<p>Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 20th FEBRUARY 2014 in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.</p><p>PRESENT</p><p>Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr</p><p>Councillors: Dr. Michael Blyth Richard Perry John Harrison</p><p>Officers: Laurie Wiebe </p><p>Members of Public: two District Councillors: Bryan Harker, Alan Cheshire Police: None Other Representatives: Leanne Hinton (MDC), Taiwo Ajayi (MDC Sports Development Officer)</p><p>In the Chair: Prof. Lew Schnurr</p><p>13/336 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllrs. Edwards, Dobson, Gentry and District Cllrs. Alan Cheshire and Bryan Harker.</p><p>RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.</p><p>13/337 Chairman’s Announcements There were no announcements.</p><p>13/338 Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th January 2014 were received. </p><p>The minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 6th February 2014 were received. Cllr. Dr. Blyth suggested an amendment to minute 13/319 to further distinguish between Mr. Brown and Mr. Steve Brown.</p><p>The minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on 13th February 2014 were received.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that the:-</p><p>160 i) Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th January 2014 be approved and confirmed. ii) Minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 6th February 2014 be approved and confirmed as amended.</p><p>13/339 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests None.</p><p>13/340 Public Participation Session Mark Brumby and Christopher Livingstone both expressed their continued interest in co-option.</p><p>13/341 Doorstep Youth Project i) Members received a presentation from Leanne Hinton and Taiwo Ajayi regarding the Doorstep Youth Project.</p><p>It was reported that the Doorstep Youth Club is a National initiative that began in London. The primary focus of the clubs is to provide structured sport activity in areas that are deprived and/or have a high concentration of youth. The initiative includes Active Maldon and Essex Boys and Girls Club who will deliver the programmes as well as recruit volunteer leaders. As to the sports being offered, various taster sessions will be given.</p><p>It was noted that the Parish Council would be asked to help identify local volunteers, provide the facilities and carry out a small amount of administration. </p><p>Funding for the Doorstep Youth Project will be a joint effort with MOAT, MDC Youth Council, Police Crime Commissioner (PCC), MDC Community Safety Partnership. The current position is that main funding will be sought from the PCC. It was noted that there are other funding options available for long term sustainability that could be bid for. </p><p>Cllr. Dr. Blyth inquired who would be in control and ultimately responsible. Both MDC officers confirmed that Essex Boys and Girls Club will take lead, however it was noted that long-term all of those involved will take a part. It was noted that Mr. Ajayi will also engage with all those involved. </p><p>It was noted that the coaches will be registered with Essex Boys and Girls Club and will have had all relevant security checks and training. </p><p> ii) Members considered submitting a funding bid to Police Crime Commissioner Fund and making a contribution of facilities for the project. It was suggested that the room hire fees would equate to approximately £600. It was noted that the fees could go towards </p><p>161 booking the Essex County Council Youth Bus or alternative venue should Plantation Hall not be available.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council will support the Doorstep Youth Club initiative and agreed to submit the Police Crime Commissioner Fund bid for Club. </p><p>13/342 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report A report was received from District Cllr. Bryan Harker. Cllr. Harker reported that:- - A one off maintenance event is due to take place on 24 and 25 February 2014 along the section of watercourse between no.9 Wagtail Drive and approximately No.21 Mayland Close which will include maintenance works to the highway culvert beneath Coopers Avenue. Essex County Council will be leading this project with assistance from MDC highways and park rangers. This is a good opportunity for the residents of Heybridge and a good example of partnership working. - The local plan deadline for submitting the pre-submission replies approaches.</p><p>13/343 Planning</p><p>(a) Planning applications RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-</p><p> i) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/00018 PP-03121413 Proposal: Proposed single storey side extension with internal alterations. Location: 7 Blackwater Close, Heybridge SUPPORT</p><p> ii) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/00082 Proposal: Erection of greenhouse. Glazed aluminium structure positioned 15.8m to the north-east of the eastern elevation of the house. Location: Heybridge Mill House, Anchor Lane, Heybridge SUPPORT</p><p> iii) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/00084 Proposal: Front bay window extension. Location: 4 The Orchard, Heybridge SUPPORT</p><p>162 iii) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/01011 PP-02969039 Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and change of use to residential comprising the erection of 48 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure and landscaping. Location: Bridge House, Hall Road, Heybridge AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED It was agreed that the original Objection comments be sustained.</p><p>13/344 Report from the Clerk A report was received by Members. </p><p>Members received a list of correspondence which is on deposit in the Office.</p><p>Members noted that there are 37 regular hiring groups using Plantation Hall facilities.</p><p>Members considered purchasing a photo board which would be located in place of the existing board in Plantation Hall corridor for £203.50 + VAT.</p><p>The Clerk organised a tour of the chapel in Heybridge Cemetery which took place on Tuesday 4th February 2014. Cllrs. Edwards, Prof. Schnurr, Dobson and Dr. Blyth attended.</p><p>The Clerk has reported to the Environment Agency the condition of their fence located at Elizabeth Way Amenity Area.</p><p>The Clerk met with the Park Rangers on 31st January 2014 who reported that there continues to be a dog mess problem in the playing field.</p><p>Members considered the request from Farleigh Hospice for permission to use Daisy Meadow Car Park on Sunday 11th May 2014 for their Annual Walk for Life.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that:- i) The photoboard for the main corridor in Plantation Hall be purchased for £203.50 + VAT; ii) Farleigh Hospice be granted permission to use Daisy Meadow Car Park on Sunday 11th May 2014 for their Annual Walk for Life.</p><p>13/345 Consultations and Policies Members considered adopting the:- i) Amended Standing Orders; ii) Council’s Whistleblowing Policy; iii) Council’s Dignity at Work/Harassment Policy; iv) Council’s Equality Policy;</p><p>163 v) Council’s Flexible Working Policy; vi) Council’s Maternity Leave Policy; vii) Council’s Parental Leave Policy; viii) Council’s Paternity Leave Policy; ix) Council’s Time off for Dependents Policy; x) Council’s Adoption Leave Policy; xi) Council’s Gifts and Hospitality Policy; xii) Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy; xiii) Council’s Alcohol and Drug Use Policy; xiv) Amended Council’s System of Internal Control; xv) Council’s CCTV Policy; xvi) Reviewed the Council’s Budget Committee Terms of Reference; xvii) Reviewed the Council’s Personnel Committee Terms of Reference.</p><p>Members considered submitting a response to MDC on the pre- submission LDP consultation. The Chairman noted that this will be discussed under a later agenda item.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that:- i) The amended Standing Orders be adopted; ii) Members received the remaining policies as listed above and that they be subject to the procedure outlined in standing order 72 and will, subject to the submission of written proposals for alteration and subsequent approval, be adopted at the next Parish Council meeting. </p><p>13/346 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects</p><p>(a) Property Matters – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards A report was received.</p><p>Members considered seeking quotes to paint the Claydon Room, Kitchen and Main Entrance Door. </p><p>Members received a quotation for the supply and installation of 3 static timber bollards and 2 collapsible bollards at the far entrance to King George V Playing Field for £180.00.</p><p>Members received a quotation for the relocation of the bench and litter bin currently located along the hedge of the Playing Field to a position nearer the youth shelter for £350.00.</p><p>Members received a quotation to repair the youth shelter roof for £80.</p><p>Members received a quotation to supply and install three litter bins; one in the Larch Walk Amenity Area, one in the Rowan Drive</p><p>164 Amenity Area, and one bin next to the bench at the corner of Lawling Avenue and Goldhanger Road for £1479.00.</p><p>Members received a quotation to move the anchor pins of the swing set from the impact surfacing at Elizabeth Way Children’s Play Area for £60.00</p><p>It was RESOLVED that:- i) Quotations be sought to paint the Claydon Room, Kitchen and Main Entrance door; ii) The quotation to supply and install 3 static timber bollards and 2 collapsible bollards at the far entrance to the Playing Field for £180 be approved; iii) The quotation to relocate the bench and litter bin within the Playing Field for £350 be approved; iv) The quotation to repair the roof of the youth shelter for £80 be approved; v) The quotation to supply and install three litter bins for £1479 be approved; vi) The quotation to move the anchor pins of the swing set from the impact surfacing at Elizabeth Way Children’s Play Area for £60 be approved.</p><p>(b) Footpath Signage – Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr Members received a report from Cllr. Prof. Schnurr. There were no further developments to report.</p><p>(c) Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Tina Gentry The Clerk reported that a meeting had taken place with Cllrs. Edwards and Gentry to draft the next edition of the Herald. This draft has been submitted to the printers. The anticipated date of printing is mid to late March 2014. </p><p>(d) Risk Management – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards No report was received.</p><p>(e) Basin Matters–Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr Members received a report from Cllr. Prof. Lew Schnurr. The Chairman noted that the entrance to Daisy Meadow Car Park was in need of repair. The Chairman also noted that there were three potholes in the car park. </p><p>The Clerk reported that Members will be considering the quotations to fix the car park at the next full Council meeting. </p><p>(f)Grants Working Group No meeting had taken place. </p><p>165 13/347 Financial Matters (a) Accounts for Payment</p><p>The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –</p><p>B Hall £4.50 Reimbursement mileage January 2014 4201 L Wiebe £14.40 Reimbursement mileage January 2014 4201 C Searle £20.00 Hire deposit refund re 14 February 2014 2301 J S Malone £50.00 Hire deposit refund re 16 February 2014 2301 N Percy £156.94 Cleaner wages for month February 2014 3101 Essex Pension Pension Contribution re month February Fund £673.12 2014 3101 Training 13/2/14 and Good Councillor EALC £53.00 Guide 4801/4601 Water for Work & Home Ltd. £42.60 Water supply 2501 Green Recycling Waste collection for month January 2014 Ltd. £28.75 at Plantation Hall 2201 Grounds maintenance for month January K Locke £165.00 2014 3001 Maldon District Park Ranger Service October to Decem- Council £1413.24 ber 2013 1201 Maldon District Grounds Maintenance service October to Council £2377.74 December 2013 1201 Stationery and Equipment Supplies for Office Is Ltd. £750.05 Plantation Hall 4501/4601 SLCC Enterprises Ltd. £264.00 Conference 28/2 – 1/3/14 4801 Stephensons of Essex Ltd. £572.00 Bus service for month January 2014 1375 Supply of Halogen lamps for Plantation Angela Hall £85.86 Hall 2501 Danbury Electrical £345.60 Replace light fittings in the toilets 2401 Nicholas Percival £840.00 Amenity Land Valuations 3701 Essex & Suffolk Monthly payment re water supply at Water £58.46 Plantation Hall 2201 Southern Electric £118.15 Monthly payment re Street Lighting 3601</p><p>RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.</p><p>(b) Statement of Accounts Members received an updated statement of accounts.</p><p>(c) Monthly bank reconciliation Members received the monthly bank reconciliation for January 2014.</p><p>(d) Plantation Hall Hire Charges 2014/2015 Members considered increasing the hire charges for 2014/2015 by either 50p or £1 per hour.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that Plantation Hall scale of charges for 2014/2015 be increased by £1 per hour. </p><p>166 (e) Maldon Cricket Club Members considered advertising in the Maldon Cricket Club 2014 season book and sponsor a matchball for £105.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that the advertising in the Maldon Cricket Club 2014 season book and matchball sponsor for £105 be approved.</p><p>(f) Heybridge and Langford Parish magazine Members considered donating to the magazine towards the running costs of the monthly publication.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that the Council will donate £100 towards the running costs of the monthly PCC publication.</p><p>13/348 Highways and Environment Matters (a) Report from the Tree Warden No report received. </p><p>Cllr. Harrison noted that the trees along the canal and Freshwater Close were damaged.</p><p>It was agreed that the Clerk inform the MDC tree officer regarding the condition of the trees along the canal.</p><p>(b) Public Rights of Way Warden Members received a report from the PRoW Warden.</p><p>Cllr. Harrison reported that the footpath that runs over his land is not footpath number 48. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Harrison will investigate and clarify the footpath number that runs over his land.</p><p>(c) Emergency Parish Co-ordinator The Chairman reported that he has spoken to Essex County Councillor Rodney Bass who has confirmed the importance of having street lights on during flood alerts within the flood area 3. </p><p>Members considered adopting the Community Emergency Plan and considered all Members joining the Parish Emergency Team. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that the Community Emergency Plan be received and subject to Standing Order Number 72 will stand as adopted at the next full Council meeting. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that all Members join the Parish Emergency Team.</p><p>167 (d) Members received a letter from Essex County Council Minerals & Waste Planning regarding their new website.</p><p>13/349 Langford and Ulting Boundary Change Members received a letter from Langford and Ulting Parish Council regarding the proposed boundary change. </p><p>A map showing the properties requesting the boundary change was distributed to Members. </p><p>Cllr. Harrison noted that the letter does not answer what are the benefits to the boundary change. </p><p>Members discussed a response to the letter. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write a response to Langford and Ulting Parish Council noting receipt of the letter and that the Council is heavily involved in the current Local Development Plan proposed development and do feel it is not appropriate to debate or consider the boundary change at this time.</p><p>13/350 Reports from Committees a) Planning Committee i. Members received a report from the Chairman. ii. The Chairman reported that a working group was formed to draft the responses to the LDP Pre-Submission Consultation Document. The working group met on 13th February and drafted the response to the first question. iii. The Chairman proposed that an extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting be held to finish drafting the response to the Pre-Submission Consultation Document. iv. The Chairman reported that a Heybridge Residents Meeting was to be held on Sunday 23 February 2014. The Chairman asked for leave to speak on behalf of the Council at the meeting.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that: i) An extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting be held on Monday 3rd March 2014; ii) Cllr. Prof. Schnurr be granted leave to speak on behalf of the Parish Council at the Residents meeting.</p><p> b) Events Committee i. Members received a report from Cllr. Gentry. </p><p>168 The Clerk asked Members to submit suggestions of local charities which proceeds from the Community Festival can be given at the next Council meeting.</p><p> c) Budget Committee There was nothing new to report.</p><p>13/351 Reports from Outside Committees and Training a) (i) Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives Meeting (Rep Cllr. Prof Schnurr)</p><p>Cllr. Prof. Schnurr noted that the next meeting of the Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives was to be held on 6th June 2014. </p><p>The Bus Service 288 numbers for January 2014 were 105.</p><p>(ii) Elms Farm Park Friends Group & Oak Tree Meadow No report was received.</p><p>(iii) Health Matters (Rep Cllr. Prof. Schnurr) Nothing new to report.</p><p>13/352 Training Notifications Members received training notifications from the EALC and Essex County Council.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that:- i) Cllrs. Harrison and Perry to attend the Code of Conduct course on 20th March 2014 for £45 per delegate; ii) Cllrs. Harrison and Dr. Blyth to attend the Essex Community Energy Seminary on 25th March 2014.</p><p>13/353 Future meetings The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6th March 2014 at 7.30pm.</p><p>The next meeting of the Events Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 13th March 2014 at 7.30pm.</p><p>The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20th March 2014 at 7:30pm.</p><p>The meeting closed at 9:29pm.</p><p>Chairman 20th March 2014</p><p>169</p>
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