<p> F o u n d e r s D a y B i n g o by Lynda Bell</p><p>This is a program that I designed for Founders Day. The intent is that members will hear the biographies of the founders read aloud. There is so much interesting information about the founders. I believe that we don’t really comprehend the excellent quality of educator they each represented unless we familiarize ourselves with their respective biographies. </p><p>Procedure: </p><p>In advance: Some days before the founders day program is to be presented, select 12 chapter members to read aloud the biographies of the 12 founders of Delta Kappa Gamma International. Provide each of them with the one page biography in advance, so that they may become familiar with it, prior to reading it aloud.</p><p>During the program: Each of the 12 members who will read a biography should wear a large tag or label with the name of the founder she represents. These can be nametags held by string around the neck. This is important as it allows listeners (who might miss the name the first time mentioned) to know which biography is being read.</p><p>Each member of the chapter – including those 12 who will read biographies – is given a bingo board. (There are 24 totally different boards here.) As each biography is read, the listeners attempt to find the answers to the questions on their boards. They keep track of the answers by writing them down. When someone has a bingo (3 in a row), they don’t say anything, but just continue to play. This is so as not to interrupt the reading of the biographies, and also because in fairness, not all the answers can be found until all of the biographies have been heard.</p><p>When all 12 biographies have been read, then anyone who has found a bingo has a chance to say so, and their answers are checked against the Answer Key.</p><p>Answer Key: It is easy to check answers from ANY of the bingo boards, simply by having the person read the number of the space and the answer they have. </p><p>Prizes: A small prize is given to each member who has a “bingo” that checks out correct against the answer key.</p><p>Resources The biographies of the 12 founders can be obtained at this link on the Society’s website http://www.deltakappagamma.net/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=149</p><p>Below you will find: * 24 different bingo boards * Answer key to all the boards Board #1 Board #2 17. 5. 32. 39. 31. 12. Obtained her M.A. During the summers, History teacher in Both sisters taught Majored in First woman elected degree at Teachers served as assistant to junior and high history and were psychology, to a public office in College of the State school. heads of the minored in Texas. Columbia Superintendent of history German, played University. Instruction, Dr. departments in piano. Blanton. their high schools.</p><p>21. 27. 28. 20. 15. 31. Dean of Women Obtained her BA Founded Beta Prepared for Interested in learning Majored in and Associate degree by age 17; chapter in 1929 in teaching career the best education psychology, Professor of held a diploma from San Antonio. after losing her methods available, so minored in the Conservatory of Classical husband only one spent many summers German, played Music in Cincinnati. Language at the year after their piano. Taught math in junior in research and study. University of marriage. high when it was an Texas. experiment. 27. 16. 21. 29. 3. 34. Loved to sing and Dean of Women and Obtained her BA Obtained doctorate Year and month in Teacher of music and encourage lively Associate Professor degree by age 17; form University of which DKG mathematics in Delta Kappa of Classical held a diploma from the Conservatory of Texas while Society Oklahoma. Gamma songs. Language at the Music in Cincinnati. serving as assistant International was University of Texas. Taught math in junior professor of founded. high when it was an elementary experiment. education here.</p><p>Board #3 Board #4 32. 5. 35. 1. Helped break 30. 36. History teacher in During the summers, Played a key role in down the barrier Her cousin was Active in such junior and high served as assistant to advising Dr. against women head of North organizations as: The school. the State Blanton regarding holding regular Texas Normal YMCA, American Superintendent of the Constitution, teaching contracts, College. Her Association of Instruction, Dr. initiation ritual, and when she refused husband was a University Women, Blanton. program of work. to accept the renowned Daughter of the position of folklorist. American substitute teacher. Revolution. 21. 8. 33. 40. 35. 34. Dean of Women and Infectiously Taught psychology Helped to organize Played a key role Teacher of music and Associate Professor optimistic; educated at the University of the Texas Grade in advising Dr. mathematics in of Classical in Houston public Texas and the Teachers Blanton regarding Oklahoma. Language at the schools; taught and University of Association (in the Constitution, University of Texas. was principal in Chicago. 1919) and was its initiation ritual, and schools in Houston first president. program of work. 14. 17. 27. 40. 24. 17. Was instrumental Obtained her M.A. Obtained her BA degree by age 17; held a Helped to organize Was influential in San Obtained her M.A. in obtaining higher degree at Teachers Antonio, Texas. Was pay for teachers. College of diploma from the the TexasGrade degree at Teachers Conservatory of Music Teachers Association respected by women’s College of Was the 2nd Columbia clubs, businessmen, and in Cincinnati. Taught (in 1919) and was its Columbia woman to serve as University. math in junior high the Chamber of president of the first president. Commerce. University. when it was an Texas State Teachers experiment. Association. Board #5 Board #6 2. 27. 3. 8. Infectiously 39. 4. The lead organizer Obtained her BA degree Year and month in optimistic; These sisters both Was instrumental in in the founding of by age 17; held a which DKG educated in taught history and establishing a Delta Kappa diploma from the Society Houston public were heads of the program for Conservatory of Music Gamma in Cincinnati. Taught International was schools; taught history departments preparing teachers in math in junior high founded. and was principal in their high physical education. when it was an in schools in schools. experiment. Houston. 38. 19. 1. Helped break 26. 12. 27. Loved to travel, One of the founders down the barrier Spent 45 yrs. First woman Obtained her BA degree meet new people, of the Lambda State against women (1908-1953) elected to a public by age 17; held a and to learn new Organization in holding regular working with the office in Texas. diploma from the Conservatory of Music information to Illinois. teaching contracts, Dallas school enliven her history when she refused in Cincinnati. Taught system math in junior high classes. to accept the when it was an position of experiment. substitute teacher. 29. 34. 3. 29. 6. 18. Obtained doctorate Teacher of music Year and month in Obtained doctorate Was a teacher and Taught Latin in form University of and mathematics in which DKG Society form University of principal in high schools in Texas while Oklahoma. International was Waxahachie for 40 Texas while serving Texas. serving as assistant founded. years. as assistant professor professor of of elementary elementary education here. education here.</p><p>Board #7 Board #8 17. 33. 32. 33. 17. 11. Obtained her M.A. Taught psychology History teacher in Taught Obtained her M.A. Was chairman of the degree at Teachers at the University of junior and high psychology degree at Teachers national committee College of Columbia Texas and the school. at the University College of that selected and University. University of of Texas and the Columbia purchased the site for Chicago. University of University. DKG Headquarters in Chicago. Austin.</p><p>8. 39. 19. 8. Infectiously 19. 32. Infectiously These sisters both One of the optimistic; One of the History teacher in optimistic; educated taught history and founders of the educated in founders of the junior and high in Houston public were heads of the Lambda State Houston public Lambda State school. schools; taught and history departments Organization in schools; taught Organization in was principal in in their high schools. Illinois. and was principal Illinois. schools in Houston. in schools in Houston. 6. 37. 11. 6. 18. 14. Was a teacher and Recognized for her Was chairman of Was a teacher and Taught Latin in Was instrumental in principal in scholarship by being the national principal in high schools in obtaining higher pay Waxahachie for 40 elected to Phi Beta committee, which Waxahachie for 40 Texas. for teachers. years. Kappa and Sigma selected and years. Was the 2nd woman to Kappa Alpha—an purchased the site serve as president honorary history for DKG of the Texas State society. Headquarters in Teachers Association. Austin. Board # 9 Board #10 31. 20. 22. 20. 22. 26. Majored in Prepared for teaching Was a pupil of Prepared for Was a pupil of Spent 45 yrs. (1908- Psychology, career after losing her Annie Webb teaching career after Annie Webb 1953) working with minored in husband only one year Blanton in North losing her husband Blanton in North the Dallas school German, played after their marriage. Texas State Normal only one year after Texas State system their marriage. piano. School in Denton, Normal School in Texas Denton, Texas</p><p>15. 16. 14. 21. 14. 25. Interested in Loved to sing and Was instrumental Dear of Women Was instrumental At the University of learning the best encouraged lively in obtaining higher and Associate in obtaining higher Texas at Austin she education methods Delta Kappa Gamma pay for teachers. Professor of pay for teachers. was a Professor of available and songs. Was the 2nd woman Classical Was the 2nd woman Rural Education. therefore spent to serve as president Languages at the to serve as president many summers in of the Texas State University of of the Texas State research and study. Teachers Association. Texas. Teachers 17. 39. 32. Association. Obtained her M.A. These sisters both History teacher in 39. 32. 4. degree at Teachers taught history and junior and high These sisters both History teacher in Was instrumental in College of were heads of the school. taught history and junior and high establishing a Columbia history departments were heads of the school. program for University. in their high schools. history preparing teachers in departments in physical education their high schools.</p><p>Board #11 Board #12 13. 22. 20. 4. 5. 3. First president of the Was a pupil of Annie Prepared for teaching Was instrumental During the Year and month in Dallas Grade Teachers Webb Blanton in career after losing her in establishing a summers, served as which DKG Society Association North Texas State husband only one program for assistant to the International was Normal School in year after their preparing teachers State founded. marriage. Denton, Texas in physical Superintendent of education. Instruction, Dr. Blanton. 16. 15. 25. 11. 26. 13. Loved to sing and Interested in learning At the University Was chairman of Spent 45 yrs. First president of the encouraged lively the best education of Texas at Austin the national (1908-1953) Dallas Grade Delta Kappa Gamma methods available she was a Professor committee which working with the Teachers Association. songs. and therefore spent of Rural Education. selected and Dallas school many summers in purchased the site system research and study. for DKG Headquarters in Austin 17. 5. 32. 16. 22. 7. Obtained her M.A. During the summers, History teacher in Loved to sing and Was a pupil of Organized 13 degree at Teachers served as assistant to junior and high encouraged lively Annie Webb chapters while College of Columbia the State school. Delta Kappa Blanton in North serving as president University. Superintendent of Gamma songs. Texas State of Texas Alpha State Instruction, Dr. Normal School in Blanton. Denton, Texas Board #13 Board #14 8. 39. 31. 4. 11. Was chairman 37. Infectiously These sisters both Majored in Was instrumental of the national Recognized for her optimistic; taught history and psychology, in establishing a committee which scholarship by being educated in were heads of the minored in program for selected and elected to Phi Beta Houston public history departments German, played preparing teachers purchased the site Kappa and Sigma schools; taught and in their high schools. piano. in physical for DKG Kappa Alpha – an was principal in education. Headquarters in honorary history schools in Houston Austin society. 26. 21. 27. 13. 31. 22. Spent 45 yrs. Dear of Women and Obtained her BA First president of Majored in Was a pupil of Annie (1908-1953) Associate Professor degree by age 17; the Dallas Grade psychology, Webb Blanton in working with the of Classical held a diploma from Teachers minored in North Texas State the Conservatory of Dallas school Languages at the Association. German, played Normal School in Music in Cincinnati. piano. Denton, Texas system University of Texas. Taught math in junior high when it was an experiment. 24. 29. 3. 15. 14. 25. Was influential in Obtained doctorate Year and month in Interested in Was instrumental At the University of San Antonio, Texas. form University of which DKG learning the best in obtaining higher Texas at Austin she Was respected by Texas while serving education methods pay for teachers. was a Professor of Society nd women’s clubs, as assistant professor International was available and spent Was the 2 woman Rural Education. businessmen, and the of elementary founded. many summers in to serve as president Chamber of education here. research and of the Texas State Commerce. study. Teachers Association</p><p>Board #15 Board #16 20. 22. 31. 16. 5.During the 13. Prepared for teaching Was a pupil of Annie Majored in Loved to sing and summers, served as First president of the career after losing her Webb Blanton in psychology, encouraged lively assistant to the Dallas Grade husband only one year North Texas State minored in Delta Kappa State Teachers Association after their marriage. Normal School in German, played Gamma songs. Superintendent of Denton, Texas piano. Instruction, Dr. Blanton. 16. 25. 14. 8. Infectiously 39. 15. Loved to sing and At the University of Was instrumental optimistic; These sisters both Interested in learning encouraged lively Texas at Austin she in obtaining higher educated in taught history and the best education Delta Kappa Gamma was a Professor of pay for teachers. Houston public were heads of the methods available songs. Rural Education. Was the 2nd woman schools; taught history departments and spent many to serve as president and was principal in their high summers in research of the Texas State in schools in schools and study. Teachers Association Houston 5. 32. 4. Was 24. 29. 17. During the summers, History teacher in instrumental in Was influential in Obtained doctorate Obtained her M.A. served as assistant to junior and high establishing a San Antonio, Texas. form University of degree at Teachers the State school. program for Was respected by Texas while College of Columbia Superintendent of preparing teachers women’s clubs, serving as assistant University. Instruction, Dr. in physical businessmen, and the professor of Blanton. education. Chamber of elementary Commerce. education here. Board #17 Board #18 22. 5. 32. 5. During the 32. 4. Was Was a pupil of During the summers, History teacher in summers, served as History teacher in instrumental in Annie Webb served as assistant to junior and high assistant to the junior and high establishing a Blanton in North the State school. State school. program for Texas State Superintendent of Superintendent of preparing teachers in Normal School in Instruction, Dr. Instruction, Dr. physical education. Denton, Texas Blanton. Blanton. 25. 39. 31. 39. 31. 12. At the University These sisters both Majored in These sisters both Majored in First woman elected of Texas at Austin taught history and psychology, taught history and psychology, to a she was a Professor were heads of the minored in were heads of the minored in public office in of Rural Education. history departments German, played history departments German, played Texas. in their high schools piano. in their high school piano.</p><p>21. Dean of 27. 28. 24. 29. 3. Women and Obtained her BA Founded Beta chapter Was influential in Obtained doctorate Year and month in Associate Professor degree by age 17; in 1929 in San San Antonio, Texas. form University of which DKG of Classical held a diploma from the Conservatory of Antonio. Was respected by Texas while serving Society Languages at the women’s clubs, Music in Cincinnati. as assistant professor International was University of businessmen, and the of elementary Taught math in junior founded. Texas. high when it was an Chamber of education here. Commerce. experiment.</p><p>Board #19 Board #20 2. 34. 37. 18. 33. 19. The lead organizer in Teacher of music and Recognized for her Taught Latin in Taught psychology One of the founders the founding of Delta mathematics in scholarship by high schools in at the University of the Lambda State Kappa Gamma. Oklahoma. being elected to Phi Texas. of Texas and the Organization in Beta Kappa and University of Illinois. Sigma Kappa Chicago. Alpha – an honorary history society. 14. 1. Helped to break 21. 13. 20. 22. Was instrumental down the barrier Dean of Women and Prepared for teaching First president of the Was a pupil of in obtaining higher against married Associate Professor Dallas Grade career after losing her Annie Webb husband only one year pay for teachers. women holding Classical Languages Teachers Blanton in North nd after their marriage. Was the 2 regular teaching at the University of Association. Texas State Normal woman to serve as contracts, when she Texas. School in Denton, president of the refused to accept Texas. Texas State Teachers the position of Association. substitute teacher. 15. 16. 25. 6. 2. 29. Interested in learning Loved to sing and At the University Was a teacher and The lead organizer Obtained doctorate the best education encouraged lively of Texas at Austin principal in in the founding of form University of methods available Delta Kappa Gamma she was a Professor Waxahachie for 40 Delta Kappa Texas while serving and spent many songs. of Rural Education. years. Gamma as assistant professor summers in research of elementary and study. education here. Board #21 Board #22 34. 2. 11. 40. 24. 39. Teacher of music The lead organizer in Was chairman of the Helped to organize Was influential in These sisters both and mathematics in the founding of Delta national committee the Texas Grade San Antonio, Texas. taught history and Oklahoma Kappa Gamma which selected and Teachers Was respected by were heads of the purchased the site for Association (in women’s clubs, history departments DKG headquarters in businessmen, and the Austin 1919) and was its Chamber of in their high schools. first president. Commerce.</p><p>20. 13. 31. 21. 8. 33. Prepared for teaching First president of the Majored in Dean of Women Infectiously Taught psychology career after losing her Dallas Grade Teachers psychology, and Associate optimistic; at the University of husband only one Association minored in German, Professor of educated in Texas and the year after their played piano. Classical Houston public University of marriage. Languages at the schools; taught and Chicago. University of was principal in Texas schools in Houston 16. 15. 14. 1. Helped break 12. 17. Loved to sing and Interested in learning Was instrumental down the barrier First woman Obtained her M.A. encouraged lively the best education in obtaining higher against women elected to a public degree at Teachers Delta Kappa methods available pay for teachers. holding regular office in Texas. College of Columbia Gamma songs. and spent many Was the 2nd woman teaching contracts, University. summers in research to serve as president when she refused and study. of the Texas State to accept the Teachers Association. position of substitute teacher.</p><p>Board #23 Board #24 1. Helped break 5. 33. 14. 27. 3. down the barrier During the summers, Taught psychology Was instrumental Obtained her BA Year and month in against women served as assistant to at the University in obtaining higher degree by age 17; which DKG Society holding regular the State of Texas and the pay for teachers. held a diploma from International was the Conservatory of teaching contracts, Superintendent of University of Was the 2nd founded. when she refused to Music in Cincinnati. Instruction, Dr. Chicago. woman to serve as Taught math in junior accept the position of Blanton. president of the high when it was an substitute teacher Texas State Teachers experiment. Association. 21. 8. 24. 38. 19. 1. Helped break down Dean of Women and Infectiously Was influential in Loved to travel, One of the the barrier against Associate Professor optimistic; educated San Antonio, meet new people, founders of the women holding of Classical in Houston public Texas. Was and to learn new Lambda State regular teaching Languages at the schools; taught and respected by information to Organization in contracts, when she University of Texas was principal in women’s clubs, enliven her history Illinois. refused to accept the schools in Houston businessmen, and classes. position of substitute the Chamber of teacher Commerce. 33. 2. 18. 4. 12. 17. Taught The lead organizer Taught Latin in high Was instrumental in First woman elected Obtained her M.A. psychology in the founding of schools in Texas. establishing a to a public office in degree at Teachers at the University Delta Kappa program for Texas. College of of Texas and the Gamma. preparing teachers in Columbia University of physical education. University Chicago. Answer Key</p><p>1. Lalla McClatchy Okom 2. Annie Webb Blanton 3. May 1929 4. Anna Hiss 5. Mabel Youree Grizzard 6. Mabel Youree Grizzard 7. Mamie Sue Bastian 8. Mamie Sue Bastian 9. 1941 10. Annie Webb Blanton 11. Anna Hiss 12. Annie Webb Blanton 13. Lela Lee Williams 14. Lela Lee Williams 15. Mabel Youree Grizzard 16. Mamie Sue Bastian 17. Ray King 18. Ray Kind and/or Ruby Terrill Lomax 19. Helen Lois Koch 20. Cora Merriman Martin 21. Ruby Terrill Lomax 22. Mabel Youree Grizzard 23. Annie Webb Blanton 24. Ruby Cole 25. Annie Webb Blanton 26. Lela Lee Williams 27. Lalla McClatchy Odom 28. Ruby Cole 29. Cora Merriman Martin 30. Ruby Terrill Lomax 31. Helen Lois Koch 32. Ray King 33. Helen Lois Koch 34. Lalla McClatchy Odom 35. Cora Merriman Martin 36. Ruby Terrill Lomax 37. Ray King 38. Ray King 39. Sue King and Ray King 40. Lela Lee Williams</p>
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