<p> Revised May 2007</p><p>Taxonomies and thesauri: a list of references and resources for public sector applications</p><p>This bibliography has been prepared for Taxonomies in the Public Sector (TiPS), a discussion group which supports the Cabinet Office’s Metadata Working Group by encouraging information professionals in the public sector to meet and develop guidance on the implementation of taxonomies and metadata. While IPSV (Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary) and its predecessors GCL and LGCL are an important focus for compliance with e-government standards, public sector applications commonly use a complementary specialised vocabulary in tandem with IPSV. The bibliography gives background references across the field from development to exploitation and sharing the outputs. The highlighted references are considered especially useful. The references have been grouped as follows:</p><p>Compliance framework in the UK...... 1 Background on the IPSV, GCL, LGCL and e-GMS...... 2 Directories of vocabularies, software and links to other resources...... 3 Assorted definitions of different types of controlled vocabulary...... 3 Making the case...... 4 Thesaurus/taxonomy design and construction...... 5 Multilingual thesauri...... 6 Use of taxonomies, categorisation, general interest...... 7 Controlled vocabularies for the Internet/Intranets...... 8 Folksonomies...... 9 A few on classification...... 9 For records management...... 10 What are other countries doing?...... 11 Software for thesaurus management and related functions...... 11 Metadata...... 11 Interoperability, mapping and formats for data exchange...... 12 Topic Maps, RDF and namespaces...... 13</p><p>Compliance framework in the UK 1. Cabinet Office, e-Government Unit [now known as Delivery and Transformation Group]. e- Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) Version 6.1 (2005) and Technical Standards Catalogue (TSC) Version 6.2 (2005) http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/egif.asp 2. Cabinet Office, e-Government Unit [now known as Delivery and Transformation Group]. e- Government Metadata Standard Version 3.1 . London, 2006 Aug 29. 58pp. Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/metadata_document.asp?docnum=1017 3. Cabinet Office, Delivery and Transformation Group. e-Government Metadata Standard Version 3.1 for Websites. London, 2006 Nov 28. 42pp. Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/metadata_document.asp?docnum=1029</p><p>1 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>4. Cabinet Office, e-Government Unit [now known as Delivery and Transformation Group]. e- Government Metadata Standard (e-GMS) for intranets V1.0, 8 Nov 2004. Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/metadata_document.asp?docnum=909 5. Cabinet Office, e-Government Unit [now known as Delivery and Transformation Group]. Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) Version 2.0. 2006 April 3. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/standards/ipsv/ 6. Improvement and Development Agency. Priority outcomes: explanatory notes for practitioners Version 1.0. 2004 September 1. Available at: http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/3E7174A8- ED18-4134-9ED8-6A974DC988F5/0/ExplanatoryNotes.pdf 7. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister [now Department of Communities and Local Government] Defining e-government outcomes for 2005 to support the delivery of priority services & national strategy transformation agenda for local authorities in England – Version 1.0. 2004. http://www.communities.gov.uk/pns/pnattach/20040112/1.doc. 8. Todd, Malcolm (The National Archives). Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems Part 2: Metadata Standard. Kew, London: The National Archives; 2004. 43pp. Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/metadata_document.asp?docnum=672</p><p>Background on the IPSV, GCL, LGCL and e-GMS 1.Broadley, Liane. Metadata and the e-GMS. Library + Information Update. 2004 Jul-Aug; 3(7-8):32-33 2.Budzak, Danny. A round of APLAWS. Library + Information Update. 2002 Jun; 1(3):50-51. 3. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Guide to Meta-tagging with the IPSV. 2005, revised March 2006. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVHowToMetatag.pdf 4. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Which IPSV? A guide to the versions and formats available. 2005, revised March 2006. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVVersionsAndFormats.pdf 5.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. IPSV Editorial Policy [Web Page]. 2005 Mar. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVEditorialPolicy.pdf 6.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Implementing IPSV to your own advantage [Web Page]. 2006 Aug 29. Available at http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/ImplementingIPSV.pdf. 7.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Building an information architecture across government. State Librarian. 2004 Autumn; 19-29 8.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Cinderella shall go to the ball. Library + Information Update. 2002 Jun; 1(3):44-45 9.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Planning controlled vocabularies for the UK public sector. In: López-Huertas, María J and Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco J, Editors. Challenges in knowledge representation and organization for the 21st century. Integration of knowledge across boundaries. Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference.; 2002 Jul 10-2002 Jul 13; Granada, Spain. Wuerzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag; 2002: 142-148 10. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Challenges of assembling the Government Category List. Bliss Classification Bulletin. 2002; (44):11-16. 11.Dextre Clarke, Stella. Vocabulary Merger Project Scoping Study Report. 2004. Available at: www.esd.org.uk/documents/ScopingReport2004-10-06.doc</p><p>2 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>12.Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary - Guidance Notes For Local Authority and Other Users. 2005 Mar. Available at: www.esd.org.uk/IPSVGuidanceNotes.pdf 13.IPSV Discussion forum [Web Page]. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/Forums/viewforum.php?f=39. Register/login at http://www.esd-toolkit.org/integratedforums/ 14.Local e-Government Standards Body. IPSV Merger Project Questionnaire Analysis. 2004. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVMPQuestionnaireAnalysis.pdf. 15. Local Government Category List - Guidance Notes. www.esd.org.uk/LGCLGuidanceNotes.pdf </p><p>Directories of vocabularies, software and links to other resources 1.Canada Libraries and Archives. Registry of controlled vocabularies. Available at: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/information-management/004/index-e.html 2.Herd, Jan. Resources for taxonomy creation and content management [Web Page]. 2001; Accessed 2007 Jun. Available at: http://www.loc.gov/flicc/wg/taxonomy.html . 3.Public sector controlled vocabulary directory. 8 January 2004 Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/metadata_document.asp?docnum=836 4.Search Tools Consulting. Tools for taxonomies, browsable directories, and classifying documents into categories [Web Page]. Accessed 2007. Available at: http://www.searchtools.com/info/classifiers- tools.html . 5.Slavic, Aida. Sources of information in the field of knowledge organization [List of links from the Home Page of the UK Chapter of ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization)]. Available at: http://www.iskouk.org/links.htm . 6.Stephenson, Mary Sue. Indexing resources on the WWW: Database Indexing, Controlled Vocabularies & Thesauri [Web Page]. Accessed 2007. Available at: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/resources/indexing/database1.htm 7.Strathclyde University. HILT A-Z of thesauri [Web Page]. Accessed 2007. Available at: http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/Sources/thesauri.html . 8.Taxonomies in the Public Sector (TiPS). Home page of the TiPS group, with dates of meetings and other links and resources. Available at: http://www.nglis.org.uk/tipshome.htm 9.Taxonomy warehouse – a comprehensive web-directory of taxonomies [Web page]. Available at: http://www.taxonomywarehouse.com/ 10.Willpower Information. Willpower website [Web Page]. Available at: http://www.willpower.demon.co.uk/index.htm</p><p>Assorted definitions of different types of controlled vocabulary 1. British Standards Institution. BS 8723-1:2005 Structured vocabularies for information retrieval - Guide - Definitions, symbols and abbreviations. London: British Standards Institution; 2005. 10pp . 2. Cumming, Maewyn. Tomatoes are not the only fruit - a guide to controlled vocabularies [Web Page]. 2002 Dec. Available at: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/schemasstandards/gcl_document.asp? docnum=681 3. Fast, Karl; Leise, Fred, and Steckel, Mike. Controlled vocabularies: a glosso-thesaurus [Web Page]. 2002 Dec; Accessed 2003 Jan. Available at: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/view/controlled_vocabularies_a_glosso_thesaurus.</p><p>3 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>4. Garshol, Lars Marius. Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps! Making sense of it all [Web Page]. Accessed 2004 Jun. Available at: http://www.ontopia.net/topicmaps/materials/tm-vs- thesauri.html. 5. Gilchrist, Alan. The taxonomy. Gilchrist, Alan and Mahon, Barry, Editors. Information architecture: designing information environments for purpose. London: Facet Publishing; 2004; pp. 192-198. 6. Hodge, Gail. Systems of Knowledge Organization for Digital Libraries: beyond traditional authority files. Washington DC: Digital Library Federation; 2000 Apr. Also available at: http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub91/contents.html 7. Pidcock, Woody and Uschold, Michael. What are the differences between a vocabulary, a taxonomy, a thesaurus, an ontology, and a meta-model? [Web Page]. 2003 Jan 15; Accessed 2004 Oct. Available at: http://www.metamodel.com/article.php?story=20030115211223271. 8. Schwarz, Katharina. Domain model enhanced search - a comparison of taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology (Thesis). Utrecht, Germany: University of Utrecht; 2005 Jul 9. Will, Leonard, with contributions from Stella Dextre Clarke, Alan Gilchrist and Ron Davies. Glossary of terms relating to thesauri and other forms of structured vocabulary for information retrieval [Web Page]. 2005. Available at: http://www.willpowerinfo.co.uk/glossary.htm</p><p>Making the case 1. Beaumont, Claudine. The business case for taxonomies and information architecture. London: Ark Group; 2004. 22 pp . 2. Busch, Joseph A. Benchmarking taxonomies. Online information 2006. Conference proceedings; 2006 Nov 28-2006 Nov 30; London. London: Learned Information Europe Ltd.; 2006: 99-104. 3. Capgemini. The Benefits of LAWs [Web Page]. 2004 Dec. Available at: http://www.localegovnp.org.uk/webfiles/Benefits/LAWS%20DOCUMENT.pdf. 4. Currall, James. I stand, they don't deliver: or why the highwayman approach to digital preservation funding doesn't work. Online information 2006. conference proceedings; 2006 Nov 28-2006 Nov 30; London. London: Learned Information Europe Ltd.; 2006: 79-85. 5. Delphi Group. Taxonomy & content classification. Market milestone report [Web Page]. 2002. Available at: http://www.delphigroup.com/coverage/taxonomy.htm 6. Delphi Group. Information Intelligence: Intelligent Classification and the Enterprise Taxonomy Practice . Boston, USA: Delphi Group; 2004 Jun 178pp. Available at: http://www.delphigroup.com/coverage/taxonomy.htm 7. Garrett, Jeffrey. KWIC and Dirty? Human Cognition and the Claims of Full-Text Searching. Journal of Electronic Publishing. 2006 Winter; 9(1). 8. Kaplan, R S and Norton, D P. The balanced scorecard: measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review. 1992 Jan-1992 Feb 28; 70(1):71-79. 9. Moffatt, Malcolm. 'Marketing' with Metadata - How Metadata Can Increase Exposure and Visibility of Online Content [Web Page]. 2006 Mar 8. Available at: http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/perx/advocacy/exposingmetadata.htm 10. Sykes, Jan. The value of indexing [Web Page]. 2001 Feb. Available at: http://www.factiva.com/infopro/indexingwhitepaper.pdf.</p><p>4 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>11. Wyllie, Jan and Skyrme, David. Taxonomies: frameworks for corporate knowledge. The shape of things to come. London, UK: Ark Group; 2003 [but an update has just been published]. 83pp. Caution: very expensive.</p><p>Thesaurus/taxonomy design and construction 1. British Standards Institution. BS 8723-2:2005 Structured vocabularies for information retrieval - Guide - Thesauri. London: British Standards Institution; 2005. 60pp . 2. Aitchison, Jean; Gilchrist, Alan, and Bawden, David. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. London: Aslib; 4th edition, 2000. 3. Broughton, Vanda. Essential thesaurus construction. London: Facet publishing; 2006. 296 pp. 4. Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar and Hui Ling, Goh. Building taxonomies using organizational resources: a case of business consulting environment. Knowledge Organization. 2005; 32(1):25-46 5. Craven, Timothy C. Thesaurus construction: an introductory tutorial [Web Page]. Available at: http://instruct.uwo.ca/gplis/677/thesaur/main00.htm#contents. 6. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Thesaural relationships. Bean, Carol A and Green, Rebecca, Eds. Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2001; pp. 37-52.</p><p>7. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. IPSV Maintenance Guide. http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVMaintenanceGuide.pdf 8. Guzman, Manuel and Verstappen, Bert. How to develop a list of index terms or thesaurus [Web Page]. 2003; Accessed 2004 Jun. Available at: http://www.huridocs.org/tools/howtoind.htm. 9. ISO 2788-1986 Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1986. 10. Lambermont-Ford, Jean-Paul. Searching for a global solution. Taxonomies - Structuring Corporate Knowledge. 2005 Jun; 22-26. Available at: http://www.ikmagazine.com/downloads/Taxonomies2005.pdf 11. Lykke Nielsen, Marianne. A framework for work task based thesaurus design. Journal of Documentation. 2001 Nov; 57(6):774-797. 12. Lykke Nielsen, Marianne and Gjerluf Eslau, Anna. Corporate thesauri - how to ensure integration of knowledge and reflection of diversity. López-Huertas, María J and Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco J, Editors. Challenges in knowledge representation and organization for the 21st century. Integration of knowledge across boundaries. Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference.; 2002 Jul 10-2002 Jul 13; Granada, Spain. Wuerzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag; 2002: 324-331.</p><p>13. Jackson, Joab. Taxonomy’s not just design, it’s an art. Government Computing News. 2004 Feb 9; 23(3). 14. McGovern, Gerry. Information architecture: using card sorting for web classification design [Web Page]. 2002 Sep 23; Accessed 2007 Jan. Available at: http://www.gerrymcgovern.com/nt/2002/nt_2002_09_23_card_sorting.htm. 15. McLaughlin, Ruth and Greenwood, Angela. Building a business taxonomy: a work in progress. Gilchrist, Alan and Mahon, Barry, Editors. Information architecture: designing information environments for purpose. London: Facet Publishing; 2004; pp. 215-224. 16. Milstead, Jessica L. Standards for relationships between subject indexing terms. Bean, Carol A and Green, Rebecca, Eds. Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2001; 53- 66</p><p>5 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>17. NISO. ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - 2005 Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies. USA: NISO; 2005. 172 pp. Available at: http://www.niso.org/standards/standard_detail.cfm?std_id=814 18. Quinn, Laura S. Designing for Limited Resources. Boxes and Arrows. 2004 Jan 12. Available at: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/archives/designing_for_limited_resources.php 19. Ramos, Laura and Moore, Connie Teubner Colin. Get on the road to taxonomy success. Taxonomies - Structuring Corporate Knowledge. 2005 Jun; 14-20. 20. Robertson, James. Information design using card sorting [Web Page]. 2001 Feb 19; Accessed 2007 Jan. Available at: http://www.steptwo.com.au/papers/cardsorting/index.html. 21. Roe, Sandra K and Thomas, Alan R, editors. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. Haworth. Vol. 37, 2004. ISSN 0163-9374. Special issue devoted to thesauri, including the following articles: a. Aitchison, Jean and Dextre Clarke, Stella. The thesaurus: a historical viewpoint, with a look to the future. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):5--21. b. Greenberg, Jane. User comprehension and searching with information retrieval thesauri. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):103-120. c. Johnson, Eric H. Distributed thesaurus web services. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):121-153. d. Landry, Patrice. Multilingual subject access: the linking approach of MACS. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):177-191. e. Lykke Nielsen, Marianne. Thesaurus construction: key issues and selected readings. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):57-74. f. Thomas, Alan R. Teach yourself thesaurus: exercises, readings, resources. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2004; 37(3/4):23-34. 22. Soergel, Dagobert. Indexing languages and thesauri: construction and maintenance. Los Angeles, California: Melville; 1974. 631pp. 23. Soergel, Dagobert; Lauser, Boris; Liang, Anita; Fisseha, Frehiwot; Keizer, Johannes, and Katz, Stephen. Reengineering Thesauri for New Applications: the AGROVOC Example. Journal of Digital Information. 2004 Mar 17; 4(4):Article No. 257 24. Spiteri, Louise L. Word Association Testing and Thesaurus Construction: A Pilot Study. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. 2005; 40(1). 25. Warner, Amy. A taxonomy primer [Web Page]. 2002; Accessed 2003 Jan. Available at: http://www.lexonomy.com/publications/aTaxonomyPrimer.html. 26. Will, Leonard. Thesaurus principles and practice [Web Page]. 1998. Available at: http://www.willpower.demon.co.uk/thesprin.htm. 27. Young, Andrew and Slattery, Sean. The ins & outs of a taxonomy design project; 2004 Feb 6. Available at: http://www.factiva.com/expertseries/2004/government/downloads.asp</p><p>Multilingual thesauri 1.ISO 5964-1985 [=BS6723:1985] Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1985.</p><p>6 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>2.Dextre Clarke, Stella G. The construction of a multilingual thesaurus, based on a classified structure. Knowledge organization for information retrieval. Proceedings of the sixth international study conference on classification research; 1997 Jun 16-1997 Jun 18; London. The Hague, Netherlands: FID; 1997: 120-128. 3.Hudon M. Multilingual thesaurus construction: integrating the views of different cultures in one gateway to knowledge and concepts. Knowledge Organization. 1997; 24(2):284-91. 4.Hudon, M. Relationships in multilingual thesauri. Bean, Carol A and Green, Rebecca, Eds. Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2001; pp. 67-80. 5.International Terminology Working Group. Guidelines for Forming Language Equivalents: A Model Based on the Art & Architecture Thesaurus [Web Page]. 1999?; Accessed 2004 Jun. Available at: http://www.chin.gc.ca/Resources/Publications/Guidelines/English/index.html. 6.Jorna, Kerstin and Davies, Sylvie. Mutilingual thesauri for the modern world - no ideal solution? Journal of Documentation. 2001 Mar; 57(2):284-295. 7.Riesthuis, Gerhard J A. Multilingual subject access and the Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. Beghtol, Clare; Howarth, Lynne C., and Williamson, Nancy J., Eds. Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization. Proceedings of the sixth ISKO conference; 2000 Jul 10-2000 Jul 13; Toronto, Canada. Wuerzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag; 2000: 131-135.</p><p>Use of taxonomies, categorisation, general interest 1. Ark Group. Taxonomies - Structuring Corporate Knowledge [Web Page]. 2005 Jun. Available at: http://www.ikmagazine.com/downloads/Taxonomies2005.pdf. 2. Bater, Bob. Knowledgeware: Fact or Fancy? Part 2: codifying knowledge. Managing Information. 2002 Jul-2002 Aug 31; 9(6):36-40. 3. Bater, Bob. Knowledgeware: Fact or Fancy? Part 3: navigating knowledge. Managing Information. 2002 Oct; 9(8):42-45. 4. Bertot, John Carlo; Jaeger, Paul T.; Langa, Lesley A., and McClure, Charles R. Drafted: I Want You to Deliver E-Government. Library Journal . 2006 Aug 15. 5. Dale, Adrian. Taxonomies in action in Unilever Research. Knowledge Management Review. 3(6):30- 34. 6. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Guide to Meta-tagging with the IPSV. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/IPSVHowToMetatag.pdf 7. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Automatic categorisation with IPSV [Web Page]. revised Sept 2006. Available at: http://www.esd.org.uk/documents/Automaticcategorisation-IPSV.pdf 8. Dextre Clarke, Stella G. Organising access to information by subject. Scammell, Alison, Editor. Handbook of information management (previously Handbook of special librarianship and information work). 8th ed. London: Aslib; 2001: 72-110. 9. Fast, Karl. The Confluence of Research and Practice in Information Architecture [Web Page]. 2006 Jun-2006 Jul 31. Available at: http://www.asist.org/Bulletin/Jun-06/fast.html. 10. Garrett, Jeffrey. KWIC and Dirty? Human Cognition and the Claims of Full-Text Searching. Journal of Electronic Publishing. 2006 Winter; 9(1). 11. Gilchrist, Alan and Kibby, Peter. Taxonomies for business: access and connectivity in a wired world. London: TFPL Ltd; 2000. 176 pp. (A short version of this is also available at http://www.rms- gb.org.uk/100%20Gilchrist.html)</p><p>7 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>12. Graef, Jean. Managing taxonomies strategically [Web Page]. 2001 Mar. Available at: http://www.montague.com/abstracts/taxonomy3.html 13. Hagedorn, Kat. Extracting value from automated classification tools [Web Page]. 2001 Mar; Accessed 2001 Aug. Available at: http://argus-acia.com/white_papers/classification.html. 14. Ramos, Laura and Moore, Connie Teubner Colin. Get on the road to taxonomy success. Taxonomies - Structuring Corporate Knowledge. 2005 Jun; 14-20. Available at: http://www.ikmagazine.com/downloads/Taxonomies2005.pdf 15. Reamy, Tom. Enterprise Information Architecture: A Semantic and Organizational Foundation [Web Page]. 2006 Nov 28. Available at: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/view/enterprise. 16. Sturdy, Derek. Taxonomies, - Gateway or dead end. Legal Information Management. 2005 Dec; 5(4):223-227. 17. Sykes, Jan. Making solid business decisions through intelligent indexing taxonomies. A white paper prepared for Factiva. [Web Page]. 2003 Sep. Available at: http://www.factiva.com/collateral/files/whitepaper_valueofindexing_092003.pdf. 18. Warner, Amy. Information architecture and vocabularies for browse and search. Gilchrist, Alan and Mahon, Barry, Editors. Information architecture: designing information environments for purpose. London: Facet Publishing; 2004; pp. 177-191. 19. Weinstein, Chad (Sopheon Corporation). You can get there from here: developing taxonomies to support KM systems. Taking knowledge and best practices to the bottom line - Proceedings from APQC's 5th Knowledge Management conference; 2000 Dec. Houston, Texas: APQC; 2001: 134-142. ISBN: 1-928593-45-3.</p><p>Controlled vocabularies for the Internet/Intranets 1.Bates, Marcia J. Indexing and access for digital libraries and the Internet: human, database and domain factors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 1998; 49(13):1185-1205. 2.Berners-Lee, Tim; Hendler, James, and Lassila, Ora. The Semantic Web. Scientific American. 2001 May; (0501). Also available at: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=00048144-10D2-1C70- 84A9809EC588EF21 3.Binding, Ceri and Tudhope, Douglas. Integrating faceted structure into the search process. McIlwaine, Ia C, Editor. Knowledge organization and the global information society. Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference.; 2004 Jul 13-2004 Jul 16; London, UK. Wuerzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag; 2004: 67-72. 4.Doran, Kelly. Metadata for a corporate intranet. Online. 1999 Jan-1999 Feb 28; 23(1):42-50. 5.Lee, Hur-Li and Olson, Hope A. Hierarchical navigation: an exploration of Yahoo! directories. Knowledge Organization. 2005; 32(1):10-24. 6.Miles, Alistair. Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web. W3C Working Draft [Web Page]. 2005 May 17. Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-thesaurus-pubguide. 7.Miles, Alistair. Retrieval and the Semantic Web: incorporating A Theory of Retrieval Using Structured Vocabularies: Oxford Brookes University; 2006 Sep 184pp. Also available at: http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/retrieval/ or http://purl.org/net/retrieval 8.Shiri, Ali Asghar and Revie, Crawford. Thesauri on the Web: current developments and trends. Online Information Review. 2000; 24(4):273-279.</p><p>8 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>9.Shiri, Ali Asghar; Revie, Crawford, and Chowdhury, Gobinda. Assessing the impact of user interaction with thesaural knowledge structures: a quantitative analysis framework. In: López-Huertas, María J and Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco J, Editors. Challenges in knowledge representation and organization for the 21st century. Integration of knowledge across boundaries. Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference; 2002 Jul 10-2002 Jul 13; Granada, Spain. Wuerzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag; 2002: 493-499. 10.Tudhope, Douglas and Lykke Nielsen, Marianne. Introduction to Knowledge Systems and Services. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia . 2006 Jun; 12(1):3-9. 11.Zhonghong, Wang; Chaudhury, Abdus Sattar, and Khoo, Christopher. Potential and prospects of taxonomies for content organization. Knowledge Organization. 2006; 33(3):160-169.</p><p>Folksonomies 1.Guy, Marieke and Tonkin, Emma. Folksonomies: Tidying Up Tags? D-Lib Magazine . 2006 Jan; 12(1). 2.Hammond, Tony; Hannay, Timo; Lund, Ben, and Scott, Joanna. Social Bookmarking Tools : A General Review. D-Lib Magazine. 2005 Apr; 11 (4). 3.Kroski, Ellyssa. The Hive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging [Web Page]. 2005 Dec 7. Available at: http://infotangle.blogsome.com/. 4.Mathes, Adam. Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata [Web Page]. 2004 Dec. 5.Morville, Peter. Authority [Web Page]. 2005 Oct 11. Available at: http://semanticstudios.com/publications/semantics/000057.php. 6.Petruzzellis, Silverio. Collaborative tagging: how networking sites connect people by interests and goals [Web Page]. 2005 Oct 14. Available at: http://www.knowledgeboard.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi? id=146519. 7.Quintarelli, Emanuele. Folksonomies: power to the people [Web Page]. 2005 Jun 24. Available at: http://www.iskoi.org/doc/folksonomies.htm. 8.Rosenfeld, Louis. Folksonomies? How about Metadata Ecologies? [Web Page]. 2005. Available at: http://www.louisrosenfeld.com/home/bloug_archive/000330.html. 9.Shirky, Clay. Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags [Web Page]. 2005. Available at: http://shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html.</p><p>A few on classification 1.Broughton, Vanda. Faceted Classification as a Basis for Knowledge Organization in a Digital Environment; the Bliss Bibliographic Classification as a Model for Vocabulary Management and the Creation of Multi-Dimensional Knowledge Structures. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia . 2001; (7):67-102. 2. Broughton, Vanda. Essential Classification. London: Facet publishing; 2004. 272 pp. 3.Denton, William. How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web [Web Page]. 2003 Nov. Available at: http://www.miskatonic.org/library/facet-web-howto.html. 4.Denton, William. Putting Facets on the Web: An Annotated Bibliography [Web Page]. 2003 Oct. Available at: http://www.miskatonic.org/library/facet-biblio.html.</p><p>9 S G Dextre Clarke: Taxonomy Reference List Revised May 2007</p><p>5.Fast, Karl; Leise, Fred, and Steckel, Mike. All about facets & controlled vocabularies [Web Page]. 2002 Dec; Accessed 2006 Jan. Available at: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/view/all_about_facets_controlled_vocabularies. 6.Gnoli, Claudio. Phylogenetic classification. Knowledge Organization. 2006; 33(3):138-152. 7.Hunter, Eric J. Classification made simple. 2nd ed. Ashgate Publishing Company; 2002. 8.Koch, Traugott. Specification for resource description methods Part 3. The role of classification schemes in Internet resource description and discovery. [Web Page]. Accessed 2001 Aug. Available at: www.lub.lu.se/desire/radar/reports/D3.2.3/class_v10.html. 9. McIlwaine, Ia. Knowledge classifications, bibliographic classifications and the Internet. 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