<p> May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ</p><p>The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich held a regular meeting on the above date with the following members present: Mayor Brian Visconti, Deputy Mayor Greg Blaszka, Committeeman Frank Marchetta, Committeewoman Elaine Emiliani, Township Attorney Peter Jost, Township Engineer Michael Finelli, Township Clerk Kimberly Viscomi. Absent from the meeting: Committeewoman Deborah Pasquarelli</p><p>The Flag Salute was repeated</p><p>The SUNSHINE LAW was read as follows: "Adequate notice of this meeting was given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act by: 1. Mailing a schedule of this meeting of the Township Committee to the Express-Times, Phillipsburg Free Press, and the Newark Star Ledger newspapers 2. Posting a copy thereof on the Township Bulletin Board, and 3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk".</p><p> CONSENT AGENDA "All matters listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Township Committee and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will not be discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately".</p><p>1. Receive, and File Monthly Reports: Tax Collector Planning Board Municipal Court Treasurer Police Report Building Department Report</p><p>2. Receive, Charge to Various Accounts, and Pay Monthly Bills</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to approve the Consent Agenda</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to open the public comment period</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Russ Willever of 707 Route 57 – Questioned why is the township paying for Committeewoman Pasquarelli’s health benefits. Stated that there is may Seniors living in the Township that can’t afford to pay for benefits. </p><p>Nelson Lee of 316 Willow Grove Road – Requested the Committee to approve naming the roadway off of Route 519 – Port Warren Road.</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to approve the naming of the roadway off of Route 519 as Port Warren Road and directed the Township Clerk to inform the Road Department Supervisor to order and install such signs.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Tanya Segal of 1913 Lincoln Drive – Spoke with the Committee regarding the Day Care Center lot. Informed that the owner of the property is not maintaining the property and the grass on the lot is over 4 inches high. </p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to close the public comment period.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ RESOLUTIONS</p><p>2005.33Municipal Tax Lien Redemption</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to approve Resolution 2005-33</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2005.34Amended Deferred Compensation Plan for Township Employees</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to approve Resolution 2005-34</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>ATTORNEY JOST</p><p> SECOND READING / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2005-08</p><p>AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ALONG WASHINGTON STREET IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-08</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Joseph Gurneak of 110 Kennedy Mill Road – Questioned what are the new speed limits on this roadway.</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-08 May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to adopt Ordinance 2005-08</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p> SECOND READING / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2005-09</p><p>AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GROSS WEIGHT LIMIT ON WASHINGTON STREET IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-09</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-09</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to adopt Ordinance 2005-09</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p> SECOND READING / PUBLIC HEARING May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ ORDINANCE 2005-10</p><p>AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION OF FENCES WITHIN DRAINAGE OR UTILITY EASEMENTS OWNED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-10</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-10</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to adopt Ordinance 2005-10</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p> SECOND READING / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2005-11</p><p>AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XVI ZONING OF THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO ESTABLISH ZONING PROVISIONS TO PERMIT AN INCREASE IN PERMITTED DENSITY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NJ COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING THIRD ROUND GROWTH SHARE METHODOLOGY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRODUCTION IN CONNECTION WITH RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-11 May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-11</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to adopt Ordinance 2005-11</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p> SECOND READING / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2005-12</p><p>BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, BY AND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, IN THE COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY; APPROPRIATING $240,000 THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $228,100 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE TOWNSHIP TO FINANCE PART OF THE COSTS THEREOF</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-12</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Kevin Young of the Fire Department – questioned what projects are under this bond. May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2005-12</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to adopt Ordinance 2005-12</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>Mayor Visconti</p><p>Acquisition of A.O. Hamlen property Update from Peter Jost – Closing should be within the next week</p><p>Bond Ordinance</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to direct the Bond Attorney to draft a bond ordinance for $6,760,000 which includes 4,610,000 for the Firehouse, $250,000 for the Hamlen Set aside, $1,900,000 for the Recreation Field and Hoser Access Road</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Visconti Opposed: Emiliani Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>TDR Pilot Program update and next steps</p><p>Mayor Visconti informed that the Township’s tentative position (investigate TDR, with no commitment to implementation) on TDR rendered the Township an undesirable candidate for the Pilot Program at the time OSG wished to announce the participants in the TDR Pilot Program. It was advised that the best track for the Township to pursue funding in investigate TDR was to apply to the State TDR Band Board for a $40,000 May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ matching grant. It was also advised that that OSG and Highlands are not soliciting municipalities for another round of pilot, but that the opportunity may arise in the future.</p><p>Lawn cutting issues at Greenwich Chase Day Care Center</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion directing the Township Attorney to write a letter to the owners of the property informing of the Township Ordinance and inform if this is not taken care of the Township will go in and maintain the property and a lien will be placed on said property. This also applies to the snow plowing on the sidewalks during snow storms, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Raffles License Greenwich Township P.T.O. – Registration Valid till 5/4/07 June 11, 2005</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti approving raffles license for PTO on June 11, 2005.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Deputy Mayor Blaszka</p><p>Hamlen Property / Photo Shot Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 12 Noon</p><p>Deputy Mayor Blaszka informed that the photo shot scheduled for May 21st has been cancelled and will be on June 3rd.</p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli</p><p>Sewer Subcommittee Update Contract approval / Kupper Associates / Sewer Engineer </p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion approving the contract for Kupper Associates, seconded by Mayor Visconti May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Memorial Day Parade May 30th / 10 am Bike Decorating Contest sponsored by the Township Committee</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani</p><p>Greenwich Township Fire Department Blue Light Permit Application Ethel E. Cole</p><p>Mayor Visconti made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to approve the blue light application for Ethel Cole</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Police Department Under-age Drinking / Ordinance</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani informed that the Committee has received a sample Ordinance for review regarding Under-age Drinking. To be discussed at next meeting.</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta</p><p>Planning Board Update</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta informed that recently the Committee and the Planning Board met with representatives of the Highlands Council. He stated that the Township has been identified as a Highlands Region municipality. He stated that there was discussion regarding the initiation of a Highlands Community Partnership Municipal/County Advisory Council which would identify issues of local concern that should be addressed in the Regional Master Plan. This partnership is voluntary and does not commit the Township to any obligation or to take any actions. This proposal will be addressed at a future Planning Board meeting and they will forward to the Committee their response to this proposal. May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ</p><p>Environmental Commission Update Committeeman Marchetta informed that the riparian effort project was a success. He thanked Barry Glassman, the Stewartsville Middle School 7th grade, Youth Corps for assisting in this project.</p><p>ENGINEER FINELLI</p><p>1. STRYKER’S ROAD</p><p> He advised the Township Committee at the March 17, 2005 Committee Meeting that he had attended two (2) meetings with various parties involved with this project. On February 24, 2005, he met with Jim Harding, NJDOT District I Region Manager, and two (2) other DOT representatives to review and assess the status of the Stryker’s Road project and discuss the ramifications of the Township not proceeding with the project on an expeditious basis. On March 8, 2005, hemet with Dave Hicks, Warren County Engineer, and Jim Harding and two (2) representatives from the NJDOT to discuss the potential timing of the construction of the County bridge (over the Lopatcong Creek) with the Stryker’s Road Reconstruction project within Greenwich Township.</p><p> It has been made very clear to him that the Township must proceed with the design of the project or the NJDOT will revoke the Township grant monies which have been previously allocated for this project. The NJDOT has agreed to give the Township until June 1, 2005 to complete the design and develop construction and bid documents. If the bid documents are submitted by June 1, 2005, the NJDOT has agreed to allow the project to be advertised for construction in the Spring of 2006 so as to better coordinate with the County’s work on the bridge replacement project. If the design work is not completed and submitted to their office by June 1, 2005, the NJDOT has advised the Township that they will “deobligate” the existing agreements and the $478,000.00 of grant monies will be rescinded.</p><p> At the March 17, 2005 Committee Meeting, the Committee authorized his office to proceed with the design of the project which he has done and continue to work on in an effort to meet the NJDOT imposed timeline. Since that time, his office has been expeditiously proceeding with the required field survey work and design of the project. He has been in close coordination with both the Warren County Engineering Department based upon their involvement with the Route 519 improvements and the bridge over the Lopatcong Creek.</p><p> He has also attended two (2) separate meetings with Ken and Dennis Rath to discuss the impacts of the project upon their facility. Dave Hicks, P.E., Warren County Engineer, attended the most recent meeting with the Rath’s on May 4, 2005. At that time, we mutually had developed a new concept and solution for both the Rath parking lot access issue and the Stryker’s Road/Route 519 intersection issue. The May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ culmination of this meeting yielded the need for a new dedicated left turn lane on Stryker’s Road to Route 519 North. Also, a dedicated left turn lane will be constructed on Route 519 North allowing a left turn movement onto Stryker’s Road. The Rath’s seemed pleased with the solution at that time. He received a fax memo from the Rath’s on May 17, 2005 which now indicates an objection to the previously agreed upon concept. Based upon the time constraints which we face and the recent conflict we are in a very undesirable position in terms of our ability to meet the NJDOT deadline and satisfy the Rath’s concurrently. </p><p>2. FUTURE DEDICATIONS</p><p> Wyndham Farm</p><p>3. 2005 LIVABLE COMMUNITIES GRANT</p><p> His office completed the 2005 Livable Communities Grant Application and forwarded copies of the application to the NJDEP in September, 2004. The grant application was for $200,000.00 and is related to recreational facility improvements at the various park/recreation areas within the Township.</p><p> His office recently contacted a Livable Communities Grant representative and were notified that most of the grant awards had been made. There were still a number of awards pending based upon some additional monies which were still available to be distributed. Based upon the lack of any notification, he feels it is safe to assume that the Township did not receive any funds through the initial and primary grant notification period.</p><p>4. HAMLEN PROPERTY: SURVEY & GREEN ACRES APPLICATION</p><p> The survey has been long since completed and previously approved by Green Acres. All required concrete monuments around the perimeter of the property have been installed by our office as per Green Acres requirements.</p><p> As previously authorized, his office has completed and submitted a Green Acres application relative to the development of the property into a recreational facility. The application was submitted on February 15, 2005. In March, 2005, our office supplied Green Acres with a number of additional letters of support from various agencies and groups which have some direct interest or involvement with the development of the property into a recreational facility. He will continue to keep the Committee apprised relative to the status of this application.</p><p>5. GREENWICH STREET BIKE PATH (PHASES I & II)</p><p> The construction phase of the project (Phase I) has resumed and the bike path was recently paved. The project is now approximately 90% complete with only the final May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ edge treatments and stabilization work to be completed. He has seen numerous residents utilizing the bike path in my travels recently along Greenwich Street. He has submitted Voucher #3 and Change Order #2 for your consideration at the May 19, 2005 meeting in order to facilitate the next payment to the contractor. He anticipates this project being completed within the next month.</p><p> The Township Committee previously authorized his office to proceed in developing the construction and bid documents for Phase II of the Bike Path project based upon the Township’s recent award of an additional $100,000.00 grant for Phase II. His office is in the process of developing the necessary construction and bid documents for Phase II and will keep the Township Committee apprised of the progress of same.</p><p>6. SOUTH MAIN STREET SIDEWALK EXTENSION PROJECT</p><p> Subsequent to the April 21, 2005 meeting where the bid results were discussed and reviewed, his office forwarded a detailed letter to Jim Harding, NJDOT Region I Manager, outlining the Township’s position and timeframes for this project. It is his understanding that the second reading of Ordinance 2005-12 is scheduled for the May 19, 2005 meeting. Subsequent to the passing and adoption of this ordinance, the Township Committee should award the contract for this project to Kalogridis Contracting, LLC, in the amount of $178,010.00 in accordance with our April 21, 2005 recommendation of award correspondence.</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to award the contract to Kalogridis Contracting, LLC, in the amount of $178,010.00 for the South Main Street Sidewalk Extension Project.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>7. NEW JERSEY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS</p><p> The regulations have been adopted and were effective as of February 2, 2004. The Township had previously received their Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program Requirements package from the NJDEP. His office, on behalf of the Township, May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ forwarded the completed Request for Authorization (RFA) form and Grant Application to the NJDEP on March 2, 2004. We have received the approved stormwater general permit from the NJDEP. The permit # is NJPDES: NJG0153842/PI ID#: 198015. The Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA) is April 1, 2004. The Township is now “on the clock” relative to compliance with the new regulations. The first step is to adopt a Stormwater Management Plan within one (1) year of the effective date of the Township’s permit. He will keep the Committee apprised as we move forward with the development of the Stormwater Management Plan.</p><p> His office has recently received a Fiscal Year 2005 grant application from the NJDEP associated with another round of funding associated with the Stormwater Management Plan development and implementation process. The State has allocated $6 million for this grant program. He recently forwarded this grant application on behalf of the Township to the NJDEP.</p><p> The Township of Greenwich is required to submit an Annual Report and Certification form to the NJDEP. His office has completed the majority of the form and it will shortly be in a position for signature and submittal to the NJDEP. He recommended that the Township Committee authorize Mayor Visconti to sign the Annual Report form when completed.</p><p>8. NEW FIRE HOUSE</p><p> His office has completed considerable work on the Site Plan development phase of the project and we continue to coordinate with Tom Kocubinski’s office regarding the development of the construction drawings and overall project bid package. He is well over 75% complete with the design work associated with the Site Plan development phase of this project. At this juncture, his office has ceased work on the project until the budgetary issues associated with the entire project have been resolved. Based upon the action of the Township Committee to reserve a 20 Ac. exception area, the fire house will be situated within this 20 Ac. portion of the property.</p><p>9. D’ANGELO PROPERTY: BOUNDARY SURVEY</p><p> His office has completed both the Boundary Survey and the installation of all required monumentation for the D’Angelo properties located on New Village Road. The survey was prepared per Green Acres requirements and has now been approved by Green Acres. He will continue to coordinate with both Attorney Jost and Green Acres relative to this matter as necessary.</p><p>10. WEIGH STATION CONSTRUCTION IMPACT ON NEW VILLAGE ROAD May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ Portions of New Village Road have experienced some level of degradation caused by the construction of the new bridge over Route 78. The NJDOT, through their contractor, Railroad Construction, should make all necessary repairs to the roadway upon completion of all work associated with the bridge replacement. The Township Committee may wish to consider an independent inspection of New Village Road in an effort to develop a punchlist of repair items which the NJDOT should be held responsible. It is important to consider that New Village Road is a municipal roadway with the responsibility and cost for future maintenance to be born by the municipality. Therefore, he feels it is important for the NJDOT to return the roadway to the Township in an acceptable condition.</p><p> The Township Committee previously authorized his office to send a letter to the NJDOT making them aware of the Township’s concerns relative to the degradation to New Village Road and to alert them to this matter in order to properly document the situation in question as well as to request confirmation from the NJDOT regarding their intent to restore the roadway to its original condition.</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to open the public comment period</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to close the public comment period</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION</p><p>WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, County of Warren and State of New Jersey as follows:</p><p>1. The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon the hereinafter-specified subject matter.</p><p>2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed as follows: Contract negotiations, Pending Litigation, Land Acquisition and Personnel</p><p>3. It is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter will be made public at: When a decision has been rendered.</p><p>4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Marchetta to adopt the foregoing Resolution and enter into Executive Session.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion to come out of Executive Session and reopen the meeting to the public, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to hire Leslie Strozeski as Violations Clerk at a salary of $9.00 per hour on a 90 day probationary period with a 6 months performance review.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Mayor Visconti made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to authorize Jane Barsony to assist the court with ticket input with additional hours being worked and compensated for. May 19, 2005 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka authorizing the Mayor to sign letter of intent for the acquisition of Rewirts lots, with a total contribution of $500,000.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>As there was no further business, Committeeman Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Visconti to adjourn the meeting.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Marchetta, Emiliani, Visconti Opposed: None Absent: Pasquarelli MOTION CARRIED</p><p>______Kimberly Viscomi, RMC Township Clerk</p>
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