit collects on the cathodic metal. Saltwater is a more effective electrolyte than freshwater, which means that galvanic corrosion takes place more quickly in saltwater. Galvanic corrosion can even occur when dissimilar metals are joined above the waterline, since spray and moist salt air will act as an electrolyte. Below the waterline, when you have a stainless steel shaft and a bronze prop (or any other combination) which can’t be isolated, you’ll need an anode — either zinc, magnesium or aluminum — that will be sacrificed to save the fitting. Zinc can be used in saltwater; magnesium can be used in freshwater (never in salt or brackish water); but the most widely affective anodes these days are being made of aluminum, which can last up to 50% longer, and remain active anywhere — in fresh, brackish and saltwater. A word of warning: Don’t mix anodes! If you decide to use aluminum anodes, then use only aluminum anodes throughout the boat. When two different anodes are used, one (the least noble) will protect the other, which then won’t do it’s job. Likely candidates for an anode include shafts, rudders, outdrives, engines, and trim tabs. Replacing anodes is typically done annually. It’s a common misconception that as long as some of the anode remains, it will still be doing its job. It may not be. An anode that is crumbling isn’t as effective and may no longer be preventing corrosion. You may be able to get longer-lasting protection by using two anodes, for example on a shaft, but they should be inspected midway though the season. Conversely, an anode that doesn’t appear to be worn at the end of the season is suspect and may contain impurities that kept it from doing its job. Before changing suppliers, make sure the anode is snug against the metal it is supposed to be protecting; an anode that is even slightly loose won’t be doing its job. An anode should never be painted. e. Navigation: i) Explain how the sextant works. Show how to use it and demonstrate measuring horizontal angles and altitudes. ii) Find latitude by the altitude of Polaris or by the sun’s altitude at local apparent noon. Demonstrate how longitude is determined. iii) Demonstrate finding error in the boat’s compass by the sun’s azimuth.</p><p>See a separate file (QM-13e. Sextant Elective) where this subject is treated at length. f. Drill: Demonstrate your ability to handle the ship’s company in close-order drill. Do all required maneuvers.</p><p>References: Equipment Required: A large parking lot. Ratio: 1:12 Lesson Plan: The Sea Scout Manual has a DVD and downloadable section on drill, referenced above. The Marine Corps Drill Manual referenced above is adopted by the Navy and Coast Guard as their drill manual. Chapters 1, 2, and 8 are of the most interest for Sea Scouts. Sections 1002 and on are how to instruct in drill. We recommend that a person who has actually drilled troops in the military or in a cadet situation be the primary instructor. The Sea Scouts should first be taught the position of attention, then parade rest, at ease, and Scout salute. Individuals can be taught right and left face, about face, forward march, halt, double time, left and right flank. These might be better taught in squad drill. They then need to know (given the size of most Sea Scout ships) squad drill. In addition to the drill items above, this includes fall in, dress right dress, close interval dress right dress, column left and right. Other commands may be taught if there is a need. Sea Scouts should learn to give commands in about the same order as they were taught the commands. Give individual commands first, then squad commands. It may not have been obvious to the Scout executing drill that there is a specific cadence to drill commands, and that certain commands of preparation and execution are given on a specific foot. Show them these. No “given” commands are specified. In this instructor's opinion, they should be good at giving the squad commands. g. Piloting: Under competent direction, assume the duties of navigator of your ship’s vessel. Plot its projected course between two ports at least two hours apart and cruise that course mooring to mooring handling all piloting duties. The cruise should be made in daylight hours with good visibility.</p><p>References: Practical Underway Navigation monograph Equipment Required: Medium/large vessel equipped with a compass, hand-bearing compass, GPS (could be hand-held), speed measuring device, navigation kit, and table. Ratio: 1:1 normally, could be 1:4 in larger vessel</p><p>Lesson Plan: “Under competent direction” means that someone capable of handling the piloting duties is aboard and monitoring the exercise. A distance is not specified, a time is, so there is nothing wrong with cruising slowly to meet the time requirement. The mission plan should be at least two hours long from “mooring to mooring” or slip to slip. This navigator recommends that the Scout draw the lines on the chart, annotate them IAW the Sea Scout Manual, then prepare a set of Deck Log planning lines. They should show a two-hour cruise. Depart the slip, advising the captain and directing the helm to stay on the plotted course. Speed should be adjusted to make the cruise come close to the minimum two hours planned. The Scout should show a good knowledge of position at all times. The Scout should compute an ETA to the next turning point at each turning point, and advise the captain and helm of the ETA. If operating in “open waters” without nearby buoys/markers for fixing, regular fixes (bearings, GPS, etc.) should be taken and heading corrected to the next turning point. Under the title “Practical Underway Navigation” I separately teach how to take a fix (bearings, GPS, etc.) and use DR to make a timely, accurate alter heading to a turning point or destination. Use of the deck log to aid in this navigation is recommended. h. Yacht Racing Crew: Take charge of a crew in a race using current ISAF racing rules. This may be observed by a leader or consultant competent in racing under ISAF rules. i. Rigging: Demonstrate your ability to splice and handle wire rope, attach wire rope fittings, and complete a safety and tuning inspection of a ship vessel.</p><p>This requirement should be met under the supervision of a qualified rigger. j. USPS: As an apprentice member of the United States Power Squadrons complete the Advanced Piloting course.</p><p>Advanced Piloting is offered regularly by most Power Squadrons. It is best to take the course in a class. However, if you believe you are or can become proficient in the subject, you may be able to pass the course by challenging the exam. Contact your local squadron to enroll and/or take the exam. k. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary: Join a local Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla as a Basic Qualified member and qualify for any Operational Auxiliary Program (AUXOP) or Trident Marine Safety specialty rating.</p>

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