<p> GEOG 301—Global Economic Geography</p><p>Spring 2013</p><p>A systematic survey of human economic activities. Analysis of resource exploitation and use, including agriculture, extractive activities, industry, commerce, and service functions. Recommended for business and liberal arts majors. This is an approved Global Culture (GC) course.</p><p>MWF 11-11:50</p><p>Butte 503</p><p>Dr. Jacque [email protected]</p><p>Office Hours: MWF 12-1 and MW 3-4 Butte 527</p><p>We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly—Martin Luther King “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 1963</p><p>Structure and Objectives of the Class</p><p>Economic Geography focuses on the distribution of production, consumption and circulation on the earth’s surface, and how and why this distribution is changing. What are the forces that drive the “creative destruction” of economic space and place? How are new global players like China going to influence where and how you work? Do globalization and technology erase the friction of distance in our economic transactions? How do transnational corporations create and destroy productive spaces? How has the mobility of the workforce changed, and why? Which cities will take command of the global economy? How do we explain the emergence of places like Silicon Valley, Hollywood, or Bangalore? Can people plan for regional prosperity? All these questions are animated by the restless geography of a diverse capitalism. This course takes a broad social science approach to the subject of global economic geography. We will at times draw on social, cultural, political, and psychological realms to understand the uneven and dynamic nature of the global economy. You are not expected to have previous knowledge of economic theories or models, although we will go over some of these. </p><p>The course is a combination of interactive lectures, class discussions on readings, and exercises. In general, I will introduce a new topic or set of topics each Wednesday. The course will not meet on most Fridays, marked in red in the course calendar. During these times you will be required to complete exercises that help you practice and understand concepts in the readings. You will have basic reading quizzes every Wednesday that help me establish your attendance and the extent to which you are getting readings done in advance of each new topic. We reconvene on Monday, at which time you will show your critical understanding of the non-textbook readings. Throughout the course you will also practice “critical</p><p>1 writing” and “critical seeing,” which will be explained later. During the entire course you will be practicing critical thinking skills that you will use the rest of your intellectual life (in school and beyond). You will find that the skills you will practice here will hone your abilities and make reading and writing (as well as seeing) more meaningful to you. These are lifelong capabilities.</p><p>The textbook gives us a “short cut” to intellectual trajectory of economic geography. The main focus of our critical reading, however, will be chapters and articles that are related to the enduring yet current issues in economic geography (such as location of production). Learning Outcomes</p><p>This course will introduce or expand on five of the Geography and Planning Department’s student learning outcomes (SLOs):</p><p> Formulate geographic research questions. Recognize the presence and application of regional, local and global dimensions of the social and physical worlds in data. Understand varying interpretations of causality, interaction, policy and values in human- environmental relationships. Understand the ways we use the environment can affect future generations and other human and natural systems. Analyze information from different physical or social sciences from a geographic perspective.</p><p>The course will reinforce the following learning objectives of general education (global cultures):</p><p> Recognize and appreciate the diversity of the world economy. Learn to think critically about the economic and cultural diversity of the world economy and theories that explain this diversity. Know basic factual information related to global economic diversity.</p><p>Course Requirements</p><p>Activities Points Participation/Critical Reading 50 2 Critical Writings 60 2 Critical Seeing Exercises 40 9 Other Friday Exercises 90 14 Skeletal Reading Quizzes 28 Final Project 32 Total 300</p><p>Attendance will be taken every day, either in the form of reading quizzes (also graded—no make ups), participation, or roll. I will drop students who miss more than one class in the first two weeks of class. Absences will affect your participation grade. Do not plan trips or schedule work during times when you should be in class. </p><p>2 In addition to attendance, your participation grade will be based on how well prepared you are to discuss the critical readings in class. I will provide a rubric for your own notes on the readings that you must complete prior to class. I will usually collect these on days we are scheduled to discuss the readings (usually on Mondays). This is not about getting it “right” but making an effort and improving critical reading skills.</p><p>I do not accept assignments turned in to my mailbox or to my email, unless you have been instructed to do so. Computer or printer breakdowns are not acceptable excuses for missing work so please plan ahead and leave time for emergencies. When you are asked to post an assignment to Blackboard Learn, please make sure you have the computer connectivity to do so if you plan to work from home. If you are having ANY problems with Blackboard Learn that seem to be systematic (and not related to your own computer), please let me know immediately by my regular email ([email protected]). Please put your name and “GEOG 301” in the subject area.</p><p>Cell phones, computers and other media will be turned off when you come into class. </p><p>Many announcements, your grades, assignments, handouts, and other materials will be on Blackboard Learn. You are responsible for checking Blackboard Learn for information. If you want to contact me outside of class you should use the Blackboard Learn email. If it is an emergency, you can use my regular email, but make sure you put your name and “GEOG 301” in the subject area. </p><p>Be aware of the campus’s policy on academic honesty. If I have any reason to suspect you have copied any portion of your papers or gotten unauthorized help, I will send the information to Student Judicial Affairs and you risk failing the course. If you have questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please ask.</p><p>Americans with Disabilities Act: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or chronic illness, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Please also contact Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) as they are the designated department responsible for approving and coordinating reasonable accommodations and services for students with disabilities. ARC will help you understand your rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide you further assistance with requesting and arranging accommodations.</p><p>Accessibility Resource Center--Student Services Center 170-- [email protected]</p><p>Starting the second week of class we will mostly follow this sequence:</p><p>3 Wednesday Start new topic. Quick skeletal reading quiz followed by introduction of the topic through interactive lecture, discussion, or speaker.</p><p>Friday No class held but students complete project and turn in by 5 p.m. that day to Blackboard Learn. Professor available during office hours and by email for help.</p><p>Monday End topic. Critical reading assignments turned in. Exercises handed back to students. Discussion on readings and /or exercises.</p><p>A note on the readings: You will to do a lot of reading in this class. By developing critical reading skills, you will find it easier to get through all kinds of readings. As you learn how to dissect your readings you will find it easier to understand and appreciate them even if they are not written in a light style. You will also break down your reading before you even begin by seeing its structure (“skeletal reading”). </p><p>What you should hand in when you do a critical seeing or critical writing assignment: Put your name and the title of the page at the top of the first page. All pages should be numbered at the bottom right or center of the page. Write double-spaced with one-inch margins all around. Use indentation to denote the beginning of a paragraph. Do not insert additional spaces between paragraphs. Your font should be 11- 12.You may print on both sides of the paper or use the clean side of scratch paper when you print an assignment. You always have the option of revising and resubmitting a paper as long as you submit a complete paper to begin with. (In other words, this is not a way to give you an extension.) All late assignments will be marked down. Course Purchases</p><p>1. Wood, Andrew and Susan Roberts. 2011. Economic geography: Places, networks, flows. London and New York: Routledge. Available at the AS bookstore. Noted as WR in calendar. About $45.</p><p>2. All other readings are on Blackboard Learn.</p><p>4 5 COURSE CALENDAR Spring 2013 Introduction Jan. 28, 30 Warm up, introductions, quick write, critical reading example (M,W) Pre-course assessment Location: Traditions Feb.1, 4 (F, Von Thunen/transportation and rent WR 13-23 Reading Quiz #1 Friday M) Weber/transportation and raw Chapters 1, 2 from The Box (Levinson) Critical reading on Levinson Ch. 1-2 materials Enterprise Record article on Sierra Nevada in N. Carolina due Monday (Sweeny 2012) Critical writing #1 Exercise on Weber due Monday Feb. 4 in class and on Blackboard Learn Quantitative Revolution Feb. 6, 8, 11 Regional Multipliers WR 43-49 Reading Quiz #2 Wednesday (W, F, M) Economic impacts of prisons on rural places (Farrigan and Critical reading on Farrigan and Glasmeier due Monday Glasmeier) Exercise #1 on regional multiplier due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Consumption Feb. 13, 15, 18 Christaller central place/Retail WR 26-33; 36-43 Reading Quiz #3 Wednesday (W, F, M) Geography/Spaces of Consumption Starbucks and Seattle (Lyons) Critical reading Lyons; Lida due Monday Two-for-one at the Pyramid of the Sun (Lida) Critical seeing #1 on spaces of consumption due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn The Firm/Institutional Approaches Feb. 20, 22, 25 Corporate Geog;/Fordism WR 53-71 Reading Quiz #4 Wednesday (W,F,M) Wal*Mart’s global model Fordlândia Intro , Ch. 1 (Grandin) Critical reading on Grandin due Monday Exercise #2 on global firms due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Feb. 27, Mar. Role of government in economy/Neo- Private sector in New York Times article January 7 (Rich) Reading Quiz #5 Wednesday 1, 4 (W, F, M) liberal thought Globalization and its discontents, Ch. 3 (Stiglitz) Critical reading on Rich; Stiglitz due Monday Exercise #3 on role of state due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Mar. 6, 8, 11 Micro Firms/HH/Informal "Global back channel" and "Culture of the copy" from Reading Quiz #6 Wednesday (W, F, M) Stealth of Nations (Neuwirth) Critical reading on Neuwirth due Monday Critical writing #2 on Informal Economies due in class on Friday and on Blackboard Learn Globalization Mar. 13, 15 Foreign Direct Investment: WR 73-93 Reading Quiz #7 Wednesday (W, F) Dimensions, patterns, explanations The Box Ch. 14 (Levinson) Critical reading on Levinson due Monday Product Cycle Exercise #4 on product cycle due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn March 18-22</p><p>SPRING BREAK Spring Break Mar. 25 (M) Trade, Commodity Chains, Guest speaker, TBA Reading Quiz #8 Wednesday Technology WR 93-97 Critical reading on Friedberg due WEDNESDAY Ch. 5 from Fresh: "vegetables" (Friedberg) Exercise #5 on commodities: Map your breakfast due Monday Geographic Inequalities/Uneven Development under Globalization Mar. 27, 29 Political Economy/uneven WR 99-101 Reading Quiz #9 Wednesday (W, F) development of capitalism/labor Boomtown girl (Hessler); Mfg in US (Davidson); Global Critical reading on Hessler; Davidson; Freeland articles Monday April elite (Freeland) Due WEDNESDAY 1 Holiday Exercise #6 on outsourcing due SUNDAY by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Apr. 3, 5, 8 Measuring and Visualizing WR 101-24 Reading Quiz #10 Wednesday (W, F, M) Development/Emerging Nations Global land grab (Zoomers) Critical reading Zoomers due Monday Critical Seeing #2 on mapping due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Apr. 10, 12, 15 Population/development/women Japan fertility decline (Boling); America's Egypt; (Mitchell) ONLINE Reading Quiz #11 Wednesday (W, F, M) Professor at Conference Critical reading on Boling; Mitchell WEDNESDAY—no class Due Monday Exercise #7 on population: due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Apr. 17, 19, 22 Local/Regional quotients and shift- WR 125-30 Reading Quiz #12 Wednesday (W, F, M) share City of Quartz, Ch. 7 on Fontana (Mike Davis) Critical reading on Davis due Monday Exercise #8 on location quotient due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn Apr. 24, 26, 29 Clustering/Economies of WR 130-36 Reading Quiz #13 Wednesday (W, F, M) Agglomeration New Argonauts (Saxenian) Critical reading on Saxenian; Florida due Monday The world is spiky (Richard Florida) Exercise #9 on clustering due Friday by 5 p.m. on Blackboard Learn May 1, 3, 6 On the Fringes of Globalization New Guinea: The godsend of cargo; New Guinea redux Reading Quiz #14 Wednesday (W, F, M) (Linden) Critical reading on Linden due Monday No exercise this week 6 Work on project on Friday and provide update May 8, 10, 13 Project Presentations Wednesday No reading Attendance both days is required. Friday activity TBA. (W, F, M) and Monday Feedback will count as critical reading. We will decide your presentation dates by lottery. May 15, 17 Project Presentations Wednesday No reading This week and next you must attend only ONE hour of W, F and Friday presentation on a date other than your own. Your feedback will count as a critical reading. May 20 12- Project Presentations Course Bibliography </p><p>Boling, Patricia. 2008. Demography, culture, and policy: Understanding Japan’s low fertility. Population and Development Review 34(2):307-26.</p><p>Davidson, Adam. 2012. Making it in America. The Atlantic Monthly, January/February.</p><p>Davis, Mike. 1990. City of quartz: Excavating the future in Los Angeles. New York: Vintage Books. Chapter 7 on Fontana.</p><p>Florida, Richard. 2005. The world is spiky: Globalization has changed the economic playing field, but hasn’t leveled it. The Atlantic Monthly, October.</p><p>Freeland, Chrystia. 2011. The rise of the new global elite. The Atlantic Monthly, January/February.</p><p>Friedberg, Susanne. 2009. Fresh: A perishable history. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.</p><p>Glasmeier, Amy K. and Tracey Farrigan. 2007. The economic impacts of the prison development boom on persistently poor rural places. International Regional Science Review 30:274-99.</p><p>Grandin, Greg. 2009. Fordlandia: The rise and fall of Henry Ford’s forgotten city. New York: Metropolitan Books. Introduction and Chapter 1.</p><p>Hessler, Peter. 2001. Boomtown girl: Finding a new life in the golden city. The New Yorker, May 28. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2001/05/28/010528fa_fact_hessler?printable=true (accessed 1/23/2010).</p><p>Levinson, Marc. 2006. The box: How the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger. Princeton University Press. Selected chapters.</p><p>Lida, David. 2009. First stop in the New World: Mexico City, the capital of the 21st century. New York: Riverhead Books. Chapter: Two-for-one at the Pyramid of the Sun.</p><p>Linden, Eugene. 2011. The ragged edge of the world: Encounters at the frontier where modernity, wildlands and indigenous peoples meet. New York: Plume. Chapter 3 “New Guinea: The godsend of cargo;” Chapter 4 “New Guinea redux.”</p><p>Lyons, James. 2005. ‘Think Seattle, act globally:’ Specialty coffee, commodity biographies and the promotion of place. Cultural Studies 19(1):14-34.</p><p>Mitchell, Timothy. 1995. The object of development: America’s Egypt. In Power of development, ed. Jonathan Crush, 129-57. London: Routledge.</p><p>Neuwirth, Robert. 2011. Stealth of nations: The global rise of the informal economy. New York: Pantheon Books.</p><p>Rich, Mokoko. 2007. Private sector gets job skills. New York Times. January 7.</p><p>7 Stiglitz, Joseph. 2003. Globalization and its discontents. New York: W.W. Norton. Chapter 3 Freedom to choose.</p><p>Sweeny, Katy. 2012. North Carolina on tap. Chico Enterprise Record. January 25.</p><p>Saxenian, AnnaLee. 2006. The new argonauts: Regional advantage in a global economy. Harvard University Press.</p><p>Zoomers, Annelies. 2010. Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: Seven processes driving the current global land grab. The Journal of Peasant Studies 37(2): 429-47.</p><p>8 Your Name ______</p><p>An email other than your Blackboard Learn contact______</p><p>Where are you from?</p><p>Where have you lived?</p><p>Picture Here</p><p>What’s your major?</p><p>Tell me something about yourself</p><p>Tell me something about how you learn</p><p>What other classes are you taking this semester?</p><p>9</p>
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