lH t.ltRY IVERSITY OF DEL A ,y A~ £ UNIVERSITY THE CLOUDY WEATHE EXPANSION BUT NO HAZE see page 3 see page 4 VOL. 88 NO.1 NEWARK, DELAWARE SEPTEMBE·R 19, 1 ~ Labor Shortage Slows Building Perkins Cites Growl OfNewComplex Sets Aeadem ic Goa 1: Residents ot the new West President John A. Perkins next year on the quality a1 Complex may experience some addressed the student body and integrity of what goes on in t ~ inconvenience due to delays faculty this morning at con-, classrooms and laboratories in the completion ot the do rm­ vocation to open the 1966-67 He stressed, "To work itories, according to John E. academic year. this endeavor to an extent whit Hocutt, vice-president torstu­ In his speech, the president will ensure that every stt dent at! airs. urged "both faculty and stu­ dent, given his ability, wi Hocutt said· the general con­ dents as this university year learn more by attending t tractor blamed a shortage of opens to concentrate in this university than any oth skilled workmen, particularly wtn not only give deep em( electricians, tor the failure to tiona! ,satisfaction, but mo meet the completion deadline. important, this endeavor wi New comers receive orientation material in Student Center Tue$day. NEW YORK TIMES Some ot the lounge and rec­ :)ubscriptions to th(;! New bring to faculty and studen 'reatlon rooms and some finish­ York Times wi II be available greater satisfaction, too, ing work in corridors and . at the Student Center office be~ng a part of this unive other public areas may not be from today through Thursday. sity.'' completed tor two or three Record Freshman Subscription prices are Perkins also noted t' weeks. This will necessitate $5.04 for faculty and $4.32 growth of the university: "T having workmen in thesebuild­ for students. Papers are de­ growth rate of our undergra• livered to the Student Center ings during the day until all uate scholars has averaged be ClassEnters Uof D from September 26 through finishing work is done. ter than 10 percent each ye advisors were still held. January 19, 1967, excepting The vice-president also an­ ot an estimated 2,000 new vacations and examination since 1960. This year t' nounced that the dining hall in students who came to the uni­ A picnic supper, sports and periods. University of Delaware h g-ames, pepfest and band con­ th.e complex may not be ready versity last week, approximate­ Subscriptions include the roughly 14 percent more ful tor use tor two to tour weeks. ly 1,750 are members of the cert had to be held in the stu­ News and Review section and time undergraduates on can Hocutt has also told new res­ new freshmen class. A full dent Center instead of outdoors, the Monthly Background News pus than last September." idents of the complex that schedule of activities made the as planned. Supplement. He observed that, "New sb "because construction on the opening of school a busy one for (Continued to Page 8) dents this year are rough two dormitory units to be com-1 the newcomers . equal l.n number to our tot pleted next spring will be going Tuesday morning fo4nd the enrollment only ten year on over the next several months streets ot Newark packed with Jgo. Collegiate enrollments and since landscaping around cars. After language place­ Lippert Succeeds Archie / the United states as a whol the finished buildings has not ment tests and the initial meet­ this autumn are up by yet begun, the aN a 'about these ings with junior counselors , a. percent, while ours jumped al buildings will not be as at­ freshman assembly was held in As Arts & Science. Dean most half again as much. Whtl tractive as · it later will be." the new field house at Dela­ John A. Perkins, president new dean," said President faculty members generally i He assured them, however, ware stadium. Concluding the of the university, has ap­ Perkins of the appointment. colleges and universities hav that despite some initial in­ first day were informal meet­ pointed Arnold L. Lippert as u He is a man with outstanding increased 8,6 percent, our conveniences that may result ings of the freshmen in their the new dean of the College of scientific and administrative has necessarily gone up It individual residence halls. of the delays, they will enjo} Arts and Science. experience who, upon early percent. living at the complex. "We have Although heavy rains hamp­ Lippert succeeds Dean retirement from industry, has The president stressed thar made very effort to plan these ered activities Wednesday, William c. Archie who re­ set about preparing himself due to l.'ts growth over th residence halls and the dining ROTC meetings for the men and cently resigned to become ex­ for a career in higher educa­ past ten years, the universit halls tor the comfort and con­ the meetings with the various ecutive director of the Mary tinn.'' u is of much greater servic venience of those students who college deans, department Reynolds Babcock Foundation to the state and its citizen will live there." chairmen, and individual faculty PURDUE'S LOSS in North Carolina. Lippert had been scheduled than it was a decade ago/ In speaking of university to go to Purdue University as students, Dean Lippert said, P rotessor of Clothing and Volmi Outlines Hocutt Becomes Hea·d "Students are well behaved, Textiles. President Frederick well-disciplined, and serious­ L. Hovde of Purdue released Ticket Switchin ly motivated. students are now him from this commitment so Of Student Services more seriously motivated than Upon the recommendation ' that he might accept the larger the Student Government Ass they were in the past." John E. Hocutt, who has ment, student health, a.Ilofl resi­ educational assignment at elation provisions have be served as the dean of stu­ "The only group that is Delaware. dence hall programs, he also made to permit students t distressing are those that dents at the university, administers student services He received his bachelor's change their original dining ha don't know what they want. It since 1952, was named vice­ including the dormitory and degree in chemistry at the assignments during a specifie president for student affairs food service, counseling and is the university's job to assist University of Tilinois•;: and his period of time, according t in helping them find what they this summer by the board of testing, financial aid, the stu­ Ph.D. at The Johns Hopkins GiltJert P. Volmi, director c trustees. dent Center, and several ex­ want," be continued. · University. At Dlinois he was Housing and Food service. According to the trustees, tracurricular activities. UNIVERSITY GROWTH graduated with high honors and During the first two week Hocutt's · new title "more Lippert said that now and was a member of the Phi Eta ot the semester students wil accurately reflects the uni­ Hocutt, who was the uni­ in the immediate future we Sigma, Sigma Xi, afid Phi be permitted to exchange me versity's concern for student versity's first dean of stu­ can see improv~ment in the Lambda Upsllon societies. He tickets without penalty provide life and student activities." dents formerly held the post of size and versitility of the received the Central Scientific the student finds anothe Besides being in charge of dean of men and was on asso­ university. It can look !or­ State ot Dlinois Fellowship as a student willing to change di n ciate professor at the College ward to a 10 to 15 par cent graduate student and was elect­ ing halls and both principal of William and Mary. growth per year, which wlll ed to Phi Beta Kappa and the appear in person to make ap He received I:tis bachelor's give the students and people plication for the change at th degree in chemistry _at Wil­ ot Delaware many more ed­ office of the director of Hous ucational opportunities. liam and Mary, then joined the ing and Food Service. For the past year, Lippert faculty there. He later re­ The serially numbered mea has been on the Delaware cam­ tickets involved will be reas· ceived his master of science pus serving as an adminis­ degree from Ohio State Uni­ signed, To offset the cost trative intern and special con­ administering 'this program versity and returned to Wil­ sultant to the Chemistry De­ each student will be charget liam and Mary as assistant partment and the College of a service tee ot $1. dean of men and as a chemis­ Home Economics on matters Volmi warns however, tha try instructor. pertaining to curriculum re­ Currently a captain in the any unofficial exchange ot mea vision, space utilization, and tickets which has not been ap. u.s. Naval Reserve, Hocutt has instruction. He was unanimous­ for the past four summers di­ proved by the office ot the di· ly recommended by thetaculty rector of Housing and Fo(){ rected an instructor training advisory committee appointed school at the Norfolk (Va.) Service or the lending of to screen potential candidates. meal ticket to another persor Naval Station. He commands "We are fortunate ln hav­ the Delaware Battalion of the will be a cause tor disciplln~ ing secured a Delawarean ser­ ary action agairist the student u.s. Naval Reserve. ving on our own campus as our 0 --· ,, ' JOHN E. HOCUTT ARNOLD L. LIPPERT involved. D.r PAGE 2· UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE New Department Heads Appointed Meade Becomes New department chairmen have been appointed in English, Heading the English depart­ bia University and his Ph.D.
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