Template for JD s1

Template for JD s1

<p> 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc</p><p>HR191 JOB DESCRIPTION</p><p>NOTES  Forms must be downloaded from the UCT website: http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/sapweb/forms/forms.htm  This form serves as a template for the writing of job descriptions.  A copy of this form should be kept on file in your office.  For re-evaluations, this form must be sent to your relevant HR Advisor/Officer</p><p>POSITION DETAILS Position Title (current title) Senior Secretary Status of Post (tick) New Post Re-evaluation Job Grade (current grade) PC 6 Faculty (if applicable) Health Science Faculty Department Health & Rehabilitation Sciences (DH&RS) Section (if applicable) Date of Compilation 18 December 2013 FOR OFFICE USE Job Title Date of Grading Grading Result </p><p>PURPOSE To provide secretarial support to the Head of Division. Administrative support for academic programmes including students and staff for the division. Provide front-line support to the department on a rotational basis.</p><p>5 August 2009 Page 1 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc JOB CONTENT</p><p>% of Key Performance Areas (4 – time Activities / Objectives / Tasks Results / Outcomes Competencies 6) spent 1) Secretarial Support 30% Secretarial Support  Verbal and written  Provides general secretarial support to  Documents to be filed for easy communication the Head of Division retrieval and accessibility of  Client Services  Provides general support to Divisional information Orientation Academic Programmes  Building  Typing (including Dictaphone typing) e- interpersonal mails, letters, reports, etc. Determine  HoDiv to be well supported and relations deadline of work to be completed prepared for the events of the day  Initiating Action  Scan and or deliver documents to HoDiv  Administrative and staff if requested knowledge and skills  Ensure messages are delivered e.g.  Stress tolerance telephone, email or in person  Deliver or relay messages as soon  Organising and as possible planning Service Meetings  Attention to detail Co-ordinating meetings  Results focused  Diarise daily meetings in advance,  Teamwork  Ensure that annual meetings are diarised  Stress Tolerance in e-calendar for the entire year for the relevant participants.  Book and prepare venues in advance  Minutes and agendas typed  Ensure catering is arranged if required. accurately and distributed within  Book IT equipment for meeting venues. required timelines Preparing agendas  Prepare and distribute finalised agendas Prepare documents for meetings.  Distribute meeting packs, including minutes of previous meetings, when required. Minute taking  Record minutes at meeting, when required.  Minutes to be typed up accurately  Type up minutes within required time and send to Chair for editing Distributing minutes  Distribute the ratified minutes via e-mail  Verbal and written as soon as it is returned from the Chair. communication  Client Services Diary Management Orientation 5 August 2009 Page 3 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc  Manage and co-ordinates the Head of  Building Division’s diary with correct dates, times interpersonal and venues for appointments. relations  All participants to be included and  Initiating Action appointments are confirmed  Diary updated frequently during the  Administrative  Ensuring even spread of appointment course of each day knowledge and skills and meetings in diary and inclusion of  Timeous, accurate travel  Stress tolerance traveling time for off campus arrangements  Organising and appointments  Positive feedback planning  Ensure that HODiv’s electronic diary is  Correspondence handled within the  Attention to detail updated regularly required timeframe  Results focused  Constantly check calendar for upcoming  Positive feedback  Teamwork meetings and inform or alert HoDiv of  Accurate records off all  Stress Tolerance any changes to appointments. Confirm correspondence the changes  Prepare the necessary documents for these appointments Do not book too many appointments  Reschedule and or cancel appointments back to back when necessary </p><p>Travel  Co-ordinate travel and booking travel arrangements (when required):  Forward E-mail request for travel arrangements to finance department for necessary flight quotes.  Positive feedback to internal and  E-mail quotes received from finance to external clients HoDivs’s.  Queries responded to politely,  Forward instructions from HODiv to professionally and within the finance department required timeframe  Follow up with finance on progress of booking process  Ensure that the destination, dates, times are correct  Give feedback to finance and HoDiv  Accurate, prompt travel  Confirm that the flights are booked arrangements must be arranged with finance department  Book shuttle service on request. Book in advance and make arrangements regarding correct time, date and destination  Confirm the arrangement with shuttle service provider  Prepare MM010 for signature by HoDiv</p><p>5 August 2009 Page 4 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc  Forward to finance for payment</p><p>Clinical Secretary Function:  Initiating Action  To receive all block and dem forms from  Information students for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year monitoring and students. management  Ensure that all forms have been signed  Planning and off, by students, and supervisors. organizing  To notify Clinical Educators of  Detail Orientation outstanding documents.  Organised filing system in place  Communication  Follow up with students and supervisors  Correspondence handled within the (verbal & written) with reminders e.g email, Vula. Ensure required timeframe  Teamwork that deadlines are stipulated  Positive feedback  Work standards  To receive all medical certificates for  Accurate records off all students  Client Services students who were absent. Keep records information Orientation up to date on students who were absent  Confidentiality to maintained  Administrative during clinical blocks. regarding students knowledge and skills  File all the student forms and documents  Technical / in the student’s files in administrator’s professional / job office. knowledge  Students must book their own transport.  Building If they travel with their own transport, interpersonal they need to keep proof of their travel. relationships  Collect and keep track of the 4th year elective forms and their performance ratings.  Collect and keep track of the 2nd year nursing elective forms (Physiotherapy).</p><p>2) General Administration 30% Filing & Faxes</p><p>Receiving faxes  Received faxes are to be recorded in fax  Organised filing system in place log book, with time, date, whom received  Correspondence handled within the and delivered required timeframe  If for F45: place in pigeon hole  Positive feedback  If for F56: in F56 out tray If a fax is  Accurate records off all marked urgent, the staff will be sent an correspondence urgent e-mail informing them of the fax  File documents in prepared files, electronically and manually for easy  Positive feedback from internal and </p><p>5 August 2009 Page 5 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc access to information external clients  Scan hard copies to be filed electronically, to be retrieved when needed  Refill the toner on the fax machine and on the printer. Order cartridges and toners to ensure that stock is always available.  Ensure printing paper is in stock and printers and fax machines are filled at all times  Place paper in strategic place, easily accessable for refill</p><p>Courier Service  Courier services provider is contacted when couriers service is requested  Waybill and documents must be prepared for collection. Physical address must be completed on the parcel, not PO Box address. Record reference number  Queries responded to politely, for collection and for follow up. Enclose professionally and within the a prepared envelope with completed required timeframe details for documents to be returned. Ensure correct address, department and contact person is stipulated .  All couriered items sent and received must be recorded with the waybill number in courier lever arch file in reception. File prepared according to months. Recording should reflect date sent or received, waybill number, who sent or received parcel and to whom the parcel was addressed.  Place received parcels in pigeon holes or lock in safe place until collection. Notify recipient of delivered via email  Positive feedback from internal and Key Log external clients  Keep strict control of the key log book  Queries responded to politely, and key access. professionally and within the required timeframe  Keys must be signed out and back in again. All keys must be properly labelled 5 August 2009 Page 6 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc to prevent confusion and time wastage</p><p>Deliveries  Scan delivery note and file electronically.  Notify recipient of parcel to alert them that their parcel have arrived and is at reception.  Parcel will be kept in for collection</p><p>Stationery  General stationary is kept in the  Office consumables available as cupboard at reception. required  Requests for stationary received via e- mail or in person. All issued stationery to be logged by recipient. Stationery stock record to be kept up to date to ensure that stock is always available. Stock issues to be monitored. Order new stationary when required.</p><p>3) Communications 10%  Hand-deliver mail to HoDiv’s  Positive feedback from internal  Initiating Action  Distribute mail according to instruction and external clients  Information note of HoDiv’s (either in pigeon holes,  Queries responded to politely, monitoring and internal mail, fax professionally and within the management  Attend to Confidential matters in a required timeframe  Planning and discreet and professional manner organizing  Detail Orientation Switchboard  Telephone answered within the  Communication  Answering calls with friendly yet required timelines (verbal & written) professional manner  Transfer calls to recipient, announce  Teamwork  Screen calls the caller and wait response from  Work standards  Take messages or contact details of HoDiv.  Client Services caller. Deliver message to recipient via  For staff, wait until a reply before you Orientation email or in person put through to prevent caller holding  Administrative on to a ringing phone. Give feedback knowledge and skills to caller if there is no reply. General Reception  Technical /  Interfacing with visitors to reception area professional / job in a professional and friendly manner, , knowledge  Attend to the doorbell as soon as including students  Building possible to prevent visitors from ring  Attend to the doorbell interpersonal the bell repeatedly relationships Public Relations  Adaptability  Receiving visitors and handling enquiries  Stress Tolerance 5 August 2009 Page 7 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc  Take messages and give feedback</p><p>Presentations  Prepare PowerPoint slides for presentations and meetings, when required 4) Events (Conferences, 5% Events (Conferences / Work-away’s, etc.)  Verbal and written workshops, etc.) communication  Organise events for divisions:  Client Services  Accommodation-  Book and confirm Orientation  Confirm information for accommodation  Notify all participants  Building regarding area, dates on the UCT vendor interpersonal list. relations  Confirm fund number, cost center from  Send confirmation and directions to  Analysis requester. visitor and shuttle service  Problem Solving  Travel arrangements – finance  Initiating Action department to assist with travel  Administrative arrangements  Notify visitors and confirm travel knowledge and skills  Ongoing monitoring of the progress of arrangements  Stress tolerance process  Organising and  Confirm bookings planning  Ensure parking is booked in advance  Attention to detail with registration details, name, date and  Notify visitors on parking  Results focused confirmation and send directions to time  Teamwork venue  Forward the booking form to parking  Stress Tolerance office in F45 and confirm  Conference Venue  Ongoing confirmation and feedback  Ongoing consultation with organiser to organisers on progress of  Determine the needs for the event and arrangements venue  Check the facilities available  Make the necessary arrangements for needs of the venue, e.g. IT equipment, flip chart, seating arrangements, programmes  Send location and venue directions to  Arrange conference packages in visitors consultation with organisers  Put up directional signage to venue  Arranging or meeting and greeting of visitors  Conference packages e.g books, pens, documents, programmes, mementos  On-going liaison with HoDiv’s/lecturers 5 August 2009 Page 8 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc Catering  Arrange catering for meetings, events  Liaise with organiser regarding budget  Complete MM010 to ensure purchase  Place order timeously with caterer orders are raised and confirm delivery venue, date and  Ensure correct fund numbers and cost time centre numbers are recorded</p><p>5) Academic Support 10% Bulk Photocopying  Ensure the correct course codes and  Verbal and written  Complete requests for bulk photocopying instructions are sent to printer, the communication when required. correct date for delivery with proper  Client Services  Ensure the instructions are included e.g. printing instructions Orientation amount of copies, bound, single or  Building double sided, course codes interpersonal  Receive copies and distribute to the relations relevant lecturer.  Analysis  Bulk copying should ideally be directly  Meetings must be logged in meeting  Problem Solving delivered to the lecturer’s office. room book  Initiating Action  Printing will be placed in the photocopy  Arrange with Supercare staff to set  Administrative room for collection, up and cleaning of room knowledge and skills  Set up room according to  Stress tolerance Meeting Room Bookings requirements  Organising and  Booking of meeting rooms for meetings  Check with venues supervisors if IT planning as required, with time and correct date equipment is set up and in working  Attention to detail  Book IT equipment e.g. laptops and data order  Results focused projectors, in advance  Teamwork  Stress Tolerance Assignment Box  Empty assignment box daily.  Distribute the assignments to the relevant lecturer(s).  Assignments are signed, dated time recorded when collected from box.  Assignment box to be emptied daily  Hand deliver the assignments to the when assignments are due lecturer or place in their office when  Check assignments against class list absent then send an e-mail to inform  Notify lecturer regarding students them. who did not submit </p><p>Teaching Support  Type and update lecture/student notes when on request.  Call on class representatives when  Assist with information booklets for lecture notes need to be delivered to divisions. class</p><p>5 August 2009 Page 9 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc</p><p>Administrative Support  Team-up with administrator to provide overall secretarial and administrative Students and lecturers to be well support to the division supported</p><p>6) Student Support 10%  Co-ordinate and setup meetings between  Positive feedback from internal academics and students; and external clients  Collect forms for student electives from  Queries responded to politely, students professionally and within the  General ad hoc duties for students as per required timeframe instruction from lecturers, i.e. sending e- mails, phone calls, etc.  Students and lecturers to be well Student Notes/Collections supported </p><p> Student notes are sometime left in out- tray for students to collect after normal office hours. 7) Other 5%  Assist with projects within the department  Information  Monitor crockery, cutlery and kitchen  Keep inventory of crockery and monitoring and accessories cutlery of department and replenish management  Monitor and order consumable water stock when required  Planning and  Complete MM010 to finance department  and notify water supply provider to organizing to raise purchase order for water delivery deliver water timeously  Monitor and order provisions for  Contact vendor to order provisions  complete MM010 for provisions and and make arrangements for delivery notify finance to prepare purchase order to ensure provisions are available </p><p>MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Minimum Qualifications Grade 12 or equivalent qualification</p><p>Minimum Experience  Minimum 3 years secretarial experience  Computer skills important, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint  E-mail, internet search experience  Diary Management</p><p>Advantages to have 3 years administrative work experience in an education institution</p><p>5 August 2009 Page 10 of 11 HR191 03988c3b7ce44a286385b2601dbc6953.doc</p><p>AUTHORITY PRINT NAME SIGNATURE CONTACT NO. DATE Compiled by</p><p>Approved by Reviewed by</p><p>5 August 2009 Page 11 of 11 HR191</p>

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