Michaela a Riddell1*, Jennifer S Rota2 and Paul a Rota2

Michaela a Riddell1*, Jennifer S Rota2 and Paul a Rota2

<p>Additional File 1: </p><p>Review of the temporal and geographical distribution of measles virus genotypes in the prevaccine and postvaccine eras.</p><p>Michaela A Riddell1*, Jennifer S Rota2 and Paul A Rota2</p><p>1 Scientist/PhD Scholar, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory/WHO Western </p><p>Pacific Measles Regional Reference Laboratory and Department of Public Health, School of </p><p>Population Health, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010, Victoria, Australia.</p><p>2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, 30333 USA</p><p>*Current address: Dept. Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins School of </p><p>Public Health, Baltimore, MD, 21205 USA</p><p>Email addresses: Michaela Riddell: [email protected] Jennifer Rota: [email protected] Paul Rota: [email protected] Temporal and geographical distribution of measles virus genotypes 1950 – 2004 </p><p>(data reflects publications available as of August 2005)</p><p>(*country)- country specified confirmed as source of importation/history of travel to country specified within accepted incubation dates for disease (?country) – history of recent travel to country specified, however not confirmed as source of importation (*unknown) –source country of importation not known ** Unique type strain, sequence analyses revealed isolate least divergent from wild-type A strain [1] # Indicates suspected year of original infection for SSPE cases Personal communication Doris Chibo, VIDRL, Melbourne Australia (Wild- type) B3 B2 B1 A Genotype Year circulation of 1998; 2001; 2002 1950s 1960s - 1997 – 20031997 – 19981997 – 19981994 – 19981990 – 2002: 2003 2001, 2003 1994; 1995 2002; 2003 1988; 1996 1970s 1956 2001 2000 1994 1993 1984 1983 1960 2002 2001 # Burkino Faso & Democratic RepublicofBurkino Faso Democratic& Japan& & Russia& Romania Finland & USA & Russia& (*Russia) ChinaUSA & UK & UK (*unknown; unknown;UK unknown) Spain Equatorial Guinea)(*Algeria, Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country South Africa (*Angola); AngolaSouthAfrica (*Angola); case**) Ireland (SSPENorthern Congo & CongoCongo Republic of Czech Rep.Czech Slovakia& France (*West Africa) France (*West Germany (*unknown)Germany Gambia & Gambia Nigeria& Nigeria & Ghana& Nigeria Tunisia USA (*Nigeria) USA (*Kenya)USA importation) Cameroon Cameroon Argentina Gambia Gabon Russia Sudan Brazil USA</p><p>: Libya Published referencePublished [2, 6-10] [19, 20] [3, 11] [8, 18] [2, 15] [3, 11] [2, 3] [2, [25] [24] [23] [13] [22] [21] [17] [16] [14] [13] [12] [4] [5] [4] [1] C2 C1 Genotype 1990; 1992; 1990;1993 1968 Year circulation of 1999– 2000; 2002; 1970 - 1979;1970 - 1981 1996; 1997; 1998 1994; 1995; 1996 1991; 1992; 1994 1955 1998 – 19991998 – 19971996 – 19951992 – 19911990 – 19831972 – 19941991 – 2002; 20032002; Early 1970sEarly 1997; 1998 1996; 1997 1992; 1993 1984; 1985 Mid 1980sMid 1980sMid # ; 1971 ; 1996 1984 1977 1979 2003 1998 1997 # ; 1956 ; # ; 1984 ; # # Luxembourg (*Belgium & unknown)& Luxembourg (*Belgium Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country USA (*unknown; Italy; Germany)USA Czech Rep. Czech Spain;& Slovakia & Northern Ireland (SSPE cases) Ireland (SSPENorthern Canada(*Germany France)& USA (*Germany; Zimbabwe)(*Germany; USA Spain (wild-type; SSPE) Spain Germany (SSPE cases) (SSPE Germany USA (SSPE cell line)(SSPE cell USA Germany; Denmark Germany; Japan (SSPE Japancases) (SSPE Austria (SSPE) UK (*Europe)UK Netherlands importation) Netherlands Argentina Germany Germany Germany Australia Denmark Morocco Canada Canada Japan Brazil Spain USA UK Published referencePublished [4, 22, 27, 28 [27, 28, 34, 35] [22, 27, 28 [27, 28[27, [27, 30] [21, 42] [34, 36] [4, 38] [2, 15] [31] [27] [29] [27] [26] [22] [41] [40] [29] [39] [35] [37] [33] [29] [27] [32] [1] [8] [3]</p><p>]</p><p>, 34] ] D3 D2 D1 Genotype Year circulation of 1988; 1991; 1994 - 2000; 2001; 2002; 1983; 19891983; 1992 - 19991992; 2002 - 1960s 1993 1991- 1994 1983– 2001 1999 – 20001999 – 19961978 - 19801974; 19811973 – 1999; 2000 1983; 1986 1999 1999 1997 1997 1996 1995 1994 2000 2002 2001 2001 2004 # & 1970s& # ; 1999 #</p><p># Northern Ireland & UK (SSPE cases)Northern (SSPE Ireland UK & Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Papua New Guinea (SSPE cases) New (SSPEGuinea Papua UK (*unknown Spain;Ireland)& (*unknown UK USA (*all Philippines)from USA Denmark (*unknown) UK (wild-type;UK SSPE) Canada(*unknown) South Africa (SSPE)South Papua New Guinea Australia (*Japan)Australia USA (*Philippines) Northern Ireland Canada(*Japan) Australia (*USA)Australia USA (*Ireland) importation) South AfricaSouth Micronesia Australia Zambia Taiwan Ireland Japan USA UK [16, 44](unpublished[16, data) Published referencePublished (Chibo, personal communication) [5, 30, 46, 47] [5, [16, 34,43] [16, [15, 27][15, [24, 39] [36, 50] [1, 27] [1, 36] [29] [52] [48] [39] [45] [36] [33] [53] [29] [53] [51] [38] [49] [8] [9] D4 Genotype Year circulation of 1995– 1997; 1999; 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998 – 2000;1998 – 2002 1998; 2000; 2001 2003 - 20042003 - 19991998 - 19981997 – 19891988 – 19971978 - 2002; 2003 2000; 2002 1998; 1999 2000; 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1998 1998 1989 2003 Pakistan; Afghanistan)Pakistan India;& Pakistan; USA & (*unknown; India Kenya; Japan & UK (*India & USA; Pakistan; USA; (*India & India;UK Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Australia (*unknown Australia Ethiopia)& Germany (*unknown; Germanyunknown) Ethiopia; Pakistan Kenya)& Netherlands (*India); Nepal Netherlands (*India);</p><p>USA (*Pakistan; Lebanon) USA South Africa & NamibiaAfrica & South Denmark (*unknown) Australia (*unknown) Spain (*unknown) Canada(*India) UK (*Pakistan)UK importation) Syria Iran& Pakistan Ethiopia Canada Croatia Russia Russia Kenya India Published referencePublished (Chibo, personnel communication) [16, 34,43] [16, [2, 15, 39][2, [32, 54] [21, 42] [3, 29] [38] [55] [59] [25] [24] [58] [29] [18] [22] [57] [56] [49] [33] [8] D5 Genotype Year circulation of 1995; 1997; 2000; 1999; 2000; 2001 1994; 1995; 1996 2001 - 20022001 - 20011997 – 19941993 - 20011985 – 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 1998 1997 1996 2001 1993 1993 AustraliaJapan (*Thailand; unknown; & USA (*Japan unknown;& Japan; Japan)USA Canada(*unknown New & Germany & UK (*unknown; Malaysia;UK Bangladesh; Micronesia (Island of Palau (*Japan)) (IslandPalau of Micronesia Guam &Thailand & &ThailandGuam unknown)& UK Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Guam (*unknown) ThailandGuam & USA (*Japan unknown)& USA Thailand & Sth America) Sth Thailand & Germany (*unknown) Germany Australia (*unknown) Australia (*Thailand) Canada(*?USA) Brazil (*Japan)Brazil importation) Cambodia Zealand) Thailand Namibia Japan Korea UK Published referencePublished [30, 46, 47, 60] [2, 15] [64] [63] [16] [29] [15] [61] [48] [66] [65] [62] [29] [37] [53] [39] [33] [8] D6 Genotype 1990s Year circulation of 1999 – 2001;1999 – 2003 19991993; 2000 – 1997; 1999; 2000 mid - late 1990’s 2000 - 20012000 - 20001997 – 19991997 – 19971996 – 20011995 - 19971994 - 19961993 – 19961993 – 1993; 1994 1997; 1998 1997; 1998 1996; 1999 # ; 1995 1992 – 1999 1997 2003 2001 Canada (*unknown & ?USA; ?USA; Netherlands;& Canada (*unknown USA (*Spain & Germany UK(*Spain & Germany & Austria& USA USA (*UK Turkey) & Europe& Brazil & USA & Italy & Greece & Greece & Italy & Brazil) Ukraine & UK (*Greece Germany;& Poland & (*Greece UK Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Norway Germany;& Denmark Luxembourg Bosnia) & (*Italy Netherlands(*unknown) Dominican Rep. Haiti&Dominican Rep. Bolivia & ?Belgium)Bolivia & UK (SSPEcase); UK (SSPEcase); UK UK Russia;Poland importation) USA (*Israel)USA Argentina UK; Spain UK; Germany Germany Uruguay Ireland) Croatia Turkey Brazil Brazil Russia Spain Published referencePublished [21, 42,63] [21, 68,69] [31, </p><p>[70, 71] [27, 28] [2, 15] [1, 36] [67] [34] [24] [75] [74] [39] [29] [73] [72] [38] [35] [8] [6] [4] [4] D7 Genotype Year circulation of 2001 - 20032001 - 20031999 – 19891985 – 2002; 2003 2000; 2001 1999; 2001 1980s 2003 2003 2002 2001 2001 2000 # USA (*Italy unknown;& USA & Germany USA (*Sweden; Europe unknown)USA& (*Sweden; Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Australia (*Sri Lanka; AustraliaBurma) Lanka; (*Sri El Salvador (*Europe)El UK (*France & Spain)& (*France UK Italy & UK (*Italy) UK & Italy Canada Canada (*Mexico) UK (SSPE cases) (SSPE UK Italy/France) importation) Germany Australia France Spain India Published referencePublished [21, 42] [64] [76] [22] [53] [29] [39] [33] [78] [77] [24] [8] [1] d10 G1 D8 D9 E F Genotype 1960’s; 1979; 19941960’s; 1979; Year circulation of 1995; 1998; 1999; 1970; 1971; 1970;late Mid - late 60s - Mid 2000 - 20022000 - 20022001 – 20052003 - 19991998 – 2000; 2001 2002; 2004 1970s 2004 1999 2003 2002 2002 2001 1999 1999 1999 1998 1997 1994 1983 1987 Australia (*Indonesia (Is of Bali & Java))(*Indonesia & Bali of Australia (Is UK (*Pakistan; Yugoslavia& (*Pakistan;& UK Albania USA (SSPE); GermanyUSA (SSPE); (Encephalitis); Australia (*Bangladesh unknown)& Australia Oman; India; Bangladesh; Pakistan)Bangladesh; India; Oman; Venezuela & Colombia (*Europe) & Venezuela Colombia & (*Europe) Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country USA (*unknown India;&USA (*unknown India UK (*Lithuania & unknown)(*Lithuania & UK USA (wild-type&USA MIBE) Australia (*unknown) Australia Canada(*unknown) Japan (*unknown) Spain (*unknown) USA (*Italy UK)& USA Australia (*India)Australia importation) Spain (SSPE) Spain Bangladesh) Indonesia Denmark Ethiopia Uganda Canada Nepal Nepal India India USA UK Published referencePublished</p><p> communication) (Chibo, personal (Chibo, [22, 27, 28 [27, 28[27, [65, 80] [18, 64] [49] [49] [39] [53] [29] [56] [55] [56] [29] [32] [82] [81] [53] [79] [22] [24] [53] [8] [3]</p><p>]</p><p>] G3 G2 Genotype Year circulation of 1997; 20001997; 2002 1999 2001 2000 2000 1999 1997</p><p>East Timor Australia&& (*unknownEast Timor East UK (*Indonesia; Sth Africa & Mexico & Africa & (*Indonesia; Sth UK Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry (*country identifiedas source of (*country Australia unknown) & (*Malaysia Netherlands(*Indonesia) Germany (*unknown)Germany Indonesia & MalaysiaIndonesia & USA (*unknown) USA importation) Australia) Indonesia Timor) Published referencePublished [85] [21] [53] [39] [84] [83] [86] [8] H2 H1 Genotype Year circulation of 1995 – 1999;1995 – 2001 1997; 2000; 2001 2000; 2001; 2002 2000 - 20012000 - 20012000 – 20012000 - 20011997 - 19941993 - 2003; 2004 2003; 2004 2002 2001 2001 2000 1998 1997 1997 1996 1993 2002 1998 1994 Rep. of Marshall Islands (*Japan)of Chile Rep. &</p><p>USA (*Rep. Marshall Islands unknown;USA& (*Rep. Japan (*unknown; unknown;Japan unknown) USA (*Vietnam; unknown; USAunknown) Country identifiedwhere measlesCountry USA Korea) (*China unknown & & Australia (*unknown) Mongolia&Australia (*country identifiedas source of (*country Australia (*unknown & Australia Japan)& (*unknown Canada (*Korea & Singapore) Singapore) & Canada (*Korea & Mexico (*unknown); Mexico Mexico (*unknown); & New Zealand (*unknown) Germany (*Mongolia)Germany Australia (*unknown) Australia (*unknown) Netherlands(*China) Denmark (*Thailand) Spain (*China)Spain importation) (*unknown) UK (*USA ) (*USA UK Vietnam China) China) Korea China China China UK Published referencePublished (Chibo, personal (Chibo, personal communication) communication) [65, 94] [42, 63] [92, 93]</p><p>[87-89] [90] </p><p>[38] [39] [49] [89] [10] [88] [39] [10] [24] [22] [29] [91] [53] [33] [8] References:</p>

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