<p>Date</p><p>UNITED STATES ARMY SOLDIER SUPPORT INSTITUTE</p><p>ADJUTANT GENERAL SCHOOL</p><p>EMPLOY THE DEPLOYED THEATER ACCOUNTABILITY SOFTWARE (DTAS) Version 3.3 CAPABILITIES</p><p>PRACTICAL EXERCISE 2 STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>OBJECTIVE: This practical exercise measures your knowledge of the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) capabilities. </p><p>MATERIALS REQUIRED:</p><p>1. Pen/Pencil & Paper. 2. DTAS Users Guide. 3. Laptop 4. DTAS Software</p><p>INSTRUCTIONS:</p><p>1. This is an automated Practical Exercise in which students make entries to the DTAS training database located on the student computer desktop.</p><p>2. ALL WORK ON THIS PRACTICAL EXERCISE IS YOUR OWN. However, you may communicate with the instructor and other students to obtain assistance or share practical experience and information about DTAS. </p><p>3. The Practical Exercise will last one hour. </p><p>4. Scenario. You are the S-1 for the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 25th Infantry Division in Iraq. There is an Intra-theater APOD in your BCT’s area of responsibility. Subordinate commanders and battalion staff officers contact you regularly concerning specific situations regarding DTAS. You are aware of the critical importance of DTAS to your Brigade’s mission. As the Brigade's expert in DTAS, you are responsible for insuring that your BCT’s DTAS Mobile System is updated.</p><p>3 Mobile System – Practical Exercises</p><p>MOBILE SYSTEM PE 001 – Add Personnel______4 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 002 – Add Personnel______5 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 003 – Add Personnel______6 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 004 – Mass Add______7 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 005 – Mass Add______8 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 006 – Update Personnel______9 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 007 – Update Personnel______10 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 008 – Update Personnel______11 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 009 – Update Personnel______11 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 010 – Update Duty Status______12 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 011 – Update Duty Status______13 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 012 – Update Duty Status______14 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 013 – Update Duty Status______15 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 014 – Update Duty Status______16 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 015 – Update DUIC______17 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 016 – Delete Person______19 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 017 – View Report______19 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 018 – View Report______20 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 019 – View Report______21 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 020 – Management______22</p><p>4 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 001 – Add Personnel (Soldier)</p><p>TASK: Add Personnel to DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: A US Army Soldier replacement just arrived to your unit and is not in your DTAS Mobile System. You have been tasked to add this individual to your DTAS Mobile System. </p><p>SSN/GUID: 999999951 Birth Date: 8 Aug 1983 Sex: Female Last Name: Lloyd First Name: Nicole Middle Name: Marie Deployed UIC: WHZQAA 0184 MI CO DET Arrival Date/Time: Today at 0444 DoD Component Code: Army Military Svc Comp Code: Reserve MOS/AOC: 92F Rank: PV1 Operation: Operation Iraqi Freedom Duty status: Present For Duty Reason: No REASON for Present For Duty Tour Status: Permanent Party Tour Status Subtype: Individual - Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Number of Days: 365 Assigned Location: Abu Ghraib, Iraq Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location</p><p>5 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 002 – Add Personnel (Civilian)</p><p>TASK: Add Personnel to DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: A DA Federal Civilian just arrived to your unit to work in the Supply section. The civilian reports to your unit and is not in your DTAS Mobile System. You have been tasked to add this individual to your DTAS Mobile System. </p><p>SSN/GUID: 999999952 Birth Date: 3 Mar 1964 Sex: Female Last Name: Powell First Name: Jeanette Middle Name: Luanne Deployed UIC: WE35AA 0025 CSBDE SUPPORT Arrival Date/Time: Today at 0616 DoD Component Code: Army Series: 2210 Pay Plan: GS Pay Grade: 05 Operation: Operation Iraqi Freedom Duty status: Present For Duty Reason: None Assigned Location: Abu Ghraib, Iraq Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location</p><p>6 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 003 – Add Personnel (Soldier)</p><p>TASK: Add Personnel to DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: A US Army Soldier replacement just arrived to your unit and is not in your DTAS Mobile System. You have been tasked to add this individual to your DTAS Mobile System. </p><p>SSN/GUID: 999999953 Birth Date: 31 Oct 1964 Sex: Male Last Name: Johnson First Name: Spaz Middle Name: Dewayne Deployed UIC: WHZQAA 0184 MI CO DET Arrival Date/Time: Today at 0822 DoD Component Code: Army Military Svc Comp Code: National Guard MOS/AOC: 13F Rank: SPC Operation: Operation Iraqi Freedom Duty status: Present For Duty Reason: None Tour Status: Mobilized TPU (m-day) Tour Status Subtype: Individual - Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Number of Days: 365 Assigned Location: Abu Ghraib, Iraq Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location</p><p>7 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 004 – Mass Add</p><p>TASK: Add Personnel to DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You have just activated your Mobile System in the deployed theater. You had the foresight to bring an eMILPO extracted file with all of your unit’s personnel records. You have been tasked to use this file to add your unit’s personnel to your DTAS Mobile System. All of the personnel on the file deployed successfully. </p><p>File Name: DTAS Mass Add eMILPO - PE004 File Location: Provided by instructor Deployed UIC: WAK5AA 020008 FA 105MM T Operation: OIF Effective Date/Time Arrived to Assigned Location: 0100 Yesterday Assigned Location: Baghdad, Iraq Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location</p><p>Question: After the task is completed, what is every person’s deployed duty status?</p><p>8 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 005 – Mass Add (USMC)</p><p>TASK: Add Personnel to DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You are a Marine unit, and you have just activated your Mobile System in the deployed theater. Fortunately, your 1SG maintained a copy of TPS TRN file that contains the manifest. You have been tasked to use this file to add your unit’s personnel to your DTAS Mobile System. All of the personnel on the file deployed successfully. </p><p>File Name: DTAS Mass Add USMC - PE005 File Location: Provided by instructor Deployed UIC: WAL099 0025 IN AUG Operation: OEF Effective Date/Time Arrived to Assigned Location: 0100 Yesterday Assigned Location: Bagram, Afghanistan Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location</p><p>9 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 006 – Update Personnel</p><p>TASK: Update personnel information for individuals in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You just realized that a person has been added to your Mobile System as the wrong Person Type. You must correct the problem, so that your PERSTAT Report counts the person correctly.</p><p>SSN: 999999952 Person Type: US Army Soldier Military Service Comp: Regular Rank: Sergeant (SGT) MOS: 63B</p><p>10 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 007 – Update Personnel</p><p>TASK: Update personnel information for individuals in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You just realized that a Soldier has been added to your Mobile System with the wrong Military Service Component. You must correct the problem, so that your PERSTAT Report counts the person correctly. </p><p>SSN: 999999951 Military Service Comp: National Guard</p><p>11 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 08 – Update Personnel</p><p>TASK: Update personnel information for individuals in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You just realized that one of the Soldiers was added to your Mobile System with an erroneous SSN. You must correct the problem, so that the Soldier gets credit for the deployment. </p><p>Erroneous SSN: 999999951 Correct SSN: 888888851</p><p>MOBILE SYSTEM PE 09 – Update Personnel</p><p>TASK: Update personnel information for individuals in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You just realized that one of the Soldiers has an incorrect initial arrival date to theater. You must correct the problem, so that the Soldier gets credit for the entire deployment time. </p><p>SSN: 888888851 Correct Date: Seven days ago Correct Time: 0801</p><p>12 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 010 – Update Duty Status</p><p>TASK: Update the deployed duty status of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: All personnel that are assigned to WAK5AA 02008 FA 105 MM T just departed on block R&R leave. You must update the duty status of every Soldier in the unit. </p><p>Date of Departure: Today Time of Departure: 0432</p><p>13 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 011 – Update Duty Status</p><p>TASK: Update the deployed duty status of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: The commander just informed you that a Soldier was shot by enemy fire. A Casualty Report has been submitted to the rear. You must update the Soldier’s duty status in DTAS. </p><p>SSN: 888888851 Date of Incident: Today Time of Incident: 0532 Physical Location of Incident: Al Asad, Iraq</p><p>14 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 012 – Update Duty Status</p><p>TASK: Update the deployed duty status of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: The commander just informed you that a Soldier died of wounds incurred by enemy fire. A Casualty Report update has been submitted to the rear. You must update the Soldier’s duty status in DTAS. </p><p>SSN: 888888851 Date of Death: Today Time of Death: 1200 Physical Location of Death: Baghdad, Iraq</p><p>15 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 013 – Update Duty Status</p><p>TASK: Update the deployed duty status of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: The commander just informed you that a Soldier who was involved in a training accident was admitted to a hospital in theater. You must update the Soldier’s duty status in DTAS. </p><p>SSN: 999999952 Date of Hospitalization: Today Time of Hospitalization: 1200 Physical Location of Hospital: Baghdad, Iraq</p><p>16 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 014 – Update Duty Status</p><p>TASK: Update the deployed duty status of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: The commander just informed you that a Soldier died of a heart attack while being treated for a training accident. You must update the Soldier’s duty status in DTAS. </p><p>SSN: 999999952 Date of Death: Today Time of Death: 1300 Physical Location of Hospital: Baghdad, Iraq</p><p>17 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 015 – Update DUIC</p><p>TASK: Update the DUIC of personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: Everyone that was added to the DUIC, WHZQAA (0184 MI CO DET), is really assigned to WAL0AA (0025 IN DIV 1 BDE). </p><p>Update each Soldier’s DUIC to correctly reflect the deployment. </p><p>18 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 016 – Delete Person</p><p>TASK: Delete personnel in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: You have identified someone in your Mobile System who never deployed. You must remove the person, so that the person does not get credit for the deployment. </p><p>SSN/GUID: 999999953</p><p>Question: What do you do in this situation if the mini-record is downloaded from Enterprise?</p><p>19 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 017 – View Report</p><p>TASK: Create reports in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: Your commander has tasked you to build a report that identifies all personnel within the organization (entire Mobile System) that are in an In-Transit status.</p><p>Question: How can you tell when someone has redeployed from theater to go on R&R leave?</p><p>20 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 018 – View Report</p><p>TASK: Create reports in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: Your commander has tasked you to produce the PERSTAT for the organization (entire Mobile System).</p><p>Question: How do you produce the PERSTAT for WATGAA and its subordinate units?</p><p>21 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 019 – View Report</p><p>TASK: Create reports in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: Your commander has tasked you to produce a roster that is sorted by MOS. The commander only wants the following data on the roster: name, rank, SSN, MOS, Secondary MOS, SQI, and ASI.</p><p>Question: How do you display Marine Corps data element labels in the Unit Roster?</p><p>22 MOBILE SYSTEM PE 020 – Management</p><p>TASK: Store unit data in DTAS</p><p>CONDITIONS: Given access to a DTAS Mobile System</p><p>STANDARDS: IAW DTAS Functional Guidance</p><p>SITUATION: Your commander has tasked you to use DTAS to track Soldiers’ weapons. So far, you have the following data:</p><p>SSN: 999999910 Weapon: 9MM SN: AJ654945643</p><p>SSN: 999999911 Weapon: M16A2 SN: 98546463</p><p>23</p>

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