<p>Integrating TSFL Patient Coaching Into Mainstream Medicine </p><p>Equip Five Health Care Professionals To Own a TSFL Six Figure Income Health and Wellness Center </p><p>SEVEN STEP CONVERSION SYSTEM SEE THE MATERIALS – THE MATERIALS THAT WILL TRANSFORM YOUR PRACTICE</p><p>A Visual Odyssey – Wellness America Joint Venture Bruce Goldsmith and Tariq Faridi, Co-Founders Present Seven Essentials of a Successful Weight Loss Practice</p><p>Patient Centered Products Professionally Prepared Presentations Physician Monitoring Protocols Profit Potential Plan Of Action To Reach Your Goals Customized For You Patient Coaching Promoting Your Practice on Social Media</p><p>1 INTRODUCTION</p><p>COPY SOMEONE ELSE’S SUCCESS FORMULA AND YOU ARE SURE TO SUCCEED.</p><p>ANY FRANCHISE THAT DOMINATES IT’S MARKET, FOLLOWS THIS SYSTEM</p><p>To maximize your ODDS for success, in today’s competitive marketplace, facing challenges of an economic downturn, it has never been more important, than NOW, to duplicate a system that has the tools to deal with these issues in both a sound medical and an economically feasible fashion. We at Wellness Embassy have assembled an arsenal of weapons, to equip you with Turnkey tools, to assure your success. This whitepaper our starting blocks to lay your foundation and to build a successful practice, consist of proven and tested tools, described below.</p><p>When Alvin Toffler warned us in Power Shift, that the “god in a white coat will no longer be a god” and specifically mentioned, that “ordinary consumers with a laptop and a modem, will be able to find alternative cures for ailments on the internet, before the MD can reach for his copy of JAMA in the inbox”, as a futurist, he was talking about when did not even exist then, Youtube Facebook, MySpace twitter and other patient viraling communication tools. Facebook, now exceeds google in searches, people telling people. This must be integrated in any patient acquisition practice building system. The first of 8 Pillars in a successful w Wellness system must be a system to re-activate inactive patients, who are informed about their need to have customized nutrients based on their individual varying factors, offering ODI not the Ridiculous Daily Allowance. The days for one size fits all RDAs are a thing of the past. Science has determined 42 possible combinations, and each consumer, through lab saliva and urine tests, can arrive at an accurate determination of which of these 42 combinations creates a Customized Nutritional Algorithm. Even schools like McGill are now publishing customized disease specific Nutraceutical algorithms.</p><p>This paper summarizes the 7 Essentials of a Proven and Tested Operating System that is used by most health and wellness franchises. (weight loss, nutrition, fitness franchises charge $20 to $150 K for these systems. These tools will Build and Integrative Multidisciplinary Practice. TARIQ FARIDI HAS TRAINED MORE HEALTH AND WELLNESS MILLIONAIRES THAN ANY OTHER PERSON IN USA.</p><p>2 NOW IT IS YOUR TURN BECOME A TSLF Health Coach $995 Investment Six Figure Monthly Income Potential 3,200 Centers To Open Across the USA 32 Millionaires in 2011</p><p>RESERVE YOUR PLACE TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE TRILOGY </p><p>Operation Chrysalis</p><p>EACH OF THESE, ARE IN A DIFFERENT STEP, AS A CLIENT, SENIOR COACH, ADI LEADER</p><p>For Prospective Clients: http://www.tsfl.com/video/optimalhealth.html For Prospective Health Coaches: http://www.tsfl.com/video/healthcoach.html For Prospective Health Professionals: http://www.tsfl.com/video/healthcareprovider.html</p><p>3 Transform Your Practice From A Pain Management To A Turnkey Lifestyle Medicine Center</p><p>For Under $995</p><p>Seven Point Practice Building System Your Health Coach </p><p>Christina Kretchik</p><p>For Nashville Physicians</p><p>4 S T E P 1 P o s i t i o n i n g – Y o u r s e l f t o b e t h e H u n t e d , n o t t h e H u n t e r - </p><p>Letter To Write to Prospective Health Coaches h t t p : / / t s f l . c o m / d o d / a p p l i c a t i o n s / D o c u m e n t L i b r a r y M a n a g e r / u p l o a d / T S F L % 2 0 S a m p l e % 2 0 N a r r a t i v e % 2 0 L e t t e r % 2 0 v 2 . d o c</p><p>Building, Maintaining and Growing your Contact List (success system form) </p><p>HEALTH – METABOLIC SURVEYS AND C ENTER OF IINFLUENCE APPROACH</p><p>Wellness at Work – Wellness at School and Wellness at Church Powerpints</p><p>Pipeline Process Platinum Package</p><p>TRANSITION MAINTENANCE GUID</p><p>Reactivate Inactive Patient </p><p>Acquire New Patients, and </p><p>Increase Existing Patients</p><p>5 S T E P 2 P R E Q U A L I F I C A T I O N </p><p>PREQUALIFICATION AS A POTENTIAL AREA LEADER FOR ONE OF 32 NFL MARKETS . P r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n F o r m – 3 0 D a y B u s i n e s s G o a l s 1 P a g e s h e e t : h t t p : / / t s f l . c o m / d o d / a p p l i c a t i o n s / D o c u m e n t L i b r a r y M a n a g e r / u p l o a d / T S - F R M 1 0 0 9 _ 3 0 D G o a l s . p d f 3 9 p a g e 3 0 D a y D i a r y h t t p : / / t s f l . c o m / d o d / a p p l i c a t i o n s / D o c u m e n t L i b r a r y M a n a g e r / u p l o a d / T S - B I B 0 8 0 9 _ J o u r n a l . p d f</p><p>Complete the Prequalification form – and see what is missing for you to become qualified. We are very flexible and want you to be the Ambassador for your community. You must meet the qualifications. Make a 12-month unconditional commitment to follow the Seven Step System. Success requires a burning desire and a willingness to stick to your plan. S c r i p t s t h a t C o n v e r t C a l l s t o T S F L P r e s e n t a t i o n s T S F L C u s t o m i z e d O u t b o u n d C a l l s f o r P a t i e n t S c h e d u l i n g</p><p>Physician CEO Assisted Conference Calls</p><p>Scripts</p><p>Interviewing Methods</p><p>Surveys – Centers Of Influence</p><p>6 S T E P 3 P RESENTATIONS P r e s e n t a t i o n s t h a t C r e a t e a D e s i r e t o P u r c h a s e</p><p>Making Optimum A Reality Flipchart http://tsfl.com/dod/applications/DocumentLibraryManager/upload/TS- TOL0609_FlpChrt.pdf</p><p>MEDIFAST FOR BARIATRICS:- http://tsfl.com/dod/applications/DocumentLibraryManager/upload/MED_ bariatric_guide.pdf</p><p>EACH OF THESE IS A PRESENTATION AS WELL AS A PROSPECTING TOOL</p><p>For Prospective Clients: http://www.tsfl.com/video/optimalhealth.html For Prospective Health Coaches: http://www.tsfl.com/video/healthcoach.html For Prospective Health Professionals: http://www.tsfl.com/video/healthcareprovider.html</p><p>7 S T E P 4 </p><p>P r o d u c t M i x t h a t B u i l d s your p r a c t i c e</p><p>Client Tracking Sheet</p><p>HTTP://TSFL.COM/DOD/APPLICATIONS/DOCUMENTLIBRARYMANAGER/UPLOAD / TSFL_CLIENT%20TRACKING%20SHEET_REV.PDF </p><p>8 S T E P 5 PROFIT MANAGEMENT </p><p>H T T P : / / T S F L . C O M / D O D / A P P L I C A T I O N S / D O C U M E N T L I B R A R Y M A N A G E R / U P L O A D / O F F I C I A L % 2 0 C O M P % 2 0 P L A N % 2 0 - % 2 0 R E V I S E D _ O C T 2 0 1 0 . P D F</p><p>2 0 P A G E C O M P E N S A T I O N P L A N D E T A I L E D E X P L A N A T I O N P u r c h a s e Y o u r F a s t S t a r t t o P r e s i d e n t i a l D i r e c t o r B U S I N E S S B U I L D I N G K I T A n d U s e O u t b o u n d S c r i p t t o S c h e d u l e y o u r P l a t i n u m S u c c e s s S y s t e m</p><p>Mange Your Profits using The Seven Step Success System</p><p>1. Prospect family members staff and Patient Advocates Patient Coaching Program. Identify the immediate participants from family members, staff and Computer Savvy Wellness Minded Patients. 2. Prequalify first 20 Patients, following outbound three pronged patient scheduling scripts that are provided, and contact the people identified to pick up their Information Packets. Use the scripts. Go over the Product Selection. 3. Present the TSFL Tariq Faridi Presentation 4. Plan Your weekly activity to reach Practice Profit Goals 5. Your Weekly Activity Calendar. Answer questions 6. Select Patient Advocates to Serve as Social Networking and Workshop Hosts and have them enroll their loved ones. 7. Patient Advocacy Social Networking Platform</p><p>9 Income Disclosure Statement http://tsfl.com/dod/applications/DocumentLibraryManager/upload/ TSFL_Official_IDS_Sept2010.pdf</p><p>10 S T E P 6 </p><p>P L A N N I N G F O R S U C C E S S </p><p>H T T P :// T S F L . C O M / D O D / A P P L I C A T I O N S /D O C U M E N T L I B R A R Y M A N A G E R / U P L O A D // E C A R D S / E C A R D S _M I N I _T U T O R I A L . H T M </p><p>3 0 D a y P l a n O f A c t i o n h t t p : / / t s f l . c o m / d o d / a p p l i c a t i o n s / D o c u m e n t L i b r a r y M a n a g e r / u p l o a d / T S - B I B 0 8 0 9 _ J o u r n a l . p d f</p><p>Weekly Activity Planner</p><p>Seven Step Workbook Training Manual </p><p>11 S T E P 7 P r o m o t e Y o u r s e l f O n S o c i a l M e d i a</p><p>Facebook</p><p>Twitter</p><p>Youtube</p><p>Email</p><p>12</p>
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