<p> VIAAA POP MANUAL</p><p>(Updated 4/17/2012)</p><p>Table of Contents Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Table of Contents Page 2 Policies-Operations-Procedures Manual</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>This document, known as the VIAAA Policies-Operations-Procedures Manual (POP Manual), has been developed to act as a guide for members of the Board of Directors. It is the hope of the VIAAA that this manual will answer any and all questions concerning the organization.</p><p>FOREWARD</p><p>The VIAAA Board of Directors main functions include planning, policy making, and implementation of Annual Meeting responsibilities, executive and managerial functions, and appraisal, consideration, or evaluation in the best interest of the total membership.</p><p>In making plans, policies and procedures to harmonize with the VIAAA By-laws, this manual will provide guidance and direction to the Board of Directors and others who are charged with fulfilling the purposes of the Association.</p><p>The VIAAA By-laws and the actions of the Legislative Council place specific administrative and managerial responsibilities on the Board of Directors, as well as on the legislative, administrative, and managerial process of the membership.</p><p>Preface Page 3 HISTORY OF THE VIAAA</p><p>The Virginia High School League (VHSL) is the state service and administrative organization of public high school athletics and activities. The object of the League is to foster among its member schools a broad program of supervised competitions and desirable school activities as an aid in the total education of students.</p><p>In 1968, Earl Gillespie, who was then Assistant Executive Secretary of the VHSL, had the wisdom and foresight to involve a group of athletic directors to assist him in planning and conducting the first Virginia High School Athletic Directors Conference. The primary purpose of this and subsequent conferences sponsored by the League was to promote the progression, growth and image of interscholastic athletic administrators, and to secure greater involvement of athletic directors in the planning and implementation of all phases of the League’s athletic program.</p><p>The following athletic directors were on Mr. Gillespie’s planning committee for the first conference held in March 1968: George Graybill, Patrick Henry High School, Roanoke; Andrew Landis, Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth; Hunter Maddex, Handley High School, Winchester; and John Youngblood, Washington-Lee High School, Arlington. These athletic directors, and Mr. Gillespie were the sole presenters on the conference program.</p><p>The annual conferences of high school athletics, coordinated by Mr. Gillespie from 1968-73, were held in conjunction with the March VHSL Group Boards and Legislative Council Meetings, and the state basketball tournaments. The conference sessions were held at University Hall, University of Virginia. The 1968 through 1972 conference sessions were held on Friday and Saturday mornings. As many presentations as possible were added to the 1969-1972 conference programs.</p><p>The reaction to the initial conference program by the attendees in 1968 was very satisfying and rewarding. As a result, there was increased interest and involvement of athletic directors in subsequent conferences sponsored by the League.</p><p>As the attendees at the annual conference exchanged ideas and current practices concerning the organization and administration of athletics at the school, district, regional and state levels, considerable interest developed in forming a state professional organization for high school athletic directors. In 1972, Mr. Gillespie appointed a committee to develop a constitution and by-laws for a state athletic directors association and an officers nominating committee. These committees held meetings in the Fall of 1972. Earl Gillespie held a meeting in January 1973 with eight athletic directors to make plans for the formation of the Virginia State High School Athletic Directors Association (VSHSADA), and to develop a program for the March athletic directors conference. The committee reviewed the report of the Constitution Committee and approved it after making one revision. The committee also reviewed and approved the report of the Officers Nominating Committee. The committee then expanded the conference program with the first session commencing on Thursday afternoon. Sessions were also held on Friday and Saturday mornings as usual.</p><p>VIAAA History Page 4 The athletic directors in attendance at the January 1973 meeting were Willie Barnett, Lane High School, Charlottesville; Jack Daniels, Hopewell High School; Ken French, William Fleming High School, Roanoke; Charles Harkins, Marion High School, Marion; Mason Lockridge, Luray High School, Luray; Dick Lotts, Waynesboro High School, Waynesboro; Fred Street, Maury High School, Norfolk; and John Youngblood, Washington-lee High School, Arlington.</p><p>In February 1973, a meeting was held with Mr. Gillespie to finalize plans for the March conference. The Officers Nominating Committee reported that the athletic directors being placed in nomination were: Mason Lockridge, Luray High School; Larry Pence, Turner Ashby High School; John Youngblood, Washington-Lee High School.</p><p>On Thursday, March 8, 1973, at the opening session of the athletic directors conference, the VSHSADA was founded. The attendees adopted the proposed constitution and By-laws for the Association and the slate of officers submitted by the Officers Nominating Committee.</p><p>The first officers of the Association, elected for two-year terms, were: President – John Youngblood, Washington-Lee High School; Vice-President – Larry Pence, Turner Ashby High School; and Secretary- Treasurer – Mason Lockridge, Luray High School.</p><p>The Association Executive Committee was comprised of the officers and 12 representatives. The first regional representatives, elected for four-year terms, are listed below:</p><p>GROUP A GROUP AA GROUP AAA (Region A) (Region I) (Central Region) Bob Fraser Brent Vann Jack Daniels West Point H.S. John Yeates H.S. Hopewell H.S.</p><p>(Region B) (Region II) (Eastern Region) Russell Douglas George Spaulding Jerry Turley Goochland H.S. Bowling Green H.S. Denbigh H.S.</p><p>(Region C) (Region III) (Northern Region) Albert McCown Bunker Hill Jim England Parry McCluer H.S. Brookville H.S. Robert E. Lee H.S.</p><p>(Region D) (Region IV) (Northwest Region) Jim Dotson Charlie Harkins Ken French J.I. Burton H.S. Marion H.S. William Fleming H.S.</p><p>Earl Gillespie, VHSL, was appointed to serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.</p><p>In the first year of the Association, 1973-74, there were 183 members. The first Association newsletter, “The Virginia Athletic Director,” was published in November 1973. The newsletters published in the 1973-74 school year were sponsored by the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Washington D.C.</p><p>VIAAA History Page 5 Each year since the founding of the VSHSADA, the Association has experienced increased growth and acceptance as a viable, informative, and accessible professional organization. The VSHSADA, a partner in athletic administration with the VHSL, will be forever grateful for the role of the League staff, particularly Earl Gillespie, in the establishment of the VSHSADA.</p><p>The VSHSADA membership on April 1, 1995, voted at the annual business meeting to change the association name to the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA).</p><p>In 1998, Independent schools and middle schools were included in the membership of the VIAAA and representatives were selected. These groups selected representatives that are members of the Board of Directors.</p><p>VIAAA BY-LAWS</p><p>Series 1 – By-Laws</p><p>ARTICLE 1 – NAME The name of this Corporation shall be the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association.</p><p>ARTICLE 2 – PURPOSES The purposes of this Corporation shall be: To promote high standards of achievement and ethics in interscholastic athletics; To promote better public relations and sportsmanship between schools; To provide for an exchange of ideas and a better understanding of the administration of high school athletics; To cooperate, assist, and promote all activities of the Virginia High School Coaches Association (VHSCA); To cooperate, assist, and promote all activities of the Virginia High School League (VHSL); To conduct educational conferences, seminars and lectures; To conduct scholarships to students on the basis of financial and/or scholastic ability; To conduct district, regional and state interscholastic athletics throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.</p><p>ARTICLE 3 – FINANCES (Limitations and Restrictions)</p><p>VIAAA History Page 6 The Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) is organized exclusively for the educational and charitable purposes, within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code.</p><p>ARTICLE IV – FINANCIAL DISSOLUTION Upon dissolution of the Corporation, assets shall be distributed to one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the city or county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.</p><p>ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP (Dual Active Membership)</p><p>Membership categories: Active, Lifetime, Honorary and Retired Active Membership (Dual NIAAA and VIAAA) – Available to anyone who meets the criteria as stated below. Each active member shall receive all current benefits and services of the VIAAA and be entitled to one vote. Criteria for Active Membership Active membership of this Association is open to all senior high school/middle school, athletic administrators, assistant athletic administrators, coordinators of athletics for school systems, whose high schools are members of the VHSL or independent schools that are in good standing with the League. Also included are activities directors who serve as athletic administrators. Each active member shall receive all current benefits and services of the VIAAA and be entitled to one vote at any membership meeting. Lifetime Member – Lifetime is an option available to any active member or anyone who is qualified for active membership. This one-time fee is good for the lifetime of the member and automatically converts to Retired membership by approval of the Board of Directors. The</p><p>VIAAA History Page 7 Immediate Past President shall be designated as a member of the Corporation for life. All Past Presidents are granted all the voting rights of an active member for life. Honorary Member – Those persons nominated and approved by the Board of Directors shall be eligible for Honorary Membership. Retired Member – Retired membership is open to any retired person who has been an active member of this Association for eight years. Retired members receive all benefits and services, except insurance, afforded an active member, including opportunities to serve on committees, but may not vote or be elected to office. Athletic administrators with less than eight years in the VIAAA may be granted retired status by approval of the Board of Directors. Voting Rights: Active Members and Lifetime Members shall have the right to vote, as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) VOTE. Honorary Members and Retired Members shall not have the right to vote. Annual Meeting: The Corporation shall hold its annual meeting for members at its Annual Conference in March or April each year at a time designated by the President. Special Meetings of Members: Special meetings of members may be held at any time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. A special meeting may be called by the Board if requested by ten or more members in writing. The Secretary shall take reasonable efforts to notify the membership of the special meeting. Quorum for Members: One-Fifth (20%) of the Active members and Lifetime members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum, when they are represented in person at the meeting. The vote of the majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the members present at a meeting, at which a quorum is present, shall be necessary for the adoption of any matter voted upon by the members. Term and Cost of Membership: Membership dues shall be established annually by the Board of Directors with all membership expiring June 30 of each year, except for Lifetime membership. Membership renewal will begin at the Annual Conference. Application for Membership: Application for membership shall be made to the Treasurer (membership chair; money sent to Treasurer) and shall be considered immediately upon acceptance of said fee. Benefits of Membership: Active and Lifetime members shall receive all current benefits and services of the VIAAA. Benefits include the Corporation’s newsletter; membership lapel pin and membership card; life insurance through NIAAA when membership application is received by September 10 of each year; discount on the registration fee for the Annual Conference; admission to district regional and State athletic events; and admission to selected college athletic activities throughout the state for membership received before August 15 of each year.</p><p>ARTICLE VI – OFFICERS, TERMS OF OFFICE, DUTIES The Officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a President-Elect, and Immediate Past President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and where elected, one or more Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, and other officers as may be established in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Article. Officers must be Active members or Lifetime Members of the Corporation. Section 1: Nominations</p><p>VIAAA History Page 8 The President-Elect: Applications and resumes must be submitted to the Immediate Past-President by October 1 each year. At their January meeting, The Past President Council votes on the recommended two (2) nominees and presents one nominee to the Board of Directors. The President-Elect succeeds to the office of President in order to retain organizational stability. Secretary and Treasurer: Candidates may be nominated by the Nominating Committee and from the floor of a regular membership meeting. Section 2: Election – Term of Office and Qualifications The president, president-elect and immediate past president shall have a one-year term. The secretary and treasurer shall serve a maximum of two three-year terms or until they resign or the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors votes them to resign. The President-Elect shall be elected by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors at the February meeting. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members at the annual meeting of members. Section 3: President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation as the Chief Executive Officer. He/she shall have the power to appoint special committees for the purpose of improving the Corporation. The President or his/her delegate representative shall represent the Corporation at all Virginia High School League organizational meetings arranged by the VHSL Executive Director. Section 4: President Elect – The President-Elect in the absence of the President, or in the event of his death, inability or refusal to act, shall perform the duties of President. He/she shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors. He/she shall chair the committee to nominate candidates for Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Representatives. He/she shall be responsible for displaying the VIAAA’s banner at all official meetings of the Corporation. He/she shall review the Policies and Procedures Manual (P.OP.) annually with the P.O.P. Liaison. Section 5: Secretary – The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of all Board of Directors (and officers meetings) and Membership meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for the release of publicity concerning the Corporation; update the P.OP Manual when necessary and distribute changes at the next Board of Directors meeting. Section 6: Treasurer – The treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of the Corporation and deposit them in the bank or banks that may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall make decisions on the procedures necessary to maintain accurate records of the transactions of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the transfer of all money to his successor; promptly write and issue checks for approved payments; send all membership information, as of October 1, to the Corporation’s contracted life insurance company; and give financial reports at each Board of Directors meeting. The Treasurer will prepare a budget for the next fiscal year at the February Board meeting for adjustments before it is voted on by the membership at the annual membership meeting. Section 7: Immediate Past-President - The Immediate Past-President is responsible for securing nominations for AD of the year awards from the regions and Independent Schools, and sending those nominations to the Past-President Council by mid-December. The Immediate-Immediate Past President shall preside over the Past presidents meeting in February. Section 8: VIAAA Executive Director - The Executive Director is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors appointed by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director serves a three year term of office. The duties of the position would be assigned by the Officers and approved by the</p><p>VIAAA History Page 9 Board. An annual written evaluation of the Director would be conducted by the Officers and approved by the Board of Directors. The annual evaluation would review work performance and compensation. Job Description: The position of Executive Director will coordinate the annual conference; solicit new corporate sponsorships and new exhibitors and chair the exhibitors at the annual conference. He/she reports to the VIAAA officers and Board of Directors. He/she presents reports to the Board at all meetings but is a non-voting member of the Board. Compensation: Up to $100 will be paid to the Executive Director for monthly expenses. Additionally, a 20% commission will be paid annually over the life of the contract of all new corporate sponsor money, new exhibitors for the annal conference, and in kind support secured by the Executive Director for the VIAAA. The Executive Director will be compensated to attend and represent the VIAAA at all functions of the National Executive Directors Council*. Each year the compensation will be reviewed by the Officers and a recommendation will be submitted to the Board for approval. *For the sake of clarification, the Executive Director will be compensated to attend and represent the VIAAA for three Conferences; the NIAAA Conference, the VIAAA Conference, and the Executive Director’s Conference. Qualifications: Applicants for the position must have a CAA Certification and a minimum of five years experience on the VIAAA Board of Directors. An application form must be completed by the deadline date (May 1). An interview committee of VIAAA officers and At-Large Representatives of the Board will conduct a personal interview with each candidate. A recommendation will be made and the final selection will be made by the Board of Directors. The candidate will begin his/her term on July 1.</p><p>ARTICLE VII – BOARD OF DIRECTORS</p><p>The Directors will include the executive officers of this Corporation, President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate-Past-President and Executive Director. Representation will consist of sixteen Regional Representatives, one from each region of the three VHSL classifications (A, AA, AAA) and one from each of the four independent school regions; four Delegates-At-Large, one from each VHSL classification (A, AA, AAA) and one from independent schools; and all active Past-Presidents. All must be members of the Corporation. All active Past- Presidents will also be given a vote. Meetings: The Board of Directors may convene at the request of the President.</p><p>ARTICLE VIII – ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to order Roll Call Announcements Reading and adoption of the Minutes</p><p>VIAAA History Page 10 Reading and adoption of the Treasurer’s Report Past-President’s Report Committee Reports Unfinished Business New Business Adjournment</p><p>ARTICLE IX – PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Robert’s Rules of Order shall be observed.</p><p>ARTICLE X – TERMS OF DIRECTORS</p><p>Regional Representatives (Directors) Nomination – Regional Directors may be nominated by the Virginia Interscholastic Administrators Association members in their region. They may also be nominated from the floor at the Annual meeting. Each nominee must be from a school within the region from which he/she is nominated to represent. Regional Directors shall be elected by a majority of the voting members present at an Annual meeting. Term of Regional Directors – Each Regional Representative’s (Director’s) term will be four years in accordance with the following sequence:</p><p>Expiration Date Group AAA Group AA Group A Independent 2009, 13, 17 Northwestern I B Eastern 2010, 14, 18 Eastern II A Northern 2007, 11, 15 Central IV C Southwest 2008, 12, 16 Northern III D Central</p><p>In the event a Region cannot provide a Director, the Board of Directors shall have the responsibility for filling the position with an eligible person from the same classification. If an eligible person from the same classification is not available, the Board of Directors has the option of filling the position with an eligible person from a different classification. Delegate-At-Large - Delegate-At-Large shall be appointed by the President. The term of Delegate-At- Large shall run concurrently with that of the President. Absences - If a Director is absent from two successive meetings without permission granted by the President, and fails to send an alternate, such Director will be replaced by the Board of Directors. Term Transition - Newly elected or appointed officers shall take office at the conclusion of the Annual Conference and should attend the After Conference meeting. Vacancies - If any office is vacated, the officers shall appoint a person to complete the term of said office.</p><p>ARTICLE XI – COMMITTEES/LIAISONS</p><p>VIAAA History Page 11 The President may establish any committee/liaison of the VIAAA with the approval of the Board of Directors. Appointments, including chair and vice chair to committees, shall be made by the President at the recommendation of the President-Elect and after consultation with the officers. Term of service for committee chairs, vice-chairs and liaisons shall be as approved by the Board of Directors and the term rotations shall be updated and published annually by the Secretary. Section 1: Qualifications - All committee members, including the chairperson, shall be VIAAA members. Exceptions for committee membership may be made if membership includes principals, superintendents or other professional educators. Section 2: Past Presidents’ Council Membership - All Past Presidents of the Corporation shall be members of the Past Presidents’ Council. The Immediate Past President shall serve as chairperson. The duties of this council shall be to assist and advise the Board of Directors of the Corporation. In addition, the Council shall select the recipient of the Athletic Director of the Year Award and the Distinguished Service Award; and nominate individuals for the Virginia High School Hall of Fame and other awards. Council members shall be permitted to vote during Board of Directors’ meetings if they are still an active athletic administrator in Virginia.</p><p>ARTICLE XII – AMENDMENTS</p><p>Section : By-Laws – These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-Laws adopted at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (66.67%) of the Board of Directors in office. (Any changes to the By-Laws must be voted on by the membership at the annual business meeting at the state conference or special called meeting. A two-thirds majority is needed for passage.) Section 2: Submission of Amendments – Any member in good standing may submit amendments in writing to the Secretary thirty (30) days before a regular meeting or a special meeting called by the President. These shall be voted upon at the next regular meeting. Approval of amendments requires a two-thirds majority vote of the members present. Section 3: Printing of By-Laws – The By-Laws shall be updated by the Secretary and reviewed annually by the officers of the Board of Directors. Once changes have been approved by the membership at the regular business meeting, the By-laws will be updated in the P.OP. Manual and made available to all members through the A.D.mission.</p><p>VIAAA History Page 12 FINANCES OF VIAAA</p><p>Series 2 – Finances</p><p>PURPOSE The Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association is organized exclusively for professional purposes including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).</p><p>POLICY No part of the net earnings of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501 (c) (4) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation/organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).</p><p>FINANCIAL DISSOLUTION Upon dissolution of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, the Board of Directors/Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, dispose of all of the assets of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association exclusively for the purpose of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association in such a manner, or to such organization(s) organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as at the time shall qualify as an exempt organization(s) under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors/Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization(s), as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusive for such purpose.</p><p>Series 2 – Finances of VIAAA Page 13 FINANCIAL COMMITTEE</p><p>The Treasurer shall, in consultation with the officers, compose the annual budget.</p><p>FINANCIAL REPORTS</p><p>Financial reports shall be prepared by the Treasurer for each Board of Directors meeting. These reports are to be approved by the Board of Directors. A financial report shall be given at the general membership business meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference. Financial reports shall be printed in the newsletter. The chairperson of the Annual Conference shall submit a final financial report, to officers, within sixty days after the last day of the Annual Conference. The report will be presented by the Treasurer to the Board of Directors for approval in September.</p><p>PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET</p><p>The Proposed Annual Budget is developed by the finance committee and approved by the Board of Directors prior to the general business meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference. The Board of Directors shall approve any expenditure not included in the Annual Budget. In case of emergencies or time deadlines, the Board of Directors shall empower the officers to approve additional expenditures. The chairperson of the Annual Conference shall prepare a Preliminary Budget to be approved by the Board of Directors to be presented at the August-October Board of Directors meeting.</p><p>EXPENDITURES</p><p>It shall be the policy of the Board of Directors that the Treasurer shall review all invoices prior to payment. All bills and expenses paid will be submitted to the Board of Directors for their information. All authorized meeting travel expenses shall be submitted to the Treasurer on a school travel voucher and within the limits as set by the Board of Directors.</p><p>CONTRIBUTING SPONSORSHIPS</p><p>When seeking or reviewing assistance of any kind from the private or corporate sector, such assistance shall be within the purposes and philosophy of the Association as in the By-laws. Levels of Corporate Sponsorship (See Appendix H)</p><p>BUDGETS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES</p><p>Series 2 – Finances of VIAAA Page 14 Budget Requests – Any budget request by Standing Committees shall be submitted in writing by the chairperson to the Board of Directors, and shall include the amount of funds required and the particular project for which the funds will be used.</p><p>ANNUAL EXPENDITURES</p><p>The following are annual expenditures: Executive Board travel to all meetings except the Conference at a rate set by the Board of Directors. President’s room at the State Conference Executive Director and President’s travel, room, meals, and expenses to the NIAAA National Conference Travel expenses for representatives to the NIAAA Section 2 meetings and LTI State Coordinator meetings All awards for the organization President’s ring and gavel every year Travel and room for NIAAA Liaison to NIAAA Conference</p><p>AUDIT</p><p>Audits of VIAAA financial records shall be conducted every 3 years (with Treasurer term) or as necessary. Audit will be arranged by VIAAA officers.</p><p>ENDOWMENT</p><p>Endowment funds are generated by membership and conference registration fees. $5.00 from each membership and conference fee will go directly to the Endowment fund.</p><p>Series 2 – Finances of VIAAA Page 15 MEMBERSHIP</p><p>Series 3 – Membership (Dual Active Membership)</p><p>TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP There shall be four classes of membership: Active, Lifetime, Honorary, and Retired. $5.00 per membership to the endowment fund. Active (Dues $115.00 – Dual NIAAA/VIAAA Membership - $80.00 Lifetime NIAAA joining VIAAA) – Open to all senior high/middle school athletic administrators, assistant athletic administrators, coordinators of student activities whose responsibilities include athletics, and coordinators of athletics for school systems whose schools are members of the Virginia High School League or independent Schools. Lifetime (Dues $250.00 – VIAAA Only - $35.00 Lifetime VIAAA joining NIAAA) – Is an option available to any active member or anyone who is qualified for active membership. This one-time fee is good for the lifetime of the member and automatically converts to allied or retired membership with the approval of the Board of Directors regardless of years of service. The Immediate Past- President shall be designated as a member of this Association for life. Honorary (VIAAA Only) – Bestowed on individuals nominated and approved by the Board of Directors. Retired (Dues $20.00 – VIAAA Only) – Open to any retired member from education who has been an active member of the Association for eight year. Allied (Dues $20.00 – is for individuals who are not in athletic administration and who would like to support the VIAAA and Lifetime members who are no longer involved in athletic administration but have not retired.</p><p>TERM OF MEMBERSHIP</p><p>Membership dues – Membership dues shall be established annually by the Board of Directors. The term of membership begins July 1 or upon acceptance of application by Association when application is submitted after July 1, and expires June 30 of each year. Renewal – Membership will begin at the Annual VIAAA Conference and not be accepted after March 1 of the membership year. Applications – Application for membership shall be made to Membership Committee. Membership applications are accepted up until February 1 for the current membership term. Applications received after February 1 will be considered for membership for the next term beginning on July 1. </p><p>ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS</p><p>Personal</p><p>Series 3 – Membership Page 16 An opportunity to participate and have a voice in a professional organization whose activities are directed exclusively to athletic administration. A chance to contribute ideas, energies and areas of expertise to the VIAAA. Professional Services Receive A.D.mission, a newsletter written by and for athletic administrators in the state. The newsletter is published a minimum of three times annually. Membership card. An Annual Conference to promote professional growth and development. Other Active Benefits Insurance Benefits – $10,000 of accidental death and dismemberment (24 hour coverage). Coverage effective October 1 through September 30. Discount on the registration fee for the Annual Conference. Admission to district, regional and state athletic contests. Districts and Regions must approve. Admission to selected college athletic activities throughout the state.</p><p>Series 3 – Membership Page 17 OFFICERS</p><p>OFFICER NOMINATION PROCEDURE</p><p>All upcoming openings will be announced at the VIAAA Annual Conference Sectional meetings (one year in advance). Vacancies will be announced in the A.D.mission. Applications will be due by January 15. President-Elect applications are due by October 1 and will go to the Immediate Past-President. All other applications will go to the President-Elect. The January meeting minutes will announce all candidates to the membership. The officers will nominate a slate for all offices except President-Elect. Applications for the office of President-Elect must be submitted to the Immediate Past President by October 1 of each year. At its January meeting, the Past President’s Council votes on the applicants for President-Elect and presents one nominee to the Board of Directors. The Board shall affirm the Past President Council’s recommendation of President-Elect by a majority vote at its January meeting The final slate of officers and the President-Elect will be presented at the pre-conference Board of Directors meeting and at the Conference Sectional meetings.</p><p>VOTING FOR OFFICERS</p><p>The election of officers (excluding the President and President-Elect) will be voted on by the Association’s membership during the business meeting at the Annual Conference. The President-Elect will conduct the voting. If any office is vacated, the officers shall appoint a person to complete the term of said office. The office of President will be filled by the President-Elect.</p><p>OFFICER VOTE Officers shall have one vote on all matters concerning the Association.</p><p>TERMS OF OFFICE</p><p>Beginning of Term – The term of office for newly elected or appointed officers shall take place at the conclusion of the Annual Conference except for the position of Treasurer which, for transitional purposes, begins on July1. For additional appointees by the Board of Directors, their terms may commence immediately upon approval. Length of Term of Office One-year Terms – President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Delegate-At-Large No Term Limits – Secretary, Treasurer Four-year Terms – Regional Representatives</p><p>Series 4 –Officers Page 18 Filling Vacated Positions – Term expiration dates will remain constant regardless of when the appointment takes place.</p><p>OFFICERS</p><p>President Nomination – The President shall be nominated as President-Elect for one year before taking office. Election – The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President in order to retain organizational stability. Term – The President shall serve a one-year term and may serve more than one non-concurrent term. Term Expiration – Upon completion of a one-year term, the President shall serve in an advisory capacity as Past President for one year. Job Description – Shall preside at all meetings of the Association as the Chief Executive Officer. Duties Shall have the power to appoint special committees for the purpose of improving the Association. Shall represent, or assign a delegate to represent, the Association at all VHSL meetings. Shall represent, or assign a delegate to represent, the Association at other times when requested or needed. Shall appoint Delegates-At-Large. Shall be responsible for meeting the deadlines for submitting state nominees and other matters to the VHSL and the NIAAA. Shall notify or delegate the responsibility for notifying the involved members of all meetings prior to the actual meeting time and place. Time-lines (See President’s Time-line in the Appendix) Outgoing President President’s Ring – The official President’s ring will be awarded at the Annual Conference to the outgoing President by the Immediate Past President. President-Elect Nomination Interested candidates shall submit their resume and application to the Immediate Past President according to the approved published timeline to be considered for the office of President- Elect. The Past-President’s Council shall recommend 1 nominee for President-Elect to the Board of Directors for approval. Election – The President-Elect shall be confirmed by a majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors present at a regular meeting. Term – The term of the President-Elect for one year the candidate will become President. Term Expiration – After serving as President-Elect for one year, the candidate will become President. Job Description – Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to act. Duties Shall assist the President in any matters deemed necessary. Shall attend VHSL meetings upon request. Shall become President after the current President completes his/her term. Shall receive applications from candidates for Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Representative. Shall make appropriate contacts to solicit nominees for Regional Representatives. Shall meet with and report to the Board of Directors concerning the nominees for office. Shall be responsible for displaying the VIAAA banner at all official meetings of the Association.</p><p>Series 4 –Officers Page 19 Shall review the P.O.P. Manual annually with the P.O.P. Liaison. The President-Elect shall take office following the Annual Conference. The President-Elect shall receive the gavel during the Annual Conference. Time-lines (See Time-line in the Appendix) Secretary Nomination - Candidates for Secretary shall be nominated by the VIAAA Officers and from the floor of a regular meeting. Election - Shall be elected by a majority of the voting members present at a regular meeting. Term - There are no term limits for the office of Secretary. Job Description - The Secretary is directed by the Board of Directors to officially act as the corresponding Secretary of the VIAAA. Duties Shall be responsible for the release of publicity concerning the Association. Shall keep an official record (minutes) of the proceedings of all meetings. Shall handle all communications on behalf of the Association. Check attendance of those present at Board of Directors meetings and send a notice to any Board member when an absence occurs and an alternate does not attend. Provide minutes of the Board of Directors meetings to the Board and membership. Maintain a current notebook with official minutes, other Board proceedings, present membership information, copy of the current By-laws, and other pertinent information. Shall meet all deadlines and effectively serve as Secretary of the Association. P.O.P. Manual Revisions – If any policies are changed it is the responsibility of the Secretary to inform the POP Manual Liaison for updating. Time-lines (See Time-line) Treasurer Nomination – Candidates for Treasurer may be nominated by the VIAAA officers and from the floor of a regular meeting. Election – Shall be elected by a majority of the voting members present at a regular meeting. Term – There are no term limits for the office of Treasurer. Job Description – The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association, keep an accurate account, and be responsible for the transfer of all records and money to his/her successor. The Treasurer is directed by the Board of Directors to officially act as Treasurer for the VIAAA and to account for all treasury funds. Duties Receive all monies of the Association. Keep an accurate account and be responsible for the transfer of all records and money to the next Treasurer. Write and issue checks for approved payments. Receive membership dues. Send all membership information as of October 1 to the VIAAA contracted life insurance company. Promptly and efficiently pay all approved bills. Receive and financially account for all incoming checks and monies as needed. Give a financial report at each Board of Directors meeting. Time-lines (See Time-line) Immediate Past-President</p><p>Series 4 –Officers Page 20 Nomination – The President will become the Immediate Past-President upon completion of his/her term. Election – This is not an elected office. Term – This position will be a one-year term. Term Expiration – The Past-President is a member of The Board for life. Job Description – The outgoing President will assume the office of Immediate Past-President following the Annual Conference. Duties The Past-Presidents shall be voting members of the Board of Directors. The Immediate Past-President shall serve as a liaison between the Past-Presidents’ Council and the Board of Directors. Shall chair the Past-Presidents’ Council Committee that will select the VIAAA Athletic Director/Administrator of the Year at the January meeting. Shall be a lifetime member of this Association immediately upon the installation of the new President. Time-lines (See Time-line)</p><p>VIAAA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR</p><p>Position – The Executive Director is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors appointed by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director serves a three-year term of office. The duties of the position would be assigned by the Officers and approved by the Board. An annual written evaluation of the Director would be conducted by the Officers and approved by the Board of Directors. The annual evaluation would review work performance and compensation. Job Description – The position of Executive Director will coordinate the Annual Conference; solicit new corporate sponsorships and new exhibitors and chair the exhibitors at the Annual Conference. He/she reports to the VIAAA officer and Board of Directors. He/she presents reports to the Board at all meetings but is a non-voting member of the Board. Compensation – Up to $125 will be paid to the Executive Director for monthly expenses. Additionally, a 25% commission will be paid annually over the life of the contract of all new and renewed corporate sponsor money, new exhibitors for the Annual Conference, and in kind support secured by the Executive Director for the VIAAA. The Executive Director will be compensated to attend and represent the VIAAA at all functions of the National Executive Directors Council. 1 Each year the compensation will be reviewed by the Officers and a recommendation will be submitted to the Board for approval. Qualifications – Applicants for the position must have a CAA Certification and a minimum of five years experience on the VIAAA Board of Directors. An application form must be completed by the deadline date (May 1). An interview committee of VIAAA officers and At-Large Representatives of the Board will conduct a personal interview with each candidate. A recommendation will be made and the final selection will be made by the Board of Directors. The candidate will begin his/her term on July 1.</p><p>1 For the sake of clarification, the Executive Director will be compensated to attend and represent the VIAAA for three conferences: the NIAAA Conference, the VIAAA Conference, and the Executive Directors’ Conference.</p><p>Series 4 –Officers Page 21 BOARD OF DIRECTORS</p><p>Series 5 – Board of Directors</p><p>BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shall be made up of the following: Elected Officers of VIAAA – President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer Immediate Past-President and the Executive Director. One Regional Representative from each VHSL and each VISAA region. One Delegates-At-Large from each VHSL and each VISAA region. One VHSL Staff Liaison shall be an ex-officio member of the Board Past-Presidents of VIAAA</p><p>NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS AND REGIONAL REPRESENTATI VES With the exception of the President, who must come from the office of President-Elect, all other officers/representatives shall be nominated by a special committee chaired by the President-Elect or nominated from the floor at a regular meeting.</p><p>DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS</p><p>Attend all Board of Directors meetings Assist President in any matter deemed necessary May convene at the request of the President Select/Confirm the following awards NIAAA Awards NIAAA State Award of Merit Nomination for NIAAA Distinguished Service Award (Inside & Outside the Field of Athletics) VIAAA Annual Awards Certificates of Appreciation Athletic Administrator of the Year – A Athletic Administrator of the Year – AA Athletic Administrator of the Year – AAA Athletic Administrator of the Year – Independent School VIAAAA Distinguished Service Award Outside the Field of Athletic Administration Inside the Field of Athletic Administration Hall of Fame Nominations Award of Excellence (not a member of the VIAAA) John C. Youngblood Lifetime Award of Excellence (member of VIAAA) Honorary Lifetime Membership (made significant contributions to the VIAAA)</p><p>Series 5 – Board of Directors Page 22 Outstanding Service Award (Inside or Outside of VIAAA) NFHS Citation Nomination</p><p>REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES</p><p>Nomination Regional Representatives shall be nominated by the VIAAA members in their region or the VIAAA Board of Directors. Each nominee must be from a school within the region from which he/she is nominated to represent. Nomination Procedure – The President-Elect shall work with the Regional Representative to assure approval by the Region’s Principals’ Council. Regional Representatives rotating off the Board should request that interested athletic directors submit their name and a letter of recommendation to the President-Elect. In the event a Region cannot provide a representative, the Board of Directors shall have the responsibility for filling the position with an eligible person from the same classification. If an eligible person from the same classification is not available, the Board of Directors has the option of filling the position with an eligible person from a different classification. Approval – Regional Representatives shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors present at a regular meeting. Term – Each Regional Representative’s term will be four years in accordance with the following sequence:</p><p>Expiration Date Group AAA Group AA Group A Independent 2013, 17 Northwestern I B Eastern 2014, 18 Eastern II A Northern 2011, 15 Central IV C Southwest 2012, 16 Northern III D Central</p><p>Duties of the Regional Representatives Serve as a liaison between the VIAAA and the athletic administrators in the representative’s region. Encourage and promote VIAAA and NIAAA membership.2 Communicate periodically with the VIAAA Chairpersons in matters relating to Association business. Attend all Board of Directors meetings or notify the President and be granted permission to miss the meeting and send an alternate. Inform their respective Regional Councils of matters pertaining to business relating to the VIAAA and the VHSL. Assist the VIAAA in all matters pertaining to the operation of the organization. Directly assist in the regularly scheduled meetings, conferences and the day-to-day operation of the VIAAA. (See time-line for additional responsibilities)</p><p>2 Any Regional Representative who obtains 100% membership in their region will receive free membership the following year.</p><p>Series 5 – Board of Directors Page 23 DELEGATE-AT-LARGE</p><p>Nomination Delegates-At-Large shall be appointed by the President for a one-year term. Filling a Position – The following criteria shall be used in the selection process: School classification Geographical location Willingness to serve Term – The term of the Delegate-At-Large shall run concurrently with that of the President. Duties Shall include all those duties and time-lines as for the Regional Representatives previously listed. Any additional assignments that may arise from the President.</p><p>GUIDELINES FOR REPRESENTATIVES</p><p>Absences – If a representative is absent from a meeting without permission granted by the President, and fails to send an alternate, such representative will be sent a letter from the President. A second absence without permission granted by the President, or sending an alternate, will result in the representative being replaced by the Board of Directors. Term Transition – Newly elected or appointed representatives shall take position the following July 1. Vacancies – If any office is vacated, the officers shall appoint a person to complete the term of said office.</p><p>VHSL REPRESENTATIVE</p><p>Nomination – The VHSL Representative shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. Duties Assist in the joint work of the VHSL and the VIAAA and to assist in the coordination between the two organizations. Report the proposed pending legislation and action of the VHSL Executive Committee and other VHSL committees. Foster better relationships between the League staff, the VIAAA and the individual member schools and their respective programs.</p><p>VOTING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS</p><p>Voting members of the Board of Directors are: Association President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-Presidents, 16 Regional Representatives, and four Delegates-At-Large. Non-voting members shall be: Executive Director, one VHSL staff representative, Committee Chairpersons and any other appointed or invited guests.</p><p>Series 5 – Board of Directors Page 24 COMMITTEES AND LIAISONS</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons</p><p>COMMITTEES OF VIAAA The following are committees and liaisons as determined by the VIAAA By-laws. Name of Standing Committees Awards Conference Review Exhibitors Leadership Training Membership NIAAA Liaison Past Presidents Council P.O.P. Manual Professional Development Public Relations Publications Scholarship Special Ad Hoc Committees (as needed) Technology Ways and Means</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS FOR SERVING ON A COMMITTEE OR AS A LIAISON</p><p>All committee members and liaisons, including the chairperson, shall be VIAAA members (Exceptions for committee membership may be made if members include principals, superintendents or other professional educators). Where it is practical, committee membership should have a cross section of representation from state classifications and Regions.</p><p>COMPOSITION OF COMMITTEES/LIAISON</p><p>Appointments to these committees or liaisons shall be made by application or by the President after consultation with the President-Elect. Committee size will be determined by the President and chairperson after consultation with the Board of Directors.</p><p>EXPENSES</p><p>Committee members shall be responsible for their expenses at the Annual Conference.</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 25 The VIAAA will pay travel expenses, at a rate set by the Board of Directors, for committee members and liaisons when they attend Board of Directors meetings. Funds for committee projects and materials, such as awards, shall be authorized by the Board of Directors.</p><p>MEETINGS</p><p>Each committee will meet at the discretion of the chairperson and at the convenience of the members. The chairpersons or liaisons will be requested to submit a report to the President-Elect at the Annual Conference and periodically to the Board of Directors.</p><p>TERM</p><p>Terms are decided by the Board of Directors and published annually by the Secretary. Members may be reappointed. Members who are unwilling or unable to fulfill their duties may be replaced by the President.</p><p>DESCRIPTION OF COMMITTEES</p><p>Awards Committee Statement of Purpose – The committee exists to recognize and award individuals in and outside the field of athletic administration for their contributions to athletics. Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Supervise the administration of the awards process from nomination to selection. Meet with and report to the Board of Directors. Develop nomination forms consistent with requirements established by the Board of Directors. Maintain a record of nominees and recipients for Board of Directors and web page. Notify award recipients and arrange for their attendance at the Conference. Supervise the presentation of awards at the Annual State Conference. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Appropriately advertise the awards, the criteria for each, and solicit award nominations. Establish time-lines for submitting award nominations. Recommend award recipients to the Board of Directors. Assist the chairperson in the maintenance of records. Types of Awards for which the Committee is responsible NIAAA Awards (in consultation with the NIAAA Liaison) VIAAA Annual Awards VIAAA Special Awards Exhibitor Liaison Statement of Purpose – To encourage businesses from across the state to exhibit at our Annual Conference. Job Description – The liaison should work closely each year with the current Conference Exhibitor Chairperson. Liaison Responsibilities – The liaison shall:</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 26 Keep a current mailing list of all exhibitors. Mail the first Conference mailing to all exhibitors and charge it to the VIAAA (not the host committee). Membership Committee Statement of Purpose – The membership committee shall encourage and promote VIAAA membership by emphasizing benefits and services of the Association. Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Develop the current membership percentage from each region by using the master membership list. This should be reported to the Board of Directors at each meeting. Work with Regional Representatives to develop a plan of action to contact and solicit membership of all state athletic administrators through District Representatives. Send membership cards to all members ($5.00 for replacement cards). Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Encourage membership from each region by making a personal contact to each non-joining member. Work with Regional Representatives to encourage 100% membership from each area of the state. Encourage independent school membership and middle school memberships. NIAAA Liaison Statement of Purpose – To have one person consistently communicate with the NIAAA Board of Directors. Job Description of Liaison – The Liaison shall: Communicate on a regular basis with the NIAAA. Report the current number of NIAAA members at each Board meeting. Oversee the NIAAA Emergency Network within the state. Report NIAAA information to the A.D.mission. Submit CAA test schedule and sites. Attend the Section 2 meeting. Attend the NIAAA Conference and NIAAA Liaison meeting. Oversee all NIAAA/NFHS Award nominations and selections. Ensure VIAAA membership to NIAAA. Professional Development Statement of Purpose – To administer the professional development programs of the VIAAA and NIAAA. Job Description and Chairperson – To supervise professional development programs for the membership. Committee Responsibilities To supervise the Annual Conference Leadership activity. To develop curriculum and facilitate the New Athletic Director’s Workshop. To oversee the NIAAA Certification programs. To supervise other professional development programs requested by the Board of Directors. To update membership on current issues pertaining to athletic administration.. Note: All members whose LTI 790 instructor’s fee is paid by the VIAAA are obligated to teach for 2 years. The following reimbursements will be given for professional certifications RAA - $37.50 CAA - $75.00 CMAA - $125.00 Leadership Training Committee Statement of Purpose – To administer the NIAAA Leadership Training Institute curriculum.</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 27 Job Description of Chairperson – To ensure LTI courses are available in sufficient quantity and variety and to support LTI instructors in the delivery of courses. Committee Responsibilities To survey membership and develop an annual calendar of LTI offerings based on the results of survey. To encourage the development of additional LTI instructors and maintain a current list of courses they are eligible to teach. In consultation with the officers develop a proposed schedule of LTI offerings to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. To assist the officers in the administration of Out-Reach and Out-Teach programs. Public Relations Committee Statement of Purpose – To keep the Board of Directors abreast of political situations that could affect the interscholastic athletic programs in Virginia. Job Description of Chairperson – To report to the Board of Directors any political actions that have taken place in the state. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Keep in close contact with area Delegates. Communicate with all areas of the state to keep abreast of the current political climate. Update and display the VIAAA display board. Keep membership appraised of current issues, both politically and changes to rules, equipment and facilities.</p><p>Publications Committee Statement of Purpose – The committee is responsible for the Association newsletter and other publications that will be distributed to provide a source of communication, information, and the opportunity for professional growth and development of the membership. Duties of Chairperson – The Chairperson shall: Solicit information, articles and materials to be included in the newsletter. Coordinate production of the newsletter with a professional service to be emailed to members ` a minimum of three times per year. Meet with and report to the Board of Directors concerning the publication of the newsletter and information to be included therein. Send mailing list program to the vice chairperson to cross-check the membership list with the mailing list. The Retired Athletic Administrator should also get a mailing list from the vice chairperson. Assign the rotation and topics of professional articles for the year at the May Board of Directors meeting. Refer to the Publications Time-line for further information. E-mail the A.D.mission to principals and superintendents. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shal: Submit professional articles for the A.D.mission. Submit tips for sharing with other athletic administrators across the state. Review regional report and committee reports for items to be included in the A.D.mission. Scholarship Committee Statement of Purpose – To annually award scholarships (three Youngblood Scholarships, one Dodson Scholarship and Past President’s Scholarship). Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall:</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 28 Recommend the deadline date for scholarship applications to the Board of Directors. Update the scholarship application form as needed. Receive and review all scholarship applications with committee. Committee Responsibilities – The committee, which consists of the At-Large-Delegates, shall: Encourage students to apply for these scholarships. Meet in January to select award recipients. Prepare a news release for and notify scholarship recipients. Administer collections of pictures and make banquet arrangements for recipients and their guests (3 tickets). Greet recipients and notify them when they may leave after completion of dinner at the banquet. Ensure the scholarship winners complete forms required by Treasurer to issue payment on student’s behalf. Ways & Means Committee Statement of Purpose – The committee shall function to establish a financial program to enhance and promote the goals of the VIAAA. Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Develop a plan of action for projects and the financing of such projects. Coordinate the operation of the 50/50 raffle at the VHSL Legislative Council meetings, the Annual Conference, and Board of Directors meetings. Meet with and report to the Board of Directors. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Assist in formulating an action plan for financing projects. Help at all 50/50 raffles. Conference Review Committee Statement of Purpose – The committee shall assist current and future conference chairpersons with planning of the Annual Conference. Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Update conference planning notebook annually and distribute to all conference committee members at the conference. Coordinate conference committee meetings. Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for future Conference sites. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Meet as requested. Review all committee needs for the Annual Conference and hold at least one meeting at the Conference. Evaluate the Conference and suggest improvements for future conferences. This information should be summarized and distributed to all future conference chairs. Leadership Training Committee Statement of Purpose – The committee shall schedule LTI courses and assign instructors. Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Schedule LTI courses and assign instructors. Provide all materials and support for the instructors. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Maintain current list of qualified instructors. Solicit information for best choosing the courses to be offered each year. Technology Committee Statement of Purpose – To utilize technology to promote the VIAAA goals.</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 29 Job Description of Chairperson – The chairperson shall: Update and supervise the web page. Develop a PowerPoint presentation for Awards programs. Committee Responsibilities – The committee shall: Review and update the web page. Update the website with items as directed by the Board of Directors. P.O.P. Liaison Nomination – P.O.P. officer shall be appointed by the President with no term limitation. Shall update policy manual as needed. Report all policy changes to VIAAA webmaster. Shall maintain a master copy to be kept at the VIAAA library at the League office. Shall forward a copy of all changes to the President. Past Presidents’ Council Membership and Duties – All Past Presidents of the Association shall be members of the Past Presidents’ Council. Any Past President may serve as the chairperson. The duties of this council shall be to assist and advise the Board of Directors of the Association. Duties To assist and advise the Board of Directors. Select the recipient of the Athletic Director of the Year Award and the Distinguished Service Award. Nominate individuals for the Virginia High School Hall of Fame and other awards. The Nominating Committee for the election of President-Elect shall consist of any Past President acting as chairperson, and all Past Presidents attending the January meeting. Members of the Board of Directors eligible for nomination for President-Elect shall be notified in writing of the nominating process by the committee chairperson. Process The President-Elect position will be announced at the VIAAA Annual Conference Sectional meeting (one year in advance). The vacancy will be announced in the Fall A.D.mission. Applications will be due by October 1. President-Elect applications will go to the Immediate Past President. The Past President’s Council will review all applications and will interview the President-Elect candidates prior to the January Board meeting One nomination for President-Elect will be presented at the January Board of Director’s meeting. The Board of Directors will approve one nominee to become President-Elect, by majority vote at its January meeting. The Past Presidents’ Council will interview the President-Elect candidates at the January Board meeting. Two nominations for President-Elect will be presented at the February Board of Director’s meeting. The Board of Directors will approve one nominee to become President-Elect. Special Ad Hoc Committees Statement of Purpose – Ad Hoc committees may be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors to deal with matters not assigned to any Standing Committee or Liaison. Previous Ad Hoc Committees The Policies Operations and Procedures (POP) Manual Committee The Past Presidents’ Council was designated to compose the POP Manual (Committee appointed May, 1988).</p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 30 The officers of the Board of Directors were designated in 1994 to take over the job of reviewing the P.O.P. Manual. The President-Elect will review the P.O.P. Manual revisions with the P.O.P. Liaison annually. Committee to develop “VIAAA Position on Hiring Paraprofessional Coaches.” (The Committee, appointed in August 1982, was chaired by Larry Pence and included John Youngblood and Richard Foutz. Committee to develop “VIAAA Position on Hiring Certified Athletic Trainers.” (The Committee was appointed May 19, 1990, was chaired by Jimmy Jones, and included Jimmy Omps, Al Crow, Jon Almquist (CTA), Nancy Burke (CTA), and Mike McGee (CTA)). Committee to develop “Coaching Certification.” (The Committee was appointed January 1994, was chaired by Jeff Dietze, and included Norm Lineberg, Al Crymes and C.A. Burton). Committee to develop a “Virginia Athletic Directors Survey.” (The Committee was appointed in October 1994, was chaired by Dr. Carol Chory, and included Al Crymes, Sandy Hadaway and Randell Snow.) Committee to further develop the “Independent School Membership.” (The Committee was appointed in October, 1995, and was chaired by John Hall. Committee was charged with increasing the independent school membership and forming better lines of communication.) Committee to determine the “VIAAA Conference Format.” (The Committee was appointed in August, 1996, and was chaired by Gary Silvey. Committee was charged with determining the best format to use for the VIAAA Annual Conference.) Committee established to increase Middle school membership and involvement. Appointed in 1998. Committee members Danny Anglin and Danny Knott. Committee to expand Membership Benefits. Appointed in 2001. Committee chair Tom Dolan. Committee to expand Technology and VIAAA website. Appointed in 2001. Committee chair Donna King. Committee for Strategic Planning. Appionted in 2010. Committee chairs Scott Morris and Dick Kemper. </p><p>Series 6 – Committees and Liaisons Page 31 MEETINGS</p><p>Series 7 – Meetings</p><p>PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail in all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all regular Association business meetings. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed in lieu of the President serving in this capacity.</p><p>AGENDAS</p><p>Agenda Development Agendas shall be developed by the President. Agendas should be distributed at least one week prior to the Board meeting. Agenda Outline Call to Order Roll call and introductions Announcements Reading of the minutes Reading of the Treasurer’s Report Officers Report NIAAA/VIAAA Awards (Conference only) By-laws Legislative action VHSL Committees/Liaison reports Sectional meeting report (Conference only) Unfinished Business New Business Adjournment</p><p>MEETINGS</p><p>Required A minimum of one regular business meeting shall be held each year during the Annual Conference. All regular meetings shall be called by the President with approval of the Board of Directors. Special meetings – Special meetings or workshops may be called by the President, subject to approval by the officers. Quorum – A quorum of one-fifth of the voting membership shall be required to conduct the business of the Association. Meeting minutes – All minutes will be mailed out with VHSL mailings to every school in the state and distributed to Board of Directors in a timely manner.</p><p>Series 7 – Meetings Page 32 TRAVEL EXPENSES</p><p>Board of Directors meetings – Members of the Board of Directors will be reimbursed for travel expenses to scheduled meetings. Reimbursements will be made by the Association’s Treasurer upon receipt of official travel mileage. VIAAA Conference – There is no travel reimbursement for the Annual VIAAA Conference. Special Assignments – The President may make special assignments and authorize payment of any reasonable expenses incurred. The President may receive some additional financial support from the Association for National Federation Conference attendance. All authorized meeting travel expenses shall be submitted to the Treasurer on a travel voucher and within the limits as set by the Board of Directors. All LTC and Section II (NIAAA) meeting expenses will be reimbursed with Board of Directors approval.</p><p>MEETING DATES The Board should meet before VHSL Executive Committee Meetings. September – Charlottesville – VHSL Headquarters November – Charlottesville – VHSL Headquarters January – Charlottesville – VHSL Headquarters February – site varies – Officers, Executive Director, Conference personnel March/April – Annual Conference Site May – Charlottesville – VHSL Headquarters</p><p>Series 7 – Meetings Page 33 ENDORSEMENTS</p><p>Series 8 – Endorsements</p><p>POLICY</p><p>The VIAAA shall not endorse an individual, group or organization outside the membership. Forms of recognition such as certificates or plaques for contributing membership or corporate sponsorship shall not be considered an endorsement of a particular product, since such recognition is a result of direct support of the VIAAA. Contributing memberships shall not detract or cause VIAAA to lose sight of the purposes of the Association as stated in the By-laws. The VIAAA shall not endorse one commercial athletic product over another. VIAAA Corporate Partnerships that support the VIAAA are permitted.</p><p>Series 8 – Endorsements Page 34 VHSL</p><p>Series 9 – VHSL</p><p>VIAAA AND VHSL RELATIONSHIP</p><p>As a service to the VHSL, the VIAAA provides Recommendations for three members to serve on the VHSL Executive Committee. Advice on the latest trends and/or problems in interscholastic activities. Recommendations on proposed VHSL legislation. Directors for most VHSL District, Regional and State culminating events. Assistance in preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the curricula of VHSL member schools. Nominations or recommendations of nominees for the Virginia High School Hall of Fame. As a service to the VIAAA, the VHSL provides A staff liaison to serve as an ex-officio member of the VIAAA Board of Directors. Reports proposed legislation and action of the VHSL Executive Committee and reports of other League committees that pertain to interscholastic activities. Staff members to serve as speakers for the Annual Conference, and special school, district and regional activities. Distributes information on membership, Annual Conference, nomination forms for special VIAAA awards, the National Federation’s Conference of High School Directors of Athletics, and other special requests. Mailing of VIAAA and NIAAA membership invitations and other printed materials to all VHSL member schools. Nominations of members for national honors and/or committee appointments by the National Federation. Publicity in THE LEAGUER for members who are recipients of State and/or National Awards. The opportunity to conduct a 50-50 raffle at the League’s fall and spring meetings. Listing in the VHSL DIRECTORY as the recognized state association for athletic administrators. Acceptance of current membership card for admission to VHSL State events.</p><p>VHSL LIAISON</p><p>Statement of Purpose – To have one VHSL staff liaison to serve as an ex-officio member of the VIAAA Board of Directors. Job Description Reports proposed legislation and action of the VHSL Executive Committee. Informs the Board of Directors of other committee reports that pertain to interscholastic activities.</p><p>LEGISLATIVE ACTION (Representatives to VHSL Executive Committee)</p><p>Statement of Purpose – Represent VIAAA on the VHSL Executive Committee.</p><p>Series 9 – VHSL Page 35 Job Description – Recommendations will be made by the Board of Directors of who should serve on the VHSL Executive Committee using the following rotations: The Region representative currently appointed to the VIAAA Executive Committee Representative according to the VHSL Executive Committee Representation Plan. Executive Committee members must attend all VIAAA and VHSL meetings or be removed from all their responsibilities. If Executive Committee members cannot attend an Executive Committee meeting due to extenuating circumstances, the President, if possible, will appoint a former Executive Committee member of the same classification to represent the VIAAA. If a former Executive Committee member is not available, the officers will select an alternate from the same classification. VIAAA VHSL Executive Committee Representation Plan All Executive Committee members will serve a three-year term. Rotation Schedule 2006-2009 – Region C 2007-2010 – Region I 2008-2011 – Northern Region 2009-2012 – Region B 2010-2013 – Region II 2011-2014 – Northwest Region 2012-2015 – Region A 2013-2016 – Region III 2014-2017 – Eastern Region 2015-2018 – Region D 2016-2019 – Region IV 2017-2020 – Central Region The representatives shall report to the Association’s Board of Directors on proposed VHSL legislation. They shall also represent VIAAA positions before the VHSL Executive Committee. All VIAAA Executive Committee members will vote as follows: All three votes, representative of the majority vote of the Board of Directors, will be cast by the VIAAA Executive Committee representatives at VHSL Executive Committee meetings.</p><p>Series 9 – VHSL Page 36</p>
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