<p> Dr. Elizabeth S. Foster</p><p>Associate Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture College of Education and Human Development, Texas A & M University College Station, Texas 77843-4232 (H)979-823-6637 (Cell) 979-575-1930 [email protected] http://directory.cehd.tamu.edu/view.epl?nid=esfh http://www.cehd.tamu.edu/articles/mentoring_research_collaborative http://www.coe.tamu.edu/~efoster/</p><p>Current and Accurate as of February, 2008</p><p>PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Administrator and Teacher Preparation Programs School and Administrative Leadership Educational Mentoring Professional Development Schools Peer and Cross-age Tutoring Curriculum and Pedagogy Professional Development Inquiry as Reflection</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Post Doc Educational Administration, East Carolina University (1995). Program Area: Educational Leadership</p><p>Ed D Guidance and Personnel, North Carolina State University (1988). Program Area: Counseling and Personnel; Minor: Curriculum and Supervision Advisor: Dr. Norman Sprinthall Dissertation: A Cognitive Developmental Approach to Training Peer Helpers Dissertation Award: Recipient, (January, 1989). State Dissertation Research Award. Awarded from North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. (NCASCD)</p><p>M Ed Guidance and Personnel, North Carolina State University (1975) Program Area(s): School Counseling and Personnel</p><p>BS Ed English Education, Ohio University (1971). </p><p>PROFESSIONAL LICENSES North Carolina Licenses: (011) Superintendent (012) Principal (113) Curriculum Instructional Specialist (ASG-Advanced Certificate) (100) English (Grades 9-12) (005) School Counseling (Grades K-12) (190) Reading (Grades K-12) Vitae-E. Foster 2</p><p> (008) Mentor National Board for Certifying Counselors Credential (NBCC)</p><p>EXPERIENCE</p><p>Associate Professor, Tenured (1998 to present) Director, (2003-Current) MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and Development Director/Coordinator (1999-2001), Elementary & Middle Level Education Programs Director, Professional Development School Program (1999-2001) Director, Professional Development Schools, College Station (1998-99) Graduate Faculty (1998 to present) Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture Faculty,(2000-2001). Interdisciplinary Faculty: Creative Learning Environments. Co-Director, (2001-2004). Laboratory for Learning Environments. Interdisciplinary laboratory between College of Education/Human Development and College of Architecture. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas </p><p>Principal, (1996-1998) Chicod Elementary Middle School (K-8) (Leave of absence from East Carolina University) Pitt County Public Schools Greenville, North Carolina</p><p>Associate Professor, Tenured (1995-1997) Assistant to the Chair, Middle Grades Education (1995-1996) Coordinator, Middle Grades Education (1994-1995; 1990-1992) Director, Middle Grades Graduate Program (1990-1996) Graduate Faculty, (1990-1997) Assistant Professor, (1989-1995) Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education School of Education, East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina, 1989-1997.</p><p>Administrative Director of Curriculum and Instruction K-8 (1982-1989) Math, Science, Social Studies, Early Childhood, Elementary Foreign Language, Health and Physical Education, Language Arts, Media Programs and all Federal Programs Dare County Public Schools, Manteo, North Carolina</p><p>Coordinator, School-wide Peer Helping Program (1978-1982) Coordinator, Testing and Remediation Dare County Public Schools, Manteo, North Carolina</p><p>Coordinator/Reading Resource Teacher (1977-1978) Reading Resource Teacher/Coordinator, grades 7-12 Reading in the Content Area for all subjects Dare County Public Schools, Manteo, North Carolina</p><p>Coordinator and Teacher, Northern Wake Learning Lab (1974-1977) Developed individualized plans for 50 students in 5 subjects</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 3</p><p>Northern Wake Extended Optional School Wake County Public Schools, Raleigh, North Carolina </p><p>Teacher, English, D.C. Virgo 9th Grade Center (1971-1974) Master Scheduler for all English mini-classes for 900 students New Hanover County Public Schools Wilmington, North Carolina</p><p>Teacher, Hoggard High Night School (1971-1974) (First Alternative Night School in North Carolina) New Hanover County Public Schools Wilmington, North Carolina</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Roles Director, (2003-Current) MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATAIVE for Learning and Development Coordinator/Asst. to Head, Elementary and Middle Grades Education (1998-2002). Director, Inquiry Project to Improve Teacher Education (2000-2003). Chair, Field-based Faculty Leadership Team. (2000-2002). Director, Professional Development School Program (PDS) and Integrated Method’s School Program (IMS) (1998-2002). Principal, K-8 Elementary Middle School, 864 students, 75 faculty and staff (1996-1998). Coordinator, Asst. to Chair, Middle Grades Education (1995-1994, 1990-1992). Director, Graduate Program in Middle Grades (1990-1996). President, National Peer Helper Association, Supervised Executive Director, Responsible for National Board (1991-1994). Administrative Curriculum Supervisor, all content areas, ICP's, Co-Coordinator-State Accreditation Program (1982-1989). Director, Federal Programs: Chapter I, Migrant Education, Title II Projects, 2 National Diffusion Network (NDN) Projects and ESL (1982-1989).</p><p>Creative Leadership Trainer for Total Quality Education/Total Quality Management: . Total Quality Education Development: Aurora High School, Beaufort County 1993-1995. . Total Quality Education Liaison for East Carolina University 1994-95. . Coordinator for Total Quality Education Workshops, Washington County Schools, Spring 1995. . Member, Commission on Total Quality Management in Schools, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE-1993-1995). . Students and Total Quality Education, Texasgulf sponsored, Aurora, NC, 1994. (6 hours) . Implementing TQM in the Schools, Texasgulf Management Training, Aurora, NC 1993. (16 hours) . Dr. Deming's Plan for Action For the Optimization of Service Organizations,sponsored by Quality Enhancement Seminars, Inc. and American Association of School Administrators, Washington D.C. 1992. Trainer of mentors and district-wide trainer of trainers. Participatory Leadership Retreats Participant in Stephen Covey Leadership Training Trainer of leadership skills: Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce (3 years) Trainer of leadership skills for Adult Peer Program Leaders Trainer of leadership skills for youth peer leaders (ages 8 years -21 years). Participant in Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC (7 days).</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 4</p><p> Trainer of Social Skills Development for Youth Trainer of Peer Mediation Skills Trainer/Facilitator of Inquiry Based Learning: Faculty and Undergraduates Nationally elected President, National Peer Helpers Association (3 year term) Over 90 different Consultantships Consultant, Educator, Author, Mentor, Administrator</p><p>Long Range Planning Strategic Plan (2001-2006). Doctoral Self Study, Program Review (2001). NCATE Accreditation (2001, 1995). School Improvement Plans (1996-1998). State Accreditation Program Plan (1982-1989).</p><p>Program and Curriculum Development/ Supervision Development of faculty teams for field-based undergraduate program (2000-2002). Oversight for 22 university faculty in field-based undergraduate program, range of Full professors-Clinical faculty (1999-2002). Development of Elementary and Middle Level Collaborative Advisory Council (1999-2002). Development of Survey Instruments for Administrators, Mentors and Novice Teachers to determine perceptual congruency regarding mentoring programs (2004-2007; Reliability and Validity studies completed) Development of Classroom Observation Instrument for Interns and Mentors (COPAT: 2000-2002) Currently used with Mentor Teachers in observation of Novice Teachers. Development of INTASC Readiness Survey to measure 10 INTASC Principles in Interns and Novice Teachers (currently in use-Reliability and Validity studies completed). Development of Presentation and Research Teams (2001). Development of Multi-College Collaborative through Educational Inquiry Project (2000-2003). Development and Chair, Interdisciplinary Committee for four departments (1993-1996). Development of County Curriculum Advisory Teams for Early Childhood, Elementary/Middle Science, Language Arts, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Health, Media (1982-1989).</p><p>Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Level Program Development Collaboration with Dept. of Educational Administration and Human Resources to design a collaborative doctoral program enabling Mentoring Students and other TLAC graduate students to imbed administrative certification within TLAC Course of Study (2005-2006). Recruiting plan for new emphasis area of Educator as Mentor and Cognate areas. (2002-2006). Development and implementation of new emphasis area in graduate program: Educator as Mentor within masters and doctoral program in Curriculum and Instruction -Seven new courses ((University Approval May, 2004). Collaborative work with Dept. of Educational Administration: Work with 12 member Administration Doctoral Cohort interested in Mentoring Research. Delivered 12 hours of coursework to Cohort. Serve as Co-chair and member on 8 of those committees. Collaboration with Dept. of Educational Administration and Human Resources to design graduate practica taught concurrently with EDAD 637 course (2003). Development of Year-long Inquiry Curriculum for Senior Level Inquiry Research Scholars by application and interview only (Fall, 2000-Spring, 2003). Collaborative work with College of Architecture to design Interdisciplinary Masters and Doctoral Program related to Educational Environments (2000-2002). Coordination and Development of new undergraduate program for new state certification in Early Childhood Education (2000-2001). Coordination and Development of new undergraduate program for new state certification in Middle Grades Education (2000-2001). Scheduling of instructors and all Elementary/Middle Level Undergraduate Courses (1999-2001). Revised Middle Grades Undergraduate Education Program at East Carolina University (1994).</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 5</p><p> Designed three new graduate courses in Middle Level Education at East Carolina University (1994-1996).</p><p>Faculty Hiring and Evaluation Development of Peer Review Form/Process for University Faculty use (2004). Search committees: Faculty members and Dept. Chair/Head (1990-2003). Oversight for 22 faculty in field-based undergraduate program (1999-2002). Mentor to Assistant Professors Full responsibility for public school faculty hiring, classroom observations, evaluation of all faculty, paraprofessionals and staff (1996-1998). Development of alternative evaluation document: Professional Portfolio for tenured faculty (1996-1998). Teacher hire interviews, support team for ICP's, District Observations and Evaluation for ICPs (1982-1989).</p><p>Budget Management Grants: Federal, State, Local and University Annual School Budget: Local, State and Federal Monies, Approximately: $500,000 per year National Association Budget Management, Salary- Professional and Paraprofessional, Conferences, Publications, Committees and Meetings: Approximately $200,000. per year Curriculum Projects and Federal Programs, Local, State, Federal, Approximately: $350,000. yearly</p><p>Public School Collaboration Collaborative Partnership: Bryan Independent School District and MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and Development (2005-2006). Graduate Student Recruiting Fair for Culture and Curriculum Cognate: Bryan Independent School District (Spring, 2006). Public School Partnerships through Professional Development School (PDS) Programs (1998-2003). Public School Partnerships through Integrated Methods School (IMS) Program (1998-2003. Listed below are activities associated with both the PDS and IMS Programs: -Bi-monthly meetings with PDS Coordinators and IMS Team Leaders -Meetings with PDS and IMS Principals -Semester meetings with all principals -Meetings with Asst./Deputy Superintendents -Joint planning for scheduling courses and instructors -Seminars for PDS students: coordinate and guest speak -Pre-registration Information sessions -Post registration Information sessions -Coordination of advising office functions -Coordination with Student Teaching office (to be known as Residency) -On-site visits Public School Partnerships through on-site delivered Master's Degree classes (2000-present). Participation on the Elementary and Middle Level Collaborative Advisory Council (1999-2002). Texas A&M University Regent's Initiative -5 years (2000-2005). Texas A&M University Regent's Initiative Collaborative Grant Program (2000-2005). College Station Independent School District and Bryan Independent School District Partners in the Educational Inquiry Project to Improve Teacher Education (2000-2003) from the work initiated with the National Network of Educational Renewal (NNER), Seattle, WA (John Goodlad). Hire recommendations of public school faculty as Texas A&M Instructors (1999-2002). National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative (1998-2000).</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 6</p><p>HONORS AND AWARDS</p><p>NATIONAL PROGRAM AWARD Program Recipient, (Fall, 2000). Semi-finalist for US Department of Education Recognition Program for Outstanding Teacher Preparation Programs: Coordinator for Elementary and Middle Grades; Nominator for Award and Facilitator for on-site visit. Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>NATIONAL RECOGNITION and SERVICE AWARDS Recipient, NPHA 2004 Scholar of the Year Award, (June, 2004). National Peer Helpers Association, Awarded at Annual Conference, Austin, TX.</p><p>Nominee, Outstanding Scholar Award, (June 2003). Nominated for Outstanding Scholar Award for 2003: National Peer Helpers Association, Kansas City, KS. </p><p>Author Seminar-Lecture Program (1996-present). Phi Delta Kappa International. Sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington, IN.</p><p>Program Recipient, (November, 1988). A+ Award, "Peer Program Development-Dare County Schools" National Education Association, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Recipient, (June, 1987). President Emeritus Status, National Peer Helper Association, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>UNIVERSITY HONOR Nominee, (Spring, 2006). Excellence in Teaching Award (College Level) sponsored by Texas A&M University Association of Former Students. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Recipient, (Spring Semester, 2004). Developmental Leave Awarded. Texas A & M University.</p><p>Selected as Texas A&M Regents' Fellow (August, 2000). Texas A & M University System Regents' Initiative.</p><p>Selected as Texas A&M Regents' Initiative Academy Member, (May, 2000). Texas A&M University System Regents' Initiative.</p><p>Selected as NNER Associate (June, 1999). National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER), Center for Educational Inquiry (John Goodlad), Seattle, WA, representing the College of Education, Texas A & M University.</p><p>Selected as a Sid Richardson Fellow (June, 1999). Sid Richardson Foundation, College of Education, Texas A & M University.</p><p>RESEARCH AWARD</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 7</p><p>Recipient, (January, 1989). A Cognitive Developmental Approach to Training Peer Helpers. Dissertation Research Award (NCASCD) North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.</p><p>OUTSTANDING STATE TEACHING AWARD State Winner and Recipient (March, 1983). "Terry Sanford Award for Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Administration," North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE).</p><p>STATE AWARDS and RECOGNITION Recipient, (February, 1994). Excellence in Peer Programming Distinguished Service Award, North Carolina Peer Helper Association for 1993.</p><p>Elizabeth S. Foster North Carolina Peer Helping Service Award, (March, 1990). Established by North Carolina Peer Helper Association.</p><p>Recipient, (March, 1989). Outstanding Peer Service Award, North Carolina Peer Helpers Association.</p><p>Program Recipient, (June, 1988). Outstanding State Elementary Science Program Award, North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction awarded to Dare County Public Schools.</p><p>Selected (1985) as Video Participant with State Superintendent, Craig A. Phillips, "On and About Principals."</p><p>Recipient, (January, 1984). "Order of the Long Leaf Pine." NC Governor James B. Hunt. Raleigh, NC. </p><p>Selected (1984) as Panel Member of Video Tape, "Service Learning in North Carolina," State-wide Distribution, (North Carolina Office of the Governor).</p><p>Recipient, (March, 1983). Outstanding Service Award, North Carolina Peer Helper Association.</p><p>Program Recipient, (September, 1983). Dare County Peer Helper Program, North Carolina Governor's Programs of Excellence Award. </p><p>Appointment (1982-1984) to Governor's Task Force to Study Volunteerism. (Governor James B. Hunt)</p><p>Nominated and selected (1977) to attend (week long) Leadership Training, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.</p><p>INTERNATIONAL HONOR Inductee, (September, 1983). Delta Kappa Gamma, International Society for Women Educators.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 8</p><p>PUBLICATIONS Refereed Publications </p><p>Helfeldt, J., Capraro, R., Foster, E. & Capraro, M.M. (2007). An urban schools-university partnership that prepares and retains quality teachers for “high Need” schools. Ball State, IN: Teacher Educator. (accepted for Winter, 2007-08).</p><p>Hollingshead, B., Foster, E., & Larrison, L. ( Winter, 2007). Addressing teacher retention and effectiveness on democratic campuses with developmental mentoring and supervision. The Articulation of Curriculum and Pedagogy for a Just Society. Troy, NY: Educator’s International Press.</p><p>Foster, E., & Carter, N. P. (Winter, 2007). Developmental mentoring in urban settings: A model of theory and practice to support retention of novice educators. The Journal of the Alliance of Black School Educators, 6, 1, 37-51. (Note-error in print:Carter listed as first author-should be Foster)</p><p>Carter, N. P., Foster, E., & Cormier, P. (Fall, 2006). Teacher induction for urban schools: Components for successs. Journal of the Alliance of Black School Educators, 5 ,2, 1-14.</p><p>Carter, N. P., Foster, E. & Simpson, C. (Fall, 2006). Retaining novice teachers in urban schools: The role of the principal. Journal of the Alliance of Black School Educators, 5, 2, 75-89.</p><p>Foster, E., Carter, N., & Hollingshead, B. (Spring, 2006). Mentoring in the middle: The challenge of keeping our teachers. Journal of the Texas Middle School Association, 13, (2), 27-31.</p><p>Loving, C., Foster, E., Shumate, A., Shearon, P., Knight, B., Johnson, S., Brown, P. & LeUnes, J. (2001). The Texas A&M partnership: Exemplars of professional preparation and development. The Legacy of the Teacher Education Initiative. Washington DC: National Education Association, 37-58.</p><p>Foster, E., Loving, C. & Shumate, A. (Fall, 2000). Effective principals, effective professional development schools. Teaching and Change, 8 (1). 76-97.</p><p>Bullock, A., & Foster-Harrison, E. (1997). Making the best decisions: Designing for excellence! Schools in the Middle Theory Into Practice, 7(2), 37-39 & 60-61. (Third in a series of three.) Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals,</p><p>Peel, H., & Foster-Harrison, E. (1997). Parents speak out: What should schools and classrooms look like? Schools in the Middle Theory Into Practice, 7(1), 42-47. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1997). Professional climate: How does your school compare? Schools in the Middle Theory Into Practice, 6(5), 4-8. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1995). Peer helping in the elementary and middle grades: A developmental perspective. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling. 30(20), 94-104. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 9</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. & Peel, H. (1995). Parents in the middle: A review of current practice and initiatives for success. Schools in the Middle Theory Into Practice, 7(1),42-47. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1994). Developing a rationale for peer programs: Towards a healthier future for youth. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 11(4), 31-36.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1994). A clearing of issues: Accountability for integrity. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 11(3), 4-5.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Retrospective and introspective: Moving forward toward restructuring in a peer world. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 10(4), 12-14.</p><p>Foster, E., & Peel, H. (1993). Inviting parents to the middle: An invitational approach. Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 2(1), 43-52.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). A case for emotional development through elementary peer tutoring. North Carolina Educational Leadership. 71-78. (North Carolina Association of Curriculum and Development).</p><p>Foster, E., & Tindall, J. (1992). Establishing a peer helping program...step by step. Schools in the Middle Theory Into Practice, 2(1). 40-44.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). A quality approach to peer helping. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 10(2). </p><p>Foster, E. (1989). What the at-risk summary means to peer helping. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 7(1).</p><p>Sprinthall, L. T., Foster, E., Thomas, C. C. et al. (1985). North Carolina Mentor Training Program. North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction. ( co-writer).</p><p>Refereed FASTBACKS Biannual Publication of a Professional Organization Foster-Harrison, E., & Bullock, A. (1998). Creating the space and environment for an inviting classroom and school. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Fastback # 433.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1997). Peer tutoring for K-12 success, Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Fastback # 415.</p><p>BOOKS Foster, E. (2004). Tutoring: Learning by doing: A handbook for middle grades tutors. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.</p><p>Foster, E. (2003). Building helping skills with interactive bulletin boards. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1994). More energizers and icebreakers for all ages & stages Book II. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 10</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Revised Edition, Tutoring: Learning by helping. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.</p><p>Foster, E. S. (1983). Tutoring: Learning by helping. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation. </p><p>Foster, E. S. (1989). Energizers and icebreakers for all ages and stages. Minneapolis, MN. Educational Media Corporation.</p><p>BOOK CHAPTER Loving, C., Foster, E., Shumate, A., Shearon, P., Knight, B., & Johnson, S. (2000). Texas A&M University: Exemplars of Professional Preparation and Development. NEA-Teacher Education Initiative, National Education Association, Washington D.C.: Corwin Press.</p><p>Non-Refereed JOURNAL ARTICLES and PAPERS </p><p>Foster, E. (2001) The administrative challenge of directing an inquiry-based change model. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Dallas, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Peer helping celebration is quite well deserved. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 10(4), 4.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Beyond today: Stretching the leadership. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 10(3), 4.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Establishing a balance for service. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 11(1).</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Turning quantity into quality: Keep your goals high. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 10(1). </p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Collaborative development for a community. Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 9(4).</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Invisible hands draw the map. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 9(3).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Creating a vision. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 9(2).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Plan to act, act to plan-a way to shape tomorrow. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 9(1).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Remembering our uniqueness. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 8(4).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). The circle: A point of beginning or ending? The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 8(3).</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Peer advocacy: Everyone's responsibility. The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, 9(2).</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS Foster, E. (November, 1998). Learning to teach. (Arends) for McGraw-Hill, College Division, Boston, MA.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 11</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). A new look at invitations through the eyes of a teacher. (Review of Invitational teaching, learning and living). Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 2 (2).</p><p>EDITORIAL SERVICES Member, National Review Board, (2007-2008). The National Journal of Urban Education and Practice.</p><p>Proposal Reviewer (2007). Proposals for 2008 National Convention, American Educational Research Association (AERA).</p><p>Manuscript Reviewer (2007). The principal as professional learning community leader. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.</p><p>Book Reviewer for College Teacher Press (2007-08).</p><p>Reviewer, Manuscripts (Winter, 2005-2006). Mentoring and Tutoring (Ed. Mullen, C.) Carfax</p><p>Reviewer, Manuscript (Spring, 2005). American Educational Research Journal, (AERA).</p><p>Foster, E. (1994). President’s opening. in National Peer Helpers Association Conference Book of Proceedings Sciacca, J. (1994). (Ed.). . Portland, OR: Lewis & Clark College.</p><p>Guest Editor, (June, 1993). The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, National Peer Helper Association. 10 (4).</p><p>Advisory Board for Refereed Articles, (1992-93). Peer Facilitator Quarterly, National Peer Helpers Association.</p><p>Editor, (1989-1991). The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, National Peer Helper Association. </p><p>Foster, E. S., & Sciacca, J. (1991). Book of proceedings. Seattle, WA: 5th Annual Peer Helper's Conference.</p><p>Editorial Board. (1988-1993). The Peer Facilitator Quarterly, National Peer Helper's Association.</p><p>Editor/Author. (1989-1990). Prevention Drug Training Manual. State Department of North Carolina.</p><p>Assistant Editor. (1988-1989). The Peer Facilitator Quarterly.</p><p>NON-Refereed TECHNICAL REPORTS and MANUALS Foster, E. (2007). The principal’s path to mentoring. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Univeristy. (Administrator training manual in mentor program implementation)</p><p>Foster, E., Larrison, L., Hollingshead, B. & Raulerson, T. (2007). Pathways to Mentoring, Level 1. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Mentor Training Manual- 361 pages).</p><p>Foster, E. & Raulerson, T. (2005, 2004) (Eds). Pathways to developmental mentoring. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (Training manual for Educational mentors-4 day training manual).</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (2004, May). Final Report: Examining the Impact of Developmental Mentoring: A Model of Theory and Practice that Supports the Retention of Novice Teachers.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 12</p><p>Submitted to: Texas A&M University System’s Regents Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants.</p><p>Foster, E., (Ed.) Raulerson, T*., Schverak, A*., Larrison, L*., Bockelman, S**., Hollingshead, B*., Horak, B**. (Spring, 2004). Roadmap for mentors. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Three versions: elementary, middle and secondary. Suggestions for support based on conceptual level of the novice teacher). *doctoral students **master’s students.</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (2003, September). Report #1: Examining the Impact of Developmental Mentoring: A Model of Theory and Practice that Supports the Retention of Novice Teachers. Submitted to: Texas A&M University System's Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants.</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (2003, May). Final Report: Preparing Clinical Faculty as Mentors in Professional Development Schools: A Proposal for a Pilot Training Program. . Submitted to: Texas A&M University System's Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants.</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (2003, May). Final Report: Effects of Different Mentor Preparation Programs on Mentor Competence and Pre-service/Novice Teacher Development and Retention. . Submitted to: Texas A&M University System's Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants.</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed.), (2003, 2002). K-12 Mentoring: Support and challenge! Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (Training manual for four day model for educators)</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed.), (2003, 2002). Evaluation: Evidence for a future. Baltimore, MD: National Peer Helpers Association. (Training manual on evaluation of peer helping programs).</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed.). (2002, 2001, 2000). Inquiry mentoring: Support and challenge- Inquiry manual for mentor teachers. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. </p><p>Foster, E. (Editor) (2002, 2001, 2000). Asking the questions: Inquiry manual for inquiry interns. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>Reynolds, A., Loving, C., & Foster, E. (2000). Seven-site replication study report of teacher preparation: Year five. Washington DC: National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative.</p><p>Anderson, J., Loving, C., & Foster, E. (2000). National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative Texas A&M University Graduate Follow-up Study. Submitted as part of the National Education Association Cross-Site Summary Report. Washington, DC: National Education Association.</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed) (2000). Professional development school handbook for principals. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed) (2000). Professional development school handbook for administrators. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 13</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed) (2000). Professional development school handbook for method's instructors. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed) (2000). Integrated methods school handbook for IMS interns. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.</p><p>Foster, E. (Ed) (1999). Professional development school student handbook, Professional Development Schools, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Reynolds, A., Loving, C., & Foster-Harrison, E. (1999). National Education Association teacher education initiative: Seven-site replication study of teacher preparation: Year four. Washington, DC: National Education Association.</p><p>Foster, E., & others (1999). Middle grades education, A review in progress at James Madison University. Harrisonburg, VA.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1995). Pitt County Middle Grades Evaluation. Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC. (Designed process, developed surveys, interpreted and reported data, compiled and presented report)</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1995). TEAMM: Tutoring educates and motivates in the middle. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction and North Carolina State University. 221 pages.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1995). Creating socially capable children: Social skill development K-5 curriculum. Plymouth, NC: Washington County Safe Schools Project.</p><p>Foster, E. (1994). Evaluation and Review of 30 minute video: New England Research Institute, Inc. Peer Educator Video and Brochure, Watertown, MA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Formative Evaluation of Bertie County Peer Helper Program, Bertie County, Windsor, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Evaluation of Bertie County Middle Grades, Bertie County, Windsor, N. C.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Formative Evaluation of Bertie County Peer Helper Program, Bertie County, Windsor, N. C.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Evaluation of Sampson Middle School, Clinton City Schools, Clinton, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Drug prevention training manual for schools. Raleigh, NC: State Department of Public Instruction.</p><p>VIDEOS Foster, E. S. (1992). (Author and narrator) Energizers and icebreakers-The video. (Video). Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation. 16 minutes.</p><p>Foster, E. S. (1992). (Author and narrator) The tutoring, learning and growing program in Bertie County. (Video) Windsor, NC: Bertie County Schools. 16 minutes.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 14</p><p>POETRY Foster, E. (1993). Three eyes of motherhood. Feelings of the past.. Biloxi, MS: Archive of the Arts.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Alice's Hologram. Arcadia poetry anthology. Oklahoma City, OK: Arcadia Poetry Press.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Complacency. Charlotte, NC: The Charlotte Poetry Review.</p><p>GRANTS</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (March, 2003). Examining the impact of developmental mentoring: A model of theory and practice that supports the retention of novice teachers. Submitted to: Texas A&M University System's Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants: Project Year 4 for $10,000. Funded: $6000.</p><p>Foster, E. (October, 2002). Online Course Conversion Grant. Grant to support the course: Educator as Learner (a course designed to be included in the Mentoring Emphasis Area in the TLAC Graduate Program). Plus a graduate assistant for 5 hours per week until July 2003. Grant Award: $500.</p><p>Foster, E. (April, 2002). Master middle grades teachers as mentors: A retention model for novice middle school teachers. Texas A&M University College of Education Cox Foundation for Middle Grades. Funded: $60,000. (4 years- Scholarships).</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (March, 2002). Preparing clinical faculty as mentors in professional development schools: A proposal for a pilot training program. Texas A&M University Regents' Initiative Collaborative Grants. Requested $10,000. Funded: $10,000.</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (February, 2002). Effects of different mentor preparation programs on mentor competence and pre-service/novice teacher development and retention. Texas A&M University Regents' Initiative Collaborative Grants. Requested $15,000. Funded: $15,000.</p><p>Foster, E., Williamson, V., & Self, N. (2000-2001). Effective Teacher Preparation: Comparison of Professional Development School Interns, Integrated Methods School Interns and Year-long Inquiry Project Interns and Their Effect on Student Success in Public School. Texas A & M University Regents' Initiative Collaborative Research Grants. Funded: $35,000.</p><p>Foster, E. (August, 2000). Partnership Project for Educational Inquiry: "Changing the Questions in Teacher Preparation" Grant: Texas A&M University College of Education, Center for the Study & Implementation of Collaborative Learning Communities. Funded: $3000.</p><p>Foster, E. (2000-2001). Regents' Initiative Academy Fellowship. Texas A&M System's Regents' Initiative. Funded: $3000. </p><p>Foster, E. (2000, June). Grant: Texas Commissioner's Educational Research Initiative. Title: "The Partnership Project for Educational Inquiry: Changing the Questions in Teacher Preparation." Funded: $5000. </p><p>Foster, E. (2000, April). Grant: Vice Chancellor's Grant for Undergraduate Student Leadership. Texas A&M University. Title: "Leadership for Students through Inquiry" Funded: $3000. </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 15</p><p>Clark, F., Denton, J, Foster, E. and others. (1999, January). Collaborating Faculty member with grant, use of Technology Fellow and Summer Stipend for The Technology Mentor Fellowship Program: A Model to Support Intergenerational Learning- Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology Grant. Funded: $500,000 (not included in the grant total).</p><p>Loving, C., & Foster, E. (1998-1999). National Education Association. Teacher education initiative: 4th & 5th years of funding (1998-2000). Texas A&M Professional Development School Research and Field Work. Award: $20,000 for research and participation in national conference per year. Total for 1998-2000: $40,000. College Station, TX.</p><p>Cifuentes, L., Foster, E., and Shumate, A. (1999, February). Student success through telecommunications. College of Education Middle School Funding with Somerville Middle School. Funded: $15,000.</p><p>Foster, E., Schielack, J., & Katt, T. (1999-2000). Investigation of the effects administrators have on the PDS at their site. Sid Richardson Fellows' Project- Funded: $2000.</p><p>Foster, E., Patterson, P., & Katt, T. (1999-2002). Study of effect on PDS students' ability to Demonstrate reflective practice through inquiry classroom Research after a year-long intervention program. (NNER Fellows-NNER Project-John Goodlad- Funded: $3600. )</p><p>Carter, N., Kracht, J., Foster, E. & others (1998). Diversity in teacher education. Institute for Educational Inquiry. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Award: $15,000 for three year project. NNER.</p><p>Bassman, M., & Foster-Harrison, E. (consultant). (1997). Educational Research Public School University Partnership Grant. Funded: $5000. for two year project: 1998-1999.</p><p>Bassman, M. & Foster-Harrison, E. (1996). North Carolina Council for the Holocaust. Request: $1000. Purpose: create a resource center and workshop development area for middle grades teachers in Eastern North Carolina. Funded $1000..</p><p>Spiers, H. and Foster-Harrison, E. (1996, June). East Carolina University, Phillip Morris Corp., New York, NY. Requested: $83,000 for networking project for Accelerated Schools in collaboration with Dr. Hillar Spiers at North Carolina State University. Funded $30,000.</p><p>Foster-Harrison, E. (1996, April). School of Education, East Carolina University. Request: three half time summer salaries for (a) development of a learning center for teaching an interdisciplinary unit on the Holocaust with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary interaction involving six courses and professors and (b) development of eight course matrixes for goals, skills, portfolio inclusions, theorists, exit performance and product criteria. (internal funding). Funded.</p><p>Foster, E., & Tindall, J. (1992, October). National Peer Helpers Association, Lilly Endowment, Inc. Indianapolis, IN- for developing an administrator’s guide for peer helping. Funded $25,000.</p><p>Foster, E & Tindall, J. (1992, January). National Peer Helpers Association, Request of: Danforth Foundation, St. Louis, MO. Funded $25,00.</p><p>Foster, E. (1987, September). Mini-grant NDN Science Program: Project Starwalk, Dare County Schools, Funded $2000. </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 16</p><p>Foster, E. (1987, September). Mini-grant NDN Reading Program, Books and Beyond, Dare County Schools, Funded $2000.</p><p>Foster, E. (1983). Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Grant: Peer Helping Project for Dare County Schools, Funded $16,000.</p><p>Foster, E. (1981-82). North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Prevention of Substance Abuse Through Peer Involvement. Dare County Schools, Funded $10,000. </p><p>GRANTS Submitted, but not funded </p><p>Foster, E. (June, 2007). Developmental mentoring through graduate study: A DREAM³ initiative. FIPSE Grant (3 year) submitted to Dept. of Education as a replication model. Requested: $731, 497. (Not funded)</p><p>Foster, E. (2004, November). Distance induction and mentoring program (DIMP). FIPSE for $623,787. (Federal grant withdrawn from funding year).</p><p>Foster, E. & Collier, V. 2003, (November). Impact of administrator’s preparation on effective developmental mentoring programs designed to decrease teacher attrition. Submitted to: Texas A&M University System’s Regents’ Initiative for Excellence in Education: Collaborative Research Grants: Project Year 5 for $25,000. (Not funded).</p><p>Foster, E. (2003, March). Education mentors increase effectiveness through video training. Submitted to: Office of the Vice President for Research: Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities for $10,000. (Not funded).</p><p>Foster, E. & Zellner, L. (2003, March). A photographic expose’: Examining relationships through viewing a year in the life of a mentor. Submitted to: The Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts: Visual and Performing Arts Instructional Enhancement Grant for $5000. (Not funded)</p><p>Foster, E., Williamson, V., Carroll, C., Schverak, A. & Parker, D. (2001, May). Useful classroom practices which increase academic performance of students in schools with complex student populations. Texas Commissioner’s Educational Research Initiative Grant. Requested: $17,600. (Not funded)</p><p>Foster, E. (2000, May). Federal Grant: Teacher Enhancement Grant for Partnerships. 1.3 Million dollar/five year grant written to support the Educational Inquiry Project for Improvement of Teacher Preparation. (Not funded)</p><p>Foster, E. (2000, April). “Changing the Questions of Teaching”. Mini-grant program, Texas A&M University. Requested $1450.00 to support the Inquiry Project for NNER. (Not funded)</p><p>INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT Foster, E. (2002-2006). Conceptual Development Assessment. (modified PCT: Paragraph Completion Test by David Hunt, modification by E. Foster). </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 17</p><p>Foster, E. (2005, 2003). Level of importance of administrators on effectiveness of a school-wide mentoring program. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Survey instrument used to measure perceptions of novice teachers, mentor teachers and administrators about the role of the administrator in the success of school-based mentoring programs-revised Fall 2005, Used in doctoral study-Lucy Larrison-Spring, 2006).</p><p>Foster, E. (2004, 2003). Survey of reflections on experiences WITH a mentor. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Survey instrument used in research study examining the perceptions of mentees on the competence of their mentor. Reliability Coefficient for 27 items: Alpha=0.9703, Standardized item alpha=0.9728). </p><p>Foster, E. (2004, 2003). Survey of reflections on experiences AS a mentor. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Survey instrument used in research study examining the perceptions of mentors on their competence. Reliability Coefficient for 38 items: Alpha=0.8971, Standardized item alpha=0.9304). </p><p>Foster, E. (2005, 2002, 2000). Revised form of Classroom Observation and Performance Assessment for Teachers (COPAT). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. (Being used in a doctoral study-Diana Piccolo-Fall, 2006. Factor Analysis with INTASC Readiness Survey –Foster, E.; additionally, doctoral student: Barbara Hollingshead used COPAT to design a behavioral observation scale for conceptual development, Summer, Fall, 2006).</p><p>Foster, E. (2000-2005). INTASC readiness survey. (Reliability studies complete). Use: Administered to all senior interns and their mentors to measure perceptions of teaching skill readiness in areas of knowledge, disposition and performance as outlined on the ten INTASC standards. Separate instrument for mentors, separate for interns. (2000-2002). Also used with novice teachers and their mentors. (Currently being used in a doctoral study by Diana Piccolo-Fall, 2006-2007. Factor analysis and correlation study between INTASC Readiness Survey and the COPAT Observation Instrument –used to compare Internship students and Student Teachers). (Foster, E.).</p><p>Foster, E. (2001). Demographics survey for seniors. (Factor-analysis scale completed to determine self- selection effect on IMS/PDS choices. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University).</p><p>Foster, E. (2001). Concerns Based adoption model concerns questionnaire for mentors/mentees (modification of instrument by E. Foster from work of Gene Hall, Shirley Hall and others).</p><p>Foster, E. (2001). Classroom Observation and Performance Assessment for Teachers (COPAT). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University. Observation instrument used in the mentoring program to observe classroom teachers. Developed to increase consistency and accuracy in observation and evaluation of novice teachers. Piloted fall of 2000-in use currently. Based on 3 instrument models: North Carolina Teacher Performance Instrument, Charlotte Danielson's Frameworks of Teaching and INTASC Standards.</p><p>Foster, E. (2001). Evaluation: Inquiry program. Inquiry Mentors and Inquiry Residents. (Administered as a pre-test in the fall and post-test in the spring to both Inquiry and Non-Inquiry Mentors and Inquiry-Interns and Non-Inquiry Interns.)</p><p>KEYNOTES/INVITED ADDRESSES Foster, E. (September, 2007). (Invited). Web-Seminar (Webinar). Skill building: An introduction to Peer-Connect. Nationally broadcasted webinar hosted by Campus Outreach Services, St. Davids, PA. Foster, E. (September, 2007). Invited. Evaluation: A Call for Quality. 2 day symposium. (NAPP). Providence, Rhode Island: National Association of Peer Programs (NAPP).</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 18</p><p>Foster, E. (2006, November). Invited. Evaluation: Designing rationale and a future for peer work. Pre-Conference Symposium (2 day). Annual Conference of the National Association of Peer Programs (NAPP). (formerly: National Peer Helper Association) Providence, Rhode Island.</p><p>Foster, E. (2006, March). Using energizers and icebreakers in groups. What works? Invited Keynote, Pennsylvania School Counselor’s Association Annual Conference. Lancaster, PA.</p><p>Foster, E. (2003, June). Evaluation: Evidence for a future. (Invited pre-conference-2 day training session). National Peer Helpers Association Annual Pre-Conference. Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Foster, E. (2002, December). Research and evaluation: Friendly companions to peer and mentor programs. 3rd Annual PACT Adult Institute. Austin, TX</p><p>Foster, E.: (2001, June). Award Speaker, National Peer Helpers Association Awards Luncheon: First NPHA Peer Program of the Year- awarded to SPARK, New York City, NY.</p><p>Fall 2000 Lecture Series for Phi Delta Kappa Foster, E. (September, 2000). The school's physical environment and effect on school climate. Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas. Foster, E. (September, 2000). Creating an inviting classroom. Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, Kansas.</p><p>Fall 1999 Lecture Series for Phi Delta Kappa The school's physical environment and impact on school climate, Vermillion Chapter, Champaign, IL., Sept. 27, 1999. Peer tutoring for K-12 success, Sinnissippi Chapter, Rockford, IL, Sept. 28, 1999. The school's physical environment and effect on school climate, Indiana University at PDK International Headquarters, Bloomington, IN, September 29, 1999. The school's physical environment and impact on student learning, Indiana Dunes Chapter, Valparaiso, IN, September 30, 1999.</p><p>Foster, E. (1997, September). The delights and dilemmas of working with the pre-adolescent. National Older Kids Annual Conference. Charlotte, NC. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E. (1996, January). Yesterday, today and tomorrow for peer helping. Alabama Peer Helpers Association. Birmingham, AL. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E., (1993, February). National iInitiatives for peer helping. North Carolina Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E. (1992, February). Peer helping - A point of light. Presented to Iowa Peer Helper's Association Annual Conference at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991, October). The vital link. Presented to New Jersey Peer Helping Association Conference, Jamesbury, NJ. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991, October). The joys of peer helping. Presented to Missouri Peer Helpers Association Conference, Columbia, MO. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Foster, E. (1991, May). Peer helping celebration in the middle grades. Everett School District, Everett, WA. (Invited Keynote).</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 19</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Critical issues in peer helping. New Jersey Peer Helpers Association Conference, Jamesbury, NJ. Invited Keynote.</p><p>PRESENTATIONS and PAPERS INTERNATIONAL Foster, E., & Helfeldt, J. (October, 2000). International Presentation. Partnership project for educational inquiry: Changing the questions in teacher preparation: Administrative roles in supporting reform through inquiry. Annual Collaboration Action Research Network Conference (CARN). Dunchurch, England.</p><p>Foster, E. (October, 1997). Peer tutoring for K-12 success, Acadia University, Halifax, Novia Scotia.</p><p>NATIONAL Foster, E. (March, 2008). (Symposium Chair of AERA session: Mentoring implications for teacher retention through the examination of mentor effectiveness, developmental mentor training and use of mentoring skills). (4 papers). (1) Foster, E. & Anderson, A*. (March 2008). Mentoring: The training model that yields developmental growth and supports retention. *current doctoral student (2) Larrison, L*. Examining the role of the principal as a leader of induction and professional development *former doctoral student. (3) Hollingshead, B*. Next steps in the use of developmental tools to examine mentor effectiveness. *former doctoral student. (4) Clark, M.* Views of a graduate student prepared to mentor through a cognitive developmental lens *current doctoral student. (5) Helfeldt, J. Establishing productive mentoring relationships through experiential year long urban teaching internships. (Accepted, August, 2007).</p><p>Foster, E., Bradley, K*., and Eidson, K*. (February, 2008). Graduate education in mentoring: A research-based response to the educator retention dilemma. New Orleans, LA: Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). (Accepted. June 2007). *doctoral students</p><p>Helfeldt, J., Foster, E., & Carter, N. (February, 2008). Forging productive mentoring partnerships through experienital year long urban teaching internships. New Orleans, LA: Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). (Submitted, June 2007). Hollingshead, B*., Foster, E. & Larrison, L*. (October, 2007). Paper: Developmental mentoring: Theory in motion. 2007 National Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference. Balcone Springs, TX: National Curriculum and Pedagogy. *former doctoral students. Foster, E. (April, 2007). Symoposium Chair for AERA. Impact of mentor training on perceptions of competence in pre-service/In-service mentors and administrators. Presentation: Mentoring: What training model yields effective growth in the novice teacher? (Doctoral student presentations): Lucy Larrison: Congruence of perceptions among the principal, mentor teacher, and novice teacher regarding the principal’s role in a campus mentoring program. Barbara Hollingshead: The development and psychometric analysis of the conceptual level Teacher behavior observation tool for mentors. Chicago, ILL: American Educational Research Association. </p><p>Helfeldt, J., Foster, E., & Carter, N. (February, 2007). An urban schools-university partnership that prepares and retains quality teachers for high needs schools. New York, NY: 2007 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Meeting (AACTE). </p><p>Foster, E. (2006, November- Invited). Evaluation: Evidence for success! Providence, RI: 2006 National Conference of the National Association of Peer Programs. </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 20</p><p>Hollingshead, B*., Larrison, L*., & Foster, E. (2006, October). Addressing teacher retention and effectiveness on democratic campuses with developmental mentoring and supervision. 2006 National Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference. Balcone Springs, TX: National Curriculum and Pedagogy. *doctoral students.</p><p>Carter, N., Blanson, A., Hill-Jackson, V., & Foster, E. (2006, April). Why quality teachers stay in "high need" urban schools: Insights for retention and recruitment. San Francisco, CA: American Educational Research Association Annual Conference (AERA). </p><p>Black, R., Foster, E. & Tindall, J. (2004, June). Peer programs: Demonstrating effectiveness through evaluation. National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference, Austin, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Black, D. R. & Tindall, Judy. (2003, June). Designing surveys that work: A step-by-step guide. Atlanta, GA: National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference.</p><p>Foster, E., Black, D. R. & Tindall, Judy. (2003, June). Evaluation and research in the peer helping field. Atlanta, GA: National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference.</p><p>Foster, E., Schverak, A*., Larrison, L*., Knight, T*., & Bockelmann, S*. (January, 2003). Mentor preparation through graduate curricula: Components of a developmental program. New Orleans, LA: Annual Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE). *graduate students. </p><p>Foster, E., Schverak, A*., and Jacobs, K**. (2001, October). Year long inquiry: From methods to graduation. Denver, CO: Annual National Network for Educational Renewal Conference. (*doctoral student, ** undergraduate student)</p><p>Foster, E. (2001, June). Evaluation: Matching peer helping objectives with evaluation processes. Kansas City, KS: National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference. </p><p>Foster, E., & Parker, D. (2001, March). Inquiry teaching and learning - A renewal model for Teacher Preparation Through Multi-College and School Partnerships. (2) Foster, E., serving as Critic: Schverak, A*. & Mooney, K. Shared Literacy Development: School-University Collaboration, An Inquiry PDS Model in Progress, A Model that Works! Annual Conference of American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), Dallas, Texas. (*doctoral student).</p><p>Foster, E., Allen, L., Mandeville, T. & others, (2001, January). New middle grades certification in Texas. NMSA A Symposium on Middle Level Teacher Preparation. National Middle School Association, Dallas, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. & Gleghorn, S. (2000, September). Educational Inquiry: Changing the Questions of Teaching-an NNER Project in Action. National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER), Portland, MA.</p><p>Foster, E. (2000, June). Pre-Conference two day adult training: Peer Helping: Connecting Service to School, Community and Self. Annual Conference of the National Peer Helpers Association (NPHA), Boston, MA.</p><p>Foster, E. and Gleghorn, S. (2000, March). "Grooming the University and School District Partnership: Politics and Promises". Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, New Orleans, LA. </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 21</p><p>Foster, E., Katt, T. & Patterson, P. (2000, March). "Inquiry, presentation and review: A coached senior level PDS experience- 'Changing the questions of Teaching'. National Network for Educational Renewal, Educational Inquiry Institute, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Foster, E., Loving, C. & Shumate, A. (1999). Effectiveness of the principal in successful PDS's. National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative Annual Conference, New Jersey.</p><p>Foster, E., Adams-Bullock, A., Daniels, P. & McDaniel, M. (1998). Create a student friendly climate where school & classroom environment make a difference! National Middle School Association Annual Conference. Denver, CO. </p><p>Foster, E. & Adams Bullock, A. (1996). What’s in your classroom? A look at the latest findings on environment and space. National Middle School Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Foster, E. Adams Bullock, A. & Warren, L. (1996). A university interdisciplinary team: An effective model for success! National Middle School Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Foster, E. Adams Bullock, A. & Warren, L. (1996). Making it better! Revision of a middle grades teacher preparation program. National Middle School Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Foster, E. & Harrison, W. (1995). A partnership for total quality and leadership: School, corporation, and university working to make a difference. National Association of Secondary School Principal's Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX .</p><p>Foster, E., Pressley, J & Harrison, T. (1994). School, business, and university: A collaboration for 'Snappy' staff development & 'Surefire' quality school improvement. Third National Conference on Creating the Quality School. Oklahoma City, OK.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Interdisciplinary teaming: Can it happen at the university level? National Middle School Association Annual Convention, Portland, OR.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Trainer? Techniques, tips, tested methods! National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). The role of the administrator in developing a peer helper program. Adult Leadership Development Seminar, sponsored in part by the Lily Foundation and the National Peer Helper Association. Indianapolis, IN.</p><p>Foster, E. & Tindall, J. (1993). Setting up a peer helping program: A model for youth. American Counseling Association Pre-Convention. Atlanta, GA. </p><p>Foster, E. & Tindall, J. (1993). The principal's role in managing an effective peer helping program. National Association of Secondary School Principals Annual Convention. Las Vegas, NV. </p><p>Foster, E. & Watson, C. (1992). A middle grades model for system-wide peer helping. National Middle School Association Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX. </p><p>Foster, E. (1992). A caring climate through energizers & icebreakers. National Peer Helper's Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 22</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Peer assistance applications at the elementary level: Implications, development and evaluation. Pan Texas Adult Leadership Institute. Austin, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Impacting a nation at risk through peer helping. American Association for Counseling and Development, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Elements of success in peer helping. Iowa Peer Helper's Association Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa. </p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Nuts and bolts of peer helping. National Middle School Association, Louisville, KY.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Using energizers and icebreakers to stimulate your classroom. National Middle School Association, Louisville, KY.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Starting from scratch-Beginning a program. Missouri Peer Helpers Association Conference, Columbia, MO. </p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Energizers & icebreakers in the kaleidoscope. Missouri Peer Helpers Association Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Evaluation-You can't do without it. Missouri Peer Helpers Association Conference, Columbia, MO. </p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Icebreakers & energizers. New Jersey Peer Helpers Association Conference, Jamesbury, NJ.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Planning staff development for county-wide implementation of middle grades peer programs. National Peer Helper Association, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Writing for publication-a round table discussion. National Peer Helpers Association, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Affective approaches with at-risk youth. Drug and Alcohol Counselors, Multi-County Collaborative, Lakewood School District, Lakewood, WA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Peer helping. Third Annual National Student Assistance Conference, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Building collaborative projects between university and public schools. National Middle School Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Energizers and icebreakers: Part II. American Association of Counseling and Development, Boston, MA. </p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Energizers and icebreakers: Add zest to your training. 4th Annual National Peer Helpers Association Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.</p><p>STATE</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 23</p><p>Foster, E. & Raulerson, T. (2004, October). Developmental mentoring: A preparation model that works! 2004 Fall Teacher Education Conference sponsored by CSOTTE-Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. Galvaston, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. & Larrison, L. (2004, September). The administrator’s role in a campus-based mentoring program as perceived by principals, mentors and novice teachers. San Antonio, TX: Texas A&M University Regents' Initiative 8th Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships.</p><p>Foster, E. & Peters, W. (2003, June). Preliminary findings on the examination of effects of different mentor preparation programs on mentor competence. The 4th Annual Chancellor's Invitational Conference. Houston, TX. </p><p>Foster, E., Peters, W., Larrison, L, Schverak, A. & Knight, T. (2003, February). Assessment in the "mentoring emphasis" graduate program. 3rd Annual Texas A&M System Assessment Conference, College Station, TX. </p><p>Foster, E., Peters, W., Brown, D., & Larrison, L. (2002, October). From portfolios to performance: The Texas A&M developmental mentoring model. Texas A&M University Regents' Initiative Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships. San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Williamson, V., & Parker, D. (2001, June). Research and Development of a Year-long Inquiry Development Pilot. Second Annual Chancellor's Invitational Conference for Academy Educator Development. The Texas A&M University System. Houston, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Gleghorn, S., Lowy, S., Jacobs, K., & Pittsord, K. (2000, October). Texas A & M South Knoll educational inquiry project. The 4th Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships. Austin, TX. </p><p>Foster, E., Schielack, J., Katt, T., & Shumate, A. (2000). Effects of the principal on the success of a PDS. Texas A&M University Regents' Initiative Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships. San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Katt, T., Schielack, J., & Shumate, A. (1999). The key role of school principals in effective professional development schools" Annual Texas School Partnership Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. </p><p>Foster, E., & Warren, L. (1995, March) Creating effective teams: In the public school and university too!. North Carolina Middle School Association Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC.</p><p>Foster, E., & Bragaw, D. (1994, March). Teaming in higher education: It can really happen! North Carolina Middle School Association, Goldsboro, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1994). Evaluating your program - It's a must! North Carolina Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference. Winston Salem, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1994). Energizers to use in training and beyond! North Carolina Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference. Winston Salem, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Working to Energize the Middle School Classroom. North Carolina League of Middle Level Schools, Winston-Salem, NC.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 24</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Middle Grades Concept Development. Presented to Parent Council Group, Manteo, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Energizing Your Middle Grades Classroom. North Carolina League of Middle Level Schools, Durham, NC.</p><p>Foster, E., Spence, D., & Misulis, K. (1990). Improving Reading in Middle Grades Through Whole Language: A Collaborative Project. North Carolina League of Middle Level Schools Conference, Charlotte, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Open Forum: Issues of the 90's Peer Panel. North Carolina Peer Helper Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Evaluation: To be or not to be in peer programs. North Carolina Peer Helper Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Energizers and icebreakers. North Carolina Alcohol and Drug Defense Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>REGIONAL/LOCAL Foster, E. (2005, December). The mentor and reflection: Giving feedback. Lead Mentors for Bryan ISD, Bryan, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (2004, August). Texas A&M: Developmental mentoring-The road to retention and scholarship. PEIC’s Mentoring/Coaching Design Team Meeting. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (2004, June). Mentoring, inside the profession....Life, lies and videotape. Principal's Institute II. Texas A&M University Principals' Center. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Hollingshead, B., Larrison, L., & Raulerson, T. (2004, May). Examining mentoring from different training perspectives: Outcomes and projections. Texas A&M University, Texas A&M Regents’ Partnership Conference. George Bush Library Conference Center. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (2001). Educational inquiry: A year-long senior level action research project. Presentation to Department of Chemistry. Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., & others (2000, Spring). Elementary professional development schools at Texas A & M University. Overview of the Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education. College of Education, Texas A & M University. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., & Loving, C. (1999). Texas A&M PDS program results-Year 4 of NEA-TEI project initiative. Dept. of Educational Curriculum and Instruction Faculty Presentation. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (1994). Creating total quality education in the middle level classroom. Summer Middle School Conference, East Carolina University. Greenville, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1994). Peering in the middle: The place for peer helpers. Summer Middle School Conference, East Carolina University. Greenville, NC. </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 25</p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Principles and overview of TQE. Eastern Regional TQE Institute, sponsored by Rural Education Institute and the ECU TQE Task Force, East Carolina University. Greenville, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1993). Energizers for middle grades. East Carolina University Annual Middle Grades Summer Conference, Greenville, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (November, 1992). Introduction to reform and total quality management and critical components of TQM Total Quality Management for Total Quality Education Conference. Rural Education Institute, School of Education, East Carolina University in collaboration with the NC Business Committee for Education, the NC. Quality Leadership Foundation and the NC Department of Instruction. (Planner, presenter, co-director).</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Creating a caring climate through energizers & icebreakers. East Carolina University Middle School Summer Conference, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1992). Total quality management in the middle grades. East Carolina University Middle School Summer Conference, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Peer program rationale and development." Project SIDE, Department of Health and Physical Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1991). Energizing the middle grades classroom through energizers and icebreakers. Presented to East Carolina University Middle School Summer Conference, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). First steps in designing the curriculum for a peer helper program. East Carolina University 5th Annual Middle School Leadership Conference, Greenville, NC. </p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Energizers and icebreakers for middle level classrooms. East Carolina University 5th Annual Middle School Leadership Conference, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Beginning a peer helper program in the middle grades. East Carolina University 5th Annual Middle School Summer Conference, Greenville, NC. (full day)</p><p>Foster, E. (1990). Peer counseling. East Carolina University 1990 Conference on Poverty, Greenville, NC.</p><p>UNIVERSITY AND SYSTEM SERVICE</p><p>TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - SYSTEM – COLLEGE Developer. (December, 2007). Two courses for Executive Ed.D. to be on-line, September, 2008.</p><p>Member, (Summer, 2007). College Assessment Team. College Station, TX: College of Education and Human Development.</p><p>Co-Presenter, (December, 2006). Dynamic mentoring. Workshop for COEHD Faculty. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Co-Presenter, (November, 2006). Mentor Workshop for Graduate Students. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 26</p><p>Member, (2006-2007). College Level Planning Team for Mentoring Graduate Students by Graduate Faculty. Texas A&M University, College Statiion, TX.</p><p>Member, (2006). Interdepartmental Coordinating Council (IDCC). College Level Committee designed to improve graduate education for doctoral students. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2005-2007) Graduate Council (GIC), College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.</p><p>Mentor, (2005-2006). Women’s Faculty Network Mentoring Program. Texas A&M University.</p><p>Member, (2004-2005). Texas A&M University System Regents’ II PEICs Mentoring/Coaching Design Team. College Station, TX.</p><p>Director, (2003-current) MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and Development. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Judge, (January, 2005, 2004). Texas A&M University Educational Research Exchange. College of Education and Human Development, TAMU. College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2004-2005). Educational Research Exchange Awards Committee. College of Education and Human Development, TAMU. College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, Steering Committee, Great Cities Initiative. (2004-2005). College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Board Member, (2003-2005). Houston Area Initiative (HAI). Principal's Center, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Co-Director, (2001-2004). Laboratory for Learning Environments. Interdisciplinary laboratory between College of Education and Human Development and College of Architecture. Collaborative Co-Director: Dr. Luana Zellner, Director, Principal’s Center in Educational Administration, College of Education. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Presenter, (2003, February). External Evaluation Visit by Texas A&M University System's Regents' Initiative, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Co-Coordinator, (1999-2002). Texas A&M System Regent's Initiative Professional Development School Partnership Program for Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (1999-2001). University Council for Teacher Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2000). Texas Teacher of the Year Planning Committee, Texas A&M System, Austin, Texas.</p><p>Fellow, (1999-present). Sid Richardson Foundation, College of Education, Texas A&M University. Named in April, 1999.</p><p>Member, (2001-2002). College of Education NCATE Committees, Standard I and Standard III.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 27</p><p>Member, (2001-2000) Leadership Team for Regents' Initiative, College of Education, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Faculty Collaborator (1999-2001). Partnership for Technology Grant and Program: The Technology Mentor Fellowship Program: A Model to Support Intergenerational Learning. Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology Grant.</p><p>Member, (2000). University Council for Teacher Education Sub-committee: ExCET Remediation, Texas A&M University. </p><p>Member, (2000). University Council for Teacher Education Sub-committee: Alternative Certification, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Member, (1998-2000). Research Committee, National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative, Washington D.C.</p><p>Member, (1998-2000). Advisory Council, National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative, Washington D.C.</p><p>DEPARTMENT: Teaching, Learning and Culture Faculty Representative, (Fall, 2007, Spring, 2007, Fall 2006). Texas A&M Graduation Ceremonies.</p><p>Coordinator, (2006, Spring). Culture & Curriculum Recruitment Program for Graduate Students. Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, TAMU, College Station, TX.</p><p>Nominator, (2006, Spring) Leslie Ross for University Merit Fellowship Award. Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, TAMU, College Station, TX.</p><p>Collaborator & Trainer, (2006, 2005, 2004, 2003). Senior Level Internship Program with Dr. Jack Helfeldt, Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, TAMU, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (Fall, 2004). Core Course Review Committee. Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, TAMU, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, Peer Review of Teaching Committee, (Fall, 2004). Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2003-2004). Field Experience Committee, Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Chair, (2001-2002). Search Committee for Clinical Middle Grades Assistant Professor for Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University. . Member, (Fall, 2001). Faculty Evaluation Committee for Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Chair, (2001-2002). Exceptions and Review Committee for TLAC Undergraduate Advisees, Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University..</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 28</p><p>Coordinator, (1998-2001). Elementary and Middle Grades Education Program, Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Chair, (2000-2001). Program Development for two new Texas certification areas: Early Childhood Education: EC-4; Middle Grades Education: 4-8. Presentations to University Council of Teacher Education.</p><p>Facilitator, (Fall, 2001, 2000). Participatory Leadership Campus Retreat, sponsored by the Department of Educational Administration in the College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2001). Strategic Plan (2001-2006) for Elementary and Middle Grades Programs, Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture. College of Education Strategic Plan. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2001-02). Graduate Faculty Committee on Program Development: A Self Study. Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education, Texas A & M University.</p><p>Member, (2001-2002). College of Education NCATE Committees, Standard I and Standard III.</p><p>Chair, (2000-2001). Field Leadership Team Committee. Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture. College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Chair, (2000-2001). Task Force on development of Early Childhood Curriculum and Program.</p><p>Chair, (2000-2001). Task Force on development of Middle Grades Curriculum and Program.</p><p>Chair, (1999-2002). Elementary and Middle Grades Collaborative Advisory Council, Dept. of Teaching, Learning & Culture, College of Education, Texas A&M University.</p><p>Member, (1999-2001). Brazos Valley Cooperative for Teaching. Office of Advising and Student Teaching, College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (2000). Committee on Development of Clinical Faculty. Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Member, (Fall, 1999). Graduate Committee to Study the Graduate Core. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Director, (1998-2000). Professional Development Schools for Bryan, College Station and Somerville. Coordinator for College Station-1999-2001.</p><p>Member, (1999-2000). Committee to Review Graduate Programs in Dept. of Educational Curriculum and Instruction. </p><p>Member, (Spring, 2000). Space Allocation Committee, Dept. of Educational Curriculum and Instruction.</p><p>Member, (Spring, 1999, Fall 1998,). Search Committees: (1)Chair for Dept. of Educational Curriculum and Instruction; (2)Faculty position-Early Childhood. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX..</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 29</p><p>Participant, (1998-1999). National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) Leadership Development Seminar Series: "Advancing the Agenda for Education in a Democracy". Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Co-P.I. (1998-2000). with Dr. Cathy Loving, National Education Association Professional Development School: Teacher Education Initiative Grant in Years 4 & 5.</p><p>Co-Leader, (1998-2000). National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) Diversity Grant with Norvella Carter & others. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Member, (1998-1999). Equipment Access Fee Advisory Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Member, (1998-1999). Committee to Study Post-Bac for Elementary Education, Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>Member, (1998-1999). RITE (Research In Teacher Education) Group, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. </p><p>EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY - SYSTEM – COLLEGE Participant, (1999). Educational Research Symposium for Public School University Partnerships. East Carolina University. Greenville, NC. January. </p><p>Roundtable Discussion Leader, (May, 1997). Coming to the Table: Three Universities Meet to Expand the Dialogue on Teacher Education. Held at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Liaison, (1996-1997). Pitt County Schools and East Carolina University for Middle Grades Professional Development and Model School.</p><p>Assistant to the Chair, (1995-1996). Middle Grades Education, School of Education, East Carolina University. Coordinator, (1994-1995; 1990-1992). Middle Grades Education, School of Education, East Carolina University.</p><p>Member, (1995-1997). School of Education Curriculum Committee, East Carolina University.</p><p>Member, (1995-1997). Due Process Appellate Committee, East Carolina University.</p><p>Team Leader, (1994-1996). Revision of Middle Grades Undergraduate Program.</p><p>Coordinator, Middle Grades Curriculum Program Revision, 1994-1996.</p><p>Chair, (1994-1996). Member, (1996-1998). Multi-Disciplinary Holocaust Team, East Carolina University.</p><p>Chair, (1994-96, 1990-1992). Interdisciplinary Team, East Carolina University Middle Grades Program.</p><p>Trainer, (Spring 1996). Clinical Schools Network, School of Education, East Carolina University.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 30</p><p>Coordinator, ( January-July, 1995). Middle Grades Evaluation Project for Six Schools, Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC. </p><p>Faculty Mentor, (1995-1996). Two new junior faculty members. Department of Elementary and Middle Grades, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1994-1996). Search Committee, Chair and Department faculty, Department of Elementary and Middle Grades, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1994-96; 1990-92). Pitt Community College Pre-Education Advisory Committee, Department of Elementary and Middle Grades, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Chair, (1994-1995). Elementary and Middle Grades Department Peer Review Committee, Department of Elementary and Middle Grades, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1993-1995). Total Quality Education (TQE) Task Force, School of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1993-1994). Alternative Certification Training Committee, School of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1993-1994). AG Task Force, Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Director, (1993, 1992, 1991). East Carolina University Summer Middle School Conference & Leadership Institute.</p><p>Member, (1992). Education for the Middle Years, North Carolina New Schools Design Team, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1991-1993). Advisory Council for Middle Grades Professional Development Network.</p><p>Member, (1991-1992). Middle School Pre-service Project, 5 University Collaborative on Improving Middle Grades Mathematics Education.</p><p>Sponsor, (1990-1993). Middle Grades Student Organization, School of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Chair, (1990-1992). Middle Grades Advisory Committee, School of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Member, (1989-1992). Comprehensive Exam Committee, School of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Advisor, (1994-96; 1989-92). Middle Level North Carolina Teaching Fellows, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Advisor, (1989-1996). Undergraduate and Graduate Middle Level Students, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 31</p><p>Member, (1990-1991). Revision of Middle Grades Teacher Education Guidelines and Competencies Committee, East Carolina University.</p><p>Member, (1990). Elementary and Middle Grades Department Lesson Plan Review Committee, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.</p><p>SERVICE: NATIONAL LEVEL COMMITTEES Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Appointed Member, (2005-2008) Commission on the Preparation and Support of Teachers in Diverse Communities Appointed Member, (2005-2008) Commission on Teacher Reflectivity Member, (2006-current) SIG: Mentoring and Induction Member, (2006-current) SIG: Teacher Reflectivity Appointed Member, (1993-1995). Commission on Total Quality Management in Schools</p><p>American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Current Member, Planning Committee for 2008 Annual Conference for Multicultural Education Special Studies Group (SSG)</p><p>American Educational Research Association (AERA) Current: Member, Div. A Administration Member, Div. E Counseling and Human Development Member, Div. K Teaching and Teacher Education Member, SIG Mentorship and Mentoring Practices Member, SIG Moral Development and Education Member, SIG Portfolios and Reflection in Teaching and Teacher Education Member, SIG Supervision and Instructional Leadership Reviewer, Convention Proposals for: Mentorship and Mentoring Practices SIG (Aug. 2007)</p><p>National Education Association: Teacher Education Initiative (7 University Collaborative) Member, Research Committee for Teacher Education Initiative 1998-2000 Member, Advisory Committee for Teacher Education Initiative 1998-2000</p><p>National Association of Peer Programs (NAPP) (formerly: National Peer Helper Association-NPHA) Scholar of the Year 2004 Past President's Advisory Council 1998-07 President Emeritus 1997-current Immediate Past President 1994-1996 President 1991-1994 (Nationally elected position) Vice President: 1989-1991 Board of Directors 1988-1996 Editor, Peer Facilitator Quarterly 1989-1991 Coordinator, State Networking 1989-1991 Finance Committee 1990-1994 Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee 1991-1994 Chair, Communications Division 1989-1991 Asst. Editor, Peer Facilitator Quarterly 1988-1989</p><p>SERVICE: STATE LEVEL COMMITTEES</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 32</p><p>Grant Reviewer, (Summer, 2007). Texas Beginning Teacher and Induction Program Grants. Austin, Tx. </p><p>Member, (2002-2004). Advisory Council, Texas Beginning Educator Support System (TxBESS). ESC Region VI, Huntsville, TX.</p><p>Member, (Spring, 2000). Pre-Planning Committee for Texas Teacher's Forum, co-sponsored by the Texas Education Agency and Texas A & M University System .</p><p>Member, (2000-2002). Board of Directors, Middle School Educators Preparation Association (MSEPA), Texas Middle School Association. Austin, TX.</p><p>Director, (1999-2000). Region 6, Board of Directors for the Texas Middle School Association (TMSA).</p><p>President, (1997-1998). Region I, North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum (NCASCD), Eastern Region. </p><p>President, North Carolina Peer Helper Association President 1983-1984 Past President 1984-1986</p><p>Advisory Team for Region I, (1989-1995) North Carolina League of Middle Level Schools. </p><p>Board of Directors, (1982-1994). North Carolina Peer Helper Association.</p><p>National Liaison to North Carolina Peer Helper Association (1987-1994).</p><p>Editor, State Newsletter, North Carolina Peer Helpers Association (1982-1984).</p><p>Current Professional Memberships & Subscriptions Association of Supervision and Curriculum National Middle School Association (NMSA) Development (ASCD) Texas Middle School Association. (TMSA) National Association of Peer Programs (NAPP) Middle School Educator Preparation Association (MSEPA) Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Delta Kappa Gamma American Educational Research Association (AERA) American Association for Colleges of Teacher Reflective Practice- Taylor & Francis Education (AACTE) Mentoring and Tutoring-Taylor & Francis</p><p>Previous/Inactive Professional Memberships National Association of Secondary School National Association of Elementary School Principals Principals (NASSP) (NAESP) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) International Reading Association (IRA) National Association for the Education of Young National Education Association (NEA) Children (NAEYC) North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) North Carolina Middle School Association North Carolina Writer’s Association (NCMSA) North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (NCASCD)</p><p>CONSULTANT: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Magnolia ISD, Magnolia, TX. (2007-2009). Two year consulting as Trainer, Evaluator and General Consultant for Beginning Mentoring Program, Texas A&M University MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 33</p><p>Development. Magnolia ISD funded for 2 years through TEA Beginning Mentor Teacher Program. Delivering: Pathways to Mentoring, Level 1- 4 day training for 45 mentors in Year 1 and Paths for Principals in Implementing Mentoring for one day of training for 16 administrators in Year 1. Additionally, comprehensive program evaluation for the Mentoring/Induction program.</p><p>Bryan ISD, Bryan, TX (2007-2009). Two year consulting as Trainer, Evaluator and General Consultant for Beginning Mentoring Program through Texas A&M University MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and Development (Director). Bryan ISD funded for 2 years through TEA Beginning Mentor Teacher Program. Delivering: Pathways to Mentoring, Level 1- 4 day training for 34 mentors in Year 1 and Paths for Principals in Implementing Mentoring for one day of training for 7 administrators in Year 1. </p><p>Bryan ISD, Bryan, TX (2005-2006). District-wide Mentoring Program Development and Evaluation. Serving as Program Consultant for District Director (non-paid).</p><p>Foster, E. (2003-2007). Trainer and Consultant (non-paid.) On-going training and consulting with Mentors of the Internship Program within the Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, TAMU, College Station, TX. Note: This training and support involves year long contact, journal reflections and work with the full time mentors and also with Dr. Jack Helfeldt, Director of the Internship Program. The number of mentors have ranged from 8-12 per year. Considered a “teaching activity.” We have completed our fourth year of collecting data on the Interns and their Mentors.</p><p>Foster, E., Schverak, A. & Raulerson, T. (Fall, Summer, 2005, 2004, 2003). Four day K-12 Developmental Mentor Training Institute for Mentor Supervisors of Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture (TLAC) Teaching Internship Program.</p><p>Birmingham, AL (February, 2004). Evaluation for Peer Helping Programs.. Birmingham, AL: Alabama Peer Helpers Association. (invited-2 days).</p><p>Foster, E. & Tindall, J. (April, 2004). On the road again…..A guide for trainer techniques: A day for trainers of mentors.. Texas A& M University Center for Distance Learning and Research, College Station, TX.</p><p>Birmingham, AL (February, 2003, 2001). Adult Training for K-12 Peer Tutoring Programs. Birmingham, AL: Alabama Peer Helpers Association. (invited)</p><p>Foster, E., Peters, W., Larrison, L., Bockelmann, S. & Schverak, A. (Spring-Fall, 2003). Mentoring: Support and challenge, you can make the difference. Four day K-12 Developmental Mentor Training Institute for four of Bryan ISD Regent's Initiative Schools) Bryan, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (June, 2003, 2002). Developer, Facilitator and Trainer: Evaluation: Evidence for a future. Atlanta, GA and Baltimore, MD: National Peer Helpers Association Annual Pre-Conference Trainings. (Invitation to develop and train one day on evaluation of peer programs).</p><p>Foster, E. (February, 2003, 2001). Adult Training for Peer Tutoring Programs: K-12. Birmingham, AL: Alabama Peer Helpers Association.</p><p>Foster, E. (Fall, 2002, 2001). Facilitate and Train: (four day) Educational Inquiry Development Institute for Inquiry Interns. Bryan, TX.</p><p>Foster, E., Peters, W., Bockelmann, S., Schverak, A. & Larrison, L. (October, 2002; September, 2002; May, 2003). Four day K-12 Developmental Mentor Training Institute. Bryan, TX: Texas A&M University College of Education, Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 34</p><p>Foster, E. (June, 2002, 2001, 2000). Facilitate and Train: three day Educational Inquiry Development Institute for Inquiry Mentors. College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. & Gleghorn, S. (August, 2000). Aldine ISD-International Studies Magnet School, Inquiry and Constructivism: A New View Inside the Questions.</p><p>Foster, E. (August, 2000). Facilitated & Lead, three day Educational Inquiry Institute for Interns in the NNER Educational Inquiry Project.</p><p>Foster, E. & Gleghorn, S. (June, 2000). Co-facilitated -three day NNER Educational Inquiry Institute for Mentors and Related Professional Team Members participating in the NNER Educational Inquiry Project. College Station Conference Center, College Station, TX.</p><p>Somerville ISD, (August, 1999). Somerville Jr. High, Working in the Block Program (one half day)</p><p>Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC. : Collaboration for Media Coordinators, February, 1999; County- wide Middle Level School Evaluation (coordinator), Spring, 1995; D. H. Conley High School- Cooperative Learning, (20 hours) March-April 1992; E.B. Aycock Middle School- Developing Faculty Cohesion, August 1992; Pitt County Schools, County wide Counselor’s Orientation: Peer Program Training (2 days) September 1989.</p><p>Foster, E. (June, 1998) Academic Success Through Peer Tutoring-Adult Training for National Peer Helpers Association. San Diego, CA.</p><p>Davidson County, Lexington, NC, Six County Adult Training for Peer Tutoring Programs (2 days) November, 1997; Training of Adult Peer Leaders (3 days); Peer Program Development (1 day); Peer Consultation & Presentation (2 days), April 1991.</p><p>Elizabeth City NC Leadership Coalition, Chamber of Commerce Community Leadership Development, Salter Path, NC, September 1996, 1995, 1993, 1991.</p><p>Foster, E. (May, 1996). Developing the Clinical Teacher. Eight Region Clinical School’s Network Training. East Carolina University. Two days.</p><p>Foster, E. (August, 1995). The Socially Capable Child, Creating A Peaceful And Balanced Learning Environment. Training for K-8 County Teachers (Washington County, Plymouth, NC). Two days.</p><p>Foster, E. (June, 1995). Beginning Level Peer Training for Adult Leaders. National Peer Helpers Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. Three day session.</p><p>Ogden Elementary School, Wilmington, NC. Initiating an Elementary Peer Tutoring Program. 1994- 1995. (note: This school won the Outstanding Elementary Peer Program Award, February 1995, North Carolina Peer Helper Association.)</p><p>New England Research Institute, Cambridge, MA. Reviewer, 30 minute Peer Health Education Video, 1994. New England Research Institute, Boston, MA. Collaboration on a peer health video. October 1992.</p><p>Foster, E. (February, 1994). Middle School Peer Tutoring for Beginning Adults. North Carolina Peer Helper Association Annual Conference. Winston Salem, NC. Two day session.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 35</p><p>Washington County Schools, Plymouth, NC. Total Quality Education Liaison for East Carolina University 1994-95; Coordinator for Total Quality Education Workshops, Spring 1995; Author/trainer: Creating Socially Capable Children, Capable Schools Project, Fall, 1994.</p><p>Aurora High School, Aurora, NC. Initiating a Peer Helping Program. 1993-1995. Aurora High School: Total Quality Education Development. November 1993-June 1994.</p><p>Martin County, Williamston, NC. Edna Andrews School (K-8) Establishing a Peacefilled Climate for Professionals and Students. 1994. 20 hour session.</p><p>Greene County Public Schools, Greene County, NC. Reviewer, Initially Certified Personnel Plan. September, 1992, 1993, 1994.</p><p>Manatee County Schools, Manatee County, FLA, Peer Helper Leadership Development. (two days) September 1993.</p><p>Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Schools, Elizabeth City, NC. Leadership Development Institute. (two days). January 1993.</p><p>Greene County, Review of ICP Program, September 1992. Greene County Middle School, Snow Hill, NC, Cooperative Learning in the Middle School: A Beginning, August 1992. Middle School Peer Program, November 1991-February 1992 and January 1993.</p><p>Bertie County, Windsor, NC, K-8 Peer Helper Program Development & Evaluation, August 1991-June 1992., Middle School Evaluation, October 1991-January 1992; Bertie County, Windsor, NC, Elementary/Middle Level Professional Peer Training & Students (7 days) April 90-September 1991; Peer Program Evaluation (4 days) Spring 1991; Program Design & Development (3 days) Fall 1991; Collaborative Graduate Project (2 days) Fall 1990.</p><p>Perquimans High School, Perquimans, NC. Development of Peer Tutoring. December 1993. Perquimans County, Perquimans Middle School, Winfall, NC, Middle School Issues & Development, January 1992-May 1992.</p><p>Foster, E. (February, 1992). Advanced Elementary School Level Peer Training. North Carolina Peer Helper Association Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. Two day session.</p><p>Lincoln County Schools, Hickory, NC. Developing a K-12 Peer Tutoring Program. December 1992. (two days).</p><p>Beaufort County, Belhaven Middle School, Belhaven, NC. Planning for a Middle School. November 1992.</p><p>Greenwood Middle School, Greenwood, IN, Preparation of administrative grant for Lilly Foundation, Indianapolis, IN. 1992. </p><p>Foster, E. (July, 1991). Beginning the Middle School Program. Co-trainer, East Carolina University Middle School 2 Day Leadership Training, Greenville. 1991.</p><p>Foster, E. (September, 1989). Two-day Spring Training Workshop for Beginning Peer Programs, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 36</p><p>Foster, E. (June, 1991). Trainer of Trainers for Professional Peer Helpers Workshop. Manteo, NC. 5 days.</p><p>Foster, E. (May, 1991). Beginning Training for Adult Peer Program Leaders." Raleigh, NC, 3 days.</p><p>Foster, E. (May, 1991). Beginning Training for Peer Program Leaders." Workshop, 3 days, Mt. Vernon, WA.</p><p>Foster, E. (May, 1991). Introduction to Middle Grades Concept." E. B. Aycock, Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC.</p><p>North Carolina Peer Helper Association Credentialling State Association Leaders(July, 1991). (3 days) Wilmington, NC.</p><p>Harnett County, Lillington, NC, Make and Take Peer Leaders Workshop (4 days) June 1991.</p><p>Washington State Peer Helpers Association Training for Adult Peer Leaders (3 days) Mt. Vernon, WA. May 1991.</p><p>Wellcome Middle School, Pitt County Schools, Greenville, NC (5 days) April 1991.</p><p>Sampson Middle School, Clinton, NC, Middle School Team Staff Development (6 sessions) March- May 1991.</p><p>Greene County, Whole Language Workshop for Middle Grades, March 1991.</p><p>Lenoir County, Peer Training for Students, (2 days) October 1990 and January 1991.</p><p>Foster, E. (March, 1991). What are Middle Schools Really?" CEEPCO Presentation, Greenville, NC.</p><p>Foster, E. (March, 1990). A National Perspective on Peer Helping?" Presentation for Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, Hertford, NC.</p><p>North Hampton Schools, Collaborative Whole Language Project, January 1990.</p><p>Foster, E. (May, 1989). Developing Peer Tutoring Programs. Seattle, WA.</p><p>SPECIAL TRAINING: Professional Development/Professional Meetings Participant Summer, 2007 Podcast Workshop, sponsored by Computer Instructional Services, TAMU</p><p>Participant June, 2007 Portfolio Workshop, sponsored by Office of Teaching Excellence , TAMU</p><p>Participant June, 2007 Learning Outcomes Workshop, sponsored by College of Education and Human Development, TAMU</p><p>Participant May, 2007 Vista 4 (Blackboard) Workshop, sponsored by Computer Instructional Services, TAMU</p><p>Participant Spring, 2006 Faculty Statistics Seminar, Led by Dr. Bruce Thompson, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University</p><p>Selected Participant Fall, 2005-06 SPSS Training Program-$1000. Applied to dept. funds</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 37</p><p>Participant Feb 2005 WebCT Vista “Communication Tools”</p><p>Selected Participant Summer, 2005 CEHD 401: Introduction to Online Learning, sponsored by College of Education and Human Development, TAMU.</p><p>Participant Jan. 2005 National Annual New Teacher Center Conference. New Teacher Center, University of California at Santa Cruz. Accompanied: Phyllis Ferguson and Kathy Attaway (students).</p><p>Participant/ May, 2004 Santa Cruz New Teacher Project (one day). Meeting with research team on Consulting research work of Santa Cruze Center- Day 2. Santa Cruz, CA. (Part of work during Developmental Leave) Included: Barbara Hollingshead (student)</p><p>Developmental Leave March 2004 Consultation @ North Carolina State University with Dr. Alan Reiman consulting on NC State’s work in Mentoring and Supervision (Work during Developmental Leave)</p><p>Developmental Leave March 2004 Meeting @ North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction with Ms. Gaynell Gull on what the state is currently doing with mentoring training, certification and preparation. (Part of work during Developmental Leave)</p><p>HAI Board Member Establishing "Learning Communities" sponsored by the TAMU Principal's Center and the Houston Area Initiative (HAI). TX,. “Leading a “learning for all” Organization by doing “Whatever It Takes” design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a continuous school improvement system: Gerald D. Hill.</p><p>Participant Spring Administrator's Conference, Sponsored by Texas Service Center VI, Dr. Carl D. Glickman. Del Lago Conference Center, TX.</p><p>Participant National Education Association, Teacher Education Initiative, Joint meeting with Research Teams and Dept. of Defense Schools. Washington DC.</p><p>Participant Annual Chancellor's Invitational Conference for the Texas A & M University System's " The Academy for Educator Development" Houston's Wyndham Greenspoint Hotel.</p><p>Regent's Fellow June 2003, Texas Education Agency & The Texas A&M University System School Partnership: Participant 2001, 2000 Texas Teacher Forum, Dallas, TX, </p><p>Regent's Fellow Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education, Organizational Retreat, Omni-South Participant Park, Austin, TX. </p><p>General Participant National Conference of Texas, Austin, TX.</p><p>General Participant Professional Educator's Conference: Dr. Ruby Payne, Sponsored by Brazos Valley Cooperative Teacher Education Center and College of Education, Texas A&M University.</p><p>General Participant National Network for Educator Renewal: Leadership Development Seminar Series: "Advancing Diversity in Teacher Education" Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (1999-2000).</p><p>Training Attendee Aug 1999 TEKS Training for Leaders: Educator Preparation Programs sponsored by Texas Education Agency, Austin, TX, 14 hours. TEKS=Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.</p><p>Conference Attendee June 1999 "In Praise of Education" Conference. National Network for Educational Renewal- John Goodlad, Seattle, WA</p><p>Cognitive Coaching May 1999 NNER Funded Training for Professional Development Schools in Bryan/College Station/Somerville, TX 14 hours.</p><p>Understanding and April 1999 Brazos Valley Cooperative Teacher Education Center and the Texas A&M College </p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 38</p><p>Working With Students of Education Sponsored Workshop with Dr. Ruby Payne and Adults From 6 hours. Poverty</p><p>General Participant Jan 1999 Texas Middle School Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, </p><p>General Participant 1999 Texas Education Agency & The Texas A&M University System School Partnership Texas Teacher Forum, Corpus Christi, TX </p><p>Learning Styles July 1997 North Carolina Teacher Academy, Boone, NC 30 hours. Academy</p><p>Professional Portfolio 1996-98 Chicod Elementary Middle School: Pilot Project. 20 hours. Evaluation Process</p><p>Quality Training for 1996-97 Chicod Elementary Middle School-School Improvement Team: Year long, 20 School Improvement hours.</p><p>Instructional 1996-98 Accountability Model and Management Technology. 18 hours. Management System</p><p>Cooperative Learning Fall, 1996 Spencer Kagan Cooperative Learning Workshop: East Carolina University and Pitt County Schools. 12 hours.</p><p>Internet Access and Spr. 1995 East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 4 hours. Use</p><p>East Carolina Clinical Spr, 1996 East Carolina University, School of Education, Greenville, NC. 12 hours. Teaching Network Training</p><p>Implementing TQM in 1993 Texasgulf Management Training, Don Hildebrand, Aurora, NC. 1993. 16 hours. the Schools</p><p>Dr. Deming’s Plan for 1992 Quality Enhancement Seminars, Inc. and American Association of School Action For the Administrators, Edward Demings, Washington DC. 18 hours. Optimization of Service Organizations</p><p>M-Gap Training 1989 Middle Grades Assessment Program, Center for Early Adolescence, Greenville, NC 6 hours.</p><p>Embryology 1988 North Carolina State University Poultry Department, Williamston, NC, 6 hours.</p><p>Wellness Seminar 1988 Principal’s Institute, NC State Department of Public Instruction, Nags Head, NC. 6 hours.</p><p>Starwalk 1987 NDN Astronomy Project, Illinois Planetarium, Manteo, NC. 25 hours.</p><p>Skills for Adolescence: 1987 County wide middle grades advisor/advisee training, Nags Head, NC. 24 hours. Quest Program</p><p>Elementary Foreign 1987 NC State Department of Public Education, Raleigh, NC. 12 hours. Language Institute</p><p>Apple K-3 Junction 1987 Plymouth, NC. 12 hours. Computer Training</p><p>Curriculum Evaluation 1987 Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Alexandria, VA. 25 hours.</p><p>Principles of Learning Pat Wolfe, Consultant to Dare County Schools, Elizabeth City, NC. 25 hours.</p><p>Use of Math 1985 Dare County Schools, Manteo, NC. 6 hours. Manipulatives</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 39</p><p>Mentor/Support Team 1986 Apex, NC. 25 hours. Pilot Training</p><p>Teacher Performance 1986 North Carolina Model, Dare County Schools. 25 hours. Appraisal System</p><p>Effective Teacher 1985 North Carolina Model, Dare County Schools. 32 hours. Training</p><p>Science Curriculum 1985 NC State Department of Public Instruction, Bill Spooner, Dare County, NC 40 Improvement Study hours. (SCIIS)</p><p>Assertive Discipline 1984 Nags Head, NC. 1984. 24 hours.</p><p>Leadership Training 1977 Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC 25 hours.</p><p>Right to Read Training 1977 National Reading Program, NC State Department. 30 hours.</p><p>CREATIVE PROJECTS AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES</p><p>Director, (2003-Current) MENTORING RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE for Learning and Development (MRCLD). Please note: This role/activity was housed at the Texas A&M Center for Distance Learning Research during the 2004-2005 school year, housed at Lamar High School in Bryan ISD during the 2005-2007 school years and will be located at the TAMU Bell Building in Fall f 2007. This collaborative involves training, grant writing, research and mentor recruitment; as well as resource material development. There are currently 10 trainers with this program; all of whom are either current graduate students or recently graduated. We have provided training for novice mentors through the four day: Developmental Mentoring Training Institute: Pathways to Mentoring.. Participants receive a comprehensive training notebook (over 300 pages, 10 chapters), Roadmap Notebook for Mentors which matches conceptual levels and appropriate support, CD with all data forms, observation material, conference protocols and formative assessment material. Participants receive certificates, networking contacts, a mentoring pin and multiple training artifacts. The MRCLD was recently notified (Spring, 2007) that it was eligible to train ISD’s in Texas as a state-approved research-based training provider.</p><p>Developer, (2007). On-line course EDCI 631 Mentoring the Novice Educator. (WebCT Vista 4) for on-line Executive Ed D in EDCI, TAMU.</p><p>Recorded Podcast (May, 2007). MP3 Podcast recorded for TLAC Faculty Page. TAMU.</p><p>Developer, (2005). On-line course EDCI 607 Programs and Procedures in Supervision. (WebCT Vista) for on-line master’s program in EDCI, TAMU.</p><p>Developer, (Spring, 2005). On-line undergraduate course (WebCT Vista) field tested in Spring 2005. MEFB 351 Introduction to Philosophy of Middle Grades, TAMU.</p><p>Coordinator, (2000-2003). Educational Inquiry Program. Three year undergraduate enrichment program.</p><p>Facilitator, (2003, 2001, 2000). Participatory Leadership Campus Retreat. Sponsored by the Dept. of Educational Administration. Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.</p><p>Foster, E. (April, 2000). Elementary Professional Development Schools. Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education Briefing Session for Texas A&M University Faculty. College of Education, College Station, TX.</p><p>Coordinator, (1999) “Blue Ribbon”-Outstanding Teacher Preparation Program Nomination. NOTE: We were selected as one of eight outstanding programs in the United States. Coordination included submitting a 50+ page</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 40</p><p> program nomination packet, organizing all faculty and program areas for a two and a half day on-site visit, preparation of school visitation schedules and a school-university roundtable discussion.</p><p>Member, (1999). External Review Team for Middle Grades Program at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, March.</p><p>Member, (1996-98). Pitt County Principal/Assistant Principal Association (PAPA).</p><p>Script and Narration for East Carolina University - Bertie County K-8 Peer Helper Public Relations Video Production, February-March 1992.</p><p>Member (1991-1992). Region II Carnegie Task Force, Raleigh, NC, (North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction).</p><p>Panel Moderator (July, 1991). "Administrator/Educator Panel: Working With School Boards to Promote Middle Schools." East Carolina University Middle School Summer Conference, Greenville, NC</p><p>Participant, (1991-1992). Growth Chamber for High Risk Peer Prevention Programs, Office of 4H and Youth Development at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Guest Panelist (April, 1988). State Leadership Training, North Carolina Peer Helper Association, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Chairperson (1986-1988). Professional Affairs Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma.</p><p>Presider (1987). North Carolina Awareness Conference, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Presider (September, 1987). Awareness Conference-Starwalk Session, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Chairperson (1985-1987). Newspapers in Education, North Carolina Council of International Reading Association.</p><p>Chairperson (1984-1987). Dare County K-8 Science Curriculum Team.</p><p>Liaison (1983-1986). Dare County North Carolina Association of Educators Executive Council and Central Office Staff.</p><p>Chairperson (1983-1986). Dare County NCAE Terry Sanford Committee.</p><p>Chairperson (1983-1986). K-8 Curriculum Team for Health Curriculum Development, Dare County, NC. Chairperson (1984-1985). Northeast Membership Area, North Carolina Reading Association.</p><p>Participant (Fall, 1984). Curriculum and Instruction Forum - by invitation - North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction.</p><p>Judge (March, 1984). James B. Hunt Literacy Award: North Carolina Council of International Reading Association.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 41</p><p>Team Member (February, 1984). North Carolina Region I Media Planning Team, North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction.</p><p>Presenter (September, 1983). North Carolina Awareness Conference, Raleigh, NC.</p><p>Conference Coordinator (March, 1983). North Carolina Peer Helper Association Conference.</p><p>Testifying Witness (March, 1983). Youth Hearing - North Carolina Governor's Advocacy Council on Children and Youth.</p><p>Photographer/Writer (January, 1983). Sound/Slide Program, Dare County Peer Helper Program, Manteo, NC.</p><p>Coordinator (1980-1983). Teacher/Tutor In-Service Programs (4 sessions per year).</p><p>Team Member (April, 1981). North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Quality Assurance Program for Professional Competence of Initially Certified Grades 4-6 and 6-9.</p><p>Researcher (1980-1981). 1-year Project, Individualized Plan to Study Feasibility of Peer Counseling Curriculum in Dare County, Manteo, NC.</p><p>Writing Team Member (Summer, 1979). North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, for Development of Competency Goals and Performance Indicators K-12: Communications/Language Arts, Wake Forest University, Wake Forest, NC.</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 42</p><p>Graduate and Undergraduate Course Development, Modification and Teaching Assignments When I served as the Coordinator for the Elementary and Middle Grades Program (1999-2002) the new middle grades certification program was established in Texas; as a result, the entire Early Childhood/Elementary Program was revised and the Middle Grades Program was established with 11 middle grades courses either modified from the earlier elementary program or designed as new courses. Additionally, this involved developing one new middle grades reading course, modifying three middle grades reading courses, modifying 3 instructional courses in ESL/Multicultural and modifying 10 early childhood courses. While I coordinated the efforts of faculty responsible for their areas, I was charged with the design and development of the majority of the middle grades classes. Listed below are the totals from both undergraduate and graduate courses in which I have assumed responsibility for course development and modification. That transition involved 36 separate courses.</p><p> Total number of Middle Grades Education courses developed (8): (4 undergraduate @ Texas A&M; 1 undergraduate and 3 graduate @ East Carolina University). Total new graduate courses developed in Mentoring: 8 @ Texas A&M University. Total courses developed/modified for WebCT: 4 @ Texas A&M University. Total number of courses taught both graduate and undergraduate: 27 different classes of which 18 were graduate level and 9 were undergraduate (13 @ Texas A&M University and 14 @ East Carolina University).</p><p>Mentoring GRADUATE PROGRAM AND COURSES DEVELOPED I have been involved in a six year effort in the establishment of a new Graduate Mentoring Program Emphasis. Initial development (Fall, 2000) in the Dept. of Teaching, Learning and Culture, the focus is on the classroom teacher, administrator, counselor or other educators as leaders who also serve as a mentor for novice educators, called: "Educator Leader as Mentor"- This has been a collaborative effort with public schools and the Dept. of Educational Administration and Human Resources (EAHR). First courses were taught Fall, 2000. Courses in emphasis study area approved at Department Level Spring, 2003; College of Education December, 2003; approved at the University Level: May, 2004. Listed below are the specific courses I developed and have taught at Texas A&M in the: Texas A&M University: Graduate Mentoring Emphasis Program EDCI 631 Mentoring the Novice Educator* (Concurrent with Field Practicum: Practices in Mentoring*) EDCI 683a. Practicum: Practices in Mentoring* (Concurrent with EDCI 631 Mentoring the Novice Educator*) EDCI 683b. Practicum: Analysis of Classroom Research * (Concurrent with Educator as Researcher-EDCI 636) EDCI 635 Advanced Practices in Developmental Mentoring, Peer Coaching and Supervision* EDCI 634 Reflective Inquiry (only course in sequence I haven’t taught. Colleague, Dr. Patrick Slattery teaches this course) EDCI 633 Educator as Learner (WebCT Course, Spring and/or Summer) EDCI 683c. Practicum: Analysis of Educational Change* (Concurrent with EDAD 637: Change in Educational Organizations-with colleague Dr. Luana Zellner) EDCI 684 Mentoring Internship (Mentoring Doctoral Candidates Only - 6 hours) Texas A&M University: Additional Graduate Courses Taught EDCI 636 Educator as Researcher* (Concurrent with EDCI 683 Practicum: Analysis of Classroom Research) EDCI 673 Analysis of Teaching Behaviors (1999-2007) EDCI 607 Programs and Procedures in Supervision (Revised for WebCT and On-line Master’s (2000- 2007) Program; Part of faculty designers who developed on-line master’s program) Texas A&M University: Undergraduate Level Courses Taught MEFB 351 Introduction to Middle Grades Program and Philosophy (developed, taught, revised for WebCT) RDG 381 Reading: Language and Reading in the Middle Grades (Spring, 2006) TEED 302 Teaching/Learning Processes: Psychological Perspectives on Education TAMU Undergraduate Courses Developed, but not taught MEFB 352 Planning and Development for Middle Grades Curriculum MEFB 480 Evaluation and Measurement; Program, Performance & Student Achievment in the Middle Grades MIDG 352 Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning Strategies for Middle Level Learners East Carolina University: Graduate Courses ED 6900 Supervision of the Novice Teacher (Educational Administration) ED 6428 Principles and Practices of Supervision (Educational Administration) MIDG 6240 Advanced Curriculum in Middle Grades MIDG 6245 Trends & Issues in Middle Grades MIDG 5993 Advanced Language Arts Methods for Middle Grades (new course developed for Middle Grades Master’s Program)</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 43</p><p>MIDG 5993 Leadership in Middle Grades (new course developed for Middle Grades Master's Program) MIDG 5993 Effective Change in Middle Grades Through Staff Development (new course developed for Middle Grades Master's Program) East Carolina University: Undergraduate Courses MIDG 2123 Early Experience in Middle Grades MIDG 3001 Introduction to Middle Grades MIDG 3010 Curriculum Development in Middle Grades MIDG 4010 Evaluation and Instruction in Middle Grades MIDG 4319 Language Arts Methods in Middle Grades MIDG 4001 Classroom Organization, Motivation and Management (new course developed) MIDG 4346 Supervision of Clinical Interns </p><p>*concurrent with another course</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 44</p><p>GRADUATE COMMITTEES Following is a listing of Graduate Students who are currently enrolled or recently graduated who have identified "Mentoring" as their emphasis area of study.</p><p>DOCTORAL Committees Role Years Name Dept. Dissertation Topic/Title Chair 2006-2010 Matt Clark TLAC Entered Fall 2006 Chair 2006-2010 Forsythia Foster- TLAC Entered Fall 2006 Walker Chair 2006-2010 Leslie Ross TLAC Entered Fall 2006 Completed MA in Mentoring/Supervision Chair 2006-2010 Karla Eidson TLAC Entered Fall 2006 Chair 2006-2010 Keena Bradley TLAC Entered Spring 2006 Chair 2005-2007 Steven Rodriguez, Jr. TLAC Counseling Instrument Usage for Career Counseling Chair 2006-2011 Leslie Ross TLAC Entered Fall 2006 Chair 2000-2008 Amy Schverak TLAC How the Mentor Gages Success for the Novice Teacher: Comparing Perceptions of Novice to Mentor (to graduate: August or December, 2008 Chair 2001-2006 Lucy Larrison (Cox TLAC Congruence of Perceptions Among the Principal, Mentor, Endowment Scholarship Teacher and Novice Teacher regarding the Principal's Role Recipient) in a Campus Mentoring Program. (Graduated, Spring,2006) Chair 2003-2008 Taylor Knight Coker TLAC Interest topic: Exploration of Elements Predicting Success of (Cox Endowment Scholarship Novice Teachers Through Mentor Interventions Recipient) (to graduate: December, 2008) Completed MA in Mentoring/Supervision Chair 2002-2006 Barbara Hollingshead TLAC Establishment of Reliability and Validity of a Classroom (Cox Endowment Scholarship Observation Instrument Measuring Conceptual Development: Recipient) The Classroom Teacher’s Behavior Observation Tool (Graduated, December, 2006). Member 2003-2007 Kathy Attaway EDAD Mentoring Needs of First Year White Female Teachers Teaching Students of Color (Chair: Kathryn Mackenze (Defense complete. To Graduate: December, 2007). Co-Chair 2003-2008 David Truitt EDAD Case Study: Leaders Under Construction-New Principal's Perceptions and Attitudes About the Effects of Mentoring on New Principal Mentoring Programs (Co-Chair-Luana Zellner) Co-Chair 2003-2008 Jennifer Williams EDAD The Perceived Impact of Mentoring on a Mentor's Self- Efficacy-Comparing Developmental Training to Traditional Training (Co-chair Virginia Collier) To Graduate: Spring 2008 or August 2008. Co-Chair 2003-2006 Dianne Ashley EDAD Superintendent Mentorship in Highly Successful Females (Graduated December, 2006) Co-Chair 2003-2008 Erica Noble EDAD A White Female Novice Teacher's Perceptions of the Effects of Mentoring on Her Assimilation into a Culturally Diverse Campus Member 2007-2008 Hayley Kazaan EDCI Chair, Slattery (Topic: Peer Mentoring in an Hispanic Learning Community of First to College Freshmen) Member 2007-2008 Tori Austin EAHR Chair, Zellner Member 2006-2008 Diana Piccolo EDCI Chair, Capraro, R. Math: Comparison of Math Skills of Student Teachers and Interns in the Internship Program. Both the COPAT and INTASC instruments being used (E. Foster). Graduating Spring, 2008. Member 2006-2008 Katie Ryan EDAD Leadership in Female Superintendents: A Case Study (Completed Pre-lims Oct. 07) Member 2004-2008 Tammy Raulerson EDAD Member 2003-2007 Phyllis Ferguson EDAD Systemic Change Within the School Through Campus-wide Mentoring. Chair: Patrick Slattery (Graduated: August, 2007). Member 2003-2008 Gina Pogue EDAD Followership</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 45</p><p>Member 2004-2006 Carrie Marz (Mentoring) EDAD Obstacles in Pursuing Teacher Certification of Paraprofessional Employees in a Texas Urban School (Graduated) Member 2004-2006 Douglas Monk EDAD Environment and Learning in Middle Grades (Graduated December, 2006) Member 2003-2006 Phyllis Cormier (Urban TLAC Novice Teachers' Perceptions of Their First Year Induction Studies) Program in Urban Schools (Graduated, Spring, 2006) Member 2003-2005 Vickie Moon Merchant TLAC A Longitudinal Trend Study of a University-Based Teacher (Urban Studies) Induction Program: Observable Behaviors of Urban Teachers and Their Perceptions of Program Components Five Years After Participation Chair: Norvella Carter(Graduated) Member 2002-2005 Claudine Simpson TLAC The Perceptions of Novice and Veteran Teachers on the Role (Urban Studies) of the Principal in the Retention of Urban Novice Teachers Chair: Norvella Carter (Graduated) Member 2000-2001 Marsha Gray EDAD Community Schools and Justice System (Graduated) Member 2000-2002 Holly Mohr (ESL-TLAC- TLAC First Grade ESL Student Gains Based on New Instrument Graduated) GCR Rep 2002 Cheng Peng, ENGR Graduated. (Electrical Engineering) Member 1998 Betty Cottar EDAD The Improvement of Organizational Health as Experienced by Teachers and Administrators in Selected Schools of Conroe Independent School District: A Naturalistic Study. Member 1994-95 Barbara Williams EDTC Affecting Change in Instructional Behaviors Through a Well- ECU Designed Staff Development Plan: A Case Study</p><p>MASTERS Committees : Mentoring Chair: 5 committees Graduated December 2006: Leslie Ross, Dianna Ray Graduated Spring 2007: Alejandra Rice Graduating December, 2007: Tryphena Williams Chair: Graduated: 9 Committee Member (Graduated in Curriculum Studies): 15</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007 Vitae-E. Foster 46</p><p>1</p><p>Graduate Student Support:</p><p>Scholarships ,</p><p>Graduate Assistant- ships,</p><p>Internships</p><p>Travel</p><p>Grants</p><p>4</p><p>Texas A&M University 2007</p>
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