John L. Nash Middle School

John L. Nash Middle School

<p> John L. Nash Middle School Home of the Rockets! 1134 East 3100 North Road Suite B Clifton, IL 60927 1-815-694-2323</p><p>HANDBOOK 2012-2013</p><p>MISSION STATEMENT</p><p>The Nash Middle School community is striving for excellence today to be successful tomorrow.</p><p>VISION STATEMENT</p><p>Nash Middle School will provide meaningful, challenging, and appropriate educational activities for each student’s academic, social, cultural, and personal development. We will continue developing a community partnership which allows each student to achieve academic and personal success. We will seek to provide opportunities that will ensure that each student can learn to demonstrate responsibility and respect.</p><p>MOTTO</p><p>The Nash Middle School staff & students are making the middle matter by exhibiting the following:</p><p>BEING RESPECTFUL,</p><p>BEING RESPONSIBLE, &</p><p>BEING PRODUCTIVE</p><p>1 NASH MIDDLE SCHOOL School Calendar 2012-2013</p><p>August 20 Teacher Institute/Workshop - No School 21 First day of school - Early Dismissal time TBA</p><p>September 03 Labor Day - No School 14 School Improvement Day – Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) 24 Progress Report Grades Completed</p><p>October 05 No School – Teacher Institute 8 Columbus Day - No School 26 End of 1st Quarter Grading Period - Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.)</p><p>November 06 Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) 08 Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) 21 No School (PTC) 22-23 Thanksgiving Break - No School</p><p>December 03 Progress Report Grades Completed 07 School Improvement Day – Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) 21 Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.) 24-31 Winter Break - No School</p><p>January 01-02 Winter Break – No School 03 Classes Resume 11 End of 2nd Quarter/ 1st Semester Grading Period – Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.)</p><p>18 No School – Teacher Institute 21 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday - No School</p><p>February 11 Progress Report Grades Completed 15 School Improvement Day – Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) 18 President’s Day - No School</p><p>March 04-14 ISAT Testing Week 15 End of 3rdQuarter Grading Period – Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.) 25-29 Spring Break – No School</p><p>April 01 No School 19 School Improvement Day – Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) 22 Progress Report Grades Completed 23-24 High School PSAE/Plan/Explore/ASVAB Testing</p><p>May 25 Earliest Possible Last Student Attendance Day – Dismissal Time TBA 24 Teacher Institute* - No School 27 Memorial Day – No School</p><p>2</p><p>June 03 Last Possible Student Attendance Day*</p><p>NOTE: the Nash Middle School 8th grade Promotion will be held on the 2nd to last full day of student attendance at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium. * Dates subject to change due to emergency days used. BOLD DATES are days when students are not in attendance</p><p>A/B Calendar</p><p>3 THE SIX PILLARS OF RESPONSIBILITY CHARACTER Do what you are supposed to do Persevere: keep on trying! Always do your best. TRUSTWORTHINESS Use self-control; be self-disciplined Be honest Be accountable for your choices Don’t deceive, cheat or steal Think before you act; consider the Be reliable---do what you say consequences you’ll do CITIZENSHIIP Have the courage to do the Cooperate right thing Stay informed; vote Build a good reputation Be a good neighbor Be loyal --- stand by your family, Obey laws and rules friends and country Respect authority Protect the environment FAIRNESS Do your share to make your school and Play by the rules community better Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to Do unto others as you would have others them do unto you Don’t take advantage of others Don’t blame others carelessly</p><p>RESPECT John L. Nash Middle School Staff Treat others with respect; follow ADMINISTRATION the Golden Rule Victoria Marquis Be tolerant of differences Principal Use good manners, not bad Jim Harkins Dean language Tonya Lemenager Athletic Director Be considerate of the feelings of others OFFICE STAFF Don’t threaten, hit, or hurt Becky Shoemaker Secretary anyone Pam Wilken Secretary Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements 5TH GRADE TEAM Physical Ed. Becky LeDoux Tonya Lemenager CARING Jessica Meyer Harry Kunsch Be kind Carol Ponton Be compassionate and show you care 6th GRADE TEAM Express gratitude Sharon Brough Forgive others Carey Curran Help people in need Missy Dundas Sarah Palm</p><p>4 Bob McGill Computer Science 7th GRADE TEAM Martin Kohn Band/Fine Arts Judy Briscoe TBA Chorus David Hernandez Sarah Landon LIBRARY STAFF Lynette Regez Pam Hanson Sharron Kreider 8th Grade TEAM Connie Hitchens Joelyn Harkins Brian Kohn AIDES Amy Sides Brenda Payne Casey Hull CO-TEACHERS/RtI SPECIALISTS Jessica Prentkowski CUSTODIANS Faith Stackert Tony Adair Jake Peters FINE ARTS Buzz Wilking</p><p>Tardiness/truancy 9</p><p>Bus Procedures Page 9 Behavior rules for bus students 9-10 Behavior expectations 10 Progressive discipline - bus riders 10 Level I discipline 10 Level II discipline 10 Level III discipline 11</p><p>Discipline Page 11 Alcohol abuse 11 Anti-Bullying 11-12 Body Markings 12 Cheating & Plagiarism 12 Classroom misconduct 12 Defiance and disrespect of authority 12 Discipline/behavior code 16-17 Table of Contents Drug abuse 12-13 Fighting 13 Miscellaneous Page 1 Forgery 13 Principal’s message 1 Gangs and the occult 13 Mission statement 1 Gross misconduct 14-15 Vision statement 1 Insubordination 15 Motto 1 Intentional damage of property/vandalism 15 Pillars of Character 4 Obscene, lewd, or uncivil behavior 15 Staff 4 Prohibited items 15 Table of contents 5 Public display of affection 15 General Disclaimer 6 Racial and ethnic taunts 15 Definitions 40-42 Safety/horseplay 15 Hall pass record 43-44 Sexual harassment 15-16 Smoking and tobacco use 16 Academics Page 7-8 Stealing 16 Assignment books 6 Student discipline responsibilities 16 Change of placement 6 Threats 16 Field Trip 6 Vulgar language/gestures 16 Homework guidelines/late 6-7 Honor roll 6 Discipline Steps Page 16 Promotion and retention 7 Behavior intervention measures 17 Reduced Physical Activity 7 Detention 17 Report cards and interim reports 6 Discipline steps 17 Students schedules 7 Expulsion 17-18 Supervised Study/R.T.I. 7 Hierarchy of discipline remediation 18 Textbooks 7 In school suspension 18</p><p>Arrival and Departure Page 8 Out of school suspension 18-19 Attendance policy 8-9 Saturday School 19 Bicycles 8 Social suspension 19 Good night rule 8</p><p>5 School Facilities Page 19 Responsibilities of sportsmanship 38-39 Cafeteria cost 19 School song 39 Cafeteria rules 19 Social activities 40 Gum, food, beverage, etc. 20 Hall movement 20 General Disclaimer Library 20-21 Lockers 21 Lunch period 19 While the handbook covers many rules and procedures, it is impossible to foresee every School Policies Page 21 Behavior intervention policy 21 situation. The school board and administration Assembly conduct 22 have the right to implement any rule/discipline Authority of staff 22 in order to protect and maintain order within Card Playing 22 the school buildings of CUSD4. Counseling program 22 Dance Rules 22-23 Lost and found 23 All video of CUSD4 is property of the law Purpose 23 enforcement unit of CUSD4. Residency/eligibility 23 School social work program 23 Tornado and fire drills 22 Visitors 23 & 26 ACADEMICS Health Page 23-24 ASSIGNMENT BOOKS Administering medication to student 23-24 Asbestos presence warning 23 All students will receive one assignment book Health records/birth certificate 24 upon registering for the upcoming school year Insurance 24 for $4.00. Should this book be mutilated, Lice 24 destroyed, or lost, a new one must be purchased Monetary Issues Page 24 at a cost of $4.00. Students will be required to Cashing checks 24 take their assignment book to all classes and Selling of goods/posting signs 24 record daily homework assignments. It is Unpaid debts owed the school 24 strongly suggested that parents review their School Attire Page 25 son/daughter’s daily assignments on a Dress code 25 consistent basis. This will help improve PE dress 25 homework completion and school and home State Mandates Page 26 communication. Application for fee waiver 26 Medicaid reimbursement 26 The assignment book is also equipped with Philosophy of non-discrimination 26 student hall passes. Students will not be issued Rights of the Homeless Student 26 Sex equity 26 an alternative hall pass or allowed to leave class Sexual Offender 26 if they do not have their assignment books. If a new assignment book needs to be purchased the Student/Parent Rights Page 26 hall passes will be decreased based on purchase Concern of Parent/Guardian 26 Effective notice to parents and students 26 date. Law enforcement and the school 26 Searches of students 27 CHANGE OF PLACEMENT Student Appeal 27 Student records 27 Change in placement occurs when an IEP is Students Rights/Grievance Procedures 27 altered so that a “substantial programmatic Uniform grievance procedure 27-28 modification” is made, or when the new educational program is not comparable to the Technology Page 28 Computer use 28-29 existing program. Placement does not change Electronic devices 29 when slight modifications are made in the Cellular phones, pagers, beepers, 29 program. Thus, the introduction of new Use of telephone 30 activities and change of classroom location or Extra Curricular/Co-Curricular Handbook Page 30 building, generally does not constitute Athletic eligibility 37-38 placement changes. Likewise, suspensions in Athletic starting dates 38 aggregate of 10 days or less do not constitute Definitions 37 a change in placement. Eligibility 37-38 Extra curricular/co-curricular 39-40</p><p>6 FIELD TRIPS B - Above average effort and During the school year, field trips will occur as achievement extensions of the academic program, with (85- 91%) goals and objectives keyed to the classroom C - Average effort and achievement instructional program. (77 - 84%) D - Below average effort and In order for a student to participate in a field achievement trip, it will be necessary for him/her to bring a (70 - 76%) permission slip (supplied by the school) signed F - Unsatisfactory effort and by his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) and pay a fee achievement to defray the cost of the bus and other (69-below) expenses, such as parking and/or admittance I - Incomplete due to excused charges. absences In order for a student to be eligible for a field trip, work must be completed, and they cannot SKYWARD is the student management receive serious behavior infractions, which system that the school is using. We include more than one ISS or any OSS within encourage all parents/guardians to get the current grading period. signed up for Skyward. This will allow you to monitor your child’s progress Parents are urged to allow their children to throughout the school year, as well as attend these field trips, as they are part of the maintain communication with teachers and overall academic program. other staff members at the school. Students who cannot attend field trips will be given instruction, which will, as much as HOMEWORK possible, parallel the experience of the field Homework is due at the beginning of class, the trip. Field trip days are regular school days for next time that the class meets after it is attendance purposes – a child who cannot assigned unless otherwise noted by the teacher. attend a given field trip will attend school as Homework must be appropriately completed at usual. this time. Discipline for not following the homework policy will be at the discretion of the Chaperones will be chosen by a lottery. teacher. No student will be allowed to return to GRADING his/her locker to look for missing homework. HONOR ROLL Each quarter students are eligible for: The following policy will be enforced regarding 1. Honor Roll - To earn recognition on the missing homework: Honor Roll, a student must maintain at least a “B” average and receive no more  One class late - highest possible grade than one “C”. If the student receives a “C” will be 84% they must have at least one “A” to maintain the required “B” average. Teachers will be responsible for dealing with 2. High Honor Roll – To earn recognition on late homework assignments on their own and the High Honor Roll, a student must receive at their own discretion. equal or more “A’s” than “B’s” and no “C’s”. 3. All A’s Honor Roll - Only students receiving PROMOTION / RETENTION all “A’s” will qualify for this recognition. The administration and professional staff shall establish a system of grading and reporting REPORT CARDS AND INTERIM REPORTS academic achievement to students and their Report cards are issued quarterly to all students. parents and guardians. The system shall also The grading system is as follows: determine when promotion requirements are A - Outstanding effort and met. The decision to promote a student to the achievement next grade level shall be based upon (92- 100%) successful completion of the curriculum, attendance, performance based upon the </p><p>7 Illinois Standards Achievement Tests, the turned in at the school office before the Stanford Achievement Test, or other testing student can be admitted to class. (standardized or locally developed). Students receiving four or more unsatisfactory semester grades resulting in the failure of SCHEDULES two or more core subjects will be All fifth and sixth grade students are enrolled in considered for retention. Remedial plans Social Studies, Language Arts, Mathematics, will be implemented to address a student’s Science, Spelling, Literature, Physical individual needs. These remedial plans may Education, Keyboarding, and Music for the full include, but are not limited to a required 90 school term. Any fifth or sixth grade student hours of summer school instruction. Certain may elect to enroll in band. requirements will be developed individually, to reflect the area of failure, establish criteria for All seventh grade students are enrolled in Life successful completion of summer school and Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, World advancement to the next grade level. Subjects Geography, Communications, Literature, and taken during summer school must match the Health/Physical Education for the full school subjects that student has failed. Other term. Any seventh grade student may elect to remedial efforts may be necessary to meet the enroll in Chorus and/or Band, Fine individual needs of some students. A student Arts/Computer. shall not be promoted or retained based upon age or any other social reason not related to All eighth graders are enrolled in Physical academic performance. Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, American History, Literature, and Physical Education for The summer school option may only be used if the full school term. Eighth grade students are the team feels it may meet the student’s needs enrolled in a semester each of Consumer to complete academic success. This option will Science. Any eighth grade student may elect to not be recommended two consecutive years. enroll in Chorus and/or Band and, The scheduling and the expense of a summer Agriculture/Computer. An algebra class may be school program are the responsibility of the offered for High School credit. parent. All schedule change requests must be in the REDUCED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY form of a note from the parents. No changes in If a parent wishes a student to have limited student schedules will be made after the second p.e., or the total withdrawal from p.e., the week of school without teacher and principal following guidelines should be followed: approval. 1. Upon returning to school from absences due to illness, a student may have reduced Some students may be asked to attend an after- gym activity if a parent specifies this within school remedial class to work on academic a written note to the school principal. In deficiencies. This assignment is voluntary and such cases, the limited activity will not be will meet right after school. Transportation will sustained for longer than three school be the responsibility of the parents of the days. students. Students who misbehave during the 2. If a student must have a curtailed gym after school classes will be disciplined (i.e. schedule or be totally withdrawn from gym detention, suspension or possible expulsion) for medical reasons, for a length of time greater than three days, a note from a SUPERVISED STUDY/R.T.I. medical doctor must be provided to the Students are expected to study during school office specifying the limitations. supervised study. They are to remain quiet and 3. If a student is returning to school after not disturb others. Students are expected to contracting a communicable disease, such arrive to supervised study on time. Students as strep throat, chicken pox, or other are to bring enough study materials and/or infectious diseases, a “release to school” reading materials to use the supervised study note signed by a medical doctor must period productively. Passes to lockers will not be accompany the student to school and be given.</p><p>8 TEXTBOOKS Trespassing ( being on school property between Books are issued to students on a rental basis. the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless Unreasonable damage or loss of a book will under the direct supervision of a staff member) result in a fine being assessed at the end of the is a violation of school rules. school term. These fines are required to be paid prior to the student registering the ATTENDANCE POLICY following year or transferring to another school. All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for class. The middle school attendance policy is designed to develop ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE student punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. It is for these reasons that the The doors are unlocked in the morning prior to Board of Education has approved the following 7:40 for only those students whom are directly guidelines: supervised by an adult. Upon entering the building in the morning all students are to sit in FIVE DAY POLICY the gym and wait to be released by classes at Fifth and sixth grade students should not be approximately 8:05. During this time the absent from classes more than five days each students may leave the gym area to eat quarter. Seventh, and eighth grade students breakfast. Classes begin at 8:15 and end at should not be absent from classes more than 3:20. five “A” days and five “B” days each semester. For each class missed beyond the fifth In the evening, students may only stay after absence, unless the absence is verified with a the last bell if the student is under the direct doctor’s note, the student will receive a “0” on supervision of a staff member. Students may all work (homework, worksheets, quizzes, tests, stay after for practices, tutoring, homework etc. All absences beyond the five-day limit will hangout, or detentions. First violation will be considered UNEXECUSED unless a result in a detention, second violation will physician/medical note is provided to the result in an ISS, the third violation will result in office. a parent/principal conference with multiple ISS days assigned, and more than three violations *Please see Student Appeals for pg. 27 for 5 will result in OSS. day attendance appeal. EXEMPTED ABSENCES When a student would like to leave with All absences from school or class, except those another student/adult, both parties need a note listed below, will count towards the five-day from parents/guardians requesting a student to policy. The absences that will NOT count leave with another student/adult regardless of towards the five days are: the mode of transportation. A. Participation in a school sponsored activity Students may use the library media center B. Suspension for disciplinary reasons when it is open after school. Students need a C. Weather conditions which prohibit the note from their parent/guardian stating they normal operation of school buses have given their child permission to stay after school. D. An illness verified by a doctor. Verification should consist of one of the following: (1) BICYCLES note from the doctor indicating that the Bicycles are not to be ridden or brought to student had an appointment (2) note from school. It is not safe for students to ride bicycles the doctor indicating he/she dispensed or to or from school. Violating this rule will result in prescribed medication for the student, or, (3) disciplinary action. letter from the doctor explaining an extended illness for which the student is receiving medical attention under a doctor’s GOOD NIGHT RULE care. Once a student leaves a school activity, unless E. (SPECIAL NOTES) with his/her parent or guardian, he/she will not be readmitted to that activity.</p><p>9 1. A note from the doctor that only says will try to contact parents and/or that a student was sick at home is not appropriate health professionals. acceptable. 2. Orthodontist appointments with a doctor’s note will be excused for a half a MAKE-UP WORK day. A student whose absence is "excused" usually 3. Routine appointments are not excused has the privilege of making up work for credit. as verified illnesses. (ex. Optometrist, It is the responsibility of the student to check and Physicals, etc.) with the teacher of each class missed to make arrangements for make-up work. This is to be PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES done on the day of the student’s return to A student may obtain a pre-arranged absence school. In the case of block scheduling when he/she knows he/she will be absent in the students need to see instructors of the classes immediate future. All school related absences the day they return regardless of A or B day. must have the pre-arranged absence form The make-up work must be completed and completed. Pre-arranged absences count turned in within a period of time designated by towards the five-day policy under the the teacher, usually no longer than the period attendance policy unless it is a school function. of the absence plus one day. Examples are: Students absent on the day of a test must A. Medical or dental appointments that follow the same procedure in arranging to cannot be made at any other time. make up exams as for any other make-up B. Trips with parents work. The student must contact the teacher on C. Funerals the day of return in order to arrange any make- D. Civil court appearances up tests. Exams not arranged for, or made-up within The procedure for obtaining a pre-arranged allowed time periods will be recorded as a absence is to bring a note from home, at least grade of “0”. one two days in advance of the absence, explaining the reason for the expected The following absences will be considered absence. A pre-arranged absence form will “excused” absences, which entitle then be issued and the student will take the students to make-up privileges: form to each of his/her teachers. If the teacher 1. Illness verified by parent, agrees that the student can afford to miss the guardian, or doctor class, the teacher will sign the slip signifying 2. Death in the immediate family the student has notified the teacher of the absence, has made arrangements to make up 3. Participation in a school sponsored activity work, and will have completed the work upon 4. Weather which prohibits the normal return. The form must be signed by the parent operation of school buses and returned to the office the morning before the absence. If all signatures have been 5. Visiting a school counselor or other school obtained, the absence is then pre-arranged. If official a teacher does not want to accept the pre- arranged absence, the final decision will rest The following will be considered “unexcused” with the principal. absences:</p><p>LEAVING THE SCHOOL DURING THE DAY 1. Oversleeps Any student leaving the school during the day 2. Misses the bus must: 3. Skips school 4. Forges an excuse A. Bring a note to the office in the morning 5. Is suspended from school B. Must sign out on the sheet provided in the 6. Goes shopping office. If a student becomes ill or has an 7. Has car trouble accident, the teacher in charge will send 8. Fails to comply with the pre-arranged the student to the office. Office personnel</p><p>10 policy The following absences are classified as 9. Is sufficiently well to engage in social truancies: activities or work outside the home after 1. Being absent from school school hours without the knowledge or consent of 10. Fails to present a parental note school authorities. explaining an absence. Students who 2. Leaving the building/school accumulate absences in excess of five days grounds during the school day will need to present a medical note to the without permission. office. (When a proper note is produced 3. Staying out of class without within two school days, this unexcused permission. absence will be changed to excused.) 4. Leaving a classroom without a 11. Offers an equally unacceptable excuse hall pass. for being absent. Any student who is absent without a valid cause A student, whose absence is "unexcused", will is considered truant. Any student who is absent be required to make up missed work; but no in excess of 5 days per quarter without a credit will be given. medical note will also be considered truant. The administration reserves the right to decide the REPORTING OF ABSENCE validity of absences. Students who are truant It is the responsibility of parents to make their may expect to receive a Saturday School son or daughter attend school; therefore, assignment. Excessive truancy, which is over parents should notify the schools whenever 10% of the total days, will result in the I-Kan their son or daughter is absent from school. Assistance Program being contacted for follow- The school is required to verify all absences. up. Forged teacher or parent passes/notes will Therefore, we ask that the parents call the result in disciplinary action. school to report that their son or daughter will be unable to attend school. The school voice BUS PROCEDURES mail will direct you on how to report the absence. If we have not received verification BEHAVIOR RULES FOR BUS STUDENTS of a student’s absence by 10:00 a.m., every The Central Community School District is attempt will be made to contact the parents at obligated to provide a safe, pleasant and home or at work. efficient transportation system for all students. All students have a right to ride a school bus PROCEDURE FOLLOWING AN ABSENCE without fear of unsafe operation, intimidation, abuse, injury, harassment or insult from other When students return to school they should students. To insure that all of our students bring with them a note from one of their receive this treatment, the following rules will parents explaining the reason for the absence. apply to all students who use the regular or Any absence not confirmed by the parent, via extracurricular buses. The complete cooperation phone or note, will be unexcused. If no note of all students, parents and guardians is needed or phone call is received within one (1) day, the and expected. "unexcused" absence will be considered truancy and the detention process will result. Students will be picked up at one address every morning and dropped off at one address every TARDINESS/TRUANCY afternoon (Monday through Friday). The pick up Students need to realize that it is their address and/or drop off address may be a day responsibility to be on time. Good study habits care provided. are acquired through being punctual, having necessary study materials with them (pen, Parents/Guardians are requested to have a pencil, notebook paper, books, etc.) and being “back up” arrangement made with a neighbor, in their classroom. Students who are repeatedly family member, day care provider, etc,. in the tardy will receive a detention or possibly ISS. event that a pick up/drop off change is needed Every third tardy in a specific class during a during the school day. By following this quarter will result in disciplinary action. guideline, you won’t be making last minute changes that could cause a safety concern for </p><p>11 your child. 9. Students will follow driver and other school- staff instructions in all loading areas and will Students will not be transported to after school refrain from pushing or crowding in an area parties, non-school related organizational where a bus is to load or unload students. meetings, or non-school athletic practices. Students will not leave a bus or enter a school at a loading zone, exchange point, or school other Please note: A new ‘Request for Transportation” than the school they attend. form must be completed for any subsequent 10. Students will not walk behind or between changes. Please allow 48 hours for bus service parked buses in a loading zone unless stop arms changes to begin. are out and flashing nor will students engage in horse-play, pushing or other safety violations in a loading zone. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS 11. Any student suspended from their assigned 1. Students will not use profanity, make bus for violating bus rules is not allowed to obscene gestures or comments, make ride any other bus during the suspension sexual advances or engage in sexual and attempts to do so will result in an activity, or engage in sexual harassment of extension of the suspension or other other students or adults who are either on disciplinary action. the bus or in the near proximity of a school 12. Students will not vandalize or deface school bus. property. 2. Students will board or de-board only 13. Students will not use emergency exits designated stops and will be on time for except in an authorized drill or actual pickups. Students will take assigned seats if emergency. the driver so directs without argument or 14. Students will be polite and considerate of resistance and will remain seated at all times other students at all times. Older students will when the bus is moving. Students will not assist younger students and will be expected to extend arms or head out of bus windows at any assist the driver when called upon to do so. time. 15. Students will respect the rights and feelings 3. Students will speak in conversational tones of others at all time. only, while on the bus. All talking must stop at 16. Students will assist the driver and other railroad crossings or at other times the driver adults in enforcing district rules and in making requests silence for safety reasons. the bus safe for all students. 4. Radios, tapes, and CD players may be played on the bus if the student is using PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE - BUS RIDERS headphones and the volume is turned low The disciplinary actions outlined below are the enough to respond to bus driver’s commands. minimum consequences of student All material being listened to must be school misbehavior or failure to cooperate fully with appropriate. school bus drivers and other school 5. Students will not throw objects on the bus or employees. Certain violations or repeated out of windows, nor will they bring onto a bus violations may result in discipline of the glass objects, sharp objects, animals, or student beyond the consequences listed below materials which could harm others if broken or including detention, suspension and expulsion. misused or which block bus aisles or exits. 6. Students will obey all school rules including LEVEL I BUS DISCIPLINE those, which ban alcohol, drugs, drug A student will receive a warning the first time paraphernalia, “look-alike”, tobacco products, he/she violates any of the following rules and and weapons from all school property, fighting, the rider’s parents will be notified of the intimidation or insult of others. problem. A second offense will result in written 7. Students will not consume food or drink on warning to parents. A third offense may result a the bus and will not bring food or drink on the five- (5) school day suspension of bus riding bus. privileges or school discipline. If a student’s 8. Students will respect the authority of behavior is deliberately defiant of authority or drivers, teachers, or other adults at all times and provoking and/or endangers the student or will obey all driver directions, requests, and others, a first and second warning may not be instructions. issued before suspension occurs.</p><p>12 7. Uses tobacco products or lights a 1. Fails to be at the loading zone on time. flame on the school bus. 2. Boards or de-boards at unauthorized location.Vandalizes or defaces bus equipment. 3. Places arms or head out of window. 9. Uses or brings alcohol, drugs or 4. Fails to sit properly in seat or to ride assigned bus. weapons (or objects used as weapons), or 5. Fails to take or remain in assigned seat. “on a school bus. 6.Raises voice level that is distracting to a busSpits driver. or gleeks on another individual. 7. Misbehaves in a school bus loading zone. 8. Fails to have proper paper work in order to change buses or boarding site. Any action which is so flagrant, disrespectful or dangerous as to cause concern for the LEVEL II BUS DISCIPLINE continued safety of others may result in the A student will receive one warning for violating immediate and permanent suspension of riding any of the following bus rules and the rider’s privileges and/or may result in other school parents will be notified. A second violation may disciplinary action as well as that called for by result in a ten- (10) school day suspension from this policy. The parents or guardians of a child the school bus or school discipline. suspended from a bus must make arrangements to ensure that the child attends 1. Brings glass, animals or other objects school during the bus suspension. Failure to onto a bus, which might cause injury to attend school due to a bus suspension will be others or interfere with the safe operation of considered truancy and reported to the R.O.E. the bus. Truancy Office. 2. Throws objects on the bus. 3. Eats or drinks on the bus. School personnel shall be the sole judge as to 4. Brings tobacco products on the bus. which discipline level or category a student’s 5. Uses emergency exits in a non-emergency actions and behavior may fall. Student age, situation intent and circumstances may be used to 6. Pushes, trips, etc. on bus or in loading determine what discipline is appropriate, fair zone. and instructional for the student. 7. Uses moderately offensive profanity. 8. Spits or gleeks on the floor. THE BUS POLICY MAY BE VIEWED LEVEL III BUS DISCIPLINE ON-LINE A student rider will be suspended from the school bus (no written or verbal warning necessary) for a period of ten- (10) school days DISCIPLINE or school discipline for a violation of any of the following rules. ALCOHOL ABUSE The consumption of alcoholic beverages is both 1. Throws object(s) with the intent of illegal in the State of Illinois and hazardous to causing injury or which does cause injury the health of students. The consumption, intended or not. possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages 2. Throws object(s) out of the bus window. is not permitted on school buses, in school 3. Fighting or physically aggressive buildings or on any other school property at any behavior, or behavior which inflicts harm on time. This policy extends to all school sponsored others. and related activities, as well as field trips, 4. Uses offensive or provocative athletic and music trips, whether held before or profanity, obscene language or gestures, after school, evenings or weekends on or off sexual activity or sexual harassment or school property. innuendo. 5. Threatens or intimidates other Students shall not be permitted to attend school riders on the bus. or school sponsored or related activities when 6. Is disrespectful, defiant or under the influence or in possession of alcoholic disobedient to a driver or adult staff beverages. For the purpose of this policy, member. students who are under such influence shall be treated in the same manner as though they had </p><p>13 alcohol in their possession. climate in which all types of bullying, including relational aggression and cyber-bullying, are Given reasonable grounds for suspicion, school regarded as unacceptable. Bullying may officials may search for and seize alcoholic include student to student or student to staff beverages brought onto school buses or school member. property, including parking lots, and may submit confiscated beverages to the proper law enforcement authorities for analysis and Relational aggression or RA is emotional identification. Routine periodic locker searches violence and bullying behaviors focused on will be conducted at all schools as well without damaging an individual’s social connections notification. within the peer group. Cyber-bullying is using the Internet or other The District will make available, without mobile devices to send or post harmful or cruel sanctions, assistance to any student seeking text of images to bully others. alcohol abuse treatment or advice and will protect, in accordance with the law, the due Attitudes and practices can contribute to process and privacy rights of all students within bullying, to lower levels of confidence, self- the school setting who seek such assistance or esteem, and lack of achievement. advice. Aims  To promote a secure However, once it has been determined by and happy environment free from threat, District staff that a student is using, possessing, harassment and any type of bullying or distributing alcoholic beverages or is under behavior. the influence of alcohol in violation of this policy,  To take positive action the penalty for the first offense shall be: to prevent bullying from occurring through a clear school policy on Personal and Social 1. Immediate suspension from school and all Development. school activities for a period of eight (8) school  To show commitment days. The student’s parents or guardian shall to overcoming bullying by practicing zero be contacted and asked to remove the student tolerance. from school property immediately.  To inform pupils and parents of the school’s expectations and to **SEE DISCIPLINE STEPS** foster a productive partnership, which helps maintain a bully-free environment. The student’s parents or guardian shall be  To make staff aware of required to meet with the School Principal or their role in fostering the knowledge and representative and members of the staff during attitudes, which will be required to achieve the first four days of the suspension for the the above aims. purpose of determining a specific plan for monitoring the student’s subsequent behavior. Achieving Aims This plan should include parent and student’s All action relating to curricular issues underpins participation in an alcohol abuse and the belief in valuing people as individuals and rehabilitation program. their right to a bully-free environment. The stated aims will be further achieved If a plan satisfactory to school officials is through the school’s policies and programs developed within this four school day period, the already in practice. suspension may be reduced to four (4) school days in length. Should the student (or parent) Staff Responsibilities fail to fulfill all obligations for attendance in the  To implement procedures to approved rehabilitation program, the remaining confront bullying in any form four days of suspension shall be imposed.  To listen to all parties involved in incidents  To investigate as fully as possible ANTI-BULLYING POLICY  To take appropriate action, or The purpose of this policy is to promote to refer the matter to the principal or consistency of approach and to create a assistant principal for further action</p><p>14  To record and inform parents of bullying the following consequences may occur: incidents  To promote the use of range of 1. After school detention may be assigned. teaching and learning styles and strategies 2. Suspension from class or classes may be which challenge bullying behavior assigned. Students will spend suspended  To promote open management class time in the office or designated ISS styles which facilitate communication and area. consultation throughout the education 3. A parent conference may be requested. service 4. Lunch supervision may be assigned.  To foster by example the 5. An out of school suspension may be values we as a school believe in assigned.  To promote the use of interventions which are least intrusive and DEFIANCE AND DISRESPECT OF most effective AUTHORITY  To monitor the extent to which Students who show disrespect towards any the above are being carried out through District #4 employee by talking back or refusing  Regular discussions between principal, to follow any simple request may receive a staff, pupils, and parents detention, in-school supervision or out-of-school  Recording incidents of bullying in a suspension. The use of vulgar language will add discipline file. to the severity of the disciplinary action taken.  To retain records for monitoring purposes Students who direct inappropriate remarks at  Students who engage in any type of school officials will be assigned to in-school bullying will be assigned detention, in- supervision, out-of-school suspension, or school supervision, Saturday School, out- expulsion. of-school suspension or other consequences as deemed appropriate by DRUG ABUSE the administrative team No student is to have in his/her possession any illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. Involvement BODY MARKINGS with any substance represented, as drugs will Students are not allowed to write or draw on results in the same disciplinary action as would their body or other students. Students drugs. Mistake of fact will not be an acceptable who write or draw will be disciplined. defense. (Remember that students will be held responsible for the contents of their assigned lockers)</p><p>CHEATING AND PLAGARISM No drugs or drug paraphernalia are to be carried, Students are responsible for doing their own distributed, or consumed on school premises, in work. Students copying or allowing others to school-provided transportation, or at any school copy homework assignments and tests will be activity. Any violation of this rule will result in an given a zero on the assignments and tests and immediate suspension from school. It may also may receive additional discipline for repeat result in notification of the authorities and offenses. prosecution and/or expulsion from school. </p><p>CLASSROOM MISCONDUCT The consumption, possession or distribution of Classroom misconduct includes repeated drug or drug paraphernalia is not permitted in disruptions, failure to do or complete school buses, in school buildings or on any other assignments, or failure to cooperate with the school property at any time. This policy extends teacher. to all school-sponsored and related activities, as well as, field trips, athletic and music trips, The degree of misconduct and other factors will whether held before or after school, evenings or be considered before disciplinary action is taken. weekends, on or off school property. Repeated disruptions and willful misconduct will not be tolerated. When their teacher for disciplinary reasons sends students to the office, Students shall not be permitted to attend school </p><p>15 or school-sponsored or related activities when during the first five (5) days of the under the influence or in possession of drugs. suspension for the purpose of determining For the purpose of this policy, students who are a specific plan for monitoring the student’s under such influences shall be treated in the subsequent behavior. This plan should same manner as though they had drugs in their include parent and student’s participation possession. in a drug abuse and rehabilitation program. If a plan satisfactory to school officials is Given reasonable grounds for suspicion, school developed within this five- (5) school day officials may search for and seize drugs brought period, the suspension may be reduced to onto school buses or school property, including five (5) school days in length. Should the parking lots, and may submit confiscated drug or student (or parent) fail to fulfill all drug paraphernalia to the proper law obligations for attendance in the approved enforcement authorities for analysis and rehabilitation program, the remaining five identification. Routine periodic-locker searches (5) days of suspension shall be imposed. will be conducted at all schools as well. Nash 6. A recommendation may be made to the Middle School will make available, without Board of Education that any student in sanctions, assistance to any student seeking violation of this policy may be expelled drug abuse treatment or advice and will protect, from school for the remainder of the school in accordance with the law, the due process and year. The parent or guardian and student privacy rights of all students within the school shall be informed of available drug setting who seek such assistance or advice. counseling and rehabilitation programs available in the area. However, once it has been determined by District staff that a student is using, possessing, Organizations sponsoring activities in the schools or distributing drugs or drug paraphernalia or is outside of regular school hours shall be made under the influence of drugs in violation of this aware of this policy and shall be expected to policy, the penalty for the first offense may be: take appropriate measures and precautions to insure compliance and support of this policy. 1. Immediate suspension from school for Failure to do so could result in the cancellation of ten (10) days. The student’s parent or that organization’s privileges to use District guardian will be called to remove the buildings or grounds. student immediately from school property in the case of a student who is under the The Superintendent shall conduct a biannual influence of drugs. review of this policy and its implementation to 2. Law enforcement authorities shall be determine its effectiveness and to verify that the contacted by school officials when a sanctions required by the policy are being student is in possession of/or distributing imposed consistently. illicit drugs. Parents or guardians shall be contacted and informed of this action. The FIGHTING District will assist law enforcement officials Every effort will be made to determine the cause in the prosecution of any student thought of the fight, who initiated the fight and what to be in possession of or who is distributing steps were taken to stop the fight. However, drugs on school property or during a school both combatants will be held responsible for sponsored activity. their actions and will be disciplined. The students 3. During this suspension, the student will involved will be assigned out of school receive 75% credit for all school work suspension until it is felt they can safely return missed, including examinations. to the regular school program. If this problem is 4. Forfeiture of the privilege of participating in repeated additional discipline may result any and all school sponsored activities including, but not limited to, further suspensions including meetings, contests, sporting and possible recommendation for expulsion. events, trips, performances, and ceremonies. Students who encourage or contribute to the 5. The student’s parents or guardian shall be escalation of a fight will also be disciplined. required to meet with the School Principal or representative and members of the staff FORGERY</p><p>16 Forged staff member or parent passes/notes will Drug paraphernalia means all equipment, result in disciplinary action which may include products, and materials of any kind that are suspension. peculiar to, marketed for use in packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, GANGS AND THE OCCULT or otherwise introducing into the human Articles of paraphernalia, printed materials, body, any controlled substance other than symbols, slogans, or anything else related to as prescribed by a physician. Cigarette gang activity, Satanism and/or the occult are not paper, bongs, and pipes are among the to be brought on school property or to school items considered to be drug paraphernalia. events. Such items will be confiscated and not 3. Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, returned. In addition, other disciplinary action narcotics, or any controlled substance may result and law enforcement authorities will without a valid prescription. be notified. The student will be suspended 4. Violation of the District’s and/or school’s immediately until a successful parent, student, non-tobacco policy. This policy prohibits the and principal conference has occurred. possession of tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pipe tobacco, “dip”, chewing Engagement in activities which are designed to tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and any other intimidate, recruit, or coerce students to pledge tobacco products. Matches and cigarette affiliation to a gang constitute an interference lighters are also prohibited. with school purposes and the educational rights 5. Intimidation of, or any attempt to intimidate of all students. Disciplinary action will result and or bully, school personnel or other students. may include a recommendation for expulsion 6. Fighting with, or any assault on, school and further involvement with law enforcement personnel or other students. authorities. 7. Intentional damage to, destruction of, or any attempt to damage or destroy school A violation of the above stated policy will result property or property of school personnel or in the following disciplinary action: other students. 8. Verbal abuse of school personnel or other 1. First offense – out of school suspension students or use of profane words or and parental notification – A parent gestures. conference is necessary prior to the 9. Endangering the physical or psychological student’s return to school. well-being of school personnel or other 2. Additional offenses – (3 to 10) out of students by conduct or action, including: school suspension days, depending on the  Improper release of a school fire severity of the infraction alarm or tampering with fire 3. Repeated offenses – possible expulsion extinguishers;  Setting off, or attempting or GROSS MISCONDUCT OR threatening to set off, explosive devices on school property; DISOBEDIENCE  Starting, or attempting to start, Students at Nash Middle School have a record of a fire on school property; good behavior. The conduct listed below is a  Possession, use, or display of a deterrent to good behavior and is considered to dangerous weapon or any facsimile; be Gross Misconduct of Disobedience and may  Improper pushing of emergency subject the student to discipline. This list is not and/or non-emergency intercom exhaustive, and other types of Gross Misconduct buttons. or Disobedience not listed also may subject the 10. Repeated incidents of misbehavior including student to discipline. repeated refusal to comply with school rules. 1. Insubordination to school personnel, 11. Repeated unexcused tardiness or including failure to follow directions. absenteeism during any part of the school 2. Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, day. drugs (including “look-a-like” drugs and 12. Falsifying or tampering with school records. over the counter drugs), narcotics, or any 13. Participation in gang-related activities. This controlled substance without a valid includes wearing any gang-related clothing, prescription, or any drug paraphernalia. jewelry, or any other item that is worn in a </p><p>17 manner that is so closely associated with Students are advised that they should never gang membership as to present a possible “jokingly” threaten another student or an adult, danger to the student. nor should students engage in “play fighting”. 14. Membership in, or solicitation on behalf of, Such actions can lead to serious situations for any “secret society.” Wearing of insignia or which the student will be held responsible. For clothing indicating membership in secret purposes of these rules, possession includes societies shall be considered prima facie having the material on one’s person, in clothing, evidence of membership. in book bags, or in lockers, regardless of whom 15. Disruptive behavior to such an extent that actually owns the material. Some infractions the student fails to make reasonable also violate federal, state, or local laws. Police progress toward the next grade level or reports are always made in cases involving graduation, or that the student interferes weapons, assaults, drugs, or alcohol. Reports with the right of other students to receive an are also made in other cases. When student education. behavior violates both, law and school rule, 16. Theft or attempted theft of school property students can be punished both ways. or the property of others. Certain infractions are considered so serious that 17. Sexual harassment of another student or a recommendation for expulsion will be made staff member. when the school’s investigation determines that 18. Possession, use, or distribution of beepers, a student was involved. Current state law allows cellular phones, or other messaging devices School Boards to expel students from school for on school property. a period that can range from a few days to two 19. Writing or publishing for distribution and/or years. Such infractions include: distributing at school written material that:  Sale, use, being under the influence,  Is obscene or libelous, invades or possession of drugs, alcohol, or the privacy of others, will cause paraphernalia as defined above. substantial disruption of the proper and  Possession of any type of firearm. orderly operation and discipline of the  Use of any other type of weapon, school or school activities, or advocates even if simply displayed as a threat. conduct otherwise inconsistent with  Assault on a staff member or shared values of a civilized social order, students. or  Physical or verbal threat to the  Is religious material that other person or property of a staff member. students could reasonably believe is  Disruptive behavior resulting in school-sponsored or endorsed. multiple suspensions. 20. Harassment of school district employees on  Use or possession of any pellet, or off-campus when such harassment is BB, toy, or look-alike gun in a manner, related to school matters or incidents. which is likely to be construed as being 21. Inappropriate displays of affection. an actual firearm. 22. Unauthorized use of computer hardware, software, Internet access, or other violation This list is not exhaustive. A single serious event of the District Acceptable Use Policy. This of disruption or repeated acts of insubordination includes any use of school district computers or disruption may also result in a not specifically sanctioned by the school recommendation for expulsion. personnel. 23. Trespassing by being on school property, Because of the serious consequences stated unless under the direct supervision of a staff above, student should never pick up or carry member is a violation of school rules. items they find, nor should they hold items for a 24. Inciting others to misconduct. friend, nor should they consume food or beverages from a friend unless they are Notes: absolutely sure they know what the item is.</p><p>Middle School students are accountable for the consequences of their actions. Sometimes INSUBORDINATION students will offer the explanation that they As a student of Nash Middle School, you have an didn’t intend to commit a serious action. absolute obligation and responsibility to follow </p><p>18 verbal and written instructions from any faculty Racial and ethnic taunts or derogatory remarks member and to properly identify yourself to any will not be tolerated. Students violating this staff member in regard to all aspects of your rule will be assigned In-School Supervision, behavior and conduct at school and school Saturday School, or Out-of-School Suspension. activities. Willful and deliberate refusal to do so is insubordination and may result in a SAFETY/HORSE PLAY suspension not to exceed ten (10) school days Running, chasing another student, throwing and a possible expulsion recommendation. projectiles, tripping people, pushing/bumping, pulling away chairs, slamming doors/lockers, INTENTIONAL DAMAGE OF spitting, throwing snowballs, etc., are all PROPERTY/VANDALISM considered safety hazards/horse play. Any Persons who deliberately damage or destroy student who displays this type of behavior will school property will be suspended and/or be disciplined accordingly. The severity of the expelled. In addition, the local authorities may discipline will depend on the nature and be contacted. Students will be required to pay frequency of the inappropriate behavior for or work off the cost of replacing or restoring that which has been damaged or destroyed. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment of students is prohibited. An OBSCENE, LEWD, OR UNCIVIL employee, District agent, or student engages in BEHAVIOR sexual harassment whenever he/she makes Any action or behavior that could be unwelcome sexual advances, requests sexual considered obscene, lewd, or uncivil will not be favors, and engages in other verbal or physical tolerated. Students violating this rule will be conduct of a sexual or sex-based nature, assigned in-school supervision, Saturday imposed on the basis of sex, that: assignment or suspended out of school. Denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or that PROHIBITED ITEMS makes such conduct a condition of a student’s Students are not to bring items to school, academic status or; which are capable of causing injury or harm to other students. They include, but are not Has the purpose or effect of: limited to, knives or similar sharp objects, firearms and/or ammunition, fire crackers, (a) Substantially interfering with a matches or lighters, slingshots, blowguns, student’s educational environment squirt guns, syringes or other paraphernalia (b) Creating an intimidating, hostile, or commonly associated with drug use, tobacco offensive educational environment products, or over the counter medication which (c) Depriving a student of educational may be substituted for a controlled substance. aid, benefits, services, or treatment, Students violating this rule will be assigned to or; out of school suspension and/or recommended (d) Making the submission to or expulsion. The appropriate law enforcement the rejection of such authorities may be notified. unwelcome conduct the basis for academic decisions PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION affecting the student. Students are asked to respect the rights of other people. Public display of affection is The terms “intimidating”, ”hostile”, and considered in poor taste and will not be ”offensive” include conduct that has the effect of tolerated. Parents will be contacted. If the humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort. problem continues further disciplinary action Examples of sexual harassment include may result (Ex. Holding hands, kissing, unwelcome touching, crude jokes or pictures, hugging, arms around each other, sitting on discussions of sexual experiences, teasing laps, etc.) related to sexual characteristics and spreading rumors related to a person’s alleged sexual RACIAL AND ETHNIC TAUNTS activities. Students who believe they are victims of sexual </p><p>19 harassment or have witnessed sexual 1. To become informed of and adhere to harassment are encouraged to discuss the reasonable rules and regulations matter with the Building Principal or the established by the local School Board of Complaint Managers. (See "Uniform Grievance Education and implemented by school Procedure"). administrators and teachers. 2. To respect the rights and individuality of School officials will be diligent in the other students, school administrators, and investigation and discipline of students teachers. engaging in activities of a sexually harassing 3. To refrain from libel, slanderous nature. Discipline may range from a Saturday remarks, and obscenity in verbal or written School assignment, out-of-school suspension, expression. or possible recommendation for expulsion from 4. To dress and groom in a manner that school. In the event the administration meets reasonable standards of health, recommends suspension or expulsion as a cleanliness and safety. result of the student’s conduct, due process 5. To be punctual and present in the regular will be afforded the student in accordance with or assigned school program. the district’s suspension/expulsion procedures. 6. To refrain from gross disobedience or misconduct or behavior that materially and SMOKING AND TOBACCO USE substantially disrupts the educational Students are not allowed to use or possess process. cigarettes or other tobacco products, or cigarette 7. To maintain the best possible level of lighters, matches, pipes or other smoking academic achievement paraphernalia in the building, on school grounds, 8. To respect the reasonable exercise of in school provided transportation, or at any authority by school administrators and school sponsored events. The same rules apply teachers in maintaining discipline in the during extra -curricular activities, which occur school and at school sponsored activities. during non-school hours. Students who fail to observe this regulation will receive an out-of- (Taken from Illinois State Board of Education school suspension. 1979 publication, STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS: RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES) STEALING The value of the property or object taken will THREATS TO STUDENTS, SCHOOL determine the severity of disciplinary action STAFF OR BOARD OF EDUCATION taken. Students may expect to receive an ISS or MEMBERS OSS for stealing. Parents will be contacted. Verbal or written threats to school personnel Students may be referred to the police. will result in an out-of-school suspension and Students are responsible for restitution. possible recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion. STUDENT DISCIPLINE RESPONSIBILITIES Verbal or written threats to students will result Students, as citizens of the United States, are in immediate disciplinary action. The nature of guaranteed certain individual rights and have the discipline will be based on the severity of corresponding individual responsibilities. the offense. Discipline may range from and in- Parents, teachers, and administrators have a school supervision, an out-of-school suspension responsibility, a duty, to protect the rights of and/or a recommendation to the Board of students while maintaining an educational Education for expulsion. atmosphere conducive to the teaching and learning process. The concept of balancing the This is a felony offense that will require filing of rights of an individual with the rights of society is a local police report. as valid in the educational community as in the larger community. There are certain VULGAR LANGUAGE/GESTURES responsibilities required of a citizen who is a Indecent gestures or looks like a gesture, student in school: profanity, and vulgar language are not permitted in school or on school property. Use of words, </p><p>20 which sound like an obscenity, used in context of of behavior expected of students in school. an obscenity, will be considered an obscenity. 3. To provide guidelines for examining the Obscene or look alike magazines, pictures, types, severity, and repetitions of violations photographs, etc. will be confiscated and not to personnel responsible for student returned, and other disciplinary action may discipline and behavior. result. Any of these gestures and/or language of a This guide is not designed to list all possible sexual nature may be construed as sexual violations or all the possible consequences of harassment and will be disciplined under the unacceptable behavior. It is designed to help policy regarding sexual harassment. Students reduce problem areas. General rules are listed who use indecent gestures or vulgar language with a general indication of the types of will receive a detention, an in-school supervision, disciplinary actions that may occur in each set of or an out of school suspension. Students who circumstances. It is a guideline for the student, direct such behavior towards teachers and other teacher, and administrator. Parents and school employees can expect to be suspended. students who would like a clarification of any aspect of this handbook are encouraged to contact the Principal. DISCIPLINE STEPS All discipline must be served before the student DISCIPLINE - BEHAVIOR CODE can participate in the promotion ceremonies. </p><p>PRIMARY ASSUMPTIONS: BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION MEASURES 1. This Discipline-Behavior Code is based on the idea that acceptable behavior is 1. Personal Counseling necessary in creating mature, responsible 2. Withholding of privileges and self-controlled individuals. 3. Parent/Guardian notification 2. Good discipline creates conditions favorable 4. Parent/Teacher conference for efficient learning. 5. Removal from classroom 3. Breaches of discipline are of varied nature. 6. Seizure of contraband Consequently, much has to be left to the 7. Grade reduction for unexcused absences judgment of the administrator involved with 8. After school detention provided the individual disciplinary cases. student’s parent(s) have been notified. The 4. When administering punishment, the student will receive appropriate supervision following measures shall be considered: while in remediation. 9. In-school supervision for a period not to (a) The seriousness of the offense exceed 5 school days. The Principal and/or (b) The attitude and behavior of the designee shall insure that the student is student provided with appropriate supervision. (c) The nature and severity of the 10.Suspension of bus riding privileges, punishment provided that appropriate procedures have (d) The age and maturity of the student been followed. (e) The availability of effective means of 11.Suspension from school and all school discipline. related activities for up to 10 days, provided (f) The influence of the student’s behavior that appropriate procedures have been and conduct on others. followed. (g) The number of occurrences for the 12.Expulsion from school and all school same offence by a student. sponsored activities and events for a definite time period not to exceed two PURPOSE calendar years, provided that appropriate procedures have been followed. 1. To provide students with a guideline to aid 13.Notification of juvenile authorities whenever them. the conduct involves illegal drugs 2. To provide an understanding of the type (controlled substances), lookalikes, alcohol, gangs, weapons, or any serious crime/felony</p><p>21 or any other case for which reporting may detentions previously assigned (Not served - go be beneficial. to step 7). 8. Three to Five Days Out-of-School plus serve DETENTION all detentions previously assigned (Served – no After school detention will be held from 3:25 to further punishment on this discipline notice). 4:25 on Tuesday of each week or on Wednesday 9. Three to Five Days Out-of-School plus serve if school is not in session on Monday. The after all detentions previously assigned (Not served - school detention will be used for students who go step9). cause disturbances in the classroom, create 10. Appear before the Board of Education for a problems, or are repeat offenders of tardiness or discipline hearing. late assignments. The Principal or designee will EXPULSION assign after school detention after considering An Expulsion is the exclusion from school for a input from the teacher/student involved. period of more than ten (10) days but not to Parents are required to provide a ride home for exceed two school years. The Principal may students at 4:25 p.m. Parental failure to provide recommend expulsion if the student: transportation is not considered an excused absence from detention. 1. Causes or attempts to cause substantial damage to school property, steals or Detention rules are: attempts to steal school property of Students must be quiet. substantial value. Students must be completing schoolwork. 2. Causes or attempts to cause substantial There are no breaks. (No library, hall, bathroom, damage to private property or steals or or drink passes) attempts to steal valuable private property. It is the responsibility of the student to be 3. Causes or attempts to cause physical prompt and follow all detention rules. Failure to injury to another person except in a case of follow the rules or failure to attend an assigned self-defense. detention will result in the student being 4. Knowingly possesses or attempts to assigned ISS. Parents are asked to notify the possess, or transmits, any firearms, knives, principal in writing before the detention is to be explosives, weapons, or other dangerous served if there is a conflict that would cause objects of no reasonable use to another their son or daughter to miss a detention. student within the school. (The definition of weapons for which students can be Students will be allowed to reschedule a expelled is expanded to include: knives, Tuesday Detention, only once per semester. shotguns, brass knuckles, billy clubs, This rescheduling must be completed prior to lookalikes, or any other items such as: the Tuesday Detention by having the parents bats, pipes, sticks, etc. if used to cause contact the Principal or Dean of Students in bodily harm. Firearm violations will be person or by phone. reported to the State Police. 5. Knowingly possesses, attempts to DISCIPLINE STEPS possess, uses, transmits, purports to be, or is under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogen drug, amphetamines, 1. Detention Assigned (Served - no further barbiturates, marijuana, alcoholic punishment on this discipline notice). beverages or intoxicants of any kind. 2. Detention Assigned (Not served - go to step 6. Knowingly uses or copies the academic 3). works of another and presents it as his/her 3. In-School Assignment (Served - no further own without proper attribution. punishment on this discipline notice). 7. Defies the valid authority of 4. In-School Assignment (Not served - go to supervisors, teachers or administrators. step 5) 8. Commits other serious violations of school 5. Saturday School Assignment. rules. 6. Three Days Out-of-School plus serve all detentions previously assigned (Served - no further punishment on this discipline notice). HIERARCHY OF DISCIPLINE 7. Three Days Out-of-School plus serve all REMEDIATION</p><p>22 school for a period not to exceed ten (10) school 1. After School Detention days. In addition, students will be on Social 2. In-School Supervision Suspension for any days that they are suspended out of school, plus 10 days after their 3. Saturday School (with team decision) return. A building Principal or his designee may 4. Out of School Suspension temporarily suspend a student, when there is 5. Social Suspension reasonable cause to believe that: 6. Expulsion 1. The physical safety of the student or of IN-SCHOOL SUPERVISION others is endangered and will continue to An In-School Supervision (ISS) consists of a be endangered. student being removed from a regular classroom 2. The student is causing and will continue to setting. The student will be required to report to cause substantial interference with a designated area where he/she will remain classroom instruction. supervised by a staff member. 3. The student has damaged school property. 4. The student possesses or transports any STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES pornographic literature, tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, or other prohibited items in DURING ISS: school or on school property. 1. Before students report to the 5. The student commits a serious designated ISS area students must see all infraction of school regulations. teachers to acquire the necessary materials and assignments. 2. Upon entering the building on a day of Students may do regularly assigned work during ISS, students must report immediately to out-of-school suspension, however grades will be the lobby with all necessary supplies and reduced. The maximum grade that can be assignments. Students will not be allowed earned for such work is 75% of the available to leave ISS to return to their locker. points or letter grades of D+. (An exception will 3. Students are required to complete all be final exams and English term papers which work, and all assignments must be turned will receive full credit earned.) into the teacher upon their return to regular class following suspension. Quizzes and tests missed may be made up at 4. The student may earn up to a grade the convenience of the teachers. It will be the equivalent of 100% (A) for work student’s responsibility to schedule times for completed. making up quizzes and tests with the teachers. 5. Students are required to sit quietly All such make-ups must be completed within and complete homework assignments. two attendance days following the students Students must remain occupied at all return to school. Grades on such quizzes and times. tests will be subject to the same grade 6. Students are not allowed to talk, sleep reduction as other work that was assigned or display disruptive behavior. during the student’s suspension. 7. Any student who is disruptive and/or arrives unprepared will be removed from There may be some class participation the In School Supervision area assigned an activities such as specialized labs that cannot Out of School Suspension. be done while being suspended out of school. 8. Lunch will be eaten in the ISS area. Students will receive grades of zero (0) for Lunch will consist of a brown bag lunch those activities. prepared by the cafeteria and paid for by It will be the student’s responsibility to get all the student. Bathroom breaks will be of the necessary work that was assigned during provided at the discretion of the the suspension and turn it in for credit. The designated supervisor. work must be turned in by the beginning of the next regularly scheduled class. OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION An Out of School Suspension is an exclusion from Parents are required to have a conference with the Principal or designee, in person or by </p><p>23 telephone, before the student can attend school following an out-o-school suspension. First Offense- Original Saturday School assignment plus one more SATURDAY SCHOOL POLICY Second Offense- One day out-of-school 1. A half Saturday school session will meet suspension and make-up Saturday school from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. A full Saturday Every time thereafter - Three to five days school session will meet from 8:00 a.m. until out-of-school suspension and make-up noon. Saturday school 2. Students must report promptly at 8:00 a.m. to the High School with all of their 12. If a student is suspended for missing a study materials. Students who arrive Saturday School (or removed for between 8:01 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. will be misbehaving), parents are required to bring issued an after school detention as a the student to school for a conference with penalty. Students who arrive after 8:15 the Principal or Disciplinarian the first a.m. will earn an additional Saturday school day following the out-of-school School. suspension. 3. Saturday School Assignment is scheduled twice a month on Saturdays. SOCIAL SUSPENSION 4. Students will provide work and proper Students placed on Social Suspension will not be reading materials to keep occupied for the allowed to attend or participate in any after- specified time period. (Final discretion will school functions or activities for a designated be left to the supervisor) period of time. Students will be placed on Social 5. Students will study or read quietly Suspension for serious offenses or repeated without any talking, sleeping, or disruptive offenses. In addition, students will be on Social behavior. Suspension for any days that they are 6. Students may be asked to leave suspended out of school. There should be a Saturday School for violation of any rules, successful parent conference before the end of improper behavior or a poor attitude. If a the suspension. Students can also be socially student is asked to leave they will be suspended for inappropriate behavior while reassigned a Saturday School and receive a attending extra-curricular or co-curricular three day suspension from school. activities. 7. Students will ask the supervisor’s permission to leave the room for any reason. Students will be allowed one SCHOOL FACILITIES restroom break. 8. Students will be allowed to reschedule CAFETERIA a Saturday School Assignment only once. Students are expected to immediately report to This rescheduling must be completed prior the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period to the Saturday School Assignment by following stops at their locker and/or the middle having the parents contact the Principal or school restrooms as necessary. Students who Dean of Students in person or by phone. are consistently tardy to the cafeteria will be 9. Students and parents are responsible disciplined. Students are expected to walk for providing transportation to and from quietly through the halls going to and from lunch Saturday School. Failure to provide as high school classes are in session. transportation is not an excused absence. 10. If a student is ill the day of the assigned Students, who choose to run or be disruptive, Saturday School, the student must bring a will be disciplined accordingly. Teachers may parent note on the following Monday request students to remain in Nash Middle morning to explain the absence. Failure to School for a portion of their lunch period. At that provide proper documentation will result in time if the student is required by the teacher to two Saturday School assignments and/or move from the middle school to the cafeteria or suspension. vice versa, a hall pass will be issued. 11. Students who fail to serve a Saturday School assignment will be penalized as follows:</p><p>24 COST Consumption of candy, suckers, food, gum and The cost of a school lunch will be $2.40 for the soda in the hallways and gymnasium is not upcoming school term. Students are allowed. No soda or food is to be stored in the encouraged to prepay for their meals during locker unless brought for lunch. Soda may not the school day. Parents/students may pay be purchased during school hours of 7:30 and online or put money in one of the drop boxes at 3:20. Students who purchase soda without school. Students must use either their lunch permission from a staff member will have the card or their pin number in order to buy their soda confiscated and receive disciplinary meal. No money will be accepted at the action. On special occasions, however, counter. Students that do not have their lunch students may have food, candy, and/or soda in card or pin number must go to the back of the their classrooms if monitored by the classroom line in order to be served. A replacement fee teacher. Students will be able to chew gum at of $5 will be charged for a new lunch card, if the discretion of the classroom teacher. lost or destroyed. LIBRARY The mission of our library media center is to RULES ensure that students are effective users of The following rules are to be observed in the ideas and information. The following rules, cafeteria: therefore, have been established for the library media center. 1. No more than eight (6) students to a table. 2. No reserved seats unless assigned by the 1. Students must have a pass to visit and leave cafeteria supervisor. the library. Students must legibly write their 3. No students are to “cut” in line. first and last names in the attendance register. 4. Only 2 credits are allowed in the cafeteria 2. Students must remain quiet at all times unless otherwise discussed. while in the library to promote an academic 5. No throwing of food or intentionally atmosphere. creating a mess. 3. Treating materials and equipment with care 6. NO FOOD/DRINK is to be taken out of the is a priority; it is the school and community’s cafeteria. investment in our student’s future. 7. No pushing, shoving, or disruptive noise. 4. Because our library is automated, students 8. Students will make sure their table is clean must have a valid library card. Students may and all trash is picked-up around their check out library materials twice during a table. semester without their library card. There is a 9. Students will be dismissed by table. five dollar ($5.00) fee to replace lost or 10. Students will not leave the cafeteria damaged library cards. without the permission of the cafeteria 5. The computers are for assignment purposes. supervisor. Before students can use the Internet, the 11. Conversations must be kept at a student and his/her parent/guardian must sign reasonable level. the district’s Internet acceptable use policy. Students should report any alterations to the computer, its screen, and any programs or files HALLWAY immediately. Students will be financially During the intervals between classes, students responsible for the repair or replacement of are expected to walk in an orderly and quiet any damage to electronic equipment and/or manner to their next class. There will be no software and may be subject to more severe running, pushing, shouting, excessive noise or consequences in accordance with the school’s other inappropriate behavior. Students who discipline progression. exhibit such behavior will be subject to 6. Students may print five (5) black and white disciplinary action. Students are reminded that pages or copy five black and white pages free other classes are going on during the time of charge. Each additional black and white when they may be in the hallway. page printed is ten cents ($0.10) per page. Each additional black and white page copied is GUM, SODA, FOOD, ETC. twenty cents ($0.20) per page. All color printing is twenty cents ($0.20) per page. </p><p>25 7. Students should not have gum, food, drinks, the library after school on Monday – Thursday if coats, book bags, and/or large purses in the they have a signed permission form filed with library. the office stating their parents/guardians have given them permission to stay after school. The library media center attempts to provide for all students, books and other resources that Of the many information sources, our are current and helpful to them to use. media center provides nonfiction, fiction, Students are encouraged to use the many reference collections, and digital books. We valuable resources for information and also have available a large periodical collection enjoyment. Our library staff is available to of current and back issues of many popular assist the students. To ensure that books and magazines in-house and online. We emphasize other information are available to them most of the use of non-print media for both students the time, we have implemented the following and teachers. Online databases, Internet, policies: computer programs, videos, educational games, CDROMs, and DVDs are available for 1. Books are checked out for two (2) weeks and classroom use and some for student use in the renewed for two (2) weeks. Students must media center. We encourage students to use bring the item to the library when renewing. the media center for discovery and to enrich 2. A late fee of ten (10) cents per day for each their lives in areas that they have an interest. late book will be assessed. Reference books and the current issue of 3. If students have overdue materials or late magazines do not circulate, except in special fees of one dollar ($1.00) or greater, they will circumstances. Other resources may be used not be able to renew or check out additional by students in the media center or may be materials until the late fees or payments for checked out for use in the classroom. the lost items are settled. 4. A late fee, cost replacement price, and a All patrons may check out materials on a non-refundable $5 processing fee will be first come-first serve basis. For patrons who charged for each lost/damaged book. are administrators, faculty, or support staff, 5. The library media center will retain any materials may be checked out for an extended lost/damaged books paid for. period of time. If they need materials over the summer, they can check them out at the end These policies encourage students to use the of the school year as a public library patron. If materials and then return them in a timely an item is borrowed by one patron and needed manner so that others may also have access to by another, the former will be contacted as to the materials. when the item will be available for use.</p><p>Media Center Circulation Loan Periods Library media center students are and Procedures responsible for all materials loaned to them until the items are returned and the library The library media center is open to media center records cleared. Students who students on a daily basis from 8:00 A. M. to loan books and/or materials charged out in 4:00 P. M. when school is open, or as library their names to other persons do so at their own staff are available. The library is also a public risks and will be held responsible for any fines library. It has after school hours as follows: 4 incurred if the books/materials are overdue or PM to 8 PM, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and replacement charges if they are lost. In the Thursday; 9 AM to 1 PM, Saturday. Patrons event that students have overdue fines, or may request materials from the media center payments for lost items that have not been through the library’s website at settled, students may use books/materials only or by calling the library at 815-694-2800. within the media center. Students may come to the media center during When circumstances arise, the library staff their classes in small groups or accompanied will exercise common sense and good by their teacher for large classroom projects, judgment in granting exceptions. research, or assignments. Students may also stay after school to use the library media LOCKERS center. Middle school students may come to Both hall and PE lockers have combination locks.</p><p>26 Students should not give locker combinations to much as possible and reasonable, to the same any of their peers. THE SCHOOL WILL NOT BE behavioral and social expectations and RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN consequences as students without disabilities. POSSESSIONS. It is recommended that students Where a student’s disability prevents him/her not keep money or other valuables in a locker. from conforming to school rules and Students who find it necessary to bring valuable expectations, special consideration and items should leave those items in the middle procedures will be employed. A fundamental school office. principle of this policy is that “non-restrictive” interventions – positive interventions designed All locks and lock covers are provided by the to develop and strengthen desirable behaviors school. School personnel will cut off any other – shall be emphasized, and are preferable to lock found on a school locker. Students who lose the use of “restrictive” interventions. a lock will be assessed a $5.00 fine for the replacement of the lock. Lock covers must PROCEDURES remain on the locks at all times to avoid damage It is the requirement of the Board of Education to the locker. that employees charged with the implementation of this policy should Lockers are to be kept neat, orderly, and locked incorporate procedures and methods at all times. Locker decorations on the outside of consistent with generally accepted practice in the lockers are NOT permitted. Locker the field of behavior intervention. decorations are only permitted on the inside of the locker if a magnet hangs the decoration and Whenever a “change in placement” is being will not do damage to the locker. NO TAPE IS considered for a special education student for ALLOWED. Damaged lockers will cost a minimum behavioral reasons, an IEP (Individualized of $60 to replace. Education Program) meeting will be convened to determine whether the behavior is related to Students are discouraged from “sharing” lockers the child’s disability (a “manifestation with others. Students experiencing difficulty determination”). The IEP can only be revised with their locker or locks should report to the and an IEP meeting can only be convened with office. Students are allowed to go to their lockers proper notification to parents and appropriate between classes, However, this is not an staff. acceptable excuse for being tardy. Students will be permitted to return to their locker for REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CREATION OF A “forgotten” items at the discretion of the teacher BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN during class. Any student receiving special education services will require a behavior management Lockers are school property provided for student plan as part of the IEP (Individualized Education use. LOCKERS WILL BE INSPECTED AND Program) when his/her disability causes the SEARCHED REGULARLY WITHOUT student significant difficulty behaving ANNOUNCEMENT. Students will be held appropriately. The IEP team will decide which accountable for all items found in their lockers. behavior intervention strategies are most (See “Searches of Students and Lockers”) appropriate for the student. Unless the IEP team specifically devises a behavior SCHOOL POLICIES management plan that differs from the school’s customary discipline policies, those policies BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION POLICY shall apply, and may include the use of “restrictive” and/or “non-restrictive” PURPOSE interventions. It is the purpose of this policy to describe the procedures authorized by the Board of MONITORING THE USE OF RESTRICTIVE Education of Central Community Unit School BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS District No. 4 (CUSD #4) relative to the use of The use of “restrictive” behavioral behavioral interventions with students with interventions shall be monitored as follows: disabilities. The District insists that students with identified disabilities should be held, as </p><p>27 1. When the intervention under consideration with disabilities, copies of these guidelines may is: being dropped from a course, in- be requested from the Illinois State Board of school, or out-of-school suspension, the Education, 100 N. First Street, Springfield, IL Building Principal shall ensure that the 62777-0001. intervention shall not constitute a change in placement, unless its use is preceded EMERGENCY by a “manifestation determination,” as described above. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 2. When the intervention under If a situation occurs in which immediate consideration is: inhibiting devices, manual intervention is needed to protect students, restraints, search of the student’s person, staff, other individual or the physical site from time-outs (isolation/quiet room), or harm, school personnel may impose an mechanical restraints (excluding restraint intervention that has not been delineated in prescribed by physician or used as a safety the behavioral management plan, as reflected procedure for transportation), the teacher in an IEP. When such an emergency or Building Principal shall ensure that the intervention has been utilized, the parents of intervention is administered in such a the student shall be notified as soon as fashion as to ensure the student’s right to possible. A description of the intervention placement in the least restrictive applied shall be documented and placed in the educational environment; and considers student’s temporary file. the student’s physical freedom and social interaction. TORNADO & FIRE DRILLS 3. See “Behavioral Intervention Policy To prepare for tornado, fire or other disasters, Committee” below. drills will be held at school. These drills are for the safety of our students and we expect PROCEDURAL PROTECTION students to conduct themselves in an orderly All of the procedural protections available to manner. Directions may be given over the students with disabilities and their parents school intercom system, which will require under the Individuals with Disabilities students to be quiet and alert for these Education Act (IDEA), including notice and instructions. Certified staff members will be consent, opportunity for participation in responsible for the direct supervision of students meetings, and right to appeal, shall be at this time. In a crisis situation, students will be observed when implementing and/or transferred to a secure location. Parents or developing behavioral interventions. guardians can call 698-2212 for more specific information. BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION POLICY COMMITTEE The District shall maintain a Behavioral GENERAL SCHOOL POLICIES Intervention Policy Committee to monitor, review and make recommendations regarding ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES the policy to the Governing Board. This School or class assemblies can be a valuable committee shall meet on a regular basis and addition to the school curriculum both as an shall consist of parents of students with educational experience and as an entertaining disabilities and other parents, teachers, experience. The number and type of assemblies administrators, advocates for persons with that will be held during the year will depend disabilities, and individuals with knowledge or entirely upon the cooperation and behavior of expertise in the development and the student body. implementation of behavioral interventions for persons with disabilities.</p><p>ISBE GUIDELINES This policy has been developed based on a review of the document entitled behavioral intervention in school; guidelines for development of district policies for students </p><p>28 Students will enter and exit the assembly area 3. If a student leaves the dance area, they in an orderly manner. Students will be may not reenter the dance. given seats when attending assemblies Appropriate dancing is expected. held in the auditorium. Students must 5. All school rules apply, including dress display appropriate behavior when code and no public display of affection. attending school assemblies or disciplinary Requested songs must be appropriate. action may follow. 7. Rides must pick up students at the designated release time. AUTHORITY OF STAFF 8. Students not attending school the day of Students are advised that any administration, the dance are not permitted to attend. any faculty member, or any auxiliary staff has 9. Nash Middle School dances are for the responsibility and the authority to direct the students enrolled at the Nash Middle School. action of the students at any place or time on No guests will be allowed to attend. school property or at any school activity. Direct, 10. If the above rules are not followed, the defiance or directing abusive language toward parent will be any staff member will be grounds for suspension from school, removal from class with loss of Notified, and the student will be removed from credit or possible expulsion. the dance area.</p><p>CARD PLAYING LOST AND FOUND Students are not allowed to play cards during Students who have lost or misplaced items at the school day, unless they have special school should check in the office to see if the permission from the school administration. items have been turned in. Students who keep articles they find will be subject to disciplinary COUNSELING PROGRAM action. At certain times during the year, the counselors from the high school guidance office may assist PURPOSE middle school students in meeting academic The Board of Education and Administration of difficulties, answering career questions and the Central Community Unit School personal inquiries. The high school guidance District #4 believes that John L. Nash department provides these services on an “as Middle School must offer opportunities needed” basis for parents to discuss concerns to all pupils in order for them to: regarding their children. 1. Develop to the full extent of their Prior to 8th grade promotion, a guidance academic abilities in basic subject areas. counselor will meet with each 8th grade student 2. Pursue their special fields of interest and to explain high school graduation requirements explore new areas. and course selection. 3. Develop good habits of character and citizenship The high school guidance office conducts a 4. Develop the social skills necessary for full freshman orientation program designed to enjoyment of life. acquaint eighth grade parents and students with 5. Develop a sense of responsibility to self, Central High School policies. family, school, community, and country. In addition a complete explanation of the credit system, graduation requirements and freshmen RESIDENCE/ELIGIBILITY scheduling process is given. Freshman Central Community Unit School District # 4, registration forms and a curriculum and course Iroquois and Kankakee Counties, Illinois guide are passed out, explained and questions appreciates the fact that many parents, answered. guardians or foster parents prefer that their child attend our schools even though the child may DANCE RULES not be a legal resident of the school district. 1. The doors to the dance will close one hour However, we are required by laws of the State of after the start of the dance. Illinois to charge tuition for students who are not 2. Once a student enters the dance, the legal residents of our district or who have student must stay in the dance area. established residence with adults other than </p><p>29 parent(s), guardian(s) or foster parent(s) solely State law provides that teachers and other for the purpose of attending school in this employees may request any person entering the district. building to identify themselves and the purpose Residency will be required for all students upon of their entry. A person who refuses to provide registering during each school year. Students such information is guilty of a petty offense and have to be registered by parents or court upon conviction shall be fined not more than appointed guardians. Please refer to board policy $100 (Section 24-25 of the School Code of and procedures for further information. Illinois).</p><p>SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM HEALTH The social work program is available to all students who wish to discuss problems ASBESTOS PRESENCE WARNING or personal concerns. Any student You are hereby notified of the presence or wishing to receive service on a regular suspected presence of asbestos in John L. Nash basis will need parental consent. Middle School. Be further advised that the Students enrolled in the program are asbestos-containing materials or suspected usually seen during their study hall or asbestos-containing materials are in a safe lunchtime. There are times when a condition when undisturbed. Regular student’s problems cannot appropriately inspection of the areas of this building that be addressed in the school environment. contains asbestos material does occur. In that situation the social worker would talk to the student and parent and direct A Management Plan for this building is on file in them to the appropriate resource. the school office and at the school District office. You or your designee is invited to review this Parents are encouraged to make an appointment document and to make yourself familiar with the with the social worker if they have any concerns. extent and type of asbestos located at this Students can request an appointment through facility. their teachers or in the office. ADMINISTERING MEDICATION TO STUDENT VISITORS When a student requires daily or regular The school policy is to allow entrance into the medication such as insulin shots or medication school to only those persons who have for illnesses that are kept under control by such legitimate business with the school. Visitors medication, the responsibility for administering must first check in and register in the office. medication rests solely upon the parents. School Students may bring guests to school only after employees should not undertake to administer receiving permission in advance from the such medication as a matter of policy. principal and the teachers involved. Visitors are requested not to attend during lunch periods and Because of increased demands upon the school are expected to leave when their business is and the primary responsibility of parents in this concluded or at the direction of the office. matter, the school will administer medication on a very limited basis. Doctors tell us, for Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s example, that medications prescribed to be classroom. We request you contact your child’s taken 3 or 4 times a day can be given to teacher and the school office a few days before students by their parents outside of school if the to make arrangements. Please do not bring any parents carefully plan a schedule, such as before pre-school children along on your visit. school, after school, meal time and bedtime. Therefore requests for the school to administer Student visitors are discouraged. Also, they have medication should rarely occur. If an exception on occasion attributed to a less than acceptable to the above medication schedule is requested, academic environment. Absolutely no student’s the school requires verification with a doctor’s visitors will be allowed to visit Nash Middle note. School unless prior approval has been granted through the office and only under special School personnel may not dispense or circumstances. administer prescription or non-prescription medication to students except under the </p><p>30 following conditions: INSURANCE 1. A signed and dated request from the parent The school district does not carry medical or legal guardian is on file in the school insurance for the students enrolled at office. The request specifies the name of the Nash Middle School. Students must medication, its purpose, the dosage and the purchase a school insurance policy at administration time. the beginning of the school term or have 2. In the case of a prescription medication, an insurance waiver in the office, which specific instructions from the licensed is signed by the parent or guardian. physician or dentist who prescribed the medication must also be on file in the school LICE office. Lice checks will be conducted periodically during 3. Prescription medication must be in a the school year. All children identified with nits container labeled appropriately by the will be sent home immediately. The parents will physician or pharmacist and the label must be provided a packet of helpful information and include the student’s name, drug name, an opportunity to take a specimen card with physician’s name, dosage, and the them. When returning to school the child must frequency of administration. Non- report directly to the office with a prescription medicine must be in the original parent/guardian and a note from the Public manufacturer’s container and must be Health Department or a Doctor stating that the labeled with the student’s name. child is nit free. A child is not to ride the bus until 4. The school Principal or his/her designee may he/she has been cleared by the office and only administer medicine. attends school for the day. A child will not be 5. A log shall be maintained for each student to allowed to attend school unless the child is nit whom medication is dispensed. The log free. shall record the date(s), time(s), dosage(s), and type of medicine dispensed and the MONETARY ISSUES name of the individual dispensing the medication. CASHING CHECKS 6. A signed release form for having an Inhaler For auditing purposes, the office is not allowed and taking any type of drug must be on file to cash checks for money. in the office. SELLING OF GOODS AND POSTING SIGNS All medications must be stored in an All items sold in the Nash Middle School must appropriate, secure storage area. In all cases have the approval of the principal. Signs and the school retains the right to refuse to dispense sales, which affect the school or a school medications when the above procedures have organization, must be approved in advance by not been followed, or when deemed necessary the principal. Outside organizations not by the principal. connected with Nash Middle School or the school district is prohibited from solicitation of any HEALTH RECORDS AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE manner. This regulation also prohibits the sale All students must have complete medical of goods between students. A notice will be records including up-to-date record of proper placed in the staffs’ mailbox when an item to be immunizations and a copy of their birth sold is approved. certificate (from the county clerk - not a hospital certificate). These records must be on file in the UNPAID DEBTS OWED THE SCHOOL school office to verify compliance with state The school on occasion may find it necessary health department requirements. Students not to collect unpaid debts, fines, and fees owed to in compliance will be excluded from school. the school. Notification will be sent to the Students must be up-to-date with DPT, MMR, parent or guardian of the student found owing HIB, and Hepatitis B shots. 6th grade students any money to the school with an opportunity must have an updated physical within a year for correction of any errors if necessary. Until prior to the first day of school and provide these past due amounts are paid or properly evidence of a dental exam within 18 months of resolved, the school will take the following the May 15th deadline. action:</p><p>31 1. Student records may not be released  Shoes must be worn at all times. 2. Participation in extracurricular may be  Hats, and/or sunglasses may not be restricted worn in the school building. 3. Library privileges may be restricted  Tank tops, spaghetti straps, mesh tops 4. Collection agency may be asked to and other see-through shirts are initiate recovery action inappropriate in school unless worn 5. All debts must be paid before the over/under an appropriate shirt. student can participate in the Eight Grade  Armholes must be close fitting in Promotion Ceremony+ sleeveless shirts/blouses. 6. Other actions found necessary  No low-cut tops 7. All debts must be paid before participating  No midriff should be showing when in any standing or sitting in normal position. extra-curricular/co-curricular activity,  Clothing with cuts, slits, holes or unless prior approval from administrative similarly damaged areas must be below team. finger tip length.  Bibs or suspenders may only be worn over an appropriate, tucked-in shirt. SCHOOL ATTIRE  Skirts and dresses must be fingertip length or longer. DRESS CODE  Shorts may only be worn from April 1 – Dress Codes for students have two major October 31 for all students and must be mid- purposes. The first is to insure that a decent thigh, fingertip length, or longer when arms and appropriate atmosphere for learning is are straight. maintained. This means that not only does the  While performing daily activities shorts school maintain an atmosphere free from or skirts must stay at appropriate lengths. distractions due to dress but that it also  Headbands, bandanas, scarves, reinforces values and standards considered handkerchiefs, etc. worn as headbands are appropriate for well mannered and polite prohibited. individuals. The second major goal of a dress  Spandex ,leggings, tights, hose , and code is to insure student safety. This means stockings (form fitting) may only be worn that clothing, jewelry and other items must not under a length appropriate skirt or clothing be a danger to the wearer or other students (e.g.  Clothing designed as underclothing, loose clothing in an area with power tools, including thermal underwear and boxers are wearing shoes at all times, no sharp objects not allowed. protruding, etc.) It also means that clothing  Pajama pants and/or slippers may not be should not interfere with school officials’ ability worn. to maintain a violence-free environment (e.g.  Jeans, pants, shorts, and etc. should not loose clothing that may conceal weapons, be excessively baggy or of a length that clothing with messages promoting violence, etc.) drags the floor. In addition, they should not be worn so low as to expose undergarments. Most students and their parents understand the  Clothing with inappropriately placed need for rules regarding dress. They support patches is not allowed, this includes duct the school’s efforts to maintain a safe and tape. appropriate school environment. School staff  Inappropriate chains may not be worn to needs everyone’s assistance to maintain this school. These include, but are not limited atmosphere. We ask that you discuss these to, wallet chains, dog chains, bicycle chains, rules with your student(s) and support a and etc. reasonable and practical dress code in the  Clothing may not contain messages Central Schools. advertising or promoting the use of tobacco  Jackets and short coats may be worn in products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal classrooms. As a matter of school safety drugs. and security, long coats (i.e. trench coats,  Clothing may not contain messages or dusters, overcoats, etc.) or bulky coats will signs promoting racial, ethnic, religious or not be allowed. gender hatred or violence, gangs, Satanism, </p><p>32 the occult or other anti-social or illegal clothes, which will be applied toward the behavior. laundering expense.  Students may not wear unusual or costume dress.  PE attire is not considered acceptable clothing outside the designated areas of education/extra-curricular use.  Appropriate PE dress is required for STATE MANDATES physical education students. (Blue shorts and white or gray T-shirt) APPLICATION FOR FEE WAIVER  No visible body piercing except for Pursuant to Illinois Revised Statutes, Ch. 122 earrings will be allowed. par. 10-20.13. Students are eligible for school  Shoes with wheels are not allowed in the fee waivers and free and reduced-priced meals school. if they are currently receiving and under Article Students in violation of the dress code for IV of the Illinois public Aid Code or are from the “first” time: households whose gross income is at or below  Will wear clothes provided or secure set levels. Application for fee waivers and free appropriate clothing from home and will or reduced-priced meals are available in the receive a verbal warning. Middle School office. Students in violation for the “second” time: MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT  Will wear clothes provided or secure If your child is Medicaid eligible the therapy appropriate clothing from home and will and diagnostic services that their school receive a detention. provides are partially reimbursable to that Students in violation for the” third” time: district. Unless you object in writing, your  Will wear clothes provided or secure child’s school will automatically release appropriate clothing from home and will information concerning these services to the receive a detention or an in-school government in order to qualify for supervision depending on the number and Medicaid/KidCare reimbursement. Please note: the type of violations Claims by your child’s school for Students in violation for additional times: reimbursement do not have any impact on May be considered guilty of gross your personal ability to receive Medicaid misconduct and may be suspended from funding now or in the future. school. The required written confirmation should be sent directly to Debra Quain. Kankakee Special ** Due to safety and security concerns Education Cooperative, 1 Stuart Drive, school administration reserves the Kankakee, Illinois 60901. Medicaid right to change and/or adapt rules reimbursement is a source of federal funds that accordingly to promote a healthy have been approved by Congress to help environment and benefit students and school districts maintain and improve services staff. to children. PE DRESS PHILOSOPHY OF NON-DISCRIMINATION All PE students will wear uniforms. The PE Central Community Unit #4 does not uniforms will consist of a T-shirt and a pair of discriminate in programs, activities, or shorts. The school will order these uniforms and employment on the basis of race, color, national the cost will be $15.00 per student. The origin, sex or disability. Central Community Unit student’s name will be marked on the front left #4 does not tolerate staff or students to side of the shirt, across the back of the shirt and discriminate against others based on of race, on the left leg of the shorts with a permanent color, national origin, sex or disability. laundry marker. Students will need white soled tennis shoes that are clean. They do not have to Central Community Unit #4 complies with be new shoes, just clean ones. The school will federal and state laws governing public school, have extra sets of uniforms and if a student including the Individuals with “forgets” their clothes, they will be required to Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the pay a $1.00 per day fee for using the school’s </p><p>33 Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities discipline, or other matters directly impacting Act of 1990, and P.A. 87-1103. their child’s education. If these situations do arise the parent/guardian will be directed to RIGHTS OF THE HOMELSS STUDENT communicate with the staff member directly The Central School District shall provide an related to the concern. If the situation is not educational environment that treats all resolved the parent/guardian may students with dignity and respect. Every communicate with the District representative homeless student shall have equal access to responsible for supervising the employee with the same free and appropriate educational the initial concern. The following is an example opportunities as students who are not of the District protocol to be followed: homeless. This commitment to the educational rights of homeless children, and youth not 1. Parent/guardian of student living with a parent or guardian, applies to all addresses/communicates concern to teacher services, programs, and activities provided or or counselor.2. made available, as prescribed in the McKinney- 2. Parent/guardian Vento Homeless Assistance Act. addresses/communicates concern to school administration. In an effort to comply with the McKinney-Vento 3. Parent/guardian Homeless Assistance Act, Central School addresses/communicates concern to District affirms that all Homeless Students will Superintendent of Schools. not be denied the benefits of, or be subject to, 4. Parent/guardian discrimination under any educational program addresses/communicates concern to Board or activity as students who are not homeless. of Education.</p><p>SEX EQUITY EFFECTIVE NOTICE TO PARENTS AND Educational programs are open to all students STUDENTS regardless of gender. Please contact the office Parents are entitled to inspect all instructional or notify the building Principal if there are any materials used in connection with any survey, questions regarding the policy of sex equity. analysis or evaluation. Also, no students will be required to submit to any survey, analysis SEXUAL OFFENDER or evaluation which reveals the kind of According to Public Act 94-994, the school information specified in 20 U.S.C. 1232h district is required to notify parents on without prior written consent of parents (or how to obtain information regarding sex consent of student if age 18 or emancipated). offenders living within the school district. Referenced copies of the law are available in The website is the District Office for inspection during regular business hours. VISITOR POLICY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE SCHOOL State law provides that teachers and other Central Unit #4 and Nash Middle School have employees may request any person entering the entered into a reciprocal agreement with the law building to identify themselves and the purpose enforcement and probation agencies in of their entry. A person who refuses to provide Kankakee and Iroquois Counties to share such information is guilty of a petty offense and information that involves students in the Central upon conviction shall be fined not more than School District. $100 (Section 24-25 of the School Code of SEARCHES OF STUDENTS Illinois). Searches of a student’s person, or his or her personal possessions including locker, purse, STUDENT/PARENT RIGHTS duffel bag, etc. shall be conducted by the principal, or his/her designee. He/she should CONCERN OF PARENT/GUARDIAN ABOUT A have a reasonable basis for believing that the STUDENT student is concealing material which is Central Community School District #4 prohibited by federal, state, or local law or the recognizes that parents/guardians will have provisions of the code. questions or concerns about student’s grades, </p><p>34 School authorities are allowed to inspect and the meaning, interpretation, or application of search such places as lockers, desks, parking established policies; (2) difference of lots and other school property, as well as treatment, or (3) application of civil rights personal effects left in those areas by students, legislation. The grievance procedure is not without notice to or consent of students and intended to limit the option of the District or without search warrants. School officials will the grievant(s) to resolve any grievances confiscate any contraband or prohibited mutually and informally. materials and may request the assistance of Due process shall exist throughout the law enforcement in conducting the searches. procedure with the right to: (1) representation, School officials may also hand over confiscated (2) present witnesses and evidence, (3) materials for further legal action beyond the confidentiality, (4) review of relevant records, discipline established by the school. and (5) proceed without harassment and/or STUDENT APPEAL retaliation. A student may appeal, in writing, to the principal if the student feels events beyond Step 1: The student(s) and/or parent(s) should his/her control have caused him/her to exceed discuss the matter with the person(s) directly the five-day attendance policy. A hearing on responsible for the grievance issue within the appeal will be conducted as soon as fourteen (14) days of the time when a possible following receipt of the written appeal. reasonably alert person should have been aware An Appeals Board composed of the principal, of the event giving rise to a grievance. An oral two teachers, and the Dean of Students will response must be made within five (5) days. review the appeal and return a ruling. The principal, student, or parent has the right to Step 2: If the problem is not resolved, the appeal the findings of the Appeals Board to the grievance should be referred informally to the Superintendent of Schools whose decision may Building Principal or his designee. The meeting also be appealed to the Board of Education. must be held within five (5) days from notification of referral and a written response STUDENT RECORDS made within five (5) days. A record of a student’s permanent grades is maintained in the school office. This information Step 3: If a satisfactory solution is not reached, may be made available to a student or parent the grievant(s) may appeal the issue in writing to when requested - a fee may be charged for the Superintendent of Central Community Unit copying costs. If a student transfers to another #4 within ten (10) days from the receipt of the school, a copy of his/her permanent record may written response on Step 2. A meeting between be sent to the receiving school at the school’s the parties will be held within ten (10) days and request. A student’s temporary record a written response shall be given within five (5) (disciplinary) may be included when transferring days. to another school. The office will provide any student or parent with additional information or Step 4: If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved assistance regarding student records if in Step 3, the grievant(s) may appeal the requested. grievance in writing to the School Board within five days from the receipt of the written The Illinois School Student Records Act of 1975 response. The Board shall consider the appeal makes students records more accessible to within sixty days and a written response shall be students and parents and less accessible to given within five days. other individuals. This act also makes specific provisions for inspecting and challenging UNIFORM GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE information in the student record. These Students, parents, guardians, employees, or provisions are available in the office upon community members should notify any District request. Complaint Manager if they believe that the School Board, its employees, or agents have STUDENT RIGHTS/GRIEVANCE violated their rights guaranteed by the State or PROCEDURES federal statute, or Board policy, or have a A grievance is a difference of opinion raised by complaint regarding: a student or group of students involving: (1) </p><p>35 1. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; complaint, or (3) as authorized by the 2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of Complainant. 1972; 3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of Within 30 school days of the date the complaint 1973; was filed, the Complaint Manager shall file a 4. Sexual harassment (Illinois Human written report of his or her findings with the Rights Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of Superintendent. The Complaint Manager may 1964, and Title IX of the Education request an extension of time. If a complaint of Amendments of 1972); sexual harassment contains allegations involving 5. The misuse of funds received for the Superintendent, the written report shall be services to improve educational filed with the School Board, which will make a opportunities for educationally decision in accordance with Section 3 of this disadvantaged or deprived children; or policy. The Superintendent will keep the Board 6. Curriculum, instructional materials, informed of all complaints. programs. 3. Decision and Appeal The Compliant Manager will attempt to resolve Within 5 school days after receiving the complaints without resorting to this grievance Complaint Manager's report, the Superintendent procedure and, if filed, to address the complaint shall mail his or her written decision to the promptly and equitably. The right of a person to Complainant by US mail, first class, as well as prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint the Complaint Manager. filed hereunder shall not be impaired by the person's pursuit of other remedies. Use of this Within 5 school days after receiving the grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the Superintendent's decision, the Complainant may pursuit of other remedies and use of this appeal the decision to the School Board by grievance procedure does not extend any filing making a written request to the Complaint deadline related to the pursuit of other Manager. The Complaint Manager shall remedies. promptly forward all materials relative to the complaint and appeal to the School Board. 1. Filing a Complaint Within 10 school days, the School Board shall A person (hereinafter Complainant) who wishes affirm, reverse, or amend the Superintendent's to avail himself or herself of this grievance decision or direct the Superintendent to gather procedure may do so by filing a complaint with additional information for the Board. Within 5 any District Complaint Manager. The school days of the Board's decision, the Complainant shall not be required to file a Superintendent shall inform the Complainant of complaint with a particular Complaint Manager the Board's action. The Complainant may and may request a Complaint Manager of the appeal the School Board's decision to the same sex. The Complaint Manager may request Regional Superintendent pursuant to Section 3- the Complainant to provide a written statement 10 of The School Code and, thereafter, to the regarding the nature of the complaint or require State Superintendent pursuant to Section 2-2.8 a meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a of The School Code. student. The Complaint Manager may assist the Complainant as needed. This grievance procedure shall not be construed to create an independent right to a School Board 2. Investigation hearing. The failure to strictly follow the The Complaint Manager will investigate the timelines in this grievance procedure shall not complaint or appoint a qualified person to prejudice any party. undertake the investigation on his or her behalf. If the Complainant is a student, the Complaint Appointing Complaint Managers Manager will notify his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) The Superintendent shall appoint at least two that they may attend any investigator meetings Complaint Managers, one of each gender. The in which their child is involved. The complaint District's Nondiscrimination Coordinator, if any, and identity of the Complainant will not be may be appointed a Complaint Manager. The disclosed except (1) as required by law or this Superintendent shall insert into this policy the policy, or (2) as necessary to fully investigate the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of </p><p>36 the current Complaint Managers. 1. Adding or removing system hardware, Central Community Unit School District Policy installing improperly licensed software, or 2:260 removing software without authorization of the Technology Coordinator. Mr. Marty Felesena Mrs. Victoria 2. Intentionally introducing viruses or malware Marquis of any kind. High School Nash Middle School 3. Hacking, attempted hacking, or causing the 815-694-2321 815-694-2323 loss of data for another student or staff. 4. Using another person’s user name, or password, or disclosing my user name of TECHNOLOGY password to another. I am responsible for any activity that occurs on a system when COMPUTER USE using that system. If I suspect my or any other district user’s password has been Central CUSD #4 Acceptable Use Policy – compromised, I will report it immediately. Authorization for Electronic Network Access B. I will use appropriate behavior and This policy governs all users of equipment and procedures around the electronic internet access in Central CUSD #4 regardless equipment. of age or station. 1. Walk and conduct myself in a calm and This document will be placed on file for the controlled manner around district duration of your employment or enrollment electronic equipment. with the district. 2. Use equipment only with the permission This signed form must be on file before you will and in the presence of an authorized be allowed to use the school’s electronic staff member. equipment. 3. Remain in my assigned seat. 4. Report any alterations to my computer, I. I understand the following: its screen, and any programs or files  Use of the internet/intranet and associated immediately. electronic equipment provided by CUSD #4 is a privilege, not a right. C. I will obey rules governing use of  Use of this equipment is necessary to a hardware, software, and internet quality education or term of employment access. This means that I will: with the district. 1. During instructional time access the internet for educational purposes only  Central CUSD #4 equipment is not to be used and as directed by an educator. for the operation of a private business 2. Not access inappropriate sites on the enterprise. internet. This includes accessing  There are state and federal copyright laws graphics or texts that are obscene, protecting software and other electronic pornographic, or harmful to a minor in media. any way.  Computer viruses/Trojans/worms/etc. and 3. Not access any file sharing sites which any other malware may cause a disruption of may allow illegal sharing of copyrighted the educational process. material.  Computer equipment is costly to maintain 4. Not give personal information regarding and replace. identification of any student or minor. 5. Not access any chat room or instant II. Taking the above into consideration, I messaging system for any activity not agree to the following: authorized by an educator. 6. Not participate in any form of cyber A. I will not tamper with the electronic bullying. equipment. 7. Give accurate credit to sites used in schoolwork. That includes but is not limited to:</p><p>37 III. Consequences for violations of this Radios, tapes, IPods, MP3, and CD players may Acceptable Use Policy include but are not be used at school till 8:05 when students are limited to: released from the gym. The student must use headphones and the volume must be turned 1. Financial responsibility for the repair or low enough to respond to staff commands. All replacement of any damage to electronic material being listened to must be school equipment and/or software. appropriate. Upon leaving the gym area the 2. Financial responsibility for the ascertaining electronic devices need to be shut off and of the extent of the problems caused by placed in the student’s locker for the school my actions. day. The electronic devices will be confiscated a. First offense – Saturday school by the school and returned to parents if the b. Second offense- 2 Saturday schools and guidelines are not followed. Repeat offenses a parental conference will result in further disciplinary action. c. Third offense – 3 day out of school suspension CELL PHONES- CAMERA PHONES- d. Fourth offense – Up to a 10 day DIGITAL CAMERAS-- suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. PAGERS-BEEPERS e. More severe consequences may apply in Cell phones, camera phones, and digital accordance with the school’s discipline cameras may be brought into the building for progression if deemed appropriate. student convenience and use after school. Upon arriving on school grounds in the morning the The district provides student accessible cell phone must be turned off and kept in the data storage. We are not responsible for student’s book bag. The cell phones must be loss of any files, or data. Students must turned off and kept in the student’s locked locker maintain their own data backups. The during the school hours of 8:15 a.m. and 3:20 district has filtering software in place, p.m. however, each user is responsible for Students are not allowed to possess or distribute sites they access and must report any pagers or beepers on school property during the inappropriate sites immediately or face school day. In addition, a student should not disciplinary action. By signing, I hereby have such devices at school functions or on release the School District and its Board school transportation. Such devices will be members, employees, and agents from confiscated and possible law enforcement any claims and damages arising from my notification will occur. School discipline ranging use of, or inability to use the internet, from a warning to suspension will occur. network, and any or all electronic equipment. Carrying or using a cell phone, camera phone, and digital camera during the school day will The use of any computer or device to result in the following discipline: slander, degrade, bully, or defame will 1st Offense = 1 After School Detention result in severe disciplinary action. This 2nd Offense = 1 Day of In-School Supervision also includes sexting, and other 3rd Offense = 1 Saturday School pornographic trafficking. 4th Offense= 3 days of In-School Supervision 5th Offense=1 day of Out-of School Suspension ELECTRONIC DEVICES Additional Offenses will result in Out-of School Electronic devices including laser pointers and Suspension DVD player, any handheld game, or other such devices are not to be at school unless requested The use of cellular phones, camera phones, or for instruction or otherwise authorized by the digital cameras in a way that disrupts the school. Video games must be turned off and educational process, is defamatory, or illegal will remain in book bags upon arrival to school. result in an increased penalty based upon the These devices will be confiscated by the school severity of the offense. and returned to parents. Repeated offenses Note: If a student has a compelling reason to may result in further disciplinary action. make a call, office personnel may grant permission for a student to get the cell phone </p><p>38 from the locker, bring it to the office, place the call, and then return it to the locker. TELEPHONE USE Telephone messages of an emergency nature, from parents, will be delivered to students. However, parents are urged to make their telephone calls brief and to call only when absolutely necessary. The office telephone is for school business, and it may be used by students only in cases of emergency with permission of the school secretary. Students need to be responsible. Students remaining after school for any activity should arrange transportation in advance. Therefore, using the telephone for non- emergency situations will be allowed twice during a grading period. After the second time a student will be denied use of the phone unless it is an emergency. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK CENTRAL COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4 CLIFTON, ILLINOIS</p><p>(PARTICIPANTS)</p><p>Adopted 8/22/05 Revised 5/19/08</p><p>EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES COVERED BY THIS POLICY INCLUDE ALL SCHOOL SPONSORED STUDENT GROUPS SUCH AS ATHLETIC TEAMS, CHEERLEADING SQUADS, SPEECH TEAMS, DRAMA, PERFORMING OR COMPETING MUSIC GROUPS, ACADEMIC COMPETITION TEAMS, STUDENT COUNCIL, FFA, FCCLA, VARSITY CLUB, SADD, FEA, NHS AND ANY OTHERS THAT ARE CLEARLY SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS FOR CENTRAL STUDENTS.</p><p>EXTRA-CURRICULAR PARTICIPATION POLICY</p><p>Participation in extracurricular activities conducted by the District is a privilege extended by Central Unit #4 to its students. District extracurricular activities must have objectives that are related to the educational mission of the School District. When these objectives are no longer valued, the very existence of the activity is suspect.</p><p>All District extracurricular activities have as goals the development of specific skills, abilities, values or knowledge. The regulations and policies outlined in this document are related primarily to the “character development” objectives of the extracurricular programs.</p><p>Central Unit District #4 makes no apology for the fact that it holds the participants of extracurricular program to a higher standard of behavior than is the case for the non-participant. Central expects all of its participants to fully conform to the laws of the State of Illinois. Central expects participants to exhibit greater levels of self, discipline, cooperation, self-denial, dedication and a sense of responsibility and loyalty to family, teammates and school than is to be found among non-participants. Central expects participants in the extra-curricular programs to model exemplary behavior for classmates as well as younger District students.</p><p>39 Extra-curricular activities covered by this policy include all School sponsored student groups such as athletic teams, cheerleading squads, speech teams, drama and perform or competing music groups, student council, academic competition teams, FCCLA, FFA, Varsity Club, SADD, FEA, NHS and any other organizations or activities that are clearly school in nature.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extracurricular activities, are expressing a commitment to the ideals and objectives of the District’s total extra-curricular program.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extra-curricular activities, are expressing a willingness to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that exhibits the highest values of their parents, community, teachers, classmates, and coaches.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extra-curricular activities are agreeing not to use tobacco products, alcohol or drugs, or to be involved in theft, vandalism or gang activity.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extra-curricular activities, are expressing a willingness to respect their team or group, school and coaches or sponsors in a manner that reflects well upon them in all circumstances.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extra-curricular activities, are agreeing that their failure to comply with these expectations may cause their suspension or dismissal from the extra-curricular organization. That decision may be made by their coach, sponsor, Principal or Athletic Director.</p><p>All students through their membership in one or more School District extra-curricular activities must attend school for at least one-half (½) of the school day in order to be eligible for practice or a contest on that day. Any deviation from this policy must be approved by the Principal, Athletic Director and the coach involved.</p><p>Note: Central High School students must be in attendance for the last two periods of the day with the 8 Block schedule and Nash Middle School students need to be in school for 3 hours when the time is extended over the lunch period. The State Board of Education does not count the 30-minute lunch period as instructional time.</p><p>Coaches, directors or sponsors are responsible for informing participants of these regulations. No student shall be permitted to engage or participate in an extra-curricular activity until he/she returns a signed and dated agreement form. One copy of these general policies plus any policies or rules for specific extra-curricular programs is to be retained by the parent or guardian.</p><p>Participation Fees</p><p>1. Participation Fees are non-refundable after the first game/meet. 2. Participation Fees must be paid before 1st game/meet.</p><p>CENTRAL COMMUNITY UNIT #4</p><p>DISCIPLINARY CODE EXTRA-CURRICULAR PARTICIPANTS</p><p>Any student participant guilty of actions that bring discredit to the School District, who interferes with the conduct of a program or who violates one or more of the prohibitions delineated under the School District’s “Extra-curricular Participation Policy” shall be subject to disciplinary action. Students participating in athletics and other extra-curricular activities will be penalized according to this policy </p><p>40 for each activity in which they participate. A Disciplinary Advisory Committee made up of the Athletic Director, the Principal, the participant’s sponsor or coach, and the Assistant Principal, shall meet promptly after learning of a possible violation of the policy to investigate the allegations and to determine if disciplinary action is appropriate. The School Principal shall retain veto power over decisions of the Disciplinary Advisory Committee. Students, parents, and members of the Disciplinary Committee may appeal decisions of the Committee to the Superintendent of Schools whose decision may also be appealed to the Board of Education. Decisions of the Board of Education shall be final.</p><p>TRAINING RULES ARE IN FORCE TWELVE MONTHS A YEAR.</p><p>PARTICIPANTS ON TEAMS, SQUADS, OR OTHER SCHOOL-SPONSORED GROUPS ARE EXPECTED TO REFRAIN FROM:</p><p>I. DRUGS</p><p>Drugs and controlled substances that are not legally obtainable, or that are legally obtainable but have not been legally obtained, are considered to be illegal drugs.</p><p>Any substance included in the definition above will be covered by all terms of this section.</p><p>The use, possession, transportation or transfer of any controlled substance or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. For purpose of this policy, a participant in a school-sponsored extra-curricular activity shall be deemed to be in violation of this policy when present at a party, at a gathering, in an automobile, or otherwise in close proximity, when controlled substances are being used, transferred, possessed or transported and no responsible adult supervisor is present, or no honest attempt to control illegal use by minors is made.</p><p>School officials will not attempt to ascertain whether a student(s) was or was not actually using controlled substances, had actual possession of controlled substances, or was actively involved in the transportation or transfer of a controlled substance. The School District’s position is that any student participant who is associated with these illegal activities is, at the very least, providing tacit support and encouragement for illegal activities by their very presence.</p><p>Note: A student athlete or other extracurricular activity participant may be allowed to prove himself/herself drug free and thereby lessen the discipline imposed under exceptional circumstances.</p><p>II. ALCOHOL</p><p>The use, possession transportation or transfer of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited. For purpose of this policy, a participant in a school-sponsored extracurricular activity shall be deemed to be in violation of this policy when present at a party, at a gathering, in an automobile, or otherwise in close proximity, when alcoholic beverages are being used, transferred, possessed or transported and no responsible adult supervisor is present, or no honest attempt to control illegal use by minors is made.</p><p>School officials will not attempt to ascertain whether a student(s) was or was not actually using alcohol, had actual possession of alcoholic beverages, or was actively involved in the transportation or transfer of alcohol. The School District’s position is that any student participant who is associated with these illegal activities is, at the very least, providing tacit support and encouragement for illegal activities by their very presence.</p><p>III. TOBACCO</p><p>41 The use or possession of tobacco products, including both “snuff” and chewing tobacco, is prohibited.</p><p>IV. THEFT/VANDALISM</p><p>The theft of property from an individual(s), from private and public institutions and/or businesses is prohibited. Intentionally causing damage to the personal property of an individual(s) or to the property of private or public institutions or businesses is prohibited. An intentional effort to disturb, disrupt or deface the property or the facilities of our school is considered vandalism under this policy.</p><p>V. GANG ACTIVITY</p><p>The participation in gang activities, membership in a gang, repeated wearing of gang related clothing or paraphernalia, or the repeated use of gang signs or language is prohibited.</p><p>OTHER PROVISIONS</p><p>ALL RULES CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE IN FORCE ALL TWELVE MONTHS A YEAR.</p><p>If it is determined that a student has lied to school officials normal punishment may be increased.</p><p>A first offense in any prohibited category is considered a first offense in all categories. Any subsequent offense is a second violation in all categories and the punishment will be in the category of that violation. For example, a first offense smoking violation is punished in that category and if the same student is later caught drinking alcohol for the first time he/she will be punished as though it was a second offense in the alcohol category.</p><p>All matters resulting in criminal charges under the Statutes of the State of Illinois shall be considered violations of the Discipline Code and may result in suspensions and/or dismissal from an activity.</p><p>The School District will investigate possible violations of the Policy when a responsible adult (the administration shall be the sole judge of a witnesses’ credibility), a district employee, or law enforcement personnel, with credible information of a possible violation, makes a report. Due to the serious problem of student alcohol and drug abuse the administration will vigorously pursue enforcement of these policies. Students will be questioned regarding possible violations of the Code, which may occur at a time when school personnel are or should be providing supervision of students and an activity and when such interviews are necessary in order to protect the due process rights of another individual or when such interviews are compelled by law enforcement personnel as part of an on-going criminal investigation.</p><p>Students who decide to enroll, participate and complete a drug or an alcohol abuse/rehabilitation program as partial fulfillment of the district’s sanction for violating these policies shall be given suggestions as to the types and locations of programs available in the area. The district accepts no financial obligation of any type for the student who voluntarily participates in such a program nor does the district make any claim relative to the long-term benefits of participation in such a program. Parents may propose a program for their child other than one suggested by the school however the district reserves the right to verify the authenticity and efficacy of such programs before agreeing to accept the program(s) as meeting the provisions of the policy.</p><p>Summer work for the school shall not be used as a substitute to the penalties outlined above.</p><p>During the term of the suspension that student will forfeit their membership in any club and/or</p><p>42 organization. They may not attend meetings or activities held by that club and/or organization (including class officers) during the length of the suspension. Any office that they hold in any club or organization will be forfeited for the remainder of that school year.</p><p>Band and/or Chorus participants will continue to practice with the group and/or class. The decision concerning whether they will attend performances will be made by the Discipline Committee.</p><p>Athletes and other extracurricular participants will not be allowed to attend any of the three major dances, Homecoming Dance, Winter Ball, or Prom, which are held during the time that they are suspended from extracurricular activities for violating any of the items that are prohibited by this Code.</p><p>Suspensions for partial seasons or semesters will sometimes occur when there is no longer enough contests or days left in the season or semester to fulfill the suspension. When that happens, the suspension will be applied to the balance of the season or semester plus part of the next season or semester in which the student would normally participate in to complete the requirement.</p><p>If the violation occurs in the off-season, the student will be suspended for the assigned number of contests or dates in the next season that he/she would normally participate in.</p><p>Sponsors and/or coaches have the right to add further criteria or rules in the form of a written contract as a part of their activity and/or expectations. Such criteria or rules must have the approval of the Athletic Director and Principal.</p><p>EXTRACURRICULAR PARTICIPANTS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION OF THESE POLICIES SHALL BE DISCIPLINED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER:</p><p>I. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (DRUGS) – Prescription drugs possessed, used, or dispensed without a proper medical prescription will also be considered illegal drugs for the purpose of this policy.</p><p>A. First Offense (Athletes or Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>The participant found to be in violation of the policies regarding use, possession, transportation or transfer of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, as such materials are defined by the Illinois Statutes, shall be SUSPENDED FOR 12 MONTHS from participation in all extracurricular activities and he/she shall be ASKED TO PARTICIPATE IN A SCHOOL- APPROVED DRUG REHABILITATION PROGRAM prior to regaining eligibility. Failure to participate in and/or satisfactorily complete a school-approved rehabilitation program will extend the participant’s suspension from participation in all school-sponsored extracurricular activities for an indefinite period or until such time the Principal and Discipline Advisory Committee are convinced the student is not likely to repeat the violation which resulted in suspension due some evidence of rehabilitation.</p><p>All rehabilitation programs shall be at the expense of the parent or participant and are voluntary. The school shall assume no responsibility for either the transportation or participation costs or arrangements associated with such a program nor does it make any claims regarding the long-term benefits of such rehabilitation/treatment programs.</p><p>Note: For the purpose of this policy, a student extra-curricular participant as present in close proximity to a controlled substance, i.e. at a party, under conditions in which he/she should have known of the presence of the controlled substance will be considered in violation and will be disciplined as explained as a first offense controlled substance offender.</p><p>A student who was, however, at a party where use, possession, transportation or transfer</p><p>43 of a controlled substance took place, under conditions which in the judgment of the Discipline Committee make it likely that he/she was not aware of the presence of the controlled substance, will have the option to prove that they are drug free. If such proof is provided in accordance with the procedure established, the student will be disciplined as explained under the first offense for alcohol.</p><p>For a student to prove that he/she is drug free, he/she must submit to a drug test at the place and time arranged by the Discipline Committee and provide the requested sample for screening. The cost of the test must be paid for by the student or his/her parent/guardian. If the results of the test indicate that the student is drug free, he/she will be disciplined as explained under the first offense for alcohol. If the results of the test indicate the student is not drug free he/she will be disciplined under the first offense for a controlled substance.</p><p>B. Second Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>A second offense of the rules shall result in the PERMANENT EXCLUSION FROM ALL DISTRICT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES for the time the student is in attendance at Central High School.</p><p>Note: For the purpose of this policy, no provision is included or implied for a reduction in discipline based upon the student’s knowledge of the presence of a controlled substance on a second offense.</p><p>II. ALCOHOL</p><p>A1. First Offense (Athletes)</p><p>The athlete found to be in violation of the prohibitions against the use, possession, transportation or transfer of alcohol will be given a choice between two discipline measures.</p><p>Choice #1: The Athlete will be suspended from PARTICIPATION IN FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE CONTESTS OF THE SEASON IN WHICH THE RULES VIOLATION OCCURRED AND SHALL BE ASKED TO COMPLETE A SCHOOL-APPROVED ALCOHOL ABUSE PROGRAM. The suspension applies to the balance of the season plus part of the next season the athlete would normally participate in if, when the rules violation occurs, less than 50% of the season remains. If the violation occurs in the off-season, the student shall be suspended for 50% of the contests from the next season in which he/she would normally have participated.</p><p>Choice #2: The Athlete will be suspended from PARTICIPATION IN 1/3 (33 1/3) PERCENT OF THE CONTESTS OF THE SEASON IN WHICH THE RULES VIOLATION OCCURRED AND SHALL BE ASKED TO COMPLETE A SCHOOL-APPROVED ALCOHOL ABUSE PROGRAM AND MUST SATISFACTORILY COMPLETE A COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITMENT OF AT LEAST 20 HOURS. It is the responsibility of the athlete and/or his/her parent or guardian to develop a Community Service Plan, which must be pre-approved by the Athletic Discipline Committee before it is implemented. Failure to meet this Community Service requirement will result in the athlete being disciplined under the guidelines of Choice #1. The suspension applies to the balance of the season plus part of the next season the athlete would normally participate in if, when the rules violation occurs, less than 33 1/3% of the season remains. If the violation occurs in the off-season, the student shall be suspended for 33 1/3% of the contests from the season in which he/she would normally have participated.</p><p>If the PARTICIPANT FAILS TO PARTICIPATE IN OR COMPLETE THE REHABILITATION PROGRAM, THE SUSPENSION SHALL BE EXTENDED TO INCLUDE ONE FULL SEASON OR ITS EQUIVALENT.</p><p>44 The participant may attend all practices and other non-public team /club activities during the course of a suspension and may be dropped from the team/club by the head coach/sponsor for failure to comply with this requirement.</p><p>A2. First Offense (Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>The extracurricular participant in violation of the policy will be given the choice between two discipline measures:</p><p>Choice #1: The Non-Athlete Participant will be suspended from PARTICIPATION IN FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF A SEMESTER IN WHICH THE RULES VIOLATION OCCURRED AND SHALL BE ASKED TO PARTICIPATE IN AND COMPLETE AN ALCOHOL ABUSE PROGRAM as described for the athlete participant. REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUSPENSION SHALL RESULT IN A SUSPENSION FOR THE EQUIVALENT OF 100 PERCENT OF A SCHOOL SEMESTER. (Note: The suspension schedule will be determined by semester in the same way that an athlete suspension schedule is determined using semester in place of season.)</p><p>Choice #2: The Non-Athlete Participant will be suspended from PARTICIPATION IN 1/3 (33 1/3) PERCENT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF A SEMESTER IN WHICH THE RULES VIOLATION OCCURRED AND SHALL BE ASKED TO COMPLETE A SCHOOL-APPROVED ALCOHOL ABUSE PROGRAM AND MUST SATISFACTORILY COMPLETE A COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITMENT OF AT LEAST 20 HOURS. It is the responsibility of the participant and/or his/her parent or guardian to develop a Community Service Plan, which must be pre-approved by the Activity Discipline Committee before it is implemented. Failure to meet this Community Service requirement will result in the participant being disciplined under the guidelines of Choice #1. (Note: The suspension schedule will be determined by semester in the same way that an athlete suspension schedule is determined by using semester in place of season.)</p><p>B. Second Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>An extracurricular participant found to be in violation of the prohibitions regarding the use, possession, transfer, or transportation of alcohol for a second time shall be SUSPENDED FROM ALL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) CALENDAR MONTHS AND HE/SHE SHALL BE ASKED TO PARTICIPATE IN AND COMPLETE AN ALCOHOL ABUSE PROGRAM as described above. Failure to participate or complete the abuse program shall result in an indefinite suspension.</p><p>C. Third Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Any extracurricular participant found to be in violation for a third time of the prohibitions regarding use, possession, transfer or transportation of alcohol shall be BANNED FROM PARTICIPATION IN ALL OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR THE REMAINDER OF HIS/HER SCHOOL CAREER.</p><p>III. TOBACCO</p><p>A1. First Offense (Athletes)</p><p>Any extracurricular participant found to be in violation of the policy’s prohibition against the use and possession of tobacco products shall be SUSPENDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE CONTESTS FOR THE SEASON in which the violation occurs or, if in the off-season or when less than 25% of a season remains when the violation occurs, the participant shall be suspended from activities for the equivalent of 25% of the next season’s contests or a combination of the present season and the next season. During the</p><p>45 period of the suspension the athlete shall participate fully in all practices and team activities.</p><p>A2. First Offense (Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>NON-ATHLETE PARTICIPANTS SHALL BE SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) WEEKS.</p><p>B1. Second Offense (Athletes)</p><p>Any extracurricular participant found guilty of violating the prohibitions against the use or possession of tobacco products a second time shall be SUSPENDED FOR ONE FULL SEASON’S CONTESTS and in the case of out of season or end of season violations the suspension shall include an equivalent portion of the next season for which the athlete would participate normally.</p><p>B2. Second Offense (Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Non-athlete participants violating this prohibition for the second time shall be SUSPENDED FOR THE EQUIVALENT OF A SEMESTER </p><p>C. Third Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Violation of these policies a third time shall result in the PERMANENT EXCLUSION OF THE STUDENT FROM PARTICIPATION IN ALL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.</p><p>IV. THEFT/VANDALISM</p><p>Any extracurricular participant who is found to be guilty of violating the prohibitions against theft of personal or public property or who vandalizes or intentionally harms or destroys the property of others shall be SUSPENDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN ALL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR A TIME PERIOD FROM ONE (1) CONTEST OR PERFORMANCE TO TWELVE (12) MONTHS depending upon the severity of the violation.</p><p>In addition, the student who violates this prohibition is required to make complete restitution to the injured party before any reinstatement to an activity or team will be considered.</p><p>A. First Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Theft or Vandalism Based on Value of Items Stolen or Damaged:</p><p>Less than $100 = Athletes – Suspension of 10-25% of contests in a season or seasons.</p><p>Non-Athlete Participants – Suspension of 10-25% of days in semester.</p><p>$100 to $500 = Athletes – Suspension of 50% of the contests in a season.</p><p>Non-Athlete Participants – Suspension of 50% of days in a semester.</p><p>$500 to $1000 = Athletes – Suspension of 100% of the contests in a season.</p><p>Non-Athlete Participants – Suspension of 100% of the days in a semester.</p><p>Over $1000 = Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants – Suspension for 12 months.</p><p>Note: Theft or vandalism which involved the use of forced entry or physical force against another person will result in the student being suspended from participation in any</p><p>46 extracurricular activity for twelve (12) months regardless of the value of items stolen or damaged.</p><p>B. Second Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Any extracurricular participant who violates this policy a second time shall be SUSPENDED FROM PARTICIPATION FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) CALENDAR MONTHS and must make complete restitution before regaining eligibility.</p><p>C. Third Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Any extracurricular participant found guilty of violating these prohibitions a third time shall be BANNED FROM ANY FURTHER INVOLVEMENT IN THE EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAM WHILE A STUDENT OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT.</p><p>V. GANG ACTIVITIES</p><p>Membership in a gang, involvement in or support of gang activities, repeated wearing of gang related clothing or paraphernalia, and repeated use of gang language or signs are prohibited. For the purpose of this policy, any wearing of gang clothing, displaying gang paraphernalia, or use of gang related language and signs after being warned to stop such activities will be considered as repeated wearing or use.</p><p>A. First Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Athletes = Suspension of 25%-50% of a season, depending upon the severity of the offense.</p><p>Non-Athlete Participants = Suspension of 25%-50% of a school semester, depending upon the severity of the offense. </p><p>B. Second Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants).</p><p>Athletes = Suspension of one season</p><p>Non-Athlete Participants = Suspension of one semester</p><p>C. Third Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants)</p><p>Suspension for 12 months</p><p>D. Fourth Offense (Athletes and Non-Athlete Participants).</p><p>Suspension from any further involvement in the Extracurricular Program while a student at Central High School</p><p>DEFINITIONS</p><p>ATHLETIC CONTEST – Any sanctioned, competitive event where a CENTRAL student represents the school and community by active, public participation (i.e. games, matches, meets, etc).</p><p>NON-ATHLETE ACTIVITY – Any sanctioned event or privilege where a CENTRAL student represents the school and community by active, public participation (i.e. trips, competitions, judging, etc.). Activities for this definition are only those events that take place outside of regular school hours (8:15 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.).</p><p>47 SEMESTER – 88 school days.</p><p>NASH MIDDLE SCHOOL ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extracurricular activities, are agreeing that their failure to comply with these expectations may cause their suspension or dismissal from the extracurricular organization. The decision may be made by their coach, sponsor, principal, or athletic director.</p><p>Students who fail one or more academic class will be considered ineligible to participate. An academic class includes any class in which a grade is earned. The student’s eligibility status for the entire week is established by a grade check on the first day of the week and is not reconsidered until the first day of the following week. (This means that if a student is determined to be ineligible on a Monday, he remains ineligible until the following Monday if his grades move into the passing range during the week.) </p><p>All middle school students, through their membership in one or more School District extracurricular activities, must attend school for a half day of school in order to be eligible for practice or a contest on that day. A half day of school is defined as minimum of 2 ½ hours of instruction. Therefore, students need to be in school for 3 hours when the time is extended over the lunch period. The State Board of Education does not count the 30-minute lunch period as instructional time.</p><p>All students, through their membership in one or more School District extracurricular activities are agreeing that the following procedures will be followed:</p><p>1. Students on the ineligibility list can practice, but cannot participate in the activity. 2. Students on the ineligibility list for three consecutive weeks will be removed from the team. Eligibility begins the first week of competition for the athletic teams. Non-athletic teams eligibility starts the 1st week of practice. 3. If a student who is participating in a year long club/organization is removed from the organization/club due to being ineligible for three consecutive weeks, that student may reapply during the first week of 2nd semester in writing (to the person in charge of club/organization) asking to be reinstated to rejoin the club/organization thus starting the eligibility requirements anew for 2nd semester. 4. All students are off the eligibility list the second week after the quarter. However, the second week of the quarter is excluded when determining the three consecutive weeks. 5. On the third week after the quarter the eligibility list starts anew. 6. Students are not permitted to attend a competition during the school day if they are ineligible for the week. Athletic Eligibility</p><p>In order to be eligible to participate in IESA sanctioned competitions, all students must:</p><p>1. Be passing ALL classes 2. Have a current physical on file in the office for athletic competitions. (Less than one year old) 3. Must have a current physical, proof of insurance or insurance waiver, and a medical form filled out and on file in the office before being allowed to practice or compete. 4. Attend an extracurricular participation policy meeting with a parent and have signed a copy of the participation code **Parent signature is also required. Failure to attend this meeting does not excuse any student from misconduct according to the extracurricular participation codes.</p><p>48 5. Follow all additional rules and regulations set by the principal, athletic director, sponsor, or coach. 6. All students participating in athletics, are required to pay a $52.00 fee per activity. 7. Students performing in district only activities, plays and music concerts, may be failing in no more than one class.</p><p>ATHLETIC BUS POLICY</p><p>NASH MIDDLE SCHOOL</p><p>All student athletes are required to ride the team bus to contests.</p><p>Coaches may give permission for an athlete to ride home with his/her parent/grandparent/guardian when he/she is contacted in person by the athlete’s parent/grandparent/guardian and the parent/grandparent/guardian signs the athlete out after the contest.</p><p>If a parent/grandparent/guardian wants an athlete to ride home with another team member’s parent/grandparent/guardian, a note from the athletes’ parent/grandparent/guardian must be turned in to the principal during the school day of the contest or before. A copy of the note will be with the coaching staff at the contest. This team member’s parent/grandparent/guardian who is transporting the player home will sign that player out before leaving. (If no such note has been provided, the coaches will not release the athlete to anyone except his/her own parent/grandparent/guardian and he/she will be expected to return on the bus.)</p><p>If exceptional circumstances exist and the parent/grandparent/guardian wants the athlete to ride home with someone other than parent/grandparent/guardian, they should ask for an exception to the policy in writing explaining the reasons they believe they should be granted relief from the policy. This request should be directed to the principal at least one day in advance of the contest. The principal, athletic director, and coach will make the decision and the principal or athletic director will inform the parent of the decision as soon as possible. </p><p>In cases where decisions are needed immediately, coaches will make decisions as to whether or not to grant exceptions to the policy based on their understanding of the situation and their best judgment.</p><p>EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:</p><p>ATHLETICS</p><p>STARTING DATES Dates are subject to change Cross Country Team July 30, 2012 Baseball July 30, 2012 Softball July 23, 2012 Girls Basketball August 27, 2012 Boys Basketball October 15, 2012 Wrestling November 26, 2012 Volleyball November 26, 2012 Boys/Girls Track February 25, 2012</p><p>SPORTSMANSHIP</p><p>SPECTATOR EXPECTATION</p><p>49 Students attending after school activities are expected to follow all school rules. Students may be assigned a seat for the activity by the school personnel supervising the activity. Misbehavior during a school activity may result in removal from the activity or restriction from further activities. </p><p>THE PLAYER: 1. Treats opponents with respect 2. Plays hard, but plays within the rules. 3. Exercises self-control at all times, setting an example for others to follow. 4. Respects officials and accepts their decisions without gestures or arguments. 5. Wins without boasting, loses without excuses, and never quits. 6. Always remembers that it is a privilege to represent the school and the community</p><p>THE COACH: 1. Treats team members and opponents with respect. 2. Inspires in the athletes a love for the game and the desire to compete fairly. 3. Role models the characteristics of the type of person he/she wants the athlete to be. 4. Disciplines those on the team who displays unsportsmanlike behavior. 5. Respects the judgment and interpretation of the rules by the officials. 6. Knows he/she is a teacher, and understands the athletic arena is a classroom.</p><p>THE OFFICIAL: 1. Knows the rules and their interpretations. 2. Places welfare of the participants above all other considerations. 3. Treats players and coaches courteously and demands the same considerations. 4. Works cooperatively with fellow officials, timers, and/or scorers for an efficient contest. 5. Is fair and firm in all decisions, never compensating for a previous mistake. 6. Maintains confidence, poise and self-control from start to finish.</p><p>THE SPECTATOR: 1. Attempts to understand and be informed of the playing rules. 2. Appreciates a good play no matter who makes it. 3. Cooperates with and responds enthusiastically to cheerleaders. 4. Shows compassion for an injured player, applauds positive performances, does not heckle, jeer or distract players or officials, and avoids use of profanity and obnoxious language and behavior. 5. Respects the judgment and strategy of the coach, and does not criticize players or coaches for loss of game. 6. Respects property of others and authority of those who administer the competition. 7. Censures those whose behavior is unbecoming. 8. Displays good sportsmanship towards the opposing team’s players and spectators.</p><p>NASH MIDDLE SCHOOL SONG</p><p>On O’ Rockets. On O’ Rockets, Come on team let’s go! And we’ll bring home victory for the colors blue and white, Fight! Fight! Fight!</p><p>We’re right for you, We’ll fight for you, To protect your name, So on O’ Rockets, on to victory and to fame.</p><p>C0-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES</p><p>BAND AND CHORUS AND SHOW CHOIR</p><p>50 The Band and Chorus competes each year in the IESA Solo and Ensemble and Organizational Contest. In the Spring students get the opportunity to be judged on their individual and group performances. </p><p>BETA CLUB Beta Club is a National Honor Society for the middle school. Students who are selected to become members must continue to maintain a 3.5 grade point average and continue to demonstrate good character and positive decision making.</p><p>GEOGRAPHY AND SPELLING BEES Each year the school enters students in the State Geography Bee and the I-KAN Spelling Bee. All students have an opportunity to compete and selection is on a basis of mastering preliminary tests.</p><p>SCHOOL PLAY We stage the J.L. Nash Annual Play. It’s a great way to be a part of a school wide production either as a cast member or a crew member.</p><p>SPEECH CLUB We begin the year with a county and state competition performing humorous monologues, serious monologues, duet acting, impromptu duets, poetry, and chorale readings.</p><p>STUDENT COUNCIL The purpose of student council is to develop leadership qualities in students and provide them with the knowledge and skills of the Student Council organization. Throughout the year, the members work to improve the school morale and atmosphere by posting Student of the Month and decorating the lobby. Members also work sport concessions and run fundraisers to help charities and send members to State Convention and Leadership Camp.</p><p>YEARBOOK Members are in charge of identifying activities and students, typing names and proofreading the entire book using an online source. The club forms during 3rd quarter.</p><p>SOCIAL ACTIVITIES On occasion, the school will host social activities, which may be sponsored by the student council or another organization of the school for Nash students only. These may include dances, fun nights, reward days, or other activities. All school disciplinary rules will be in effect at these times. High school students are not allowed to attend these functions. Middle school students are prohibited from attendance at high school social activities as well.</p><p>DANCE RULES 1. The doors to the dance will close one hour after the start of the dance. 2. Once a student enters the dance, the student must stay in the dance area. 3. If a student leaves the dance area, they may not reenter the dance. 4. Appropriate dancing is expected. 5. All school rules apply, including dress code and no public display of affection. 6. Requested songs must be appropriate. 7. Rides must pick up students at the designated release time. 8. Students not attending school the day of the dance are not permitted to attend. 9. Nash Middle School dances are for students enrolled at the Nash Middle School. No guests will be allowed to attend. 10. If the above rules are not followed, the parent will be notified and the student will be removed from the dance area.</p><p>DEFINITIONS</p><p>51 Arson - The malicious, intentional attempt to burn any property.</p><p>Abusive Language - Name-calling, racial slurs, or derogatory statements addressed to others.</p><p>Assault and Battery - Attempting to cause and/or causing injury to another student or staff member.</p><p>Behavioral Intervention- Interventions by which school personnel attempt to alter inappropriate student behavior.</p><p>Breaking and Entering - Forceful entry into the property of another or into any portion of the school property.</p><p>Bullying - A person who is habitually cruel or abusive to others weaker than himself/herself.</p><p>Change in Placement-Change in placement occurs when an IEP is altered so that a “substantial programmatic modification” is made, or when the new educational program is not comparable to the existing program. Placement does not change where slight modifications are made in the program. Thus, the introduction of new activities and change of classroom location or building, generally do not constitute placement changes. Likewise, suspensions in aggregate of 10 days or less do not constitute a change in placement.</p><p>Cheating - Using, submitting, or attempting to obtain data or answers dishonestly, by deceit, or by means other than those authorized by the teacher.</p><p>Coercion - The act of compelling by pressure, or threat, dominating, restraining, or controlling forcibly.</p><p>Communication Devices - Beepers, Cellular telephones, etc., are not allowed on school property except as specified in the handbook. Items will be confiscated.</p><p>Complicity - Association or participation in a wrongful act.</p><p>Conference - A meeting conducted among students, parents, and school officials where participants may be notified either verbally or in writing of misconduct.</p><p>Controlled Substance – 1. Any alcoholic substance 2. Other illicit drugs or look alike drugs 3. Any potential mind-altering substance</p><p>Cyber-bullying - Using the internet or other mobile devices to send or post harmful or cruel text of images to bully others.</p><p>Defiance of School Authority - Refusal to comply with reasonable requests of school personnel.</p><p>Detention - Temporary assignment of a student in a special room or area under the supervision of authorized school personnel.</p><p>Disorderly Conduct - To disturb the regular or normal function as related to a standard of behavior. Creating a breakdown in the orderly process of instruction and/or school activities.</p><p>Disrespect - Display of rudeness or discourteousness toward a school employee.</p><p>Explosive Device - Any device or material that may explode.</p><p>Extortion - The act or practice of obtaining something from another person by force or undue or illegal power or ingenuity.</p><p>Fighting - Engaging in physical contact for the purpose of inflicting harm to another person.</p><p>Forgery - The false making or alteration of a written document or another person's name or signature.</p><p>Gambling - To play a game for money or for other stakes.</p><p>52 Gross Misconduct – is any behavior, which is of flagrant or excessive in nature. It is any conduct, behavior or activity, which causes, or may reasonably cause, school authorities to forecast substantial injury or disruption or material interference with school activities or the rights of other students or school personnel.</p><p>Harassment - To annoy continually. Words and/or actions directed toward and individual which are intended to harass that individual based on a person's sex, race, religion, or ethnic origin are considered harassment.</p><p>Homework - Refers to an assignment to be completed during a period of supervised study in class, outside of class, in a study hall or at home.</p><p>In-School Supervision (ISS). - This option is utilized at Nash Middle School and is listed under section V or the handbook.</p><p>Intimidation - Threats or verbal comments with the intent to cause fear.</p><p>Insubordination - Any action involving open or persistent defiance of authority and/or school rules and regulations.</p><p>Intoxicating Agent - Any substance used to excite or stupefy to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished.</p><p>Loitering - Loitering, standing, littering, or traversing private property going to or from school, the bus stop, or any school sponsored event. It will be considered loitering when one of the following conditions exists: 1. After a reasonable request to leave 2. Does not have any legitimate reason for being there. 3. Does not have written permission to be there from anyone authorized to grant permission.</p><p>Look-Alike Drugs and Weapons - Any material or substance that has the appearance of or is similar to the real thing.</p><p>Loss of Privileges - Occurs when a student is not allowed to participate in any school activity other than academic classes. This may include extra-curricular activities during or after the regular school day.</p><p>Lying - Intentionally giving untrue communication.</p><p>Malicious Damage - The intent to cause loss or harm resulting in injury to person, property, or reputation.</p><p>Non-Restrictive Behavioral Interventions- “Non-restrictive” Behavioral Interventions are techniques which do not restrict a student from access to the regular school day, the regular school program, or to the same educational opportunities enjoyed by the student body at-large. Non-restrictive behavioral interventions may include, but are not limited to, individual student counseling, rewards systems (behavioral modification techniques), formal behavioral reports to parents, peer mentoring, in-school supervisions or time-out sessions in which the students is permitted to continue with his/her regular school work, and detentions which do not prevent the student from access to before-school or after-school activities.</p><p>Normal Education Process - Generally accepted action or operation of being educated.</p><p>Normal Established Rules - Generally accepted prescribed guide for conduct or action.</p><p>Not Pursuing the Course of Study - Refusal to follow expected procedures in a particular subject.</p><p>Obscene - Statements and materials that school officials applying contemporary school standards would find offensive.</p><p>Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) - Removal of the student from school for a specified length of time, not to exceed ten (10) school days. A parent conference is required prior to reinstatement.</p><p>Paraphernalia - Accessories, apparatus, or equipment that may be used in the manufacture of or utilization of a controlled substance.</p><p>53 Physical Abuse - Any act intended to cause injury to another.</p><p>Profanity - The act of uttering contemptuous language for the purpose of debasing the dignity of another person. The departure in the use of language from what is normally considered to be acceptable within the environment of school or school-related area.</p><p>Referral - A written notice of alleged misconduct to the appropriate administrator.</p><p>Refusal to Identify Self - Refusal to give correct name when requested to do so by the school personnel.</p><p>Relational Aggression or RA - Emotional violence and bullying behaviors focused on damaging an individual’s social connections within the peer group.</p><p>Reprimand - Warning or disciplinary action taken by a school official for student misbehavior.</p><p>Restriction of Bus Privileges - Temporary exclusion of a student from school transportation.</p><p>Restriction Pending a Parent Conference - Removal of a student from school, school transportation, and school activities until a parental conference is held with the appropriate building administrator.</p><p>Restrictive Behavioral Interventions-“Restrictive” Behavioral Interventions are techniques which restrict a student from access to the regular school day, the regular school program, or restrict the student from the same educational opportunities enjoyed by the student body at-large. Restrictive Behavioral Interventions would include, but are not limited to: out-of-school suspension, in-school supervision or time-out sessions in which the student is not permitted to continue his/her schoolwork, and detentions which prevent the participating student from access to before-school or after-school activities.</p><p>Robbery - The taking of property of another by force, violence, or threat.</p><p>R.T. I. - Response to Intervention.</p><p>Sale of Intoxicants - The transfer of ownership from one person to another for a price or item of value, those substances that excite or stupefy to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished.</p><p>Sexual Harassment - Policy 5:20, 5:20R, 7:20, 7:20R contains a complete definition of conduct which constitutes sexual harassment.</p><p>School Sponsored Events: Field trips, ceremonies, athletics and music trips whether they are held before or after school , evenings, weekends, on or off school property. </p><p>Special Assignment - Occurs when a student is given any additional work to perform that other students in a non disciplinary situation are not required to do.</p><p>Time-Out - Removal of the student from the regular academic setting or a restriction of privileges.</p><p>Theft - Taking property that does not belong to that person.</p><p>Tobacco - Dried leaves of plants used for smoking, chewing, and snuffing.</p><p>Trespass - The unauthorized presence of an individual on school property.</p><p>Truancy - The intentional absence from school without legitimate cause.</p><p>Tuesday Detention (TD) - A Tuesday detention is held after school from 3:20 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Students will bring school work and/or a library book to read for the entire time. </p><p>Vandalism - Destroying, mutilating, and defacing objects or materials belonging to the school, school personnel, or other persons.</p><p>54 Verbal Abuse - Disrespectful language and/or language which is threatening in nature to a staff member or a student.</p><p>Vulgarity - The use of offensive language; repulsive language; profane language.</p><p>Weapons - A weapon shall be defined as any object used or which could be used with the intent to do harm HALL PASS RECORD, 1st Quarter</p><p>Codes: R= Restroom, O=Office, D=Dean, SW=Social Worker, LO=Locker, C=Class **Teachers, Please sign in ink</p><p>Student’s name:______</p><p>Day Destination Time Signed</p><p>HALL PASS RECORD, 2nd Quarter</p><p>Day Destination Time Signed</p><p>55 HALL PASS RECORD, 3rd Quarter</p><p>Codes: R= Restroom, O=Office, D=Dean, SW=Social Worker, LO=Locker, C=Class **Teachers, Please sign in ink</p><p>Student’s name:______</p><p>Day Destination Time Signed</p><p>HALL PASS RECORD, 4th Quarter</p><p>Day Destination Time Signed</p><p>56 57</p>

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