<p> 1</p><p>The University of Texas at El Paso College of Education Educational Leadership and Foundations</p><p>Internship I Educational Administration 5375 Fall 2009 – LACIT Computer Lab Monday 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.</p><p>Professor: Teresa Cortez, Ed.D. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 747-6276 (office) Webpage: http://utminers.utep.edu/mtcortez http://mtcortez.iss.utep.edu/ Office Hours: Mon & Thurs. 2:00pm – 4:30 pm Saturday: 12:00 – 2:00 or by appointmnet</p><p>Texts: Cunningham, William G. (2007). A handbook for educational leadership interns: A rite of passage. Pearson Education, Inc.</p><p>Wilmore, Elaine L. (2003). Passing the principal TExES exam: Keys to certification & school leadership. Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN: 9780761939863.</p><p>Graduate Course Catalog Description</p><p>EDAD 5375 – School Management Internship I First half of a two-course sequence including planned field experience and seminars for the Professional Principal Certification candidate; field experience includes working with a fully certified cooperating administrator in elementary, middle, and high school settings under the supervision of a university professor; includes administration of special programs, community education programs, student services, discipline management, scheduling, budgeting, and school business management. Prerequisites: Department approval.</p><p>EDAD 5376 – School Management Internship II. Continuation of EDAD 5375. </p><p>Purpose of the Course</p><p>The mid-management internship coursed EDAD 5375 and 5376 are culminating experiences in the mid-management administrative certification program. Their purpose is to help students combine the academic content of administrator preparation with the practice of school administration in schools. Professional administrators are required by the Texas Education Agency to complete this experience for public school administrative certification.</p><p>Staff of the department of Educational Leadership and Foundations of The University of Texas at El Paso directs the mid- management internship as a collaborative venture with cooperating local school districts. As prescribed by the Texas Education Agency, interns work under the joint supervision of a qualified university faculty member and certified administrators from local school districts.</p><p>Course Objectives 1. Acquaint participants with the administrative policies, procedures and realities of K-12 education within the sponsoring school districts of the enrolled interns; 2. Provide actual administrative experience at all levels from K-12, under the direct supervision of experienced, certified administrators; 3. Provide each participant with supervised analysis and discussion of the administrative situation s/he encounters, facilitating the intern’s application of the theoretical and conceptual knowledge gained through preparatory coursework; 4. Provide each participant with feedback regarding the quality of his/her performance as an administrator-in-training. Mentor Principals Students must be working with a PRINCIPAL who may or may not assign you to work with other administrators as well. But it is your MENTOR PRINCIPAL who must complete paperwork associated with the course. If you experience any problems whatsoever with your internship experiences, please contact me immediately. YOUR MENTOR AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED AND RECEIVED BY THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS! IT MAY BE FAXED TO ME OR EMAILED BUT IT MUST BE FROM YOUR MENTOR PRINCIPAL. Students are not permitted to change Mentor Principals during the semester and Mentor Principals should serve for both semesters of Internship I and II consecutively. Please convey that to your Mentor Principal as you enlist his/her assistance.</p><p>Internship Site Students are expected to dress professionally, as administrators should, at the internship site during this semester. Blue jeans and shorts are not permitted, regardless of the dress policy of the school district. You must think “image” during these next critical months and encourage others to see you in a different way (as future administrators!) In addition, no negative comments or personal disparagement will be permitted in class relative to any other professionals involved in our educational community. We are grateful to have the involvement of our mentor principals and will honor them by keeping unprofessional observations to ourselves. Programs and issues may be mentioned, however, without mentioning identifiable specifics. This is very important as your peers in this classroom may very well sit on your next interview committee!</p><p>Professional Standards This course is designed to assist students in developing skills and competencies consistent with the expectations for performance as effective educational leaders in the state of Texas. To that end, course content and learning activities are meant to address the standards established by the Texas Education Agency and the State Board for Educator Certification to govern the licensure of Texas school principals. The Learner Centered Principal Standards can be found at http://www.sbec.state.tx.us/stand_framewrk/stand_framewrk.htm.</p><p>The Test framework for Principal Field 068) can be found at the following URLs: Domain I-School Community Leadership (approximately 33%) Domain II-Instructional Leadership (approximately 44%) Domain III-Administrative Leadership (approximately 22%) Course Policies Class Attendance Attendance to every scheduled class is expected and absences will reduce your grades. If you are not able to attend class you are expected to notify the professor prior to the class session. After one (2) absences, the student will be dropped from the class because of the large class size and because the class meets approximately every two weeks. Late arrivals and early departures are strongly discouraged.</p><p>Scholastic Integrity Please refer to the UTEP’s Policy outlined in the 2008-2009 Graduate Catalog, page 44. http://www.utep.edu/catalogs/2008/2008-2009GRAD.pdf#index.</p><p>Class Activities: You will be working on the following activities during class: Portfolio (electronic & hard copy) Resume Weekly 2 – page Reflection Journal Case Studies Educational Platform Presentation of portfolio Conference Presentation Internship Project Critical Friends Study Group</p><p>The class requires a written a reflection journal; an educational platform; a completed portfolio of your work, and a letter from your principal indicating that you completed your hours (between 80 and 100 clock hours in a satisfactory manner and at the levels indicated). Please note a change in program design: Interns are expected to assume graduated involvement in key activities on their campuses. Internship I students are expected to observe and participate in such activities while advanced Internship II students are expected to participate and lead those activities. Tentative Course Schedule This course calendar may be subject to change as needed. Date Topic Class Assignment & Due Dates 8/24/2009 Welcome; Overview of Syllabus; Texas State Board of Education website: Introductions http://www.sbec.state.tx.us/SBECOnline/</p><p>Internship Packet, Portfolio Guideline Assignment due: Sheet Have completed forms submitted by next class meeting; with your name and contact information on it and where you will be Review Templates and Documents serving your internship needed for Log/Mentors/Portfolio</p><p>Review of State Board of Education Website</p><p>TAC State Board for Educator Certification – Principal Certificate - Standards for the Principal Certificate</p><p>Review of Sharepoint website Review of Elluminate software</p><p>8/31/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Individual Consultations Readings due: DOMAIN I-SCHOOL COMMUNITY Cunningham. (2007). LEADERSHIP Chapter 1: The Internship and Mentoring Chapter 2: Internship Components and Course Scaffolding Competency 001 Chapter 3: Reflection on the Internship Experience The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, Chapter 4: Standards and the Internship articulation, implementation, and stewardship Chapter 7: Successful Site and Mentor Selection of a vision of learning that is shared and Chapter 8: Planning Internship Activities supported by the school community. Chapter 10: Managing Your Time as an Intern</p><p>Wilmore. 2003. Part I: Content: The knowledge base Chapter 1 - Welcome Part II: Philosophy: the theoretical framework Chapter 2 – The big picture Chapter 3 – Learner-centered leadership and campus culture</p><p>9/7/2009 Labor Day No Class 9/14/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to Feedback on Educational Platforms and [email protected] Resumes/Curriculum Vitae Work on Curriculum Vitae Electronic Portfolio Work on Education Platform Individual consultations Work on Portfolio Case Studies: Discipline Readings due: DOMAIN I-SCHOOL COMMUNITY Wilmore. 2003. LEADERSHIP Chapter 4 – Learner-centered communication and community relations Competency 002 The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the Cunningham. (2007) school community, respond to diverse Chapter 6: Practitioner’s Advice for the Internship interests and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student success. Other readings will be given in class.</p><p>9/15/2009 Back to School with Jim Walsh @ Attend if you can – Tuesday Region XIX Time spent at training may be used for internship hours – must submit certificate at the end of semester</p><p>9/16 & 9/17 School Safety Training @ Region XIX Attend if you can – 2009 Time spent at training may be used for internship hours – must Wed & Thur submit certificate at the end of semester</p><p>9/19/2009 Site Visit – Constance Hulbert ES Attend if you can – Saturday Topic - Personnel Training Time spent at training may be used for internship hours </p><p>9/21/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to Feedback on Portfolios [email protected] Educational Platform Resume writing Readings: Cunningham. (2007) Case Studies: Student Profiles Chapter 5: Ethical Belief Systems Individual consultations Chapter 11: Conducting Effective Meetings</p><p>Competency 003 Wilmore. 2003. The principal knows how to act with Chapter 5 – Learner-centered values and ethics of leadership integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner. Other readings will be given in class.</p><p>9/26/2009 A Better Beginning (ABC) Conference Saturday Email Noni Silva that you will help facilitate or present Either facilitate or present at conference [email protected]</p><p>Invite new teachers to attend Time spent at conference may be used for internship hours – must submit certificate at the end of semester</p><p>9/28/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Feedback on Portfolios Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Educational Platform Resume writing Work on Curriculum Vitae Work on Education Platform Case study Work on Portfolio Individual consultations Wilmore. 2003. DOMAIN II-INSTRUCTIONAL Chapter 6 – Learner-centered curriculum planning and LEADERSHIP development Chapter 7 – Learner-centered instructional leadership and Competency 004 management The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.</p><p>10/5/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Case study Work on Curriculum Vitae Individual consultations Work on Education Platform DOMAIN II-INSTRUCTIONAL Work on Portfolio LEADERSHIP Readings will be given in class. Competency 005 The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional</p><p>10/12/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Case study Individual consultations Other readings will be given in class. DOMAIN II-INSTRUCTIONAL Wilmore. 2003. LEADERSHIP Chapter 8 – Human resources leadership and management Competency 006 Chapter 12: Achieving, Recognizing, and Presenting Work The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff Other readings will be given in class. members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management.</p><p>10/19/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Case study Individual consultations Readings will be given in class.</p><p>DOMAIN II-INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Competency 007 The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment.</p><p>10/26/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Case study Individual consultations Readings: Cunningham. (2007) DOMAIN III-ADMINISTRATIVE Chapter 9: Confusion, Conclusion, and Assessment LEADERSHIP Chapter 10 – The business and technology of school leadership and management Competency 008 The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in Wilmore. 2003. relation to campus budgeting, personnel, Chapter 9 – Learner-centered organizational leadership and resource utilization, financial management, management and technology use.</p><p>11/2/2009 Discussion of Internship Experiences Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected] Case study Individual consultations Readings: Wilmore. 2003. DOMAIN III-ADMINISTRATIVE Chapter 11 – The physical plant and support systems LEADERSHIP Chapter 13: Conflict and Crisis Management</p><p>Competency 009 Other readings will be given in class. The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.</p><p>11/9/2009 Guest speaker Assignment due: Weekly electronic reflection emailed to [email protected]</p><p>11/16/2009 Individual Presentations Assignment Due: Portfolios and Internship logs due See attachment below for organization of portfolio</p><p>11/23/2009 Individual Presentations</p><p>11/30/2009 Individual Presentations Course and mentor evaluations due. Educational Leadership and Foundations Organization of Professional Portfolio Guide</p><p>Portfolio Tab Assignments 1. Internship documents for Internship I & II a. Completed and Signed Mentor Principal Form(s) b. Letter of completion on school letterhead indicating number of hours that you served in a satisfactory manner 2. Professional documents a. Curriculum vitae b. Copy of teaching certificate c. Copy of service record reflecting two years of teaching d. ILD certificate e. PDAS certificate 3. Educational platform 4. Log of hours for Internship I & II (signed by mentor and you) 5. Evaluation forms for Internship I & II a. Self-evaluation and appraisal b. Mentor’s evaluation 6. Reflection journal Internship I 7. Reflection journal Internship II 8. Evidence of leadership a. Competency 001 i. EDAD 5340 - School community leadership, b. Competency 002 i. EDAD 5345 - Educational leadership in a diverse society c. Competency 003 i. EDAD 5342 - Educational law d. Competency 004 i. EDRS 5307 - Data-driven decision making ii. EDAD 5311 - Curriculum renewal iii. EDAD 5346 - Program, planning, and evaluation e. Competency 005 i. EDAD 5312 - Instructional leadership ii. SPED 5320 Special Ed: Historical & Legal Basis iii. BED 5331 Bilingual/Bicultural Curriculum Design f. Competency 006 i. EDAD 5348 - Admin. of School Personnel & Services g. Competency 007 i. EDAD 5310 - Administrative Leadership h. Competency 008 i. EDAD 5314 - School-based budgeting i. Competency 009 i. EDAD 5370 Integrative seminar 9. Internship project (to be completed by Internship II) 10. Electronic copy of portfolio August 24, 2009</p><p>Dear Mentor Principal:</p><p>The Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations in the College of Education at UTEP provides for Internship experiences for those students who seek administrative positions in the public schools. I am teaching the current cohort of Internship students and wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and to let you know that it is our sincere hope that the intern at your site has a positive and meaningful internship experience.</p><p>Our records show that one of our School Management interns is conducting an internship under your supervision. We understand and expect that interns will work with a number of professionals in the district, but we will be asking that at the end of the semester interns submit a letter of completion on school letterhead from their mentors, and indicating that the intern completed the required minimum of 80 clock hours in the domains and areas as noted on the Internship Log provided. This log should be completed and signed by you as well as the intern and submitted with the completion letter at the end of the semester.</p><p>I may be reached at 256-9521 if you have any questions, and my email is [email protected]. I would be most happy to discuss the progress of your intern at any time or to receive any feedback that you would like to share that will help us to strengthen our program. Please feel free to contact me.</p><p>I understand how busy school administrators are, and I do very much appreciate your support in this endeavor. I know that the experiences which you are providing and directing will be helpful to the growth and development of this intern, and our schools will ultimately benefit from the investment of your time and talent.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Dr. Teresa Cortez, Educational Leadership and Foundations</p><p>Attachment THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND FOUNDATIONS</p><p>Internship in the Principalship Introduction</p><p>EDAD 5375 and 5376, School Management Internships I & II, are designed to introduce students to the daily routine one would expect to encounter as a mid-management certified school administrator. Professional administrators are required by the Texas Education Agency to complete this experience for public school administrative certification for management positions of Assistant Principal to Assistant Superintendent. The internship provides opportunities to engage directly in actual experiences relating to the practical side of school administration with the assistance of a fully certified field mentor. The Internship supervisor will be a professor at The University of Texas at El Paso in the department of Educational Leadership and Foundations. The supervisor and field mentor will assist interns in combining the academic content of administrator preparation with the practice of administration in school settings. The internship becomes the bridge between theory and practice.</p><p>The internship is a collaborative effort requiring the assistance of a fully certified field practitioner who is willing to share his or her expertise with an apprentice administrator. That field administrator and the intern must plan time to talk about school events, allowing the mentor to comment on the intern’s choices of action when that individual functions in an administrative capacity and allowing the intern to review past practices of the field mentor. The field mentors must be willing to share those past experiences, noting which administrative approaches have proven successful for them, which approaches have proven to less successful, and why those efforts yielded the results they did.</p><p>Students are enrolled in either section of the Internship are asked to select a field mentor with whom to work. In the selection process, students should consider at least the following: (a) school and system personnel policies governing the operation of field experiences; (b) the willingness of a prospective mentor to collaborate on a set of required internship experiences for the duration of both sections of the internship, approximately one year; (c) the likelihood of a prospective mentor making significant positive contributions to the knowledge and practical expertise of the students, (i.e. will this be a growth experience for the student/inter?); (d) logistics in terms of time and space. The relationship between the student/intern and the field mentor is of critical importance to the success of the internship experience. Choose carefully.</p><p>Students in the internships will be expected to complete a portfolio including artifacts, a master log of activities agreed upon by the student/intern, the field mentor, and the supervisor. The student/interns are expected to organize their time in a manner permitting the satisfactory completion of portfolio requirements. In addition to completing the portfolio, student/interns are expected to attend and participate in a series of seminars with the supervisor. EDAD 5375 & EDAD 5376</p><p>Suggested Activities</p><p>1. Review a public relations initiative or a curriculum initiative; 2. Revise or design an administrative initiative for a school; 3. Follow a student through dealing with the juvenile justice system; 4. Investigate relations between the school(s) and local media outlets; 5. Investigate substance abuse programs and how they are (or are not) utilized by schools; 6. Investigate social service agencies and how they are (or are not) utilized by schools; 7. Investigate the relations between the school(s) and the offices of Immigration and Naturalization; 8. Shadow any (or all) of the following individuals: (a) a student; (b) a member of the custodial staff; (c) the school receptionist; (d) a school security officer (e) an assistant principal; (f) a teacher of special needs children; (g) a cafeteria employee; 9. Other areas to consider: a. Discipline b. Supervision of instruction c. Plant maintenance d. Technology e. Testing f. Special populations g. Media services h. Community relations i. Interpersonal relations of school personnel j. Your future professional goals k. Budget l. Food Allergies m. Homeless n. SBDM THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO College of Education Educational Leadership and Foundations</p><p>Principal Internship Experience Reflection Log</p><p>Intern’s Name: </p><p>Date: Total Contact Hours:</p><p>Setting:</p><p>Cooperating Professional(s):</p><p>Administrative Domain & Competency:</p><p>Task/Project Completed:</p><p>Objective, Purpose, or Outcome Sought:</p><p>Description of Activity(ies) (Attach supporting documents):</p><p>Reflections:</p><p>Final Outcome & Recommendations:</p><p>Follow-Up: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO College of Education Educational Leadership and Foundations</p><p>Principal Internship Schedule</p><p>Date Time Hours Domain/Competency/Indicator Activity</p><p>Total</p><p>Intern Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>Mentor Signature: ______Date: ______THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND FOUNDATIONS</p><p>Principal Preparation Internship Field Mentor Agreement Sheet</p><p>INTERN INFORMATION</p><p>NAME:</p><p>(Last) (First) (MI) (Internship I or II) PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL:</p><p>CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: (District) (Campus) (Position) MENTOR INFORMATION</p><p>NAME:</p><p>(Last) (First) (MI)</p><p>(Title) (District) (Campus) PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL:</p><p>The University of Texas at El Paso intern serving in the Principal Preparation Program will work on projects that have been approved by the University Internship Facilitator and the Field mentor.</p><p>The Field Mentor agrees to act as the Intern’s primary supervisor throughout the course of the internship. The Field Mentor also agrees to submit a written assessment of the Intern at the conclusion of the internship and to meet with the University Internship Facilitator to discuss the Intern’s progress at such times as appropriate and agreed upon by both parties.</p><p>This agreement will be submitted to the University Internship Facilitator as required by the Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations at the University of Texas at El Paso.</p><p>Date Signature of the Field Mentor</p><p>Questions or inquiries regarding any considerations related to the Internship in the Principal Preparation program should be addressed to Dr. Teresa Cortez; UTEP Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations; Tel: 256-9521. Email: [email protected]. Fax: 747-5838.</p>
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