<p>SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577A</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: FINANCIAL REPORTS</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education receives and accepts the following financial reports:</p><p>1. Board Secretary’s Report dated November 30, 2009 2. Expense Account Adjustment Analysis dated November 30, 2009 3. Revenue Account Adjustment Analysis dated November 30, 2009 4. Check Register #361120-361125 in the amount of $63,949.31 5. Check Register #361126-361547 in the amount of $4,361,059.70 6. Check Register #359887 – Void check 7. Check Register #200348 in the amount of $712,022.06 8. Check Register #200349 for November payroll in the amount of $6,174,642.04 9. Treasurer’s Report for October 2009 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577B</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: BOARD OF EDUCATION'S MONTHLY CERTIFICATION</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12(e), we certify that as of November 30, 2009 after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.</p><p>______Rowland Bennett Date</p><p>______Lynne Crawford Date</p><p>______Elizabeth Daugherty Date</p><p>______Wayne Eastman Date</p><p>______Mark Gleason Date</p><p>______Sandra Karriem Date</p><p>______Richard Laine Date </p><p>______Jennifer Payne-Parrish Date</p><p>______Andrea Wren-Hardin Date SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577C</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: APPROVE ATTENDANCE AND WORK RELATED TRAVEL EXPENSES</p><p>WHEREAS, the following employees have requested approval for the indicated work- related travel; and WHEREAS, the attendance at stated function was previously approved by the employees’ supervisor and superintendent as work-related and within the scope of the work responsibilities of the attendee; and WHEREAS, the attendance at the function was approved as promoting delivery of instruction or furthering efficient operation of the school district; and fiscally prudent; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves the attendance and related travel expenses for the following work-related events:</p><p>EMPLOYEE WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE DATE Location Estimated Cost ($’s) Carolyn Celebration of Teaching & Learning 2/5-6/10 NY, NY 320 Campbell CHS *Revised due to price increase John Pascarella Classroom Reset 2010 1/4/10 Montclair, NJ 90 CHS Yolande Strengthening Math Computation & 1/5/10 Totowa, NJ 216 Fleming Clinton Problem Solving Skills Maria Russo Strengthening Math Computation & 1/5/10 Totowa, NJ 208 Clinton Problem Solving Skills Karla Milanette State Aid & Budget Preparation 1/6/10 Monroe, NJ 25 C.O. Cheryl State Aid & Budget Preparation 1/6/10 Monroe, NJ 25 Schneider C.O. Stephen Writing on Demand 1/8/10 Newark, NJ 199 MacPherson CHS Janet Mandel Writing on Demand 1/8/10 Newark, NJ 199 CHS Kathleen What’s New in Young Adult 1/13/10 Newark, NJ 210 Anderson Literature? SOMS Mary Beth What’s New in Young Adult 1/13/10 Newark, NJ 210 DiPrima CHS Literature? Michele Pozner What’s New in Young Adult 1/13/10 Newark, NJ 210 SOMS Literature? Ann Bodnar Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 150 Clinton Anne Cosmas Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Clinton Diane Kim Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Marshall Leah Parker Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Marshall Kathy Shelffo Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Clinton Cris Swan Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Clinton Katie Building A First Class Kindergarten 1/14/10 Union, NJ 125 Thompson Marshall Joann Harrigan Enhancing Skills as School Nurse 1/19/10 Newark, NJ 199 Clinton Lynn Schwartz Enhancing Skills as School Nurse 1/19/10 Newark, NJ 199 CHS Nina Treitler Enhancing Skills as School Nurse 1/19/10 Newark, NJ 199 S.Mtn Annex Terry Woolard Advance Excel 1/20/10 Parsippany, NJ 16 District Bernice Hall Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/27 & East Orange, NJ 22 Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/3/10 Paula Ortiz Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/27 & East Orange, NJ 22 Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/3/10 Terry Woolard NJASA Techspo 1/28-29/10 Atlantic City, NJ 489 District Lauren Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 22 Buonocore Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 S. Mtn Annex Susan Ferrara Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 24 SpEd Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Dawn Gordon Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 28 Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Lara Moskowitz Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 28 Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Mary Ellen Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 27 Murray Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 S. Mtn. Annex Susan Tober Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 22 S. Mtn. Annex Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Janine Poutre Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 28 Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Jennifer Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 29 Zalinski Clinton Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Jennifer Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 22 Holland SMA Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Lisa Heumann Facilitating Inclusion Through 1/28 & East Orange, NJ 22 SMA Differentiated Instruction 3/4/10 Jennifer Practical Guidance on Section 504 1/29/10 Edison, NJ 199 Giordano CHS Cathryn Iorio Insomnia, Depression & Anxiety 1/29/10 Parsippany, NJ 101 SOMS Michelle Insomnia, Depression & Anxiety 1/29/10 Parsippany, NJ 103 Epstein MMS Dawn Gordon Using Interactive Centers to 2/3/10 New Brunswick, 205 Clinton Differentiate Classroom NJ Nancy Differentiated Instruction – Math 2/4/10 East Orange, NJ 11 Bathmann-S.B. Brian Edgerton Differentiated Instruction – Math 2/4/10 East Orange, NJ 11 Seth Boyden</p><p>Suzanne Fein Differentiated Instruction – Math 2/4/10 East Orange, NJ 14 Seth Boyden Tamar Herman Differentiated Instruction – Math 2/4/10 East Orange, NJ 14 Seth Boyden</p><p>Danielle Elko Getting in the Zone 2/9/10 Kenilworth, NJ 185 MMS Matt Borkowski Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Carolyn Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 Campbell CHS Jon Campbell Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS JoshuaEnyeart Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Julia Leider Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Wendy Lovas Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS James Pegler Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Eugene Pollioni Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Jenna Reycraft Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Rich Saporita Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom 2/9/10 Newark, NJ 215 CHS Michael Wojcio The February Mini Institute 2/16-20/10 NY, NY 500 Marshall Nicole Toto Design Program for Mod-Severe 2/23/10 & East Orange, NJ 22 Clinton 3/12/10 Judy LoBianco EDA-AAHPERD Convention 2/24-27/10 Rye Brook, NY 818 CHS Judy LoBianco AAHPERD National Convention 3/17-20/10 Indianapolis, IN 1382 CHS Patricia Barker Section 504 – The Impact & 3/5/10 Long Branch, NJ 149 District Relationship to IDEIA Louis Brown Power School University 6/27-7/2/10 Chicago, IL *4,045 CHS Debbie Power School University 6/27-7/2/10 Chicago, IL *4,045 DeLorenzo District Lisa Weber Power School University 6/27-7/2/10 Chicago, IL *4,045 SOMS * Pending County approval</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>New Jersey travel regulations (NJAC 6A:23B), Board Policy 8880 – Reimbursement of Travel Related Expenses, and newly enacted legislation [18A:11-12] require prior approval by the Superintendent and by a majority of the full membership of the Board of Education for reimbursement of travel and related expenses of an employee. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577D</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: ACCEPT DONATIONS TO PARENTING CENTER </p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education accepts donations for the Parenting Center in the amount of $13,130.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the following budget is increased and the Superintendent or his designee is authorized to administer it:</p><p>20-019-200-890 Parenting Center $13,130</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary are authorized to execute and deliver any necessary contracts and reports on behalf of the Board.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>Donations in the amount of $5,630 were made for the Parenting Center Holiday Toy Drive. </p><p>A donation in the amount of $7,500 was made by SOMEF for the Parenting Center’s K-2 Achievement Gap program.</p><p>The Parenting Center is responsible for administering these funds. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577E</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: ACCEPT MSUNER GRANT FOR THE 2009-10 SCHOOL YEAR</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education accepts a Culturally Responsive Teaching grant award for the 2009-10 school year in the amount of $500 from Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following budget is increased and the Superintendent or his designee is authorized to administer it:</p><p>20-038-200-890 Columbia High School $500</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary are authorized to execute and deliver any necessary contracts and reports on behalf of the Board.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>These funds are contingent upon the Teacher Study Group following the requirements for the grant as set forth by MSUNER. The high school principal is responsible for administering these funds. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577F</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR 2009-10 COORDINATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES WITH UNION COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COMMISSION</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves an agreement with Union County Educational Services Commission to provide coordinated transportation services for transporting special education, private school, vocational-technical school and other school students during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 for an administrative fee of four percent (4%) of the actual cost paid for transportation. </p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>The Union County Educational Services Commission was formed to achieve maximum cost effectiveness for transportation by coordinating services. Currently the district has one student in need of this transportation service. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577G</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: APPROVE SPECIAL EDUCATION RELATED SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR THE 2009-10 SCHOOL YEAR</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves the following providers for the 2008-09 school year for the service indicated:</p><p>Provider Service Rate</p><p>Amber Andrews PT $560/per diem Newark, NJ</p><p>Lisa Berkstresser ABA $60/hour Bridgewater, NJ</p><p>Elizabeth Hamblet Presentation on $300 Princeton, NJ transition to college for students with disabilities</p><p>Helping Hands Therapeutic Svcs. OT $110/hour West Orange, NJ and related reports</p><p>Hoboken University Medical Bedside Instruction $49/hour Center Hoboken, NJ</p><p>Michelle Link OT $560/per diem Lincoln Park, NJ</p><p>Diana Owens OT $560/per diem Morristown, NJ</p><p>Dipa Patel OT $560/per diem Hillside, NJ Pediatric Potentials of OT $105/30 minutes West Essex, LLC $135/45 minutes Livingston, NJ $150/60 minutes Reports/Meetings $150/hour writing $175/hour visit</p><p>Sallie Sarrel PT $560/per diem Millburn, NJ</p><p>Georganne Fitzpatrick OT $560/per diem Scotch Plains, NJ</p><p>Cheryl Corpuz OT $560/per diem Union, NJ</p><p>Yifat Kedar Otril OT $560/per diem West Orange, NJ</p><p>Leslie Munoz OT $560/per diem Maplewood, NJ</p><p>Lisa Nalven, MD Developmental Pediatric $575 Ridgewood, NJ Evaluations</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>These providers will perform services and evaluations for classified students as per needs indicated in specific Individual Education Plans. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577H</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: AMEND RESOLUTION 2548F OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 AND APPROVE TUITION AND PERSONAL AIDE SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS ATTENDING EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COMMISSION OF MORRIS COUNTY PARK LAKE SCHOOL FOR THE 2009-10 SCHOOL YEAR</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves a tuition agreement including personal aide services with Educational Services Commission of Morris County for each district resident student referred to the Park Lake School for the 2009-10 school year at the following annual rate:</p><p>Special Education Program $61,820 per year Personal Aide Services $154 per diem/$77 per half day</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary are authorized to execute and deliver any necessary contracts and reports on behalf of the Board. </p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>The district currently has one student attending Park Lake School. This student now requires personal aide services. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577I</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: EXTEND CONTRACT WITH LIVINGSTON SERVICES TO PROVIDE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education extends the contract with Livingston Services Corporation, South Plainfield, New Jersey, to provide occupational therapy and physical therapy services for district students from July 1 through December 31, 2009 at the following rates:</p><p>Full-Time Physical Therapist $100,000 per therapist per year</p><p>Full-Time Occupational Therapist $95,000 per therapist per year</p><p>Full-Time Occupational Therapy Assistant $90,000 per therapist per year (may be assigned for every two occupational therapists)</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education extends the contract with Livingston Services Corporation, South Plainfield, New Jersey, to provide occupational therapy and physical therapy services for district students for the 2009 extended year summer program at the following rates:</p><p>Physical Therapy $75.00 per hour Occupational Therapy $65.00 per hour</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>Livingston Services Corporation will perform services for classified students as per needs indicated in specific Individual Education Plans (IEP’s). SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577J</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: AWARD CONTRACT TO SCHOOLWIRES, INC. </p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education awards a contract to Schoolwires, Inc. of State College, Pennsylvania in the amount of $24,350 for website hosting service, licensed software and professional services for the 2010-11, and renewable at the same rate for the 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. </p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>NJSA 18A:18A-3 authorizes the School Business Administrator who is a qualified purchasing agent to negotiate and award a contract which does not exceed the bid threshold of $29,000 per year, without public advertising for bids. </p><p>This project qualifies for e-rate funding because it is a hosted service, and it is anticipated that e-rate will reduce costs by 40%. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577K</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: APPROVE CHANGE ORDER TO THE COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL & MAPLEWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL CORRIDOR & GYMNASIUM LIGHTING UPGRADE PROJECT</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves the following change order to the Maplewood Middle School Asbestos Abatement project:</p><p>Contractor Change Order # Amount Time Extension</p><p>Manor II Electric, Inc. 1 $11,387 77 days</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>Change order #1 approves labor and materials to paint walls at CHS and MMS where asbestos abatement and wall repair was done to install wall mounted lighting, and at CHS paint the walls opposite where the lights will be installed.</p><p>There are sufficient contingency funds in the project budgets for this change. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577L</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: AWARD BID FOR VOICE, DATA AND INTERNET SERVICES </p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education awards the bid for Voice, Data and Internet Services to Verizon Business of Parsippany, NJ, for the lowest responsible bid of $34,270.72 per month for 60 months.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>Solicitation for bids was issued on October 22, 2009 and received on November 19, 2009. </p><p>Bid packets were requested by eleven companies and were received by:</p><p>Verizon Business $34,270.72 Data Network Solution $40,400.00</p><p>The bids were reviewed by the Chief Information Officer and found to be in order. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577M</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: ACCEPT DONATION OF TWO FRENCH HORNS FOR THE DISTRICT MUSIC DEPARTMENT</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education accepts a donation of a Yamaha French Horn model YHR 567 valued at $1,400 and a Conn French Horn model 14D valued at $800 to be used by the district’s music department.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>This generous donation was made by Katherine Slazak. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577N</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE JOINT BID PROCESS WITH THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH ORANGE</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education authorizes a joint bid with the Township of South Orange Village and the Township of Maplewood for the mowing of large turf fields and playgrounds.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Township of South Orange Village shall be the lead agency with regard to this bid process.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education must approve the final bid before the award of contract to the lowest responsible bidder.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>This is a bid for service to mow large fields and playgrounds currently done by district maintenance so more efficient use can be made of their time. The district will continue to contract with a landscaping company to mow, trim and edge the street sides of buildings. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577O</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: APPROVE AGREEMENTS FOR LEASE OF PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education approves agreements for Digital system copy machines: Additional Vendor Model # Monthly Lease Copies Included Cost per Copy Atlantic Tomorrow’s Savin 9040sp $249.00 0 $0.0050 Atlantic Tomorrow’s Savin 907 $514.00 0 $0.0050</p><p>The cost per copy includes maintenance and supplies (excluding paper and staples). </p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>The two machines replace existing machines at South Mountain Annex due to lease expiration and at Central Office due to mechanical problems. </p><p>Atlantic Tomorrow’s has a State Contract. Atlantic Tomorrow’s will deliver, install and train our personnel at no charge. Atlantic Tomorrow’s will cancel and relinquish the District from any current lease obligations on the machines being replaced. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ORANGE AND MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009</p><p>RESOLUTION 2577P</p><p>FOR ACTION</p><p>SUBJECT: ACCEPT DOE PRELIMINARY ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL INSTALLATION OF AUDITORIUM AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (4900-030-10-1000)</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education accepts the preliminary costs for the Columbia High School Auditorium Air Conditioning project of $1,188,080.00</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the South Orange Maplewood Board of Education elects to construct the above project.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education does hereby accept preliminary eligible costs as final eligible costs for School Facilities Project No. 4900-030-10-1000.</p><p>BACKGROUND INFORMATION</p><p>The DOE requires the Board of Education to accept preliminary findings before they become final. This project was approved on June 15, 2009, resolution 2517T.</p>
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