<p> B1: Read literary texts It is expected that students will… (Kindergarten) (B3) engage in reading or reading-like behavior. (Grade 1) read & demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate literary texts. (Grades 2-4) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate literary texts… (Grade 5) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of a range of grade-appropriate literary texts. (Grade 6) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of a range of grade-appropriate literary texts, featuring variety in theme and writing techniques. (Grade 7) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of a range of grade- appropriate literary texts, featuring some complexity in theme and writing techniques.</p><p>READING MATERIALS e</p><p> r (Grades 1-2) e.g., stories, legends, poems n e</p><p>G (Grade 3) such as picture books</p><p>(Grade 3) such as stories from a variety of genres (e.g., folktales, legends, adventure, humour, biographies, mysteries)</p><p>(Grade 4) including stories from a variety of genres (e.g., folktales, legends, autobiography, historical fiction)</p><p>(Grade 5) including stories from a variety of genres (e.g., myths, fantasy) </p><p>(Grades 6-7) including short stories and novels exposing students to unfamiliar contexts</p><p>(Grades 6-7) including short plays that are straightforward in form and content y</p><p> r (Grade 3) such as poems t e o</p><p>P (Grade 4) including poems that make use of obvious literary devices</p><p>(Grade 5) including poems that make use of literary devices</p><p>(Grades 6-7) including poetry in a variety of forms B1 continues on next page</p><p>B1, continued</p><p>15</p><p>(Grade1) demonstratereadand comprehension grade-appropriate of information texts. (Kindergarten)( Itisexpected students that will… B2:Read textsinformation </p><p>Cultural Contexts (Grade 7) (Grade including 7) literaturereflecting variety a of ancient modernand cultures (Grades 5-6) including literatureCanadafrom and countriesother (Gradesincluding4-7) stories various from andAboriginal culturesother (Grades such3) as stories variousfrom andAboriginal culturesother B3 )engage reading in reading-like or behavior. 16 (Grade 2) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate information texts.</p><p>(Grades 3-5) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate information texts…</p><p>(Grade 6) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate information texts with some specialized language…</p><p>(Grade 7) read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate information texts with some specialized language and some complex ideas…</p><p>READING MATERIALS</p><p>E (Grades 3-4) such as non-fiction books R N</p><p>E (Grades 5-7) including non-fiction books G</p><p>(Grades 3-4) such as textbooks and other instructional materials</p><p>(Grades 5-7) including textbooks and other instructional materials</p><p>(Grades 3-4) such as reference materials</p><p>(Grades 5-7) including reference materials</p><p>. (Grade 3) such as materials that contain simple diagrams, charts, or maps O F N I (Grade 4) such as materials that contain diagrams, charts, illustrations, or graphs L A U</p><p>S (Grades 5-7) including visual or graphic materials I V</p><p>S (Grade 3) such as reports and articles from children’s magazines E L C I (Grade 4) such as reports and articles from newspapers and children’s magazines T R A (Grade 5) including reports and articles from magazines/newspapers &</p><p>S T (Grade 6) including reports and articles from magazines and journals R O P</p><p>E (Grade 7) including reports and articles R</p><p>B2 continues on next page</p><p>B2, continued</p><p>S (Grades 3-4) such as web sites designed for children E T I S</p><p>(Grade 5-7) including appropriate web sites B E W</p><p>17</p><p> information (Grade1) demonstrateand view understanding visual that textsare sourcesof Itisexpected students that will… (Grades1-7) re-readreadand just-right textsindependently… (Kindergarten)( Itisexpected students that will… B3:Read &re-readtexts toincrease fluency B4: B4:Demonstrateaids of understandingvisual (Grades 4-7) for 30 minutes daily for enjoyment and to increase fluencyandcomprehension andtoincrease 4-7)for30minutesdaily for enjoyment (Grades andcomprehension andtoincreasefluency 3)for20minutesdaily for enjoyment (Grade fluencyand comprehension forenjoyment andtoincrease 2)for15to20minutes daily (Grade (Grade 1) </p><p>ADS TECHNICAL (Grades 6-7) including advertising andpromotional materials 6-7)includingadvertising (Grades procedures 5-7)includinginstructionsand (Grades procedures 3-4)suchasinstructionsand (Grades for 10 to 15 minutes daily for enjoyment and to improve fluencyandcomprehension dailyforenjoyment andto for 10to15minutes B3 )engage reading in reading-like or behavior.</p><p>18 (Grades 2-5) view and demonstrate comprehension of visual texts</p><p>(Grades 6) demonstrate comprehension of visual texts with specialized features</p><p>(Grade 7) demonstrate comprehension of visual texts with specialized features and complex ideas</p><p>(Grade 2) e.g., signs, illustrations, diagrams</p><p>(Grade 3) e.g., cartoons, illustrations, diagrams, posters</p><p>(Grade 4) e.g., cartoons, illustrations, diagrams, posters, photographs, advertising</p><p>(Grade 5) e.g., signs, cartoons, illustrations, newspapers, diagrams, posters, videos, advertising</p><p>(Grade 6) e.g., visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, web sites, comic books, broadcast media, videos, advertising, and promotional materials</p><p>(Grade 7) e.g., visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, web sites, reference books, graphic novels, broadcast media, videos, advertising and promotional materials</p><p>B5: Use strategies before reading & viewing</p><p>It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B4) in discussions, use strategies before reading and viewing to enhance comprehension, including…</p><p>(Grades 1-3) use strategies before reading and viewing, including…</p><p>(Grades 4-7) select and use strategies before reading and viewing to develop understanding of text, including…</p><p>19 (Kindergarten – Grade 7) accessing prior knowledge to make connections</p><p>(Kindergarten – Grade 7) making predictions</p><p>(Kindergarten – Grade 7) asking questions</p><p>(Grades 1-3) setting a purpose</p><p>(Grade 4) setting a purpose and constructing personal goals</p><p>(Grades 5-7) setting a purpose and considering personal reading goals</p><p>(Grades 3-7) previewing texts</p><p>B6: Use strategies during reading & viewing It is expected that students will… (Kindergarten) (B5) in discussions, use strategies during reading and viewing to monitor comprehension, including… (Grade 1) use some comprehension and word-decoding strategies during reading and viewing to construct, monitor, and confirm meaning, including… (Grade 2) use strategies during reading and viewing to construct, monitor, and confirm meaning, including… (Grade 3-7) use a variety of strategies during reading and viewing to construct, monitor, and confirm meaning, including… (Kindergarten) predicting and confirming unknown events by using language patterns and pictures</p><p>20 (Grades 1-7) predicting and making connections</p><p>(Kindergarten – Grade 3) visualizing</p><p>(Grades 4-7) visually representing texts</p><p>(Kindergarten) predicting and confirming unknown words by using language patterns and pictures</p><p>(Grades 1-7) figuring out unknown words</p><p>(Kindergarten) asking the question, “Does that make sense?”</p><p>(Grades 1-7) self-monitoring and self-correcting</p><p>(Grade 1) retelling</p><p>(Grade 2) retelling and beginning to summarize</p><p>(Grade 3) summarizing</p><p>(Grades 4-7) summarizing and synthesizing</p><p>(Grades 3-7) asking and answering questions</p><p>(Grades 3-7) using text features</p><p>(Grades 3-7) reading selectively</p><p>(Grades 4-7) making inferences and drawing conclusion</p><p>(Grades 4-7) determining the importance of ideas and events B7: Use strategies after reading & viewing It is expected that students will… </p><p>(Kindergarten) (B6) engage in discussions and create representations after reading and viewing to reflect on the text to confirm meaning. (Grades 1-2) use strategies after reading and viewing to confirm and extend meaning, including… (Grade 3) use a variety of strategies after reading and viewing to confirm and extend meaning, including… (Grades 4-7) select and use strategies after reading and viewing to confirm and extend meaning, including…</p><p>(Grades 1-2) rereading or “re-viewing”</p><p>(Grades 1-2) discussing with others</p><p>(Grade 1) retelling</p><p>(Grade 2) retelling and beginning to summarize</p><p>21 (Grade 3) retelling and summarizing</p><p>(Grades 4-7) summarizing and synthesizing</p><p>(Grades 1-2) sketching</p><p>(Grades 1-2) writing a response</p><p>(Grade 3) generating a response</p><p>(Grades 4-7) reflecting and responding</p><p>(Grades 3-7) self-monitoring and self-correcting</p><p>(Grades 3-7) generating and responding to questions</p><p>(Grades 3-7) visualizing</p><p>(Grades 3-7) using ‘text features’ to locate information</p><p>(Grades 3-7) using graphic organizers to record information</p><p>(Grades 4-7) making inferences and drawing conclusions</p><p>B8: Respond to material that has been read or viewed</p><p>It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B2) respond to literature through a variety of activities (e.g., role playing, art, music, choral reading, talking).</p><p>(Grades 1-7) respond to selections they read or view, by… </p><p>(Grade 1) expressing an opinion supported with a reason</p><p>(Grade 2) expressing an opinion supported with reasons</p><p>(Grade 3) expressing an opinion with some supporting evidence</p><p>(Grades 4-5) expressing an opinion with supporting evidence</p><p>(Grade 6) expressing opinions and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence</p><p>(Grade 7) expressing opinions and making judgments supported by reasons, explanations, and evidence</p><p>(Grades 1-3) making text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections</p><p>(Grades 4-7) explaining connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world)</p><p>(Grade 3) giving reasons for choosing to read or view particular texts</p><p>22 (Grade 4) discussing and giving reasons for their choice of favourite texts</p><p>(Grade 5-7) identifying personally meaningful selections, passages, and images</p><p>B9: Read and view to expand knowledge</p><p>It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B4, B5, B6) in discussions, use strategies before, during and after reading and viewing to enhance, monitor, and confirm comprehension.</p><p>(Grades 1-2) Read and view to expand knowledge, by …</p><p>(Grade 3) Read and view to extend thinking by…</p><p>(Grades 4-7) Read and view to improve and extend thinking, by…</p><p>(Grades 1-2) predicting and connecting</p><p>(Grade 3) predicting/developing connections and explanations</p><p>(Grade 4) predicting and explaining</p><p>(Grade 5) developing explanations</p><p>(Grades 1-2) comparing and inferring</p><p>(Grade 1) inquiring and explaining</p><p>(Grade 2) inquiring and generalizing</p><p>(Grades 3-5) distinguishing between fact and fiction</p><p>(Grades 3-5) drawing conclusions</p><p>(Grade 4) visualizing</p><p>(Grades 4-5) analyzing texts to consider alternatives</p><p>23 (Grade 6) analyzing texts and developing explanations</p><p>(Grade 7) analyzing and evaluating ideas and information</p><p>(Grade 4) recognizing alternative viewpoints</p><p>(Grades 5-7) comparing various viewpoints</p><p>(Grades 4-5) summarizing and synthesizing</p><p>(Grades 6-7) summarizing and synthesizing to create new ideas</p><p>B10: Reflect on the attributes of good readers and viewers</p><p>It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B3) engage in reading or reading-like behavior</p><p>(Grade 1) reflect on their reading and viewing to identify their strengths and to discuss attributes of good readers and viewers.</p><p>(Grades 2-6) reflect on and assess their reading and viewing, by</p><p>(Grades 2-7) referring to class-generated criteria</p><p>(Grade 2) setting a goal for improvement/making a simple plan to work on their goal</p><p>(Grades 3-7) setting goals and creating a plan for improvement</p><p>(Grades 3-7) taking steps toward achieving goals</p><p>24</p><p>B11: Recognize structures and features of texts, and their purposes It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B1) demonstrate awareness of the connection between reading, writing, and oral language (B7) demonstrate understanding of concepts about print and concepts about books (e.g., there is directionality to print; books are for reading). (Grades 1-2) recognize and derive meaning from the structures and features of texts, including…. (Grade 3) recognize and derive meaning from the structures and features of texts, including… (Grades 4-7) explain how structures and features of text work to develop meaning, including…. (Grades 1-2) concepts about print and concepts about books</p><p>(Grade 1) elements of stories (e.g., beginning, middle, end; character, setting, events)</p><p>(Grade 2) elements of stories (e.g., character, setting, problem, solution)</p><p>(Grade 3) literary elements (e.g., plot, conflict, theme, character, setting)</p><p>(Grade 4) literary elements (e.g., character, setting, problem, plot, climax, conflict, theme, conclusion)</p><p>(Grade 5) literary elements (e.g., character, setting, problem, plot, climax, conflict, theme, conclusion, resolution)</p><p>(Grades 6-7) literary elements (e.g., characterization, mood, viewpoint, foreshadowing, conflict, protagonist, antagonist, theme)</p><p>(Grades 1-2) text features</p><p>(Grade 3) text features (e.g., headings, diagrams, columns, sidebars)</p><p>(Grade 4) text features (e.g., copyright, table of contents, headings, index, glossary, diagrams, </p><p>25 sidebars)</p><p>(Grade 5) text features (e.g., copyright, table of contents, headings, index, glossary, diagrams, sidebars, pull-quotes)</p><p>(Grades 6-7) text features (e.g., copyright, table of contents, headings, index, glossary, diagrams, sidebars, hyperlinks, pull-quotes) B11 continues on next page</p><p>B11, continued (Grade 1) the vocabulary needed to talk about texts (e.g., book, author, title, illustrator, pictures)</p><p>(Grade 2) the vocabulary associated with texts (e.g., pictures, headings, table of contents, key facts)</p><p>(Grades 3-7) form, function, and genre of text (e.g., brochure about smoking to inform students; genre is persuasive)</p><p>(Grade 3) literary devices (e.g., imagery, simile, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration)</p><p>(Grades 4-5) literary devices (e.g., imagery, sensory detail, simile, metaphor)</p><p>(Grade 6) literary devices (e.g., imagery, onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor)</p><p>(Grade 7) literary devices (e.g., imagery, onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor, symbolism, personification)</p><p>(Grades 4-7) non-fiction elements (e.g., topic sentence, development of ideas with supporting details, central idea)</p><p>(Grades 4-7) idiomatic expressions</p><p>26 B12: Use phonics and sight word recognition to decode text (Kindergarten to Grade 2)</p><p>It is expected that students will…</p><p>(Kindergarten) (B8) identify most of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds, and a few high-frequency words, including their name and names of significant others.</p><p>(Grade 1) recognize and fluently identify all alphabetic letters and their associated sounds, and recognize word patterns and some high-frequency words</p><p>(Grade 2) use knowledge of word patterns, word families, and letter-sound relationships to decode unknown words and recognize an increasing number of high frequency words</p><p>(There is no table for this Learning Outcome.)</p><p>27</p>
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