iVolume-44 july 4977 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS Society of Was|iiii|toji A semiannual, journal of research devoted to He/m intho/ogy and of/ branches of Paras if ology V\ 'vyy , ,- "Supported Jh part by the .• >fN ^ • ••:'•'" ' ; Braytori H.'Ransom Memorial foust;Fund ; ^ Subscription $15.00 a Volume; Foreign, ^ r CONTENTS jx» !F ~^ -^r^J*- ' •/• . ',. .' ,-' ; — ',-".- / V.i, f '^-, .'[" - V ' '•> . - - • i I •' r , • . Vv- - ! ;' • -S ; * \• ,, .- ^-, . .;.'.- _ - ^~ ' . :AMIN, pMAR M.' He^hriinth Parasites of some SbuthWestern Lake Michigan , •; • ,"r' Fishes \.i:r—, ——^-.^,_L.^........«,. '. _.l.J.L._iJ/L-^-^_-^..^,.l ./ ;_w__..v... :"210 M, VETTERLING AND D/ J. DORAN; ^Eimetia tenelja:T ' :j Groyi'th Characteristics; of prug-resistant Strains :in Chicks and Cell Culture 147 AC. 'Can Alcoholic Bev^eragesyProvide Protection Agate Trichinosis? '. ,» /. I T '^\\'- '' -'""».''•-.'..'J.'--:-- ^ -^ >—-i_ ^.1^1;. .'. -''120 ;, RpNAiiD A. ^New, Tetrapliyllidean and ;Tiypanorhynch Cestodes : from Deep-sea Skates in the Western North Atlantic i..^~.^...L^^2^.^..:\1 CARNEY,-W;^ P.., PURNOMO, P. F, P. VAN P^EENEN, R. J.>$ROWNVAND M.VSuiJpMO. 1 Schistosoma incognitum from Mammals of Central'Sulawesij'Inaoriesia ^_.._: 150 ;CHUTE, ANNE -M.^ EVERETT , E. LUND AND GARY C. ,WrtkiNS. \<E3omparative * • , x Responses; of Indian Red Jungle ,iFQwl,v, Light /Brahma jChickens, and Three 7 ^Qther iGalliform Birds to Experimental ^Infections with Histom&nas - ; meleagriflis and Heterakis gattinimtm .—^:. ---i_-_-;..:.r-.;L—_..-,.. .._^.^ 126 CORKUM, KENNETH C. AND -HUGH Mr TURNER.: Alloglossoides pandicdla\ etsp.'n. (Trematoda- Macroderpididae) from a^Louisiana .Crayfish'2~^^.,' 176 TBSQN, WriJLJLAMiR.', GARY L. POSTER, SAMUEL R./PuHSGLOVE JR. AND ANNEE K./PRESTWOOD. \h Parasites of-Rilffed Grouse (Bpnasa viribettusj j. & from '(the /Easterri United States'--——., -L^^LJ^.*. :ri,-_l__^,-_j.iul-c-L.l-::- 156, (Continued Lone Back Coper) 'A.,'- '^^ , ~ Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ^ meets once a month from October through May for the presentation \and discussion of papers in any arid all branches of parasitology or related sciences. /All interested persons are invited to attend. : /, ; y >• ^ -Persons interested in'membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain application blanks from- the Recording Secretary^-Dr. Ronald Payer, Animal Parasitology .Institute, [ARS-USDA, Beltsville, Maryland :20705. -A y-ear's subscription to the Proceedings is include' d in the ^annua l due' s ( $8.00 ) . " " l , OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. FOR 1977 President: KENDALL G. POWERS / <-• J~*'% y ( — '< Vice President: HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD AX, ^Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. J. RALPH LICHTENFELS ^ j,\ Corresponding Secretory-Treasurer; MILFORD N, LUND^E ; ^ - < Recording Secretary: RONALD PAYER , '*'•;. ! ^-r *' Librarian: JUDITH M. SHAW (1962- ) ...*,-'• , . ^ :, ; .; :c Archil^: JUDITH M. SHAW (1970- ) X i 5 l'^ \ to the Washington Academy of Sciences: ROBERT S. ISENSTEIN 5(1976- v. ) \Represeritative to the American "Society of Parasitologists: HARRY HERLICH (1975- ) Executive Committee Members-at-Large: JAMES C. BUHKE, 1977 < - , ; ".;:/ ' •,(. fr'y 'AUREL O^FOSTER, 1977 ;v , ^'' , ":-O / ••, "- •-./ ' ,-'- iNANGY D. PACHECO, 1978 '''' ' L, SGHILLER,;1978 '; ?r j..^'. ;':- THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE PROGEEDINGS are published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helmiritho- logical Society of Washington. /^Papers need ijibt be presented at a meeting to be published in the Proceedings. , ilANUSCRIPTS should 'be sent to the EDITOR, , A, James Haley, pepartment of Zoology, 'University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742. Manuscripts must be typewritten, \double spaced, and in finished form. The original and ;twp copies are required. ^Photocopies of 'figures and drawings may -be submitted for review purposes; originals Will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers' are accepted with the .understanding that they will )bey published only in the /Proceedings. 4 i ::' x\ /, '- ^ .'•,..' ""... .." .':^-- . REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the saine !;time the corrected proof -'is" returned' to the -EDITOR. ,:^>v' '''.> • '> ''^-•'•^••- "^-.- ••.''•'' V^/.^'/V' '^'--J : ' • ' ' - . *. \ "' ' . •.- f' ' _ " '" •'••-" '', ••' ' • '"• j . "'•'." '.' '• '' '• "' BACK ^yOLl|MES of the Proceedings are available. Inquiries vconcerning back volumes and current subscriptions should be 'directed ,to; Helrriintliologicai -Society "of Washington, c^o Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New ^Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, 'U.S.A. N /BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries .concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for /dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society >of Washington, c/o Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas /66044, U.S.A. j >i :/ "v - EDITORIAl BpARP A. JAMES-"IIALEY7;EditorV '.;.._.;.' ••/ "^ {•' ,}, \^4.,: .,-.^{> ;" U'.':, . •1978::J(':: V,;/ ''•><- •-':"1979 :;J?,'i? / MURRAY D. DAILEY 7 NEWTON) KINGSTON v IDOMINIC DE GIUSTI :- x JOHN E. HALL RALPH J. LICHTENFELS DONALD J. FORRESTER ' :/ v rBETTY JUNE MYERS JOHN ,5. MACKIEWICZ KENNETH C. ^CATES - >(- • STEWART c. SGHELL ROBIN M. OVERSTREET JOHN D^ MIZELLE ; \ VGENE B. SOLOMON GERALD D. SCHMIDT MARTIN J. ULMER i-X. vV '•'; .!, Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington VOLUME 44 JULY 1977 NUMBER 2 Differences in Cuticular Ridges Among Cooperia spp. of North American Ruminants with an Illustrated Key to Species J. RALPH LICHTENFELS Animal Parasitology Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 ABSTRACT: Trichostrongylin nematodes are usually identified by characteristics of the male. In an effort to find additional diagnostic characteristics of both sexes of 6 common species of Cooperia of cattle and sheep, cuticular ridges were studied. All 6 species have 10 large ridges in dorsal and ventral fields of 5 each. In addition, all have 2 to 8 smaller ridges in each lateral field; the number is greater posteriorly. A study of males identified by other characteristics revealed differences among the species in the pattern of large and small ridges. Patterns of ridges observed in males were also found in females. The 6 species can be separated into 2 groups by the anterior pattern of the lateralmost large ridges. In Cooperia pec- tinata, Cooperia punctata, Cooperia oncophora, and Cooperia surnabada, the anterior ends of the lateral- most large ridges join to form a caret-like point considerably behind the anterior ends of the other large ridges that extend to the cephalic expansion (closed pattern). In Cooperia curticei and Cooperia spatu- lata, the lateralmost ridges do not come together and they extend to the cephalic expansion (open pat- tern). Variations in number and pattern of small lateral ridges are useful in further separating the 2 groups of species. The pattern of distribution of the anterior pair of small ridges in the cervical region combined with the number of small ridges posteriorly makes possible the identification of both males and females of all 6 species. After identification of females by cuticular ridge characteristics, differences in vulval morphology were combined with spicular and cuticular differences to construct an illustrated key to the 6 species. Six species of the genus Cooperia arc found for identifying males and females of these in sheep and cattle in North America (Table nematodes. 1). As with most Trichostrongylina nematodes, Longitudinal ridges are present on the they can be identified by characteristics of the cuticle of most trichostrongylinas and some males. Females, however, usually cannot be other nematodes. The morphology and num- identified in infections involving more than one ber of cuticular ridges are useful characteristics species. The distribution of Cooperia spatulata in understanding the evolution of the Helig- and Cooperia puncata has been confused by mosomatoiclea (Desset, 1964; Durette-Desset, the difficulty in separating even the males of 1969, 1970, 1971, and others). Licbtenfels these 2 species (Walker and Becklund, 1968). (1974) showed the number and distribution of Experimental strains of Cooperia oncophora cuticular ridges of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis may also contain Cooperia surnabada (Isen- to be stable under various environmental stein, 197la; Lichtenfels, unpublished observa- stresses and, therefore, to be useful systematic tion). Isenstein (197la) considered C. sur- characteristics when differences among species nabada to be a polymorphic form of C. are found. oncophora, but males of the 2 species are as The 6 common species of Cooperia of rumi- different as are most species of the genus. nants of North America have a common num- Clearly, additional characteristics are needed ber of 10 cuticular ridges for most of their 111 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 44, NUMBER 2, JULY 1977 • H3 Table 1. Cooperia spp. of North American ruminants. List of species and synonyms.* Cooperia curticei (Railliet, 1893a) Railliet and Henry, 1909af = Strongylits ventricosus Rudolphi, 1809a, of Curtice, 1890c = Strongylus curticii Giles, 1892d
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