<p> 1 Dutchtown High School 149 Mitchell Road Hampton, GA 30228 Main Office: 770-515-7510 Fax: 770-515-7518 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2015-2016 Course Syllabus</p><p>______Instructor: Mrs. Robyn Williams, M.S. Email: [email protected] Parent/Student Direct Line: 770-580-3420 Remind 101 (text reminders for parents and students); Text @hap335 to 81010 (download and join via the app!) Schoology Course Codes Period 1 - R27QG-5HBQ4 Period 2 - T23XB-KCKKT Period 5 - JRCVQ-99R6Z Period 6 - SCG5T-6JVP9 ______Course Description: This course is taught over a period of two semesters. Areas of study include organization of the body, protection, support and movement; providing internal coordination and regulation; processing and transporting; and reproduction, growth and development.</p><p>Course Objectives After completing this course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe, identify and integrate the levels of organization of the human body. 2. Describe, apply, compare and contrast the basic principles of chemistry as they relate to Human Anatomy and Physiology. 3. Recognize, describe, compare and contrast cell structures and their functions. 4. Define, describe, compare and contrast tissue structures and functions. 5. Describe and explain the structures and functions of normal and burned skin. 6. Define, describe, classify, compare and contrast the structures and functions of bones and joints. 7. Identify, differentiate, classify, compare and contrast the structures and functions of muscles. 8. Define, illustrate, identify, compare and contrast the structures and functions of the nervous system. 2 9. Diagram, explore, and identify the various components of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems including blood types, blood flow through systemic and pulmonary circulations, and anatomical structures of the heart and blood vessels. 10. Compare and contrast the various special senses. Correlate functions of the special senses to the functions of the nervous system, integumentary system, muscular system, etc. 11. Compare and contrast the anatomical structures of the male and female reproductive systems. Evaluate the various mechanisms of birth control. Differentiate between common sexually transmitted infections. 12. Document and analyze the development of a human fetus from conception to birth, </p><p>Text: The text for this course is Introduction to the Human Body: The essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition by Wiley, Inc. 2007. Textbooks will be stored in the classroom and assigned to students for daily use. If any assigned book is missing, the cost to replace the book is $104.78. Damaged text book fees will be assessed for text books that are not left in the same condition in which they were issued. </p><p>Supplemental Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 6th Editions by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc 1999 and by Pearson Benjamin Cummings, Inc 2006. Textbooks will be stored in the classroom and assigned to students for daily use. If any assigned book is missing, the cost to replace the book is $85.00 (6th Edition) and $124.88 (8th Edition). Damaged text book fees will be assessed for text books that are not left in the same condition in which they were issued.</p><p>Units of Study: First Semester 1-Human Body Orientation, 2-Biochemistry, 3-Cells & Tissues, 4- Skin & Membranes, 5-Skeletal System, 6-Muscular System, 7-Nervous System, 8- Special Senses Second Semester 9-Endocrine System, 10-Blood/the Cardiovascular System, 11- Lymphatic System, 12- Respiratory System, 13-Digestive System/Nutrition & Metabolism, 14-Urinary System/Fluids/Electrolytes, 15-Reproductive System, 16- Development and Inheritance</p><p>Grading:</p><p>Assessments Tests, Projects, Labs Classwork Daily classwork, Labs, Bell Ringer/Sponge Activities, Quizzes 3 Homework Daily homework</p><p>Grade Scale: 90-100 (A), 80-89 (B), 74-79 (C), 70-73 (D), 69 or less (F).</p><p>Grade Reports: Final grades are awarded at the end of the semester. Official progress reports are provided per a Henry County Schools schedule. Grades are available for regular view via Infinite Campus which will be updated regularly. </p><p>Materials: 1. Three ring binder (1.5”-2”) Items to be ordered or purchased 2. College ruled loose leaf paper after the 1 st 6-9 weeks 3. Dividers (5 tabs) 1. Long Sleeve T-shirt & fabric 4. Composition Notebook paint Student Options for Vocabulary 5. Pens (blue or black ink (choose one): only) A) 1 Subject Spiral notebook (70 6. Pencils pgs.) 7. High lighters B) Note cards 8. Colored pencils (24 pack) C) Digital device with notes/word in pencil pouch documents 9. Lineless 8 ½ x 11 paper -Smart phone, tablet/iPad, 10.Planner, Calendar, or Agenda laptop, etc. 11.Flash drive</p><p>NOTEBOOK Divider Tabs: Activating Strategies, Notes, Practice Work, Assessments, Rubrics/Labs ~~Please bring the items listed daily. You will not be excused to retrieve items from your locker.~~ Assignments:</p><p> All assignments are expected to have the following information in the upper, right hand corner of the paper (Failure to follow this format will result in a 10% deduction from the final assignment grade) 1. Name (first & last name) 2. Submission date 3. Subject with class period 4. Assignment title/description</p><p> All regular classwork and homework assignments must be completed in ink. Pencil is only acceptable when recording data for labs, doing mathematical based assignments, sketching for observations, and 4 completing assessments. (Failure to follow this format will result in a 10% deduction from the final assignment grade)</p><p>Grading Policy: It is the student’s and parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work due to absences. These arrangements should be made before or after school and should not disrupt instructional time. Home-work turned in late will be assessed at a 50% penalty. -assignments that are not IN CLASS during the correct class period AND at the EXACT time of collection are considered late. Late assignments are collected twice a month: 1st and 15th. The Highest point possible to be received will be 50 (before grading). Late assignments are only taken during the month they were originally assigned. Lab makeup due to an absence will have to be done within a week of the original date on the day determined by the teacher. If there is a scheduling conflict, an alternate assignment will be given. A student who can not participate in lab due to improper conduct or lab attire will receive a 0 for participation in that lab. An alternate assignment worth 75% of the original lab will be due the next day in class. Failure to have the alternative assignment will result in a 0 for the final lab grade. Projects will be docked 25% per day late for a maximum of 2 days. Projects not submitted before the 2 day window expires, will NOT be accepted. The Nine Month Miracle project is docked 45% if late and will not be accepted more than 1 day after the original due date. Because project deadlines are given well in advance, the due dates are the last day the project is on time. It may be turned in early, but late projects for any reason are considered late and will be docked. Test makeup is to be done the day of return after the absence. Test analysis and discussion is done in the class and reassessment is done for those who need it using GPS Mastery Learning Instrument. Please keep in mind the following: Absences due to suspension from school are considered unexcused. Students are allowed to make up work while suspended from school if there is a pending disciplinary hearing. The number of days to make-up work will not exceed the number of days the student is absent with an excuse as per Henry County rules.</p><p>Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Students are allowed to use digital devices to aid in their learning process. These devices are to be used in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. Any device being used for purposes that are not educational or beneficial to the learning process will be confiscated. 5 Consequences for violation of this rule are: 1st offense – student will receive a verbal warning (may include parent contact) 2nd offense – student will receive a detention 3rd offense – student will receive a referral-ISS 4th offense – student will receive a referral-OSS</p><p>Laboratory Safety: A separate Lab Safety Contract will be provided for review and signature by both student and parent. It must be signed and returned before you can participate in lab. Failure to adhere by the safety requirements during a lab will result in not being able to participate in the lab and possible receipt of a grade of ZERO for that lab.</p><p>Classroom Expectations: 1. Have a positive attitude for learning. Try to do your best. 2. Quiet during announcements. Listen carefully and follow all directions. 3. Raise your hand before speaking or getting out of your seat, wait to be acknowledged. 4. Complete assignments on time. Late work policy will be enforced. 5. Be in class on time with and with daily materials and begin daily warm up/bellringer. 6. Complete all errands before bell rings. Students will receive 1 pass per week to exit the classroom (restroom/locker/etc). Passes will NOT be given during the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class. Students who have special requirements per doctor’s orders must have the proper documentation in the personal student file. 7. No food or drink (NO GUM or WATER!!) Students who have special requirements per doctor’s orders must have the proper documentation in the personal student file. Always raise your hand to speak and seek permission before getting out of your seat, wait to be acknowledged. 8. Show respect to other students, teachers, and school facilities. 9. Everyone is expected to complete their own assignment. Cheating will be addressed per county policy. (cheating: copying/sharing work, giving answers to- homework classwork, quizzes, & tests). 10. Adhere to the guidelines as stated by the school AND county handbooks, or the appropriate consequences will be applied. </p><p>This school year offers to be one that will help students develop and refine study skills. I look forward to productive interaction among our team of students, parents, and teachers. Please feel free to contact me via email or conference if you have any cares, concerns, or if your scholar needs help. I look forward to enhancing your academic career here at Dutchtown High School. Sincerely, 6 Mrs. Robyn V. Williams, M.S.</p><p>Note: The instructor reserves the right to change any section of this course syllabus at any time during the semester to more adequately meet the needs, interest or abilities of the students.</p><p>Human Anatomy & Physiology Course Syllabus Signature Page</p><p>By completing the syllabus record survey, the student and parents/guardian acknowledge that they have read the entire course syllabus and understand the manner in which the class operates. </p><p>In order to facilitate ongoing parent/teacher communication, it is highly beneficial to provide a working e-mail address as well as the phone number you can best be contacted at. E-mail is the preferred mode of communication as teachers are able to access our computers throughout the day, so please provide an e-mail address if possible. Please know that confidential information about your child’s progress in class will be the content of these e-mails. </p><p>Infinite Campus will be updated regularly in order for you to track the success of your child. Please feel free to contact me at any time using the e-mail address listed at the top of the syllabus. </p>
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