<p> WINDSOR PARK</p><p>AFTERSCHOOL CARE</p><p>PROGRAM</p><p>SOCIETY</p><p>PARENT HANDBOOK Revised: May 2015</p><p>1 2 Windsor Park After School Care Program Society Parent Handbook</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION...... 5 A. Overview/Location...... 6 B. Goals...... 6 C. Philosophy...... 7 2. ADMISSION AND PROCEDURE POLICIES...... 8 A. Admittance to the Program...... 8 Age requirement...... 8 Application and registration process...... 8 Prioritization...... 8 B. Hours and days of operation...... 9 C. Delivery and pick-up procedures...... 9 D. Child Custody...... 9 E. Late policy...... 9 F. Partnerships with Families / Communications...... 10 G. Range of care provided...... 10 H. Fees and subsidy...... 12 I. Withdrawal, Temporary or Extended Leave...... 13 J. Termination...... 13 K. Absenteeism...... 13 L. Illness, injury, medication...... 14 M. Immunization...... 14 N. Head Lice ……………………………………………………………………. 14 O. Lunches...... 15 P. Emergency information and procedures...... 15 Q. Transportation...... 15 R. Field Trips...... 16 S. Privacy...... 16 3. PROGRAMMING...... 16 4. DAILY SCHEDULES...... 16 A. Typical School Day Program...... 16 B. Typical Non-School Day Schedule...... 17 5. CHILD GUIDANCE POLICY...... 17 A. Belief and method...... 17 B. Expectations of behaviour and conduct...... 18 C. Student plan of action...... 18 D. Bullying...... 18 6. GENERAL INFORMATION...... 18 A. Clothing...... 18 B. Shoes...... 19 C. Cubbies...... 19 D. Dangerous Toys...... 19 E. Snacks...... 19 3 F. Birthdays...... 19 G. Movies and Electronic Games...... 19 H. Optional programs and lessons...... 20 I. Club (a program for the older children)...... 20 7. ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION...... 20 A. History of the program...... 20 B. Windsor Park After School Care Program Society...... 20 C. Staff List...... 21 D. Staff Qualifications...... 21 E. Staff/Child Ratio...... 21 F. Insurance Information...... 21 G. Fund raising...... 21</p><p>Registration Forms (MUST be returned to Director)</p><p>A. Child registration form B. Health information C. Admission agreement D. Can You Help / Going Green form</p><p>Please complete ALL information on the Registration Forms and return to the Director prior to August 28. No child will be admitted to the Centre until these forms have been received.</p><p>4 1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>Welcome to Windsor Park After School Care Program!</p><p>A. Overview/Location</p><p>Our parent package is divided into two parts:</p><p>PART ONE - contains policies and background information. Please take the time to read the handbook since there are changes every year.</p><p>REGISTRATION FORM - provides us with the necessary information about your child. When all the information is complete, you must return it to the Director BEFORE August 28.</p><p>Please Note: No child will be admitted to the centre until REGISTRATION FORM has been completed and returned.</p><p>Location - The program operates in St. George’s Anglican Church located at 11733-87 Avenue. </p><p>Parking - Parking is limited because of the centre’s location close to the University. There is a small parking lot behind the building, accessed from the back alley. You enter the building through the back yard. There is also a fifteen minute parking zone in front of the building. Please be aware there is also a handicapped zone there.</p><p>Phone - The centre phone number is (780) 439-1456. That is the number to call during business numbers and to leave a message after hours. </p><p>The cell phone numbers are (780) 953-6222 or (780) 901-0460. You cannot leave messages on the cell phones.</p><p>Cell phones are used only when we are outdoors, on a field trip or for EMERGENCIES after regular program hours.</p><p>E-mail - The centre’s main e-mail address is [email protected]. You can reach Ava at that number. Ruth’s e-mail is [email protected] .</p><p>5 B. Goals</p><p>WINDSOR PARK</p><p>AFTERSCHOOL CARE</p><p>PROGRAM SOCEITY</p><p>GOALS</p><p>1. TO OFFER AN OUT-OF-SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN A SUITABLE FACILITY WITH EXPERIENCED AND CARING STAFF.</p><p>2. TO PROVIDE CHILDREN WITH INDIVIDUALIZED, SMALL GROUP PROGRAMMING, AND SELF DIRECTED ACTIVITIES IN A SAFE AND COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT.</p><p>6 B. Philosophy</p><p>Our program provides a safe, stimulating and comfortable environment designed to meet school-age children’s needs for physical, social and intellectual growth and general well-being. The program supports working families and the greater community by ensuring that children are safe and engaged until they can be returned to the care of their parents or guardians. The program fosters an atmosphere that encourages parent participation. </p><p>We want children in our care to gain confidence in themselves and to be happy, competent individuals. We believe that during out-of- school hours, children should be able to pursue their own interests (within set limits), explore new activities, relax and have fun. We provide structured activities that simultaneously meet the individual needs of the children in casual large and small groups. These focus on:</p><p>Social: Developing personal and interpersonal social skills; fostering self-worth, initiative and independence, cooperation and self-control, choice and the assumption of responsibility; promoting self-care skills, awareness of and respect for others, character- building and a sense of community.</p><p>Physical: Providing recreational and physical activities to develop physical skills and constructively channel children's energy.</p><p>Creative: Stimulating children's imaginations and promoting creative expression.</p><p>Intellectual: Sparking curiosity and encouraging development of critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making skills.</p><p>7 2. ADMISSION AND PROCEDURE POLICIES A. Admittance to the Program </p><p>Age requirement</p><p>Children who are eligible to attend the Windsor Park After School Care Program must be between 5 and 13 years of age and enrolled in Grade 1 through 6.</p><p>Application and registration process</p><p>- Application will be accepted from the families with children attending Windsor Park School. Applications will be accepted from other families if positions cannot be filled by Windsor Park School students. Acceptance of applicants outside of Windsor Park School is conditional on parents’ providing transportation to the point of check-in with a Windsor Park After School staff member and approval of the board.</p><p>- All applications are accepted and entered on the waiting list in order of date the waiting list application form is received. Siblings must be entered on the waiting list in order to have priority.</p><p>- Children will not be accepted on the waiting list until eighteen months before they are entering grade one.</p><p>- The waiting list will include children who are currently attending part-time who wish to change status, siblings of children currently in the program, and children returning from temporary withdrawal.</p><p>- All registrations must be completed and paid in full within three working days of verbal notification of acceptance. Failure to complete the application will result loss of the position.</p><p>- A $100.00 registration deposit, payable upon registration will be applied to the first month’s fees. THE DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE.</p><p>- There is a separate waiting list for part-time spaces. See Section E for definitions of full time and part time care. Those pre-registering in the spring for full time or afternoon care who wish to change their registration by fall to part-time care will be added to this waiting list in the fall.</p><p>- Parents are expected to pay full monthly fees September through June. If a child is withdrawn and/or monthly fees are not maintained, then the child's name will be entered on the waiting list for re-entry to the program.</p><p>Prioritization</p><p>Vacancies will be filled in the following order:</p><p>1. Children currently attending part-time who wish to change status. 2. Siblings of children currently in the program. 3. Children returning from a temporary withdrawal. 4. Children on the waiting list.</p><p>For children currently in the program and their siblings, vacancies will be filled based on seniority in the program. If there is a tie, a random draw will be held.</p><p>8 B. Hours and days of operation</p><p>The program is open from 7:30 – 8:35 a.m. Monday to Friday and 3:30 – 5:45 p.m. Monday to Friday Your child must not arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. and is to be picked up before 5:45 p.m.</p><p>The After School program will be closed on the following holidays:</p><p>September – Labour Day February – Family Day October - Thanksgiving Day March /April – Good Friday November – Remembrance Day and Easter Monday December – December 24 – 31 May - Victoria Day January – New Year’s Day July – Canada Day August – Heritage Day</p><p>The program will operate during Christmas Break, Teacher’s Convention, Spring Break, on Windsor Park School’s Professional Development days and days in lieu, if enough children enroll. The centre may also offer a summer program. </p><p>C. Delivery and pick-up procedures</p><p>It is our policy that each child in our care enter the Centre with a parent or an authorized adult, and that the parent or adult check the child in with a staff member. The Centre does not take any responsibility for anything that might happen to a child when this policy is not honoured. The Centre’s responsibility for the child begins only at the time when the child reports to a staff member. </p><p>Parents must enter the time of drop-off and pick-up on the attendance sheets daily, and sign the attendance sheets on the last school day of each month.</p><p>Only an authorized person is allowed to remove a child from the Centre. If a situation occurs where a non-authorized individual must pick up a child, the parent MUST contact the Centre by phone. A signed, written notice should accompany that individual if possible. </p><p>D. Child Custody</p><p>The Centre must be notified in writing if there are any special custody arrangements. Please note: Access cannot be denied to a child’s parent unless the Centre is provided with a copy of the custody agreement or court order on file.</p><p>E. Late policy </p><p>We ask families to respect everyone’s time schedule. If you are delayed, please call to inform us of other arrangements such as your child going home by taxi or a friend picking up your child. The staff will try to contact you or call your emergency contact number if you do not phone before 5:45 p.m. to indicate a delay. If we are unable to contact you or your emergency contact, we will call Alberta Child and Youth Services to care for your child.</p><p>LATENESS –Parents collecting a child late will pay a fine. The director may waive the fee in unusual circumstances. Continued abuse of time schedules may result in termination of the contract. An additional monetary fine or other penalty will be determined by the board upon review of late pick-ups.</p><p>9 NOTE –A FINE OF $5.00 FOR EVERY FIVE MINUTES OR PORTION THEREOF OF BEING LATE WILL BE CHARGED TO THE PARENT. THE RATE FOR FINES WILL BE DOUBLED AFTER THE SECOND LATE PICK-UP.</p><p>F. Partnerships with Families / Communications</p><p>Families are a very important part of our program! We invite parent participation in our activities.</p><p>Opportunities for your involvement include: -Board of Directors: The centre is operated by a Board of Directors consisting of parent volunteers and community members. Parents are welcome to attend board meetings and, if interested, may be elected to the Board. Parents are also needed to sit on committees. -Open Door Policy: Parents are welcome to visit the centre at any time, join activities, and volunteer for fieldtrips. Parents should call before visiting between 8:45 and 3:15 on school days so a staff member can unlock the door. The door is locked during these hours for security reasons. -Sharing Information: We encourage daily contact with staff members so that any information may be shared. During program hours, staff members are involved with the children, so parents may occasionally have to make an appointment for another time. - Fundraising: Regular fundraising allow us to raise additional revenues to support the program. Our main fundraiser is a casino every two years. -Parents as Resources: -Repairs and maintenance to equipment and toys. - Donate items for dress-up, and arts and crafts supplies -Computer support -Share your talents, hobbies or culture with the children. -Special Events: We host two family social events every year: The pizza dinner and children’s talent show in the winter and a June BBQ. -Policies: Parents may ask to see any of our childcare policies. -Program Review: A program review involving parent, child, and staff surveys is completed yearly. The review enables the program to respond to the needs and concerns of families, children and staff members.</p><p>We share information with parents by: Seasonal newsletters</p><p> Parent handbook</p><p> E-mails and phone calls</p><p> Bulletin boards and posted monthly/weekly calendars and menus</p><p> White board and posters</p><p> Mailbags</p><p> Forms such as lesson registration forms are available on the check-out table</p><p>Our default distribution method is e-mail. However, on request, we will provide copies in your centre mailbag.</p><p>10 Please discuss any concerns with one of the staff members or with the Director. Board members can also be contacted, particularly in the case of a policy matter. The Director can work with parents to help them access resources, if necessary. </p><p>G. Range of care provided</p><p>Full Time care is defined as: Monday – Friday 7:30 – 8:35 a.m. and 3:30 – 5:45 p.m.</p><p>11 Part Time Care is defined as: Morning Care Monday – Friday 7:30 - 8:35 a.m. Full Time Care is defined as: Monday – Friday Or 7:30 -8:35 a.m. 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Afternoon Care Monday – Friday 3:30 – 5:45 p.m.</p><p>Or</p><p>Variation Care Afternoon Care for 2 to 3 days a week.</p><p>Some part-time positions may be available. These positions must balance one another to provide full occupancy. I.e. One position may require Tuesday and Thursday afternoons which would be balanced with another position for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. Variation care will be offered only when positions cannot be filled with Full-time or Afternoon Care. The availability of part-time positions will be reassessed each spring.</p><p>Priority will be given to: - Full-time or Afternoon Care (daily) positions - positions that will provide daily use of the space - where part time space is available - the length of duration at the Centre in an afternoon or full time position - siblings of the above children</p><p>Priority for care on full days such as Spring Break will be given to children attending afternoon and full time care.</p><p>DROP IN CARE – Children may be dropped off in the morning for a fee of $12.00 per morning. Please check for availability first. Drop-in fees for afternoon care, if available, are $20.00.</p><p>Non School Days – The program will operate on non-school days including P.D. days (Windsor Park School only), Teachers’ Convention, Christmas Break except December 24 through January 1, Spring Break and the days in June prior to summer holidays, if enough children enroll. A summer program may be offered. </p><p>A NON-REFUNDABLE $20.00 PER DAY FEE will be charged for all non- school days. </p><p>Parents will be asked to register for non-school days about four weeks in advance. Staffing is based on registrations, so only those registered may attend.</p><p>In the event of a teachers’ strike, the program will attempt to operate for full days, depending on staff and facility availability. Parents will be required to register in advance. A daily fee will be set and will be payable for each day for which a child was registered, regardless of actual attendance.</p><p>If the demand for care on any non-school day is less than six children, the program will be cancelled for that day.</p><p>12 13 TheEPSB EPSB has scheduledhas scheduled all non all schoolnon school days days for the for school 2014-15. year. We We will will offer offer care child on: care:</p><p>October 3 October 3 November 7 and 10 November 7 and 10 November 24 November 24 January 2 January 2 February 2 February 2 February 26 andFebruary 27 (Teachers’ 26 and 27: Convention) Teachers’ Convention March 20 March 20 March 30 throughMarch April 30 2 (Springthrough Break)April 2: Spring Break May 15 May 15 June 29 and 3 June 29 and 30</p><p>H. Fees and subsidy</p><p>Monthly fees are:</p><p>1. Mornings only - $170.00 per child 2. Afternoons only - $330.00 per child 3. Two afternoons a week - $135 per child, if available 4. Three afternoons a week - $205 per child, if available 5. Both sessions -$415.00 per child 6. Subsidized families are responsible for the difference between the fee and the subsidy amount.</p><p>Receipts are issued in January and September. Childcare fees are deductible from personal income tax so please keep your receipts.</p><p>Alberta Child and Family Services offer fee subsidies to low income families. For information on whether you are eligible, see www.humanservices.alberta.ca/financial- support. Balance billing applies. That is, families must pay the difference between their child’s full fee (including PD Day fees) and the amount of subsidy the centre receives. For example, if a child’s total fee is $415 and the subsidy is $310, the parent will pay the remaining $105. </p><p>Child care fees are due on the first working day of the month, and are considered delinquent on the fifth working day of the month. If you are unable to pay your fees as required, please contact the Director.</p><p>Since fees are the main source of income for the program we ask for all registrations to include post-dated cheques to be submitted by the first day of school. In order to hire staff and meet our expenses it is necessary to receive cheques on time. There is a $25 fee for all cheques not honoured by the bank. </p><p>There will be no rebate or reduction in fees due to casual absence, illness, statutory holidays, vacation, or other reasons.</p><p>14 Rates and policies for childcare will be subject to review by the board. Sixty (60) days notice of fee increases will be given to parents of children enrolled in the program.</p><p>I. Withdrawal, temporary or extended leave</p><p>Permanent Withdrawal</p><p>Thirty (30) days written notice must be given for withdrawal from the program or for a change of registration (i.e. from full-time to afternoon only care). The notice is to be received no later than the first day of the month.</p><p>Short-term Withdrawal (i.e. maternity or sabbatical) 1. For leaves up to one year. 2. The child is placed on the waiting list after children currently attending part-time who wish to change status, and siblings. 3. Thirty (30) days written notice must be given including the date leave commences and the date of return.</p><p>J. Termination</p><p>The Board reserves the right to suspend or terminate a child’s enrollment for reasons of:</p><p>1. Non-cooperation of parents: - inappropriate drop-offs, pick-ups - refusal to address problems encountered when recommended - inability of the child or parent to comply with the policies of Windsor Park After School Care Program. 2. The Centre is not able to meet the needs of the child or family. i.e. Staff are not equipped or trained to deal with specific behaviour or disabilities.</p><p>Two written warnings of termination, followed by a final termination notice, will be issued for non-cooperation and/or inability to comply with policies. In cases serious enough to warrant consideration of expulsion from the program, a meeting including parent(s), the Director and an Executive Committee member will be held. If an expulsion decision is made, parents will receive zero to thirty (0 to 30) days written notice. However, at the discretion of the Director at any time, a requirement to remove the child immediately may be made if deemed in the best interests of the child or the Centre. A meeting as indicated above will follow to decide on further action. In such cases termination will be immediate upon written notice being given.</p><p>3. Delinquency in payment of fees</p><p>If fees are thirty days in arrears notice will be given that all outstanding and current fees must be paid in full within thirty days or registration will be revoked. The thirtieth day will be the child’s last day at the centre.</p><p>In all cases of voluntary withdrawal, a one month written notice is required, except in the case of serious illness or injury. The notice must be received no later than the first day of the month.</p><p>K. Absenteeism</p><p>If your child is absent from the program for any reason, please contact staff (780-439- 1456) to inform them as soon as possible. Advance notice of holidays is requested. 15 L. Illness, injury, medication</p><p>Illness Children cannot attend the centre if they are unable to participate in the regular daily activities due to illness or if their attendance could be harmful to others. Staff report clusters of illness to Alberta Health Services, giving all information AHS requests.</p><p>Parents or emergency contacts will be called to pick up their child immediately if the child has: Acute cold Fever (a temperature of 38 degrees Centigrade without the use of Tylenol, etc.) Vomiting Diarrhea A new or unexplained rash A new or unexplained cough Known or suspected communicable diseases</p><p>The child will be keep as far from other children as possible until the parents arrive. Once a child has been sent home, the child will not be allowed to return until the program receives a note from the child’s physician or the child has been symptom- free for at least twenty-four hours.</p><p>If a child at the centre becomes extremely ill, the staff will call 911 and then contact the parents or emergency contact.</p><p>Alberta Health Services requires parents to report cases of chicken pox by calling Health Link Alberta at 780-408-5465.</p><p>Injury All staff members have been trained in First Aid and follow appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents. In the case of a minor injury, we will comfort the child, and care for the injury. If a child is seriously injured, the staff member in charge will call 911, and then immediately call the parents or emergency contact. Parents will be responsible for the cost of an ambulance. We report serious injuries to Edmonton and Area Child and Family Services. Parents will be asked to sign an accident report.</p><p>Medication and Herbal Remedies Medications prescribed by a physician, patent medications, and herbal remedies must be brought directly to a staff member in their original container with instructions and the child’s full name on it. The first dose of all medications or remedies must be given at home and the child observed for reactions. All medications and herbal remedies are to be given to a staff supervisor by the parent. Parents will be required to sign a form allowing staff to administer the medication or herbal remedy to the child. The recommended dosage cannot be exceeded without the written consent of a physician. Medications are kept in the office or refrigerator in a locked container with the exception of life-saving medications such as Ventalin and Epipen.</p><p>M. Immunization </p><p>16 Initial enrollment of a child requires adequate information regarding the medical status of the child. Up to date immunization of the child is essential and must be completed before the child begins the program.</p><p>N. Head Lice</p><p>Head lice can spread very quickly in a child care centre. To help prevent an infestation, children with head lice will be excluded from the program until they have been successfully treated. A parent must inform the Centre if their child has head lice or nits. Staff members or a third party (for example, staff of a lice- checking service) may check children’s head, without prior notice to parents. If lice or nits are found, the child will be moved away from others and parents called to pick up the child immediately. The child can return after the head lice have been treated and all nits removed. After treatment, parents should check their child’s head for seven days. If lice or nits are found, the child will need to be treated again before returning to the centre.</p><p>O. Lunches</p><p>It is the responsibility of the parent to provide an adequate lunch for his/her child.</p><p>P. Emergency information and procedures</p><p>Emergency Relocation Site: Windsor Park School 8720-118 Street Phone: 780-433-3924</p><p>Fire drills will be held monthly.</p><p>Evacuation procedure</p><p> The Staff supervisor will decide an evacuation is necessary and either blow a whistle or activate a fire alarm pull station. Staff members will immediately guide the children outside by the safest exit. One staff member will take the attendance record and, after joining the children, take roll call. The supervisor will: check all rooms to ensure everyone has evacuated, close all door, collect the children’s emergency information cards, cell phone and key and join the group. From a safe place, the supervisor will call 911, explain the nature of the emergency and stay on site to report to emergency response personnel. Children and other staff members will proceed to the school gymnasium where they will remain until such time as their parents arrive or it is safe to return to the Centre. The supervisor will attempt to contact parents/guardians or will designate another staff member to do so.</p><p>Q. Transportation </p><p>17 Staff members will accompany the children to and from Windsor Park School. We leave about 8:30 in the mornings. Staff members stay with the children until the school supervisor arrives. </p><p>After school, children check in with a staff member in the centre school hallway, and check in again outside as they arrive at the playground. After playing outside, children line up and roll call is taken before the group walks to the centre. In severe weather, children line up in the boot rooms. When all the children have arrived, roll call is taken.</p><p>We must account for every child at school pick-up so please be sure to call us if your child will be absent. If we can’t account for a child within fifteen minutes, we need to call 911.</p><p>Field trip transportation will usually be on the Edmonton Transit System or by walking. A bus from a private transportation company is used on occasion. The company will provide the driver. Families will be informed of the method of transportation. </p><p>R. Field Trips</p><p>Prior to all fieldtrips, parents will be informed of the activity, location, time, mode of transportation and number of staff members on the trip. All parents must sign a permission sheet for each field trip. If a parent chooses that their child will not attend the trip, it is the parent’s responsibility to arrange alternate care.</p><p>S. Privacy</p><p>Windsor Park After School Care is committed to providing excellent child care. Enrolling a child in a child care centre involves providing information about the family and child. We are concerned about the confidentiality of personal information. We take steps to ensure that a family’s personal information is properly safeguarded and protected, and only used for the purpose for which it was collected. </p><p>For additional policies and more details on policy and procedures, please ask the Director.</p><p>3. PROGRAMMING Our goal is quality program experiences for the children. The Assistant Director plans and prepares stimulating activities with the children’s input. Children’s interests, needs and abilities are met, and their unique and diverse qualities are celebrated. We ensure that sufficient supplies and equipment are provided to meet the children’s needs. Our programming, in both group and independent activities, promotes physical health, provides for intellectual growth and many social opportunities. </p><p>4. DAILY SCHEDULES: Daily schedules are a guideline only. Schedules are flexible to meet the children’s needs. </p><p>A. Typical School Day Program</p><p>7:30 - 8:20 a.m. Quiet Games/Puzzles Reading/Listening Centre Snack from 8 to 8:15 a.m.</p><p>8:20 - 8:35 a.m. Clean up and walk to school 18 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Children picked up, play outdoors, and walk to Centre</p><p>4:00 - 4:15 p.m. Snack On warm days, snack may be served at the park. 4:00 – 5:15 p.m. Free Play in Interest Centres Daily Craft or activity Outdoor Games Homework Games/ Puzzles Reading and Listening Centres</p><p>5:30 – 5:45 p.m. Cleanup and pick-up by parents</p><p>B. Typical Non-School Day Schedule</p><p>7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Free Play. Snack about 9:30 a.m.</p><p>9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Free Play/Special Activity</p><p>11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Outdoor Play</p><p>11:45 – 12:45 p.m. Lunch</p><p>12:45 – 1:30 p.m. Quiet Time</p><p>1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Field Trip or Special Activity</p><p>3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Snack</p><p>4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Outdoor Play</p><p>4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Free Play / Movie</p><p>5:15 - 5:45 p.m. Clean up and pick up by parents</p><p>5. CHILD GUIDANCE POLICY</p><p>A. Belief and method</p><p>Nurturing a child’s self-respect is of prime importance in our approach to child’s guidance. The staff and the learning environment provide opportunities for the children to develop and refine self-control, socially acceptable behaviours, and respect for other people and their belongings. Staff models this behaviour through respectful communication and building positive interactions. </p><p>Limits and guidelines are necessary to ensure the child’s development and safety. Room rules are developed with children and posted in the room. The staff reminds the children of the rules and the reasons for them. The rules are age and ability appropriate and are there to respect the rights of others. The logical consequences are relevant to the child’s developmental level and individual needs. The staff are consistent in enforcing the rules and limits by following through with consequences. Disciplinary action will be reasonable in the circumstances.</p><p>19 Program planning will address bullying through team building, leadership and cooperation activities and program materials such as posters and books. All intended to establish an environment that promotes inclusion and diversity. </p><p>The children will be encouraged to solve problems between themselves on their own, but staff intervenes when necessary. When a conflict arises that requires adult intervention, those involved engage in a conversation and are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings without interruption. The children are encouraged to suggest possible solutions to the problem once it has been identified. If a child is unable to express feelings or propose a solution, the staff may offer the child a choice of behaviours in order to redirect the child towards a more positive outcome. Once the child has made a choice, he/she is expected to follow through with his/her choice; the staff will follow through with the consequences already outlined to the child. Through praise and support, the staff encourages the child to develop independence and leadership in choosing and practisng more appropriate behaviours. Therefore, teaching children strategies that support relationships and developing problem solving skills. At no time is any form of physical punishment used. </p><p>In some cases, when a child is endangering himself or others staff intervene promptly. A short time spent a short distance from the other children may be necessary for the child before talking about the problem. The purpose of this is to break the pattern of behaviour, to separate the child from the problem, and allow the child time until he/she is ready to talk about the problem. </p><p>The emphasis of this process is the development of self-discipline and problem-solving skills rather than punishing the child. Allowing the child to express thoughts and feelings and to make choices about behaviours nurtures a positive self-image consistent with the program’s goals.</p><p>B. Expectations of behaviour and conduct</p><p>1. Children will demonstrate concern and respect for themselves and all others. 2. Children will demonstrate concern for the safety of themselves and others. 3. Children will demonstrate respect towards personal and Centre property. 4. Children will demonstrate respect for program staff members.</p><p>C. Student plan of action</p><p>Use of action planning sheets with the child may be implemented when appropriate. The sheets are way for children to reflect on their actions and plan for the future. The sheet may be shared with parents. </p><p>In cases of serious/ongoing behaviour concerns, if age appropriate, a conduct sheet may be used. These sheets, completed with support from a staff member, are a tool for children to reflect on their actions and plan for future situations. The sheet is shared with the parent, who signs them. </p><p>D. Bullying </p><p>If children engage in inappropriate behaviour, we focus our attention on this behaviour and develop strategies or consequences to help the children correct their unacceptable behaviour. </p><p>In the room, staff members establish clear rules and guidelines with the children of what constitutes “bully” type behaviours and what will not be accepted. </p><p>20 6. GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>A. Clothing</p><p>It is required that children be fully and properly clothed upon arrival at the program. Please label clothing with the child’s initials or name. Children are expected to be prepared to play outdoors in all but extreme weather (-23 degrees or colder including wind chill). Staff members will check that children’s scarves are tucked in. </p><p>The staff agrees to use due care and consideration when caring for all children and their effects. However, the Centre cannot be liable for any loss of, or damage to clothing or any belongings, property or toys.</p><p>B. Shoes</p><p>Shoes must be worn at the Centre. We hold regular fire drills and do not want children to go outside without shoes. Shoes also decrease the risk of injury. We ask all families to ensure that children have a pair of labeled indoor shoes at the Centre. </p><p>C. Cubbies</p><p>Each child has a cubby to store lunch kits, shoes, and/or a change of clothes. The children are responsible for cleaning their own cubbies. Outdoor footwear should be stored under the children’s hooks.</p><p>D. Dangerous Toys</p><p>Children may not bring any type of weapon (such as slingshots, pocket knives, BB guns, etc.) to the program. Such items will be taken from the child and given to the parents upon pick-up.</p><p>E. Snacks</p><p>Nutritional snacks, providing a serving from two food groups on the Canada Food Guide, are provided during the morning and afternoon sessions. A monthly snack menu is posted on the bulletin board. On full days, parents provide a lunch for their child, unless otherwise posted. We recommend that lunches and snacks from home meet the Canada Food Guide requirements also.</p><p>To promote independence, children are encouraged to serve and clean up their own snack. Staff members encourage children to try new foods, and model appropriate dining behaviour. </p><p>Special food requirements such as allergies or cultural preferences will be accommodated. Currently, the menu is “peanut free” because there are children with peanut allergies enrolled. We also require any lunches and snacks sent from home to be peanut free. However, since the program shares the building with a number of other groups, our facility is not peanut free.</p><p>F. Birthdays </p><p>If your child is having a birthday, the Centre allows the child to choose the snack for that afternoon from a list. The children will also sing “Happy Birthday”. No treats or cakes are required from parents for birthday celebrations.</p><p>21 G. Movies and Electronic Games</p><p>During full days of child care, there is a designated time in the morning and end of the afternoon to play electronic games brought from home. During the summer program, electronic game use is limited to designated times on three days a week only. All games must be age appropriate. Club members may bring electronic toys from home once a month. E-readers may be used at any time for reading. </p><p>Occasionally movies are shown at the Centre (i.e. P.D. Days). All movies will be family rated for grades 1 – 3. Movies for grades 4 – 6 may be PG. Club members watch a movie of their choice once a month. The Director will use discretion as to appropriateness. If you have any questions about the movie being shown or do not want your child to see a particular movie, please let the staff know.</p><p>H. Optional programs and lessons</p><p>Special lessons or programs are offered for additional fees. Registrations are provided at the Centre and some programs/lessons are supervised by our staff. Programs that have been offered include: swimming, karate and piano lessons. Parents who are interested in having children attend must register through the Centre.</p><p>I. Club (a program for the older children)</p><p>A special program operates for older children at the Centre. “Club” is usually for children in grades five and six. This program runs with a supervisor in a separate room(s). The intent is to provide increased opportunity for students to have input and be responsible for designing their program. Students plan activities with assistance from their supervisor, engage in age- appropriate activities and learn leadership skills. Children in Club may hold fund raising activities for their program. The Club may have distal supervision, which is intermittent supervision when there is a planned, time-limited program activity. The goal of distal supervision is to enhance children’s ability to function responsibly and independently of direct adult supervision. There is no Club program on full days such as Spring Break, PD Days or the summer program. </p><p>7. ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>A. History of the program</p><p>The Windsor Park After School Program was organized by a group of parent volunteers whose children attended Windsor Park School. The Centre first opened in September 1982.</p><p>B. Windsor Park After School Care Program Society</p><p>The Windsor Park After School Care is operated by a non-profit society and is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of parent volunteers. All parents of children enrolled in the program are members of the Society, unless they withdraw membership by written notice to the Society. The Board meets about once a month at the Centre for approximately 2 hours. All parents are welcome to attend the meetings, especially if you would like to become involved as a board member. The meetings are held between 5:30 -7:30 p.m. with supper and child care provided.</p><p>If you have any concerns, questions, or problems pertaining to the Centre’s operation, please feel free to discuss them with staff or board members.</p><p>Each fall we have an annual general meeting which all parents are encouraged to attend. 22 Bylaws and meeting minutes are available through the Director. Please ask to see them if you are interested.</p><p>CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS</p><p>Chairperson: Stuart Cleary</p><p>Treasurer: Richard Thompson</p><p>Secretary:</p><p>Members: Jason Duxbury Randy Allarie Qingbin Li Grace Dai Chunhong Tian Katherine Pascoe Luciano Jordao</p><p>C. Staff List</p><p>Director: Ava Lincoln</p><p>Associate Director: Ruth McPherson</p><p>Childcare Workers: Asha Cipywnyk Shylaja Govindan Alexandra Hulme Magie Aiken Katie Hamm Mikelie Johnston</p><p>D. Staff Qualifications</p><p>It is the policy of the Windsor Park After School Care Program Society to hire staff members who have First Aid training, experience with children, and have security checks completed. Staff members must obtain a minimum of a Child Development Assistant certificate from Alberta Child and Youth Services within six months of employment. Any changes in staff will be noted on our notice board or in a newsletter. </p><p>E. Staff/Child Ratio</p><p>One staff person will be on duty for every 15 children in attendance. At least two staff persons will be present at all times. Staff members will provide age appropriate supervision of children, both indoors and outdoors.</p><p>F. Insurance Information</p><p>23 Twenty-four hour insurance coverage is recommended for all children who attend. </p><p>G. Fund raising</p><p>The Windsor Park After School Program operates as a non-profit organization so it is necessary to hold fund raising events. We hold 1or 2 events throughout the year, which may include a casino, and are dependent on parental support to operate these events. If you are interested in organizing or participating your assistance is appreciated. In addition, the Windsor Park After School Care Program Society is a non-profit society; income tax receipts will be provided for donations.</p><p>24</p>
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