Karnataka Quiz Association Presents MindSweep 2012 Part I – The Arts, Literature, Cinema, Music, Sports and Leisure PLEASE OPEN THIS BOOKLET ONLY WHEN YOUR PROCTOR SAYS “START”. PLEASE FAMILIARISE YOURSELF WITH THESE DETAILS BEFORE THE START. This BOOKLET contains 100 questions, divided into 5 topics. It comprises Part I of the contest. Your cumulative score across the ten topics will determine your ranking. Rules: 1. You have 60 minutes to answer as many of these questions as possible. 2. Each section ends with a 2-pointer. The maximum total score in each section is 21. 3. Papers will be swapped with another player for marking at the end of 60 minutes. 4. Unless stated in the question, last names will suffice. However, if you give the wrong first name, your answer will be incorrect! 5. Phonetically correct answers will be accepted. 6. After the five topics have been marked, you will get your paper back and you have 5 minutes to check you agree with the marking. Disputes must be referred to the coordinator in this time. Please indicate which answer(s) you are querying with a large ―?‖ question mark. 7. At the end of marking, your checker should copy your scores into the table on this sheet. If you agree with their marking, sign next to the score(s) to confirm this. Your complete script should then be handed in (it will be returned to you later). Once this has been done, no further discussions will be entered into about your score. The score signed for will be considered to be correct. 8. The overall highest scoring player from all participating venues will be the KQA MindSweep Champion 2012. 9. In the event of a tie, your lowest scores will be compared and the person with a higher score there will win. 10. In the event of any unprecedented occurrence or unforeseen circumstances arising in the course of the quiz, your proctor‘s decision shall be final and binding. KQA will adjudicate if the proctor refers the matter to us. 11. Your commencing to answer the questions indicates your acceptance of these rules. Thank you. Arul Mani, Dibyendu Das, Kiran Vijayakumar and Navin Rajaram, KQA Contestant‟s Name # Topic Marks 1 The Arts Sign here 2 Literature 3 Cinema 4 Music 5 Sports and Leisure Total http://kqaquizzes.org/ @kqaquizzes MindSweep 2012 The Arts 1. Designed by Jean Nouvel, this project is under construction on Saadiyat 1. Island and is expected to complete in 2014. A petition signed by more than 4650 experts, archaeologists and art historians has accused the UAE‘s European partner in this project of behaving like a corporation with profit maximisation in mind. What project? 2. (Visual) Created by Gerhard Richter, this cycle of photograph paintings is 2. also called October 18, 1977. The paintings, created from black-and-white newspaper and police photos, are based on the lives and of four left-wing terrorists, three of whom died in custody, perhaps due to torture. What is the more popular name of the series? 3. The wall began to crumble shortly after the work was completed. Some 3. friars cut a door in the wall knocking off the feet of one of the principal characters. Over time the chamber (housing the work) stopped being a refectory and became in turn a stable, a storage-room, a prison and barracks. Which famous work? 4. Consisting of display galleries with names such as Living Network, Oceans 4. Divided and The Bridge, the Biodiversity Museum is the only creation of Frank Gehry in Latin America. Near which city is it located? 5. In a 1985 Tonight Show appearance, when Johnny Carson asked Michael 5. J. Fox ―When did you really know you‘d made it in show business?‖, Fox replied, ―When ____ drew my head.‖ Fill up the blank with a caricaturist famous for his takes on films and film stars. 6. Isidore of Miletus, a physicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician, 6. served as architects for this structure. It was so richly and artistically decorated that Justinian I, in his infinite wisdom, exclaimed, ―Solomon, I have outdone thee!‖ Identify. 7. Modelled on Angela del Moro, a Venetian courtesan and a known dining 7. companion of the artist, this painting was commissioned by Guidobaldo II della Rovere, the Duke of a sovereign state in northern Italy, possibly to celebrate his 1534 marriage. In his 1880 travelogue A Tramp Abroad, Mark Twain called it ―the foulest, the vilest, the obscenest picture the world possesses‖. Identify the painting which hangs in the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence. 8. What „cute‟ nickname was given by the French poet Fernand Divoire in 8. 1909 to a group of six girls who danced under the instruction of Isadora Duncan – Anna Denzler, Maria-Theresa Kruger, Irma Erich-Grimme, Elizabeth Milker, Margot Jehl, and Erica Lohmann? 9. James Marshall twisted his friend‘s first name around a bit to call him 9. ―Morose‖ ____. Despite the eccentric dourness, he remained popular with his chosen audience, perhaps because, as he once said, he refused to lie to children. Who? 10. (Visual) When a great artist passed away in 1863, the establishment barely 10. acknowledged his passing. This caused a younger painter, Fantin Latour, to produce this tribute featuring himself, Charles Baudelaire, Whistler, and Manet ranged around a portrait of the departed genius. Which lover of liberty inspired this tribute? Karnataka Quiz Association MindSweep 2012 2 11. (Visual) Joan Acocella made this bemused response to his early forays into 11. art. ―Often in the foreground, one saw a... pile-up of faceless humanity, while in the background there hovered a Greater Power—an angel, perhaps, or just a sort of milky miasma.‖ Some people might say that this judgement is equally valid as a description of his prose. Identify this artist and writer who arrived in the US during the 1890s from another continent and made it big. 12. The French artist and photographer Nadar was fascinated by balloons and 12. set up The Society for the Encouragement of Heavier-than-Air Locomotion to further this interest. It was thus that he met a young man whose early effort as a writer was titled Five Weeks in a Balloon. Who was this young man? 13. Originally titled Francesca da Rimini, it depicts a 13th century Italian 13. noblewoman from Dante‘s Inferno who falls for her husband‘s younger brother Paolo Matalesta. The couple are eventually killed, while still reading Lancelot and Guinevere in an implied last act of love. What work of art? 14. U. S. Steel developed the product in the 1930s and trademarked it as Cor- 14. Ten; it was used primarily in railroad coal wagons. The insulating patina resists corrosion, requires no painting or weather-proofing, and doesn‘t compromise structural strength. It contains some copper to allow for the formation of a red brown patina as part of the weathering process. Its most famous use was perhaps in a 1998 sculpture unkindly dismissed as ―Flash Gordon with wings and the feet of the Beast from the Black Lagoon‖. Identify the monument or the creator. 15. On May 8, 1945 the towers of Immendorf Castle in southern Austria were 15. blown up by retreating Nazis. Thirteen of whose paintings were lost forever as a result of the brutal explosion? 16. Named after a vegetable this award satirizes a famous prize and was 16. conceived in 1999 as a response to Tracey Emin‘s work called My Bed that had been one of the nominees for the prize. Name this spoof award. 17. Which artist claims to have changed his ―style‖ while he was hiding from 17. the police under a rubbish lorry, when he noticed the stencilled serial number? The additional benefit was the reduced time it took to complete a piece. 18. (Visual) Who created the cover of the 1977 Aerosmith album aptly titled 18. Draw the Line? 19. ―He does not appear intimidated by gravity‘s divine suction... His arms are 19. by his side, only slightly outriggered. His left leg is bent at the knee, almost casually. His white shirt, or jacket, or frock, is billowing free of his black pants. His black high-tops are still on his feet.‖ Tom Junod coined the term by which we refer to an eleven-year-old artefact in this piece that he wrote for Esquire Magazine. What was this term? 20. (2 points) This scientist, whose eponymous contraption was immortalized in 20. a Joseph Wright of Derby oil-on-canvas, described the experiment on an avian thus: ―… the Bird for a while appear‘d lively enough; but upon a greater Exsuction of the Air, she began manifestly to droop and appear sick, and very soon after was taken with as violent and irregular Convulsions, as are wont to be observ‘d in Poultry, when their heads are wrung off: For the Bird threw her self over and over two or three times, and dyed with her Breast upward, her Head downwards, and her Neck awry‖. Identify the scientist and his creation. Karnataka Quiz Association MindSweep 2012 3 MindSweep 2012 Literature 1. Palaeontolo gist Krill Yeskov‘s The Last Ringbearer is an unauthorized 1. sequel to a popular book series based on the premise that the original text needs closer examination to generate alternate views. The book is narrated from the perspective of the residents of which land? 2. A slim crime novel titled Crusher by Niall Leonard has been in news— 2. largely due to the fame of his writer wife. Identify the better-half (literally?).
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