<p> WORLD UNIVERSITY NETWORK PROJECT “INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH CAPACITY BUILDING IN LIFE SCIENCES (CBLS)”</p><p>Moderator: Professor Sinerik Ayrapetyan- UNESCO Chair – Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Yerevan, Armenia Tel: +374 10 624170/612461 Fax: +374 10 624170 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.biophys.am Project title International Postgraduate Educational and Research Capacity Building Program in Life Sciences (CBLS) The Coordinator: UNESCO Chair - Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center (LSIPEC), Yerevan, Armenia. Project Ever increasing use of technology producing ionizing and non-ionizing justification radiation, as well as artificial chemical and microbiological pollution of the environment brings the humanity to the threshold of ecological catastrophe. This problem becomes very complicated in developing regions of the world having rich ethnic, social, religious conflicts and war and because of weak research and educational potential; the adequate infrastructure of environmental control is not formed yet. We suggest that the organization of the effective International Networks in postgraduate education, the natural, social sciences, culture and communication can help to avoid it. For these purposes the Future Universities must be organized as World Universities Networks with Regional branches (Chairs), on the basis of the global inter- university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work in preparing sciences leaders. Through this network, universities of developing countries must make efforts to start as regional branches of World University Network through establishing North-South-South cooperation, strengthening new teaching initiatives, generating innovation through research and contributing to the enrichment of their postgraduate educational programmers. We strongly believe that the creation of the World University Networks in postgraduate courses using modern technological achievements such as DES, will help to increase research and educational potential internationally and will serve as a powerful tool for generating peace and solving such important social problems in the world as softening relationship between countries and ethnic groups having different religion and social orientations. UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs’ Program promoting international interuniversity cooperation launched in 1992, with the aim of developing interuniversity cooperation, and emphasizing the transfer and sharing of knowledge between universities and the promotion of academic solidarity across the world. Within the framework of this program in 1997 former General Secretary Federico Major approved the research and educational project of Biophysics Center Armenian NAS as UNESCO Chair program, on the basis of which this center was reorganized in Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center (LSIPEC). Although Armenia is involved in Bologna Porcesses, tasked of which is the implementation of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs’ Process Goals in European region, the experience of previous years indicate on lack of effectiveness of this network internationally, because of existing number of problems: </p><p> The lack of specialized postgraduate Programs in developing countries is one of the elements that goes against their quality of higher education and their progress in the growth of human resources in science and technology with the consequent deterioration in basic education. </p><p>2 The cost of higher education is extremely high in developed countries for citizens of low-income countries. The necessity of Postgraduate degree is not available in their country residence, thus forcing the student of science to emigrate, in principle temporarily, to complete the studies in the developed country. Many students, particularly the most brilliant ones, are tempted to remain in the country where they made their postgraduate studies or eventually in another developed country. Ethnic conflicts, hard economical situations, religion and gender problems are serious barriers in realization of effective integration and promotion of co-operation between scientists and facilitation of the exchange of information among researchers internationally. All the above mentioned problems can be solved if the Future Postgraduate University in different fields is organized as Postgraduate Educational and Research Capacity Building (PERCB), based on North-South-South collaboration in framework of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs’ Program, the diploma of which could be recognized by different countries. By these means the creation of unique western style program of education for Ms and PhD courses can be created which will give them unique diploma form and also have promotional role in reforming systems in developing countries. The creation of the UNITWIN PERCB could play a great promotional role in development of modern sciences in these countries, as well as strengthening friendly ties and smoothening relations between different countries. As a model of World University Network we suggest “International Postgraduate Educational and Research Capacity Building in Life Sciences /Biophysics and Environmental Control/ (CBLS)”. The activities of this program will be based on the principles of openness for participation of all interested countries and their equal, mutually beneficial collaboration. Project aim Capacity Building Program will be created both by Ms and PhD joint educational courses in Life Sciences and by establishment of joint research project, on the basis of which this educational program will be realized. Project The project components are: description For the theoretical part of core courses DES system will be used, involving international potential. The research part will be realized on the basis of the UNESCO Chair and Universities involved in the UNITWIN CBLS, while the supporting courses considering national demands will be organized in respective domestic Universities which will play as a specialized Chair of CBLS Network. Thus, these courses will meet provisional international and obligatory national demands. At the same time these courses permit to make education cheaper and will let distribute the finances in the region which is more important in view of world economic situation. The main initial components of the project are: 1. The formation of working group including leaders of departments from participating countries (International Coordinating Council and Advisory Committee for Programming and Management). 2. On the basis of international expertise of research program the</p><p>3 organization of list of participants of Universities and faculties in network. 3. Organization of workshops on SWOT Analysis of Postgraduate Educational Systems in Participant Countries in Biophysics and Environmental control. 4. Organization of Ms and PhD joint courses in Life Sciences. 5. Creation of Internet service information. 6. Publication of a booklet on general information on the education programs. Objectives The UNITWIN Postgraduate Educational and Research CBLS will be developed as a joint education and research center (World University) serving to promote co-operation between scientists and to facilitate the exchange of information among researchers internationally. This mission is extremely important for the East-European, FSU, Minor Asian and African countries, having a number of economic, environmental controlling, public health, gender and other problems and existence of ethnic conflicts. It is suggested that the preparation of science leaders, as a result of organization of post-graduate educational courses in modern Life Sciences, could help to solve the above-mentioned problems. Thus, we believe that the UNITWIN CBLS will be able to develop ties with Life Sciences’ institutions between Western European Countries and developing countries (East European, Asian and African countries) and could be an excellent example in cooperation with the research and educational fields for friendship between people from different countries. i.e. it could serve not only practical but also politically significant role as a "peace generating" factor between countries. This project consists of several tasks / milestones: Organization of Regional offices in the universities of participant countries. Creation of network of university departments involved in DES. Organization of regional workshop on Biophysics and Environmental control. Inviting lecturers and creation of unique Ms and PhD programs in Life Science, according to the regional needs, course organization (periodically, at least once a year). Course holding and video recording of the first year courses. Editing video materials and their computer programming. Network connection and program realization.</p><p>The forthcoming Organization should expertise, prove Ms and PhD programs in Life Sciences and on National Governmental level signs the Agreement between participant countries and LSIPEC on school diploma recognition. On the basis of this Agreement LSIPEC will apply to the Central Office of UNESCO to involve suggesting project in the UNITWIN Program and give graduate students the UNESCO unique diploma. Project Project strategy will follow the UNESCO recommendation for Strategy for methodology the Future Development of UNESCO Chairs in Natural Sciences (July 2009). A special effort will be made with regard to the UNESCO Chairs and educational institutes in Life Sciences from Western European and developing countries to build a unique Educational Program system for reduction of existing imbalance between these disciplines’ educational level of different countries. As an instrument for successful realization of present</p><p>4 project stretching, research and educational horizontal collaboration with UNESCO Chairs in Life Sciences will be used, as well as the creation of a bilateral and multilateral research and educational projects focused on Life Sciences. The project will be realized on the basis of the LSIPEC and participant universities, having research priority in multidisciplinary study of cellular and molecular mechanisms of biological effect of extra weak chemical and physical signals on cells and organisms. The research area of the UNITWIN CBLS is of great importance from the viewpoint of environmental control and public health. International projects will be created by the members of the International Coordinating Council (headed by Prof. David Carpenter, USA) and Advisory Committee for Programming and Management (headed by Prof. Tverdislov Vsevlod, RF) on the basis of which postgraduate educational program will be realized. On the basis of SWOT analysis of research and educational potential in Life Sciences in participant Universities, a program on Ms and PhD courses in Life Sciences adequately elaborated to the participants' countries needs. It is accomplished by the UNITWIN CBLS which will be able to establish a contemporary educational system for preparation of perspective science leaders in these fields. The major part (~60%) of lecturers’ team involved in postgraduate courses will be chosen from the leaders of Life Science departments of Universities of the developing countries. While the other part of lecturers will be invited from Western countries. As a guiding Ms and PhD program in Life Sciences (core courses and supporting courses) the Ms and PhD program of Albany and Stony Brook University, USA will serve, with which UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences has collaboration agreement on promoting activities in collaborative research and instructional and cultural programs. This program will be designed to meet regional needs in Life Sciences, when planning the regional workshop in the framework of present and forthcoming projects. The principles and policies in organization of educational courses will be realized by determining International Coordinating Council, while the planning of joint research and education programs will be established and proved by Advisory Committee for Programming and Management. Internet conference will be organized between members of Advisory Committee 4 times a year at the beginning of each quarter, and Members of International Coordinating Council will be organized twice a year. Regional meetings and seminars will be organized on Life Sciences in different regions to stimulate the interest of science leaders and governmental superiors of regional countries, to improve regional research and educational potential. All current activities will be available on web sites and published booklets within the framework of UNITWIN CBLS.</p><p>Expected results It is expected that by organization of Ms and PhD courses (including DES) in Life Sciences it will be possible to make the scientific level of educational program and teaching process of this discipline in the region correspond to international demands. The education program (in credits), number of students (male and female) and their geography of countries involved in the Project are indicators for its effectiveness and quality. Project effect The UNITWIN regional network can serve as a tool for promotion of Life</p><p>5 Sciences in the region. Since the postgraduate program must meet international standards as well as optimize the resources of the regional countries, it will be formed to select the curricula for the program. The compiled programs will be performed by deliberation of the CBLS and the results of final version of the program should be presented to the Ministries of Education of countries, involved in the UNITWIN CBLS. This will serve as an additional assistance to the reformation of their Ms and PhD educational systems in developing countries. As a result of the project, a regional Task Force on Education and Capacity Building in Life Sciences will be created, which will allow the citizens of developing countries to have an up-to-date postgraduate education. The DES will give an opportunity to candidates to get postgraduate education without living their home countries, which will make education cheaper and will contribute countries to solve gender problem. </p><p>Potential Oleg Krishtal Chairman in Biophysics Programm partners Director of Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Head of UNESCO Chair, Bogomoletz 4 Str., Kiev, Ukraine, Tel.: +38 044 256 2524, Email: [email protected] </p><p>Carpenter David - Chairman in Environmental Sciences Programm Director for the Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, School of Public Health, Five University Place, Room A217, Rensselaer, NY 12144-3456, Tel.: (518)-525-2660, Fax Number: (518)- 525-2665, Email address: [email protected]</p><p>Ayrapetyan Sinerik – Coordinator President of UNESCO Chair- Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Acharyan 31 Str., Yerevan, Armenia, Tel.: (+374)77246163, E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] </p><p>Potential partners are: Armenia: Ayrapetyan Sinerik President of UNESCO Chair- Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Acharyan 31 Str., Yerevan, Armenia, Tel.: (+374)77246163, E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] </p><p>Afrikyan Evrik Prof. Dr. Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Scientific Lead of the Center "Armbiotechnology" NAS of Armenia and Head of Microbial Depository Center 14 Gyurjyan str., Yerevan, 0056, Armenia, Tel.:(+37410) 650883, E-mails: [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>Pepoyan Astghik Z. Head of International Relations Department (GA), Head of Food Safety and Biotechnology Department, Armenian National Agrarian University, 74 6 Teryan str; 0009, Yerevan, Armenia, Tel.: (+37491) 432493, E- mail: [email protected]</p><p>Vardevanyan Poghos Head of Biophysical Department, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University, Aleq Manukyan 1 Str., Yerevan, Armenia, Tel.: +374 10 57-10- 61, E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Bulgaria: Michel Israel Prof. Medical University, 1 St. Cl. Ochridski Str., Pleven, Bulgaria, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Egypt: Agha Fadel Mohamed Editor in Chief in the Egyptian Biological Society, Professor of Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. Fax: (0202) 4016178 E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Estonia: Arvi Freiberg Proffessor, Head of the Chair of Biophysics and Plant Physiology, University of Tartu, Riia 142-212b, Pirni 2-212, Tartu, Estonia, Tel.: +372 737 4612, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>India: Mohammad Fahim Head of Department of Physiology, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India. E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Iraq: Ezat Yousif Raoof Dr., Head of the Department of Biology of University of Duhok of Iraq, Zakho 38 Str., Duhok, Iraq, Tel.: 009647504676796, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Russian Federation: Ilyin Viachheslav Doctor of medical sciences, professor, Head of Department of Sanitary chemical and antimicrobial safety, Russian Federation State Scientific Center, Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP).123007 Khoroshevskoye shosse 76a, Moscow, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Pikalov Anatoly V. President of Environmental and humanitarian Institute, NPP NSEO of Higher Education, Great Serpukhovskaya 12/11 Str., Moscow, Russia, Tel.: +7 499 237-32-88, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]</p><p>7 Vsevolod Tverdislov Head University Professor, Department of Biophysics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Tel.: 939-11-95 E- mail: [email protected] </p><p>Rubin Andrey Head of Biophysics Department of Biological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Tel.: (495) 939-11-16 Fax: (495) 939-11-15, E- mail: [email protected]</p><p>Crimea Bagrov Nikolay Rector of the University, Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University, 4, Academician Vernadsky Ave., Simferopol, Crimean Autonomous Republic, 95007, Tel.: + 38 0652 52-50-36, Fax +38 0652 51-71-35, E- mail: [email protected]</p><p>Turkey: Suleyman Dasdag Head of Department of Biophysics, Medical School of Dicle University, 21280, Diyarbakir, Turkey, Tel.: +90 412-248 8440, Email: [email protected]</p><p>Ukraine Krishtal Oleg Director of Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Head of UNESCO Chair, Bogomoletz 4 Str., Kiev, Ukraine, Tel.: +38 044 256 2524, Email: [email protected] </p><p>UAE: Al-Alusi AbdulSattar Ahmad Mr, Prof, Chancellor Ittihad University, UAE, Tel.: +971-7-2059990 (direct), Fax : +971-7-2059982, Email : [email protected] or [email protected] , [email protected]</p><p>USA: Marko Markov Prof. Research International, Buffalo Office, 135 Arielle CtApt Ebuffalo, NY, USA, Tel.: 716-636-1132, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Relation to According to the UNESCO Declaration Strategy for the Future Development UNESCO field of UNESCO Chairs in Natural Sciences (July 2009) the priority of the of competence UNESCO is to assist countries in developing their national science system, in strengthening university education, particularly through the integration of research and education, and improving the quality of science teaching, including e-learning. Therefore, the realization of presented project on organization of Ms and PhD international courses (including DES) in Life Sciences is in accordance with the above-mentioned internationally adopted 8 goals. The Consortium of specialists and advisors could be very helpful to support the efficient work of planning activities. Administrative INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Structure The council shall give advice to the Program Coordinator of the School on the principles and policies which shall govern the activities and operations of the School.</p><p>PROGRAM COORDINATOR</p><p>ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PROGRAMMING AND MANAGEMENT The Advisory Committee shall give advice to Program Coordinator of the School, upon his request, on planning of joint research and education programs and other matters important in the management of the School.</p><p>9</p>
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