Parson Drove Parish Plan

Parson Drove Parish Plan

<p> PARSON DROVE PARISH PLAN 2005 APPENDICES</p><p>PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH:</p><p>Parson Drove Parish Council This document is the intellectual property of Parson Drove Parish Council and Parson Drove Parish Plan Steering Committee. It may be reproduced without restriction, providing that it is reproduced in full and without alteration. All photographs remain the property of their original owners. The Parson Drove Sign is © Thora Jarvis 1999. . Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 - Appendices</p><p>PARSON DROVE PARISH PLAN 2005 APPENDICES</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>Appendix A – Complete Statistical Results...... A / 1 Overall Questionnaire Figures...... A / 2 Parish Demographics...... A / 2 The Environment...... A / 7 Traffic...... A / 10 Housing...... A / 12 Sport and Recreation...... A / 16 Transport...... A / 31 Employment and Local Business...... A / 36 Public Services...... A / 40 Comments...... A / 41 Appendix B – Complete Youth Survey Results...... B / 1 Demographics...... B / 1 What do you do with your free time?...... B / 2 What would you like to see in Parson Drove?...... B / 5 About Parson Drove...... B / 7 Youth Club...... B / 8 Comments...... B / 8 Appendix C – Mathematical Details...... C / 1 Percentage Values For Each Column...... C / 1 Percentage Errors For Each Column...... C / 1</p><p>An interactive version of the Parson Drove Parish Plan, including the appendices, is available on CD-ROM, or online at The online version will be updated as the plan is implemented over time. Please visit the website for updates on the Parish Plan. Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 - Appendices</p><p>To request a copy of the report on CD-ROM, or a copy of the appendices, please contact John Smith, Chairman of the Parson Drove Parish Plan Steering Committee on (01945) 701038, or e-mail: [email protected] Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>APPENDIX A</p><p>COMPLETE STATISTICAL RESULTS</p><p>This section will detail complete mathematical results of all the questions asked in the main questionnaire. Results from the separate youth survey may be found in Appendix B.</p><p>Numerical questions (e.g. Q16 - How important are each of the following activities for improving the local countryside?) ask for the respondent to give a numerical value to their opinion on the issues. These are usually in the range 1 to 3 or 1 to 5, where 1is Very Important and 3 or 5 are Not Important. These types of question are assessed by calculating the mean and mode of the answers given.</p><p>The mean gives the average answer and is a good indicator of the relative importance of an item in the list. If the mean were 1.00 then every single person would have answered “1” for that item. As the mean increases, so the importance of the item to the village drops. The mode indicates the answer that occurs most often from respondents. It’s another, equally valid way of ranking the results.</p><p>The final column in such cases indicates how many people expressed an opinion on this issue. Often people only expressed opinions about some of the items in the list (despite the question asking them to express an opinion for all items), so this gives some idea of how many people felt compelled to comment on this issue, regardless of it’s actual ranking. For example an item may have a very low mean, but a very low number of returns, indicating that it is important to a few people, but others don’t care about it. Similarly, an item may get a higher mean ranking, but almost all people have expressed an opinion.</p><p>In the case of questions that ask the respondent to tick one or more boxes, percentages and percentage errors are shown. The errors are calculated at a 95% confidence level. They are the equivalent of saying; “We are 95% certain that X% chose option A with an error of plus-or-minus Y%.” Details of how the errors are calculated are in Appendix C</p><p>Sub-analyses and graphs will be included where appropriate and a summary of all comments in those questions that asked for them is also included.</p><p>Some of the sub analyses include breaking down the parish into separate regions to try to determine the particular areas that an issue impacts upon. In such cases, the parish was broken down into six regions, as follows:</p><p> Region A – Back Road, Murrow and Murrow Bank  Region B – Brewery Close, Ingham Hall, Gardens, Lakeside Close, Newlands Road, Station Road, Silvers Lane and Main Road to the West of Sealey’s Lane  Region C – Fen Rd, Swan Gardens, Riverside Gardens and everything west of Swan Bridge  Region D – Common Bank, Marshalls Bank, Sealey’s Lane and The Bank  Region E – Turf Fen and Seadyke Traveller’s sites.  Region F – Main road, east of Silvers Lane, Church End and Elbow Lane.</p><p>A / 1 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>OVERALL QUESTIONNAIRE FIGURES</p><p>Total sent out: 441 Total returned: 211 (47.95%) Total number of people responding to the questionnaire: 471 Total percentage of population that responded (based on 2001 census): 45.73%</p><p>PARISH DEMOGRAPHICS</p><p>POPULATION (Q1, 14 AND 15)</p><p>Parish Plan 2001 Census</p><p>Total Males: 236 490 Total Females: 235 540 Total Replies: 471 Village population 1030</p><p>0-5 20 4% 0-4 48 6% 6-11 19 4% 5-15 138 7% 12-19 22 5% 16-24 62 8% Total in each age 20-39 67 14% 25-44 244 21% group 40-59 133 28% 45-64 292 27% 60-74 151 32% 65-74 153 22% 75+ 59 13% 75+ 93 9%</p><p>Males 0-5 13 5.51% Males 6-11 12 5.08% Males 12-19 12 5.08% Males 20-39 35 14.83% Males 40-59 60 25.42% Males 60-74 76 32.20% Males 75+ 28 11.86%</p><p>Females 0-5 7 2.98% Females 6-11 7 2.98% Females 12-19 10 4.26% Females 20-39 32 13.62% Females 40-59 73 31.06% Females 60-74 75 31.91% Females 75+ 31 13.19%</p><p>A / 2 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q2 – HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Lived here 0-4 years 60 28.85% 4.57% 5-9 years 29 13.94% 3.49% 10-19 years 28 13.46% 3.44% 20+ years 91 43.75% 5.00%</p><p>Q3 – WITH REGARD TO YOUR CURRENT HOME, ARE YOU…?</p><p>Error Home owner 177 85.51% 3.56% Renting from private landlord 3 1.45% 1.21% Renting from housing association 8 3.86% 1.95% Shared Owner 2 0.97% 0.99% Lodging with another household 0 0.00% 0.00% Housing tied to job 2 0.97% 0.99% Living with parents or relatives 0 0.00% 0.00% Other 18 8.70% 2.85%</p><p>In the Other category, six households are council houses, one is a public house landlord. The remaining 11 are on Traveller’s Sites.</p><p>Q4 – HOW MANY BEDROOMS DOES YOUR PRESENT HOME HAVE?</p><p>From the answers given the following figures were calculated:</p><p>Average no of bedrooms / household 2.83 Most common number of bedrooms 3 Maximum number of bedrooms 6 Minimum number of bedrooms 1</p><p>Q5 – IS THIS YOUR ONLY HOME? IF NOT, IS THIS YOUR MAIN HOME?</p><p>Error House is only home 202 96.65% 1.81% House is not only home 7 3.35% 1.81% -- But is main home 6 -- And is not main home 1</p><p>A / 3 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q6 – ARE YOU, OR IS ANYONE LIVING WITH YOU, LIKELY TO MOVE TO ANOTHER HOME IN THE PARISH IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS?</p><p>Error Yes 12 6.00% 2.48% No 188 94.00% 2.48%</p><p>Q7 – IF THE ANSWER TO Q6 IS YES, HOW MANY ROOMS WILL YOU REQUIRE?</p><p>From the answers given the following figures were calculated</p><p>Average number of rooms required 2.25 Most common no of rooms required 2 Maximum no of rooms required 4 Minimum number of rooms required 1</p><p>It is worth noting though, that with only 12 people responding, these figures cannot really be taken as a basis for any future planning decisions.</p><p>Q8 – HAVE ANY MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD MOVED AWAY FROM THE PARISH IN THE LAST 10 YEARS? IF SO, HOW MANY?</p><p>Error No of households no-one moved away 149 80.11% 4.44% No of households where people moved away 37 19.89% 4.44% -- Total number of people moved away 54 -- Average number moving away in such cases 1.59 -- Most moved away from one household 4 -- Most common number moving away 1</p><p>A / 4 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q9 – WHY DID THEY LEAVE?</p><p>Error Lack of affordable housing 12 35.29% 15.48% Lack of suitable housing 5 14.71% 11.47% Lack of public transport 2 5.88% 7.62% To take up employment elsewhere 13 38.24% 15.74% To go to university or college 5 14.71% 11.47% Other 8 23.53% 13.74%</p><p>In the Other category, the responses were:  Nearer to work  Moved to Wisbech  Spain  Young family wanted own home  Marriage  Died  Marriage  Moved in with partner</p><p>Q10 – WOULD THEY WISH TO RETURN TO THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Yes 11 34.38% 15.89% No 21 65.63% 15.89%</p><p>Again these numbers are too low to be the basis for planning decisions.</p><p>A / 5 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q11 – HOW MANY VEHICLES DOES YOUR FAMILY HAVE?</p><p>From the answers given here, the following numbers were calculated. A distinction was made in these calculations between motor vehicles in general and bicycles. Several people also added trucks as a separate category on the questionnaire. These have been combined with Vans for these calculations.</p><p>Error Total number of motor vehicles 333 Average motor vehicles per house 1.62 -- Average and total number of cars 1.38 283 -- Average and total number of vans/trucks 0.20 40 -- Average and total number of motorbikes 0.05 10 -- Average and total number of bicycles 0.57 117 -- Maximum number of cars in one household 4 -- Maximum no of motor vehicles in one household 6 No of houses with cars 182 88.78% 3.22% No of houses with vans/trucks 36 17.56% 3.89% No of houses with motorbikes 8 3.90% 1.98% No of houses with Bicycles 56 27.32% 4.55% No of houses with no vehicles (including bicycles) 19 9.27% 2.96% No of houses with at least one motor vehicle 185 90.24% 3.03% No of houses with only bicycles 2 0.98% 1.00%</p><p>Q12 – WHERE DO YOU NORMALLY PARK YOUR CARS/VANS?</p><p>Error Vehicles in garage 132 70.21% 5.04% Vehicles on driveways 185 98.40% 1.38% Vehicles off-road 11 5.85% 2.58% Vehicles on-road 4 2.13% 1.59%</p><p>Q13 – IS PARKING DIFFICULT FOR YOU OR MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD?</p><p>Error Yes 16 8.47% 3.05% No 173 91.53% 3.05%</p><p>The number of “Yes” answers may be slightly lower than this due to the layout of the question on the questionnaire. Due to the spacing between the answer boxes, the box for “Yes” was right next to the word, “No”. In several cases, it was clear that someone with only one car in their garage had ticked the “Yes” box by mistake. Despite this, the overall result is clear from the numbers.</p><p>Q14 AND Q15 SUPPLIED DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND ARE COVERED UNDER Q1</p><p>A / 6 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>THE ENVIRONMENT</p><p>Q16 - HOW IMPORTANT ARE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVING THE LOCAL COUNTRYSIDE? (RANGE: 1-3, VERY IMPORTANT TO NOT IMPORTANT)</p><p>No of Mean Mode opinions Other 1.053 1 19 Remove litter from verges 1.302 1 367 Roadside verges mown 1.499 1 377 Provide more litter bins 1.512 1 340 Provide more dog bins 1.635 1 340 Open more footpaths 1.923 1 339 More trees along verges 2.213 3 333 Open more bridleways 2.336 3 330 Roadside verges left to grow for wildlife 2.338 3 308</p><p>This question was also analysed by region, within the parish. The extents of the six regions (A – F) are defined at the start of this Appendix.</p><p>Mean A B C D E F Other 1.053 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.333 Remove litter from verges 1.302 1.167 1.250 1.397 1.310 1.381 1.284 Roadside verges mown 1.499 1.955 1.531 1.382 1.442 1.714 1.437 Provide more litter bins 1.512 1.208 1.512 1.525 1.514 1.773 1.516 Provide more dog bins 1.635 1.208 1.607 1.542 1.632 2.053 1.586 Open more footpaths 1.923 1.583 2.036 1.758 1.914 1.955 1.949 More trees along verges 2.213 2.083 2.222 2.241 2.344 2.105 2.172 Open more bridleways 2.336 2.000 2.288 2.264 2.323 2.500 2.065 Roadside verges left to grow 2.338 2.333 2.412 2.321 2.233 2.150 2.393</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  Clear / trim overhanging trees, bushes and hedges (x6)  Hedgerows (x5)  Empty bins regularly (x3)  Cameras to identify litterlouts  Heavy fines for abusers, or better still, community service for life</p><p>A / 7 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q17 - DO YOU USE A DOORSTEP-RECYCLING BOX?</p><p>Error Yes 313 79.44% 3.14% No 36 9.14% 2.24% Not available but want 42 10.66% 2.40% Not available and don't want 3 0.76% 0.67%</p><p>This question was also broken down by region.</p><p>A B C D E F Yes 79.44% 100.00% 92.08% 70.15% 68.75% 77.27% 73.68% No 9.14% 0.00% 1.98% 23.88% 12.50% 4.55% 5.26% Not available but want 10.66% 0.00% 5.94% 5.97% 18.75% 13.64% 18.42% Not available and don't want 0.76% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.55% 2.63%</p><p>Q18 – DO YOU USE THE GLASS RECYCLING FACILITY ON THE GREEN? IF NOT, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY.</p><p>Error Yes 238 59.80% 3.78% No 160 40.20% 3.78%</p><p>There are too many comments to list them all individually (123 people stated why they didn’t use it) but the comments fall into four categories:  The bin is always full  Didn’t know it was there  Glass is taken to other recycling bins (notably Wisbech)  Don’t use enough glass to make it worthwhile.</p><p>A few people noted that they had problems with disability or transport and would prefer to have glass included in a doorstep collection.</p><p>Q19 - WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS TO RECYCLING SERVICES IN THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Further facilities in parish for paper, clothing, cardboard 211 56.42% 4.01% Additional bins for households 204 54.55% 4.03% Weekly collection 203 54.28% 4.03% Recycling of plastics 167 44.65% 4.02% Agricultural plastic sheet recycling 75 20.05% 3.24% No Opinion 51 13.64% 2.78%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 374</p><p>A / 8 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q20 - WOULD YOU USE A HOME COMPOSTER IF IT WERE MADE AVAILABLE?</p><p>Error Yes 200 53.19% 4.02% No 139 36.97% 3.89% Don't Know 37 9.84% 2.40%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 376</p><p>Q21 – WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO HELP RUN A COMMUNITY-COMPOSTING SCHEME?</p><p>Error Yes 18 4.96% 1.80% No 296 81.54% 3.21% Don't Know 49 13.50% 2.83%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 363</p><p>Q22 – WHICH PUBLIC AREAS OR FACILITIES WITHIN THE PARISH NEED IMPROVED DISABLED ACCESS?</p><p>Error Shops 133 63.03% 5.81% Village Hall 50 23.70% 5.12% Cage 39 18.48% 4.67% Public Houses 140 66.35% 5.69% Other 44 20.85% 4.89%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 211</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  Post Office (x21)  Churches (x9)  Footpaths and pavements (x6)  Hairdresser (x2)  Playing Field (x2)  All public areas and facilities (x2)  Swan bridge footbridge is very badly laid out</p><p>A / 9 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>TRAFFIC</p><p>Q23 - HOW CONCERNED ARE YOU ABOUT THE FOLLOWING ROAD SAFETY / SECURITY FACTORS IN THE PARISH? (RANGE: 1-5, EXTREMELY CONCERNED TO DEFINITELY NOT CONCERNED)</p><p>No. of No. of Don’t Mean Mode opinions Know’s Other 1.000 1 32 0 Speeding traffic 1.323 1 381 3 Road maintenance 1.614 1 370 3 Lack of pedestrian safety 1.712 1 347 10 Footpath maintenance 1.749 1 366 5 Traffic-calming 1.950 1 341 12 Weight restrictions 1.982 1 335 20 Protection of verges 2.075 1 332 17 More lighting 2.159 1 352 11 Lack off-road parking 2.719 4 317 20 Poor road signage 2.738 3 320 17 Less lighting 3.629 5 221 34</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  Block off the top end of Back Road, Murrow (slope end) to stop speeding traffic. Very dangerous at times - cars disregard speed limit  More post boxes (x3)  Cars parked on footpaths (x4)  Brewery Close in a shocking state  On road parking on Back Road, Murrow should not be allowed  Better kerb access when crossing from road to pavement in wheelchair/pram as the standard of existing crossing ramps is very poor  Poor observation points on Long Drove Bridge. It is also in dire need of a weight limit and it is in very poor state of repair (x2)  Too many heavy lorries (x2)  More pavements and footpaths needed (x3)  Bridge weight signs (x2)  Specific cycle lanes (x2)  No Parson Drove sign from Murrow on Station Road (x2)  Very concerned about more street lights causing light pollution  Better drainage on road to stop water running into our yard (x2)  No HGVs over Swan Bridge  Lack of parking for The Green and along The Bank for fishermen (x2)</p><p>A / 10 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>This question was also broken down into regional sections:</p><p>Mean A B C D E F Other 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Speeding traffic 1.323 1.000 1.230 1.394 1.477 1.474 1.192 Road maintenance 1.614 1.625 1.475 1.567 1.825 2.316 1.701 Lack of pedestrian safety 1.712 1.042 1.716 1.815 2.257 1.474 1.580 Footpath maintenance 1.749 1.458 1.474 1.766 2.182 2.684 1.696 Traffic-calming 1.950 1.708 1.750 1.862 2.061 2.684 1.791 Weight restrictions 1.982 2.227 1.827 1.869 2.081 2.278 1.866 Protection of verges 2.075 1.636 2.150 1.967 2.241 2.579 2.103 More lighting 2.159 1.167 2.193 2.328 2.618 2.750 2.029 Lack off-road parking 2.719 2.833 2.797 2.741 2.571 2.737 2.712 Poor road signage 2.738 2.417 2.707 2.811 3.300 2.500 2.588 Less lighting 3.629 4.053 3.542 3.362 3.545 2.571 3.705</p><p>We also analysed the question based on age:</p><p>Overall Under Mean 40 Over 40 Other 1.000 1.000 1.000 Speeding traffic 1.323 1.351 1.316 Road maintenance 1.614 2.000 1.523 Lack of pedestrian safety 1.712 1.662 1.725 Footpath maintenance 1.749 2.000 1.686 Traffic-calming 1.950 2.059 1.923 Weight restrictions 1.982 2.109 1.952 Protection of verges 2.075 2.147 2.057 More lighting 2.159 2.042 2.189 Lack off-road parking 2.719 2.829 2.688 Poor road signage 2.738 2.875 2.698 Less lighting 3.629 3.827 3.568</p><p>A / 11 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>HOUSING</p><p>Q24 – HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF HOUSING IN THE PARISH? (RANGE: 1-3, HIGH IMPORTANCE TO LOW IMPORTANCE)</p><p>No of Mean Mode opinions Other 1.000 1 5 Home for families 1.607 1 318 Sheltered housing 1.625 1 325 Homes for Young people 1.625 1 331 Homes for Elderly people 1.627 1 322 Homes for People with disabilities 1.772 1 311 Homes for people that had to leave 2.068 3 296 No further homes needed 2.229 3 253 Homes for single people 2.289 3 298</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  Old people's private complex (x2)  Affordable homes (x2)  Bungalows that local people can afford to purchase, not large houses that are out of our range (x2)  Homes with a business use facility (workplace homes) (x2)</p><p>Q25 - WOULD YOU BE IN FAVOUR OF A SMALL NUMBER OF NEW HOMES IN THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Yes 284 72.08% 3.48% No 70 17.77% 2.97% No opinion 40 10.15% 2.34%</p><p>People were asked to give reasons if they said “No”. The comments were:  There are far too many houses being built on Back Road, Murrow. The road is not wide enough for the traffic. Three passing places is a joke!  We moved here for the openness of the countryside and we wanted to live in a small village, not to have it built up like a town  Building enough homes as it is. Village shop is not suitable for the new influx of people in the village (I.e. opening hours)  More Whitemoor prisoner's dependants would benefit  Any encroachment on the delightful pastoral aspects surrounding the village would be undesirable  There have been many homes built here in the past decade. The village needs time to re-adjust socially. To build "cheap" houses where building restrictions have caused land prices to soar is just a dream.  We have too many now as doctors, etc. are overflowing</p><p>A / 12 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p> Not enough doctors  Too many already  More homes means an increase in traffic  Extra traffic, surgery unable to cope, more cars and people  No foreigners as there's enough already  With new homes being constructed in and around the village the threat to our water and sewage systems is already a problem, especially with the low water pressure we have to put up with. Doctor's surgery is already closed for new arrivals  Yes, but only if village is not built up like a town  We've already had a large number of new homes in the parish (x2)  Yes, but only when public facilities can cope (x2)  There is already a variety of housing available plus a new estate. Will lose the charm of village life if too much 'estate' development  Loss of village status. Too many town people who cannot understand an agricultural area and the way village people exist  Too crowded, too much noise from construction and not enough space for it (x3)  Housing in Parson Drove currently matches the facilities and amenities available (x2)  They might build houses at the back of mine!  Too many people for local doctors to cope with (x2)  We feel Parson Drove should not get much bigger as this would destroy the village atmosphere (x2)  With the current level of development within the village it is in danger of losing its identity and becoming an urban sprawl (x2)  Village has already grown dramatically over the last few years. Doctor's surgery will struggle to cope with the development. New homes already going in by Butchers Arms and traffic already speeds thru village (x2)  There is more than enough social housing in the village already (x3)  The building would be poor high-density with no gardens - would alter village beyond recognition. There are enough "little boxes" in this village, spoiling it.  Because they won't be used for the young (x2)  Too much development within a small village spoils the village and it's character as can be seen near Peterborough. Eye and Werrington are no longer villages. They are almost part of the town. The infrastructure is not available to cope with too much additional out-of-character building  I moved here because I enjoy village life. More homes will mean more people, which will mean more facilities to support them. It will not be long before it is no longer a small village</p><p>A / 13 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q26 - WHAT TYPE OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE IN THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Convert redundant buildings 212 56.84% 4.02% Single dwellings 156 41.82% 4.00% Small groups (less than 10) 155 41.55% 4.00% Larger groups 37 9.92% 2.42% No Opinion 45 12.06% 2.64% Other 20 5.36% 1.83%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 373</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  None (x5)  1st-time buyer homes (x5)  2-bed bungalows that local people that have lived all their lives in the village can afford rather than having to look to other villages (x2)  1 or 2 in infill positions (x2)  Homes with a garden, not just a postage stamp (x2)  Small development for local elderly and disabled  Bungalows, not houses  Anything built or converted should be within current boundaries  This is a village! Houses should not be so close that they overlook their neighbours</p><p>Q27 – WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING RENEWABLE ENERGY FEATURES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN ALL HOMES?</p><p>Error Maximise heat gain, minimise loss 218 61.41% 4.10% Security and liveability designed in 203 57.18% 4.17% Transport and commuting designed in 133 37.46% 4.08% Built to Eco-home standards 231 65.07% 4.02% Solar Water Heating 164 46.20% 4.20% Solar electricity cells 118 33.24% 3.97% Other renewable technology 69 19.44% 3.33% Rain water harvesting 183 51.55% 4.21% Grey water harvesting 117 32.96% 3.96% Use locally sourced materials 124 34.93% 4.02% Community heating 54 15.21% 3.03% Other 9 2.54% 1.32%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 355</p><p>A / 14 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  Not wind turbines (x3)  Wind turbines (x2)  Mains gas needed (x2)  Windmills  I live in a trailer and would not benefit from any of these</p><p>A / 15 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>SPORT AND RECREATION</p><p>Q28 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU TAKE PART IN THE FOLLOWING SPORTING AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES WITHIN A TEN-MILE RADIUS OF THE PARISH? (1 – DAILY, 2 – WEEKLY, 3 – MONTHLY, 4 – OCCASIONALLY, 0 – NEVER)</p><p>Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total Error Swimming 267 1 35 6 65 107 28.61% 3.66% Cycling 273 15 23 10 53 101 27.01% 3.59% Dancing 290 1 22 6 55 84 22.46% 3.38% Golf 330 3 14 8 19 44 11.76% 2.61% Fitness Training 334 3 19 3 15 40 10.70% 2.50% Bowls 335 4 25 2 8 39 10.43% 2.47% Pool 338 1 8 1 26 36 9.63% 2.39% Gym 339 0 17 1 17 35 9.36% 2.36% Football 348 0 12 5 9 26 6.95% 2.06% Badminton 350 0 4 2 18 24 6.42% 1.98% Snooker 350 0 5 2 17 24 6.42% 1.98% Darts 351 0 2 0 21 23 6.15% 1.94% Tennis 354 0 8 0 12 20 5.35% 1.82% Aerobics 357 0 8 3 6 17 4.55% 1.69% Yoga 357 1 7 0 9 17 4.55% 1.69% Horse Riding 359 3 2 0 10 15 4.01% 1.59% Athletics 365 0 5 0 4 9 2.41% 1.24% Cricket 365 0 5 0 4 9 2.41% 1.24% Canoeing 369 1 0 1 3 5 1.34% 0.93% Hockey 369 0 0 4 1 5 1.34% 0.93% Rugby 370 0 2 1 1 4 1.07% 0.83% Gymnastics 372 0 2 0 0 2 0.53% 0.59% Skittles 373 0 0 0 1 1 0.27% 0.42% Volleyball 373 0 0 0 1 1 0.27% 0.42% Majorettes 374 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 374</p><p>In this question, it was assumed that if people only answered part of the question, they never did the other activities. For example, simply putting a “2” next to Tennis, implied that you would put “0” (Never) next to everything else. This has only been done for questions such as this one where the numbers indicate a particular category, rather than a numerical value that is used to calculate means or modes.</p><p>If however, the respondent left the entire question blank, we could not assume that they did no sports at all. Whilst this may be the case with some people, we had to assume that they had merely chosen not to answer the question. </p><p>These results were interpreted in an alternative way in order to give some sort of ranking on a “activities per week” basis. Daily activities score 7x the total; weekly scores 1x the total; monthly 1/4x and occasionally 1/8x the total. The resultant sum</p><p>A / 16 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A of these figures should indicate the number of times an activity is participated in per week regardless of whether it is the same person doing it multiple tomes, or many people doing it once. </p><p>This gives the following results, significantly different from the above table:</p><p>Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total times activity is done per week Cycling 273 15 23 10 53 137.13 Bowls 335 4 25 2 8 54.50 Swimming 267 1 35 6 65 51.63 Fitness Training 334 3 19 3 15 42.63 Golf 330 3 14 8 19 39.38 Dancing 290 1 22 6 55 37.38 Other 0 3 14 1 3 35.63 Horse Riding 359 3 2 0 10 24.25 Gym 339 0 17 1 17 19.38 Pool 338 1 8 1 26 18.50 Yoga 357 1 7 0 9 15.13 Football 348 0 12 5 9 14.38 Aerobics 357 0 8 3 6 9.50 Tennis 354 0 8 0 12 9.50 Canoeing 369 1 0 1 3 7.63 Snooker 350 0 5 2 17 7.63 Badminton 350 0 4 2 18 6.75 Athletics 365 0 5 0 4 5.50 Cricket 365 0 5 0 4 5.50 Darts 351 0 2 0 21 4.63 Rugby 370 0 2 1 1 2.38 Gymnastics 372 0 2 0 0 2.00 Hockey 369 0 0 4 1 1.13 Skittles 373 0 0 0 1 0.13 Volleyball 373 0 0 0 1 0.13 Majorettes 374 0 0 0 0 0.00</p><p>A / 17 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Comparing different age groups, and the percentage of each age group that does any particular activity gives:</p><p>Under 20 20-40 40-60 Over 60 Swimming 64.71% 38.46% 45.35% 15.53% Cycling 64.71% 33.85% 48.84% 12.62% Dancing 5.88% 15.38% 30.23% 22.82% Golf 0.00% 20.00% 13.95% 9.22% Fitness Training 35.29% 15.38% 10.47% 7.28% Bowls 0.00% 0.00% 4.65% 16.99% Pool 11.76% 23.08% 15.12% 2.91% Gym 47.06% 16.92% 10.47% 3.40% Football 41.18% 15.38% 3.49% 2.91% Badminton 23.53% 10.77% 5.81% 3.88% Snooker 5.88% 13.85% 8.14% 3.40% Darts 5.88% 16.92% 4.65% 3.40% Tennis 29.41% 7.69% 3.49% 3.40% Aerobics 5.88% 7.69% 6.98% 2.43% Yoga 0.00% 9.23% 6.98% 2.43% Horse Riding 5.88% 10.77% 5.81% 0.97% Athletics 29.41% 3.08% 0.00% 0.97% Cricket 23.53% 4.62% 1.16% 0.49% Canoeing 0.00% 4.62% 0.00% 0.97% Hockey 29.41% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Rugby 11.76% 3.08% 0.00% 0.00% Gymnastics 11.76% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Skittles 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.49% Volleyball 0.00% 1.54% 0.00% 0.00% Majorettes 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%</p><p>Total number of people in age group 17 65 86 206</p><p>It is worth noting that of the 374 people that answered this question, 55.1% are over 60. Whilst every reply is equally valid, it does mean activities such as Bowls will appear further up the overall list than if there had been a balanced response as the bowlers in the parish are almost exclusively over 60 years of age.</p><p>A / 18 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q29 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU TAKE PART IN THE FOLLOWING LEISURE AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES WITHIN A TEN-MILE RADIUS OF THE PARISH? (1 – DAILY, 2 – WEEKLY, 3 – MONTHLY, 4 – OCCASIONALLY, 0 – NEVER)</p><p>As with Q28, “Never” is implied where the question has been partially answered.</p><p>Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total Error Social Drinking 183 9 85 28 70 192 51.20% 4.04% Walking 204 62 48 6 55 171 45.60% 4.02% Cinema 266 0 3 26 80 109 29.07% 3.67% Church 273 0 26 12 64 102 27.20% 3.59% Theatre 309 0 1 3 62 66 17.60% 3.08% Educational Classes 340 5 17 2 11 35 9.33% 2.35% Senior Citizens Club 346 0 17 7 5 29 7.73% 2.16% Arts/Crafts 348 0 4 3 20 27 7.20% 2.09% Flower/Gardening Group 352 1 2 3 17 23 6.13% 1.94% W.I. 358 2 1 11 3 17 4.53% 1.68% Other 2 1 9 5 1 16 4.27% 1.63% Amateur Dramatics 368 0 2 0 5 7 1.87% 1.09% Singing 369 0 2 0 4 6 1.60% 1.01% Mothers Union 371 0 1 3 0 4 1.07% 0.83% Bell Ringers 373 1 0 0 1 2 0.53% 0.59% Scouts/Guides 373 0 1 0 1 2 0.53% 0.59% Women's Fellowship 373 0 1 1 0 2 0.53% 0.59% Majorettes 374 0 1 0 0 1 0.27% 0.42% Youth Club 374 0 0 0 1 1 0.27% 0.42%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 416</p><p>A / 19 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Because some of the above activities are inherently female oriented, the results are broken down by gender. Firstly for the males:</p><p>Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total Error Social Drinking 101 6 51 13 35 105 50.97% 6.11% Walking 125 28 22 3 28 81 39.32% 5.97% Cinema 155 0 0 12 39 51 24.76% 5.27% Church 165 0 10 4 27 41 19.90% 4.88% Theatre 175 0 0 1 30 31 15.05% 4.37% Educational Classes 194 0 6 1 5 12 5.83% 2.86% Senior Citizens Club 196 0 5 3 2 10 4.85% 2.63% Flower/Gardening Group 198 1 1 0 6 8 3.88% 2.36% Arts/Crafts 199 0 2 1 4 7 3.40% 2.21% Other 199 1 4 2 0 7 3.40% 2.21% Singing 203 0 0 0 3 3 1.46% 1.46% Amateur Dramatics 204 0 1 0 1 2 0.97% 1.20% W.I. 204 0 0 2 0 2 0.97% 1.20% Bell Ringers 205 0 0 0 1 1 0.49% 0.85% Majorettes 205 0 1 0 0 1 0.49% 0.85% Scouts/Guides 205 0 0 0 1 1 0.49% 0.85% Mothers Union 206 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% Women's Fellowship 206 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% Youth Club 206 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%</p><p>Total number of men that answered the question: 206</p><p>A / 20 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>And secondly, the females:</p><p>Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total Error Walking 122 34 26 3 25 88 41.90% 5.96% Social Drinking 123 3 34 15 35 87 41.43% 5.95% Church 149 0 16 8 37 61 29.05% 5.48% Cinema 154 0 3 14 39 56 26.67% 5.34% Theatre 177 0 1 2 30 33 15.71% 4.39% Educational Classes 187 5 11 1 6 23 10.95% 3.77% Arts/Crafts 190 0 2 2 16 20 9.52% 3.54% Senior Citizens Club 191 0 12 4 3 19 9.05% 3.46% Flower/Gardening Group 195 0 1 3 11 15 7.14% 3.11% W.I. 195 2 1 9 3 15 7.14% 3.11% Other 201 0 5 3 1 9 4.29% 2.45% Amateur Dramatics 205 0 1 0 4 5 2.38% 1.84% Mothers Union 206 0 1 3 0 4 1.90% 1.65% Singing 207 0 2 0 1 3 1.43% 1.43% Women's Fellowship 208 0 1 1 0 2 0.95% 1.17% Bell Ringers 209 1 0 0 0 1 0.48% 0.83% Scouts/Guides 209 0 1 0 0 1 0.48% 0.83% Youth Club 209 0 0 0 1 1 0.48% 0.83% Majorettes 210 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 210</p><p>There is some slight disparity in these figures compared to the overall total, as some people declined to indicate their gender.</p><p>Q30 – ARE THERE ANY SPORTING, LEISURE, SOCIAL OR EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE PART IN BUT CANNOT?</p><p>Error Yes 70 22.58% 3.89% No 240 77.42% 3.89%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 310</p><p>A / 21 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q31 – IF YES, WHAT ARE THE REASONS YOU ARE UNABLE TO TAKE PART IN THEE ACTIVITIES?</p><p>Error Access problems 6 7.69% 5.69% No child care 7 8.97% 6.10% No transport 6 7.69% 5.69% Not available 43 55.13% 10.62% Poor publicity 7 8.97% 6.10% Too expensive 10 12.82% 7.14% Unsuitable Opening Hours 13 16.67% 7.96% Other 12 15.38% 7.70%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 78</p><p>The items listed in the “Other” category were:  No spare time x6  Age prohibits x2  No pet-sitter  No alternative carer for disabled wife  Poor health  Have restrictions on days and times, as I am a full time carer</p><p>Q32 – WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN FURTHERING AND DEVELOPING YOUR EDUCATIONAL SKILLS?</p><p>Error Yes 96 30.77% 4.28% No 216 69.23% 4.28%</p><p>Total number of comments on what type of skills: 14  Foreign language lessons  Computing, but with child care facilities or in evenings  I.C.T (Computing)., Art  Public lectures, music  I would like to be able to understand knowledge better and be able to fill in my own forms  Reading is important to me and I have asked someone to fill in this form for me. I would like it if there was somewhere in the parish for me to learn to read and maybe after that I could broaden my horizons  I'm too old, but I think it is a good idea. My marriage has broken up but I have three children and all of them went to WSM school.  Too old to benefit x4</p><p>Looking at different age groups, 17% of those under 20 responded yes, with 46% of the 20-40 group, 28% of the 40-60 group and 27% of those over 60 looking to improve their educational skills.</p><p>A / 22 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q33 - DO YOU FEEL THERE IS A NEED WITHIN THE PARISH FOR THE FOLLOWING SPORTING ACTIVITIES?</p><p>Error Aerobics 81 41.97% 6.28% Fitness Training 75 38.86% 6.20% Tennis 74 38.34% 6.19% Football 67 34.72% 6.06% Badminton 63 32.64% 5.97% Bowls 60 31.09% 5.89% Gym 57 29.53% 5.80% Yoga 51 26.42% 5.61% Table Tennis 47 24.35% 5.46% Cricket 44 22.80% 5.34% Tai-Chi 35 18.13% 4.90% Boxing 25 12.95% 4.27% Canoeing 21 10.88% 3.96% Hockey 20 10.36% 3.88% Netball 18 9.33% 3.70% Squash 17 8.81% 3.61% Volleyball 16 8.29% 3.51% Other 14 7.25% 3.30% Basketball 11 5.70% 2.95%</p><p>Total number that answered the question: 194</p><p>Others sports listed:  Chess club, bridge club x2  Crafts x2  A general broad base of activities x2  Girl’s football x2  Line dancing x2  Disabled fishing  Free fishing  Golf  Snooker / pool</p><p>A / 23 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Looking at the top six preferences by age group, there are some marked differences, although it should be noted that the number of returns in the 0-20 group was very low.</p><p>Age Group Top Six Sports in Each Age Group Table Fitness Badminton Football Gym Aerobics 0-20 Tennis 72.73% 54.55% 54.55% 54.55% 54.55% 45.45% Football Badminton Aerobics Fitness Tennis Gym 20-40 42.22% 37.78% 35.56% 35.56% 35.56% 31.11% Aerobics Fitness Badminton Bowls Tennis Gym 40-60 45.76% 35.59% 32.20% 32.20% 32.20% 30.51% Table Tennis Aerobics Bowls Fitness Football 60+ Tennis 43.59% 42.31% 42.31% 38.46% 33.33% 32.05%</p><p>Q34 – DO YOU FEEL THAT THERE IS A NEED WITHIN THE PARISH FOR THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES?</p><p>Error Re-open old paths 135 55.56% 5.46% Better signed footpaths 123 50.62% 5.50% More cycle routes 111 45.68% 5.48% New Paths 110 45.27% 5.47% Heritage walks 103 42.39% 5.43% Bridleways 80 32.92% 5.17% Cycle lane 76 31.28% 5.10% Organised walks 75 30.86% 5.08% Cycle club 27 11.11% 3.46% Other 10 4.12% 2.18%</p><p>Total number that answered the question: 243</p><p>Other facilities listed:  Cycle proficiency testing x2Boating  History of the fens - talks and presentations  More social events so that we (travelling community) could mix with the people within the parish  An area for dog-walking  No idea</p><p>We also asked where new paths should be placed / re-opened if they indicated there was a need for them.</p><p>A / 24 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Total number of comments on where paths should be placed/re-opened: 39 (Note that the comments here covered both public footpaths across the countryside, and public pavements within the village, and some are taken from the “Other” section in this question where people wrote their answers in the wrong place.)</p><p>Tarmac roadside footpaths:  All along Main Road, Parson Drove - both sides  Arrange for overhanging hedges to be cut back between clough bridge and village x2  Between Parson Drove and Murrow, along station Road x2  Churchyard Path (Emmanuel) x2  Fen Road area x4  From Ingham Hall Gardens to the Butchers Arms x2  New paths at Sealeys lane from housing to top of road  Sealeys Lane x3  Side of main road</p><p>Countryside footpaths:  All the old paths are overgrown  Across land, away from the road  Adjacent to Church End and between Church End and Murrow  Anywhere that is safe and away from traffic  Around Murrow  Butchers Arms through to Murrow x3  Don't know as have only lived here a few months  From Fen Road, across the fields - also same off Murrow Bank  Linking the villages x2  Murrow  Needs to be decided by parish council and Ramblers association or similar  Network between Parson Drove, other villages and Wisbech - e.g. Gedney Hill, Sutton St Edmond, Throckenholt, Murrow, Wisbech St Mary, Gorefiled etc  Not sure where but there are limited paths for day walkers. It's dangerous to walk from Parson Drove to Murrow  Old routes from village to village x2  Parson Drove to Murrow  Reopening paths on former designated routes, allowing for consultation, consideration and respect of the countryside and the farming community x2  Requires more attention than can be given as part of this questionnaire. There is no walking facility other than the footpath through the main village road.  There are some that the farmers plough up on a regular basis x2  Use old railway tracks x3  Wherever possible  Whichever footpath/bridleway signs are obviously redundant due to neglect of use, I.e. overgrown</p><p>A / 25 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q35 – DO YOU FEEL THAT THERE IS A NEED WITHIN THE PARISH FOR THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES?</p><p>Error More Litter / Dog bins 236 71.30% 4.02% More Seats 163 49.24% 4.44% Community Sports Facility 122 36.86% 4.28% New Village Hall 116 35.05% 4.24% Public Toilets 92 27.79% 3.98% Garden Club 67 20.24% 3.57% Computer Café 64 19.34% 3.51% Tourist Info Point 53 16.01% 3.26% Additional Public Noticeboards 49 14.80% 3.15% Separate Visitors Centre 23 6.95% 2.26% Other 18 5.44% 2.01%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 331</p><p>Other facilities listed:  More post boxes x4  New bus shelter x4  Play park x3  Dog walking on the Recreation Ground x2  Toilet and kitchen in Emmanuel church x2  Small industrial units x2  Social events maybe once a month  Weekly coffee shop mornings</p><p>Looking at the separate regions in the parish:</p><p>Region A Region B Region C Region D Region E Region F Litter / Dog 24 100.00% 67 76.14% 46 74.19% 18 46.15% 11 73.33% 38 64.41% bins More Seats 11 45.83% 49 55.68% 31 50.00% 13 33.33% 8 53.33% 28 47.46% Community 4 16.67% 29 32.95% 25 40.32% 7 17.95% 7 46.67% 35 59.32% Sports Facility New Village 6 25.00% 33 37.50% 18 29.03% 14 35.90% 8 53.33% 22 37.29% Hall Public Toilets 7 29.17% 23 26.14% 20 32.26% 7 17.95% 11 73.33% 14 23.73% Garden Club 3 12.50% 26 29.55% 11 17.74% 4 10.26% 3 20.00% 14 23.73% Computer 1 4.17% 17 19.32% 13 20.97% 3 7.69% 7 46.67% 16 27.12% Café Tourist Info 5 20.83% 17 19.32% 10 16.13% 3 7.69% 5 33.33% 6 10.17% Point Additional Public 5 20.83% 14 15.91% 10 16.13% 0 0.00% 7 46.67% 5 8.47% Noticeboards Separate 1 4.17% 4 4.55% 2 3.23% 3 7.69% 3 20.00% 8 13.56% Visitors centre Other 0 0.00% 11 12.50% 3 4.84% 0 0.00% 3 20.00% 1 1.69%</p><p>A / 26 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q36 – DO YOU FEEL THERE IS A NEED WITHIN THE PARISH FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (UNDER 19)?</p><p>Error For 11+ 172 66.41% 4.98% Youth Centre 143 55.21% 5.24% For 5-11 132 50.97% 5.27% For under 5s 97 37.45% 5.10% Youth Forum 72 27.80% 4.72% Obstacle Course 49 18.92% 4.13% No need 30 11.58% 3.37% Other 7 2.70% 1.71%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 259</p><p>Other activities listed:  BMX and skateboard park x3  Sunday School x2  Youth Club </p><p>Other comments:  Zero tolerance on criminal damage  Providing the youth respect the facilities x2</p><p>Looking at those households where there are families (i.e. those that would actually use any such facilities) and those without families (i.e. a perceived need) produces some marked differences – most notably that those with families place much less importance on a youth centre and more on facilities for the Under-5 and 5-11-year-old groups. It’s also interesting to note that al of the comments above came from households where there is no family. There is also a large difference between the under 60s and the over 60s.</p><p>With family Without family Under 60 Over 60 For 11+ 50 87.72% 114 56.44% 100 71.94% 72 60.00% Youth Centre 29 50.88% 89 44.06% 68 48.92% 75 62.50% For 5-11 43 75.44% 66 32.67% 85 61.15% 47 39.17% For under 5s 31 54.39% 56 27.72% 60 43.17% 37 30.83% Youth Forum 16 28.07% 29 14.36% 36 25.90% 36 30.00% Obstacle Course 20 35.09% 26 12.87% 33 23.74% 16 13.33% No need 4 7.02% 7 3.47% 16 11.51% 14 11.67% Other 0 0.00% 7 3.47% 5 3.60% 2 1.67%</p><p>A / 27 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q37 – DO YOU FEEL THAT THERE IS A NEED WITHIN THE PARISH FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVATES FOR THE ELDERLY?</p><p>Error Day care centre 135 48.74% 5.04% Luncheon club 134 48.38% 5.03% Advice and information centre 129 46.57% 5.03% No Need 75 27.08% 4.48% Other 6 2.17% 1.47%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 277</p><p>Other facilities mentioned:  Care clinic  A social, landscaped area in which to walk and sit for elderly and possibly disabled  Dial-a-ride x2  Somewhere to get medical information when we need it  Over-sixties</p><p>In a similar vein to Q36, we also looked at those houses where there were elderly people, compared to those where there weren’t (actual need vs. perceived need), although is not as much variation here as there was in Q36.</p><p>Household with Household without elderly elderly Day care centre 81 46.55% 54 52.43% Luncheon club 77 44.25% 57 55.34% Advice and info centre 72 41.38% 57 55.34% No Need 49 28.16% 26 25.24% Other 3 1.72% 3 2.91%</p><p>A / 28 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q38 – GIVEN THE FACILITIES THAT ALREADY EXIST WITHIN A TEN-MILE RADIUS OF THE PARISH, WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE PARISH?</p><p>Don't know Widowed and singles clubs More social/community events for the younger community: i.e., the under-40s None Short courses for hobbies: e.g. soft furnishings, needlework, woodwork, cooking Swimming pool x2 Tennis courts x2 The village green should be made more child-friendly as it is the only place to play at the moment -I.e. traffic calming. A 40mph limit next to a play area is too fast Cricket team, quilting circle, alternative therapy group practice An event that would interest the whole community - maybe something like an Art show where we could bring into the parish wares from all over the country like they do at Cambridge art fair Nothing in particular Teashop x2 Nice gardens for the elderly to sit out and chat Travel club Indoor bowls rink, club Cinema Youth club, BMX track More frequent and varied bus services x3 Social club Sports events Line dancing</p><p>Obviously some of these already exist within the parish, so it may be a matter of disseminating information rather than providing extra services.</p><p>Q39 – DO YOU WANT THE VILLAGE SHOW ON THE GREEN OR THE FIELD?</p><p>Error On green 154 40.63% 3.93% On field 155 40.90% 3.94% Don't know 70 18.47% 3.11%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 379</p><p>In order to try to find some guidance as to where to hold the show, we looked at many different breakdowns of this question to try to get an overriding opinion. We tried dividing the population at various age boundaries to see if there was a “traditionalist” opinion in the older generation, but found no significant differences</p><p>Under 40 Over 40 Under 60 Over 60 On green 26 35.62% 128 41.83% 75 39.06% 79 42.25% On field 30 41.10% 125 40.85% 73 38.02% 82 43.85% Don't know 17 23.29% 53 17.32% 44 22.92% 26 13.90% It wasn’t until we looked at those households with a family, compared to those without, that we found a significant difference. 44% of those in a family household </p><p>A / 29 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A wanted the show on the field, compared to 31% who wanted it on the green. We can only assume this is due to safety concerns for their children.</p><p>In Family Not in Family On Green 22 31.43% 132 42.72% On Field 31 44.29% 124 40.13% Don't Know 17 24.29% 53 17.15%</p><p>QUESTION 40 – PLEASE RANK IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN PARSON DROVE (RANGE: 1-3, HIGH IMPORTANCE TO LOW IMPORTANCE)</p><p>No of Mean Mode opinions Facilities for Youth 1.50 1 258 Other 1.50 1 4 Facilities for Elderly 1.65 1 275 Leisure activities 1.79 2 249 Community Amenities 1.81 2 224 Facilities for Walkers 1.81 1 257 Improved Sporting Activities 1.83 2 247 Social Activities 1.85 2 234 Facilities for Cyclists 1.95 2 237 Facilities for other age groups 2.12 2 194</p><p>There was some variation in these results across the age groups</p><p>Overall mean Under 20 20-40 40-60 Over 60 Facilities for Youth 1.50 1.23 1.35 1.61 1.51 Facilities for Elderly 1.65 1.91 1.87 1.77 1.48 Leisure activities 1.79 1.75 1.78 1.88 1.72 Community Amenities 1.81 1.90 1.88 1.76 1.82 Facilities for Walkers 1.81 1.75 1.96 1.85 1.73 Improved Sporting Activities 1.83 1.25 1.67 1.99 1.84 Social Activities 1.85 1.91 1.96 1.78 1.86 Facilities for Cyclists 1.95 1.67 1.74 2.02 2.02 Facilities for other age groups 2.12 2.50 2.05 2.14 2.11</p><p>A / 30 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>TRANSPORT</p><p>Q41 – HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF TRANSPORT?</p><p>More than Never Daily once a week Weekly Monthly Occasionally Total Car as driver 71 240 61 10 1 6 318 Car as passenger 123 66 88 44 11 57 266 Bicycle 246 23 20 21 9 70 143 Bus 287 8 12 13 6 63 102 Train 293 3 1 2 4 86 96 Taxi 316 1 1 7 3 61 73 Motorcycle 378 3 4 2 1 1 11 Ring and Ride 382 0 0 0 1 6 7 Other 0 2 0 0 0 2 4</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 389</p><p>Other transport mentioned:  Truck  Van x2  Surgery Car</p><p>Q42 – ARE YOU NORMALLY WITHOUT ACCESS TO A VEHICLE DURING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TIMES?</p><p>Error Daytime (Mon-Fri) 18 5.88% 2.21% Evenings (Mon-Fri) 20 6.54% 2.32% Weekends 17 5.56% 2.15% Not Applicable 283 92.48% 2.48%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 306 Number of people that are always without access to a vehicle: 13 (4.25%)</p><p>Q43 – HOW FAR DO YOU TRAVEL TO WORK OR GET TO SCHOOL/ COLLEGE?</p><p>Error Work from home 35 9.59% 2.43% 0-5 miles 30 8.22% 2.27% 6-10 miles 58 15.89% 3.02% 11-20 miles 43 11.78% 2.66% 21-30 miles 15 4.11% 1.64% 31+ miles 30 8.22% 2.27% Not applicable 158 43.29% 4.09%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 365</p><p>A / 31 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q44 – HOW DO YOU USUALLY TRAVEL TO WORK OR SCHOOL/COLLEGE?</p><p>Error Car as driver 154 42.42% 4.09% Car as passenger 8 2.20% 1.22% Motorcycle 4 1.10% 0.86% Bicycle 3 0.83% 0.75% Taxi 0 0.00% 0.00% Bus 13 3.58% 1.54% Train 4 1.10% 0.86% Walk 6 1.65% 1.06% Not applicable 163 44.90% 4.12% Other 8 2.20% 1.22%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 363</p><p>Q45 – WHERE WOULD YOU NORMALLY GO FOR THE FOLLOWING SERVICES?</p><p>Don't Wisbech Gore- Peter- Spal- Guy- Wis- Parson Kings Other Don't Need Home March St Mary field boro ding hirn bech Drove Lynn places Know To Bank 25 16 0 0 8 1 0 290 11 10 1 0 1 Building society 72 9 0 0 13 3 0 223 0 7 0 0 2 Post office 13 1 11 0 4 0 0 42 293 1 1 11 1 Doctor 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 380 0 0 0 0 Dentist 20 1 0 0 37 11 0 152 2 73 4 24 13 Optician 21 0 0 0 49 1 0 278 3 6 2 2 3 Chemist 14 0 0 0 9 0 0 306 29 10 0 0 1 Supermarket 9 0 0 0 5 13 0 334 1 14 3 4 1 Local shops 25 1 31 4 6 3 1 50 201 4 0 19 2 Food shopping 18 0 0 0 5 10 0 306 10 18 3 4 0 Fruit/veg shopping 22 0 6 0 4 12 0 296 15 14 3 4 0 Clothes shopping 13 6 0 0 180 4 0 145 3 2 21 3 1 Household shopping 19 6 1 0 114 5 0 203 1 8 10 3 1</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 367</p><p>A / 32 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q46 – WOULD YOU USE BUSES MORE OFTEN IF…?</p><p>Error Cheaper 56 17.34% 5.15% More Frequent 119 35.26% 6.50% More Reliable 51 12.72% 4.53% Route to. . . 49 18.50% 5.28% Better disabled access 21 8.67% 3.83% Ran later in day 78 21.97% 5.63% Not applicable 206 52.60% 6.79% Other 7 2.89% 2.28%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 357</p><p>Of the 49 routes that were suggested, the most popular were:  Peterborough 13  March 9  Kings Lynn 7  Wisbech 7  Spalding 3  Supermarkets 3  Other 7</p><p>Other comments on the bus services:  Only if I had to x2  If we were on a bus route x2  If there was more information available  Always use bus  We could use this as a special event with friends</p><p>A / 33 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>QUESTION 47 – WOULD YOU USE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TRANSPORT SCHEMES IF THEY WERE AVAILABLE? (RANGE: 1-3, DEFINITELY, MAYBE AND NEVER)</p><p>Total with an Mean Mode Total 1's Total 2's interest Organised Car Share 2.69 3 19 74 93 Community Car Pool 2.87 3 2 41 43 Young Person Scooter Loan 2.96 3 2 11 13 Voluntary Car Scheme 2.68 3 11 86 97 Fare Car Scheme 2.63 3 21 83 104</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 339</p><p>As with Q28 on sports, where people only answer the question partially, the answer “3 -Never” can be inferred in the options they leave blank. However, this does increase both the mean and mode values. For further information, the number of people that answered “1 - Definitely” and “2 – Maybe” are listed, along with the total number of people that expressed some sort of interest. These values indicate potentially more interest in such schemes than the high mean values would imply.</p><p>QUESTION 48 – DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE GETTING TO THE SHOPS?</p><p>Error Yes 19 4.94% 1.71% No 366 95.06% 1.71%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 385</p><p>Q49 – WOULD YOU USE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ASSISTED SERVICES?</p><p>Error Volunteer help with shopping 20 6.08% 2.13% Central Computer Shopping 33 10.03% 2.68% Central Repeat Prescriptions 76 23.10% 3.76% Don't Know 55 16.72% 3.33% Not Applicable 186 56.53% 4.42%</p><p>Total number of people that answered: 329</p><p>A / 34 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>EMPLOYMENT AND LOCAL BUSINESS</p><p>Q50 – EMPLOYMENT STATUS: ARE YOU AT PRESENT…?</p><p>Error Full-time 100 25.58% 3.41% Part-time 48 12.28% 2.56% Self-employed 52 13.30% 2.65% Apprenticeship 0 0.00% 0.00% Unemployed 6 1.53% 0.96% Government Training Scheme 0 0.00% 0.00% Full-time Education 13 3.32% 1.40% Retired 156 39.90% 3.82% Un-waged partner 20 5.12% 1.72% Permanently sick/disabled 18 4.60% 1.64% Other 3 0.77% 0.68%</p><p>Total number of people that answered: 391</p><p>Q51 –DO YOU RUN A BUSINESS IN OR FROM THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Yes 44 11.67% 2.58% No 333 88.33% 2.58%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 377</p><p>Q52 – ARE YOU SELF-EMPLOYED AND WORK IN OR FROM THE PARISH?</p><p>Error Yes 45 12.06% 2.64% No 328 87.94% 2.64%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 373</p><p>Q53 – ARE YOU THINKING OF BECOMING SELF-EMPLOYED OR RUNNING A BUSINESS IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS?</p><p>Error Yes 7 2.02% 1.21% No 340 97.98% 1.21%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 347</p><p>A / 35 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q54 – ARE YOU INTERESTED IN COMPLETING THE PARSON DROVE BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE?</p><p>Error Yes 23 6.18% 1.96% No 349 93.82% 1.96%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 372</p><p>Q55 – WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN A COMMUNITY, COMMUNAL OR CO- OPERATIVE BUSINESS?</p><p>Error Yes 11 3.24% 1.54% No 278 81.76% 3.36% Don't Know 51 15.00% 3.11%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 340</p><p>Q56 – IF SO, WHAT KIND OF BUSINESS DO YOU THINK IS NEEDED?</p><p>There were only four comments returned here:  Home grown produce, computer generated cards / business cards, etc  Something that can include everyone, although I'm not sure what  Bartering points per job  Bakers / Deli</p><p>A / 36 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>HEALTHCARE</p><p>Q57 – IS THERE A NEED FOR MORE ACCESSIBLE HEALTH FACILITIES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS?</p><p>Error Dentistry 205 64.26% 4.37% GPs 121 37.93% 4.43% Cancer Screening 112 35.11% 4.35% Chiropody 80 25.08% 3.95% Alternative health treatments 66 20.69% 3.70% Don't Know 60 18.81% 3.56% Drug / Alcohol counselling 26 8.15% 2.50% Mental Health counselling 24 7.52% 2.41% Speech Therapy 18 5.64% 2.10% Ante-natal classes 11 3.45% 1.66% Other 7 2.19% 1.34%</p><p>Total number of people that answered: 319</p><p>Q58 – IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE, WHERE DO YOU GO TO GET YOUR TREATMENT / ADVICE?</p><p>Don't Need Wisbech Gore- Peter- Spal- Guy- Wis- Parson Kings Don't To Home St Mary field boro ding hirn bech Drove March Lynn Know GP 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 180 0 0 0 Ante-natal classes 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Mental Health Counselling 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 Dug or Alcohol counselling 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 Dentistry (NHS) 3 0 0 0 15 1 0 41 0 51 1 19 Dentistry (Private) 4 0 0 0 14 2 0 52 0 5 2 7 Unable to register with dentist * 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Cancer screening 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 19 0 0 29 4 Speech Therapy 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 Chiropody 7 18 0 0 0 0 0 11 21 1 2 4 Alternative Health treatment 9 1 0 0 5 2 0 8 7 3 0 9 Don't Know 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Other 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1</p><p>* - Those in the Don’t Know column indicate the number of people that Could Not Register with an NHS Dentist.. The question was badly worded. Technically, this should have been a box that was ticked, rather than a numerical option.</p><p>In the case of ante-natal classes, mental health counselling, alcohol and drug counselling and speech therapy, the number of answers were very low (<5) and so don’t give a true picture of facilities available outside the parish.</p><p>A / 37 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>PUBLIC SERVICES</p><p>Q59 - HOW CONCERNED ARE YOU ABOUT THE FOLLOWING SERVICES IN THE PARISH? (RANGE: 1-5, EXTREMELY CONCERNED TO DEFINITELY NOT CONCERNED)</p><p>Mean Mode No of opinions Crime Prevention 1.33 1 368 Higher Police Profile 1.43 1 342 Police Response Times 1.48 1 335 Ambulance Response Times 1.90 2 321 Location of Fire Services 1.96 2 309 Don't Know -- -- 4</p><p>This question has produced by far the lowest mean values in the whole questionnaire. Even the lowest ranking option, “Location of Fire Services” has a mean below “2 – Moderately Concerned”.</p><p>Q60 – ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SCHEME?</p><p>Error Yes 66 33.17% 5.42% No 133 66.83% 5.42%</p><p>Total number of households that answered the question: 199</p><p>There are marked variations in different parts of the parish, indicating that the bulk of the Neighbourhood Watch schemes are in the centre of the village itself.</p><p>Region A Region B Region C Region D Region E Region F Yes 2 25.00% 32 84.21% 2 5.71% 8 30.77% 2 14.29% 12 34.29% No 6 75.00% 22 40.74% 33 94.29% 18 69.23% 12 85.71% 23 65.71%</p><p>A / 38 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>COMMENTS</p><p>QUESTION 61 – ANY OTHER COMMENTS</p><p> We have only been here for 6 months but it appears that everything is for Parson Drove and Murrow seems to be the poor neighbour. Council tax is extremely high as high as Drove but Murrow doesn't even have a daily bus service, hardly any street lighting, recycle bin is not big enough – need a wheelie recycle bin.  Back Road, Murrow is too narrow to take the traffic for the dwellings being built. Through traffic should be barred and more passing places adequately signed. The road itself is in a poor state. Traffic moves too fast and drivers plough through without consideration for the local inhabitants  There should be more for the disabled  The village shop will have to have longer opening hours and a general shaping up  We would like to see a system where a doctor or nurse makes a courtesy home visit once every 2-3 months for the over 80's  When is the access road from Ingham Hall Gdns to Brewery Close to be completed? Footpaths, surface water drains, streetlights, etc. Road is continually flooded. We pay council tax but get no services. Road is never swept. Whole area a disgrace.  Traffic calming should be improved. The present arrangement at the junction of Main Road and The Bank is ill conceived, particularly the twin humps by the right-hand filter onto The Bank. A full-width hump before the turning would be more efficient and effective. Also, calming between the memorial church and Church End is non-existent apart from the 40mph limit, which is regularly ignored. A couple of sensibly placed full-width humps would help to keep people within the limit.  We live in the "countryside" but enjoy few of the benefits. There is no place to walk - the farming community keeps the public from their land. In other areas farmers have left field verges for public use. Village should also take a break from new housing  Footpaths both sides of the road. Increase parking facility at the surgery. We only see police officers in the village occasionally  Repair the paths for the elderly in Springfield Road  Paths in Springfield Road are in very bad condition. Hedges need cutting back along Main Road  We have only been in the parish a few months, however we can only praise the friendliness we have found and the spirit of community.  Having very recently moved to the area, we have been touched by the friendly and helpful reception we have had. This is a lovely village and we consider ourselves very lucky to be living here  We live in Fen Road and are concerned that we have no pavement on the top part of the road. We find this very dangerous when wanting to walk to the village, as we are afraid of being knocked down by speeding traffic. We pay rates the same as those with pavements, yet we don't have any - why?  I think on the whole, Parson Drove is a well-balanced community. Housing development at the moment is enough, except for single or smaller houses for young people to stay in the village. The large estate needs to be absorbed into the village before any larger developments are undertaken. </p><p>A / 39 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Regarding leisure, people with cars tend to travel outside the village and will continue to do so. The days of village life are, unfortunately gone.  I am one of those that moved to the village because it is small and quiet and I don't want it to be spoilt. But I also appreciate that it has to develop to meet the needs of the local people, especially the young who have to move out. I think transport and housing are vital to keep the young local people here and the village alive  This was not an easy questionnaire. Several questions seemed unanswerable as they were written  We feel there is a strong need for structured/professional activities/clubs for teens especially with the new housing development - but still letting kids be kids. 'We also feel it's great that families appear to be moving into the village again - strong need to express what a great school we have with excellent facilities.  No more housing developments in our parish!  As mentioned, traffic calming by green as children play there. Weight restriction on same as lorries use it as a short cut at 5am. More public footpaths for dog-walking etc. The village is expanding without shops and services for a large village. Possibly convert allotments into a park for dog walking and recreation, utilize drainage ditch for boating/canoeing etc. More money for Payne Primary  Having work commitments affects the level to which we can participate in the village  Cars parking on the bank encroach onto the green, much to the detriment of the grass  I hope you can make a difference for my husband and me as we have lived in this parish for years and would like to join in and feel part of it. We have a lot to offer you and I'm sure you have a lot to offer us. Maybe we could have a "Gypsy" day for the village and let you into our world and a chance to see out lifestyle. I'm sure you would be fascinated, as we would be with yours.  There is nowhere to go for alcohol counselling  Sorry this wasn't much help, but I don't live in the village and I never go there  Pedestrian crossing to assist poorly sighted  I've only been in the village a few weeks but would like to be involved in all aspects of village life. I have plenty of time as I am a carer and at home most days (tel no. provided)  There is a great need for a footpath from the Five Bells to Elbow Lane to give walkers access to the bridleway at Elbow Lane instead of having to content with no speed limit on the "s"-bend  Nice village. Overall the amenities are adequate within the financial constraints but the community can do more to help themselves with just a little more effort  Higher police profile - police response times  Anti-social orders should be used against some families in the village. Consider ways to increase a wide variety of activities on the recreation ground in order to reduce opportunities for vandalism. Consider a park attendant during school holidays  Emmanuel church PCC are concerned about the safety of parishioners by our failure to secure a grant for a churchyard path. A request for a grant has been submitted to Kim Winterton and a response would now be appreciated</p><p>A / 40 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p> No dog training in village. Banning of dogs from the field yet dog shows and horse shows are run so that you can make money. Discrimination against local dog owners. People should be encouraged to walk and clean up after their dogs.  Feel there are too many new houses being put close. Estates mean more traffic coming up main road. Why not open up green belt land and spread houses around the village away from the main road. Think of the safety of the children and elderly  Police should have more power to prosecute parents of hooligans who do untold damage to the village, as we are the victims of crime  Exit from new footbridge across station road is extremely dangerous. There is no sign or warning lights to alert drivers of a pedestrian crossing  A definite need for speed cameras on the north and southbound B1166. 7.5-ton weight limit on main road for HGVs. Illuminate the cage with soft lighting to make it more attractive/appealing  I am approaching 75 and have had many surgeries including 4 hip replacements. At present I can still drive but if I go to Wisbech on the bus I find the steps very difficult. I need a trolley to shop with but cannot lift it on and off the bus. The drivers look the other way. Only one of them is ever helpful  Why is all the new housing development happening at the top of this wonderful village? What's wrong with developing Church End? There are many spaces needing to be filled that would make Church End look included in the rest of the village rather than looking like a bit dropped off. We are here in Church End. It's not just the top of the village - please remember us!  Concerned about the vandalism in the village, particularly at the village hall and playing field. The youth obviously need more to do, but seem to destroy whatever ideas are put in place. Would a community youth worker from outside make a difference?  One area of the village that is totally neglected is the pond. This could be a very attractive part of the village if it was cleaned up and another attractive addition to the village  All work and facilities seem to start at the Butchers Arms. We feel that there is a real need for attention to be given to the people living at the other end of the village. E.g. More footpaths, lighting and general cosmetic work  Stop the building programmes in Back Road, Murrow. Stop residents blocking off verges in Back Road, Murrow. Repair the 6-inch plus holes in Back Road, Murrow. Make more passing places in Back Road, Murrow.  Please do not spoil these rural villages with constant ill-thought-out development. I know it is a balancing act with housing and amenities but these are villages, not mini-townships. Residents who are born and bred here or move here because they like the village and area, not because they want to see it over-developed and industrialised. In addition, there is no point in providing facilities for youth as they only damage what is already provided. And no wind farms!</p><p>A / 41 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>APPENDIX B</p><p>COMPLETE YOUTH SURVEY RESULTS</p><p>This section lists the exact numerical answers to all questions in tabular form, along with a complete list of comments where appropriate. Refer to Appendix C for details on how the calculations were done.</p><p>All comments and “other answers” are taken word-for-word from the original questionnaires.</p><p>Some of the questions include results from the public meeting that was held with the youngsters of the parish. At the meeting, we re-asked some of the questions, having fist established if any of the children present had filled in the original questionnaire. None of those present had completed it, so their answers were simply added to the existing statistics.</p><p>DEMOGRAPHICS</p><p>The numerical breakdown of the age and gender of the respondents is: </p><p>Total Male Replies 22 Total Female Replies 16 Total Replies: 38 Village Population aged 5-19 * 166 * Percentage of the population that replied 22.9%</p><p>Total replies from 5-7 age-group 6 Total replies from 8-11 age-group 11 Total replies from 12-16 age-group 13 Total replies from 17:19 age-group 7</p><p>Total Male replies from 5-7 age-group 5 Total Male replies from 8-11 age-group 6 Total Male replies from 12-16 age-group 6 Total Male replies from 17-19 age-group 5</p><p>Total Female replies from 5-7 age-group 1 Total Female replies from 8-11 age-group 5 Total Female replies from 12-16 age-group 7 Total Female replies from 17-19 age-group 2</p><p>* - based on results from the 2001 national census</p><p>- B / 1 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR FREE TIME?</p><p>Q2 – DO YOU BELONG TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING?</p><p>Error Other 18 43.9% 13.2% Football 16 39.0% 13.0% None 12 29.3% 12.1% Tennis 9 22.0% 11.0% Netball 4 9.8% 7.9% Scouts/Guides 4 9.8% 7.9% Youth Club 2 4.9% 5.7% Basketball 1 2.4% 4.1% Boxing 0 0.0% 0.0%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 41</p><p>Other answers:  Swim x2  Parson Drove players  Play musical instrument x3  Thursday club x2  Table tennis x2  Rugby  Dancing x2  Quad-biking  Horse riding</p><p>Q3 – IF SO, HOW DO YOU GET TO YOUR ACTIVITY?</p><p>Error Car 17 81.0% 15.7% Walk 8 38.1% 19.5% Cycle 1 4.8% 8.5% Bus 0 0.0% 0.0% Taxi 0 0.0% 0.0% Other 0 0.0% 0.0%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 21</p><p>- B / 2 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q4 – HOW OFTEN DO YOU GO TO YOUR ACTIVITY?</p><p>Error Once a week 12 57.1% 19.8% More than once a week 7 33.3% 18.9% More than once a month 3 14.3% 14.0% Don't do activities 3 14.3% 14.0% Daily 2 9.5% 11.8%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 21</p><p>Q5 – WHERE DO YOU GO FOR YOUR ACTIVITY?</p><p>Error Other 11 52.4% 20.0% Parson Drove 8 38.1% 19.5% Wisbech St Mary 6 28.6% 18.1% Murrow 0 0.0% 0.0% Guyhirn 0 0.0% 0.0% Gorefield 0 0.0% 0.0%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 21</p><p>Other answers:  Wisbech x5  Leverington x2  Kings Lynn x2  March  Peterborough  Washbrooke Farm</p><p>- B / 3 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q6 – HOW MANY HOURS A WEEK DO YOU SPEND ON THE FOLLOWING?</p><p>No of people doing Total hours activity % Error Watching TV 478 34 94.4% 6.6% Sports Activity 165 24 66.7% 13.7% Outdoor Activity 133 13 36.1% 13.9% Others 63 9 25.0% 12.6% Youth Club 0 0 0.0% 0.0%</p><p>Average hours/person Average hours/person for for those that answered all of sample Watching TV 14.06 13.28 Sports Activity 6.88 4.58 Outdoor Activity 10.23 3.69 Others 7.00 1.75 Youth Club 0.00 0.00</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 36</p><p>Other answers:  10 hrs - pub  1 hr - music  3 hrs - drama  2 hrs- skating  2 hrs- music lessons  1 hr- dancing  15 hrs- working  27 hrs– work  2 hrs- music</p><p>In the second table, the first column indicates the average time spent on each option, by those that actually indicated that they participated in the activity. Te second column is an average for the population (i.e. the number of hours, divided by the total number of people that answered the question in any form, even if they didn’t participate in that particular activity).</p><p>- B / 4 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN PARSON DROVE?</p><p>Q7 – IF THE FOLLOWING WERE TO BE PROVIDED, WOULD YOU USE THEM?</p><p>Error Tennis 13 38.2% 14.6% Internet Café 11 32.4% 14.1% Scouts/Guides 11 32.4% 14.1% Football 10 29.4% 13.7% Table-tennis 9 26.5% 13.3% Cricket 9 26.5% 13.3% Netball 8 23.5% 12.8% Other 6 17.6% 11.5% Hockey 5 14.7% 10.6% Boxing 4 11.8% 9.7% Basketball 2 5.9% 7.1%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 34</p><p>Other answers:  Pool or snooker  Kick boxing x2  Quad track or motocross  Chess  Horse riding</p><p>Q8 – WHAT NEW EQUIPMENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE VILLAGE?</p><p>Error Skateboard Park 14 51.9% 17.3% BMX Track 9 33.3% 16.3% All-weather surface 8 29.6% 15.8% Chat Shelter 5 18.5% 13.4% Other 5 18.5% 13.4%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 27</p><p>Other answers:  Table-tennis x3  Tennis x3  None  Quad track</p><p>- B / 5 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>Q9 – WHAT OTHER SPORTING/LEISURE FACILITIES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE CILLAGE?</p><p>Error Quads/Karts 20 54.1% 14.2% Tennis Courts 16 43.2% 14.1% Fitness Club/Gym 14 37.8% 13.8% 5-a-side Football 11 29.7% 13.0% Hair/Make-up * 9* 56.3% 23.2% Singing/Dance Club 9 24.3% 12.2% Other 9 24.3% 12.2% Cheerleaders ** 7 ** 18.9% 11.2% Badminton Club 6 16.2% 10.5% Cricket 6 16.2% 10.5% Boxing 5 13.5% 9.7%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 37 Total number of females that answered the question: 16</p><p>* - Answered by the females only. Percentage for this option based on total number of female replies . ** - Based on full sample as, while it may be expected to be a female-only activity, one of the males indicated they were interested in this.</p><p>Other answers:  Swimming pool x2  Kick boxing x3  Martial arts x3  Boating  None</p><p>- B / 6 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>ABOUT PARSON DROVE</p><p>Q10 – BEST THINGS ABOUT LIVING IN PARSON DROVE</p><p> The fetes  Nothing x5  Playing field x2  It’s quite quiet and it's near Peterborough  The butcher  The school x4  Lots of friends to play with on the green x3  Swings on the green  Friends x5  Lovely fields  Nice friendly village / community spirit x4  Primary school, otherwise very limited  My job is close  It’s quiet  Nature</p><p>Q11 – WORST THINGS ABOUT LIVING IN PARSON DROVE</p><p> Nothing to do  Not a lot of play equipment in the park  Newlands Road  Roadworks  Very dull, nothing to do, plus few amenities like footpaths or streetlights in many areas  Bus service x2  Vandalism x2  Roads are not safe / too busy x2  Not enough activities  No toys on the playing field  A rubbish garden  No fishing  Away from facilities  Not many amenities  A minority group wrecking facilities for others  Boring x3  Too old for youth  Travelling by car to some activities  Long travel times to places x3  Too young to go out on my own to play with others in the village</p><p>- B / 7 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix A</p><p>YOUTH CLUB</p><p>Q12 – WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING A YOUTH CLUB IN THE VILLAGE?</p><p>Error Yes 16 47.1% 15.0% No 18 52.9% 15.0%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 34</p><p>Q13 – WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN HELPING TO RUN A YOUTH CLUB IN THE CILLAGE (YOU MUST BE OVER 16)?</p><p>Error Yes 0 0.0% 0.0% No 16 100.0% 0.0%</p><p>Total number of people that answered the question: 16 *</p><p>* - Total answers restricted to those that are entitled to answer the question (i.e. those 16-years-old or over). Since the age groups defined in Part 1 have different boundaries to this, Anyone in the 12-16 or 17-19 age-group that answered this question was assumed to be old enough to do so. Anyone outside these age groups that answered the question had their answer discarded.</p><p>COMMENTS</p><p>Q14 – ANY OTHER COMMENTS</p><p> Some computer shops would be nice. NO WIND TURBNES!  More play equipment on the green!  We cannot use the sports field any more and would like more facilities on the green  Infrequent bus service and cannot find bus timetables  More control needed over the minority group which cause trouble in the village so the rest can use and enjoy the facilities we have and won't restrict new facilities that are coming  There should be more buses at regular times as those of us who need jobs and can't drive, can't rely on parents the whole time. It is extremely hard getting a job with current timetable</p><p>- B / 8 - Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix C</p><p>APPENDIX C</p><p>MATHEMATICAL DETAILS</p><p>This section will give a brief explanation of how the numerical values within the analysis were reached.</p><p>PERCENTAGE VALUES FOR EACH COLUMN</p><p>In questions where the respondent can choose more than one option, each option is independent of the rest. For example, 90% of people could state that they play football. Within the same question, 90% could also say they play tennis. The two are not exclusive and thus do the total does not have to add up to 100%. In some questions (such as yes / no options) the respondent can only choose one option and so the total will be 100%. E.g. 35% chose “yes”, 65% chose “no”.</p><p>The difference between a question where someone can choose option A and option B and option C; and a question where they can choose option A or option B or option C, is a subtle, but important one.</p><p>In both cases the percentage is the total number of people that chose that answer / the total number of people that answered the question. E.g. “Of the 20 that answered the question, 50% play football.” </p><p>It is not the total number of people / the total number of people listed on the questionnaires, Declining to answer a particular question does not mean that the respondent does not choose any of the options listed, merely that they decline to indicate their answer. This is why the “Total answers” value appears both by the graphs and in the numerical tables. It would be untrue to say “Of the 400 people that returned the questionnaire, 25% play football” merely because 300 people declined to indicate whether they played football or not.</p><p>PERCENTAGE ERRORS FOR EACH COLUMN</p><p>The errors in the percentages are known as the “confidence interval” and are defined by the following two equations:</p><p>Z2 * (p) * (1-p) ss = c2 where: Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level) p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal (.5 used for sample size needed) c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal (e.g., .04 = ±4%)</p><p>This equation calculates the sample size (ss) needed to obtain a meaningful result based on a fixed confidence interval. I.e. in order to have an error of 4% or less in our results, we would need a sample size of ss.</p><p>C / 1 Parson Drove Parish Plan 2005 – Appendix C</p><p>If any particular sample has a low number of results, we can be less confident of the results being representative of the entire population. Calculating the sample size allows us to determine how many answers we need in order to be confident that our results are meaningful and representative of the population.</p><p>However, the number of surveys returned predetermines our sample size and this cannot be changed. So instead, we can re-arrange the above equation to determine the confidence interval (the error) in our results, based on the sample size. Instead of calculating the sample size that is required to have an error of 4% in our results, we can calculate the error in our results based on a fixed sample size.</p><p>Additionally, the above equation assumes the results are representative of an infinite population, i.e. one significantly larger than the sample size. For finite populations, the following correction has to be taken into account.</p><p> ss new ss = ss-1 1+ pop where: pop = population</p><p>The population is the population of the parish that can legitimately answer the questionnaire, based on figures from the 2001 national census results for the parish. courtesy of the Office of National Statistics.</p><p>By combining the two equations and rearranging them, the confidence interval at a 95% confidence level is calculated by:</p><p>1.962 p (1-p) c2 = (pop –1) ss</p><p> pop – ss</p><p>From this, we then calculate the confidence interval for each option within a question based on the population of the parish, how many people answered the question in total and how many chose that particular option within the question.</p><p>Effectively this means that for each category within any table of results we are stating the following:</p><p>“We are 95% certain that x% ± y% of the population have this view.”</p><p>(The above is based on equations from</p><p>Other calculations that are done within the analysis that do not adhere to the standard format, or use different sample sizes for various reasons are explained within the appendices. E.g. if one option within a question is aimed purely at the female population the calculations for that particular part will have a reduced sample size.</p><p>C / 2</p>

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