<p>MINUTES OF SHERINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, SHERINGHAM, ON TUESDAY 5 TH NOVEMBER, 2013, AT 8.00PM.</p><p>PRESENT: The Mayor – Cllr Douglas F Smith The Deputy Mayor – Cllr P Brooks Cllrs Ashcroft, Burns, Bush, Cox, Fields, Gooch, Hill, McGinn and Worboys, Cty Cllr Hannah Dist Cllr Oliver The Clerk and Deputy Clerk The Press 5 Members of the Public</p><p>9201. TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER APOLOGIES: Cllr A Smith and Dist Cllr Shepherd sent their apologies.</p><p>9202. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: The Deputy Mayor declared an interest in item 10(a) – she is a Member of the Carnival Committee, Item 10(f) – she is an Allotment Tenant, Item 11(a) – she is a Member of the Muzillac Twinning Association. Cllr Worboys declared an interest in Item 10(f) – he is an Allotment Tenant and a Member of the WRAHA. Cllr Bush declared an interest in Item 10(f) – he is an Allotment Tenant and a Member of the WRAHA. Cllr Cox declared an interest in Matters Arising – he is the Honorary President of the Sheringham and District Society.</p><p>9203. TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 th OCTOBER, 2013: Cllr Cox PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th October, 2013, Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9204. ITEMS REQUIRING A RESOLUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT 1960) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC UNDER SECTION 1C OF STANDING ORDERS: There were none of this occasion.</p><p>9205. TOWN MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Mayor informed Members of the following attendances: ▪ 22nd October – meeting with PC Ian Smith and NCC Highway Officials to site the wooden posts in Cooper Road ▪ 23rd October – Chairing the Meeting of Five Town Councils to Discuss CCTV Provision in North Norfolk ▪ 25th October – Attending the Launch of COAST Festival on Cromer Pier ▪ 27th October – Norah Webb’s 101st Birthday Party Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p>▪ 29th October – the COAST Film Award Ceremony at the Sheringham Little Theatre ▪ 1st November – the Opening of Story of Market Towns Exhibition at The Mo</p><p>9206. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ABOVE MINUTES: (a) Members had been furnished with a copy of the response from NNDC confirming STC can issue its Precept for 2014/15 by the end of January, 2014. (b) Min 9197 (c) refers – Cllr Cox explained there had been a misunderstanding when discussing the tenders for repair works to the HRU shed roof. One Contractor had provided two tenders which needed to be combined and the Sheringham and District Society are negotiating with the Contractor to reduce the costs but it is unlikely. It is presumed the SDS will accept the second tender, they have confirmed any extra cost will be born by the SDS. </p><p>9207. POLICE REPORT: There was no Police report on this occasion.</p><p>9208. ANY COUNTY / DISTRICT COUNCILLORS WISHING TO MAKE A REPORT: Report from Cty Cllr Brian Hannah: Incinerator Debate: You will all be aware of details relating to the debate which was taken on 28th October. I will not go into detail only to inform you of why I made the decision to vote against continuing the contract which ended 40 - 38 for continuing it. This was and I feel sure will continue to be one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make since becoming a Councillor. My view was that it looks more and more likely that Mr Pickles will turn planning down, as has been the £169m PFI credits from DEFRA. Should Planning be refused for the present site that will put us back in the same situation and I believe would leave costs running beyond the £26 plus million we would have to pay now. Councillors have been in receipt of conflicting information on costs and borrowing, on the one hand our county finance officer advised strongly that to stop the project would bankrupt the Council, CDLG has sent advice which is in conflict with that. My further belief is that Incineration will be outdated in the future, as re-cycling increases there will be less to burn, this is fact from figures from existing incinerators in Europe and America. My vote against was made in the view it is better to take the hit now and not leave it to future generations, as difficult as it is now I don’t want my grandchildren paying for it in the future. Police and Crime Panel: I was pleased last week to be able to support the PCC in his choice of Simon Bailey as the new Chief Constable of Norfolk, I have previously worked with Simon on the Police Authority and my view is that he will be a very professional and able Chief and will serve out his time in Norfolk. New Crossing Points in the High Street: I have heard many peoples views on the work Highways have just completed in Station Rd and High St, which I am sure you all have. </p><p>2 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p>This went through your agenda possibly 2 years ago I think, and like yourselves I had no problem with it. Highways view is of the new shared space scheme. In the past, pedestrians and users of motor vehicles were kept apart. Crossing points, such as zebras or pelicans let pedestrians safely across roads; otherwise road users were strictly segregated with kerbs and pavements, white lines and markings and barriers such as safety rails. In the present shared space the approach is different. The Idea is to mix, relying on eye-contact and a mutual respect to keep people alert to each other. Without strict demarcation it is not clear who has the right of way, it is expected people will naturally behave with consideration to others, slowing down and being more careful and courteous. As a result motorists become more observant and responsible. Everyone should have a more pleasant experience and there will be fewer accidents. This for me brings into focus ‘PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITY’ something we all need to be aware of. Report from Cllrs Rhodri Oliver and Richard Shepherd – November 2013: (1) It has been brought to our attention by several constituents the wide ranging dissatisfaction with the suggested crossing areas which have been put in at some considerable cost by the County Council. Views ranged that they were a waste of money to the feeling that they increased the likelihood of someone being hurt when attempting to cross the road. We would be grateful if the Town Council would enquire of County Highways how such a decision was arrived at, what consultation was put in place around taking the decision and why we appear to be the only town in which these crossings have been put. We will of course make our own enquiries as well but working together we feel it might stop future projects of this nature being brought through without due consideration. (2) Further to our report last month regarding the traffic problem on Woodland Rise we have suggested that County Highways put in place an HGV sign that directs lorries to the roundabout off Holway Road. (3) We are also pleased to report that Rhodri on cabinet has had a report brought forward which he has supported to provide £20,000 worth of equipment on the Cromer Road play area. We are very pleased that this will be supported by the money which the group has raised itself and should provide some excellent new facilities. (4) Also at cabinet a report has been brought forward to invest in the West End Gangway which is an important part of Sheringham’s sea-going heritage. (5) We are very pleased to see that work it in hand as per the s215 notice which requires works to the exterior of the building to be completed by the 17th November. (6) With regard to Coastal MOT we have requested that action is re-commissioned with regard to this site given the continued poor state of the building.</p><p>9209. TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD ON 1 ST AND 15 TH OCTOBER, 2013: The Minutes having been previously circulated, Cllr McGinn PROPOSED</p><p>3 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p> acceptance of the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 1st and 15th October, 2013, Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9210. ALLOTMENTS, CEMETERY AND COMMONS COMMITTEE: (A) TO DRAW UP IN HOUSE LICENCE BETWEEN CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION AND SHERINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL RELATING TO USE OF STORAGE SPACE IN STC COUNCIL STORE: Cllr Hill explained the Carnival Committee are currently guests storing their equipment and it is felt a Licence is required to set out the terms of agreement. Cllr Gooch PROPOSED an in-house Licence is drawn up between the Carnival Committee and STC, Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (B) TO GO OUT TO TENDER REGARDING THE FELT ROOF AND PHOTO VOLTAIC PANELS ON CEMETERY PAVILION: Cllr Hill explained the Cemetery Pavilion roof is deteriorating and it is time to seek tenders for renewing the roofing felt/corrugated tile roof and to ensure the new roof will be strong enough to hold voltaic panels and so PROPOSED, Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (C) TO OBTAIN ESTIMATES FOR PHOTO VOLTAIC PANELS AND A SOLAR WIND POWER TURBINE TO PROVIDE POWER TO THE CEMETERY PAVILION: Cllr Hill explained that if photo voltaic panels/cells are not suitable on the Cemetery pavilion roof to alternatively investigate the cost to install a solar wind power turbine to provide power to the building and so PROPOSED obtaining costs for photo voltaic panels and a solar wind turbine, Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (D) TO OBTAIN ESTIMATE TO REPLACE FENCING PANELS AND KICKBOARDS AT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS COMPOUND IN THE CEMETERY: Cllr Hill explained the fencing panels and kickboards to the compound need replacing and so PROPOSED, Cllr Gooch seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (E) TO GO OUT TO TENDER FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MAINTENANCE WORKS AT THE SSSI COMMON: Cllr Hill explained the maintenance work on the SSSI Common had fallen behind and urgent works are required over the Winter to prevent withdrawal of funding from the Rural Payments Agency and so PROPOSED going out to tender immediately, Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (F) TO RATIFY LETTERS TO BE SENT TO ALLOTMENT TENANTS FOLLOWING RECENT INSPECTION: Cllr Hill PROPOSED release of the Allotment Inspection letters, Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Worboys asked if the Clerks could highlight in Tenants letters they must leave the allotment plots tidy on vacating their tenancies. (G) TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE ALLOTMENTS, CEMETERY AND COMMONS COMMITTEE HELD ON 15 TH OCTOBER, 2013: Cllr Gooch asked for an addition to Item 6(e) – to add “ensure all poster hoarding is removed”, Cllr Cox asked for an amendment to Item 8(d) to delete “The Chairman” and to insert “Cllr Cox”; with the above amendments Cllr Hill PROPOSED acceptance of</p><p>4 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p> the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th October, 2013, Cllr Gooch seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>The Mayor asked to move to Item 13. Cllr Cox PROPOSED moving to Item 13 for the Muzillac Twinning Association Members could speak before Item 11(a); Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9211. RESOLUTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING FOR UP TO 15 MINUTES FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK ON MATTERS RELATING TO BUSINESS BEING TRANSACTED AT THIS MEETING: Members of the Muzillac Twinning Association spoke regarding their request to be Officially Twinned with Sheringham Town Council. Cllr Gooch PROPOSED reconvening the Meeting; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9212. GENERAL PURPOSES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: (A) TO AGREE OFFICIAL TWINNING WITH MUZILLAC TWINNING ASSOCIATION: Cllr Cox stated the Muzillac Twinning Association gave a very good presentation at the GP & D Committee meeting and explained it would be an excellent idea if the Twinning request was made official on a par with Otterndorf Twinning Association and STC should significantly accept the recommendation from the GP & D Committee and so PROPOSED, Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. (B) TO APPROVE FUNDING OF PLANNING APPLICATION FOR JUBILEE BEACON ON OTTERNDORF GREEN AT THE REQUEST OF THE CHAMBER OF TRADE: Cllr Cox PROPOSED authorising the expenditure of the request from the Chamber of Trade and North Norfolk Railway to fund the Planning Application to site the Jubilee Beacon on Otterndorf Green; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (C) TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 22 ND OCTOBER, 2013: Cllr Cox asked for an amendment to Item 22 – Line 1 – to delete “has received a letter” and insert “had been approached”; and so PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd October 2013; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9213. FINANCE: (A) ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: The Schedule of Accounts having been previously circulated; Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Accounts for Payment in the sum of £15,516.36 inc vat; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (B) SEPTEMBER INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FIGURES AGAINST THE BUDGET: Members were furnished with a copy of the September 2013 Income and Expenditure figures against the Budget, for information. (C) CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT OF PUBLIC WORKS LOAN BOARD RELATING TO COMMUNITY CENTRE AND TO DECIDE IN WHICH BANK ACCOUNT THE MONIES SHOULD BE HELD: Cllr Cox stated the next instalment to NCC for the purchase of the Community</p><p>5 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p>Centre will be due next April and there is no point in setting up an investment bond as the interest is minimal and recommended holding the loan funds in the STC Business Saver Account and so PROPOSED, Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (D) TO AGREE SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR COMMUNITY CENTRE COMPUTER IN THE SUM OF £199.00: Cllr McGinn explained it is necessary to have a communication link between the Community Centre and the Town Hall regarding bookings and so PROPOSED accepting the software package for the Community Centre computer in the sum of £199.00 and for costs to come from Community Centre Misc Budget; Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (E) TO AGREE TELEPHONE PACKAGE FOR COMMUNITY CENTRE TO INCLUDE BROADBAND (I) BASIC BROADBAND PACKAGE AT £40.00 PCM AND A ONE OFF PURCHASE OF A ROUTER AT £70.00 OR (II) UNLIMITED BROADBAND PACKAGE TO OFFER WI-FI PROVISION FOR USERS AT £45.00 A MONTH AND A ONE OFF PURCHASE OF ROUTER: A discussion ensued after which Cllr McGinn PROPOSED agreeing to purchasing an unlimited broadband package to offer Wi-Fi provision at £45.00 a month and for costs to come from Community Centre Misc Budget; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9214. TO APPROVE SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2014: Cllr McGinn in his capacity as Community Centre Cttee Chairman made reference to list of Committee Meetings. He PROPOSED cancelling the Community Centre meeting of the 27th May 2014, and to re-schedule the meeting to 29th April 2014, also to cancel the 25th November 2014 meeting and re-schedule the meeting to 28th October 2014; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9215. TO DISCUSS OUTCOME OF JOINT MEETING WITH SHERINGHAM, CROMER, FAKENHAM, NORTH WALSHAM AND WELLS TOWN COUNCILS RELATING TO THE FUTURE OF CCTV AND FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A FEASIBILITY STUDY IF REQUIRED: Cllr McGinn reported that all five Towns are in favour of CTV coverage continuing and Fakenham have obtained costs for a feasibility study to be commissioned to look at future options for CCTV, in the sum of £2,500, with each Town contributing £500. The Group asked District Council for an extension of up to six months on the deadlines set to express interest and intent on the five Towns taking over CCTV collectively or individually, however this has been refused. Cllr Cox stated that District Council have given the five Towns an impossible task in the given time frame. The next group meeting will be on 15 th November 2013 at Fakenham Town Council. Cllr Burns declared an interest in this item, he is known to the company who has been approached for the feasibility study. Cllr Worboys PROPOSED that STC contribute £500 towards a feasibility study, to be taken from the contingency budget, seconded by Cllr Fields. IT WAS AGREED. </p><p>9216. NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL CONSULTATION ON BUDGET</p><p>6 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p>PROPOSALS FOR 2014/15 AND SAVINGS PROPOSALS FOR 2014/17: The Mayor has identified two areas of concern in the consultation, reduction to subsidies for the Coasthopper Service and changes to Trading Standards advice and so PROPOSED that STC respond to the consultation asking that no reduction is made to budgets relating to the Coasthopper Service and the Trading Standards Service, seconded by Cllr Cox. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9217. INVITATION FROM NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL TO ATTEND CONSULTATION MEETING ON THE COASTHOPPER BUS SERVICE, AT SHERINGHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE ON 15 TH NOVEMBER 2013, 4.00PM TO 5.30PM: Cllr Bush volunteered to attend the meeting and Cllr Fields advised she would attend if available. The appointment of a Cllr representative for transport matters will be an agenda item for the December STC meeting. Dst Cllr Oliver left the meeting.</p><p>9218. RECOMMENDATION TO INVITE A PENSIONS REGULATOR TO ADDRESS STC: Cllr Cox advised that following the special meeting arranged for Sue Lake, Lead Officer at NALC, to present information on staff salaries and staff pensions the Finance Officers held a meeting at which they discussed Pension provision. It was agreed the area of Pensions is a mine field and it would be sensible to invite a Pensions Regulator to address Members and so PROPOSED, seconded by Cllr Fields. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9219. NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL YOUTH TRUST DEED: Cllr McGinn reported that the NCC Youth Trust Deed should have been passed to the Town Council and there has been no success in achieving this to date despite correspondence between STC and NCC legal department and so PROPOSED that STC write directly to the Charity Commission, sending a copy to NCC, asking for the Trust Deed and the pass book to be transferred to STC, seconded by Cllr Cox. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9220. TO RATIFY CHEQUE SIGNATORIES: The Clerk explained that currently three of the Finance Officers are cheque signatories, Cllrs Cox, McGinn and Gooch. The Mayor, Cllr D Smith, is a current cheque signatory but no longer a Finance Officer and therefore a resolution is required for the Mayor to remain as a signatory. Cllr Cox so PROPOSED that the four current signatories remain, seconded by Cllr Fields. IT WAS AGREED.</p><p>9221. REQUESTS FROM CLLR WORBOYS AND CLLR BATTRICK- NEWALL TO BECOME FINANCE OFFICERS: Cllrs Worboys and Batrick-Newall have both submitted a written request asking if they can become Finance Officers. Cllr Cox spoke with regard to the Finance Officers stating that in May 2013 it had been an error to increase the number of Finance Officers from 4 to 8, as they only draw up reports on information to present to Full Council. The current group of 8 is already too wieldy to discuss issues and present to Council and the Mayor so PROPOSED that the Finance group</p><p>7 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p> remains at 8 and is reviewed next may at the Annual Town Council meeting, seconded by Cllr Ashcroft. IT WAS AGREED. 9222. TO RATIFY EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS FOR PERMANENT CARETAKER AND TEMPORARY ASSISTANT CARETAKER AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE WITH EFFECT FROM 1 ST OCTOBER 2013: The Clerk reported that draft contracts had been prepared and circulated, with the days of holiday for the assistant noted as 10 as the contract is only for six months. Clr McGinn suggested that the contracts are discussed at the next Community Centre Committee meeting to be held on 12th November as the hours need to be looked at carefully and changed and also the reference to “bookings assistant when required” should be removed. Cllr Fields informed Members that Mr Norman’s one month probation period was up and it was agreed that he is informed that his one month probation is satisfactory and he can continue with the six month contract.</p><p>9223. NOTICE FROM NCC RELATING TO DELIVERING HGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LOCAL COUNCILS: NCC have written to all Local Councils advising that the partnership will continue for 2014/15 following the success of the initiative in previous years. For 2014/15 £200,000 is available for match funding of schemes as listed in the letter. It was agreed there are no schemes that STC wish to make a bid for.</p><p>9224. TO SET UP A WORKING PARTY WITH CHAMBER OF TRADE TO INVESTIGATE IMPROVING THE SHERINGHAM EXPERIENCE BY ROAD CLOSURES FOR EVENTS IN THE TOWN: Cllr Burns reported street enhancement has been discussed at Chamber of Trade meetings and it would be good for the Town Council to have some input regarding pedestrianisation although Highways have advised it is not necessary and therefore any cost will have to be met by the Town. However temporary road closures are beneficial for summer events and the Chamber of Trade hope this can be trialled for other summer weekends and possibly the summer school holidays. Cllr Burns volunteered as an STC representative for the Chamber of Trade along with Cllr Brooks and both will report back from Chamber of Trade meetings. </p><p>9225. CLERKS REPORT: Receipt was noted of Road Closure Order for Beeston Road junction with Priory Road between 4th and 8th November 2013. Receipt was noted of Formal Consultation on Protected Areas Byelaw in order to further the Conservation Objectives of European Marine Sites. Receipt was noted of Invitation from Sheringham and District Society to Attend Christmas Lunch on 8th December 2013, at the Beaumaris Hotel at £23.00 per person. Receipt was noted of Sheringham Carnival Newsletter October 2013. Receipt was noted of Thank You letter from Dereham, Watton and Holt CAB for recent Grant Award.</p><p>8 Sheringham Town Council Meeting 5th November 2013</p><p> Receipt was noted of Details on NNDC’s Coastshare Initiative to supply Professional Services at Cost and Free of VAT. Receipt was noted of November Edition of Clerks and Councils Direct. Receipt was noted of Minutes of the Meeting of Sheringham Chamber of Trade 14th October 2013. Notification was received of Street Works in preparation for the Christmas Lights Switch on – Friday 6th December 2013. Confirmation was received that NNDC will be recommending to cabinet that £21,000 is spent on Cromer Road Play Area.</p><p>9226. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 3rd December 2013.</p><p>9</p>
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