<p> SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS</p><p>WEDNESDAY JUNE 27, 2007 COUNTY BOARD ROOM AT 6:00 P.M.</p><p>THE COUNTY BOARD ROOM IS HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE</p><p>1. ROLL CALL. </p><p>2. SILENT MEDITATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. </p><p>3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY COUNTY BOARD MINUTES.</p><p>4. PUBLIC COMMENTS.</p><p>5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT. Appointment of Steven Breaker as the new County Board Supervisor for District No. 26, representing Town of Germania, Town of Wittenberg Ward 2, and the Village of Wittenberg, Ward 2. Steven Breaker to replace Mike Dresen who recently resigned. Term to expire April 2008.</p><p>Corporation Counsel, Jeffrey Kuglitsch, will swear in new County Board Supervisor Steven Breaker.</p><p>John Hill has been appointed to the City of Shawano, Tif Dist. # 4 Review Board. </p><p>Ray Faehling has been appointed to Administrative Committee. </p><p>6. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS TO THE BOARD. </p><p>7. MOTION TO DEVIATE FROM THE AGENDA ORDER, IF NECESSARY.</p><p>8. ORDINANCE NO. 2-07 TO APPROVE TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE SHAWANO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 102 (tabled from May) </p><p>9. ORDINANCE NO. 3-07 TO APPROVE REGULATIONS OF FIREWORKS IN SHAWANO COUNTY. </p><p>10. ORDINANCE NO. 4-07 TO APPROVE SHAWANO COUNTY PARKS, CAMPGROUNDS, BOAT LANDINGS, RECREATIONAL TRAILS AND LAND RULES AND REGULATIONS. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 44-07 TO OFFICIALLY WRITE OFF THE DECEMBER 20, 2001 LOAN TO THE EXPO CENTER STEERING COMMITTEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $117,492.60.</p><p>12. RESOLUTION NO. 45-07 TO APPROVE SHAWANO COUNTY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY INSURANCE FUND. </p><p>13. RESOLUTION NO. 46-07 TO AMEND COUNTY BOARD RULE NO. 22 RELATING TO PER DIEMS. </p><p>14. RESOLUTION NO. 47-07 TO CHANGE THE COUNTY HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS WITHIN THE RETIREES PLAN DOCUMENT WITH THE WISCONSIN COUNTIES ASSOCIATION GROUP HEALTH TRUST. </p><p>15. RESOLUTION NO. 48-07 TO APPROVE THE FARMLAND PRESERVATION AGREEMENT FOR CHARLES AND ROBERTA HENN, TOWN OF WAUKECHON.</p><p>16. ANNUAL REPORTS: CORPORATION COUNSEL – Jeffrey Kuglitsch SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT – Randy Wright ADMINISTRATION OFFICE – Frank Pascarella</p><p>17. REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE ON GENERAL ACCOUNTS.</p><p>18. APPROVE THE COMMITTEE MINUTES AS SUBMITTED WITH THE AGENDA.</p><p>19. SPECIAL ORDERS, APPOINTMENTS, OR NEW BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED AT A FUTURE BOARD MEETING.</p><p>Steven Breaker to be appointed to the Shawano City County Library Board and the Public Property Committee.</p><p>Commission on Aging – John Gallagher to be reappointed to his 2nd 3-year term to expire April 30, 20l0.</p><p>Commission on Aging - Ray Faehling to be reappointed until April 30, 2010 </p><p>20. REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD SUPERVISORS MILEAGE AND PER DIEM.</p><p>21. ADJOURNMENT. ORDINANCE NO. 2-07 (tabled from May meeting) APPROVING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE SHAWANO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 102</p><p>WHEREAS, the Shawano County Planning and Development Department have had difficulty administering certain portions of the county zoning ordinance due to its lack of permitted and conditional uses within certain zoning districts, and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Department and Committee likewise seek to update existing language, create new and amend certain definitions, create performance standards for certain uses, and adopt language for compliance to state statutes as this will allow for more flexibility within the zoning districts, and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Planning, Development and Zoning Committee held public hearings in April and May regarding the same and, after some modifications, recommended on May 2, 2007, that the Shawano County Board amend the existing Shawano County Zoning Ordinance No. 102 to reflect those changes, </p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED on this 23rd day of May, 2007, that the Shawano County Zoning Ordinance No. 102 be modified as follows: a) The following subsection numbers are hereby repealed and recreated as follows (unless noted elsewhere in this set of amendments, these sections are otherwise unchanged) s 1.06 (22) is created, s 1.06 (22-25) are repealed and recreated as s 1.06 (23-26), s 1.06 (26) is repealed and recreated, s 1.06 (27) is created, s 1.06 (26-39) are repealed and recreated as s 1.06 (28-41), s 1.06 (42) is created, s 1.06 (40-46) are repealed and recreated as s 1.06 (43-49), s 1.06 (50) is created, , s 1.06 (47-77) are repealed and recreated as s 1.06 (51-81), s 1.06 (61) is amended. </p><p>* Revisions described from this point forward are referenced by their existing section or subsection numbers including those sections or subsections that are newly created. b) Section 2.02 (6) is repealed and recreated as “Expiration” land use and conditional use permits are valid for a period of 12 months. If proposed construction or use has not commenced prior to expiration date, said permit or approval shall expire. c) Section 2.06 “ Highway Setback” is amended to add the following language: “All private drives, alleys and easements are hereby designated as class D roadways” and “class D roadway setbacks shall be 10 feet from edge of such roadway”. Text: All “other” roads…. Amended to All “town” roads…</p><p>Section 2.14 is repealed and recreated as “Accessory Uses and Structures” accessory uses and structures shall be compatible with the principal use. e) Section 2.16 is amended “Filling, Grading, Lagooning and Dredging” add the following language: “(1) Placement of Fill: Exceeding 15 cubic yards requires a land use permit. Placement of fill exceeding 200 cubic yards requires a conditional use permit. Fill for building footprints is exempt. Placement of fill is on a per calendar year basis. 0-15 cubic yards – no permit; 16-200 cubic yards – land use permit; greater than 200 cubic yards – conditional use permit. f) Section 2.18 (3 – 5) is repealed and recreated as s 2.18 (4 – 6) and s 2.18 (3) is created new with the following language: “Recreational vehicles must be removed from all parcels that permit temporary parking and living purposes from the dates of December 15th to March 15th. Temporary parking and living during the above referenced time period is permissible provided the recreational vehicle is immediately removed upon departure. S 2.18 (5) is amended to read “Recreational vehicles must have an approved waste disposal system and may not be permanently attached to a private sewage system as defined in Shawano County Private On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Ordinance No. 8-02”. g) Section 2.19 (4 – 6) is repealed and recreated as s 2.19 (4 – 5) with the following language: Minimum Roof Pitch and Overhang : All dwellings shall have a minimum roof pitch of three inches per twelve inches of run and a minimum 6 inch roof overhang on the entire perimeter of the structure. In cases where an overhang exceeds 24” property line setbacks are measured from the overhang. Roofing and Siding Materials : Materials having a highly reflective or high gloss finish shall be prohibited. h) Section 2.20 is hereby created to read: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Roofing and Siding Materials : The following materials shall be prohibited: materials having a highly reflective or high gloss finish. i) Section 2.21 is herby created to read PONDS : Including Wildlife Scrapes and other Impoundments From here forward the term pond shall include wildlife scrapes and all other impoundments. A land use or conditional use permit is required to build or alter a man- made pond regardless of size or purpose. Where permitted, ponds must maintain minimum yard and setback regulations of the respective zoning district in which it is to be constructed. Twenty percent of the perimeter of the pond shall have a nominal side slope of 5:1 (5 horizontal to 1 vertical). The perimeter of the pond and all other associated surface disturbed areas shall be planted to vegetation within 5 days of completion of the excavation or construction. In cases where pond construction occurs during frozen soil conditions the establishment of vegetative cover may be delayed until soils have thawed. Construction and excavation operations shall be completed in a manner and sequence to minimize soil erosion and water pollution. For ponds larger than one acre in size or multiple ponds on a parcel that cumulatively affect more than one acre, spoil material may not be exported (whether for profit or not) from property unless a conditional use permit for non- metallic mining has been obtained. For ponds less than one acre in size, soils may be exported (whether for profit or not). All spoil material to remain on-site must be placed in an upland area outside all mapped and unmapped wetlands. EXEMPTIONS: Ponds 100 square feet or less in size, as measured around the perimeter, shall be exempt from these provisi on. j) Section 2.22 is hereby created to read: FENCES : Fences shall be permitted in all zoning districts. No land use permit is required for the construction of a fence. No fence shall exceed 8’ in height. Finished side of fence shall face away from the property being fenced. Fences must be installed so as to assure public safety. Fences may be installed at the property line. The responsibility of establishing the property line shall rest with the property owner. Barbed wire or livestock containment fencing is not allowed in residentially zoned districts. Fences exempt from this provision shall include livestock/agricultural operations; game farms/shooting preserves, shooting ranges; properties zoned commercial, industrial and manufacturing and those fenc es required as a result of conditional use permit approval. k) Section 2.23 is hereby created to read: HOME OCCUPATION – MINOR Standards that apply: (a) The minor home occupation must be clearly subordinate to the residential use of the property. (b) There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the structure or premises or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation other than one (1) sign, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area and shall not be illuminated. (c) There shall be not storage of materials or partially finished merchandise outside of the structure. (d) The home occupation does not involve equipment operations or processes which introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors, glare or other nuisance. (e) The home occupation does not produce increased vehicular travel beyond what could be reasonably expected from other legal uses of the residential property. Any parking provided shall be off-street. (f) The home occupation does not involve the serving of any beverage, food or on-lot retail or wholesale. l) Section 4.04 A is amended as follows: (2)(e) is created as A-G-2 Exclusive Agriculture – Restricted. m) Section 9.04-A “Farm Consolidation” (1) is amended by adding the word “or” at the end of sub (1) and Section 9.04-A (2) is amended by striking the words “where the compliant sized remnant is deed restricted to retain it solely in agricultural use”. n) The following sections and subsections, describing individual zoning districts, are hereby repealed, amended and/or created as follows: s 5.05 (5) is amended, s 5.05 (9-10) are created, s 5.06 (12-14) are created, s 5.02-A (2) is repealed, s 5.02-A (2-6) are repealed and recreated as s 5.02-A (2-5), s 5.05-A (6-7) are created, s 5.03-A (9- 11) are created, s 6.06 (8) is amended, s 6.06 (15-16) are created, s 7.06 (14) is repealed, s 7.06 (15-17) is repealed and recreated as s 7.06 (14-16), s 7.06 (17-19) are created, s 9.05 (4) is amended, s 9.05 (10) is created, s 9.06 (24-26) are created, s 9.05-A (7-8) are created, s 9.06-A (5) is amended, s 9.06-A (6-7) are created, s 9.05-B (6-7) are created, s 9.06-B (5) is amended, s 9.06-B (7-8) are created, s 10.05 (3) is amended, s 10.06 (10-13) are created, s 10.05-A (1 & 3) are amended, s 10.06-A (14) is amended, s 10.06-A (16-18) are created, s 11.05 (3) is created, s 11.06 (6) is amended, s 11.06 (9) is created, s 12.05 (3) is created, s 12.06 (6) is amended, s 12.06 (9) is created, s 12.05-A (3) is created, s 12.06-A (6) is amended, s 12.06-A (9) is created, s 13.05 (3) is created, s 13.06 (6) is amended, s 13.06 (9) is created, s 14.05 (3) is created, s 14.06 (4) is amended, s 14.06 (8) is created, s 16.05 (5) is created, s 17.06 (11) is created, s 18.06 (8) is created, s 19.06 (7) is created, s 20.06 (8) is created, s 21.06 (35) is created, s 36.05 (5) is created, s 36.06 (5) is amended and s 36.06 (10) is created.</p><p>The following sections and subsections within Section 24 “conditional uses” are hereby amended, repealed or recreated as follows: s 24.07 (5)(b) is amended, s 24.07 (c) is repealed, s 24.07 (d-e) are repealed and recreated as s 24.07 (c-d), s 24.07 (d) is amended and s 24.07 (e-f) are created, s 24.07(9) is amended to add “archery equipment”, s 24.07 (9) (c-d) are repealed, s 24.07 (9) (c) is created, s 24.07 (9) (d-e) are recreated, s 24.07 (11) (a-f) are hereby created.</p><p>Repeal and recreation of Section 2.11 (2). The purpose for this is to comply with state statutes. (2) Restoration: Restoration is permissible if the structure will be restored to the size, subject to (b), location, and use that it had immediately before the damage or destruction occurred. Further, the costs of repair, reconstruction, or improvement of the structure shall not be limited if all of the following apply: The nonconforming structure was damaged or destroyed on or after March 2, 2006. The damage or destruction was caused by violent wind, vandalism, fire, flood, ice, snow, mold, or infestation. b) The size of the structure may be larger than the size it was immediately before the damage or destruction if necessary for the structure to comply with applicable state or federal requirements. Submitted by: Jon Zwirschitz Robert Krause Kathy Luebke Dennis Hartleben Ken Capelle PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT & ZONING COMMITTEE</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: Fill less than 15 cubic yards no longer needs a land use permit. Land use permit is $60. This will mean less revenue, however, the exact fiscal impact is unknown as the number of permits previously issued for fill less than 15 cubic yards is unknown.</p><p>Ordinance now requires land use permit ($60) for alterations to man-made ponds. Fiscal impact unknown as number of alterations unknown.</p><p>Ponds greater than 1 acre now require conditional use permit ($250) as required by non-metallic ordinance. Previously required land use permit ($60). Fiscal impact unknown.</p><p>Changes to land use permit requirement for fences. Fences less than 8 feet no longer require land use permit.</p><p>Diane L. Rusch, Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Legal.</p><p>Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Support.</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator ORDINANCE NO. 3-07</p><p>REGULATION OF FIREWORKS IN SHAWANO COUNTY</p><p>WHEREAS, Shawano County has the ability by statute to regulate fireworks; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Public Safety Committee has met and determined that the County should have an ordinance to regulate fireworks in Shawano County.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in session this 27th evening of June, 2007 the following:</p><p>FIREWORKS REGULATION ORDINANCE</p><p>SECTION I: Authority. This section is adopted under authority granted by §59.54(6) and §167.10(5) Stats. </p><p>SECTION II: Definitions. In this section: "Fireworks" has the meaning given in §167.10(1) Stats. which is hereby adopted by reference. </p><p>SECTION III: Sale of fireworks. Except as provided in §167.10(2) and §167.10(4) Stats., no person shall sell, or possess with the intent to sell, fireworks. </p><p>SECTION IV: Use of fireworks. Except as provided in §167.10(3) Stats., no person shall possess or use fireworks. </p><p>SECTION V: Use of certain devices. Pursuant to §167.10(3) Stats., no person may use fireworks or devices listed in §167.10(1)(e) to (g), §167.10(i) to (n), and §167.10(3) Stats., if the display is open to the general public. </p><p>SECTION VI: Miscellaneous provisions.</p><p> a. Applicability. This section shall apply to all unincorporated areas of Shawano County and to those incorporated areas of Shawano County that have not enacted their own ordinance regulating fireworks. b. Enforcement. This section shall be enforced by the Shawano County Sheriff's Department or its designee(s). </p><p> c. Injunction order. Shawano County may petition the Circuit Court for an Order enjoining violations of this ordinance. </p><p> d. Seizure of fireworks. Fireworks stored, handled, sold, possessed or used by a person who violates this section shall be seized. The fireworks shall be destroyed after conviction for a violation or otherwise returned to the owner. </p><p> e. Destruction of fireworks. If in the opinion of the Sheriff’s Department, the fireworks seized in (d) are too hazardous to be safely stored in evidence, those items may be destroyed provided photographs of the devices will be taken and kept as evidence until after conviction.</p><p> f. Future Amendments. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of Wis. Stats. Sec. 167.10 are hereby incorporated and made part of this ordinance.</p><p>SECTION VII. Penalty. The penalty for violating any section of this ordinance shall be as follows:</p><p> a. A forfeiture of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) plus the appropriate court costs and fees for the first offense. </p><p> b. A forfeiture of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) plus the appropriate court costs and fees for a second offense. </p><p> c. A forfeiture of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) plus the appropriate court costs and fees for three or more offenses. Each fused fireworks device possessed can be considered a separate offense.</p><p>SECTION VIII. Effective date. This ordinance shall be effective after adoption and publication as required by law.</p><p>Submitted by, Ken Capelle Richard Giese John Stezenski James Heinz Dennis Hartleben </p><p>PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: It is unknown how many citations will be issued. Fiscal impact unknown.</p><p>Diane L. Rusch, Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Legal.</p><p>Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Support.</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator ORDINANCE NO. 4-07</p><p>SHAWANO COUNTY PARKS, CAMPGROUNDS, BOAT LANDINGS, RECREATIONAL TRAILS, AND LANDS RULES AND REGULATIONS.”</p><p>WHEREAS, it is necessary to maintain proper public peace and good order within public parks, campgrounds, boat landings, recreational trails, and lands and further necessary to protect public park, campground, boat landing, and recreational trail property; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Shawano County Highway/Park Committee has prepared and revised rules and regulations for the public parks, campgrounds, boat landings, recreational trails, and lands of Shawano County.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SHAWANO does abolish Ordinance No. 3-02, and does ordain as follows:</p><p>ARTICLE I: This ordinance shall be entitled “Shawano County Parks, Campgrounds, Boat Landings, Recreational Trails, and Lands Rules and Regulations.”</p><p>ARTICLE II: The term “park” as used in this section shall include all parks, campgrounds, boat landings, recreational trails, lands, and other such facilities and property under the jurisdiction of the Shawano County Highway/Parks Committee.</p><p>ARTICLE III: The following General Rules and Regulations shall apply to the public parks, campgrounds, boat landings, recreational trails, and lands which are under the jurisdiction of the Shawano County Highway/Park Committee. Appropriate notice of these rules shall be placed at each park, and this ordinance shall be identified on each such notice. Failure to abide by the following rules and regulations may result in forfeiture. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense.</p><p>GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF PARKS</p><p>1. Obey entrance, direction, exit signs, and speed zones. All motorized vehicles must be operated on the roadways only. All roads in the parks are under park rules and supervision. 2. All vehicles, including trailers and watercraft, must be parked in designated parking areas. Vehicles parked in handicapped parking spaces must have proper authorization and identification. Any vehicles parked in such a way as to obstruct the flow of traffic, hinder any legitimate park use, or left unattended for a period of 24 hours may be towed away at the owner’s expense. The owner of a vehicle involved in a violation of this rule shall be liable for the violation. It shall be no defense to a violation of this rule that the owner was not operating the vehicle at the time of violation. 3. No person shall operate a motor vehicle in a reckless or imprudent manner or in any manner, which may tend to create a disturbance or endanger the safety of persons using the parks or property therein. 4. No noisy, disorderly, or publicly offensive person shall be allowed in the park. Any activity deemed inappropriate, dangerous, destructive, or offensive to others, is prohibited. 5. No person shall operate or use any device, which produces noise, such as a radio, television, stereo, loud speakers, musical instruments, motor, or engines so as to unreasonably disturb any person. 6. No person shall damage or destroy park property or resources, including trees. 7. All rubbish, garbage, charcoal and recyclables must be placed in designated receptacles. These receptacles are provided for park visitors only. Within the park, there shall be no dumping of rubbish, garbage, or other refuse that is generated from private property. Where receptacles for rubbish are not provided, the person responsible for the rubbish shall carry all waste away from the park. 8. No fires are permitted except in park grills or fireplaces. No person or group shall leave a fire unattended, and all fires shall be extinguished before leaving the area. 9. The use of fireworks is prohibited in the parks. 10. Except in those recreational areas or portions thereof as may be designated by official action of the Shawano County Highway/Parks Committee, and properly posted by the Park Staff. No person in a park shall carry, fire, discharge or have in his/her possession or under his/her control any firearm, air gun, sling shot, bow, or any device designed for shooting a projectile unless the same is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case, or any bow unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case, or have in his/her possession a trap(s) which can be used for trapping animals. No person may discharge any such devices, at, onto, across, or from within, the park boundaries. Law Enforcement Officers, or those hired for animal control, are exempt from this rule. 11. No overnight camping, except in designated camping areas. For the purpose of these rules this shall include sleeping in a vehicle. 12. Except where otherwise noted, no motorized vehicles are to be operated in the parks, unless they are licensed for legal street operation according to State Statute. Motorized wheelchairs are exempt from this rule. 13. Grills or picnic tables are not allowed in the beach area. The beach is reserved for swimmers and sunbathers only. 14. No pets shall be allowed in the picnic area unless they are crated, or upon a leash, not more than ten (10) feet in length. Owners are responsible to clean up after their pets. Dogs should not be allowed to bark so as to unreasonable disturb others. No pets are allowed in the beach, playground areas or buildings. Seeing Eye or handicap assist animals are exempt from this rule. 15. There is no lifeguard on the beach. Swim, wade, boat, water ski, or launch your boat in designated areas, AT YOUR OWN RISK! Navigational buoys are not to be moved or played upon. No watercraft is allowed between the swimming area and the “No Boats” buoys. No person shall tie or anchor any watercraft to county buoys, docks, signs or structures unless they are designated for such purpose. 16. Shawano County beach shelters and picnic areas are closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. 17. No person shall use any facility, shelter, land or area for which a fee or charge has been established by the Shawano County Highway/Park Committee, without payment of such a fee or charge prior to use. The fee or charge is non- refundable. 18. No peddling or soliciting or commercial enterprise is allowed in the park, unless approved by Shawano County Highway/Park Committee. 19. The pavilion closing hours shall be set by the Hwy/Parks Committee and will be posted in the campground office. 20. No person shall prevent any person from using any park, or any of its facilities, or interfere with such use, which is in compliance with this ordinance and the rules applicable to such use. 21. No person or group shall engage in sports activities, except in such areas as are designated for those purposes or in such areas where such activity will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the park by others. Horseshoes shall not be allowed to be played except in horseshoe pits constructed by the Park Department. Golfing, including practice golf is not allowed in any county park. No sports activities of any kind shall be allowed in county park parking lots. 22. Any property left in a park unattended for more than 24 hours without prior approval from park personal, shall be considered abandoned and may be disposed of at the discretion of the person in charge of Park Administration. 23. No person may construct, occupy or use any elevated scaffold or other elevated device, except portable tree stands within the boundaries of the parks in designated hunting areas. Such stands may be erected by permit only. 24. No person may erect or place any object, structure, barricade, sign, notice, marker of any kind, within the boundaries of the park, unless a permit has first been obtained from the Department Head responsible for Park Administration or the Highway/Parks Committee.</p><p>ARTICLE IV: Campgrounds. The following rules and regulations shall apply to the Shawano County Parks’ Campgrounds for the purpose of operating said campgrounds in an orderly and efficient manner. If conflicts exist between any provision of this Article and Article III, these provisions shall control. Appropriate notice of these rules shall be placed at said campgrounds, and this ordinance shall be identified on each notice. A permit may be revoked without refund for violation of the park rules and regulations, and or forfeiture may be imposed. </p><p>SHAWANO COUNTY CAMPGROUND RULES</p><p>1. All tenants must register at campground office or pay station upon arriving in the park. Rent is payable in advance with no refunds. 2. All recreation vehicles and cars must park on designated pad. Tents may be pitched in back of pad. There is a limit of one major camping unit (pop-up camper, pickup camper, camper trailer, fifth wheel or motor home) per site. There is a maximum of two motorized vehicles per site. 3. Vehicles of non-campers are prohibited in the camping areas. Visitors must leave their cars in the parking lot. 4. There is a limit of 6 people or one family per site for overnight camping. (A family is defined as mother and/or father, plus any unmarried children from the same household). 5. The speed limit in the campgrounds is 5 mph. 6. Check out time will be established by campground staff and posted at campground office. 7. Campers must keep their own area clean and orderly. 8. All rubbish, garbage, charcoal and recyclables must be placed in designated receptacles. These receptacles are provided for park visitors only. Within the park, there shall be no dumping of rubbish, garbage, or other refuse that is generated from private property. All garbage must be wrapped and placed in proper receptacles. Do not move garbage cans. 9. Dishwater, sewage and sewage containers must be kept in camping unit, or emptied at designated places. 10. Do not move fireplaces – use only fireplaces that are provided. Do not throw cans, bottles, or other unburnable articles into fireplaces. Do not leave fires unattended. 11. Do not take picnic tables from other campsites. 12. Quiet must be observed from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 13. Revocation of park or campground permit without refund is at the discretion of the park staff. 14. No campsite may be occupied by the same party for longer than 16 days, unless it is rented as a seasonal site. 15. To prevent the spread of insects and disease, only firewood obtained from Shawano County Parks is permitted.</p><p>ARTICLE V: Boat Landings. The following rules and regulations shall apply exclusively to the Shawano County Parks’ Boat Landings, for the purpose of operating said boat landings in an orderly and efficient manner. If conflicts exist between any provision of this Article and Article III, these provisions shall control. Appropriate notice of these rules shall be placed at said boat landings, and this ordinance shall be identified on each notice. Failure to abide by the following rules and regulations may result in forfeiture.</p><p>SHAWANO COUNTY BOAT LANDING RULES</p><p>1. Shawano County Boat Ramp Facilities are open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. for general use. The boat ramp will be open 24 hours a day for launching purposes only. 2. No person shall use a County boat ramp facility, including launching and parking, without paying the applicable daily or annual fee. This shall include any boat ramp owned or operated by Shawano County and is applicable to all water- craft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. Daily passes will be available at a self-registration station at each facility. An annual pass will be available at the Shawano County Clerk’s office or at designated vendor’s offices. 3. The daily receipt must be displayed according to directions posted. The annual pass sticker must be permanently affixed according to the directions on back of the pass. 4. No camping is allowed at Shawano County boat landings, this includes sleeping in vehicles. 5. No shanty, such as typically used for ice fishing, shall be left on park grounds after March 15 of each calendar year. 6. Any shanty on park property without proper owner identification (complete name and address) displayed on it will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of at the discretion of the Department Head responsible for Park Administration.</p><p>ARTICLE VI. County properties at Mudlake, Shepley, Bowler, Town of Almon, Wilson Lake and the County Farm. The following rules and regulations shall apply exclusively to the above named recreational areas, for the purpose of operating said recreational areas in an orderly and efficient manner. If conflicts exist between any provision of this Article and Article III, these provisions shall control. Appropriate notice of these rules shall be placed at said Shawano County recreational areas, and this ordinance shall be identified on each notice. Failure to abide by the following rules and regulations may result in forfeiture.</p><p>SHAWANO COUNTY RECREATIONAL AREA RULES</p><p>1. Hunting is permitted during the appropriate seasons unless posted otherwise. 2. Horses are allowed on the trails between April 1 – October 31 of each calendar year. 3. Hunters with special handicap hunting permits may use A.T.V.’s on trails posted for such use. Maximum speed limit on trails is 5 m.p.h. 4. No motorized vehicles, except Law Enforcement vehicles, County vehicles, farm and maintenance vehicles, and vehicles used for handicap purposes as stated in rule 3 are allowed in the recreational areas. People using the radio controlled airport at the County Farm may take their vehicles directly to the airport only. The airport gate must be closed when unattended. 5. No hunting, horses or pets allowed on trails from January 1 – March 31 of each calendar year. Trails during this time are for hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing only. 6. Sledding Hill is open until 10 p.m. Use Sledding Hill at your own risk. For safety reasons, the building of jumps and ramps is prohibited.</p><p>ARTICLE VII: Recreational Trails. The following rules and regulations shall apply exclusively to the Shawano County/State Recreational Trails, for the purpose of operating said recreational trails in an orderly and efficient manner. These rules are necessary to promote the safety of all persons using the recreational trails and to preserve the recreational trails in good condition. If conflicts exist between any provision of this Article and Article III, these provisions shall control. Failure to abide by the following rules and regulations may result in forfeiture.</p><p>SHAWANO COUNTY RECREATIONAL TRAIL RULES</p><p>Definitions: “Vehicle Season” means that part of the year with exact opening date to be designated by the Department Head responsible for Park Administration or the Highway/Parks Committee through notice to the public by various media sources; and applies to Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles (A.T.V.’s) as defined below. “Persons” includes any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other association of persons; and the singular number includes the plural. “Recreational Trails” means any trails owned by the Wisconsin DNR, and maintained, operated and policed by Shawano County. “Vehicle” includes Snowmobiles as defined in Sec. 340.01 (58a), Stats. And All-terrain Vehicles (A.T.V.’s) as defined in Sec. 340.01(2g), Stats.</p><p>1. Hiking and motorized wheelchairs are permitted on the State Recreational Trails year around from dawn to dusk. 2. Bicycling and horseback riding and horse drawn vehicles are permitted on the State Recreational Trails as posted when the trail conditions are suitable to sustain such use without causing damage to the trail surface to the day before the deer gun hunting season opens .Dog sledding is a permitted use on the Mountain Bay State Recreational Trails. This is a restricted use. The following conditions apply: A. Dog sleds are permitted on the trail in the A.M. daylight hours only from daybreak to noon, Monday through Friday. B. No motorized vehicles can be used with dog sleds. C. All dogs shall be tied up, caged, leashed or harnessed. D. Dog sledding is not permitted on weekends and on major holidays E. Motorized vehicles must yield the right of way to all dog sleds or dog teams. 3. No cross-country skiing is allowed on the State Recreational Trails. 4. Recreational trails or parts of them shall be closed to all persons and for any and all purposes including hiking, bicycling, snowmobiling, and ATV use when the Department Head responsible for Park Administration or the Highway/Park Committee determines that safety and other reasons require closing the trails or parts of them and proper notice is given to the Public by various media sources. 5. Police vehicles, emergency and rescue vehicles and county maintenance vehicles are permitted on the recreational trails at all times as necessary to fulfill their functions. 6. No Snowmobile may be operated on State Recreational Trails right of ways, including access points, at any time other than when the Vehicle Season is officially open. A.T.V’s are permitted on the trail when the temperature is 28F degrees or colder. Snowmobile trails must be opened for a period of one week before A.T.V’s are allowed on the trail in order to allow sufficient time to establish a base. 7. No motorized vehicle, other than a Snowmobile or All- Terrain (ATVs), or motorized wheel chair may be operated on the recreational trails or any part of them at any time, with the exception that landowners whose property is divided by the recreational trail may operate work vehicles across the recreational trail at approved crossing points as designated by Department Head responsible for Parks or the Highway/Park Committee and the State of Wisconsin. Permits for conditional use of motorized vehicles may be granted at the discretion of the person in charge of Park Administration. All vehicles must remain on the designated trail at all times. 8. No vehicle may be parked or be permitted to remain standing on any recreational trail right-of-way or any access point, unless designated as a parking area. 9. No one shall conduct or engage in racing on any part of the recreational trails including access points unless otherwise permitted by the Shawano County Hwy/Parks Department. 10. No person may camp or park any vehicle overnight within the boundaries of the recreational trails except in designated areas. 11. Trail users must obey all traffic, entrance, direction, parking, speed and exit signs. 12. No animal will be deemed to be at large if it is attached to a leash of sufficient strength to restrain the animal and not more than ten (10) feet in length where said leash is held by a person competent to govern the animal. 13. No person within the boundaries of a recreational trail shall carry, fire, discharge or have in his/her possession or under his/her control any firearm, air gun, sling shot, bow, or any device designed for shooting a projectile unless the same is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case, or any bow unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case, or have in his/her possession a trap(s) which can be used for trapping animals. No person may discharge any such devices, at, onto, across, or from within, the park boundaries. Law Enforcement Officers, or those hired for animal control, are exempt from this rule. 14. No person may construct, occupy or use any elevated scaffold or other elevated device, including portable tree stand within the boundaries of the recreational trails and designated access points. 15. No person may erect or place any object, structure, barricade, sign, notice, marker of any kind, on the recreational trails or designated access points, unless a permit has first been obtained from the Department Head responsible for Parks or the Highway/Park Committee. 16. No person may light or use fire of any kind within the boundaries of the recreational trails, including but not limited to fireworks, campfires, cooking fires or grills except in designated areas. 17. Trail hours are dawn to dusk for all users except for the snowmobile/ATV season. During that time the trails designated as open to snowmobiles and ATV’s are open 24 hours for this recreational use. 18. Any person who operates a vehicle at a speed excessive for the conditions or in excess of the posted speed on the recreational trails, including access points, shall be subject to penalties consistent with state law. 19. No person 16 and over shall use a State Recreational trail on bicycle, horseback, or horse drawn vehicle, without paying the applicable daily or annual fee. Daily passes will be available at self-registration stations or at designated vendor’s offices. An annual pass will be available at the Shawano County Clerk’s office or at designated vendor’s offices. 20. The daily receipt or annual pass for a State Recreational trail must be properly and completely filled out to be valid and must be presented to Park staff or Law Enforcement Officers upon demand. 21. No peddling or soliciting or commercial enterprise is allowed on State recreational trails unless approved by the State of Wisconsin. 22. All rubbish, garbage, and recyclables must be placed in designated receptacles. These receptacles are provided for trail visitors only. On the trail, there shall be no dumping of rubbish, garbage, or other refuse that is generated from private property. Where receptacles for rubbish are not provided, the person responsible for the rubbish shall carry all waste away from the trail.</p><p>ARTICLE VIII. Fees. The following fees shall apply to Shawano County’s public parks, campgrounds, boat landings, recreational trails, and lands which are now and will be in the future, under the control and jurisdiction of the Shawano County Highway/Park Committee. The terms “parks, campgrounds, and boat landings, recreational trails, and lands” shall include the grounds, buildings thereon, waters therein, and any other property which is now or may hereafter be under the control of said Committee.</p><p>CITATIONS AND FEES</p><p>Fee amounts shall be established by the Shawano County Highway/Parks Committee. Fee notices shall be posted at boat launch sites and trail pay stations. </p><p>ARTICLE IX. Enforcement. The park staff assigned such duties by the Highway/Parks Committee shall enforce all provisions of this ordinance. The Shawano County Sheriff’s Department along with DNR Warden’s shall also have authority to enforce this ordinance. All parties enforcing this ordinance will use county ordinance citations.</p><p>PENALTY VIOLATION. The penalty for violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be a forfeiture of $30.00 together with the cost of prosecution imposed as provided in Section 345.20 to 345.53, Wis. Stats. Except as noted below (see Forfeiture Fee).</p><p>FORFEITURE FEE ONLY. Violation of the following items will be the stated forfeiture fee only:</p><p>Improper parking on/off roadway $25.00 Parking/standing where prohibited $25.00 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in places reserved for handicapped $100.00 Failure to pay appropriate trail fee $25.00 Failure to pay appropriate boat launch fee $50.00</p><p>ARTICLE X. Collection. All fees collected under this Ordinance shall be used for park and trail maintenance. The Department of Natural Resources requires funds from trail pass sales be specifically used for trail maintenance. </p><p>All appropriate forfeitures collected by the County under this Ordinance shall be returned to the general fund.</p><p>ARTICLE XI. Severability. If any section, provision or portion of this ordinance is judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby.</p><p>ARTICLE XII. This Ordinance repeals Shawano County Ordinance 3-02. This Ordinance will be governed under Wisconsin law and will be effective upon passage and publication as required by law.</p><p>Submitted by, Marshal Giese Richard Giese Marion Wnek John Stezenski Cliff Powers James Heinz Milton Marquardt Ken Capelle Bill Letter Dennis Hartleben</p><p>HIGHWAY AND PARKS COMMITTEE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent Vote: 4 Yes; 0 No; 1 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: Minimal fiscal impact. 2 citations were issued in 2006 and 8 were issued in 2005. Increased forfeiture fee amounts would be less than $200 on an annual basis. Diane L. Rusch, Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Legal, though repeal and re-creation will cost County Clerk’s office cost of publication. Amendments to ordinance should be considered in the future. Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Support.</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator RESOLUTION 44-07</p><p>OFFICIALLY WRITING OFF DECEMBER 20, 2001 LOAN TO THE EXPO CENTER STEERING COMMITTEE</p><p>WHEREAS, the county entered into two loans with the Expo Center Steering Committee, one for $50,000 dated August 29, 2001 and another for $140,000 dated December 20, 2001; and </p><p>WHEREAS, the Committee paid the county back $80,000, which paid off the first loan and the interest from that loan as well as a portion of the second loan; and</p><p>WHEREAS, there remains a balance due of $117, 492.60 plus interest; and </p><p>WHEREAS, the Crawford Center building (formerly the Expo Center) is officially a county building and is operated thru the lease with the Agricultural Society for the operation of the fairgrounds; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Expo Center Steering Committee is now defunct and the six year statute of limitations for collection would run until December, 2007; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Finance committee has met with their auditors and legal counsel and determined that this loan is uncollectible and at this time it is best to write off the loan from the books.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, in session this 27th evening of June, 2007 that they approve the writing off of the balance of the loan in the amount of $117,492.60 plus interest made to the Expo Center Steering Committee with the contingency that the Shawano Area Agricultural Society maintain the Crawford Center building with proper leases for all of its subcontractors.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Crawford Center is not properly maintained in the future, the County Board may consider removing the building from the existing lease agreement with the Agricultural Society and may take other action to determine how the building will be operated in the future. Submitted by: Marshal Giese Rosetta Stern Arlyn Tober Jerry Erdmann Sandy Steinke FINANCE COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No, 0 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: Will be laid upon the desk Wednesday evening.</p><p>Diane L. Rusch, Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Likelihood of collection is poor, writing off loan is legal.</p><p>Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Will be laid upon the desk Wednesday evening</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 45-07</p><p>APPROVE SHAWANO COUNTY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY INSURANCE FUND </p><p>WHEREAS, after an audit conducted by the State Local Government Property Insurance Fund, it was determined that many counties in Wisconsin do not have up-to-date resolutions on file allowing the municipality to be part of the Local Government Property Insurance Fund; and</p><p>WHEREAS, after checking with the County Clerk’s office, we could find no current Local Government Property Insurance Fund resolution on file; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the State is requiring adoption of the approved State form for Shawano County to become part of the Local Government Property Insurance Fund as detailed in Chapter 605 of the Wisconsin Statutes. </p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in session this 27th evening of June, 2007, that they approve Shawano County’s participation in the State Local Government Property Insurance Fund as detailed in Chapter 605 of the Wisconsin Statutes.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board Chair and County Clerk of Shawano County be authorized to sign the attached document and return it to the State of Wisconsin. Submitted by, Marshal Giese Robert Krause Sandy Polzin Randy Young Ray Faehling ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: This updates documents - no fiscal impact. Diane L. Rusch,Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Appropriate action. Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE:</p><p>Support. Frank R. Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 46-07</p><p>AMENDING COUNTY BOARD RULE NO. 22 </p><p>WHEREAS, currently Rule 22 indicates that a County Board Supervisor attending a County Board committee, board or commission meetings will be awarded $60.00 for the first meeting, and an additional per diem of $35.00 for the second meeting, if they attend more than one meeting each day, and that the amount is limited to two per diems per day; and</p><p>WHEREAS, there are certain circumstances where a supervisor is required to attend meetings outside of the County and then have an additional County meeting in the County; and</p><p>WHEREAS, in these situations, it is more appropriate that the supervisor should receive $60.00 for the out of County meeting and $60.00 for a first Shawano County committee meeting.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in session this 27th evening of June, 2007, that they amend Rule 22 as follows:</p><p>A County Board Supervisor attending County Board sessions shall receive per diem in the amount of $65.00. Per diem for County Board Supervisors attending County Board committee, board or commission meetings will be $60.00. (This will include advisory meetings only and not social events connected to meetings.) An additional per diem of $35.00 will be paid to County Board Supervisors who attend more than one meeting each day, but not more than two per diems per day will be authorized. If a County Board member attends a meeting that is outside the City of Shawano by 10 miles or more and attends another meeting on the same day, the County Board member shall receive two full per diems. No double per diems will be issued on a County Board day for an additional County committee meeting lasting one hour or less. A Board member may receive mileage for two or more meetings in one day from home to the place of meeting, but not more than two mileage allotments per day will be authorized. </p><p>The remainder of Rule 22 remains unchanged. Submitted by, Robert Krause Marshal Giese Sandy Polzin Randy Young Ray Faehling </p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: Annual cost based on 2006 meetings would be less than $200.</p><p>Diane L. Rusch Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Change can be made with a 2/3 vote of the County Board.</p><p>Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Support.</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella Administrative Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 47-07</p><p>APPROVING CHANGES TO THE SHAWANO COUNTY RETIREES GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN DOCUMENT-EFFECTIVE 1-1-08</p><p>WHEREAS, Shawano County employees who retire may choose to remain on the County health insurance plan at their own expense; and</p><p>WHEREAS, currently there are approximately 60 retirees and family members on this plan; and</p><p>WHEREAS, Shawano County would like to inform the retirees well in advance of the medical insurance rates and changes to the medical insurance plan; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Administrative Committee has met and recommended changes to the medical insurance plan for retirees to be consistent with the plan for non-represented employees.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in session this 27th evening of June, 2007, that the following changes be made to the health insurance plan for retirees effective January 1, 2008:</p><p>1. Remove the cap from the prescription drug coverage and change the co-pay on prescription drug coverage to $10.00 generic, $15.00 formulary, and $30.00 name brand. </p><p>2. Remove Gastric By-Pass Surgery insurance coverage. </p><p>3. Single plan deductible will be increased from $200 to $500. If one participant is over 65 and one under 65, individual deductibles will be increased from the current deductible rate of $400 to $1,000.</p><p>4. Retirees will not be on the County HRA Plan.</p><p>5. Balance of the health insurance plan will remain in place. Submitted by, Marshal Giese Marshal Giese Robert Krause Rosetta Stern Sandy Polzin Arlyn Tober Randy Young Jerry Erdmann Ray Faehling Sandy Steinke</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE</p><p>Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Absent</p><p>FISCAL NOTE: The changes in the health insurance will reduce the increase in 2008 to the retirees group. Because this group is rated with the active employees group, there should be some affect on county premiums in the future. However, the fiscal impact is unknown at this time.</p><p>Diane L. Rusch, Finance Director</p><p>LEGAL NOTE: Legal.</p><p>Jeffrey S. Kuglitsch, Corporation Counsel</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Support.</p><p>Frank R. Pascarella Administrative Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 48-07</p><p>APPROVE A FARMLAND PRESERVATION AGREEMENT FOR CHARLES AND ROBERTA HENN, TOWN OF WAUKECHON </p><p>WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has established a Farmland Preservation Program which allows farmers to qualify for tax relief on their property taxes when filing with the Department of Revenue annually if they sign an agreement with the State that they will not develop their land during the contract period for purposes other than farming, and </p><p>WHEREAS, an application for such credit has been filed with the Shawano County Clerk, proper agencies have been notified and the Planning, Development and Zoning Committee has reviewed and considered the application for recommendation of approval by the County Board.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Shawano County Board of Supervisors this 27th day of June 2007 approve the following application for long term Farmland Preservation agreement. </p><p>Charles and Roberta Henn, Section 16, Town of Waukechon Entering agreement for 10 years </p><p>Submitted by: Ken Capelle Robert Krause Dennis Hartleben Kathy Luebke Jon Zwirschitz</p><p>Planning and Development Committee </p><p>VOTE: 5 yes, 0 no, 0 absent</p>
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