<p>Contents – Provision Mapping</p><p>Types of Provision mapping 2</p><p>Provision mapping by Year Group 4</p><p>Provision map showing impact of interventions 7</p><p>Provision mapping by Area of Need 10</p><p>Provision mapping by Code of Practice 12</p><p>Provision map for identifying vulnerable groups of pupils and determining 14 provision required Whole School Provision Mapping 16</p><p>1 Provision Mapping</p><p>Provision mapping is a way of documenting the range of support available to pupils with SEN within the school. </p><p>They can be used as part of the planning process in a number of ways to:</p><p>- audit how well provision matches need and recognise gaps in provision; - cost provision accurately; - highlight repetitive or ineffective use of resources; - assess school effectiveness when linked with outcomes for pupils; - plan development to meet pupils’ identified needs; - set annual success criteria for the SEN policy; - report annually on the success of the SEN policy; - demonstrate accountability; - inform parents, LEA, external agencies and OFSTED inspectors of how resources are being used to meet needs; - focus attention on whole-school issues of teaching and learning rather than on individual child issues; - record changes in provision and transfer easily from class to class or school to school; - be used as a basis for writing IEPs. (Taken from Devon LEA’s ‘Provision Mapping’)</p><p>Types of Provision Mapping</p><p>Maps can detail the additional provision in a variety of ways:</p><p> Provision by year group or key stage.</p><p> Provision according to the Code of Practice graduated response (School Action / School Action Plus). </p><p> Provision within the four areas of difficulty identified within the Code of Practice: Cognition and Learning Communication and Interaction Emotional, Behavioural and Social Sensory and Physical</p><p> Provision according to the three ‘waves’ of support, as identified within the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies (see below for details *).</p><p> By monitoring the impact of interventions or additional support </p><p> A combination of any of the above.</p><p>2 Waves of Support The NLS and NNS assume three ‘waves’ of support for children. These can be mapped onto the graduated response as follows:</p><p>Wave One: The effective inclusion of all pupils in a high-quality literacy hour and daily mathematics lesson (quality first teaching).</p><p>Wave Two: Small-group intervention e.g Springboard, ELS, FLS, booster classes, LA or school based programmes. These are aimed at pupils who can be expected to ‘catch up’ with their peers as a result of the intervention. Wave 2 interventions are not primarily SEN interventions. However, some pupils receiving Wave 2 intervention may be at School Action or School Action Plus as a result of difficulties for which they are receiving other forms of support.</p><p>Wave Three: Individual specific targeted support for pupils identified as requiring SEN support e.g. 1:1 speech therapy support, individual learning programme. Pupils receiving Wave 3 support will be placed at School Action or School Action Plus.</p><p>The following provision maps give examples of:</p><p>Primary: a) Provision by year group b) Provision year by year for Reception to Year 6, including impact assessments c) Provision in Key Stage 1 across the 3 ‘waves’ of support, according to area of need d) Provision in Key Stage 2 according to the Code of Practice graduated response e) Identifying vulnerable groups of children and determining waves of provision f) Whole school provision mapping</p><p>3 Provision Mapping by Year Group School Date</p><p>Year Provision/Resource Group/Individual Cost in time (per Group week)</p><p>Reception Speaking and listening programme Group (5) 4 x 30 min TA – Talking Partners</p><p>Speech and language support – Individual (x2) 4 x 15 min TA from speech therapist</p><p>Phonics programme – Sound Group (6) 3 x 15 min TA Beginnings</p><p>Language work – Story Sack Group (4) 1 x 15 min TA</p><p>In class support focused on SEN Group (6) 5 x 1 hour TA group</p><p>Circle Time / parachute activities Group (10) 1 x 30 min CT</p><p>Individual behaviour support (in Individual 5 x 30 min NNEB class)</p><p>Lunchtime behaviour support Individual 5 x 1 hour TA</p><p>Year 1/2 Intensive reading support – Group (2x4) 5 x 10 min CT additional guided reading</p><p>Paired reading with Y5/6 Group (8) 2 x 15 min CT</p><p>Phonic programme – Group (2x6) 3 x 20 min TA</p><p>Speech and language support Group (3) 1 x 30 min AHT</p><p>Numeracy support Group (4) 1 x 20 min AHT</p><p>MEP target work Individual / pairs 1 x 15 min TA (8) Circle Time / parachute activities Group (9) 1 x 30 min TA</p><p>Year 3/4 Literacy support programme – Group (2 x 5) 3 x 20 min TA modified ELS</p><p>Phonics programme – PAT Group (4) 5 x 10 min TA</p><p>4 Numeracy programme – Group (2 x 4) 1 x 40 min TA Breakaway Maths</p><p>Social skills group Group (6) 1 x 20 min SENCO</p><p>MEP target work Individual / pairs 1 x 15 min TA (11) Circle of Friends Focus on As appropriate CT individual Motor skills programme Individual or pairs 3 x 15 min TA (2) Y 5/6 Literacy support programme – PAT, Group (6) 2 x 30 min TA Starspell, phonics games</p><p>Play reading group Group (10) 1 x 20 min TA</p><p>Paired reading with older mentor Group (8) 1 x 30 min SENCO from secondary school</p><p>In class support for numeracy Individual 4 x 50 min TA</p><p>MEP target work Individual / pairs / 1 x 15 min TA / small group SENCO Individualised behaviour Individual 5 x 15 min TA programme</p><p>Anger management support Small group (3) 2 x 20 min SENSS</p><p>Time Out Individual As appropriate</p><p>5 Provision Mapping by Year Group School Date</p><p>Year Provision/Resource Group/Individual Cost in time (per Group week)</p><p>Reception</p><p>Year 1/2</p><p>Year 3/4</p><p>Y 5/6</p><p>6 Impact Assessment Provision Map School: Year Intervention/Provisi Wave Delivered Pupil Initial Assessment Date Impact Date Out Group on 2 or 3 by Assessment come</p><p>2 Reception NC High 3 FL Susan Black 7/45 words 13/10/07 29/45 words 2/12/07 + Frequency Words reading Jane Long 9/45 words 13/10/07 32/45 words 2/12/07 + James Wing 6/45 words 13/10/07 19/45 words 2/12/07 + 2 Talk, Learn, 3 WF Jane Long P6 10/09/07 P7 12/03/08 + Communicate Heather Wise P6 10/09/07 P8 12/03/08 + 3 Springboard 3 2 JK Jo Pindy NC2b KS1 SATs 07/09/07 NC2b TA 13/02/08 = Seema Char NC2 b KS1 SATs 07/09/07 NC2a TA 13/02/08 + Raj Kahl NC 2c KS1 SATs 07/09/07 NC2a TA 13/02/08 + Matty Day NC2c KS1 SATs 07/09/07 NC2b TA 13/02/08 + 3 Learn to Read 3 TS Sid Bates Reading 1a 08/09/07 Reading 2c 18/10/07 + Ellen Fish Reading 1b 08/09/07 Reading 2b 18/10/07 + Walter Reddy Reading 1a 08/09/07 Reading 2c 18/10/07 + 3 Precision Teaching 3 RW Pam Miller Number P8 10/09/07 Number 1c 25/10/07 + number bonds to 10 Joe Loss Number P7 15/09/07 Number P7 30/10/07 = 4 Springboard 4 2 BBU David Olk NC 2a 25/09/07 NC 2a 20/02/08 = Hazel Hill NC 2b 25/09/07 NC 2c 20/02/08 - Jonty Bott NC 2a 25/09/07 NC 2b 20/02/08 - Theo Yates NC 2b 25/09/07 NC 2a 20/02/08 + 4 Wave 3 Maths 3 BBU Pat Smith Number 1b 26/09/07 Number 1a 16/12/08 + Materials</p><p>7 Impact Assessment Provision Map School: Year Intervention/Provision Wave Delivered Pupil Initial Date Impact Date Outcome/ Group 2 or 3 by Assessment Assessment comment</p><p>5 Further Literacy Support 2 FL Julie Bright NC 3c 14/10/07 NC 3b 18/12/07 + Kay NC 3b 14/10/07 NC 3c 18/10/07 + Campbell Gordon Bott NC 3b 14/10/07 NC 3b 18/10/07 = Fiona Marks NC 3b 14/10/07 NC 3a 18/10/07 + 5 Launch the Lifeboat 3 KW Jay Sanders NC writing 2c 17/09/07 NC 2b 15/12/07 + Hope Right NC writing 2b 17/09/07 NC 2b 15/12/07 = Ellie Nolly NC writing 2a 17/09/07 NC 2a 15/12/07 = Jasmine Foy NC writing 2a 17/09/07 NC 3c 15/12/07 + 5 Springboard 5 2 JW Julie Bright NC number 3b 11/11/07 NC 3c 15/04/08 - Fiona Marks NC number 3b 11/11/07 NC 3b 15/04/08 = June Ratter NC number 3b 11/11/07 NC 3a 15/04/08 + Sandeep NC number 3b 11/11/07 NC 3b 15/04/08 = Shar 6 Rapid Reading 3 FL Moham Olk R.A. 7.4 12/10/07 R.A. 7.8 13/02/08 + Josie Hatton R.A 7.0 12/10/07 R.A. 7.5 13/02/08 + Gill Parry R.A 7.2 12/10/07 R.A. 6.9 13/02/08 - George Fox R.A 7.3 12/10/07 R.A. 7.5 13/02/08 +</p><p>8 Impact Assessment Provision Map School: Year Intervention/Provision Wave Delivered Pupil Initial Date Impact Date Outcome/ Group 2 or 3 by Assessment Assessment Comment</p><p>9 Provision Mapping KS1 Area of Need Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Cognition and Differentiated ELS programme Intense literacy Learning curriculum planning, (daily, 1:5 with TA) support (2 x weekly, activities, delivery High frequency 1:4, SEN teacher) and outcome word games (2 x Additional individual Increased visual aids weekly, 1:5, TA) reading (4 x weekly, / modelling etc ICT group (1 x 30 1:1, TA) Visual timetables min, 1:6, TA) Memory skills Illustrated In class support training (1 x weekly, dictionaries from TA (approx. 2 1:3, SENCO) Use of writing frames hours weekly) Access to word Multi-sensory processor spelling practice At least 50% TA in groups (2 x 15 min, class support 1:6, TA)</p><p>Communication and Differentiated In class support Speech and Interaction curriculum planning, with focus on Language support (3 activities, delivery supporting speech x weekly, 1:1 speech and outcome e.g. and language (daily, therapist and/or TA) simplified language 1:4, TA) Input from Autism Increased visual aids ICT – Clicker 4 (As Outreach Team (1/2 / modelling etc appropriate) termly, 1:1 AOT) Visual timetables Makaton Use of symbols Visual organiser Structured school ICT – Writing with and class routines Symbols</p><p>Emotional, Whole school Small group Circle Individual counselling Behavioural and behaviour policy Time (as ( 2 x weekly or as Social based on Assertive appropriate, 1:6 or appropriate) Discipline approach 8, TA or CT) Individual reward Whole school / class Social Skills group system rules training (1 x weekly, Home – school Class reward 1:4, TA) record (daily) systems Peer mentoring (as Circle Time appropriate)</p><p>Sensory and Physical Flexible teaching Brain gym exercises Individual support in arrangements (daily, x 5 min, CT) class during PE and Staff aware of Keyboard skills lunch time implications of training group (2 x Physiotherapy physical impairment 20 min, 1:6, TA) programme (daily x Writing slopes Additional 15 min, 1:1, TA) Pencil grips handwriting practice Access to PC with (2 x 15 min, 1:6, switch TA)</p><p>10 Provision Mapping KS Area of Need Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Cognition and Learning</p><p>Communication and Interaction</p><p>Emotional, Behavioural and Social</p><p>Sensory and Physical</p><p>11 Provision Mapping KS2 Date ______Year Group IN-CLASS SPECIFIC SCHOOL ACTION SCHOOL ACTION DIFFERENTIATION PLUS STRATEGIES 3/4 TA support for: Small group teaching Speech and Regular group teaching for of basic literacy / Language Therapy literacy / numeracy numeracy skills (1:1 / group) Literacy / numeracy games including use of Word Additional 1:1 support Paired reading Shark, Number for communication Hand for Spelling scheme Shark, Stile activities EPS advice for Additional Literacy Support (2 x weekly) communication (ALS) Phono Graphix (3 x difficulties Springboard Maths weekly) Use of Makaton Group topic / literacy / numeracy Specific teaching of Individual intensive mats MEP targets (1 /2 x literacy teaching (3 x Whole class ‘Marbles in a jar’ weekly) weekly) reward system Time out lunchtime Social Skills group Circle Time support Pastoral support Individual reading (daily) Language support - Listen and Do tapes (weekly) Individual behaviour programme SENCO assessment</p><p>5/6 TA support for: Small group teaching Speech and Regular group teaching for of basic literacy / Language Therapy literacy / numeracy numeracy skills (1:1 / group) Literacy / numeracy games including use of Word Individual intensive Paired reading Shark, Number Shark, Stile activities literacy teaching (3 Hand for Spelling scheme x weekly) Further Literacy Support (FLS) (2 x weekly) Social Skills group Springboard Maths Phono Graph x (2 x Access to PC / dictaphone for weekly) – Socially Speaking recording Wellington Square (2 x weekly) Whole class reward system reading scheme Individual support Circle Time materials from SSS Specific teaching of Circle of Friends MEP targets (1/2 Pastoral support weekly) Access to laptop for Physiotherapy recording support (daily) Individual reading (3 x weekly) Language support - Listen and Do tapes (weekly) Individual behaviour programme Yellow / red card system Time out lunchtime support SENCO assessment</p><p>12 Provision Mapping KS Date ______Year Group IN-CLASS SPECIFIC SCHOOL ACTION SCHOOL ACTION DIFFERENTIATION PLUS STRATEGIES</p><p>13 Provision map for identifying vulnerable groups of pupils and determining provision required Area of need Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Differentiated Use of intervention Use of intervention curriculum planning strategies, ELS, ALS, strategies e.g. Wave 3 Learning -Numeracy, Enhanced learning Year 3 literacy support, Numeracy materials, reading, writing environment FLS, Springboard 3, 4, Learn to Read, TLC Increased modelling 5 and Booster etc. and demonstration Differentiated planning to provide opportunities Enlarged text, listening Personalised resources Learning styles - VAK for visual, auditory and stations, stress balls and dedicated kinaesthetic learners. etc. equipment. Visual timetables. Encourage Learning mentor engagement through support. use of appropriate Home school Differentiated Reluctant learners resources e.g. Clicker programme. curriculum planning 4, IWB, Book Sacks, Involvement of Multimedia texts appropriate outside Published software agencies. Whole school discipline Learning mentor Home school diary, policy, reward systems, support, lunchtime smiley face book, circle SEAL, PHSE, club, peer mentor or of friends, targeted Behaviour classroom and buddy system, support through social playground rules and classroom and inclusion grant, reward system playtime rewards behaviour plan Group work related to Individual support and In-house provision EAL language needs programme from funded through EMAG supported by TA Access Service Group work related to Recently arrived in In-house provision language needs Access Service support Britain funded through EMAG supported by a TA Differentiated Catch-up support Traveller service Travellers curriculum interventions e.g ALS involvement Monitoring of register, Learning mentor Attendance and ESW involvement. school reward system involvement, telephone punctuality Home visits for good attendance calls home Speaking and listening Monitoring of problem TLC programme, S+L Speech and language opportunities with a view to a Therapist prog. and delay/disorder developed across the referral. involvement curriculum Group work with T.A Flexible teaching Use of specialised Specialist support arrangements. resources e.g. writing teacher service or Sensory and physical Staff aware of slope, stair lift, hearing medical therapist implications of physical equipment, enlarged involvment and impairment text etc programme Support from Access to children’s Child protection issues Staff awareness designated Child counselling Protection Officer Access to support from Social Worker Children looked after Staff awareness a designated teacher involvement, PEP or TA</p><p>14 Provision map for identifying vulnerable groups of pupils and determining provision required Area of need Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Whole School Interventions/ Learning - Numeracy, Programmes Provision Map reading, writing (Annotated)</p><p>School: Learning styles - VAK Date Completed: Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Travellers/ PHSE/ Speech Medical Behaviour Others EAL Citizenship /Language Management</p><p>Inclusion Early Literacy Talk Learn Language SEAL Speech Link Physiotherapy DevelopmentReluctant learnersSupport ELS Communicate and Whole school Programmes Programme TLC Curriculum IDP/ EY Support IDP Primary Year 3 Literacy Learn to Read 1:1 (Roma R Time Language Link Occupational Support Team only) Therapy Programmes Differentiation Further Literacy Lean to Spell Small Groups Circle Time TLC Behaviour Support FLS</p><p>Yr 6 Boosters for Precision In class Circle of Friends Literacy Teaching EAL</p><p>Recently arrivedSpringboard in 3 Wave 3 FAB Britain Mathematics</p><p>Travellers</p><p>* Highlight those interventions in place and enter those not visited Attendance and in appropriate column punctuality</p><p>Speech and language 15 delay/disorder * Highlight those interventions in place and enter those not visited in appropriate column Whole School Interventions / Programmes Provision Map</p><p>School: Date Completed: Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Travellers/ PHSE/ Speech Medical Behaviour Others EAL Citizenship /Language Management</p><p>* Highlight those interventions in place and enter those not visited in appropriate column</p><p>16</p>
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