<p>Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 1</p><p>Ocean color climatology of chlorophyll at DGoMB stations in 1998, 1999, and 2000 and its use as a proxy for POC flux to the seabed</p><p>Douglas C. Biggs1, Andrew W. Remsen2, Chuanmin Hu2, and Frank E. Müller-Karger2</p><p>1Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, 77843 2College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St Petersburg FL 33701</p><p>The amount of particulate organic carbon (POC) reaching the seabed is determined by the annual primary production in near surface waters, less losses from grazing and/or remineralization in the water column. Because primary production covaries as the time rate of change in phytoplankton biomass in near surface waters, we compiled time series of variations in chlorophyll (CHL) at each of the DGoMB stations from SeaWiFS ocean color data. These data were generated with the SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) software version 2. Comparison with field measurements in the NEGOM for 1998 and 1999 shows that for deep waters the uncertainties at any individual location are generally within 35% unless significant river plume intrusion is found, and for larger areas the average uncertainties are much smaller (Hu et al., 2003). </p><p>During DGoMB Year Two, all available SeaWiFS imagery for the Gulf of Mexico for 1998 and 1999 was composited biweekly to produce a 2 year time series of 26 biweekly means per year x 2 years = 52 biweekly averages. The mean CHL in the first optical depth at each of the 43 DGoMB stations was then computed for each biweekly interval, as the mean of a 5 pixel x 5 pixel grid centered on the pixel closest to the specified Lat+Lon location of each DGoMB station. The choice of multi-pixel average rather than single-pixel value is to remove residual digitization-noise errors (Hu et al., 2001). This biweekly averaging was first done with SeaWiFS data with pixel resolution of 4.1 km 2.8 km, making the effective area around each DGoMB station that was being averaged at each biweekly interval about 287 km2. The results are reported in a DGOMB Interim Report (section 5.3.2 in: Rowe and Kennicutt, in press). But for this ITM presentation, the biweekly averaging has now been done a second time, using not just two but three years of ocean color data 1998, 1999, and 2000, and with the high-resolution SeaWiFS data set which has about 1 km x 1 km pixel resolution. For the averages we will present today, the area around each DGoMB station has been focused to about 25 km2. Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 2</p><p>CHL in the first optical depth in the deepwater GOM undergoes a well-defined seasonal cycle which is generally synchronous throughout the region. Müller-Karger et al. (1991) reviewed monthly climatologies of near-surface phytoplankton pigment concentration from multiyear series of coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) images for the period 1978-1985. They reported that highest near-surface pigment concentration (CHL+phaeopigment) occurs between December and February and lowest values occur between May and July. For deep waters the CZCS pigment is dominated by CHL, not by phaeopigment. There is only about 3-fold variation between the lowest (~0.06 mg m-3) and highest (0.2 mg m-3) deepwater near-surface pigmentCHL, however. Model simulations show that the single most important factor controlling the seasonal cycle in near-surface CHL concentration is the depth of the mixed layer (Walsh et al, 1989). Müller-Karger et al (1991) concluded that because of this dependence, annual cycles of algal biomass are one or more months out of phase relative to the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature. Subsequent study of CZCS imagery by Melo-Gonzalez et al (2000), who looked at three-month averages, has reinforced this conclusion. </p><p>Not surprisingly, then, the annual cycle of CHL at the deepest stations (water depth > 2 km) shows the high-in-winter, low-in-summer pattern previously reported from analysis of the CZCS archives by Müller-Karger et al (1991). The annual cycle of CHL at the Western Stations (W1- W6) and at the Lousiana Slope Stations (the cluster of 9 stations between 93oW and 91oW) also shows this “deepwater” pattern. Moreover, the annual cycle of CHL at the Far Western Stations (RW1-RW6) generally follows the “deepwater” pattern, but there are several periods of the year in which CHL at the shallower stations (RW1 and RW2) exceeds 0.5 mg m-3. Not all of this high CHL signal occurs November-February.</p><p>East of 91oW, the typical “deepwater” annual cycle in CHL is swamped by unusually high summertime CHL. In summers 1998, 1999, and 2000, warm slope eddies (WSEs) that were centered over DeSoto Canyon acted to entrain low salinity, high CHL “green water” from the Mississippi River and transport this plume seaward into deepwater. As a result, high surface CHL in summertime was evident at all DGoMB stations on the Mississippi Trough Transect (MT1-MT6), and at the 3 stations farthest upslope along the Central Transect (C1, C7, C4), and Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 3 at the 3 stations farthest upslope along theDeSoto Canyon Transect (S35, S36, S37). High summertime CHL was evident, as well, at 3 of the stations along the Eastern Transect (S44, S43, S42).</p><p>How much of the primary production from surface waters reaches the seabed? In the central and western deepwater GOM, the standing stocks and biological productivity of the plant and animal communities living in the upper part of the water column are also in general those that might be expected in a nutrient-limited ecosystem. In the late 1960s, as part of a review of plankton productivity of the world ocean, Soviet scientists characterized the deepwater GOM as very low in standing plankton biomass, with mean primary productivity of just 100-150 mg C m-2 d-1 (Koblenz-Mishke et al, 1970). A few years later, extensive surveys of phytoplankton chlorophyll and primary production that span the period 1964-1971 were summarized by El-Sayed (1972) in atlas format, as averages within 2o squares of latitude and longitude. These atlas maps show that surface CHL generally ranges 0.06 - 0.32 mg m-3 in deepwater central and western GOM. There is usually a subsurface "deep chlorophyll maximum" (DCM) within which concentrations are 2-3 fold higher, and so the atlas reported that CHL in deepwater could reach 21 mg m-2 when integrated from the surface to the base of the photic zone. Most values, though, ranged 5-17 mg m-2 where water depth was > 2 km (El-Sayed 1972). Low values of primary production (< 0.25 mg C m-3 h-1) are typical for surface waters at the majority of the oceanic stations in this atlas, equivalent to < 10 mg C m-2 h-1 when integrated from the surface to the base of the photic zone. If there are on average 12 hours of sunlight per day, this rate is equivalent to < 120 mg C m-2 d-1 and so is in good agreement with the characterization by Koblenz-Mishke et al (1970). Allowing for primary production to proceed 300 days a year in the GOM because of its subtropical climate, this rate of primary productivity is < 36 g C m-2 y--1. As a consequence the deepwater GOM is usually placed at the low end of the estimated range of 50-160 g C m-2 y--1 that is generally accepted for the annual gross primary production in open-ocean ecosystems (Smith and Hollibaugh, 1993).</p><p>If on average 10% of the primary production sinks out of the photic zone, and if 3-10% of this flux in turn reaches the seabed, then at a typical deepwater location just 100-360 mg C m-2 y--1 might reach the benthos. However, productivity in “hot spots” of locally higher nutrient Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 4 concentrations over the continental slope can be more than an order of magnitude higher than the typical 100-150 mg C m-2 d-1 (Biggs and Ressler, 2001). For example, Gonzalez-Rodas (1999) documented 14C uptake of > 2 g C m-2 d-1 in the northern margins of two deepwater eddies interacting with the continental slope of the central Gulf of Mexico. When/where such eddy interactions with the slope are common, as they appear to be in DeSoto Canyon during summertime, we suggest that POC flux to the seabed at these locations is likely to be significantly greater than the deepwater average of 100-360 mg C m-2 y-1. In fact, most of the stations along central and eastern DGoMB transects C, MT, and S probably have substantially higher-than-average POC input rates. </p><p>References</p><p>Biggs, D.C., and P.H. Ressler. 2001. Distribution and abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and micronekton in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Mex. Sci. 19: 7-35.</p><p>El-Sayed, S.Z. 1972. Primary productivity and standing crop of phytoplankton. pp 8-13, in: V.C. Bushnell (Editor), Chemistry, Primary Productivity, and Benthic Algae of the Gulf of Mexico. American Geographical Society, New York.</p><p>Gonzalez-Rodas, G.E. 1999. Physical Forcing of Primary Productivity in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. PhD dissertation, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 149 pp.</p><p>Hu, C., K. L. Carder, and F. E. Muller-Karger, F. 2001. How precise are SeaWiFS ocean color estimates? Implications of digitization-noise errors. Remote Sensing of Environment, 76:239- 249.</p><p>Hu, C., F. E. Muller-Karger, D. C. Biggs, K. L. Carder, B. Nababan, D. Nadeau, and J. Vanderbloemen. 2003. Comparison of ship and satellite bio-optical measurements on the continental margin of the NE Gulf of Mexico. Int. J. Remote. Sens. 24:2597-2612.</p><p>Koblenz-Mishke, O.J., V.K. Volkovinsky, and J.C. Kabanova. 1970. Plankton primary production of the world ocean. In: W.W. Wooster (Editor), Scientific Exploration of the South Pacific, National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., pp. 183-193.</p><p>Melo-Gonzalez, N., F.E. Müller-Karger, S. Cerdeira-Estrada, R. Perez de los Reyes, I Victoria del Rio, P. Cardenas Perez, and I. Mitrani-Arenal. 2000. Near-surface phytoplankton distribution in the western Intra-Americas Sea: The influence of El Nino and weather events. J. Geophys. Res. 105: 14029-14043. Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 5</p><p>Müller-Karger, F.E., J.J. Walsh, R.H. Evans, and M.B. Meyers. 1991. On the seasonal phytoplankton concentration and sea surface temperature cycles of the Gulf of Mexico as determined by satellites. J. Geophys. Res. 96:12,645-12,665.</p><p>Rowe, G.T., and M.C. Kennicutt II (Editors), in press. Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitats and Benthic Ecology Study. Year 2 Interim Report. OCS Study MMS 200X-xx. U.S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. xxx pp. </p><p>Smith, S., and J.T. Hollibaugh. 1993. Coastal metabolism and the oceanic organic carbon balance. Rev. Geophys. 31:75-89.</p><p>Walsh, J.J., D.A. Dieterle, M.B. Meyers, and F.E. Müller-Karger, Nitrogen exchange at the continental margin: A numerical study of the Gulf of Mexico. Prog. Oceanogr., 23, 248-301, 1989.</p><p>Supporting Figure</p><p>Figure 1: Three year climatology of SeaWiFS ocean color data shows that annual maxima in CHL concentration at continental margin stations along DGoMB Eastern Transect (S stations, top panel) reach higher concentrations and are often out of phase with those in the deepwater western Gulf of Mexico (bottom panel).</p><p>Authors</p><p>Douglas Biggs is Professor and Chair of the 6-person Biological Oceanography faculty at TAMU. In addition to his service as a co-PI on DGoMB, Biggs was a co-PI on MMS-sponsored NEGOM-COH and GulfCet-II projects and he is presently working to define the oceanographic habitat of cetaceans in the NE Gulf of Mexico as part of an interagency MMS-NOAA-ONR study known as the Sperm Whales and Acoustic Monitoring Program (SWAMP).</p><p>Andrew Remsen is a PhD candidate at the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida. His research includes the development and application of novel optical instrumentation to study zooplankton processes, investigation of mesoscale processes such as Mississippi River discharge and eddies on biological productivity in the Gulf of Mexico and the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton grazing on the West Florida Shelf.</p><p>Chuanmin Hu is a research assistant professorscientist and Executive Director of the Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (IMaRS) at the College of Marine Science University of South Florida. He has participated in the NASA sponsored SIMBIOS and MMS-sponsored NEGOM projects. He is working on ocean color remote sensing in coastal waters and is principle investigator on several NASA and USGS funded projects to study river plumes and estuaries.</p><p>Frank Muller-Karger is Professor and Director of IMaRS at the College of Marine Science University of South Florida. Muller-Karger's research focuses on primary production in the sea, Biggs et al, for 9 Jan 02 MMS-ITM 6 and he uses remote sensing (ocean color, SST, SSH) to study the importance of continental margins, including areas of upwelling and river discharge in the global carbon budget.</p>
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