Epiphane Sodjinou

Epiphane Sodjinou

<p> EPIPHANE SODJINOU Agricultural economist, Biometrician, Development Economist 03 B.P. 412 Porto-Novo (Benin), Tel: (229) /; Email: [email protected], [email protected]</p><p>Academic Qualifications March 2008 – April 2011: PhD in Development Economics; Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Thesis: Poultry-Based Intervention as Tool for Poverty Reduction and Gender Empowerment: Empirical Evidence from Benin. September 2000 – October 2001: M.Sc. in Applied Statistics; Faculty of Agriculture of Gembloux (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech), University of Liege, Belgium. Thesis: Re-sampling with S-PLUS 2000 software: application on linear regression. October 1994 – March 2000: Engineer in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture; University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Thesis: Economic analysis of the industry of non- conventional food in Benin: Case study of African giant snail industry in Atlantique and Littoral regions.</p><p>Other Professional Training, Attended May 2013: Impact Evaluation and Analysis of Development Interventions. Organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Dakar, Senegal. 6 au 11 September 2012 : African Adaptation Research Centres’ Workshop on Economic Analysis of Adaptation Options to Climate Change », Nairobi - Kenya. December 2006 - February 2007: Training course in spatial data, logistics and production function analysis”, Centre for World Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. November 2005: Agriculture for peace Split Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies of United Nations University (IAS/UNU), Japan. For completion of the research titled « Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin ». May 2005: Program/intervention impact assessment (and application with SPSS and STATA software), Africa Rice Center, West and Central Africa Rice Research and Development Network, Cotonou, Benin February 2004: Technical and allocative efficiencies analysis: application with Limdep and Frontier software. Organized by the National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB), Parakou, Benin. October 2002: Reduce rural poverty by food security and agricultural growth, World Bank Institute (Washington), and “Centre d’Education à distance” of Cotonou.</p><p>Employment Record January 2013 – To date: - Agricultural Economist (Researcher), Head of Econometrics, Biometrics and Scientific Information Program (PISB); National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB). - Coordinator of the Project “Formulation d’aliments techniquement efficaces et économiquement rentables pour la pisciculture au Bénin” (2013-2015), financed by “West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program”/The World Bank</p><p>1 - In charge of the economic aspects of the project “Amélioration de la compétitivité du riz cultivé au Bénin à travers le développement et la promotion de technologies post- récoltes”, (2013-2015), financed by “West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program”/The World Bank - In charge of the economic aspects of the “Projet de Renforcement des connaissances Economiques et de Capacité d’Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Bénin (PRECAB)”, IDID-NGO, Benin (2012-2014), - In charge of statistical aspects of the project : « Intensification écologique des systèmes piscicoles extensifs familiaux en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale à partir d'une analyse des processus d'innovation ; Systèmes Piscicoles Extensifs (SyPiEx) » (2012-2016), March 2002 – December 2012: Economist and Agricultural Policy Analyst (Researcher); Agricultural Policy Analysis Program; National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (PAPA/INRAB). Main activities: Statistics and Econometrics analysis, Innovation and Impact assessment, Marketing studies, Data based management. 2011 To date (part time): Lecturer (Marketing, Rural and Agricultural Finance) at “Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques Agricoles”, University of Ketou. 2005 To date (part time): Lecturer (Marketing, Management of Projects) at Catholic University of West-Africa (UCAO), Unit of Cotonou, Benin. October 2001 – February 2002: Research Assistant; Project “Convergence of Sciences” (COS), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abomey-Calavi (FSA/UAC), Benin. Main activities: Analysis of cotton, bean and sorghum production chain in Benin; Analysis of innovations in cotton, bean and sorghum industries. March 2000 – September 2000: Research Assistant; Department of Economy, Socio- Anthropology and Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abomey-Calavi (FSA/UAC), Benin</p><p>Main Publications Sodjinou, E., Henningsen, A., and Koudande, O. D. (2013). Improving village poultry’s survival rate through community-based poultry health management: evidence from Benin. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45:59–66. Sodjinou, E. and Henningsen, A. (2012). Community-Based Management and Interrelations between Different Technology Adoption Decisions: Innovations in Village Poultry Farming in Western Africa. FOI Working Paper 2012/11, Institute of Food and Resource Economics. (available at: http://okonomi.foi.dk/workingpapers/WPpdf/WP2012/WP_2012_11_village_poultry_farmin g.pdf) Sodjinou E. (2011). Poultry-Based Intervention as Tool for Poverty Reduction and Gender Empowerment: Empirical Evidence from Benin. PhD. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 239p. (available at: http://www.foi.life.ku.dk/moeder/afholdte_phd/Phd_forsvar_Sodjinou.aspx) Aboh A.B., Mensah S. et Sodjinou E. (2010). Guide technico-économique pour la conduite de l’élevage des poulets locaux. Référentiel Technico-économique. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. 25p. Sodjinou E., Agli C. and Adegbola P.Y., 2009. Preference and Consumption Patterns for Yam Products Among Urban Households of Cotonou and Porto-Novo, Benin. In Nkamleu B.,</p><p>2 Annang D., and Bacco N.M. (eds.): Securing Livelihoods through Yams, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, Pp. 194-207. Assogba-Komlan F., Sodjinou E., Mensah A. et Sikirou R. (2009). Production durable du piment au Bénin. Référentiel Technico-économique. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, 48p. Gbego I.T., Bankole C.Dj., Sodjinou E. et Aniwanou I. (2009). Un habitat adapté à l’élevage de petits ruminants en zone inondée. Référentiel Technico-économique. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. 30p. Sodjinou E. and koudandé O.D., 2008. Functioning of indigenous chickens market in south and centre of Benin. Annales des sciences agronomiques du Bénin. 11(2): 125-150. Padonou S.W., Ahounou J.-L. D., Hounyevou-Klotoe A. et Sodjinou E. (2008). Production de la farine de manioc utilisable en boulangerie et en pâtisserie. Référentiel Technico-économique. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. 42p. Sodjinou E., Mensah G.A., 2007. Analysis of grass-cutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) rearing in the North-Benin: determinants of adoption. Bul. Rec. Agr. Bénin, 57: 27-38. Glèlè Kakaï R.L. and Sodjinou E., 2006. Conditions of application of parametric statistical methods: application with SAS and SPSS software (manual). INRAB, Cotonou, 100p. Adégbola P., H. Sossou, A. Singbo and Sodjinou E., 2006. Analyze of Technical and economic efficiencies in rice farming systems in the Center and North-Benin. In Africa Rice Congress summary 2006, p. 43. Sodjinou E. and Mensah G.A., 2005. Technico-economic analysis of the grasscutter rearing in Benin: cost of production, profitability and constraints to its development. In Antoh T., Weidinger R., Ahiaba J., Carrillo A., Sefa-Dedeh A.S. Nkrumah C., Agyepong A.K., Mensah G. and Bakker L. (eds.): Proceedings of the international forum on grasscutter: Promoting Grasscutter for business in West-Africa, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Accra, Ghana, Pp. 137-138. Sodjinou E. and Mensah G.A., 2005. Technical and economical analysis of the grasscutter husbandry in North-Benin: determinants of adoption. In Antoh T., Weidinger R., Ahiaba J., Carrillo A., Sefa-Dedeh A.S. Nkrumah C., Agyepong A.K., Mensah G. and Bakker L. (eds.): Proceedings of the international forum on grasscutter: Promoting Grasscutter for business in West-Africa, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Accra, Ghana, Pp. 200-215. Sodjinou E., Chrysostome C. and Houndétondji D., 2005. Smallholder poultry marketing strategies in West Africa, with emphasis on women. In Network for Smallholder Poultry Development, MOUVEMENTS (2005). The Role of Village Poultry and Small Livestock in Reducing Poverty and Creating Food Security. Workshop proceedings, of 7 and 8 November 2005. Pp. 58 – 59. Adegbola P.Y., Sodjinou E. and Singbo A., 2004. Study of the competitiveness of domestic rice production in Benin. In Bal A.B. (eds.): Compte rendu de la seconde revue régionale de la recherche rizicole (4Rs 2002). Pp. 150-169. Sodjinou E. and Mensah G.A., 2004. Determinants of adoption of grass-cutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) farming in the North-Benin. In Programme et résumés de l’Atelier scientifique Nord du Bénin, 4th edition. Djougou (Bénin), p. 60. Sodjinou E., Biaou G., and Codjia J.T.C., 2003. African giant snails marketing systems in Atlantique and Littoral regions in South-Benin. “Annale des sciences agronomiques du Bénin”, 4(2): 161-188. Sodjinou E., Biaou G., and Codjia J.T.C., 2002. Characterisation of African giant snails market in Atlantique and Littoral regions in South-Benin. Tropicultura, 20(2): 83-86.</p><p>3 Sodjinou E., Biaou G., and Codjia J.T.C., 2001. The African giant snails gathering in Avakpa village in South-Benin, Bul. Rec. Agr. Bénin, 31: 11-22. Adégbola Y.P. and Sodjinou E., 2001. Financial and socio-economic analysis of soil fertility management technologies in the South-Benin. In “Programme Régional Sud-centre du Bénin : Recherches Agricoles pour le développement, Actes des Ateliers Scientifiques 2, Niaouli 12-13 Décembre 2001”. Pp. 556-564. </p><p>Other Professional Activities and Consultancy Sodjinou E. (January-April, 2013). Economic analysis of adaptation options to climate change in Benin. Carried out for the “Projet de Renforcement des connaissances Economiques et de Capacité d’Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Bénin (PRECAB)", Initiatives pour un Développement Intégré Durable (IDID). Mongbo R.L., Sodjinou E., Chikou A. and Adjilé A. (November 2012 – January 2013). Analysis of the socio-economic impact of the “Projet de Vulgarisation de l’Aquaculture Continentale en République du Bénin". Carried out for the « Direction des Pêches/Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche (MAEP), Benin ». Position : Agricultural Economist. Mongbo R.L., Sodjinou E., Chikou A. and Adjilé A. (2012). Study the socioeconomic impact of the Continental Aquaculture Difussion Project in Benin. Research report, PROVAC/DP/MAEP. Sodjinou E. (août – octobre 2012). Analyse des politiques, stratégies nationales et Ouest Africaines de promotion de la filière riz. Réalisée pour le compte de AFC/ProAGRI/GIZ. Poste : Consultant Principal Agro-Economiste. Sodjinou E. (novembre 2012). Analyse des données des enquêtes sur les systèmes semenciers traditionnels (SST), Burkina Faso et Niger. Réalisée pour le compte de Bioversity. Poste : Consultant Principal Biométricien. Adégbola Y.P., Sodjinou E., Hinnou L.C., Adekambi A.S., Saloufou M.R.-L., Douro Kpindou K., Djegui D. (avril – août 2012). Etat des lieux, diagnostic institutionnel et technique des zones d’intervention du projet GCP/BEN/057/NET. Réalisée pour le Compte Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO), Rome. Rôle : Consultant associé chargé de l’aspect « Commercialisation des produits agricoles au Sud-Bénin ». Adégbola Y.P., Sodjinou E., Padonou R. (mai – août 2012). Typologie des exploitations agricoles du Borgou et de l’Alibori. Réalisée pour le Compte Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO), Rome. Rôle : Consultant associé chargé des analyses statistiques. Sodjinou E. et Adegbola P.Y. (février – juillet 2010). Collecte de données de référence pour l’évaluation de l’impact de CompACI (Competitif African Cotton Initiative) pour le compte de National Opinion Research Center (NORC, Etats Unis d’Amérique). Sodjinou E. Houeto-Tomety A. and Tomety S.N., 2009. Study of violence against children at school and outside schools in Benin. UNICEF-Benin and Benin Ministry of Primary School (MEMP). Glele E.K.A. and Sodjinou E., 2008. Strengthening of the capacities of RABEMAR NGO and elaboration of an operational strategy for promotion of rice produced in Glazoue district. SNV- Bénin, 54p. Adegbola Y.P., Sodjinou E. and Yallou C.-G., 2008. Characterization and evaluation of INRAB’s research-development sites of the Northern part of Benin. Research report, INRAB/PAPA, Porto-Novo, 24p. </p><p>4 Tomety S.N. and Sodjinou E., 2007. Assessment of the effects of CASPA (“Composante Appui au Secteur Privé Agricole”) activities on recipients. For “Programme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Agricole” of the Danish International Development Agency (PADSA/DANIDA), Cotonou, 66p. Naba M., Sodjinou E., Langley P., Houndétondji D., and Toboula J., 2006. Poverty and Social impact analysis of land reforms in Benin (PSIA Bénin 2005-2006). For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and “Observatoire pour le Changement Social” of Ministry of Development (OCS/MDEF). Cotonou. Monhouanou D.J., Agossou V. and Sodjinou E., 2006. Assessment of root and tuber Research- Development sub-program. For PDRT (“Programme de Développement des Plantes à Racine et Tubercules”), and National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB), Cotonou, 40p. Chrysostome C. and Sodjinou E., 2005. Diagnosis of family poultry production chain and evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of PADAV (“Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Aviculture Villageoise”) in Mono and Donga regions, Benin. For “Programme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Agricole” of the Danish International Development Agency (PADSA/DANIDA), Cotonou, 123p Chrysostome C. and Sodjinou E., 2005. Formulation of the program of village poultry sector support in Mono and Donga provinces, Benin. For “Programme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Agricole” of the Danish International Development Agency (PADSA/DANIDA). Cotonou, Benin. Tiamiyou I. and Sodjinou E., 2004. Study of vegetables production chain in the Niger River Valley. Final report. Study realised for PADSE/MAEP, Parakou, 117p. Agli C.K., Sodjinou E. and SINGBO A.G., 2004. Socio-economic diagnosis of the sector of street food in Cotonou. “Projet TCP/ BEN/ 2904 (A). FAO, Cotonou, 90p.</p><p>Participation in Scientific Events 23 - 28 September 2013: Fourth Symposium of “Science, Cultures and Technologies”, University of Abomey-Calavi. Papers presented: (i) Community-Based Management and Interrelations between Different Technology Adoption Decisions: Innovations in Village Poultry Farming in Western Africa; (ii) Poultry-based Interventions as Tool for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas of Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence from Benin August 2012: Intervention impact assessment using propensity score matching (PSM) : theory and application. Paper presented at the doctoral seminar organised by "Projets Interuniversitaires Ciblés" (PIC). Laboratoire des Dynamiques Sociales et du Développement (LADYD), Abomey December 2010: Mid-Term Seminar, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (FOI/LIFE/KU), Denmark. Paper presented: Poultry- Based Intervention as Tool for Poverty Reduction and Gender Empowerment: Empirical Evidence from Benin. (Author: Sodjinou E.). December 2009. National Scientific Workshop, at Parakou (North Benin). Paper presented: “Competitiveness of traditional and modern poultry farming in Benin” (Authors: Sodjinou E., Aboh B.A., Biaou G. and Koudande D.). December 2007. National Scientific Workshop, at Dassa-Zoumé (Centre of Benin). Papers presented: “Characterization and evaluation of INRAB’s research-development sites of the Northern part of Benin.” (Authors: Adegbola Y.P., Sodjinou E. and Yallou C.-G.).</p><p>5 January 2006. National Scientific Workshop, at Parakou (North Benin). Papers presented: “Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin” (Author: Sodjinou E.); and “Study of the viability of modern and semi-modern poultry farming in the South and the Center of Benin: financing strategies and precocious risk detection” (Authors: Sodjinou E., Kougblénou G. and Glèlè Kakaï R.L.). November 2005. Agriculture for peace seminars at University of Tokyo, University of Nagoya, and United Nations University/Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS), Japan. Paper presented: “Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin”. November 2005. MOUVEMENTS: The role of village poultry and small ruminant production in poverty reduction and food security. Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) 7 and 8 November 2005. Paper presented: “Marketing strategies of small scale poultry production in West Africa, with accent on women” (Authors: Sodjinou E, Chrysostome C. and Houndétondji D.). December 2005. Scientific Workshop for celebration of Agricultural Research Centenary in Benin, Niaouli 2005. Paper presented: “Role of communities in the conservation and the sustainable use of the diversity of animal genetic resources” (Authors: Dossa H.L. and Sodjinou E.). December 2005. International Forum on grass-cutter rearing business, Accra, Ghana. Papers presented: “Technical economic analysis of the grass-cutter rearing in Benin: cost of production, profitability and constraints to its development” (Authors: Sodjinou E. and Mensah G. A.); and “Technical and economical analysis of the grass cutter husbandry in Northern Benin: Adoption determinants” (Authors: Sodjinou E. and Mensah G. A.). December 2004. Scientific Workshop in the North of Benin, 2004. Paper presented: “Study of factors determining the adoption of grass-cutter rearing in the North of Benin”. (Authors: Sodjinou E. and Mensah G.A.). December 2003. Scientific Workshop in the Center of Benin, 2003. Paper presented: “Study of cashew nut marketing system in Collines Province (Central region of Benin)” (Authors: Singbo G. A., Savi D.A. and Sodjinou E.). December 2001. Scientific Workshop in the South of Benin, 2001. Paper presented: “Financial and socio-economic study of soil fertility management technologies in South-Benin” (Authors: Adégbola Y.P., and Sodjinou E.) January 2001. Data management and analysis with S-Plus 2000 statistical software. Seminary at the unit of Statistical and Computer Sciences of Faculty of Agriculture of Gembloux, Belgium.</p><p>Research Works/Reports Adégbola Y.P., Sodjinou E. Arodokoun U.A. et Bankole A.-B. (2012). Analyse économique des essais sur les options d’adaptation au changement climatique au Bénin. Projet de Renforcement des connaissances Economiques et de Capacité d’Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Bénin (PRECAB), Initiatives pour un Développement Intégré Durable (IDID), Porto-Novo, 58p. Sodjinou E., Adégbola P.Y. and Bankolé A.-B., 2011. Analysis of the performance of pineapple value chains in Benin. Research report, PAPA/INRAB, Porto-Novo, Benin.</p><p>6 Sodjinou E. and Aboh B.A., 2009. Competitiveness of traditional and modern poultry farming in Benin. Research report, Agricultural Policy Analysis Program of the National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (PAPA/INRAB), Porto-Novo, Benin, 41p. Sodjinou E. and Aboh B.A., 2009. Viability of modern poultry farming in South-Benin: financing strategies and early detection of riskier farms (2nd part). Research report, PAPA/INRAB, 29p. Sodjinou E., 2008. Assessing the performance of modern poultry production in the south and centre of Benin. Literature review for the Thesis. FOI/LIFE/KU, Denmark, 20p. Sodjinou E., Adegbola P.Y., Zinsou J. and Oloukoi L., 2008. Rice and Maize Stratification for investment decision support. Agricultural Policy Analysis Program of the National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (PAPA/INRAB), and Rice Policy and Development Program, research division, Africa Rice Center. Cotonou, Benin, 117p. Sodjinou E., 2008. Alternative approaches of marketing analysis: A review with application. Literature review. Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (FOI/LIFE/KU), Denmark, 27p. Sodjinou E., 2008. Alternative Approaches of Program and Treatment Effects Evaluation: A review with application. Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (FOI/LIFE/KU), Denmark, 26p. Sodjinou E. and Kougblénou G., 2007. Viability of modern poultry farming in South-Benin: financing strategies and early detection of riskier farms (first part). PAPA/INRAB, 38p. Sodjinou E., Koudande O.D., Vidogbena F. and Bankole C., 2007. Study of indigenous chicken and goat marketing and consumption in the Centre and South-Benin. Research report, “Improving the Livelihoods of Poor Livestock-keepers in Africa through Community-Based Management of Indigenous Farm Animal Genetic Resources”/INRAB-ILRI, Cotonou, 62p. Sodjinou E., 2007. Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin. PAPA/INRAB, International Foundation for Science (IFS), Institute of Advanced Studies of United Nations University (IAS/UNU), 111p. Sodjinou E. and Mensah A.G., 2006. Analysis of grass-cutter farming management, financing and technico-economics performance in the South and Center of Benin. CRAAG/INRAB. Ogouvide T.F. and Sodjinou E., 2005. Functioning and performance of soybean market in the central region of Benin. Research report, Agricultural Research Center of Central region of Benin (CRA-Centre), National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB). Savè, Benin, 11p. Ogouvide T.F. and Sodjinou E., 2005. Analysis of the performance of cashew nuts almonds market in Benin. Research report, Agricultural Research Center of Central region of Benin (CRA- Centre), National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB), Savè, Benin, 17p. Dossa H., Sodjinou E., Bankolé C., Vidogbèna F., Koudandé O.D. and Gbégo I.T., 2005. Elicitation of Livestock Species Preference by Communities and Choice of Communities and Species for the Implementation of the ILRI-BMZ Project in Benin. Report for ILRI/BMZ project. Sodjinou E. and Mensah G.A., 2004. Determinants of the adoption of grass-cutter rearing in the North of Benin. Research report, National Agricultural Research of Benin, Cotonou, 52p. Singbo G.A., Savi D.A. and Sodjinou E., 2004. Study of cashew nut marketing systems in the Centre of Benin. Research report, PAPA/INRAB, Porto-Novo, Benin, 57p. Glèlè E., Adégbola Y.P. and Sodjinou E., 2004. Technical and economic efficiency of cassava flour production enterprises in Benin, PAPA/INRAB, Porto-Novo, Benin, 17p. </p><p>7 Koudande D., Gbego I., Bankole C., Dossa H., Sodjinou E. and Vidogbena F., 2004. Livestock Production in Benin and Available Farm Animal Genetic Resources: The Review. Rapport pour le compte du projet ILRI/BMZ. Sodjinou E., 2003. Feasibility study for the establishment of industrial units for processing of cassava in Benin. Study realised for “Projet Pilote d’aide à la Création d’activités Industrielles” of the “Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de la Promotion de l’Emploi”. Cotonou, Benin, 194p. Adégbola Y.P. and Sodjinou E., 2003. Analysis of rice production chain in Benin. Research Report. PAPA/INRAB-PADSA, Porto-Novo. 239p. Adégbola, P.Y. and Sodjinou E., 2003. Comparative advantage of domestic rice production in Benin: Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) Approach. ADRAO-PAPA/INRAB, Porto-Novo. 52p. Adégbola P.Y. and Sodjinou E., 2002. Technical and economic evaluation of ALITECH Food Technologies Project. For “Programme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Agricole” of the Danish International Development Agency (PADSA/DANIDA), Cotonou, 63p. Convergence of Sciences (COS), 2002. Analysis of actors and process of management of innovations in cotton, cowpea and sorghum production chains in Benin. For Project “Convergence of Sciences” (COS), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abomey-Calavi (FSA/UAC), Benin. Adégbola Y.P. and Sodjinou E., 2001. Financial and socio-economic analysis of soil fertility management technologies in the South-Benin. In “Programme Régional Sud-centre du Bénin : Recherches Agricoles pour le développement, Actes des Ateliers Scientifiques 2, Niaouli 12-13 Décembre 2001”. Pp. 556-564. </p><p>Next Publications Sodjinou E., Henningsen A. and Biaou G., 2014. Poultry-based interventions as tool for rural poverty alleviation in developing countries: empirical evidence from Benin. Sodjinou E., Henningsen A. and Biaou G., 2014. Contribution of Community-Based Management to the Adoption of Village Poultry Farming Improvement Technologies: A Multivariate Probit Analysis. Sodjinou E., Henningsen A. and Koudande O.D., 2014. Why do Consumers of Benin (West Africa) Have High Preference for “Bicycle Poultry”: Meat, Taste, Health or Culture? Sodjinou E., Henningsen A. and Koudande O.D., 2014. Improving Village Poultry’s Survival Rate through Community-based Poultry Health Management: Evidence from Benin. Sodjinou E., Henningsen A. and Biaou G., 2014. Improving the performance of village poultry through community-based poultry health management: case study from Benin.</p><p>Research Projects Won 2013-2015: “Formulation of technically efficient and economically viable feeds for fish farming in Benin”, financed by “West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program”/The World Bank 2009: Adoption and impact of village poultry improvement technologies in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)</p><p>8 2009: Performance, efficiency and dynamic poultry products markets in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA) 2009: Microfinance and village poultry farming as tool for abject poverty reduction in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA) 2006: Preference and Consumption Patterns for Yam Products Among Urban Households of Cotonou and Porto-Novo, Benin. Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), through “Improving Livelihoods in Rural West and Central Africa through Productive and Competitive Yam Systems”, IITA. 2006: Characterization and evaluation of INRAB’s research-development sites of the Northern part of Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA) 2005: Viability of modern poultry farming in South-Benin: financing strategies and early detection of riskier farms (second part). Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA) 2004: Management, technical and economic performance of grasscutter farms in the South and Centre of Benin. Funded by “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA) 2004: Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin. Funded by the International Foundation for Science (IFS) and the Institute of Advanced Studies of United Nations University (IAS/UNU). 2004: Viability of modern and semi-modern poultry farming South-Benin: financing and early detection of riskier farms. 2003: Determinants of the adoption of grass-cutter rearing in the North of Benin. Funded by “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)</p><p>Fellowships and Awards 2007: Award of a grant from the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), in order to join, the Applied Economic School (AECON) of the Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (FOI/LIFE/KU) as PhD student. 2004: Selected for the “Agriculture for peace Split Fellowship”, International Funfation for Science (IFS) – United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) 2000: Selected for CUD (Coopération Universitaire au Développement, Belgian Cooperation) scholarship to join the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Gembloux (FuSAGx, Belgium)</p><p>9 1994: Selected for Benin government scholarship to join the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)</p><p>Computer Literacy Area Software Statistics SAS, SPSS, Minitab Econometrics STATA, NLOGIT, Limdep Financial and economic analysis of projects CONFAR III Expert Data base management Access, dBase Other Word, Excel and PowerPoint</p><p>Language Skills Language Speaking Writing Reading French Very good Very good Very good English Very good Very good Very good In 2007: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); iBT test (Internet-Based Test)</p><p>Personal Details Gender: Male Date of birth/Place of birth: January 6th 1973 / Adjarra (Benin Republic) Marital status: Married Nationality: Benin Place of residence / country: Porto-Novo / Benin Contact details: 03 B.P. 412 Porto-Novo (Republic of Benin) Tel: (229) / / Email: [email protected], [email protected] </p><p>I certify that the information provided in this curriculum vitae is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Porto-Novo, 23rd February 2014</p><p>Epiphane SODJINOU </p><p>10</p>

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