To Purchase Or Lease the Wangaratta Saleyards Business

To Purchase Or Lease the Wangaratta Saleyards Business

<p>INVITATION FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>TO PURCHASE OR LEASE THE WANGARATTA SALEYARDS BUSINESS</p><p>C1415/004 CONTENTS</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 2 of 35 INTRODUCTION</p><p>1 The opportunity</p><p>Council is seeking responses to this Invitation for Expressions of Interest for either:</p><p>1.1. The purchase, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, including the surrounding freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location; or</p><p>1.2. The purchase, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, excluding the surrounding freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location; or</p><p>1.3. The lease, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location.</p><p>2 Objectives</p><p>Council is seeking responses to this Invitation for Expressions of Interest to:</p><p> Enable an understanding of the characteristics of the potential market for the saleyards business, including the type and number of interested parties and their preferences for owning or leasing; and</p><p> Assess the capability of Registrants to operate the Saleyards as an ongoing, viable commercial concern in line with Council’s requirements on the basis of the evaluation criteria as set out in Attachment A to Part A of the Invitation. An overview of Council’s requirements in relation to the Wangaratta Saleyards is set out in Part B of this Invitation (Overview of Requirements).</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 3 of 35 INVITATION PART A - CONDITIONS OF THE EOI PROCESS</p><p>Reference Schedule</p><p>The information contained in this Reference Schedule must be read in conjunction with the remainder of Part A of this Invitation. For ease of reference, cross- references to relevant sections in Part A are noted in brackets next to the headings and sub-headings in this Reference Schedule.</p><p>Capitalised terms used in this Invitation have defined meanings which are explained in section 14 of this Part A. Capitalised terms defined elsewhere in this Invitation but not referred to in section 14 of Part A have the same meaning wherever used throughout this Invitation.</p><p>Item 2.1.a.1. Council (Introduction and section 14)</p><p>Wangaratta Rural City Council</p><p>Item 2.1.a.2. EOI name & reference number:</p><p>Invitation for Expressions of Interest to Purchase or Lease the Wangaratta Saleyards; C1415/004</p><p>Item 2.1.a.3. Project Manager (sections 4 and 14)</p><p>Name and title Tony Raven Manager Business & Governance Address for correspondence Wangaratta Rural City Council by post PO Box 238 Wangaratta Vic 3676 Email Address [email protected]</p><p>Item 2.1.a.4. Indicative Timetable*</p><p>Activity Date Invitation issued 18 July 2014 End of period for questions or requests for Not applicable information (section 4.2) Closing Time (section 5) 2.00 pm Australia Eastern Standard Time, 12 August 2014** Intended completion of evaluation of EOIs 29 August 2014 * Note: This timetable is provided to give Registrants an indication of the anticipated timing of the EOI Process. The timetable is indicative only and may be changed by Council in accordance with the Conditions of the EOI Process set out in Part A of this Invitation. ** Amend to refer to Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time where applicable.</p><p>Item 2.1.a.5. Briefing details*</p><p>Date and time Not applicable Venue Not applicable Confirmation of Not applicable attendance C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 4 of 35 * Note: Briefings are optional.</p><p>Item 2.1.a.6. Additional materials (section 3.6)</p><p>There are no additional materials.</p><p>Item 2.1.a.7. Lodgement of EOIs (section 5.1)</p><p>Item 7.1 Hardcopy lodgement</p><p>Postal Address of EOI box Tender Box Wangaratta Rural City Council PO Box 238 Wangaratta Vic 3676 Tenders submitted by mail should be posted early enough to enable them to be received by Council at least one working day prior to the closing date. Street Address of EOI box Tender Box located in the reception area of the Wangaratta Government Centre Corner of Ovens and Ford Streets Wangaratta Vic 3677 Hours of access to EOI box No restriction Access restrictions (if any) No restriction Information to be marked on EOI name & reference number (Item 2 of package containing the EOI this Reference Schedule) Other requirements There are no other requirements.</p><p>Item 7.2 Internet lodgement</p><p>Website address Access restrictions (if any) Registrants lodging their submission electronically should allow sufficient time to ensure their submission has been fully uploaded by 2pm on the closing date. The electronic tendering system will lock at 2pm on the closing date with any incomplete uploads halted meaning your tender will not have been accepted. Other requirements For all TenderLink issues please contact TenderLink on 1800 233 533.</p><p>Item 2.1.a.8. Additional rules</p><p>There are no additional rules.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 5 of 35 RULES GOVERNING THIS INVITATION AND THE EOI PROCESS</p><p>1 Application of these rules</p><p>Participation in the EOI Process is subject to compliance with the rules contained in this Part A.</p><p>All persons (whether or not they submit an EOI) having obtained or received this Invitation may only use it, and the information contained in it, in compliance with the rules set out in this Part A.</p><p>All Registrants are deemed to accept the rules contained in this Part A.</p><p>The rules contained in this Part A of the Invitation apply to:</p><p> The Invitation and any other information given, received or made available in connection with the Invitation including any additional materials specified in Item 6 of the Reference Schedule and any revisions or addenda;  The EOI Process; and  Any communications (including any Briefings, presentations, meetings or negotiations) relating to the Invitation or the EOI Process. 3 Structure of Invitation</p><p>This Invitation consists of the following parts:</p><p>(3.1.a) Introduction – contains an overview of the opportunity (or opportunities) presented in, and the objectives of, this Invitation. (3.1.b) Part A – Conditions of the EOI Process sets out the rules applying to the Invitation documents and to the EOI Process. These rules are deemed to be accepted by all Registrants and by all persons having received or obtained the Invitation. (3.1.c) Part B – Overview of Requirements describes the Subject of this Invitation and operating requirements of the Subject of this Invitation in respect of which Council invites EOIs from interested persons. (3.1.d) Part C – Registrant’s Response specifies the information to be provided in an EOI and may also specify any information to be provided by a Registrant by other means. Part C may include templates to be completed and included in an EOI. 4 Invitation</p><p>4.1 Status of Invitation</p><p>This Invitation is not an offer. It is an invitation for persons to submit an EOI for the purchase or lease of the business as described in the Introduction and as set out in the Overview of Requirements contained in Part B of this Invitation.</p><p>Nothing in this Invitation is to be construed as creating any binding contract between Council and any Registrant until and unless Council and a Registrant enter into a final, binding contract.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 6 of 35 4.2 Accuracy of Invitation</p><p>While all due care has been taken in connection with the preparation of this Invitation, Council does not warrant the accuracy of the content of the Invitation and Council will not be liable for any omission from the Invitation.</p><p>4.3 Additions and amendments to Invitation</p><p>Council reserves the right to change any information in, or to issue addenda to, this Invitation.</p><p>4.4 Representations</p><p>No representation made by or on behalf of Council in relation to the Invitation (or its subject matter) will be binding on Council unless that representation is expressly incorporated into any contract(s) ultimately entered into between Council and a Registrant.</p><p>4.5 Licence to use and Intellectual Property Rights</p><p>Persons obtaining or receiving this Invitation and any other documents issued in relation to the EOI Process may use the Invitation and such documents only for the purpose of preparing an EOI.</p><p>Such Intellectual Property Rights as may exist in the Invitation and any other documents provided to Registrants by or on behalf of Council in connection with the EOI Process are owned by (and will remain the property of) Council except to the extent expressly provided otherwise.</p><p>4.6 Availability of additional materials</p><p>Additional materials (if any) may be accessed in the manner set out in Item 6 of the Reference Schedule.</p><p>5 Communications during the EOI Process</p><p>5.1 Project Manager</p><p>All communications relating to the Invitation and the EOI Process must be directed to the Project Manager.</p><p>5.2 Requests for clarification or further information</p><p>Any questions or requests for further information or clarification of the Invitation (or any other document issued in connection with the EOI Process) must be submitted to the Project Manager in writing, preferably by email. Written communications must be marked with the EOI name & reference number (Item 2 of the Reference Schedule).</p><p>Any communication by a Registrant to Council will be effective upon receipt by the Project Manager (provided such communication is in the required format).</p><p>Council may restrict the period during which it will accept questions or requests for further information or for clarification and reserves the right not to respond to any question or request, irrespective of when such question or request is received. C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 7 of 35 Except where Council is of the opinion that issues raised apply only to an individual Registrant, questions submitted and answers provided will be made available on the Tenders Website to all Registrants without identifying the person or organisation having submitted the question. In all other cases, Council may deliver any written notification or response to a Registrant by leaving or delivering it to the address of the Registrant (as notified to the Project Manager).</p><p>A Registrant may, by notifying the Project Manager in writing, withdraw a question submitted in accordance with this section 4.2 in circumstances where the Registrant does not wish Council to publish its response to the question on the Tenders Website.</p><p>5.3 Unauthorised communications</p><p>Communications (including promotional or advertising activities) with staff of Council or consultants assisting Council with the EOI Process are not permitted during the EOI Process except as provided in section 4.2 above, or otherwise with the prior written consent of the Project Manager. Nothing in this section 4.3 is intended to prevent communications with staff of, or consultants to, Council to the extent that such communications do not relate to this EOI or the EOI Process.</p><p>Registrants must not otherwise engage in any activities that may be perceived as, or that may have the effect of, influencing the outcomes of the EOI Process in any way.</p><p>Unauthorised communications with such persons may, in the absolute discretion of Council, lead to disqualification of a Registrant.</p><p>5.4 Improper assistance</p><p>Registrants must not seek or obtain the assistance of employees, agents, contractors or service providers (with respect to the EOI) of Council in the preparation of their EOIs. In addition to any other remedies available to it under law or contract, Council may, in its absolute discretion, immediately disqualify a Registrant that it believes has sought or obtained such assistance.</p><p>5.5 Anti-competitive conduct</p><p>Registrants and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers must not engage in any collusion, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other Registrant or any other person in relation to the preparation, content or lodgement of their EOI. In addition to any other remedies available to it under law or contract, Council may, in its absolute discretion, immediately disqualify a Registrant that it believes has engaged in such collusive or anti-competitive conduct.</p><p>5.6 Complaints about EOI Process</p><p>Any complaint about the Invitation or the EOI Process must be submitted to the Project Manager in writing immediately upon the cause of the complaint arising or becoming known to the Registrant. The written complaint statement must set out:</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 8 of 35 (5.6.a) The basis for the complaint (specifying the issues involved); (5.6.b) How the subject of the complaint (and the specific issues) affect the person or organisation making the complaint; (5.6.c) Any relevant background information; and (5.6.d) The outcome desired by the person or organisation making the complaint.</p><p>6 Submission of EOIs</p><p>6.1 Lodgement</p><p>EOIs must be lodged only by the means set out in Item 7 of the Reference Schedule.</p><p>Where the Reference Schedule requires or permits EOIs to be lodged in hard copy, packages containing the EOI must be marked with the information set out in Item 7.1 of the Reference Schedule and must be placed in or mailed to the EOI box at the address which is set out in Item 7.1 of the Reference Schedule.</p><p>Where the Reference Schedule requires or permits EOIs to be lodged via the Internet through the website nominated in Item 7.2 of the Reference Schedule, Registrants are deemed to accept the online user agreement applying to that website and must comply with the requirements set out in that website.</p><p>6.2 Late EOIs</p><p>EOIs must be lodged by the Closing Time. The Closing Time may be extended by Council in its absolute discretion by providing written notice to Registrants.</p><p>EOIs lodged after the Closing Time or lodged at a location or in a manner that is contrary to that specified in this Invitation will be disqualified from the EOI Process and will be ineligible for consideration, except where the Registrant can clearly demonstrate (to the reasonable satisfaction of Council) that late lodgement of the EOI:</p><p>(6.2.a) Resulted from the mishandling of the EOI by Council; or (6.2.b) Was hindered by a major incident and the integrity of the EOI Process will not be compromised by accepting an EOI after the Closing Time. The determination of Council as to the actual time that an EOI is lodged is final. Subject to paragraphs (a) and (b) above, all EOIs lodged after the Closing Time will be recorded by Council, and will only be opened for the purposes of identifying a business name and address of the Registrant. Council will inform a Registrant whose EOI was lodged after the Closing Time of its ineligibility for consideration. All such EOIs will be returned at the conclusion of the EOI Process.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 9 of 35 7 EOI documents</p><p>7.1 Format and contents</p><p>Registrants must ensure that:</p><p>(7.1.a) Their EOI is presented in the required format as set out in Part C; and (7.1.b) All the information fields in Part C are completed and contain the information requested. Council may in its absolute discretion reject an EOI that does not include the information requested or is not in the format required.</p><p>Unnecessarily elaborate responses or other presentations beyond what is sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired or required. Elaborate artwork and expensive visual and other presentation aids are not necessary.</p><p>Word limits where specified should be observed and Council reserves the right to disregard any parts of the EOI exceeding the specified word limit.</p><p>Registrants should fully inform themselves in relation to all matters arising from the Invitation, including all matters regarding Council’s requirements for the Subject of this Invitation.</p><p>7.2 Illegible content, alteration and erasures</p><p>Incomplete EOIs may be disqualified or evaluated solely on the information contained in the EOI.</p><p>Council may disregard any content in an EOI that is illegible and will be under no obligation whatsoever to seek clarification from the Registrant.</p><p>Council may permit a Registrant to correct an unintentional error in its EOI where that error becomes known or apparent after the Closing Time, but in no event will any correction be permitted if Council reasonably considers that the correction would materially alter the substance of the Registrant’s EOI.</p><p>7.3 Obligation to notify errors</p><p>If, after an EOI has been submitted, the Registrant becomes aware of an error in the EOI (excluding clerical errors which would have no bearing on the evaluation of the EOI) the Registrant must promptly notify Council of such error.</p><p>7.4 Preparation of EOIs</p><p>Council will not be responsible for, nor pay for, any expense or loss that may be incurred by Registrants in the preparation of their EOIs.</p><p>7.5 Disclosure of EOI contents and EOI information</p><p>EOIs will be treated as confidential by Council. Council will not disclose EOI contents and EOI information, except:</p><p>(7.5.a) As required by law (including, for the avoidance of doubt, as required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)); C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 10 of 35 (7.5.b) For the purpose of investigations by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or other government authorities having relevant jurisdiction; (7.5.c) To external consultants and advisers of Council engaged to assist with the EOI Process; (7.5.d) To other government departments or agencies in connection with the subject matter of the EOI Process; or (7.5.e) General information from Registrants required to be disclosed by Council policy.</p><p>7.6 Use of EOIs</p><p>Upon submission in accordance with the requirements of section 5 of this Part A and Item 7 of the Reference Schedule, all EOIs become the property of Council. Registrants will retain all ownership rights in intellectual property contained in the EOI. The submission of an EOI does not transfer to Council any ownership interest in the Registrant’s intellectual property rights, or give Council any rights in relation to the Invitation, except as expressly set out below.</p><p>Each Registrant, by submission of their EOI, is deemed to have licensed Council to reproduce the whole, or any portion, of their EOI for the purposes of enabling Council to evaluate the EOI.</p><p>7.7 Withdrawal of EOI</p><p>A Registrant who wishes to withdraw an EOI previously submitted by it must immediately notify Council of that fact. Upon receipt of such notification, Council will cease to consider that EOI.</p><p>7.8 Status of EOI</p><p>Each EOI constitutes a non-binding expression of interest by the Registrant to Council in the Subject of this Invitation, and otherwise to satisfy the requirements of the Overview of Requirements (Part B of this Invitation).</p><p>8 Capacity to comply with Overview of Requirements</p><p>Part B of this Invitation gives an overview of Council’s requirements with regard to the Subject of this Invitation.</p><p>Where Registrants believe they will not be capable of complying with the Overview of Requirements (Part B of this Invitation) or only capable of complying with the Overview of Requirements (Part B of this Invitation) subject to conditions, they should either not apply or set out any potential limitations in the Registrant’s Response.</p><p>Registrants who are invited to participate in a subsequent tender process (should one eventuate) will be provided with a full specification for the Subject of this Invitation at that time.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 11 of 35 9 Evaluation of EOIs</p><p>9.1 Evaluation process</p><p>Following the Closing Time, Council currently intends to evaluate the EOIs received. EOIs will be evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria specified in Attachment A to this Part A of the Invitation.</p><p>An EOI will not be deemed to be unsuccessful until such time as the Registrant is formally notified of that fact by Council.</p><p>9.2 Clarification of EOI</p><p>If, in the opinion of Council, an EOI is unclear in any respect, Council may, in its absolute discretion, seek clarification from the Registrant. Failure to supply clarification to the satisfaction of Council may render the EOI liable to disqualification.</p><p>Council is under no obligation to seek clarification of anything in an EOI and Council reserves the right to disregard any clarification that Council considers to be unsolicited or otherwise impermissible in accordance with the rules set out in this Part A.</p><p>10 Next stage</p><p>10.1 Options available to Council</p><p>After evaluation of all EOIs, Council may, without limiting other options available to it, do any of the following:</p><p>(10.1.a)Prepare a shortlist of Registrants and invite tenders from those Registrants; (10.1.b)Call for tenders from the market generally for the Subject of this Invitation; (10.1.c) Enter into pre-contractual negotiations with one or more Registrants; (10.1.d)Decide not to proceed further with the EOI process or any other process for the Subject of this Invitation; or (10.1.e) Commence a new process for calling for EOIs on a similar or different basis to that outlined in this Invitation.</p><p>10.2 No legally binding contract</p><p>Being shortlisted does not give rise to a contract (express or implied) between the successful Registrant and Council. No legal relationship will exist between Council and a successful Registrant relating to the Subject of this Invitation unless and until such time as a binding contract is executed by them.</p><p>11 Additional rules</p><p>Any rules governing the Invitation or the EOI Process in addition to those set out in this Part A, are set out in Item 8 of the Reference Schedule.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 12 of 35 12 Registrant warranties</p><p>By submitting an EOI, a Registrant warrants that:</p><p>(12.1.a) In lodging its EOI it did not rely on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether oral, written, or otherwise made by or on behalf of Council, its officers, employees, agents or advisers other than any statement, warranty or representation expressly contained in the Invitation documents; (12.1.b) It did not use the improper assistance of Council employees or information unlawfully obtained from Council in compiling its EOI; (12.1.c) It has examined this Invitation, and any other documents referenced or referred to herein, and any other information made available in writing by Council to Registrants for the purposes of submitting an EOI; (12.1.d) It has sought and examined all necessary information which is obtainable by making reasonable enquiries relevant to the risks and other circumstances affecting its EOI; (12.1.e) It has otherwise obtained all information and advice necessary for the preparation of its EOI; (12.1.f) It is responsible for all costs and expenses related to the preparation and lodgement of its EOI, any subsequent negotiation, and any future process connected with or relating to the EOI Process; (12.1.g) It otherwise accepts and will comply with the rules set out in this Part A of the Invitation; (12.1.h) It will provide additional information in a timely manner as requested by Council to clarify any matters contained in the EOI; and (12.1.i) It is satisfied as to the correctness and sufficiency of its EOI.</p><p>13 Council’s rights</p><p>Notwithstanding anything else in this Invitation, and without limiting its rights at law or otherwise, Council reserves the right, in its absolute discretion at any time, to:</p><p>(13.1.a)Vary or extend any time or date specified in this Invitation for all or any Registrants or other persons; or (13.1.b) Terminate the participation of any Registrant or any other person in the EOI Process.</p><p>14 Governing law</p><p>This Invitation and the EOI Process is governed by the laws applying in the State of Victoria.</p><p>Each Registrant must comply with all relevant laws in preparing and lodging its EOI and in taking part in the EOI Process.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 13 of 35 15 Interpretation</p><p>15.1 Definitions</p><p>In this Invitation for EOIs, unless a contrary intention is apparent:</p><p>Council means the Council (as specified in Item 1 of the Reference Schedule) responsible for the EOI Process.</p><p>Briefing means a meeting (the details of which are specified in Item 5 of the Reference Schedule) that may be held by or on behalf of Council to provide information about the Invitation and the EOI Process.</p><p>Closing Time means the time specified as such in Item 4 of the Reference Schedule by which EOIs must be received.</p><p>EOI means a document lodged by a Registrant in response to this Invitation containing a proposal for the Subject of this Invitation.</p><p>EOI Process means the process commenced by the issuing of an Invitation for EOIs and concluding upon formal announcement by Council of the selection of shortlisted Registrant(s) or upon the earlier termination of the process.</p><p>Evaluation Criteria means the criteria set out in Attachment A to this Part A of the Invitation.</p><p>Intellectual Property Rights includes copyright and neighbouring rights, and all proprietary rights in relation to inventions (including patents) registered and unregistered trademarks (including service marks), registered designs, confidential information (including trade secrets and know how) and circuit layouts, and all other proprietary rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. </p><p>Invitation for EOIs or Invitation means this document (comprising each of the parts identified in section 2 of this Part A) and any other documents so designated by Council.</p><p>Overview of Requirements means the overview of Council’s requirements contained in Part B of this Invitation.</p><p>Project Manager means the person so designated in Item 3 of the Reference Schedule.</p><p>Reference Schedule means the schedule so designated forming part of Part A of the Invitation.</p><p>State means the Crown in right of the State of Victoria.</p><p>Subject of this Invitation means the opportunity (or opportunities where there are more than one option) described in the Introduction to this Invitation as qualified by the Overview of Requirements (Part B of this Invitation)</p><p>Registrant means a person or organisation that submits an EOI.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 14 of 35 Tenders Website means the web site administered by Council located at universal resource locator</p><p>15.2 Instruction</p><p>In this Invitation for EOIs, unless expressly provided otherwise:</p><p>(15.2.a)A reference to:</p><p>Item 15.2.a.1. “includes” or “including” means includes or including without limitation; and</p><p>Item 15.2.a.2. “$” or “dollars” is a reference to the lawful currency of the Commonwealth of Australia; and</p><p>(15.2.b)If a word or phrase is defined its other grammatical forms have corresponding meanings.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 15 of 35 Attachment A: Evaluation criteria </p><p>To the extent that Council evaluates any EOI received in response to this Invitation, Council will have regard to:</p><p> a) Each of the specific evaluation criteria identified in the table below; and</p><p> b) The overall proposition presented in the EOI.</p><p>Evaluation criteria 1. Professional competence 1.1 Capacity to Comply with the Overview of Requirements 1.2 Capability 1.3 Performance in Previous & Current Undertakings 1.4 Quality System Experience 2. Commercial 2.1 Financial viability 2.2 Risk and Insurance 2.3 Conflict of Interest</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 16 of 35 C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 17 of 35 INVITATION PART B – OVERVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS</p><p>WANGARATTA RURAL CITY COUNCIL</p><p>OVERVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE</p><p>PURCHASE OR LEASE OF THE WANGARATTA SALEYARDS</p><p>BUSINESS</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 18 of 35 1 Overview and Purpose</p><p>15.3 Overview</p><p>Wangaratta Rural City Council (Council) wishes to explore the potential to sell the Wangaratta Saleyards business, including or excluding the freehold or to enter into a lease agreement to operate the business, through an expression of interest process.</p><p>It should be noted that with a sale or lease it is a requirement that the Wangaratta Saleyards must continue to be operated as an ongoing, viable, commercial concern in Wangaratta in order that the regional economy continues to accrue the significant economic benefits arising from the business.</p><p>Council, at its 15 July 2014 meeting, resolved to authorise the CEO to explore these opportunities.</p><p>Consequently, Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from parties to either:</p><p> a) Purchase and operate the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, including the freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location; or b) Purchase, maintain and operate the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, excluding the freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location; or c) Lease, maintain and operate the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location.</p><p>15.4 Purpose</p><p>Council’s purpose in seeking responses to this Invitation for Expressions of Interest is to:</p><p> Enable an understanding of the characteristics of the potential market for the saleyards business, including the type and number of interested parties and their preferences for owning or leasing; and  Assess the capability of Registrants to operate the Wangaratta Saleyards business as an ongoing, viable commercial concern in line with Council’s requirements on the basis of the evaluation criteria as set out in Attachment A to Part A of the Invitation.</p><p>16 Objectives</p><p>Council’s principal objectives in relation to the business and the site are to:</p><p> Achieve the best outcomes for the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects of decisions; and</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 19 of 35  Ensure the long term sustainability and viability of the Wangaratta Saleyards business.</p><p>17 The Property</p><p>The business operates from Council owned property situated at 99 Shanley Street, Wangaratta South occupying approximately 78 hectares of land bordered by Shanley Street, Reith Road, Gravel Pit Road and the Melbourne Sydney rail line.</p><p>The property comprises the selling yards and associated infrastructure together with a substantial area of livestock holding paddocks.</p><p>The property is a mixture of Public Use Zone 6 (PUZ6) and Farming Zone (FZ).The Saleyards infrastructure area is zoned PUZ6 whilst the holding paddocks are a mixture of farming zone and public use zone. The land is subject in part to planning overlays relating to inundation (LSIO) and flood (RFO).</p><p>18 The Business</p><p>The Wangaratta Saleyards is an important Council owned and operated cattle auction centre in northeast Victoria. It processes up to 50,000 head of cattle each year. An economic impact assessment of the saleyards conducted in 2012 has confirmed that the facility makes a significant economic and employment contribution to the local Wangaratta regional economy. C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 20 of 35 By cattle throughput, the saleyards is currently the second largest cattle selling centre in North East Victoria and one of the ten largest community-owned and operated saleyards located in Victoria. Over the past decade Council has invested in major capital improvements at the Saleyards with an emphasis on achieving quality assurance, improved safety and the introduction of modern sales technology.</p><p>18.1 Features</p><p>Key features of the operations of the Saleyards include:</p><p> Weekly prime cattle sales on Thursdays;  Store cattle sales held monthly on the third Friday;  Three annual Blue Ribbon Weaner sales, including one in each of the months of August, January and February;  Employment of three full time equivalent staff to manage, operate and maintain the saleyards facility comprising a Saleyards Manager (full time), Saleyards Officer (full time), Brander (casual), Forcer (casual), Livestock Exchange Assistant (casual), Livestock Receiver (contractor) and Livestock Receiver’s Assistant (casual);  Four stock agents operate through the Saleyards: o Corcoran Parker; o Elders V P Ltd; o Landmark; and o Rodwells.  Selling is by open auction and live weight (cents per kg);  Animal live weight is determined pre-auction;  All cattle are scanned under the National Livestock Exchange Identification Scheme (NLIS) and checked against the NLIS database for Lifetime Traceability; and  Sales are managed and operated in accordance with quality assurance standards and legal requirements including National Saleyards Quality Assurance, European Union Cattle Accreditation Scheme, and Meat Standards Australia Standards Manual for Saleyard Consignment, the Australian Code of Practice for the Selling of Livestock, the Code for the Operation of the NLIS in Victoria, the Livestock Management Act and the Victorian Standards and Guidelines for the Welfare of Livestock at Saleyards.</p><p>18.2 Infrastructure</p><p>In total there are 344 pens, divided as follows:</p><p>Use Number Sheep selling pens (disused) 121 Sheep delivery pens (disused) 16 Sheep despatch pens (converted to cattle despatch pens) 9 Cattle selling pens 121 C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 21 of 35 Use Number Cattle delivery pens 30 Cattle despatch pens 32 Weigh Stacking pens 15</p><p>Ancillary facilities include:</p><p> Raised auctioneer walkways to all cattle selling pens;  Six covered public walkways to cattle selling pens;  Six cattle delivery docks;  Four sheep delivery docks;  One double deck cattle loading ramp;  Two single deck cattle loading ramps;  Three single deck sheep loading ramps;  Coin operated truck wash;  Fully self-contained effluent treatment system;  Modern administration building, cafeteria and amenities;  Large gravel surfaced car park with a capacity for 130 vehicles. Overflow parking is available on extensive grassed areas;  Weigh scale and high flow RFID tag scanner;  Scale house with networked computer system connected fibre optically with the administration building;  Storage sheds and workshop; and  55 hectares of holding paddocks</p><p>19 The Upgrade</p><p>Competitor saleyards are progressively being upgraded through the addition of roofing to improve efficiency, return on investment, selling conditions, environmental outcomes and animal welfare standards. To remain competitive and viable the Wangaratta Saleyards will need to be upgraded in the same fashion.</p><p>Consequently, Council is in the process of seeking expressions of interest in the construction of upgraded saleyards infrastructure which will:</p><p> Increase their competitiveness relative to other saleyards;</p><p> Resolve animal welfare issues, and meet all current relevant standards;</p><p> Provide safer and healthier working conditions for saleyards personnel;</p><p> Improve accessibility for clients with limited mobility; and</p><p> Enhance the overall environmental outcomes.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 22 of 35 The upgrade will enable cattle sales to be conducted in a weatherproof, and environmentally comfortable, roofed pavilion with open sides. Ancillary upgrades will deliver:</p><p> Provision of suitable soft flooring to cattle pens;</p><p> Modification of existing cattle selling pens, and the associated lanes and walkways to improve maintenance efficiency;</p><p> Modification to client access infrastructure to improve access for limited mobility clients;</p><p> Modification to Auctioneers infrastructure to ensure compliance with current Building Code standards;</p><p> Modification of receival and despatch infrastructure to improve operator safety and efficiency;</p><p> Effective management of waste water from the yards and from the truck wash facility;</p><p> Rainwater harvesting to support yard hose down, dust control and pen water troughs;</p><p> Provisions for straightforward future extension; and </p><p> Increased flexibility of use.</p><p>20 Requirements</p><p>20.1 Operating the Business</p><p>It is a requirement that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing, viable, commercial concern in Wangaratta.</p><p>20.2 Existing Other Uses</p><p>The Saleyards site accommodates a number of other uses which operate under lease or licence arrangements with Council.</p><p>It is a requirement that these other uses continue to be accommodated under their current arrangements and commitments.</p><p>The following table lists these uses.</p><p>Lessee/Licensee Use Land Description</p><p>Country Fire Authority Training facility Part Lot 2 Plan of Subdivision 436313 HJ & PM Benton Kiosk service Saleyards kiosk and store room to saleyard patrons Wangaratta Pony Equine Part Crown Allotment 23A Section Club Inc. recreation 31 Parish of Wangaratta South C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 23 of 35 Lessee/Licensee Use Land Description</p><p>Wangaratta Aero- Model aircraft Part Crown Allotment 23A Section Modellers Inc. recreation 31 Parish of Wangaratta South Vicroads Heavy vehicle Car park area licence testing National Industrial Heavy vehicle Carpark area adjacent to the kiosk Skills Training Centre training and loading races Wangaratta Cycling Cycle Steel shed (next to Sam Perna Club Inc. recreation Pavilion) Wangaratta District Men’s welfare Steel shed (Sam Perna Pavilion) Men’s Shed Inc. activities</p><p>INVITATION PART C – REGISTRANT’S RESPONSE</p><p>WANGARATTA RURAL CITY COUNCIL</p><p>EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR THE</p><p>PURCHASE OR LEASE OF THE WANGARATTA SALEYARDS</p><p>BUSINESS</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 24 of 35 EOI document </p><p>(a) Registrants must provide an electronic copy of their Registrant’s Response in Microsoft Word 2007 (or later) format, submitted in accordance with the requirements set out in Part A - Conditions of the EOI Process.</p><p>(b) All responses must be provided within the specified boxes and must respond to the Overview of Requirements (Part B) in accordance with Part A - Conditions of the EOI Process.</p><p>(c) Do not include graphics or data in responses. Where necessary, any graphics or data should be placed at the end of the documents and referred to in the response.</p><p>(d) Include the name of the Registrant in the footer of the EOI.</p><p>(e) If required (or permitted) to be lodged electronically, all documents must be virus checked before lodgement.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 25 of 35 WANGARATTA RURAL CITY COUNCIL</p><p>INVITATION FOR EOIs FOR THE</p><p>PURCHASE OR LEASE OF THE WANGARATTA SALEYARDS BUSINESS</p><p>I accept the provisions contained in Part A - Conditions of the EOI Process.</p><p>1 Registrant’s Information</p><p>Name of Registrant and address of registered office:</p><p>Place of registration:</p><p>Australian Company Number:</p><p>Australian Business Number:</p><p>Principal office in Victoria (if any):</p><p>Telephone:</p><p>Facsimile:</p><p>Email:</p><p>Name and title of Registrant’s authorised agent:</p><p>Signature of Registrant’s authorised agent:</p><p>Date:</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 26 of 35 21 Executive summary Provide a brief executive summary providing an overview of the Registrant’s Response.</p><p>22 Capacity to Comply with the Overview of Requirements The Overview of Requirements contained in Part B of this Invitation gives an overview of Council’s requirements with regard to the Subject of the Invitation.</p><p>Where Registrants believe they will not be capable of complying with the Overview of Requirements in full or will only comply with the Overview of Requirements subject to conditions, they must set out clearly below details of where they believe they will not be able to comply with the Overview of Requirements or details of any conditions to which compliance will be subject.</p><p>Registrants will be taken to represent that in all other respects they are capable of complying with the Overview of Requirements.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 27 of 35 23 Capability Knowledge of and experience in the industry: Provide details of your organisation’s knowledge and experience in the industry, as it applies to the Subject of the Invitation. Word limit – [250] words </p><p>Infrastructure and other support Provide details of your organisation (and location(s)) and support which will be used to comply with the Overview of Requirements. Word limit – [250] words</p><p>Staff resources Provide a brief curriculum vitae for each member of staff you are proposing for the work including details of qualifications, experience and skills. Word limit – [250] words </p><p>Schedule of Name: proposed sub- Address: contractors / Extent of services to be provided: consortium members Provide details of each proposed sub-contractor (if any) to be engaged in connection with the Subject of the Invitation or any other consortium members. Briefly outline the scope and extent of services to be provided by sub-contractors or particular consortium members.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 28 of 35 24 Form of Interest Identify below the purchase or lease option or options that your organisation is registering an interest in.</p><p>Purchase, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, Yes including the freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing, No viable commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location</p><p>Purchase, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, Yes excluding the freehold, subject to the condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing, No viable commercial concern in Wangaratta at its current location.</p><p>Lease, maintenance and operation of the Wangaratta Saleyards business, following a substantial capital upgrade, subject to the Yes condition that the Wangaratta Saleyards business must continue to be operated as an ongoing, viable commercial concern in No Wangaratta at its current location.</p><p>25 Performance in Previous & Current Undertakings</p><p>Previous undertakings:</p><p>(a) Detail previous undertakings related to the Subject of the Invitation.</p><p>Word limit – [250] words</p><p>Current undertakings:</p><p>(b) Detail current undertakings related to the Subject of the Invitation.</p><p>Word limit – [250] words</p><p>26 References</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 29 of 35 Client and contract details: References Description of service: Provide three referees that Council could Period: contact regarding your ability regarding the Subject of the Invitation. Client and contract details: </p><p>Note: Council Description of service: reserves the right to contact Period: any of the Registrant’s previous Client and contract details: customers. Description of service:</p><p>Period:</p><p>Related Registrants</p><p>Provide details of any other Registrant that is a related body corporate of the Registrant.</p><p>27 Quality System Experience</p><p>(a) Does your organisation have a certified Quality Management System? </p><p>If YES, to which standard are you accredited? </p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 30 of 35 27 Quality System Experience</p><p>(b) If you are not currently certified, are you in the process of achieving certification?</p><p>If YES:</p><p> To which standard?  When did you commence?  Targeted date for completion?  Accreditation body being used?</p><p>(c) If you are not in the process of achieving certification, provide details of how you intend to ensure that the Goods and/or Services meet the client’s requirements and industry standards for quality.</p><p>Word limit – [250] words</p><p>28 Financial viability Registrants are required to demonstrate that they have the financial capacity to engage in a commercial transaction regarding the Subject of the Invitation. Accordingly, Registrants are required to provide the following information in your EOI.</p><p>If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, provide an explanation.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 31 of 35 28 Financial viability (a) Are there any significant events, matters or circumstances which have arisen since the end of the last financial year which may significantly affect the operations of the Registrant?</p><p>(b) Are there any mergers/acquisitions either recent (within the past 12 months) or which are imminent? (c) Are there any proceedings, either actual or threatened, against the Registrant, its parent or associated entities or any director of the Registrant, its parent or associated entities or have there been any such proceedings within the past five years? If so, what (if any) remedial action has been taken in respect of such proceedings?</p><p>(d) Are there any bankruptcy actions against a director of the Registrant, its parent or associated entities, or has there been within the past five years? (e) Are there any de- registration actions against the Registrant, its parent or associated entities on foot, or have there been any within the past five years?</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 32 of 35 28 Financial viability</p><p>(f) Are there any insolvency proceedings, actual or threatened (including voluntary administration, application to wind up, or other like action) against the Registrant, its parent or associated entities on foot, or have there been any within the past five years? (g) Is the Registrant, its parent or associated entities currently in default of any agreement, contract, order or award that would or would be likely to adversely affect the financial capacity of the Registrant to provide the Goods and/or Services contemplated by this Invitation? (h) Are there any other factors which could adversely impact on the financial ability of the Registrant to successfully engage in a commercial transaction regarding the Subject of the Invitation? (i) Is the Registrant solvent and able to meet its debts as and when they fall due in the normal course of business?</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 33 of 35 28 Financial viability In addition to the information required above, Registrants are required to undertake to provide to Council (or its nominated agent) upon request all such information as Council reasonably requires to satisfy itself that Registrants are financially viable and have the financial capability to successfully engage in a commercial transaction regarding the Subject of the Invitation.</p><p>Response required below: Noted and confirmed.</p><p>29 Risk and insurance Schedule of Name of insurance companies: insurance information Policy type (e.g. public liability, professional indemnity, Council requires etc.): appropriate insurance Policy number(s): provisions regarding Expiry dates: the Subject of the Invitation (e.g. public, Limit of liability: product, professional Relevant exclusions: liability). Provide details of all relevant insurances maintained by the Registrant. Risk management strategies Provide details of all risk management strategies and practices of the Registrant that would be applicable or relevant in the context of the Subject of the Invitation.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 34 of 35 30 Conflict of interest Provide details of any interests, relationships or clients which may or do give rise to a conflict of interest and the area of expertise in which that conflict or potential conflict does or may arise, and details of any strategy for preventing conflicts of interest. Outline the processes you have in place to handle any future conflicts of interest (actual or perceived).</p><p>31 Any other matters Detail any matters which have not been covered in previous sections that you believe need to be taken into consideration when your EOI is evaluated.</p><p>C1415/004 Expression of Interest for the Purchase or Lease of the Wangaratta Saleyards Business Page 35 of 35</p>

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