Books and Monographs Published

Books and Monographs Published

<p> IV. PUBLICATIONS </p><p>Books and monographs published:</p><p>1. Guest J, Dietrich W: Therapeutic hypothermia following spinal cord trauma and ischemia in Tisherman S, Stertz F (eds): Therapeutic Hypothermia (Molecular and Cellular Biology of Critical Care Medicine), ed First. New York: Springer, 2005, p 1010-119. 2. Guest J: Biological strategies for CNS repair, in Winn H, Youmans J, Becker D (eds): Youmans neurological surgery. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2004 Vol 4, pp 4153-4179 3. Sonntag V, Guest J: Patient Selection and Timing of Surgery, in Tator C, Benzel E (eds): Contemporary Management of Spinal Cord Injury: From Impact to Rehabilitation. Park Ridge, Illinois: American Association of Neurological Surgery, 2000, p 109-123. 4. Guest J: Deafferentation pain, in Adelman G, Smith BH (eds): Encyclopedia of Neuroscience ed Second New York Elsevier, 2004, pp 737-740 5. Guest J: Spinal cord transection, in Adelman G, Smith BHS, (eds): Encyclopedia of Neuroscience ed Second New York Elsevier, 2004, pp 354- 358 6. Zwimpfer T, Guest J: Grafting of peripheral nerves and Schwann cells in the CNS to support axonal regeneration, in Windhorst U, Johansson H (eds): Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research. New York: Springer, 1999, 397-406.</p><p>Juried or refereed journal articles or exhibitions:</p><p>1. Dobkin BH, Curt A, Guest J: Cellular transplants in china: observational study from the largest human experiment in chronic spinal cord injury. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 20:5-13, 2006 2. Amador MJ, Guest JD: An appraisal of ongoing experimental procedures in human spinal cord injury. J Neurol Phys Ther 29:70-86, 2005 3. Anderson DK, Beattie M, Blesch A, Bresnahan J, Bunge M, Dietrich D, et al: Recommended guidelines for studies of human subjects with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 43:453-458, 2005 4. Casas CE, Herrera LP, Prusmack C, Ruenes G, Marcillo A, Guest JD: Effects of epidural hypothermic saline infusion on locomotor outcome and tissue preservation after moderate thoracic spinal cord contusion in rats. J Neurosurg Spine 2:308-318, 2005 5. Guest J, Herrera LP, Qian T: Rapid recovery of segmental neurological function in a tetraplegic patient following transplantation of fetal olfactory bulb-derived cells. Spinal Cord, 2005 6. Guest JD, Hiester ED, Bunge RP: Demyelination and Schwann cell responses adjacent to injury epicenter cavities following chronic human spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol 192:384-393, 2005 7. Guest JD, Silbert L, Casas CE: Use of percutaneous endoscopy to place syringopleural or cystoperitoneal cerebrospinal fluid shunts: technical note. J Neurosurg Spine 2:498-504, 2005 8. Herrera LP, Casas CE, Bates ML, Guest JD: Ultrastructural study of the primary olfactory pathway in Macaca fascicularis. J Comp Neurol 488:427- 441, 2005 9. Uribe J, Green BA, Vanni S, Moza K, Guest JD, Levi AD: Acute traumatic central cord syndrome--experience using surgical decompression with open- door expansile cervical laminoplasty. Surg Neurol 63:505-510; discussion 510, 2005 10. Casas CE, Guest JD: Percutaneous endoscopic cellular transplantation into the lower lumbar spinal cord. Neurosurgery 54:950-955; discussion 955, 2004 11. Guest JD, Vanni S, Silbert L: Mild hypothermia, blood loss and complications in elective spinal surgery. Spine J 4:130-137, 2004 12. Wang MY, Green BA, Coscarella E, Baskaya MK, Levi AD, Guest JD: Minimally invasive cervical expansile laminoplasty: an initial cadaveric study. Neurosurgery 52:370-373; discussion 373, 2003 13. Guest J, Eleraky MA, Apostolides PJ, Dickman CA, Sonntag VK: Traumatic central cord syndrome: results of surgical management. J Neurosurg 97:25- 32, 2002 14. Thoracic disc herniation presenting with transient anterior spinal artery syndrome. Case Report. (2000) JD Guest, DE Griesdale, TR Moratta. Interventional Neuroradiology 6(4): 327-331 15. Overview and selection of patients for carotid endarterectomy (1999) JD Guest. N Theodore, G Vishteh, RF Spetzler. Techniques in Neurosurgery. Vol. 1:3 pp 1-20. 16. Guest JD, Hesse D, Schnell L, Schwab ME, Bunge MB, Bunge RP: Influence of IN-1 antibody and acidic FGF-fibrin glue on the response of injured corticospinal tract axons to human Schwann cell grafts. J Neurosci Res 50:888-905, 1997 17. Guest JD, Rao A, Olson L, Bunge MB, Bunge RP: The ability of human Schwann cell grafts to promote regeneration in the transected nude rat spinal cord. Exp Neurol 148:502-522, 1997 18. Kaul R, Duncan MJ, Guest J, Wenman WM: Expression of the Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein-encoding gene in Escherichia coli: role of the 3' end in mRNA stability. Gene 87:97-103, 1990</p><p>Other works, publications and abstracts:</p><p>Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:</p><p>1. Casas CE, Marcillo A, Levine C, Guest JD: Spontaneous intraspinal hypothermia after laminectomy in the rat spinal cord C.E. Soc Neurosci Abstr 2005; 863.6. 2. Guest JD, Casas CE, Herrera LP, Margitich IR, Bates M, Sean G: Iron oxide nanoparticle labeling of primate Schwann cells in vitro and following autologous transplantation. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2005; 455.8. 3. Levine C, Herrera LP, Casas CE, Margitich IR, Guest JD: The olfactory ensheathing cell: the history of a “restorative” cell that remains incompletely defined. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2005; 18.22. 4. Kim K, Casas, CE, Herrera LP, Corredor R, Margitich IR, Guest JD: Primate bone marrow stromal cells enhance neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival of DRG neurons. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2004; 184.12. 5. Casas, CE, Herrera LP, Corredor R, Margitich IR , Kim K , Guest JD: Non- human primate model of autologous olfactory ensheathing glia transplantation following a stereotaxic electrolytic unilateral lesion of the medullary pyramid. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2004; 184.5 6. Herrera LP, Casas, CE, Bates M, Guest JD: Ultrastructural study of the olfactory pathway in Macaca fascicularis. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2004; 67.1. 7. Herrera LP, Casas, CE, M Oliviera, Guest JD: Frame-by-frame video analysis enhances consistency of BBB Locomotor rating scale. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2003; 493.5. 8. Casas, CE, Prusmack C, G Ruenes G, L Herrera, Guest JD: The effects of epidural cooling on locomotor outcome and tissue preservation after moderate contusion thoracic spinal cord contusion in rats. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2003; 76.8. 9. Casas, CE, EJ Owen, Oliveira M, Guest JD: Endoscopic Transplantation into the conus medullaris. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2002 852.8. 10. Guest JD, Margitich IR, Oliveira M, L Herrera, Casas, CE: Co-cultures of primate and human olfactory ensheathing glia or Schwann cells with adult rodent retina. Soc Neurosci Abstr 2002; 635.17 11. Guest JD, M Ibanez, Oliveira M, Marcillo A, Casas, CE, Wood P: Harvest of olfactory tissue to produce autologous ensheathing glia transplants in primates and humans. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2001; 829.13 12. Casas, CE, Oliveira M, Ibanez M, Marcillo A, Almqvist P, Guest JD: Transplantation of primate olfactory ensheathing glia into transected spinal cord: cell survival, migration, regeneration, and behavioral outcome. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2001; 829.14 13. Guest JD, Cuenca B, Oliveira M, Dougherty M, Kleitman N, Marcillo A: Primate olfactory ensheathing glia: anatomy, harvest methods, culture, and characterization. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 2000. 325.12. 14. Pong M, Guest JD, Horn KM, Bichard WD, Sonntag VKH, Gibson AR: Spinal projections of monkey parvicellular red nucleus. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 2000. 256.11. 15. Guest JD, Bakowska J, Breakefield XO, Huang T, Sonntag VKH, Jia W: HSV/AAV hybrid amplicon vector surpasses recombinant HSV ICP 6 in gene delivery from peripheral nerve to spinal motor neurons. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 1999; 735.9 16. Sonntag VKH, Gibson A, Guest JD: Tropic and Trophic effects of FGF-1 and peripheral nerve grafts on injured CST fibers with and without grey matter sparing lesions. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 1999; 194.18 17. Puckett WR, Guest JD, Bunge RP: The evolution of cavities within human spinal cords after closed contusive injuries. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 1996; 743.10 . 18. Guest JD, Kleitman N, Aebischer P, Bunge MB, Bunge RP: Axonal regeneration into human Schwann cell grafts placed to span the transected spinal cord of the nude rat. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 1996; 490.19 19. Guest JD, Bunge RP: Human Schwann cells can enhance axonal regeneration and myelination in the nude rat spinal cord. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 1994; 458.9 </p><p>Refereed Abstracts & Reviews:</p><p>1. Guest JD, Herrera LP, Bates M, Casas, CE: Spontaneous myelin repair in the non-human primate spinal cord. Exp Neurology 193(1):247, 2005 2. Guest J, Corredor R, Herrera LP, Margitich I, Kim K, Casas, CE: A model to study upper extremity recovery facilitated by cellular transplantation following spinal cord injury in the non-human primate. Exp. Neurol. 187(1):209, 2004 3. Casas, CE, C Prusmack, G Ruenes, L Herrera, Guest JD: The effects of epidural cooling on locomotor outcome and tissue preservation after moderate contusion thoracic spinal cord contusion in rats. J Neurotrauma, 20(10):1104, 2003 4. Herrera LP, Casas, CE, M Oliviera, Guest JD: Frame-by-frame video analysis enhances consistency of BBB Locomotor rating scale. J Neurotrauma, 20(10):1097, 2003 5. EJ Owen, L Silbert, S Vanni, Guest JD: Does mild hypothermia hypothermia lead to increased complications in elective spinal surgery. J. Neurotrauma 19:10(1335), 2002. 6. Guest JD, Green BA: Surgical Repair of Cauda Equina Transection. Spinal Cord Medicine 2002. 7. Guest JD, Oliveira M, Marcillo A: Primate olfactory ensheathing glia: Anatomy, harvest methods, culture, and characterization. Restorative Neurology and Neurosciences 16:226, 2002 8. Guest JD, Jia W, Bakowska J, Sonntag VKH: HSV/AAV hybrid amplicon vector surpasses recombinant HSV ICP 6 in gene delivery from peripheral nerve to spinal motor neurons. J. Gene Medicine 2S:120, 2002 9. Guest JD, Akong KA, Bunge MB, Guest JD, Akong KA, Bunge, MB: Injection of Fluororuby into the nude rat spinal cord leads to an unusual infiltrate that may enhance neuronal regeneration following spinal cord injury. J. Neurotrauma 15(1):46, 1998. 10. Guest JD, Schwab ME, Bunge MB, Bunge RP: Acidic fibroblast growth- factor-containing fibrin glue reduces corticospinal tract die-back and promotes regeneration into human Schwann cell grafts within the injured spinal cord. J. Neurosurg 86:420A. 1997. 11. Guest JD, Bunge MB, Hesse DH, Santiago DI, Schwab ME, Schnell L, Bunge RP: The ability of cultured human Schwann cells within PAN/PVC guidance channels to support regeneration in the transected nude rat spinal cord. Can J Neurol Sci 23:S1-92, 1996 12. Guest JD, RP Bunge: Functional studies of human Schwann cells transplanted to the nude rat spinal cord. J. Neurotrauma 12(3):427, 1995. 13. Bunge RP, Quencer RM, Becerra JL, Puckett WR, Guest JD: Clinical pathological correlates in damage to the human spinal cord. J. Neurotrauma 12(3):354, 1995.</p><p>Other published works (voluntary): </p><p>1. Guest JD: Promising research developments in the rehabilitation, repair and regeneration of spinal cord injuries.Iatros. 1(2):34-36, 1987 2. Guest JD: Reading clinical research articles: Critiquing the hypothesis and design. Iatros. 2(2), 1988</p>

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