2011-2012 Bill 1516: Qualifications to Run As a Candidate in General Elections - South

2011-2012 Bill 1516: Qualifications to Run As a Candidate in General Elections - South

<p> 1 South Carolina General Assembly 2 119th Session, 2011-2012 3 4 S. 1516 5 6 STATUS INFORMATION 7 8 General Bill 9 Sponsors: Judiciary Committee 10 Document Path: l:\s-jud\bills\l. martin\jud0189.hla.docx 11 12 Introduced in the Senate on May 9, 2012 13 Introduced in the House on May 22, 2012 14 Last Amended on May 17, 2012 15 Currently residing in the House Committee on Judiciary 16 17 Summary: Qualifications to run as a candidate in general elections 18 19 20 HISTORY OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 21 22 Date Body Action Description with journal page number 23 5/9/2012 Senate Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference (Senate 24 Journalpage 4) 25 5/11/2012 Scrivener's error corrected 26 5/16/2012 Senate Amended ( Senate Journalpage 42) 27 5/16/2012 Senate Read second time ( Senate Journalpage 42) 28 5/16/2012 Senate Roll call Ayes38 Nays0 ( Senate Journalpage 42) 29 5/17/2012 Scrivener's error corrected 30 5/17/2012 Senate Amended ( Senate Journalpage 12) 31 5/17/2012 Senate Read third time and sent to House ( Senate Journalpage 12) 32 5/17/2012 Senate Roll call Ayes35 Nays0 ( Senate Journalpage 12) 33 5/18/2012 Scrivener's error corrected 34 5/22/2012 House Introduced and read first time ( House Journalpage 5) 35 5/22/2012 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary ( House Journalpage 5) 36 37 38 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL 39 40 5/9/2012 41 5/9/2012-A 42 5/11/2012 43 5/16/2012 44 5/17/2012 45 5/17/2012-A 46 5/18/2012 47 5/18/2012-A 48 1 REPRINT 2 3 Indicates Matter Stricken 4 Indicates New Matter 5 6 AS PASSED BY THE SENATE 7 May 17, 2012 8 9 S. 1516 10 11 Introduced by Judiciary Committee 12 13 S. Printed 5/18/12--S. 14 Read the first time May 9, 2012. 15 16</p><p>[1516-2] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A BILL 10 11 TO AMEND SECTION 8131356, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH 12 CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE FILING OF A 13 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS BY A 14 CANDIDATE, TO PROVIDE THAT A CANDIDATE WHO IS 15 NOT A PUBLIC OFFICIAL AND A CANDIDATE WHO IS A 16 PUBLIC OFFICIAL SHALL ELECTRONICALLY FILE OR 17 UPDATE A STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS, AS 18 APPLICABLE, PRIOR TO FILING A STATEMENT OF 19 INTENTION OF CANDIDACY OR NOMINATION FOR 20 PETITION; TO AMEND SECTIONS 71115, 71150 71190, 21 711210, 71340, 71345, 713350, AND 713370, RELATING TO 22 THE QUALIFICATIONS TO RUN AS A CANDIDATE IN AN 23 ELECTION, TO PROVIDE THAT THE COUNTY ELECTION 24 COMMISSIONS AND STATE ELECTION COMMISSION 25 ACCEPT CANDIDATE FILINGS AND BE RESPONSIBLE 26 FOR CANDIDATE VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION; 27 AND TO REPEAL SECTION 711220. 28 Amend Title To Conform 29 30 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 31 Carolina: 32 33 SECTION 1. Section 8131356 of the 1976 Code is amended to 34 read: 35 36 “Section 8131356. (A) This section does not apply to a public 37 official who has a current disclosure statement on file with the 38 appropriate supervisory office pursuant to Sections 8131110 or 39 8131140. 40 (B) A candidate must electronically file a statement of 41 economic interests for the preceding calendar year at the same time 42 and with the same official with whom the candidate files with the</p><p>[1516] 3 1 State Ethics Commission prior to filing a declaration of candidacy 2 or petition for nomination. Notwithstanding the deadline for filing 3 an updated statement of economic interests pursuant to Section 4 8131140, a candidate who is a public official must electronically 5 file an updated statement of economic interests for the preceding 6 calendar year with the State Ethics Commission prior to filing a 7 declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination. 8 (C) The official with whom the candidate files a declaration of 9 candidacy or petition for nomination, no later than five business 10 days after candidacy books close, must file a copy of the statement 11 with the appropriate supervisory office. 12 (B)(D) An individual who becomes a candidate other than by 13 filing must, no later than fifteen business days after becoming a 14 candidate, electronically file a statement of economic interests for 15 the preceding calendar year with the appropriate supervisory office 16 State Ethics Commission. 17 (C)(E) An officer authorized to receive declarations of 18 candidacy and petitions for nominations under the provisions of 19 Chapter 11 of Title 7 may not accept a declaration of candidacy or 20 petition for nomination unless the declaration or petition is 21 accompanied by a statement of economic interests officer verifies 22 that the candidate has complied with subsection (A). If the 23 candidate’s name inadvertently appears on the ballot, the officer 24 authorized to receive declarations of candidacy or petitions for 25 nomination must not certify the candidate subsequent to the 26 election. 27 (F) If the candidate files for office before January first of the 28 year in which the election is held, he must file a supplementary 29 statement covering the preceding calendar year no later than April 30 first of the year in which the election is held. 31 (D)(G) A candidate who is not a public official otherwise filing 32 a statement has the same disclosure requirements as a public 33 official with the exception of reporting gifts.” 34 35 SECTION 2. Section 71115 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: 36 37 “Section 71115. In order to qualify as a candidate to run in the 38 general election, all candidates seeking nomination by political 39 party primary or political party convention must file a statement of 40 intention of candidacy between noon on March sixteenth and noon 41 on March thirtieth as provided in this section. 42 (1) Candidates seeking nomination for a statewide, 43 congressional, or district office that includes more than one</p><p>[1516] 4 1 county, State Senate, or House of Representatives must file their 2 statements of intention of candidacy with the state executive 3 committee of their respective party election commission in the 4 county of their residence. The county election commission must, 5 within five days of accepting the statement of candidacy, transmit 6 the statement along with the applicable filing fees to the State 7 Election Commission. A county election commission must not 8 accept a statement of intention of candidacy unless the election 9 commission verifies that the candidate filed an electronic statement 10 of economic interests pursuant to Section 8-13-1356. 11 (2) Candidates seeking nomination for the State Senate or 12 House of Representatives must file their statements of intention of 13 candidacy with the county executive committee of their respective 14 party in the county of their residence. The county committees 15 must, within five days of the receipt of the statements, transmit the 16 statements along with the applicable filing fees to the respective 17 state executive committees. However, the county committees 18 election commission must report all filings to the state committees 19 State Election Commission no later than five p.m. on March 20 thirtieth. The state executive committees State Election 21 Commission must certify candidates pursuant to Section 71340. 22 (3)(2) Candidates seeking nomination for a countywide or less 23 than countywide office shall file their statements of intention of 24 candidacy with the county executive committee of their respective 25 party election commission in the county of their residence. The 26 county election commission must not accept a statement of 27 intention of candidacy unless the county election commission 28 verifies that the candidate filed an electronic statement of 29 economic interests pursuant to Section 8131356. 30 Upon submission and acceptance of all required information, the 31 appropriate election commission must provide the candidate with 32 written verification of the completed submission. 33 Except as provided herein, the county executive committee of 34 any political party election commission with whom statements of 35 intention of candidacy are filed must file, in turn, all statements of 36 intention of candidacy with the county election commission or 37 state executive committees of the appropriate political parties by 38 noon on the tenth day following the deadline for filing statements 39 by candidates. If the tenth day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a 40 legal holiday, the statements must be filed by noon the following 41 day. The state executive committee of any political party with 42 whom statements of intention of candidacy are filed must file, in 43 turn, all the statements of intention of candidacy with the State</p><p>[1516] 5 1 Election Commission by noon on the tenth day following the 2 deadline for filing statements by candidates. If the tenth day falls 3 on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the statements must be 4 filed by noon the following day. No candidate’s name may appear 5 on a primary election ballot, convention slate of candidates, 6 general election ballot, or special election ballot, except as 7 otherwise provided by law, if (1) the candidate’s statement of 8 intention of candidacy has not been filed with the county election 9 commission or State Election Commission, as the case may be, by 10 the deadline, and (2) the candidate has not been certified by the 11 appropriate political party as required by Sections 71340 and 12 713350, as applicable. The candidate’s name must appear if the 13 candidate produces the signed and dated copy of his timely filed 14 statement of intention of candidacy and written verification from 15 the appropriate election commission of the candidate’s completed 16 submission. 17 The statement of intention of candidacy required in this section 18 and in Section 713190(B) must be on a form designed and 19 provided by the State Election Commission. This form, in addition 20 to all other information, must contain an affirmation that the 21 candidate meets, or will meet by the time of the general election, 22 or as otherwise required by law, the qualifications for the office 23 sought. It must be filed in triplicate multiple copies by the 24 candidate, and the political party committee county election 25 commission with whom it is filed must stamp it with the date and 26 time received, sign it, keep one copy, return one copy to the 27 candidate, and send one copy to either the county election 28 commission or the State Election Commission, as the case may be 29 appropriate political party committee, and the State Election 30 Commission, if applicable. 31 If, after the closing of the time for filing statements of intention 32 of candidacy, there are not more than two candidates for any one 33 office and one or more of the candidates dies, or withdraws, the 34 state or county committee, as the case may be, if the nomination is 35 by political party primary or political party convention only may, 36 in its discretion, afford opportunity for the entry of other 37 candidates for the office involved; however, for the office of State 38 House of Representatives or State Senator, the discretion must be 39 exercised by the state committee. 40 The provisions of this section do not apply to nonpartisan school 41 trustee elections in any school district where local law provisions 42 provide for other dates and procedures for filing statements of 43 candidacy or petitions, and to the extent the provisions of this</p><p>[1516] 6 1 section and the local law provisions conflict, the local law 2 provisions control.” 3 4 SECTION 3. Section 71150 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: 5 6 “Section 7-11-50. If a party nominee who was nominated by a 7 method other than party primary election dies, becomes 8 disqualified after his nomination, or resigns his candidacy for a 9 legitimate nonpolitical reason as defined in this section and 10 sufficient time does not remain to hold a convention to fill the 11 vacancy or to nominate a nominee to enter a special election, the 12 respective state or county party executive committee may 13 nominate a nominee for the office, who must be duly certified by 14 the respective county or state chairman. A nominee for statewide, 15 congressional, district office, the State Senate or the House of 16 Representatives must be duly certified by the State Election 17 Commission. A nominee for countywide or less than countywide 18 office must be duly certified by the county election commission in 19 the county of his residence. 20 ‘Legitimate nonpolitical reason’ as used in this section is limited 21 to: 22 (a) reasons of health, which include any health condition 23 which, in the written opinion of a medical doctor, would be 24 harmful to the health of the candidate if he continued; 25 (b) family crises, which include circumstances which would 26 substantially alter the duties and responsibilities of the candidate to 27 the family or to a family business; 28 (c) substantial business conflict, which includes the policy of 29 an employer prohibiting employees being candidates for public 30 offices and an employment change which would result in the 31 ineligibility of the candidate or which would impair his capability 32 to carry out properly the functions of the office being sought. 33 A candidate who withdraws based upon a legitimate nonpolitical 34 reason which is not covered by the inclusions in (a), (b), or (c) has 35 the strict burden of proof for his reason. A candidate who wishes 36 to withdraw for a legitimate nonpolitical reason shall submit his 37 reason by sworn affidavit. 38 This affidavit must be filed with the state party chairman of the 39 nominee’s party and also with the election commission of the 40 county if the office concerned is countywide or less and with the 41 State Election Commission if the office is statewide, multicounty, 42 or for a member of the General Assembly in which the candidate 43 resides. The county election commission must forward a copy of</p><p>[1516] 7 1 the affidavit to the state party chairman of the nominee’s party and 2 the State Election Commission within five days after receipt of the 3 affidavit. A substitution of candidates is not authorized, except for 4 death or disqualification, unless the election commission to which 5 the affidavit is submitted approves the affidavit as constituting a 6 legitimate nonpolitical reason for the candidate’s resignation 7 within ten days of the date the affidavit is submitted to the 8 commission. However, where this party nominee is unopposed, 9 each political party registered with the State Election Commission 10 has the privilege of nominating a candidate for the office involved. 11 If the nomination is certified two weeks or more before the date of 12 the general election, that office is to be filled at the general 13 election. If the nomination is certified less than two weeks before 14 the date of the general election, that office must not be filled at the 15 general election but must be filled in a special election to be held 16 on the second Tuesday in the month following the election, 17 provided that the date of the special election to be conducted after 18 the general election may be combined with other necessary 19 elections scheduled to occur within a twentyeight day period in the 20 manner authorized by Section 713190(D).” 21 22 SECTION 4. Section 71190 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: 23 24 “Section 7-11-90. After the closing of entries if any candidates 25 shall be unopposed, the state committee in the case of state offices 26 and the county committees in the case of county offices shall 27 declare such unopposed candidates as party nominees, and the 28 names of unopposed candidates shall not be placed upon the 29 primary election ballots but shall be certified by the appropriate 30 election commission for the general election ballots.” 31 32 SECTION 5. Section 711210 of the 1976 Code is amended to 33 read: 34 35 “Section 7-11-210. Every candidate for selection as a nominee 36 of any political party for any state office, United States Senator, 37 member of Congress, district office that includes more than one 38 county, or solicitor, to be voted for in any party primary election or 39 political party convention, shall file with and place in the 40 possession of the treasurer of the state committee the county 41 election commission in the county which the candidate resides, by 42 twelve o’clock noon on March thirtieth a notice or pledge in the 43 following form, the blanks being properly filled in and the notice</p><p>[1516] 8 1 or pledge signed by the candidate: ‘I hereby file my notice as a 2 candidate for the nomination as ______in the primary 3 election or convention to be held on ______. I affiliate with 4 the ______Party, and I hereby pledge myself to abide by the 5 results of the primary or convention. I shall not authorize my 6 name to be placed on the general election ballot by petition and 7 will not offer or campaign as a writein candidate for this office or 8 any other office for which the party has a nominee. I authorize the 9 issuance of an injunction upon ex parte application by the party 10 chairman, as provided by law, should I violate this pledge by 11 offering or campaigning in the ensuing general election for 12 election to this office or any other office for which a nominee has 13 been elected in the party primary election, unless the nominee for 14 the office has become deceased or otherwise disqualified for 15 election in the ensuing general election. I hereby affirm that I 16 meet, or will meet by the time of the general or special election, or 17 as otherwise required by law, the qualifications for this office’. 18 The county election commission must forward a copy of the 19 affidavit to the state party chairman of the nominee’s party and the 20 State Election Commission within five days after receipt of the 21 affidavit. 22 Every candidate for selection in a primary election as the 23 nominee of any political party for member of the Senate, member 24 of the House of Representatives, and all countywide or less than 25 countywide and township offices shall file with and place in the 26 possession of the county election commission in the county 27 chairman or other officer as may be named by the county 28 committee of the county in which they reside by twelve o’clock 29 noon on March thirtieth a like notice and pledge. The county 30 election commission must forward a copy of the affidavit to the 31 county party chairman of the nominee’s party and the State 32 Election Commission within five days after receipt of the affidavit. 33 The notice of candidacy required by this section to be filed by a 34 candidate in a primary must be signed personally by the candidate, 35 and the signature of the candidate must be signed in the presence 36 of the county chairman or other officer as may be named by the 37 county committee a county election commissioner, or his designee, 38 as applicable, with whom the candidate is filing, or a candidate 39 must have his signature on the notice of the candidacy 40 acknowledged and certified by any officer authorized to administer 41 an oath. Any notice of candidacy of any candidate signed by an 42 agent in behalf of a candidate shall not be valid. </p><p>[1516] 9 1 In the event that a person who was defeated as a candidate for 2 nomination to an office in a party’s primary election shall 3 thereafter offer or campaign as a candidate against any nominee 4 for election to any office in the ensuing general election, the state 5 chairman of the party which held the primary (if the office 6 involved is one voted for in the general election by the electors of 7 more than one county), or the county chairman of the party which 8 held the primary (in the case of all other offices), shall forthwith 9 institute an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for an order 10 enjoining the person from so offering or campaigning in the 11 general election, and the court is hereby empowered upon proof of 12 these facts to issue an order.” 13 14 SECTION 6. Section 71340 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: 15 16 “Section 7-13-40. In the event that a party nominates 17 candidates by party primary, a party primary must be held by the 18 party and conducted by the State Election Commission and the 19 respective county election commissions on the second Tuesday in 20 June of each general election year, and a second and third primary 21 each two weeks successively thereafter, if necessary. Written 22 certification of the names of all candidates to be placed on primary 23 ballots must be made by the political party chairman, vice 24 chairman, or secretary to the State Election Commission or the 25 county election commission, whichever is responsible under law 26 for preparing the ballot, not later than twelve o’clock noon on 27 April ninth, or if April ninth falls on a Saturday or Sunday, not 28 later than twelve o’clock noon on the following Monday. A copy 29 of the certification must be provided to the political party chairman 30 or vice chairman. Political parties nominating candidates by party 31 primary must verify the qualifications of those candidates prior to 32 certification to the appropriate election commission of the names 33 of candidates to be placed on primary ballots. The written 34 verification required by this section must contain a statement that 35 each candidate certified meets, or will meet by the time of the 36 general election, or as otherwise required by law, the qualifications 37 for office for which he has filed. Political parties The State 38 Election Commission and county election commission must not 39 accept the filing of any candidate who does not or will not by the 40 time of the general election, or as otherwise required by law, meet 41 the qualifications for the office for which the candidate desires to 42 file, and such candidate’s name shall not be placed on a primary 43 ballot. The filing fees for all candidates filing to run in all</p><p>[1516] 10 1 primaries, except municipal primaries, must be transmitted by the 2 respective political parties county election commission to the 3 State Election Commission and placed by the executive director of 4 the commission in a special account designated for use in 5 conducting primary elections and must be used for that purpose. 6 The filing fee for each office is one percent of the total salary for 7 the term of that office or one hundred dollars, whichever amount is 8 greater.” 9 10 SECTION 7. Section 71345 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: 11 12 “Section 7-13-45. In every general election year, the county 13 chairman shall: 14 (1) designate a specified place other than a private residence 15 where persons may file a statement of intention of candidacy; 16 (2) designate a specified place other than a private residence 17 where persons may file as candidates; 18 (3) establish regular hours of not less than four hours a day 19 during the final seventytwo hours of the filing period in which he 20 or some person he designates must be present at the designated 21 place to accept filings; 22 (4) place an advertisement to appear two weeks before the 23 filing period begins in a newspaper of general circulation in the 24 county at least five by seven inches in size that notifies the public 25 of the dates of the filing periods, the offices which may be filed 26 for, the place and street address where filings may be made, and 27 the hours that an authorized person will be present to receive 28 filings.” 29 30 SECTION 8. Section 713350 of the 1976 Code is amended to 31 read: 32 33 “Section 7-13-350.(A) Except as otherwise provided in this 34 section, the nominees in a party primary or party convention held 35 under the provisions of this title by any political party certified by 36 the commission for one or more of the offices, national, state, 37 circuit, multicounty district, countywide, less than countywide, or 38 municipal to be voted on in the general election, held on the first 39 Tuesday following the first Monday in November, must be placed 40 upon the appropriate ballot for the election as candidates 41 nominated by the party by the authority charged by law with 42 preparing the ballot if the names of the nominees are certified, in 43 writing, by the political party chairman, vicechairman, or secretary</p><p>[1516] 11 1 to the authority, for general elections held under Section 71310, 2 not later than twelve o’clock noon on August fifteenth or, if 3 August fifteenth falls on Saturday or Sunday, not later than twelve 4 o’clock noon on the following Monday; and for a special or 5 municipal general election, by at least twelve o’clock noon on the 6 sixtieth day prior to the date of holding the election, or if the 7 sixtieth day falls on Sunday, by twelve o’clock noon on the 8 following Monday. The county election commission or State 9 Election Commission must verify the qualifications of Political 10 parties nominating candidates by primary or convention must 11 verify the qualifications of those candidates nominated by a party 12 primary or convention prior to certification to the authority 13 charged by law with preparing the ballot, whichever is the 14 authority charged by law to prepare the ballot. The written 15 certification required by this section must contain a statement that 16 each candidate certified meets, or will meet by the time of the 17 general election, or as otherwise required by law, the qualifications 18 for the office for which he has filed. Any candidate who does not, 19 or will not by the time of the general election, or as otherwise 20 required by law, meet the qualifications for the office for which he 21 has filed shall not be nominated and certified, and such candidate’s 22 name shall not be placed on a general, special, or municipal 23 election ballot. 24 (B) Candidates for President and Vice President must be 25 certified not later than twelve o’clock noon on September tenth to 26 the State Election Commission, or if September tenth falls on 27 Sunday, not later than twelve o’clock noon on the following 28 Monday.” 29 30 SECTION 9. Section 713370 of the 1976 Code is amended to 31 read: 32 33 “Section 7-13-370. If any candidate dies, withdraws, or 34 otherwise becomes disqualified after his name has been printed on 35 an official election ballot and if any person is nominated, as 36 authorized by law, to fill such vacancy, the name of the candidate 37 so nominated to fill such vacancy need not be printed upon the 38 ballots, but the name of such candidate so nominated shall be 39 certified by the party executive committee making the nomination 40 to the officer, commissioners or other authority charged with the 41 duty of printing such ballots. and a A vote cast by a voter for the 42 name of the candidate printed on the ballot who has either died, 43 withdrawn, or otherwise become disqualified shall be counted as a</p><p>[1516] 12 1 vote for the candidate subsequently nominated to fill such vacancy 2 whose name is on file with such officer, commissioners, or other 3 authority.” 4 5 SECTION 10. Chapter 1, Title 7 of the 1976 Code is amended to 6 read: 7 8 “Section 7-11-16. Each county election commission must, no 9 later than the close of the business day in which the county 10 election commission accepts a declaration of candidacy, update its 11 website with the candidate’s name and office sought, and notify 12 the State Election Commission of the candidate’s name and office 13 sought. The State Election Commission must update its website 14 with each candidate’s name and office sought no later than the 15 close of the business day in which the information is received from 16 the county election commission.” 17 18 SECTION 11. Section 711220 is repealed. 19 20 SECTION 12. The provisions of this act are severable. If any 21 section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, item, subitem, 22 sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act is for any reason held 23 to be unconstitutional or invalid, such holding shall not affect the 24 constitutionality or validity of the remaining portions of the act, 25 the General Assembly hereby declaring that it would have passed 26 each and every section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, item, 27 subitem, sentence, clause, phrase, and word thereof, irrespective of 28 the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, 29 paragraphs, subparagraphs, items, subitems, sentences, clauses, 30 phrases, or words hereof may be declared to be unconstitutional, 31 invalid, or otherwise ineffective. 32 33 SECTION 13. This act takes effect upon preclearance approval 34 by the United States Department of Justice or approval by a 35 declaratory judgment issued by the United States District Court for 36 the District of Columbia, whichever occurs first. 37 XX 38</p><p>[1516] 13</p>

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