<p>Dr. Joseph F. Sinski</p><p>Associate Professor of Chemistry Bellarmine University</p><p>Address: Dept. of Chemistry and Physics 1508 Cadet Court Bellarmine University Louisville Kentucky 2001 Newberg Road 40222 Louisville, Kentucky 40205 </p><p>Phone: (502) 452 – 8219 (Work) (502) 339 – 9110 (Home) (502) 558 – 6277 (Cell)</p><p>Education: Ph.D. in Environmental / Analytical Chemistry (April 14, 1995). Department of Chemistry, University of Montana, Missoula. Thesis title: "Using 3-D Fluorescence and Artificial Neural Networks To Match Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water With Possible Sources" Advisor: Dr. Garon Smith.</p><p>B.S. in Chemistry 1991: Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ. </p><p>Teaching Experience:</p><p>Fall 2004</p><p>Associate Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry (2 sections)</p><p>Associate Professor of Liberal Arts Laboratory (4 sections)</p><p>Associate Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Associate Professor of Quantitative Analysis</p><p>Associate Professor of Quantitative Analysis Laboratory</p><p>Summer 2004</p><p>Organic Chemistry I, University of Louisville</p><p>Associate Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Associate Professor of Health and Household Chemistry</p><p>Recreational Blackjack, Bellarmine Continuing Education</p><p>Spring 2004 Associate Professor of Health Science Chemistry</p><p>Associate Professor of Health Science Chemistry Labs</p><p>Associate Professor of Environmental Topics (2 sections)</p><p>Associate Professor of Environmental Topics Laboratory (4 sections)</p><p>Recreational Blackjack, Bellarmine Continuing Education, (3 sections)</p><p>Fall 2003</p><p>Associate Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Associate Professor of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry</p><p>Associate Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry (2 sections)</p><p>Associate Professor of Liberal Arts Laboratory (6 sections)</p><p>Recreational Blackjack, Bellarmine Continuing Education, (3 sections)</p><p>Summer 2003</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Recreational Blackjack, Bellarmine Continuing Education, (3 sections)</p><p>Spring 2003</p><p>Assistant Professor of Instrumental Analysis</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health Science Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health Science Chemistry Labs, (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics (2 sections)</p><p>Recreational Blackjack, Bellarmine Continuing Education, (3 sections)</p><p>Fall 2002</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Laboratory (6 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Assistant Professor of Quantitative Analysis Summer 2002</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health and Household Chemistry</p><p>Spring 2002</p><p>Assistant Professor of General Chemistry, 4th semester (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health Science Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health Science Chemistry Labs</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics (2 sections)</p><p>Fall 2001</p><p>Assistant Professor of General Inorganic Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Assistant Professor of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor General Laboratories</p><p>Summer 2001</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Assistant Professor of Health and Household Chemistry</p><p>Spring 2001</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Assistant Professor of Instrumental Analysis Analysis</p><p>Assistant Professor Organic Laboratory (2 sections)</p><p>Fall 2000 Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Freshman Focus</p><p>Assistant Professor of Quantitative Analysis</p><p>Assistant Professor Quantitative Analysis Laboratory</p><p>Summer 2000</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Spring 2000</p><p>Assistant Professor of Intermediate Chemistry for Majors (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics Laboratory (3 sections)</p><p>Fall 1999</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Intermediate Chemistry Laboratory for Majors (2 sections)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry</p><p>Spring 1999</p><p>Assistant Professor of General, Organic, Biological Chemistry (Nursing)</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Assistant Professor of Instrumental Analysis</p><p>Assistant Professor of Instrumental Laboratory, 2 sections</p><p>Fall 1998</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Quantitative Analysis</p><p>Summer 1998</p><p>Assistant Professor of General / Organic / Biological Chemistry Nursing Spring 1998</p><p>Assistant Professor of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry</p><p>Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors</p><p>Assistant Professor of Environmental Topics</p><p>Fall 1997</p><p>Assistant Professor of General / Organic / Biological / Chemistry Nursing</p><p>Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Chemistry</p><p>Summer 1997</p><p>Assistant Professor of General / Organic / Biological / Chemistry Nursing</p><p>Assistant Professor of General Chemistry / Majors</p><p>Fall 1995 – Spring 1997</p><p>Full Time Adjunct Professor of General Inorganic Chemistry / Carroll College / fall 1995 to spring 1997, each semester.</p><p>Full Time Adjunct Professor of Quantitative Analysis / Carroll College / spring 1996 and spring 1997</p><p>Full Time Adjunct Professor of Organic Chemistry / Carroll College / Summer 1996 / (This was a seven week course that had 3 hour a day lectures and 1 hour a day laboratory. It covered the material for the normal full year sequence.)</p><p>Fall 1991 – Spring 1995</p><p>Graduate Student TA for General Chemistry Lab (Organic and Inorganic) / College Chemistry Fall, 1991 - spring, 1994 (University of Montana) </p><p>Graduate Student Tutor (300 - 500 student sections), and Grading Coordinator for General Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic) fall, 1992 - spring 1996 (University of Montana)</p><p>Fall 1989 – Spring 1991</p><p>Graduate Student TA for General Chemistry Lab (Organic and Inorganic) fall 1989 - Spring 1991 (Stockton State College, Pomona New Jersey) Committee Experience:</p><p>Academic Safety Officer, Fall 2005 to Present</p><p>Institutional Review Board Fall 2004 to Present (Past Chair Fall 2004 – Fall 2005)</p><p>Institutional Biosafety Committee, Chair Dr. Mary Huff, Fall 2004 to Present</p><p>Bellarmine Animal Care and Use Committee, Chair Dr. Steven Wilt, Fall 2004 to Present</p><p>Pre-Medical Committee of Bellarmine University. Fall 1998 to Present.</p><p>Search committee member for biochemistry faculty position, Bellarmine University Fall 2003 to Spring 2005.</p><p>Student Affairs Committee; Chair: Dr. Pam Carter, Fall 2000 – Spring 2002</p><p>Awards & Honors Committee; Chair: Marilyn Staples, fall 1998 – Fall 2001</p><p>Academic Resources Committee, Bellarmine College, Chair; Dr. Cathy Sutton, Spring 1998 – Fall 1999</p><p>Helena High School Science Laboratory Extension Building Committee</p><p>Search committee member for physical chemistry faculty position (Carroll College) Fall, 1996.</p><p>Search committee member for analytical chemistry faculty position (University of Montana) Fall, 1994 - Spring 1995. </p><p>Member, Student Evaluation Committee (to evaluate faculty) Fall, 1992 Spring 1995</p><p>Service Experience:</p><p>Academic Safety Officer, Bellarmine University, Past Certified OSHA Hazardous Waste Operator (40-hour course in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. MSDS Storage, Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan, Chemical Hygiene Plan, Building Emergency Action Plan for Specific Buildings, IRB, Animal Care Committee, Biosafety Committee)</p><p>Research Week Organizer and Web Site Developer, Spring 2000 to Present</p><p>Research and Instrumental Skills: Wet Chemical: Gravimetric analysis, volumetric analysis, synthetic experience</p><p>Instrumental: Potentiometry, coulometry, voltammetry, ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, infrared spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, x-ray diffraction, quadrupole mass spectrometry, computer interfacing, neural networking, general radioactive work.</p><p>Professional Association Memberships:</p><p>American Chemical Society</p><p>References:</p><p>Dr. John Christenson (Biochemist) (Department Chair) Department of Chemistry and Biology Carroll College 1601 North Benton Av. Helena, MT 59625 (406) 447 - 4461 (Office) / (406) 458 - 5522 (Home) [email protected]</p><p>Dr. Garon Smith (Ph.D. Advisor) Department of Chemistry University of Montana Missoula, MT 59812 (406) 243-4269 (Office) / (406) 728-4668 (Home) [email protected]</p><p>Richard J. Wittebort Department of Chemistry (Vice Chair) University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 (502) 852-6613 fax: (502) 852-8149 [email protected]</p><p>Ziling (Ben) Xue Department of Chemistry University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 (865) 974-3443; Fax: (865) 974-3454 [email protected]</p><p>Publications:</p><p>1. Cheri W. Clavier, D. Lynn Rodman, Joseph F. Sinski, Leonardo R. Allain, Hee-Jung Im, Yihui Yang, Jason C. Clark and Zi-Ling Xue. “A method for the preparation of transparent mesoporous silica sol–gel monoliths containing grafted organic functional groups”: Journal of Materials Chemistry. Volume 15(24), 2005, 2356 – 2361.</p><p>2. Sinski, J.F.; Compton, B.S.; Nicoson, M.C.; Perkins, B.S. “Using 3-D Fluorescence’s Red Shift Cascade Effect to Monitor Mycobacterium PRY- 1 Degradation of Aged Petroleum”: Applied Spectroscopy, Volume 58, Number 1, 2004, 91 – 95.</p><p>3. Sinski, J.F.; Smith, G.C.; Smith, J. “Using Artificial Neural Networks to Determine Contaminant Sources”: Scientific Computing & Instrumentation, August 2001.</p><p>4. Smith, G.C.; Sinski, J.F. "The Red Shift Cascade, Investigations into the Wavelength Dependent Shifts in 3-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra of Petroleum Samples": Applied Spectroscopy, Volume 53, Number 11, 1999, 1459 – 1469.</p><p>Conference Presentations:</p><p>1. Preparation and Characterization of Fibrous Protein Polypeptides, Bradley Compton, Joseph Sinski, Bellarmine University, Eduard Chekmenev, Richard Wittebort, University of Louisville, 225th National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education, New Orleans, March 23rd 2003.</p><p>2. Optical Ion Sensor, Ziling Xue, University of Tennessee, Cheri Clavier, Yihui Yang, Joseph Sinski, Lynn Rodmen, Alicia Vogt, Hee-Jung Im American Chemical Society, South East Regional Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 26th – 30th, 2001.</p><p>3. Optical Ion Sensor, Cheri Clavier, University of Tennessee, Joseph F. Sinski, Hee-Jung Im, Ziling Ben Xue, The Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA March 4-9, 2001</p><p>4. "The Red-Shift Cascade: Investigations into the concentration dependent wavelength shifts in 3-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra of Petroleum Samples" J.F.Sinski, G.C. Smith. American Chemical Society, South East Regional Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 17th – 20th, 1999.</p><p>5. “Investigations into the Concentration Dependent, Local Maxima of Azulene’s 3-D Fluorescence Spectra” M.Moses, J. Jull, J. Sinski. American Chemical Society, South East Regional Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 17th – 20th, 1999.</p><p>6. Served as Chair of the Environmental Chemistry Section, American Chemical Society, South East Regional Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 17th – 20th, 1999. 7. "Use of 3-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy for PAH Screening," Garon C. Smith, Ted J. Christian and Joseph F. Sinski, American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 30, 1993.</p><p>8. "Effect of Solvent and Extraction Time in 3-Dimensional Fluorescence Screening of PAH Mixtures," Garon C. Smith, Brandie A. Theisen and Joseph F. Sinski, American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 30, 1993. </p><p>9. "Using 3-D Fluorescence and Artificial Neural Networks to Match Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water with Possible Sources" J.F.Sinski. Presented before the 1994 Montana University System Water Resources Center and Montana Section American Water Resources Association, Missoula, MT, October 13 - 14, 1994.</p><p>Scholarships/Awards/Grants Received:</p><p>KBRIN (Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network) Collaborative Grant awarded 3 consecutive summers, 2002-2004.</p><p>Preliminary research was performed on sol-gel preparation and kinetic studies of metal ion uptake at the University of Tennessee's NSF Research Opportunity Award Program, summer 1999.</p><p>1st Place Student Paper Competition, American Water Resources Association, Missoula, MT, October 14, 1994</p><p>Howard-Fuson Memorial Scholarship, Summers 1992, 1993, 1994</p><p>Workshops Attended:</p><p>Parker Palmer Courage to Teach Conferences Series. Two-year commitment, 2002 - 2003.</p><p>Nuclear and Radiochemistry in the Chemistry Curriculum Workshop. Administered by J.D. Robertson and E.W. Kleppinger. Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, summer 1997.</p>
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