<p> DRAFT ANNEX IV - MODEL TECHNICAL REPORT</p><p>EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Directorate E. Economic analysis, perspectives and evaluation; communication E.5. Internal and external communication</p><p>Specimen letter (to be written on the applicant’s headed paper)</p><p>Unit AGRI.E.5 (date) For the attention of Mr P. Schellekens (place) Head of Unit Loi 130 4/148A European Commission Rue de la Loi, 130 1049 BRUSSELS BELGIUM Intermediate/final technical and financial implementation report under grant agreement AGRI-2014-XXX concerning information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (CAP)</p><p>Dear Mr Schellekens,</p><p>I enclose the intermediate/final technical and financial implementation report concerning the information measure "………." (Please insert title of the implemented information measure).</p><p>The amount requested is EUR [x], which is composed of:</p><p>(i) EUR [x] representing [x]% of the total direct eligible costs of the information measure; and</p><p>(ii) EUR [x] representing the flat rate financing of 7% of the total eligible direct costs.</p><p>On behalf of the organisation which I represent, I certify the accuracy of all the information contained in these technical and financial implementation reports.</p><p>In case of further questions on these technical and financial implementation reports, the contact person responsible for this grant agreement in our organisation is Mr/Ms ……… (Please insert contact tel. and fax n°, and email address).</p><p>Yours sincerely,</p><p>Signature First name, surname and title of the legally authorised person responsible within the applicant organisation (1) Annexes:</p><p>1. Intermediate/final technical implementation report with all supporting documents mentioned therein (see annex IV to the grant agreement) 2. Intermediate/final expenditure and income table (to be downloaded from the internet address http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/grants-for- information-measures/index_en.htm (see annex V to the grant agreement) 3. Supporting documents for the intermediate/final financial implementation report mentioned in the grant agreement (such as invoices, declarations, receipts, subcontractor information, proofs of other providers of funds, etc.) (see annex V to the grant agreement) MODEL INTERMEDIATE/FINAL TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT</p><p>DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INFORMATION MEASURE </p><p>TITLE OF THE INFORMATION MEASURE:</p><p>A. THE RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION AND ITS EXPECTED RESULTS IN RELATION TO THE THEMES AND TARGET PUBLIC</p><p>A.1. Themes: short description</p><p> Type of information measure (as defined in point 6.2 of the call for proposals : national level or European level)</p><p> The various subjects you have dealt with in relation with the reformed CAP</p><p>A.2. Target public </p><p> What type of public did you target </p><p> What were the messages per type of public?</p><p>B. THE EFFECTIVENESS, RATIONALITY AND CONSISTENCY OF THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY AND ORGANISATION (INCLUDING THE TIMETABLE, THE PROGRAMME AND THE POSSIBLE INVOLVEMENT OF AN EUROPEAN NETWORK)</p><p>B. 1. Timetable of the action</p><p>The action should have taken place between 01/05/2014 and 30/04/2015</p><p>B.2. Detailed programme </p><p> Detailed programme for each event</p><p> Which communication tools did you use in the action? Multimedia material (please specify) Online press Press Website Specialist press Social media Audio-visual media Other (please specify) How did you interconnect the tools listed above to build up an integrated communication campaign as described in point 2.2 of the call</p><p> The place(s) of implementation (countries, regions, cities, etc), according to the programme of the action</p><p> Contents/script in the case of publication or audiovisual material, etc </p><p>B.3. Involvement of a European network </p><p> Was the information measure proposed by a formally or informally network established at European level? Yes No</p><p> Did the information measure intend to set up or develop such type of networks? Yes No</p><p> What was the division of tasks between the applicant and the various affiliated entities (if any)</p><p>C. THE RELEVANCE AND QUALITY OF THE MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND THE RESOURCES DEPLOYED IN RELATION TO THE OBJECTIVES ENVISAGED (PARTICULARLY IN TERMS OF COST-EFFECTIVENESS)</p><p>Please note that the prices laid down in the budget table must be coherent with the market prices</p><p>C1. What rate of grant was requested? % If the rate of grant requested was greater than 50%, please briefly explain why you consider the proposed information measure respected the three conditions laid down in point 6.3 of the call for proposals to be recognised of exceptional interest (half-page maximum): </p><p>C.2. What part of the budget is dedicated to each activity (or group of activities)/communication tool? Please describe the resources utilised for each activity (or group of activities)/communication tool (budget allocated, own staff, subcontractors, etc) and provide details justifying their usage.</p><p>List here in detail all parts of the action that were subcontracted to third parties for implementation by clearly referring to the relevant budget lines and the amount from each budget line that was subcontracted. Sum up the total of the budget subcontracted to third parties. </p><p>Budget Line Amount Detailed description of activities subcontracted subcontracted Total budget subcontracted</p><p>C.3. Although the information provided in the financial tables was the main source for the analysis of the financial quality of the action, please explain briefly how did you perceive the cost-effectiveness of the proposed information measure once it is over/in its midterm? Did the information measure constitute optimum use of the financial support requested from the Commission, and why?</p><p>D. THE GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE OF THE ACTION (NUMBER OF REGIONS IN THE CASE OF ACTIONS WITH NATIONAL COVERAGE, OR NUMBER OF EU COUNTRIES IN THE CASES OF ACTIONS WITH EUROPEAN COVERAGE</p><p>D. 1 Was the information measure implemented in 3 or more Member States? Yes No</p><p>D. 2. In which countries the information measure was implemented? For each of them please indicate if the measure was implemented directly by the beneficiary or by an affiliated entity and the role of the actor in charge of the implementation of the measure in that country</p><p>Who implemented the Very briefly explain the role of the actor who measure? implemented the action in that country BE CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR HR IR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL Who implemented the Very briefly explain the role of the actor who measure? implemented the action in that country PT SI SK FI SE UK BG RO Others</p><p>D. 3. If the action was implemented only in one country, please specify how did you cover the different regions or areas of the country and, if different from the beneficiary, who was in charge of the implementation of the action in each region, as well as the role of those actors.</p><p>E. THE INNOVATIVE NATURE OF THE ACTION AND THE COMMUNICATION TOOLS USED</p><p>E. 1. How did you use in an original or innovative way the tools you had foreseen in the action? </p><p>E.2. If you included in your proposal, please indicate other aspects of the proposal you underlined as especially innovative or original, in particular from the communication point of view. </p><p>F. THE IMPACT AND DISSEMINATION OF THE EXPECTED RESULTS (TARGETS PUBLICS, NUMBER OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT BENEFICIARIES, EXPECTED MULTIPLYING EFFECT)</p><p>F. 1. Please provide details about the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries you reached in each country and the percentage of population they represented</p><p>Direct Indirect % of rural % general beneficiaries beneficiaries actors public estimated estimated BE CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR HR IR IT Direct Indirect % of rural % general beneficiaries beneficiaries actors public estimated estimated CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL PT SI SK FI SE UK BG RO Others</p><p>F. 2. How did you elaborate the estimation of the figures of direct and indirect beneficiaries provided in this table?</p><p>G. THE TRANSFERABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE EXPECTED RESULTS (INCLUDING THE POSSIBLE INVOLVEMENT OF A EUROPEAN NETWORK)</p><p>G. 1. Were (or will be in the future) the activities/communication tools you undertook usable by other organisations? If so, describe which activities were (or will be) transferable and how, as well as the adjustments or adaptations necessary to make them usable by other organisations, if any.</p><p>G.2. Do you intend to keep (or are you keeping) running some or all of the activities/communication tools you are implementing, for instance in other campaigns? If so, describe how do you intend to ensure (or how are you ensuring) the sustainability of your activities.</p><p>G.3. If the action was implemented by a network, are the members of the network working together in future campaigns? Please describe how are you keeping the cooperation between the members of the network and how the work developed during this action helped to keep such cooperation.</p><p>H. THE EX-ANTE AND EX-POST EVALUATION PROPOSED AND THE MONITORING ACTIVITIES FORESSEN IN THE PROPOSAL H.1. According with the analysis of the data on the implementation of the action, were the needs you identified, and that led you to propose the information measure (ex-ante evaluation) correctly elaborated? Please describe if there have been changes in the analysis and the sources used in relation with the ones mentioned in your proposal?</p><p>H.2. Please explain the detailed plan you have used for assessing the results after the information action has been delivered (ex post evaluation). There were changes in relation with the plan mentioned in your proposal? What were the techniques, indicators and smart criteria that enabled you to evaluate the impact of the activities? Did you use an external and independent evaluator to carry out evaluation tasks?</p><p>H.3. Did you organise monitoring visits of the activities? If yes, were they implemented by an independent and external organisation? DOCUMENTS TO BE PROVIDED WITH THE TECHNICAL REPORT</p><p>This list is not exhaustive, please provide any other document or information you consider relevant and that will help us to analyse the technical report.</p><p>Elements to be provided within the General description of the implemented measure: </p><p> For city farms and other general public events, pictures and other material you consider relevant</p><p> For conferences, seminars and visits: the final programme as distributed during the measure, mentioning the subjects dealt with, the structure of the event, the agenda and the names of the speakers). The experience of the speakers (CV's) in relation to the subjects dealt with, a copy of all speeches and presentations made during the event(s). The attendance list signed by all the participants and all other relevant documents (invitations, press releases, minutes of preparatory meetings, etc.).</p><p> For audiovisual productions and publications: the final script as well as 2 copies (for each language version) of each production. </p><p> For websites: a printout of the website or the link to the website if it is still on line.</p><p>Elements for the target audience:</p><p> For conferences, seminars and visits: Please attach the original attendance list(s) signed by the participants for each day of the event including the name of their organisation, their address and country of origin.</p><p> For publications and promotional material: Please attach proof of the number of copies distributed and information on the readers reached. Any publicity material relevant to the measure (posters, flyers, gadgets, etc.).</p><p> For audio-visual productions: Please attach official statistics of TV and radio audience for the days of diffusion. </p><p> For websites: Please attach statistics on the number of visitors.</p><p>Elements for the media and multiplier effect</p><p>The rapport must be accompanied by figures on the coverage of the action by the media. Please attach as well a copy of media coverage (statistics on TV and radio audience, newspaper coverage and readers, press cuttings, TV clips, radio audios or any other material documenting the level of media coverage achieved by the implemented measure), facts on the multiplier capacity of the organisations involved in the measure, and any other document proving the multiplier effect of the implemented measure.</p><p>Elements for the evaluation</p><p>Please, attach original evaluation tools, such as reports elaborated by external evaluators, questionnaires filled in by the participants or other relevant evaluations, as well as an analysis of these evaluation tools.</p>
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