<p> SALFORD STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP EXECUTIVE</p><p>27th January, 2010 </p><p>Meeting commenced: 2.00 p.m. “ ended: 4.10 p.m.</p><p>PRESENT: Councillor John Merry - in the Chair Professor Eileen Fairhurst } NHS Salford Mike Burrows } Anne Gornall - Learning Skills Council Greg Burke - Government Office North West Phil Lowthian - Jobcentre Plus Peter Compton } Salford City College Martin Sim } Chris Fletcher - GM Chamber of Commerce D Wilkinson (for C/S Kevin Mulligan) - Greater Manchester Police Rabbi Simon Grant - Community Committee Representative Keith Barnes - University of Salford</p><p>ALSO IN ATTENDANCE:</p><p>Kevin Brady } Salford City Council Sue Lightup } Diana Martin } Chris Marsh } Jon Stephenson } Claire Edwards (Minutes) } Sarah Manion (Observer) } David Herne } NHS Salford Fiona Reynolds }</p><p>64. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor David Lancaster and Chief Superintendent Kevin Mulligan.</p><p>65. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS</p><p>The minutes of the meeting held on 4th November, 2009, were agreed as a correct record.</p><p>66. MATTER ARISING</p><p>. Minute 60 – Comprehensive Area Assessment</p><p>Kevin Brady referred to the Comprehensive Area Assessment report that had been received, which was very positive for the City Council and its partners. He indicated Salford Strategic Partnership Executive – 27th January, 2010 that dialogue with the Audit Commission would continue in respect of particular issues.</p><p>67. STRATEGIC DIRECTION OF NEIGHBOURHOOD REVIEW: BUILDING BETTER NEIGHBOURHOODS</p><p>Sue Lightup (a) submitted a report on the Strategic Direction of the Neighbourhood Review: Building Better Neighbourhoods, which had been approved by Cabinet on 10th November, 2009, and (b) gave a presentation on the above matter, with specific reference to the following:-</p><p>. Introduction: Two questions, One answer . Understanding our task . Recommendation 1:Our Vision: “Everyone can” . Recommendations 2 & 5 Governance and Commissioning . Recommendations 3 & 4 Neighbourhood Leadership and Delivery . Recommendation 6 Adjusted Terms of Reference . Recommendation 7 Engagement and Empowerment . Recommendation 8 Align with Total Place . Recommendation 9 Organisational Development: People and Culture . How does it all fit together? . Many Products, One Vision . Programme Management . How are we progressing? . “Win/Wins” – Benefits for all</p><p>Discussion took place regarding the role of the SSP in supporting the recommendations to Build Better Neighbourhoods. Reference was made to (a) the Neighbourhood Management structures that were in place and, in particular, the role of the Neighbourhood Partnership Boards, and (b) the work that was being undertaken by the Working Neighbourhood Teams.</p><p>RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report and presentation be noted.</p><p>68. REFOCUSING SALFORD STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP</p><p>Kevin Brady submitted a report which proposed how to enact the principles for revising the Partnership’s structure, which the SSP Executive had agreed on 4th November, 2009.</p><p>Discussion took place during which reference was made to (a) the proposed development of a Joint Strategic Commissioning Group, (b) the need to ensure consistency, (c) opportunities to develop shared capacity across the partnership, (d) the connection with AGMA and alignment of city and regional objectives, (e) the business planning process, and (f) the need for deliverable outcomes to be set.</p><p>Kevin Brady suggested that discussion take place at the next meeting of the Executive in relation to 5 or 6 challenges included in the LAA that partners wished to focus on collectively. It was also suggested that further consideration be given at the next meeting to the development proposals contained in the report, together with any learning that could be taken from other areas of the country, and that work be advanced in respect of the D:\Docs\2018-04-08\00e2f4612db84485c5d2b267f3b75c66.doc 2 Salford Strategic Partnership Executive – 27th January, 2010 proposals. Kevin Brady suggested that, if the Board agreed, he would look at how they could create space for a more strategic conversation along an ‘awayday’ format.</p><p>RESOLVED: (1) THAT the Partnership be reorganised so that it focused on issues that were critical to achieving its vision for the city.</p><p>(2) THAT it be ensured that the neighbourhood approach and thematic partnerships mutually informed each other’s work.</p><p>(3) THAT a Joint Strategic Commissioning Group be developed and that, initially, it should focus on teenage pregnancy as a key priority.</p><p>(4) THAT capacity be released across the partnership for the delivery of refocused activities and increased overview and scrutiny.</p><p>(5) THAT the Executive, at the next meeting, consider (a) five or six challenges included in the LAA which partners wished to focus on collectively, and (b) the development proposals contained in the report, together with any learning that could be taken from other areas of the country. Kevin Brady would explore alternative formats to enable the above to take place in a more flexible and interactive format.</p><p>(6) THAT work be advanced on behalf of the Executive in relation to taking forward the development proposals.</p><p>69. LAA PERFORMANCE, REFRESH AND REVIEW 2010 </p><p>Kevin Brady submitted (a) a report which summarised major points arising from performance for the quarter ending September, 2009, and (b) a report which outlined the timetable for the review and refresh of the Salford Agreement 2008-11, and current progress with the refresh of certain indicators which were “not locked down” in the refresh conducted in 2009.</p><p>A request was made for acronyms not to be included in future reports without an explanation of their meaning.</p><p>Discussion took place regarding the proposal to remove Under 18 Conception Rate from the reward grant calculations. Partners were assured that its removal would not in any way reduce the high priority status of this indicator.</p><p>RESOLVED: (1) THAT the content of the report be noted.</p><p>(2) THAT the Executive receive a report on the third quarter at the next meeting, within which the following measures would remain on the high risk “list” covered in more detail: . Under 18 conception rate (NI 112) . Percentage of non-council homes (NI 158) . Early Years Foundation Stage (NI 92)</p><p>And that the following measures also be considered at the third quarter in more detail: . First time entrants to the Youth Justice system aged 10-17 D:\Docs\2018-04-08\00e2f4612db84485c5d2b267f3b75c66.doc 3 Salford Strategic Partnership Executive – 27th January, 2010 . Percentage of referrals to children’s social care . Number of level 1 qualifications in literacy (NI 161)</p><p>(3) THAT the proposed timetable for refresh of the Salford Agreement 2008-11, and current progress with the refresh, be noted.</p><p>(4) THAT the current target for indicator 171, New Business Registration, be locked down. </p><p>(5) THAT indicator 112, Under 18 Conception Rate, be removed from reward grant calculations, with the assurance that it would be the first issue considered by the Joint Commissioning Group </p><p>(6) THAT a further report with the final measures for approval be submitted to the next meeting of the Executive. </p><p>70. PERSONALISATION AND THE SSP</p><p>Sue Lightup gave a presentation regarding the three-year transformation programme for Adult Social Care, which was in progress, and which sought to fundamentally change the way that services would be delivered to individuals. The presentation outlined the concept, some of the implications and how the approach could impact on people’s lives. </p><p>RESOLVED: (1) THAT the content of the presentation be noted.</p><p>(2) THAT partners’ roles in the changes needed, and the key actions outlined in the report, be supported.</p><p>(3) THAT the potential impact of personalisation on individuals and communities, and the potential of this to deliver the strategic objectives of the SSP, be noted.</p><p>71. DELIVERING THE HEALTH GAIN FOR SALFORD – INDUSTRIALISING BRIEF INTERVENTIONS</p><p>RESOLVED: THAT this item be deferred for consideration at the next meeting of the Executive.</p><p>72. SALFORD MENTAL WELLBEING STRATEGY</p><p>Fiona Reynolds (a) submitted a report which updated the Executive on the process for developing a mental wellbeing strategy for Salford, covering the period 2010 to 2015, and (b) briefly outlined the key elements of collaborative action in which partners would be asked to engage.</p><p>Reference was made to educational attainment and employment and it was suggested that the Think Skills Board receive a presentation regarding this matter in the future.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\00e2f4612db84485c5d2b267f3b75c66.doc 4 Salford Strategic Partnership Executive – 27th January, 2010 RESOLVED: (1) THAT it be noted that the Executive agreed that all partners would support the Mental Wellbeing Strategy and ensure its implementation, by committing themselves to carrying out their individual responsibilities as identified in the report.</p><p>(2) THAT it be noted that the Executive supported the establishment of the Mental Wellbeing Strategy Group, and agreed to ensure the appropriate representation from their organisation.</p><p>(3) THAT it be noted that the Executive agreed to actively support the consultation process.</p><p>(4) THAT Fiona Reynolds provide Kevin Brady with a list of the partner actions that were requested, and the list be circulated with the minutes of the meeting.</p><p>(5) THAT it be noted that the Executive agreed to receive the first draft of the revised strategy at the Executive meeting to be held in May 2010, and ratify the final strategy in December 2010. </p><p>73. PETER COMPTON</p><p>The Chair informed the Executive that Peter Compton would soon be leaving Salford City College. He thanked Peter for the valuable contribution he had made to the Salford Strategic Partnership over the years and wished him every success in the future.</p><p>74. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING</p><p>RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the next meeting of the Executive was to be held on Wednesday, 10th March, 2010, at 2.00 p.m., in Committee Room 4.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\00e2f4612db84485c5d2b267f3b75c66.doc 5</p>
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