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<p> PQ- (14/02)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION</p><p>FOR</p><p>ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>A. INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION 2. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENTS 3. GUIDELINES FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION 4. PRE-QUALIFICATION DOCUMENT & QUESTIONNAIRE LAYOUT 5. QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE (THE SUBMISSION) 6. MODALITIES OF THE SUBMISSION 7. ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY 8. CONDITIONS FOR AWARD OF WORK 9. GENERAL 10 DISCLAIMER LETTER OF SUBMITTAL</p><p>B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECT1ON 1 - MANDATORY QUESTION SECTION 2 - APPLICANT COMPANY’S ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE SECTION 3 - APPLICANT’S PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE SECTION 4 - APPLICANT’S CURRENT WORKLOAD SECTION 5 - APPLICANT’S MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT RESOURCES SECTION 6 - APPLICANT’S HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HSEMS) SECTION 7 - APPLICANT’S FINANCIAL STATUS</p><p>SECTION 8 - QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL PRACTICES</p><p>NOTE: “APPENDICES” ARE INTENDED FOR INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT IN HIS OWN FORMAT.</p><p>“ATTACHMENTS” ARE FOR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT IN THE FORMAT PROVIDED IN THIS PQ DOCUMENT.</p><p>1 INTRODUCTION </p><p>1.1 The Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) (the Company) is a State owned company, engaged in exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas resources from Kuwait's oil fields including the export of crude oil through its marine terminals.</p><p>1.2 The Company is seeking qualified local and international Contractors (herein referred to as “Applicant” as described in the instruction # 7 henceforth) for provision of Turbo- Machinery Services for oil & gas operations and hereby invites submissions for pre- qualification. The scope of services shall be for gas turbines of Output Power 10 MW and above, and Centrifugal Gas Compressors of P=9 bar and above. The services include ,but not be limited to the provision of following:</p><p> Rotors Low/High Speed balancing  Maintenance and Overhauling on site  Spare part manufacturing  Reblading  Installation of complete turbosets (new; used)  Commissioning  Engineering</p><p>Page 2 of 35  Modernization & retrofits  State-of-the-art sealing systems  Performance adjustment</p><p>Additional scope:  Maintenance and overhaul of pumps, blowers and auxiliary systems  Reverse engineering incl. optimization  Aero-/ thermo dynamical analysis and simulation</p><p>1.3 Accordingly, the Company invites interested Applicants to submit full details of their experience in accordance with the attached questionnaire and the pre-qualification documents along with technical catalogue of the services.</p><p>1.4 The objective of this exercise is to identify and enlist suitably qualified Contractors for the aforementioned services, which will be invited for the tender for these services.</p><p>1.5 The Company is neither committed nor obliged, implied or otherwise, to include any bidder on the tender list or award any form of contract to any contractor and/or associated companies, subcontractor or agents. </p><p>1.6 Participation in the pre-qualification exercise does not construe or imply any commitment to any party or entitle any party to any indemnity or any form of payment from the Company.</p><p>1.7 Applicants are advised to note that: . This is not an invitation to tender for above services. . Completion of this application does not mean that the Company has accepted their business entity as a Contractor for providing the aforementioned services. . The Company reserves the right to pre-qualify any Applicant for aforementioned services as well as reject any pre-qualification submission at its sole discretion. . The Company will treat all the information as strictly confidential. . The Company reserves the right to request additional information or documents regarding applicant’s answers in this application. Further ,if needed, The Company reserves the right to verify from the third party or company quoted in “the submission” about the work related experience and any other relevant information. . The Company reserves the right to perform an audit to confirm or determine authenticity of the information furnished through pre-qualification. It may include site visit to applicant’s facilities. </p><p>2 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENTS </p><p>2.1 All Applicants will be required to submit a detailed and comprehensive pre- qualification submission (“the Submission”), for review by the Company. This</p><p>Page 2 of 35 Submission shall be prepared in accordance with the guidelines and instructions set out in this pre-qualification document and shall set forth in a clear and precise manner their competence and suitability for carrying out the Services.</p><p>2.2 Pre-qualification of Applicants for future participation in the Company’s Tender for similar Services shall be made solely on the basis of the information supplied in the Applicant’s Submissions including safety / technical audit of facilities / equipment to confirm suitability of Services. All Applicants are advised that the Company, at its own option, may choose to visit the Applicant’s premises. The Applicants shall allow/give such access the Company to satisfy itself more fully about the Applicant’s Submission, or any part thereof.</p><p>Page 2 of 35 3 GUIDELINES FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION </p><p>3.1 Only those applicants, able to demonstrate and document proven relevant experience, available resources, and readiness to undertake the services, will be considered.</p><p>3.2 Applicant needs to have recent and relevant experience, which shows that the Applicant is now active in the same field of the required Services and that this workload is consistent with its current resources, manpower and financial standing.</p><p>3.3 Applicants must provide all requested information in its Submission.</p><p>4 PRE-QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS & QUESTIONNARE LAYOUT </p><p>Part A: Invitation to Prequalify. Part B: Prequalification Questionnaire.</p><p>The prequalification questionnaire is divided into eight (8) sections as follows: Section 1: Mandatory Questions Section 2: Applicant Company's Organization and Structure Section 3: Applicant’s Previous Experience Section 4: Applicant’s Current Workload Section 5: Applicant’s Manpower and Equipment Resources Section 6: Applicant’s HSE Management System (HSEMS) Section 7: Applicant’s Financial Resources Section 8: Applicant’s QA /QC Practices </p><p>Page 2 of 35 5 QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES ( THE SUBMISSION ) </p><p>5.1 The Applicant must respond to all parts of the questionnaire and all the questions listed therein and provide the information in English. It is mandatory that the questions are answered exactly in accordance with the instructions given in the pre-qualification questionnaire segregated and arranged in order by sections.</p><p>5.2 The incomplete submission will not be processed. Answers to questions and information provided must be accurate and unambiguous.</p><p>5.3 Applicants must note that the application shall not be processed and would liable to be rejected in case of either of following in respect of Section -1 (Mandatory Questions):</p><p>(a) Answer to any of the questions of Section-1 is not affirmative; (b) Relevant supporting documents as mentioned under this section are not provided; (c) Supporting documents do not correspond to affirmative response. (c) Any question of this Section is not answered.</p><p>5.4 Only information provided as a direct response to the questionnaire will be evaluated. Applicant’s information and detail which are of advertising / promotional / marketing nature will not form part of the evaluation process and hence should not be included.</p><p>5.5 Supplementary documentation must be attached to the questionnaire where applicant has been directed to do so. Such information must be clearly marked with the name of the organization and the question to which it relates.</p><p>5.6 Applicant should note that the Company may require clarification of the answers provided or ask for additional information.</p><p>5.7 Should the response be found to be erroneous or in other way incorrect or of the form “to be submitted later”, the Company shall reserve the right to reject the application for pre- qualification.</p><p>Page 2 of 35 6 MODALITIES OF THE SUBMISSION </p><p>6.1 The Applicant must adhere to the form and layout of the questionnaire.</p><p>Team Leader Supplier Relationship Management Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C), BUILDING B-1, KOC NEW OFFICE COMPLEX, AHMADI, KUWAIT. PQ (14/02) Subject: Pre-Qualification for Rotating Machinery Services</p><p>6.2 The Applicant's submittal shall be in duplicate, one (1) set in Hard copy and one (1) set in CD copy. The submittal shall be marked as follows:-</p><p>6.3 In addition to the above, the Applicant is required to provide a Letter of Submittal (in the format specified in Part B) written on the Applicant's letterhead and signed by the Applicant's authorized signatory.</p><p>6.4 Submission of Completed Pre-Qualification Documents </p><p>The Applicant must read the following points carefully and submit its Application accordingly: The Pre-Qualification Documents are available at Company’s website http://www.kockw.com; “KOC e-Tendering,” under heading “KOC Tenders”- Tender No. PQ-14/02 titled as “Pre-Qualification for Rotating Machinery Services”. a) Information to be submitted by the Applicant’s is listed under Sections. b) The Applicant must arrange to submit the completed Pre-qualification Documents on or before 14:00 Hrs. (Kuwait Standard Time) either through courier or by hand to the Supplier Relationship Management Services Team Building B-1, Kuwait Oil Company at Ahmadi, Kuwait. </p><p>Page 2 of 35 c) The Applicant is required to pay a non-refundable fee of Fifty Kuwaiti Dinars (KD 50/-), or Hundred Eighty United States Dollars (US$ 180/-) deposited in the Company’s Account No. (1001058663) of the National Bank of Kuwait – Ahmadi Branch, Kuwait, Swift Code (NBOKKWKW) - IBAN NO. KW77NBOK 0000000000001001058663. d) Submission received after the closing date may not be considered.</p><p>7 ELIGIB ILITY TO APPLY </p><p>7.1 Only established companies that are single corporate bodies can be pre-qualified. Applications from agents shall be rejected. 7.2 “Applicant” means (either of Category 7.2 (a) or 7.2(b) or 7.2(c)): Either </p><p> a) A local Kuwaiti Company seeking prequalification based on its own capabilities, experience and resources to fulfil contractual obligations in case of Award of Contract. The “Applicant” shall have minimum Ten (10) year of experience in providing Rotating Machinery Services</p><p>Or </p><p> b) A local Kuwaiti Company seeking prequalification based on joint venture agreement with a reputed international service provider having capabilities, experience and resources to support the Applicant in order to fulfil obligations in case of Award of Contract. The “Applicant” (local Kuwaiti Company) shall have minimum Ten (10) years of experience in doing business related to oil and gas industry in recent past. Moreover, the JV International Partner shall have minimum Ten (10) years of experience in providing ‘Turbo-Machinery Services’. The application and all the submissions shall be signed by the Kuwaiti Company, applying for the subject pre- qualification. In the event Joint Venture is not in place then the Applicant shall ensure in writing to have joint venture before bidding. The bid shall not be accepted in the event of failing to produce the joint venture agreement. </p><p>Page 2 of 35 The Joint Venture agreement shall set out following minimum conditions: </p><p> i. Undertaking / Guarantee from each company forming the joint venture to jointly and severally guarantee the fulfillment of all the obligations under the Contract. The guarantee shall be in following lines:</p><p>In consideration that the KOC entering into the Contract, the guarantors do hereby jointly and severally agree and covenant with the KOC as follows: “The Guarantors (companies forming the joint venture) hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to KOC the due and punctual performance by the Contractor, its successors and assigns, under the Contract of each and all the obligations, duties and undertakings of the Contractor under and pursuant to the Contract when and if such obligations, duties and undertakings shall become due and performable according to the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Guarantors hereby undertake to indemnify the KOC, its successors and assigns against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses suffered or incurred by it by reason of any act, failure, default or omission on the part of the Contractor in performing or observing its obligations under and in connection with the Contract.” ii. No changes shall be permitted to joint venture agreement during the bidding and subsequent contract period without prior agreement of KOC, in writing, to the proposed changes. iii.Kuwaiti Company and its Joint venture partner shall guarantee that their joint venture agreement shall remain in effect throughout the Contract period in case of award of Contract. </p><p>Or c) An international Company seeking pre-qualification based on its own capabilities, experience and resources to fulfil contractual obligations in case of Award of Contract. The “Applicant” shall have minimum ten (10) years of experience in providing ‘Turbo-Machinery Services’. Applicant shall meet the following: </p><p> i. Applicant must apply on its own behalf only. In order to assess applicant’s capability, the information provided in the questionnaire must be true and pertain to the Applicant itself. Information which incorporates details regarding parent, associate, or subsidiary companies, or subcontractors, or companies to whom the Applicant was subcontracted, shall be ignored / rejected for the purpose of evaluation.</p><p> ii. If the Applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary company or part of a group of companies, then the application must be from the company (Applicant) which shall actually perform any work awarded. To clarify further, if the Group's head office is in United States of America and the work would be controlled and performed by its subsidiary (the Applicant) located at London, England, then the application should be in the name of and using information about the company based at London and all documents submitted shall be from and associated with</p><p>Page 2 of 35 the latter. Information pertaining to Group’s Head Office, USA shall be discarded for the purpose of pre-qualification evaluation. 7.3 If the Applicant is applying on its behalf pursuant to above instruction 7.2 (a) & 7.2(c), the information provided in the questionnaire must be true and pertain to the Applicant itself in order to assess applicant’s capability. Information which incorporates details regarding parent, associate, or subsidiary companies, or subcontractors, or companies to whom the Applicant was subcontracted, shall be ignored / rejected for the purpose of evaluation.</p><p>7.4 If the applicant is applying based on a joint venture agreement pursuant to above instruction 7.2 (b), with a reputed international company for provision of subject Services, then the technical information must be for the Applicant’s JV Partner, who shall support in meeting contractual obligations on behalf of the Applicant. The Applicant shall be required to submit following with the prequalification submission: 7.4.1 Technical Service Agreement indicating full technical support by the joint venture Partner. Failing to submit such undertaking shall lead to rejection of the Application.</p><p>7.5 It is the applicant that completes the entire questionnaire. </p><p>7.6 The Company reserves the right to request further information in respect of applicant’s parent, associate, or subsidiary companies should it be deemed necessary for evaluation purposes.</p><p>7.7 Pre-qualification shall be granted to the Applicant's company only and shall not include pre-qualification of any parent or sister or subsidiary companies.</p><p>7.8 If qualified, and as and when Company decides to invite tender, the Invitation to tender will be issued to the Applicant and not to its parent, associate, or subsidiary companies. Any contract, if awarded, will be entered into with the Applicant only.</p><p>8 CONDITIONS FOR AWARD OF WORK </p><p>Tenders issued by the Company are in accordance with the State of Kuwait’s Law governing public tenders’ number 37 of 1964 and subsequent amendments thereof. This law requires that any tender submitted which is not strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Invitation to Tender shall be disqualified. Applicants are therefore advised that only companies who can accept the Company’s contractual terms, in full, should apply for pre-qualification. The most important terms are: </p><p>Page 2 of 35 8.1 The contractor shall execute the services on call out basis. The contract shall be non- exclusive, which will not prevent the Company to use similar services from other Contractors.</p><p>9 GENERAL </p><p>9.1 The Company will retain all documents submitted by the Applicant for its records.</p><p>9.2 By submittal of an application, the Applicant permits the Company to: -</p><p> a) Take any steps which the Company considers necessary to audit or verify the information contained in its application, and;</p><p> b) Visit the Applicant's and /or its Joint Venture Company’s facilities / equipment wherever they may be located but subject to a prior notification. </p><p>9.3 Subject to 9.2 above, all responses / correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence by the Company.</p><p>9.4 Applicant should note that the word “Attachment” means the information provided in accordance with the format provided in the Pre-Qualification document and the word ‘Appendix’ means the information is provided in Applicant’s own format.</p><p>10. DISCLAIMER</p><p>THE APPLICANT IS AWARE AND AGREES THAT DOCUMENTS (BEING IN SOFT OR HARD COPY) SUBMITTED FOR THE SUBJECT PQ FOR THE COMPANY’S CONSIDERATION SHALL BECOME THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY AND SHALL BE RETAINED IN THE COMPANY’S CUSTODY. ANY PROTEST OR RESERVATION ON THE FINAL RESULTS SHALL BE WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE THE RESULTS BEEN ANNOUNCED. FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH, THE APPLICANT THEREAFTER SHALL HAVE NO RIGHT TO SERVE ANY RESERVATION OR PROTEST TO THE COMPANY AND THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO DISPOSE AND GET RID OF SUCH DOCUMENTS.</p><p>Page 2 of 35 (To be submitted on Applicant’s Letterhead)</p><p>LETTER OF SUBMITTAL</p><p>TO: TEAM LEADER CONTRACTS SERVICES</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) Ahmadi, Kuwait</p><p>Dear Sirs,</p><p>Subject: PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES 1. We, ………………….. is a company incorporated in ………………. during the year of …………, under the Law of ……………. would like to participate in the Subject Pre-qualification Exercise and submit our completed pre-qualification questionnaire along with the additional information required therein and request to be included in the Company's list of bidders for the subject project.</p><p>2. We acknowledge that the Company has absolute discretion in the selection of bidders and that the Company is not required to provide any reason should the Company decide not to include our company on the above referred list.</p><p>3. We consent to Company's representatives visiting our offices, facilities and works in progress as the Company considers necessary to satisfactorily evaluate our application. In the event of such visits taking place, we shall provide whatever assistance necessary to the Company's representatives to assist them in the evaluation of our application.</p><p>4. We hereby, authorize Kuwait Oil Company representatives to seek opinion and inquire about us from previous and current clients (stated as references herein) for the purposes of prequalification. By this, we authorize referenced clients to divulge required information to Kuwait Oil Company.</p><p>5. We, the Applicant understand that, only established companies that are single corporate bodies can be pre-qualified.</p><p>6. Our company’s head office is located in ………………………………………………………………… .</p><p>7. We understand that, Kuwait Oil Company does not accept a submittal by a (none incorporated/unregistered) business unit nor an application filled by an agent on behalf of our company. The information provided in the questionnaire is true and pertain to ourselves in order to assess our company’s capability. Information which incorporates details regarding parent, associate, or subsidiary companies, or subcontractors, or companies to whom the Applicant was subcontracted, shall be ignored / rejected for the purpose of evaluation. (To be submitted on Applicant’s Letterhead)</p><p>LETTER OF SUBMITTAL</p><p>8. We understand that, the application shall be filled by the Applicant who wish to prequalify and if approved by Kuwait Oil Company, the name of the Applicant’s company shall be included in the approved list of contractors whom to be invited for future tenders and consequently enter into a contract with Kuwait Oil Company if the relevant tender awarded to the Applicant.</p><p>9. We understand that approval to our company should not be considered as an approval to any parent, sister or subsidiary company within our group of companies.</p><p>10. We are attaching herewith the following documents which are complementary to our application and essential for Kuwait Oil Company to accept evaluating our application:-</p><p> a. An Organization chart indicating parent, sister or subsidiary companies within our group of companies indicating nationality of each entity. (as applicable)</p><p> b. A copy of the Memorandum/Articles of Association of our company with a certified extract from the register of firms from our Country where the Contractors are registered (such as “Ministry of Commerce” / “Chamber of Commerce”, etc.).</p><p>Name :</p><p>Signature :</p><p>Title of Authorized Signatory :</p><p>Telephone No. :</p><p>Fax Number :</p><p>E-mail and Website :</p><p>Applicant’s Company Name : KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>SECTION 1 – ( MANDATORY QUESTIONS) </p><p>The Applicant must respond to all questions in this questionnaire using the following format. The response to each question must refer specifically to the Applicant's own operational office for which qualification is being sought. </p><p>Any unanswered / negative reply to the questions of this section or non-submission of supporting documents in relevant sections will lead to rejection of the application</p><p>Page 14 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>Please SR. Tick One DESCRIPTION NO. Yes No</p><p>1.1 The information provided in the questionnaire conforms to instructions stipulated in the clause 7 (Eligibility to Apply) of General Instructions to the Applicant.</p><p>1.2 Applicant confirms that it(Category 7.2a and 7.2c) or its Joint Venture (JV) Partner (Category 7.2b), as applicable, has capability, competence and resources to provide Turbo-Machinery (Gas Turbines & Compressors) Services to Oil & Gas fields corresponding to the description in clause 1.2 of General Instructions to the Applicant.</p><p>1.3 Applicant has following minimum proven relevant experience during last ten (10) years in providing ‘Turbo-Machinery “Services to assist Oil & Gas Operations : - For Local Applicant i.e. for Category 7.2(a): ten (10) years ; - For Category 7.2(b) : i- For JV International Partner it’s required ten (10) years of experience in the same service. ii- For the “Applicant” (local Kuwaiti Company) shall have minimum ten (10) years of experience in doing business related to oil and gas industry. - For International Applicant i.e. Category 7.2(c): ten (10) years of experience in the same service. In support of its affirmative answer, the Applicant shall provide necessary details as required through Attachment No. 3-1 to Section 3.</p><p>Please Tick SR. One DESCRIPTION NO. Yes No</p><p>1.4 Applicant has executed the Contracts with similar scope of services within last ten (10) years as set out below : For Local Applicant i.e. Category 7.2(a): at least two (2) Contracts. For JV International Partner i.e. for Category 7.2(b): at least three (3) Contracts ; & For International Applicant i.e. Category 7.2(c): at least three (3) Contracts; Each of minimum two (2) years duration either in G.C.C or with reputed </p><p>Page 15 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>Page 16 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>Please Tick SR. One DESCRIPTION NO. Yes Yes</p><p>1.8 Applicant confirms its financial strength to provide turbo-Machinery services in excess of USD one (1) million per year for a contract period of two years aggregating the value in excess of USD 2 million. </p><p>1.9 Applicant has attached, complete audited Financial Statements in accordance with Section 7 of pre-qualification questionnaire – “Statement Of Financial Resources” (including audited financial statements).</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorized Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Applicant’s Company Stamp</p><p>Page 17 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>SECTION 2 – APPLICANT’S COMPANY ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE </p><p>Please note that this Section must be submitted by the main Applicant and the JV Partner’s (if any) separately.</p><p>Applicant must complete all Parts of the following to clearly indicate its organisation and structure.</p><p>1. a) Full Name of Applicant company:</p><p>______b) Acronym: ______</p><p>2. Name and title of Applicant Company’s officer authorised to enter into correspondence regarding this pre-qualification application.</p><p>______</p><p>3. a) Address of the Registered Office and Head Office:</p><p>______</p><p> b) Address for correspondence:</p><p>______</p><p>4. Telephone number (including international code and area code):</p><p>______</p><p>5. Facsimile number (including international code and area code):</p><p>Page 18 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>______</p><p>6. E-mail address/Home page:</p><p>______</p><p>7. Type of company (private limited liability, public limited liability, and the like)</p><p>______</p><p>Page 19 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>8. Country of incorporation, date of establishment; Date of Incorporation /Registration, Incorporation Document or Registration Number: </p><p>______</p><p>9. Address of registered head office (if different from 3 above)</p><p>______</p><p>10. Telephone number including the international and area code</p><p>______</p><p>11. Facsimile number including the international and area code</p><p>______</p><p>12. Please confirm, or provide the address of Applicant's operational headquarters. (if different from 3 or 9 above). This must be the office which will be responsible for and which will perform services, project management, engineering, procurement and human resources.</p><p>______</p><p>13. Authorised Capital (state currency)</p><p>______</p><p>14. Issued and paid up Capital. (state currency)</p><p>Page 20 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>______</p><p>15. Is the Applicant a wholly owned subsidiary of a parent company? If so, please provide name, address and other relevant details in respect of its parent company.</p><p>______</p><p>Page 21 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>16. Has your Company ever had a contract pre-maturely terminated?</p><p>Please Check One Yes _____ No _____ If Yes, please provide details of the contract and reason for termination.</p><p>______</p><p>17 Overall experience (in number of years for the Applicant seeking pre-qualification).</p><p>- Locally ______</p><p>- Internationally (if any) ______</p><p>18. As Attachment No. 4-1 to this Section 4, please provide the following items:- i) An organisation chart depicting the relationship of the Applicant to any parent, holding and associated companies. ii) Answers to questions 1-15 for each parent and/or holding company.</p><p>Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 22 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>SECTION 3 – APPLICANT’S / JV PARTNER’S PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE </p><p>1.Applicant shall provide information and supporting documents demonstrating the relevant minimum experience and Contracts executed during last ten (10) years in providing ‘Turbo-Machinery Services’ to assist Oil & Gas Operations utilizing its own resources or joint venture partner as set out in the categories defined in clause 7.2 of General Instruction to the Applicant. Details shall be provided in the attached format as per Attachment 3-1 to Section-3 in confirmation to affirmative answers of Question 1.3 & 1.4 of Section-1.</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Page 23 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>DETAILS OF RELEVANT EXPERIENCE This Attachment shall contain details of the Contracts for Drilling Tools Services in confirmation to affirmative answers to Question – 1.3 & 1.4 of Section-1. Sl. No. Contract Contract/Project Duration of Contract Client Location Value Name ( USD) From To 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Overhauling of Gas Turbines of different frames -Overhauling of Turbo-Machinery Example XXXX Abu Dhabi 10,500,000 02-May-2009 01-May-2010 Centrifugal Gas Services Compressors -High / Low Speed rotors balancing</p><p>Page 24 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES</p><p>Note: Additional sheets may be attached as necessary for the details giving the reference no. of the respective Contracts. Further, additional rows may be added if needed to ensure minimum experience.</p><p>Signature: ______Name and Title of Authorized Signatory: ______Applicant's company Name: ______Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 25 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECTION 4 – APPLICANT / JV PARTNER’S CURRENT WORKLOAD </p><p>Applicant shall provide the detail in the attached format as per Attachment 4-1 to Section-4 in respect of its on-going Contracts.</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorized Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Page 26 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>ATTACHMENT 4-1 TO SECTION FOUR (4) - APPLICANT / JV PARTNER’S CURRENT WORKLOAD DETAILS OF CURRENT WORKLOAD Contract Duration of Contract Contract/Project Scope of Work Sl. No. Client Location Value Name From To ( USD) 1 2 3 4 5 - Overhauling of Gas Turbines of different frames -Overhauling of Turbo-Machinery Example XXXX Abu Dhabi 10,500,000 02-May-2009 01-May-2010 Centrifugal Gas Services Compressors -High / Low Speed rotors balancing Note: Additional sheets may be attached as necessary for the details giving the reference no. of the respective Contracts. Further, additional rows may be added if needed to ensure minimum experience.</p><p>Page 27 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>Signature: ______Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______Applicant's company Name: ______Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 28 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECTION 5 – APPLICANT’S MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT RESOURCES</p><p>Applicant shall furnish the details of Manpower and Equipment resources in confirmation to affirmative answer to Question – 1.5 of Section-1 as per the attached format for following. 1. Attachment 5-1 of Section-5: Details of equipment and in house repair/reconditioning facilities. 2.Attachment 5-2 to Section-5: Details of Key personnel (Maintenance Manager) suitably qualified having relevant minimum experience of twenty (20) years along- with the CVs of personnel.</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Applicant’s Company Stamp</p><p>Page 29 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>ATTACHMENT 5-1 TO SECTION FIVE (5) - APPLICANT’S MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT RESOURCES DETAILS OF APPLICANT’S TOOLS / EQUIPMENT & CALIBRATION FACILITY This Attachment shall contain details of the Contracts for Gyroscopic and Magnetic Survey Services in confirmation to affirmative answer to Question – 1.5 of Section-1. Sl. No. Description of Equipment Manufacturer Quantity Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Note: Additional sheets may be attached as necessary.</p><p>Signature: ______Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______</p><p>Page 30 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 31 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>ATTACHMENT 5-2 TO SECTION-5 (APPLICANT’S RESOURCES) DETAILS OF KEY PERSONNEL This Attachment shall contain details of the Applicant’s Key personnel (Operations Manager & Survey Engineer), who are responsible to execute the relevant services on behalf of the Applicant’s Organisation in confirmation to affirmative answer to Question – 1.5 of Section-1.</p><p>Technical / Total Oilfield Relevant Since When with Details of Position in Language Professional S No Name Experience Experience the Company Relevant Applicant’s Remarks Capability Qualification / (Years) (Years) (Month & year) Experience Company Certification</p><p>Note: Applicant shall also attach resume of above listed persons including details of employers with the duration, copies of certificates obtained, copies of trainings obtained and a summarised description of experience in the industry. Additional rows may be added as necessary.</p><p>Page 32 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>Signature: ______Name and Title of Authorised Signatory: ______Applicant's company Name: ______Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 33 of 34 KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECTION 6 - APPLICANT’S HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HSEMS) </p><p>The applicant shall provide the following documentary evidence to substantiate the respective elements of the HSE Management System. Each document supporting the respective section is to be clearly segregated, organized with a proper index and submitted.</p><p>1. Leadership, Commitment & Accountability 1.1. Provide a copy of your organization’s HSE policy. 1.2. Provide evidence on how your senior management is involved in HSE performance monitoring. 1.3. Provide the methodology of ensuring commitment at all levels within your organization to be responsible and comply with the pertinent HSE requirements. 1.4. Provide the system to ensure that your organization's HSE Management System accords with the client’s contractual HSE requirements. 2. Organization, Roles & Responsibilities 2.1. Provide a copy of your HSE organization structure showing its relation to senior management. 2.2. Provide your system of identifying resources to meet the HSE requirements. 2.3. Provide the HSE roles and responsibilities identified for all levels of job functions for the implementation of the HSE management system and addressing HSE issues. 2.4. Provide the methodology in place to interact and communicate the HSE policy, guidelines and requirements, including changes, to all the employees. 3. HSE Procedures & Safety Work Practices 3.1. Provide your procedure for developing well documented HSE plans. 3.2. Provide a list of all safe work procedures/practices that are established for all critical activities/tasks. 3.3. Show how your procedures and standards are regularly revised, updated and document control ensured. 3.4. Provide your procedure for managing and maintaining HSE records.</p><p>Page 34 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>4. Competency Assurance 4.1. Provide your system for selection and placement of competent and qualified personnel to manage HSE requirements. 4.2. Provide your training program in place for ensuring appropriate level of training, generic HSE as well as job specific, is given for all the employees along with sample training records. 4.3. Show how the training needs assessments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the training provided as well as to ensure knowledge update. 5. Hazard/Risk Management 5.1. Provide your established procedure for hazard/risk recognition and assessment. 5.2. Provide your system for identifying and applying appropriate risk control measures. 5.3. Provide your system in place for developing emergency response and personnel evacuation plans. 5.4. Provide your procedure for managing changes. 6. Occupational Health Management 6.1. Provide your organization’s occupational health program in place to inform/advise all employees and monitor the possible health hazards/risks that may be encountered during the works/services. 7. Environment Management 7.1. Provide the system in place for evaluating and monitoring the environmental impact due to your work activities and the steps taken to minimize the negative impact so as to protect the environment. 7.2. Provide your system in place to identify, segregate and effectively manage all types of wastes generated during the works/services in an environment-friendly manner. 8. Equipment’s & Road Safety 8.1. Provide your procedure to ensure that the equipment’s utilized for the works/services are appropriately certified, controlled and maintained in safe working condition 8.2. Show the arrangements are in place for the provision and maintenance of protective equipment and clothing.</p><p>Page 35 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>8.3. Provide your system for ensuring safety of your personnel while driving. 8.4. Provide your system to ensure your vehicles are road worthy and maintained in good condition. 9. Incident Reporting & Investigation 9.1. Provide your organization’s established procedure for accident/injury reporting and investigation. 9.2. Submit sample records of your accidents investigations and recommendations management. 9.3. Show the arrangements in place to ensure lessons learnt, including near-misses, are captured and effectively utilized. 10. Sub-contractor Management 10.1. Provide your HSE criteria for the selection of subcontractors. 10.2. Provide the established practice in place to verify sub-contractor’s compliance to your Organization's and the Client’s HSE requirements. 10.3. Show how you monitor and assess the performance of your sub-contractors. 11. Continuous Improvement 11.1. Provide your procedure for the self-assessments, audits and measurement process for continuous HSE improvement. 11.2. Show the process in place for reviewing and evaluating your HSE performance, and, verifying the effectiveness of your HSE Management System. 11.3. Provide the system in place for monitoring non-compliance and effecting timely implementation of the preventive and corrective actions. 12. HSE Performance Data Provide details of your HSE performance for the last three years with respect to the following (Frequency rates shall be as per OSHA guide lines):- 12.1. Fatalities (Number) 12.2. Lost time injuries (In frequency rate) 12.3. Lost time injuries (In severity rate)</p><p>Page 36 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>12.4. Motor vehicle accidents (Number) 12.5. Environmental incidents (Number) 12.6. HSE awards/ clients HSE achievement certificates 12.7. International certifications 12.8. Statutory/ prohibit warnings or notices</p><p>Sign: ______Date: ______</p><p>Name : ______</p><p>In the capacity of: ______</p><p>Authorized signatory for and on behalf of: ______Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Attachments to Section 6 Applicant’s HSE management system</p><p>1. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.1 – “Leadership, Commitment & Accountability”</p><p>2. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.2 – “Organization, Roles & Responsibilities”</p><p>3. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.3 – “HSE Procedures & Safety Work Practices”</p><p>4. ATTACHMENT NO.6.4 – “Competency Assurance”</p><p>5. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.5 – “Hazard/Risk Management”</p><p>6. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.6 – “Occupational Health Management”</p><p>Page 37 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>7. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.7 – “Environment Management”</p><p>8. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.8 – “Equipment & Road Safety”</p><p>9. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.9 – “Incident Reporting & Investigation”</p><p>10. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.10 – “Sub-contractor Management”</p><p>11. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.11 – “Continuous Improvement”</p><p>12. ATTACHMENT NO. 6.12 – “HSE Performance Data”</p><p>Page 38 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECTION 7 - APPLICANT'S FINANCIAL RESSOURCES AND STATEMENT </p><p>- The Applicant’s financial submittal shall contain the following: 1. The Audit Financial Statement for the recent 3 years. 1.1 Mandatory requirement. Provide copies of the last THREE (3) years audited accounts of the applying Company, the Group or parent company if the Applicant is a subsidiary and the percentage of ownership, which should include the following as minimum:  Independent Auditor’s Report  Balance Sheet Statement  Profit and Loss Account  Cash Flows Statement  Notes to the Accounts (Please note that our analysis for qualification would be based on the financial accounts of the applying company without regard to its Group members or parent company. However, where a subsidiary wishes to rely on the financial strength of its parent or Group, it should also submit copies of the parent’s or Group’s financial accounts and provide reasons for such reliance).</p><p>1.2 All Financial Statements, Independent Auditor’s Report and Notes to the Accounts shall be in English or Arabic Language. 1.3 All financial information requirements should be provided also in electronic format (PDF files only) along with the original submittal. (Please note that a decision cannot be made on your application until the receipt of all mandatory information highlighted in item 1.1 above. Your application would be considered withdrawn if the mandatory information are not received).</p><p>Page 39 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>2. The Excel sheet/template which is available along with PQ documents in the Company’s web site, this Excel sheet shall be filled with required financial information and to be submitted as a soft copy and as an Excel formatting file.</p><p>3. The Certification of Authenticity of Financial Statement in accordance with Company’s specimen.</p><p>4. Shall the Applicant wish to rely on their parent company financial credential, consequently the Applicant shall submit all the documents under section 7 “Applicant’s Financial Status” pertaining their parent company, supported by a Parent’s Company Guarantee (PCG) in accordance with the Company’s PCG specimen on parent company letter head.</p><p>Signed :</p><p>Date: : </p><p>Place :</p><p>Name of Authorized :</p><p>Page 40 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE signatory</p><p>Title of Authorized : Signatory</p><p>Applicant’s Company Name :</p><p>Page 41 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>SECTION 8 - QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL (QA/QC) PRACTICES: </p><p>Please provide the following:</p><p>Please provide the following:</p><p> i) A copy of the Applicant’s QA/QC Manual and Practices and other relevant documents to understand following in respect of the relevant practices followed by the Applicant’s Company, as Attachment 8-1 to this Section 8. a) Applicant’s procedures on repair and inspection works for the various parts of the gas turbines and gas compressors . b) Applicant’s policy on reporting the loss, damage or failure of the tool / equipment. c) Applicant’s procedures to ensure that the relevant complications are resolved at an appropriate level. Please demonstrate feedback from your customer on service quality and performance of personnel, if available, as evidence of such feedback in confirming satisfactory performance or in identifying improvements that could have helped in better performance. d) Applicant’s procedures to ensure that the required tools / equipment are adequately maintained, calibrated and remain fit for intended purpose at the time of performance of service. e) Describe the prime controls / activities performed to ensure that the service is adequately planned. Consideration should be given to understanding the job requirement, identification of suitable tools / equipment, scheduling of work and communicate the instructions to personnel providing the services.</p><p>Signature of Applicant: ______</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorized Signatory: ______</p><p>Page 42 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>ATTACHMENT 8-1 TO SECTION 8 ( QA/QC MANUAL) </p><p>Applicant’s QA/QC Manual & Practices and other relevant documents in respect of the Applicant’s organization are attached herewith.</p><p>Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______</p><p>Name and Title of Authorized Signatory: ______</p><p>Applicant's company Name: ______</p><p>Page 43 of 34</p><p>KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) (REGISTER OF COMMERCE – 21835)</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION - FOR - ROTATING MACHINERY SERVICES B. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>Applicant's company Stamp: ______</p><p>Page 44 of 34</p>

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