<p> ON SATURDAY 12th September 2015 Emmer Green Primary School, St Barnabas Road, Caversham, RG4 8LN 2.00 to 4.30pm ALSO PLANT AND BULB SALE, RAFFLE, PRODUCE AUCTION, REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE PRIZES PRESENTED BY Alan Thorpe (participant of the BBC’s Big Allotment 2014) SHOW PRIZES JUBILEE SHIELD MOST POINTS SECTS A, B, & C classes 1 to 46 FORD SILVER CHALLENGE CUP MOST POINTS SECT A Vegetables (classes 1 to 21) PARSONS SILVER CHALLENGE CUP MOST POINTS SECT B Fruit (classes 22 to 27) SOCIETY SILVER CHALLENGE CUP MOST POINTS SECT C Flowers (classes 28 to 46) BALMORE CUP MOST POINTS SECT D Novice (classes 47 to 55) WHISKIN CUP MOST POINTS SECT E Domestic (classes 56 to 63) HANDICRAFT CUP MOST POINTS SECT G Handicraft (classes 69 to 75) DEVON CUP MOST POINTS SECT H Flower arranging (classes 76 to 80) BOB TURNER CHALLENGE CUP WINNER CLASS 66 TED TIFFEN CUP WINNER CLASS 67 READING FESTIVAL CUP FOR ROSES WINNER CLASS 28 VOYLE CUP BEST EXHIBIT CLASSES 30 – 33 (Dahlias) NATIONAL DAHLIA SOCIETY MEDAL MOST POINTS CLASSES 30 – 33 BERT GOODSON TROPHY BEST EXHIBIT WHOLE SHOW CHILDREN’S CUP MOST POINTS CHILDREN’S SECTION (classes 81 to 88) MCCARTNEY CUP MOST POINTS IN NOVICE AND CHILDRENS SECTION Classes 47 to 55 and classes 81 to 88 CHS SILVER BOWL MOST POINTS IN SHOW ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY EXHIBITOR GAINING MOST PRIZE MONEY SECTS A - C BANKSIAN MEDAL EXCLUDING WINNERS IN 2012 TO 2014 ANN BRIGGS FLOWERS SPONSORING THE FLORAL ART SECTION CAROLINE JOHNSON SPONSORING CLASSES 47, 48, 49 and 51 CAVERSHAM HOMECRAFTS SPONSORING CLASSES 4, 9, 21, 50 and 85 GILL VICKERS SPONSORING CLASSES 81, 82 and 83 GWYNETH ROWLANDS SPONSORING 4 DAHLIA CLASSES MICHAEL HOWES SPONSORING THE FRUIT SECTION</p><p>WHATS ON Staging 9 am - 12 noon Judging 12 noon – 2.00pm Hall opens 2.00pm Prize money from 3.30pm Raffle 3.45pm Trophy Presentation 4.15pm SHOW RULES</p><p>1 ENTRIES will be accepted from any member of the society, but no exhibitor may stage more than 1 entry in any 1 class from the same garden, except in FLORAL ART and COOKERY CLASSES. 2 All exhibits in the FLOWER, FRUIT and VEGETABLE classes must have been grown by the exhibitor. 3 POT PLANTS must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for at least TWO months prior to the show. 4 Member means paid up member, husband or wife of the member, children related to the member. 5 All entries must be received by the SHOW SECRETARY not later than WEDNESDAY 09th September. Exhibitors are asked to ensure that their entry forms are correctly completed, as mistakes cannot be rectified. 6 Entry fee of 20p per class. Late entries will be accepted, EXCEPT in classes 76 - 78 (floral art), at 40p per entry, before 11am on the day of the show. 7 The judges’ decision is final. Prize money or awards may be withheld if exhibits are considered to be unworthy of the prize offered. 8 STAGING. The show will be open for staging from 9 am. An exhibitor’s card must be obtained from the Show Secretary, and placed face downwards with each exhibit. Please name varieties if possible to stimulate interest. 9 JUDGING. This will commence at 12 noon. Only authorised persons are allowed in the hall during judging. 10 PRIZE MONEY. This will be paid from 3.30pm onwards. Society awards will be presented at 4.15pm. 11 Containers will NOT be supplied for SECTION H (floral art). Vases will be provided where applicable and must be used. 12 All exhibits in SECTIONS A, B, C, D, & F will be donated to worthy causes unless an offer is made to purchase. RESERVED SECTIONS are E, G, H & I AND CLASSES 44 - 46 (POT PLANTS). A charge of 20p will be made to reserve exhibits. Exhibitors may start to remove their exhibits at 4pm. Exhibitors must ensure that their exhibitor's cards have been stamped RESERVED on the reverse side. 13 POINTS. Points will be awarded on the basis of five points for first, three points for second, and one point for third. In the event of a tie, the award will be given to the exhibitor with the most firsts etc. 14 All cups to be held for one year, and must be returned to the Show Secretary by the 21st of JULY 2016. 15 A NOVICE is a person NOT having won more than FIVE firsts in the same subject i.e. flowers, vegetables etc. in any of our shows.</p><p>…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….</p><p>I WISH TO ENTER THE FOLLOWING CLASSES AND ENCLOSE REMITTANCE OF £______IN PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES.</p><p>CLASS NO ______</p><p>NAME ______ADDRESS ______</p><p>...... </p><p>I WISH TO ENTER THE FOLLOWING CLASSES AND ENCLOSE REMITTANCE OF £______IN PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES.</p><p>CLASS NO ______</p><p>NAME ______ADDRESS ______</p><p>...... </p><p>TO BE RETURNED TO GWYNETH ROWLANDS (SHOW SECRETARY) AT 113. SOUTHVIEW AVENUE Entries and any queries can be emailed to [email protected]</p><p>TO BE RETURNED BY WEDNESDAY 09th September SHOW SCHEDULE Sections A, B, C, D, F & I To be judged by MR K TUDGAY and MR J. GREEN SECTION A – VEGETABLES 1 5 TOMATOES – 1 variety, stalks on. 2 5 POTATOES – 1 Variety, white. 3 5 POTATOES – 1 Variety, coloured. 4 3 ONIONS - 1 variety, globe, to pass through a 7.50cm / 3” ring. SPONSORED BY CAVERSHAM HOMECRAFT 5 3 ONIONS - 1 variety, flat, to pass through a 9.00cm / 3½” ring. 6 9 SHALLOTS - 1 variety, over 2.50cm / 1” diameter. 7 9 SHALLOTS – 1 variety, under 2.50cm / 1” diameter. 8 3 BEETROOT 1 variety, without foliage. 9 3 CARROTS - 1 variety, without foliage. SPONSORED BY CAVERSHAM HOMECRAFT 10 6 RUNNER BEANS - 1 variety, with stalks. 11 7 FRENCH BEANS - 1 variety, with stalks. 12 1 CORN ON THE COB. 13 Truss of GREEN TOMATOES. 14 Truss of CHERRY TOMATOES. 15 Pair of MARROWS - 1 variety, not to exceed 30.50cm / 12” in length. 16 1 GARLIC BULB. 17 Any other kind of VEGETABLE. 18 Any four VEGETABLES. 19 Vase of CULINARY HERBS , minimum of three kinds. 20 MIXED SALAD LEAVES growing in a pot, minimum 2 varieties, max size 20.25cm / 8”. 21 3 COURGETTES - 1 variety. SPONSORED BY CAVERSHAM HOMECRAFT SECTION B – FRUIT THIS SECTION SPONSORED BY MICHAEL HOWES 22 3 DESSERT APPLES - 1 variety, with stalks. 23 3 COOKING APPLES - 1 variety, with stalks. 24 3 PEARS - 1 variety, with stalks. 25 Plate of 3 MIXED FRUIT. 26 Any other kind of FRUIT. 27 6 SOFT FRUIT. SECTION C – FLOWERS 28 3 Blooms of Large Flowered ROSES. 29 A ROSE Bloom floating in a glass. 30 5 Blooms of DAHLIAS, pompon - under 5.00cm / 2” diameter SPONSORED BY GWYNETH ROWLANDS 31 3 Blooms of DAHLIAS, mixed varieties. SPONSORED BY GWYNETH ROWLANDS 32 3 Blooms of DAHLIAS, 1 variety. SPONSORED BY GWYNETH ROWLANDS 33 1 Specimen bloom of DAHLIA. SPONSORED BY GWYNETH ROWLANDS 34 A Specimen stem PELARGONIUM. 35 Vase of FLOWERING SHRUBS, 1 variety. 36 Vase of ANNUALS, 1 variety 37 Vase of ANNUALS, mixed varieties. 38 Specimen stem of CHRYSANTHEMUM. 39 3 Stems of PENSTEMON. 40 Vase of 3 stems FUCHSIA, mixed. 41 1 Specimen stem FUCHSIA. 42 Vase of any other kind of PERENNIALS, mixed, excluding above classes. 43 6 Stems FOLIAGE, minimum of 3 different varieties. 44 FUCHSIA in a pot. 45 FOLIAGE POT PLANT, up to 15.50cm /6” maximum size of pot. 46 FLOWERING POT PLANT, up to 15.50cm /6” maximum size of pot. SECTION D – NOVICE 47 5 RUNNER BEANS - 1 variety, with stalks. SPONSORED BY CAROLINE JOHNSON 48 3 ONIONS - 1 variety. SPONSORED BY CAROLINE JOHNSON 49 3 POTATOES - 1 variety SPONSORED BY CAROLINE JOHNSON 50 Any other kind of VEGETABLE. SPONSORED BY CAVERSHAM HOMECRAFT 51 2 APPLES - 1 variety, with stalks, dessert or cooking. SPONSORED BY CAROLINE JOHNSON 52 Any other kind of FRUIT - 1 variety. 53 Vase of MIXED FLOWERS. 54 Vase of one kind of FLOWER. 55 FLORAL ART. An exhibit using natural plant materials and accessories. To be staged in a niche measuring HEIGHT 61 cm. DEPTH 38 cm. WIDTH AT BACK 38 cm. OPENING TO 61 cm. SECTION E- DOMESTIC to be judged by MRS C. NEAVE. PLATES WILL BE SUPPLIED AND MUST BE USED, USE WAX DISC ONLY IF USING A CELLOPHANE TOP, ALL JARS AND SCREW TOP LIDS MUST BE FREE FROM ALL COMMERCIAL / TRADEMARKS (OPEN CLASSES TO RG4 RESIDENTS) 56 SAUSAGE PLAIT. 57 5 Pieces of SHORTBREAD. 58 Jar of FRUIT CURD. 59 ROULADE. 60 APPLE TARTE TA TATIN. Please cover all produce 61 Small jar of MINT JELLY. 62 Individual CREME CARAMEL in a glass container. 63 DATE AND WALNUT LOAF. 3oz (90g) soft butter or margarine, plus extra for greasing, 8oz (250g) dates, stoned and roughly chopped, ¼ pint (150ml) boiling water, 3oz (90g) caster sugar, 1 egg, 8oz (250g) self raising flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 3oz (90g) walnuts roughly chopped 2lb (1kg) loaf tin Lightly grease the loaf tin with butter and line with greaseproof paper*. Put the dates into a bowl and pour over the measured boiling water, and leave for about 15 minutes. Combine the butter, sugar, egg, flour and baking powder in a large bowl and beat until well blended. Add the walnuts and dates, plus the soaking liquid and stir to mix. Spoon into the prepared loaf tin and bake in a preheated oven at 180c, (160c fan, Gas mark 4) for 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours until well risen and firm to the touch. A fine skewer inserted into the middle of the loaf should come out clean. Leave to cool in the loaf tin for a few minutes, then turn out to a wire rack and peel off the lining paper. Leave to cool completely. SECTION F 64 The LONGEST RUNNER BEAN. 1ST PRIZE ONLY. 65 The LONGEST CARROT with root. 1ST PRIZE ONLY. 66 THE BOB TURNER CHALLENGE CUP. SENIOR CITIZENS ONLY. 2 dishes of different kinds of VEGETABLES, & 2 vases of different kinds of FLOWERS, as per sections A and C of this schedule. 67 THE TED TIFFEN CUP. Vase of MIXED GARDEN FLOWERS. 68 BUTTONHOLE. Any flower, with foliage. Entries up to 10.45 a.m. 1ST PRIZE ONLY. SECTION G – HANDICRAFT to be judged by MS. D. HILES (OPEN CLASSES TO RG4 RESIDENTS) 69 COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH taken on a CHS OUTING. Size 10.25 cm x 15.25 cm, mounted on black card. 70 COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH entitled GREEN. Size 10.25 cm x 15.25 cm, mounted on black card. 71 COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH of a BIRD. Size 10.25 cm x 15.25 cm, mounted on black card. 72 A KNITTED ITEM. 73 A DECORATED FLOWER POT, maximum diameter 15.50cm / 6”. 74 An Item made from RECYCLED MATERIAL. 75 A CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENT. SECTION H - FLORAL ART (OPEN CLASSES TO RG4 RESIDENTS) to be judged by MRS. P. WILLIAMS THIS SECTION SPONSORED BY ANN BRIGGS FLOWERS 76 A MODERN arrangement using 3 blooms. An exhibit using natural plant materials and accessories. 77 “AUTUMN” an exhibit using natural plant materials and accessories. 78 An arrangement to depict A BOOK TITLE. An exhibit using natural plant materials and accessories. NICHES FOR CLASSES 76 to 78 WILL BE PROVIDED, HEIGHT 61cm / 24” DEPTH 38cm / 15” WIDTH AT BACK 38cm / 15”. OPENING TO 61cm / 24” 79 PETITE. An exhibit. NOT to exceed 25cm / 10” in height, width and depth. 80 MINIATURE. An exhibit NOT to exceed 10cm / 4” in height, width and depth. SECTION I - CHILDREN’S AGE TO BE STATED (OPEN CLASSES TO RG4 RESIDENTS) 81 GARDEN in a half seed tray. SPONSORED BY GILL VICKERS 82 MONSTER made from fruit and / or vegetables. SPONSORED BY GILL VICKERS 83 DESIGN A SEED PACKET. SPONSORED BY GILL VICKERS 84 DESIGN NEXT YEARS SHOW POSTER. 85 Any kind of VEGETABLE. SPONSORED BY CAV ERSHAM HOMECRAFT 86 A DRAWING or PAINTING of a PLANT. 87 A PHOTO taken while on HOLIDAY. 88 3 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. . PRIZE MONEY 1st 2nd 3rd ALL CLASSES EXCEPT THOSE BELOW £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 BOB TURNER CUP £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 TED TIFFEN CUP £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 CHILDREN’S CUP £5.00 £3.00 £2.00</p>
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