With Pie and Peas Supper

With Pie and Peas Supper

<p> November 2012 Quiz Night With Pie and Peas Supper</p><p>Friday 16th November 2012 7-30pm</p><p>Bring your Friends Make up teams of 4 or 5 people All ages welcome Tickets £3 per person</p><p>Bar Open</p><p>Available from Jacki Myers 01522 754748 Becky Stumm 01522 751016 or any Committee Member Also available at Tuesday Coffee Mornings A note from our local Police...... DOORSTEP CRIME ALERT</p><p>Please be advised that we are receiving information regarding a company selling recliner seats and chairs within the Lincolnshire region. We are concerned that a member of the company’s staff is using aggressive selling techniques and became very rude when asked to leave.</p><p>We advise you to take precautions when dealing with companies that carryout home visits and if you have recently made an appointment for this type of equipment, maybe arrange for a relative or neighbour to be present when an appointment is carried out. Should you be unhappy with the way a company has treated you, please contact Trading Standards on 01522 782341 or Email: [email protected]</p><p>Remember: If you ask a sales representative to leave your home and they refuse to go – this is an offence and you should ring Lincolnshire Police on tel: 101 for assistance.</p><p>FOR YOUR INFORMATION - If you are classed as elderly or vulnerable and you require any equipment to assist you in your home, modifications to be made or require small repairs carrying out, you can contact the Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency to see if you qualify for assistance on 0845 450 9115 (local call) or Website: www.lincshia.org/home.html</p><p>Alternatively, you can check their ‘approved trader’ list to see local traders who have been approved for work or equipment sales. www.lincshia.org/find-a-trusted-teader.html</p><p>Copy deadline for the Christmas/New Year edition of the Langworth Local will be 20th November, items to the Editor on [email protected] SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS LUNCH WEDNESDAY 12 TH DECEMBER THE GEORGE, STATION ROAD, LANGWORTH</p><p>Please book your place by contacting Chris King on 750423 Or Sheila Burnett on 595208 by 5th December. There will be no cost for the dinner for Langworth residents (see Constitution below) but the donation of a raffle prize or item for a hamper would be appreciated. Please let Chris or Sheila have these in advance of the dinner. The cost of the lunch is borne mainly by donations from advertisers of the Langworth Local</p><p>Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch Constitution</p><p>1 The Senior Citizens Lunch will be held annually during December.</p><p>2 The lunch will be free to all Langworth Parishioners 60 years and over who are permanent residents of Langworth (this includes Stainton, Reasby and Newball).</p><p>3 Carers and parishioners who have left the parish may attend the luncheon but will be required to pay the full price.</p><p>4 The Committee should consist of four members, two of whom should be Parish Councillors. </p><p>5 All Committee members should be permanent residents of Langworth Parish.</p><p>6 Bank Signatories should be Parish Councillors.</p><p>7 The Luncheon should be held in Langworth wherever possible.</p><p>8 An annual report and a copy of the accounts should be presented to Langworth Group Parish Council annually. WHATS ON IN THE MEMORIAL HALL?</p><p>FAMILY PRIZE BINGO - 30th November – Fun for all the family. Eyes down 7.30pm</p><p>Christmas Tree light up will be on Saturday 1 st December 6pm</p><p>The Memorial Hall Committee would like to invite all Villagers, young, old and in-between to come and join together for our annual Carol Singing around the Christmas tree. Supported by Threshold Musicians </p><p>Complimentary mulled wine, mince pies and soft drinks will be available</p><p>Pantomime Langworth Memorial Hall Aladdin Saturday 15th December 3 – 4.30pm Tickets in advance £5 each or £15 family (2 adult & 2 children) £7 on the door. Limited places available.</p><p>Call Jacki on 01522 754748 or Shane on 585580</p><p>Phoenix Trading offers a fantastic range of top quality greeting cards and stationery for all occasions at up to 50% less than high street prices.</p><p>My Phoenix stall is held between 10am to 12 noon every other Tuesday at the coffee mornings at Langworth Memorial Hall.</p><p>Please contact me for a catalogue or to find out how you could host a Phoenix party.</p><p>Contact: Shamima Taylor, 24 Main Road, Langworth, Lincoln, LN3 5BJ Tel : 01522 752945 / 07943087317 www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/redcottage Independent Phoenix Trader No: 34138</p><p>Tuesday Coffee mornings in the Hall continue to be popular from 10.00am till 12noon. Time to meet friends and have a chat. The Outreach Post Office is also in the Hall during that time. The Library Van will visit on 13th November.</p><p>Weight Watchers – Your local meeting is held on Tuesdays in the Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham at 5.45pm . You are very welcome to come along where Hazel will be pleased to help 07806 782 167</p><p>KB Painting & Decorating Reliable & Quality Service Interior and exterior work undertaken Contact Kev 01522 751280 07921236743</p><p>Report of October’s Parish Council meeting Archer Survey, Barlings Lane -The more detailed results of the Archer survey had been received from Highways which did indicate that a number of vehicles were speeding along the Lane. However a resident of Barlings Lane produced a letter from the Road Safety Partnership stating that, following a second traffic survey on the Lane, as there have been no reported injury collisions in that area over the last three years it could not justify a local safety scheme.</p><p>Following discussion it was agreed to ask the County Council Highways Department to provide additional signage indicating 30mph along the Lane.</p><p>Police Report - PCSO Jackie Parker reported as follows:-</p><p> A new Beat Manager had been appointed to be based at the Nettleham Police Office  There had been horses/ponies running loose on the A158, having escaped from their field.  There had been the theft of a cycle from Barlings Lane – PCSO Parker stated that there were many cycle thefts throughout the County at present and warned residents to keep them locked securely.</p><p>Flooding Issues – The Flood Wardens reported that during the recent heavy rainfall, resulting in flooding in other parts of the country, that Langworth had been extremely lucky. It is expected that residents of Langworth would be prepared in the event of a repeat of the severe weather. </p><p>The Flood Wardens were still surveying the surface water drains in the village and that they would shortly be checking the rivers for any likely blockages.</p><p>Poppy Wreath – Members approved the donation of £20.00 for the British Legion Poppy wreath.</p><p>Date of next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 6th November 2012, 7.30pm, Memorial Hall.</p><p>BEST KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION JUDGE’S COMMENTS 2012 Winners in the class that Langworth enters were:- 1st Stubton, 2nd Little Cawthorpe, 3rd East Keal</p><p>Overall appearance and condition - Absence of litter</p><p>Green spaces – Strawberry Field Fishing Lake looked delightful and peaceful – much in use with day tickets. Excellent children’s area. Seats around village, attractive planter by dog bin and at other roads.</p><p>Public premises – Very attractive bus shelter (!)</p><p>Private premises – Well kept gardens.</p><p>Religious buildings and memorials – Red brick church with dilapidated notice board and just service times.</p><p>Business premises – No problems</p><p>Overall community effort – Poster gave details of ceilidh and weekly coffee meeting enabling residents to meet. Regular social activities help to make up for closure of Post Office when residents had met each other.</p><p>General comments – Supplied by Clerk along with a copy of Langworth Local – Report indicates a very friendly and active village throughout year.</p><p>CAROLYN’S COUNTRY DOGS 20 years experience, personal attention at all times New purpose built parlour at Reepham All breeds of small and medium dogs welcome Grooming, Bathing, Styling and nails trimmed Call Carolyn on 01522 274914 Or 07731 006147 Langworth and District WI</p><p>The speaker at the October meeting was Flower Arranging Demonstrator, Chloe Bagley, who made some beautiful arrangements. The arrangements were prizes in the raffle and were won by Pauline White, Valerie Milnes, Jackie Scott and Angela Gould. </p><p>The competition for a selection of autumn leaves and berries was won by Sylvia Bruntlett, second Marjorie Atkin, and third Sarah Moore.</p><p>The Speaker at the 1st November meeting Will be Radio Lincolnshire Presenter Rod Whiting. The Competition will be ‘An odd shaped Vegetable’</p><p>New members are always welcome and can contact Pauline White on 01522 595156. </p><p>ABC Window Cleaning Window Cleaning/Conservatory Roofs/ Cladding/Gutters & Fascias</p><p>Ring Andrew Bishop on 07801 034934 01522 752846</p><p>Dave Armstrong Gas & Oil fired Heating Engineer Installation, Service, Breakdown & Repairs Boilers, Fires, Cookers Landlord Certificates 07766 798110 01522 809165</p><p>Lincoln Triathlon Club is currently running a weekly Strength and Conditioning session on Thursday evenings from 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm the Main School Hall at Cherry Willingham Community School</p><p>The sessions are run by a qualified personal trainer and coach and are suitable for all standards. They are open to all aged 13 + years. Cost is £5.00 per session.</p><p>If you are interested contact Martin Wood, Head Coach - LincolnTri email: [email protected] website: www.lincolntri.co.uk Tel: 01522 751420 Mob: 07980 434166</p><p>CHURCH SERVICES NOVEMBER 2012 Sunday 4 4 before Advent 9.00 Communion St.John Stainton 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 11 Remembrance Sunday 9.00 BCP Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 10.30 Family Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 2.00 Parade Service St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 18 2 before Advent 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 25 Next before Advent 9.00 Communion St.Edward Barlings 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>CHURCH SERVICES DECEMBER 2012 Sunday 2 Advent Sunday 9.00 Communion St.John Stainton 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 9 Advent 2 9.00 BCP Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 10.30 Family Service St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Communion St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Friday 14 6.30 Carol Sing-along St.John Stainton</p><p>Sunday 16 Advent 3 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Carol Service St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 23 Advent 4 9.00 Communion St.Edward Barlings 10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 6.00 Communion St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Monday 24 Christmas Eve 11.15 p.m. Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke</p><p>Tuesday 25 Christmas Day 9.00 Communion St.John Stainton 10.30 Family Service St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Sunday 30 Christmas 1 9.00 BCP Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke 10.30 Family Service / St.Edward Sudbrooke Baptism 6.00 Night Prayer St.Hugh Langworth</p><p>Broadbent Theatre News Book on line - no extra fee www.broadbent.org Box Office 01673 885500</p><p>Fri 23 November 7.30pm Peggy's Not Famous Ticket prices £5 Sat 24 November 3.00pm Peggy's Not Famous Ticket prices £5 Fri 7 Dec 7.00pm The Amazing Adventures of Pinocchio Tickets £8.50 (full) £7.00 (conc.) [pre-paid]</p><p>LAKESIDE CARAVAN PARK Day Fishing, Camping and Caravanning Log Cabins available to Rent or Buy Calor Gas Agents Tel 01522 753200</p><p>LANGWORTH GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Members</p><p>Chairman - John White –– 01522 595156 Vice Chairman - Chris Judge – 01522 750925 Peter Bowser – 01673 862423 Mrs Sheila Burnett – 01522 595208 Clive Buttress – Contactable through Clerk Mrs Yvette Green – 01522 754518 Mrs Chris King – 01522 750423 Miss Jackie Scott - 754225 Mrs Jill Walton – Contactable through Clerk</p><p>District Councillor – Christopher Darcel - 750411 County Councillor – Ian Fleetwood – 01522 751939 Clerk to the Council – Mrs Chris Myers – 01522 823802</p><p>Clerk: Mrs Chris Myers, 12 Ash Tree Avenue, Nettleham LN2 2TQ 01522 823802 – email: [email protected]</p><p>Need help or advice for your computer? No problem too big or too small. Hardware, software, virus, Windows, Networks, wireless, Internet, upgrades, training or just plain help and advice.</p><p>£20 ph, £40 max, no fix no fee, no callout. Get the job done, 24/7. Call: 07807350355 email: sage@stati t.co.uk</p><p>Tel: 07811 285727 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>SCOTHERN PLAYERS A Hilarious Murder Mystery- but does anyone have a clue?</p><p>5 nights only at Scothern Village Hall, Scothern 23rd, 24th, 29th & 30th November and 1st December 7 for 7.30pm</p><p>Bar and Raffle Tickets £7 (£6 Concs)</p><p>TEL: 01673 862963/01522 595191 ON LINE: WWW.SCOTHERNPLAYERS.ORG.UK</p><p>DIRECTED BY STEVE TAYLOR PRODUCED BY ZOE REYGEN BY KIND PERMISSION OF JOSEF WEINBERGER LTD</p><p>Welton Patients and Doctors Association - Janet Goddard The final proceeds for the Autumn Fayre were approx £2064 which is a magnificent amount and makes all the hard work worthwhile. The raffle raised £1149.60 so a big thank you to everyone who bought and sold tickets and to all the businesses and local people who kindly donated prizes. For those interested the name of the Teddy was Daisy; The value of goods in the trolley was £60.54 and the cake weighed 4lb 1oz or metric 1kg 830gm.</p><p>The PDA would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who supported this event or who helped in any way. Without our supporters and helpers we couldn’t make an event like this possible so thank you!</p><p>The PDA Christmas Lunch will be held on Friday 7th December in Welton Village Hall. Tickets, priced £5.50 for a 3 course meal, will be available from the Health Centre Dispensary or Roy Minnitt (01673 860980) from 1st November. The menu will comprise orange juice, roast turkey with seasonal veg and the usual accompaniments followed by either trifle or Christmas pudding, tea/ coffee and mints. The bar will be open as usual for you to purchase your drinks. There will be the usual cake stall, raffle and book sale so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment as numbers are limited.</p><p>DUNHOLME CAMERA CLUB</p><p>Our first meeting is on the 15th November when one of our own members, Doug Scott, will show us some of his images and give us a talk on "Kenya". Doug is one of our long standing members and a very proficient photographer so please make sure that you come along on this night. The second meeting on the 22nd November will be a club competition entitled "Spooky". All members will bring a selection of their prints to enter.</p><p>Tuesday 27th we will be entertaining Lincoln Camera Club - a visit that they make across to us every year, a good social evening.</p><p>Finally there will be basic camera courses held in November. There is still time to join by contacting me at [email protected] or call 01673 860469. The course that still has some spaces will be on Wednesday 14th November, so do get in touch for more details. </p><p>Grahame Dunkin [email protected] 01673 860469 </p><p>Blinds by Selina ...... </p><p>VERTICLES, WOOD AND PVC VENETIANS, METAL VENETIANS, ROLLERS, ROMANS, BLACKOUT BLINDS</p><p>Please call me for your free appointment and I’ll be more than happy to pop round and show you our fabulous range of made-to-measure blinds. Tel: 07423 438421 [email protected]</p><p>Approved supplier/ fitter of Hillarys Blinds Hillary Discount promotions honoured: RING NOW to claim your £20.00 off your order when you spend over £150.00</p><p>RICHARD OWEN PLUMBING & HEATING</p><p>BOILER REPAIRS & SERVICING, GENERAL PLUMBING WORK, NO JOB TOO SMALL, LANDLORD GAS SAFETY CHECKS Call 01522 871954 or 07796 687 065 </p>

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