<p> ProjectProject ReportReport</p><p>Review of Results From Environment Web Project</p><p>Prepared by: Invenia AS and Akvaplan-niva AS</p><p>24. September 2009</p><p>Forretningsplan - Konfidensiell</p><p>Invenia AS Side ii Version list Date Version Description Author 26. August 09 0.1 Initial version Stian Halvorsen Invenia AS 15. September 09 0.2 Revised Chapter 1 Jos Kögeler Akvaplan-Niva 24. September 09 1.0 Updated the document Stian Halvorsen Invenia AS Invenia AS Side ii Table of contents</p><p>1. Introduction...... 1 1.1 References...... 1 2. ISO 15926, RDL and ontologies...... 2 3. Process...... 2 4. Recommended changes and improvements...... 2 4.1 Not reviewed...... 2 4.2 Terms that must be defined...... 3 4.3 The term CHEMICAL...... 4 4.4 The SFT CLASS 200...... 4 5. Summary and Conclusion...... 4 Appendix 1: List of reviewed EW terms and definitions...... 5</p><p>Side i 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>1. Introduction The Environmental Web (EW) is the official database for emissions and discharges from the offshore oil and gas industry in Norway. It is managed by the Information Manage- ment Association (EPIM) and is used by the Norwegian authorities and industry.</p><p>In 2008, an OLF sponsored Environment Web project group proposed terminology and definitions in the ISO 15926 Reference Data Library of the operators’ yearly environ- mental reporting to the authorities (Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and Norwe- gian Pollution Control Authority (NPCA)). This report was prepared by Jennifer Samp- son – Epsis, Henrik Forssell – PCA and Martin Myrvang and Knut Husdal – Novatech.</p><p>Invenia AS and Akvaplan-niva AS are members of POSC Caesar and work together in the Special Interest Groups Health, Safety, Security and Environment. Both companies took part in the EW project and participated in courses and some workshops where the work on the EW definitions was presented. We were informed of problems associated with receiving good definitions of all the terms in the Environment Web. </p><p>Part-financed by AbeliaNord, Invenia and Akvaplan-niva continued competence and ca- pacity building related to ISO 15926 after the EW project was closed.</p><p>As our biologists and chemists identified significant flaws and mistakes in the proposed definitions, we decided to review the EW project results and to try achieve a workable set of ISO 15926 compatible definitions suitable for the EW. </p><p>This report presents updated definitions for more most of the EW definitions and identi- fies which definitions need a revision by specialists form other fields. The review was carried out by Stian Halvorsen, Invenia (IT specialist, participated in 2 ISO 15926 courses and the EW workshops) Rune Palerud, Akvaplan-niva (biologist, participated in 3 ISO 15926 courses and the EW workshops) Jos Kögeler, Akvaplan-niva (biologist, participated in 2 ISO 15926 courses and the EW workshops) Hanne Foshaug, Unilab Analyse (chemist. Participated on behalf of Akvaplan-ni- va) May-Helen Holm, Unilab Analyse (chemist. Participated on behalf of Akva- plan-niva)</p><p>1.1 References The review was done of the following references. Ref. Article name Published by Environment Web to ISO 15926 Reference (EpsisEWReport191208.doc) Jennifer Sampson 1. Epsis EW terms Part 1 - final upload Jennifer Sampson 2. Epsis EW terms Part 1 - final upload Jennifer Sampson 3. Epsis</p><p>Side 1 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>2. ISO 15926, RDL and ontologies The EW project report (ref. 1) gives a short description of ISO 15926, RDL and ontolo- gies.</p><p>3. Process This chapter describes the process of the review of the terms from the EW project. The process consists of the following steps: 1. Conducted two workshops to make a review of the new terms and definitions. 2. Document the result 3. Quality ensure the documentation 4. Update/correct the documentation 5. Deliver project results The “Appendix 1: List of new EW terms and definitions in RDL” from the document “Environment Web to ISO 15926 Reference” (ref. 1) was the foundation of the review. “EW terms Part 1 - final upload” (ref. 2) and “EW terms Part 2 – final upload” (ref. 3) are updated with definition and lingual change. We have removed terms that haven’t been changed and used POSC Caesar Reference Data System browser to search for terms and analyze existing relations.</p><p>We have used color coding in addition to action command in the spreadsheets to illustrate the changes we have made. Terms we wanted to update are highlighted in white, new terms in yellow and changed terms-name in red (see figure below).</p><p>4. Recommended changes and improvements The “Appendix 1: List of reviewed EW terms and definition” include 147 updated terms. We have also made some observations and documented it below.</p><p>4.1 Not reviewed The project members did not have necessary expertise to do a review of the definition be- low:</p><p>Side 2 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p> NORWEGIAN POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY (SFT) CLASS SFT CLASS 200 SFT CLASS 201 SFT CLASS 1 SFT CLASS 1,1 SFT CLASS 2 SFT CLASS 3 SFT CLASS 4 SFT CLASS 6 SFT CLASS 7 SFT CLASS 8 SFT CLASS 100 WELL TEST WATER SEPARATED FROM PRODUCED OIL FLOW DRAINAGE WATER WATER USED TO DISPLACE OIL IN STORAGE TANKS WATER INJECTED IN OIL AND GAS RESERVOIR WATER DISCHARGED TO SEA WATER EXPORTED FROM FACILITY WATER IMPORTED TO FACILITY WATER IN OIL EXPORTED OILY WATER DISCHARGED OILY WATER FROM JETTING DISCHARGED PRODUCED OILY WATER</p><p>4.2 Terms that must be defined We have identified that these terms must be defined since other terms definition refers to them: CARCINOGENIC COMPOUND CARCINOGENIC TERATOGENIC COMPOUND TERATOGENIC MUTAGENIC 16 EPA-PAH EPA ALKYLPHENOL DIBENZOTHIOPHENE BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE INDENO(1,2,3-C,D)PYRENE DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE PERYLENE PROPIONIC ACID BUTANOIC PENTANOIC ACID NAPHTHENIC ACID</p><p>Side 3 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>4.3 The term CHEMICAL The term CHEMICAL misses a link to the ISO 15926 standard. Because of this it’s rec- ommended to review this term in the further. This also applies to the specialization of the term: ACUTE CORROSIVE CHEMICALS POLLUTION TO SEA ACUTE ENVIROTOXINS POLLUTION TO SEA ACUTE CHEMICAL POLLUTION TO SEA OTHER THAN CORROSIVE CHEMICALS OR ENVIROTOXINS OR DRILLING FLUIDS OR FLAMMABLE CHEMICALS ACUTE OIL BASED DRILLING FLUIDS POLLUTION TO SEA ACUTE NON OIL BASED DRILLING FLUIDS POLLUTION TO SEA ACUTE FLAMMABLE CHEMICALS POLLUTION TO SEA</p><p>4.4 The SFT CLASS 200 The class SFT CLASS 200 refers to itself (an eternal loop). This may apply to several terms. The project team has not investigated this further.</p><p>5. Summary and Conclusion We have updated 147 terms and included them in this document. “EW terms Part 1 - fi- nal” and “EW terms Part 2 – final” are both based on “EW terms Part 1 - final upload” (ref. 2) and “EW terms Part 2 – final upload” (ref. 3) from the EW project. To modify ex- isting Reference Data the PCA ID needs to be included for each term. </p><p>Project documentation, working data and all project meeting notes related to the Environ- ment Web project and the broader ISO 15926 project can be found at https://trac.posccae- sar.org/wiki/EW.</p><p>Side 4 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>Appendix 1: List of reviewed EW terms and definitions</p><p>RDL Designation RDL Definition ACUTE CHEMICAL POLLUTION TO SEA An ACUTE POLLUTION TO SEA that consists of chemicals.</p><p>ACUTE WATER BASED DRILLING FLUIDS POLLUTION An ACUTE POLLUTION TO SEA that consists of water based drilling flu- TO SEA ids. ACUTE NON-OIL BASED DRILLING FLUIDS POLLUTION An ACUTE POLLUTION TO SEA that consists of non-oil based drilling flu- TO SEA ids.</p><p>NORWEGIAN POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY (SFT) A class corresponding to a category of chemicals on a Norwegian Pollution CLASS Control Authority's list.</p><p>OIL PRODUCTION CHEMICAL A compound used during oil production. A compound used in an injection process e.g. to improve oil recovery, re- move formation damage, clean blocked perforations, reduce or inhibit corro- INJECTION CHEMICAL sion A compound that is chemicals received from other production sites through IMPORTED CHEMICAL process flow. A compound, when added to a fluid or gas, decreases the corrosion rate of a CORROSION INHIBITOR metal or an alloy A compound additive that reduces or hinders the formation of foam in indus- DEFOAMER trial process liquids OXYGEN SCAVENGER A compound added to a process in order to remove or inactivate oxygen A compound that promote flocculation by causing colloids and other sus- FLOCCULANT pended particles in liquids to aggregate, forming a floc GAS DEHYDRATER CHEMICAL A compound which removes moisture vapor from a gas stream</p><p>Side 5 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>A compound which reduces the freezing point of a mixture to below the low- ANTI FREEZE SOLUTION est temperature that the system is likely to be exposed to PH-REGULATING CHEMICAL A compound used to adjust the pH to or within a certain level A compound additive, generally in slurry or liquid form, used to reduce the friction forces experienced by tools and tubulars in the wellbore. Friction re- ducers are routinely used in horizontal and highly deviated wellbores where FRICTION REDUCING CHEMICAL the friction forces limit the passage of tools along the wellbore. WAX INHIBITOR A compound that loweres the viscosity and pour point of a petroleum fluid COLOURING AGENT A compound used as a marker in fluids EMULSION BREAKER A compound (demulsifier) which increases the oil and water separation rate WEIGHT SUBSTANCE A compound added to raise the density in a fluid A compound added to drilling fluids when drilling fluids are being lost to the CHEMICAL PREVENTING LOST CIRCULATION formations downhole VISCOSITY REGULATING CHEMICAL A compound added to regulate the viscosity in a fluid A surface-active compound added to a suspension, usually a colloid, to im- DISPERSING AGENT prove the separation of particles and to prevent settling or clumping A surface-active compound (surfactant), i.e. a compound used as a wetting agent that lowers the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, SURFACTANT and lowers the interfacial tension between two liquids. A compound that forms a stable colloidal suspension, as milk, consisting of an immiscible liquid dispersed and held in another liquid by substances called EMULSIFICATION AGENT emulsifiers Any thick liquid or pasty compound or other material, used to lubricate or ab- DOPE sorb something A mud additive for lowering torque (rotary friction) and drag (axial friction) DRILLING FLUID LUBRICANT in the wellbore and to lubricate bit bearings if not sealed. LUBRICANT A compound intended to reduce friction. </p><p>Side 6 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>CEMENTING CHEMICAL A compound used in cementing operations A compound placed in the well to facilitate final operations prior to initiation COMPLETION CHEMICAL of production A compound forming the continuous phase or suspending medium of a BASE FLUID FOR DRILLING FLUID drilling fluid formulation. WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL A compound used to change any properties of water H2S-REMOVER A compound used to remove or prevent formation of H2S A compound used in Well Workover and Intervention. A compound used in DIVERTING AGENT stimulation treatments to ensure uniform injection over the area to be treated. CHLORINE REMOVER A compound used to remove or prevent formation of chlorine CO2 REMOVER A compound used to remove or prevent formation of CO2 A fluid which is used in a hydraulic system to transmit energy from a source HYDRAULIC FLUID to a machine, e.g. an actuator.</p><p>The toxicity of the component, given as EC50 (algae) or LC50 (crustacean, TOXICITY STATUS fish, corophium) The BOD (Biological oxygen demand) gives the biodegradability of the BOD chemical component, at 20 degrees at a certain amount of time. A compound that can make change in genetic structure which results in a MUTAGENIC COMPOUND variant form and may be transmitted to subsequent generations. . Chemicals components with tainting properties (chemicals that even in small TAINTING amounts have a strong odour or "poisoning" effect), when reported to EW, INORGANIC COMPOUND A compound that is not organic (broadly, compounds not containing carbon). </p><p>An arranged individual that consist of an arrangement of some different type of molecules, metals or salts, bound together by chemical bounds. This in- ISO 15926-4 COMPOUND cludes both mixtures and alloys. A particular kind of matter with uniform properties (Oxford English Dictio- SUBSTANCE nary)</p><p>Side 7 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>TERATOGENIC COMPOUND Must be defined TERATOGENIC Must be defined CARCINOGENIC COMPOUND Must be defined CARCINOGENIC Must be defined MUTAGENIC Must be defined METALLIC COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of metals. MERCURY COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of mercury. CADMIUM COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of cadmium. LEAD COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of lead. CHROMIUM COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of chromium. METALLOID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of metalloids. ARSENIC COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of arsenic. TRIBUTYL COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of tributyl. A compound consisting predominantly of molecules which have one or more ORGANOHALOGEN COMPOUND carbon atoms combined with one or more halogen atoms. ALKYL PHENOL COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of alkyl phenol. A compound consisting of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)(not car- POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON COMPOUND ry substituents).</p><p>Methane Gas: A compound where the main component is methane. Or Meth- ane as a Component: A compound in which the main component is methane, occurring as a component in something else (monthly production report defi- CH4 nition). SULPHUR OXIDE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of sulphur oxide. A compound consisting mainly of organic, heterocyclic molecules with two DIOXINE oxygen atoms.</p><p>Side 8 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>BENZENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of benzene. TOLUENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of toluene. ETHYL BENZENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of ethyl benzene. XYLENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of xylene. NAPHTHALENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of naphthalene. C1-NAPHTHALENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C1-Naphthalene. C2-NAPHTHALENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C2-Naphthalene. C3-NAPHTHALENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C3-Naphthalene. PHENANTHRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of phenanthrene. ANTHRACENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of anthracene. C1-PHENANTHRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C1-Phenanthrene. C2-PHENANTHRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C2-Phenanthrene. C3-PHENANTHRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C3-Phenanthrene. DIBENZOTHIOPHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of dibenzothiophene. C1-DIBENZOTHIOPHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C1-dibenzothiophene. C2-DIBENZOTHIOPHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C2-dibenzothiophene. C3-DIBENZOTHIOPHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C3-dibenzothiophene. ACENAPHTHYLENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of acenaphthylene. ACENAPTHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of acenaphthene. FLUORENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of fluorene, FLUORANTHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of fluoranthene, PYRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of pyrene. CHRYSENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of chrysene.</p><p>Side 9 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of benzo[a]anthracene. BENZO(A)PYRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of benzo[a]pyrene+K208 BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE. BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE. BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE. INDENO(1,2,3-C,D)PYRENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of INDENO(1,2,3-C,D)PYRENE. DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE. PHENOL COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of phenol. C1-ALKYLPHENOL COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C1-alkylphenol. C2-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C2-alkylphenol. C3-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C3-alkylphenol. C4-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C4-alkylphenol. C5-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C5-alkylphenol. C6-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C6-alkylphenol. C7-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C7-alkylphenol. C8-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C8-alkylphenol. C9-ALKYLPHENOLS COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of C9-alkylphenol. FORMIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of formic acid. ACETIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of acetic acid. PROPIONIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of propionic acid. BUTANOIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of butanoic acid. PENTANOIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of pentanoic acid. NAPHTHENIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of naphthenic acid.</p><p>Side 10 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>CARBOXYLIC ACID COMPOUND A compound consisting predominantly of carboxylic acids.</p><p>COPPER COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of copper. NICKEL COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of nickel. ZINC COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of zinc. BARIUM COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of barium. IRON COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of iron. RADIUM-226 COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of radium-226 RADIUM-228 COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of radium-228. LEAD-210 COMPOUND A metallic compound consisting predominantly of lead-210.</p><p>NON HAZARDOUS WASTE Waste that is not classified as hazardous waste. FOOD MIXED WITH OTHER WASTE AND OTHER WASTE THAT COULD PRODUCE ODOUR OR CUTTING Waste consisting of food mixed with other waste, and other waste that could INJURIES produce odour and cutting injuries FOOD AND OTHER ORGANIC WASTE Waste consisting of food and other organic waste PAPER WASTE Waste consisting of paper, such as newsprints, magazines, office papers etc. WOODWORK WASTE Waste consisting of woodwork, such as pallets and boards etc. HOSED CLEAR AND TINTED GLASS Waste consisting of clear and/or tinted glass which has been hosed. PLASTIC WASTE Waste consisting of plastic objects. ELECTRONIC WASTE Waste consisting of any equipment that needs electric power to function. RESIDUAL WASTE Waste consisting of what is not classified as recyclable or hazardous waste. METAL WASTE Waste consisting of metal, such as containers, pipes, scrap metal, wire, etc.</p><p>WASTE An object, substance, or material deemed disposable. </p><p>Side 11 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>NORWEGIAN WASTE CODE CLASS A class of the substances classified by a NORSAS code number </p><p>Xylene is a generic term for a group of three benzene derivatives which en- compasses ortho- (o-xylene), meta- (m-xylene), and para- (p-xylene) isomers XYLENE of dimethyl benzene. 16 EPA-PAH Must be defined EPA Must be defined ALKYLPHENOL Phenol combined with an alkyl group (CnH2n+1) 17-M-NAPHTHALENE DIBENZOTHIOPHENE Must be defined A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of naphthalene with an olefine ACENAPHTHYLENE bridge connecting positions 1 and 8. BENZO[A]ANTHRACENE (C20H12), a five-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE Must be defined BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Must be defined BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Must be defined INDENO(1,2,3-C,D)PYRENE Must be defined DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE Must be defined PERYLENE Must be defined PROPIONIC ACID A carboxylic acid with chemical formula C3H6O2. A carboxylic acid with chemical formula C4H8O2. Also known as butyric BUTANOIC ACID acid. A carboxylic acid with chemical formula C5H10O2. Also known as valeric PENTANOIC ACID acid.</p><p>Side 12 24.9.2009 Review of Results From EW Project Project Report</p><p>An unspecific mixture of several cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl carboxylic acids with molecular weight of 120 to well over 700 au. The main fraction is car- NAPHTHENIC ACID boxylic acids with a carbon backbone of 9 to 20 carbons.</p><p>Side 13 24.9.2009</p>
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