Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

<p>STONE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>FACULTY AND STAFF HANDBOOK</p><p>2016 ~ 2017 Dr. James H. Jones, Principal</p><p>Theme: “YES WE CAN!” School’s Main Line ~ 678-676-6302 Principal’s Office ~ 678-676-6349</p><p>Mission Statement</p><p>The mission of Stone Mountain High School is to provide a quality education for all students which will equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue post-secondary studies or career options and to work collaboratively with the home to prepare students to be productive citizens in an ever-changing, diverse, and technologically advanced society.</p><p>Mr. Quinton Ward Assistant Principal of Instruction</p><p>Dr. Michal Okpah Assistant Principal of Testing & SST</p><p>Mr. Jeffrey Tarver Assistant Principal of Discipline NON-NEGOTIABLE TASKS FOR FACULTY & STAFF</p><p>1.Post Georgia Performance Standards or QCC’s daily. 2.Post and implement the three-part lesson: a. Opening - Introduction to main teaching point b. Working Period - Development and consolidation of main teaching points c. Closing - Review lesson of the day 3.Post the Essential Question daily. 4.Post a Word Wall that is ongoing and relevant. 5.Post relevant Student Work (with the posted rubric and teacher comments). 6.Post the Lesson Plan Folder with current lesson plans on the wall closest to the door of your classroom. 7.Post Classroom Discipline Plan and Emergency Drill Maps. 8.Follow and document all steps of school discipline procedures before writing a referral. 9.Take attendance via Infinite Campus within the first ten minutes of class. 10. Use the electronic discipline referral process. 11. Check students’ check-in slips. 12. Maintain accurate and complete records. 13. Stand at your door during class changes. 14. Laminate and post the syllabus for each class. 15. Post the mission and vision statements. 16. Post the instructional schedule for all teachers using the classroom. 17. Enforce the dress code with all students in the hall and entering your classroom. 18. Enforce the 15/15 Rule. 19. Secure substitutes and notify the department chair and the API before your absence. 20. Call parents of all students who need and have been given deficiencies, and document all parent contacts. 21. Return all parent phone calls within 48 hours. 22. Attend parent-teacher conferences as scheduled. 23. Do not leave your class unsupervised. 24. Promptly attend faculty meetings and professional learning sessions in their entirety. (Do not plan other activities for Wednesday afternoon). 25. Provide work for students assigned to ISS or OSS, students who are ill, and students whose absences are excused by the attendance office. 26. Arrive on time for duty assignments. 27. Secure administrative permission to change duty assignments. 28. Dress professionally. 29. Attend all meetings, professional learning activities, and planning sessions. 30. Implement brain-based, rigorous strategies in the classroom. 31. Plan for 90 minutes of brain-based, rigorous instruction. 32. Post grades weekly (a minimum of two to three grades). 33. Prepare a sub folder and update the information and materials for each absence. 34. Abide by the Code of Ethics for Educators at all times. 35. Check in upon arrival to school, and check out before leaving each afternoon using the Jiffy Pass system. 36. Check the Red School House and the Teacher’s Lounge on First Class daily. 37. Update your Voice Mail. (See Mrs. Robinson if you need assistance). 38. Post lesson plans in the Little Red School House under Teaching and Learning Icon every Monday before 7 a.m. 39. Attend in-services for standardized testing as required, and follow all guidelines and procedures for administering and securing testing materials. 40. Maintain an ongoing visible data wall. Engage students in developing data for the classroom. 41. Utilize and employ school district protocols for Response to Intervention (RTI) strategies before referring a student to SST.</p><p>Policy, procedures, guidelines, and information set forth in this handbook are intended to aid in the orderly operation of Stone Mountain High School. All staff members are expected to read and familiarize themselves with the content of this document and abide by the policies and procedures set forth. The Principal reserves the right to revise, add or delete information in the Faculty Handbook to better serve the overall needs of the school. GENERAL EXPECTATIONS</p><p>ATTENDANCE-STAFF of physical ability to return to duty. If deemed necessary, a doctor’s statement may be requested for three days or less. Faculty/Staff Workday The workday for teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, A physician’s statement shall be required for workdays missed registrar and CTSS is 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. ALL teachers if sick leave is granted: are to adhere to the following: 1. At the beginning of the school year  Stand at the door at 8:05 a.m. 2. At the end of the school year  All exempt staff MUST clock in by 8:00 a.m. and 3. Any critical day (the three days immediately clock out by 4:00 p.m. All non-exempt staff MUST before and three days immediately following clock in by 8:00 a.m. and clock out by 4:00 p.m. holidays)  All staff members must sign in immediately upon In the event that it is necessary for a teacher/employee to be entering the building before reporting to class. absent, the following procedures must be followed:</p><p>Leaving or arriving at any time other than when signed in or 1. If an employee becomes ill during the school out will be considered falsification of records. It must be day, he/she must notify the department chair for remembered that the sign-in/sign-out system is a legal coverage and the principal for approval to leave. document from which payroll is computed. The principal will notify the Assistant Principal for Instruction (API). In case of an emergency during the school day, the department 2. Teachers must call the Automated Substitute chair should be contacted to arrange for someone to supervise Finder System at 678-874-7827. After calling students in class. After the faculty or staff member makes sub finder, the teacher must then contact his/her arrangements for class coverage with the department chair, department chair, the front office, and the API he/she must notify the Principal and sign out in the front (678-676-6313). office. 3. Auxiliary personnel are to notify their department chair, the supervising teacher, the All teachers are to be available for parent conferences, help API, and the front office. sessions with students, and staff meetings as scheduled. 4. If an absence is to continue beyond that first day, Planning periods are to be used for planning only. Employees the teacher/employee must call the principal by are expected to arrange doctor and dental appointments 1:00 p.m. of that day so that the same substitute and other business matters outside of school hours. All may be secured for the following day(s) to foster persons who desire to leave campus must secure written continuity for the students. approval from the principal and sign the Request to Leave 5. Upon return to duty, it is the responsibility of the Campus Form. This includes scheduled and called meetings at employee to secure and complete a Statement of the local and county level, all supplemented activities, and Absence Form and turn it in along with any specific duty assignments. necessary doctor’s statements to the bookkeeper. The form will be given to the principal for approval. Failure to turn in a required Daily Time Records doctor’s statement will impact your pay for The School Check-In system is located in the Main Office. that pay period or the following pay period. All employees must sign in daily using the School Check-In sign-in/sign-out system by the specified time to avoid being Teachers are responsible for finding a substitute for their marked late. Signing in and out daily is a responsibility of absences. Teachers must notify the Assistant Principal for each individual employee. Employees are not permitted to Instruction (API) and the department chair of contact with Sub sign in or out for another employee. Employees are not to Finder. If the teacher is unable to secure a substitute, the sign in and out at the same time. Employees must sign in teacher must remember that it will cause a hardship on his/her upon arrival and out upon departure. Employee’s time is colleagues. Excessive absences will be noted throughout entered into “TERMS” daily. If an employee does not sign in the school year and on the teacher’s yearly evaluation. for a particular day, the bookkeeper will assume that the Other measures may also be taken to assist with this situation. employee did not work and enter it into “TERMS” as a day of absence. Any errors on these sheets may affect the following Faculty/Staff Tardiness pay period and/or sick leave days accrued. Being punctual and ready to work upon arrival is imperative to establishing a good day. When an employee is chronically Faculty/Staff Absences late or does not come to work, it creates a problem for his/her An employee who is absent four or more consecutive days colleagues. When an employee will be tardy to work, he/she must obtain a physician’s statement no later than the fourth should call the Principal and department chair to ensure that day of absence. This statement should certify the employee’s supervision can be provided for his/her class or duty station. physical disability to work and the anticipated date and/or time Employees who are late thirty (30) minutes or more will have that time deducted by the half hour. Chronic tardiness will be to Leave Campus Form and submitting it to the Principal. documented, and a letter will be placed in the employee’s Before leaving the building, an employee must sign out in the personnel file. Other measures may also be taken to assist main office. If the Principal is not on campus, an employee with this situation. If an employee is more than 30 minutes should see Dr. Simmons, the Assistant Principal of Instruction, late or leaves early, he/she must complete a statement of leave to obtain permission. Leaving without the permission of Dr. form. Jones or his designee; School and Board Policy Procedure will be enforced. If an employee is approved to leave campus they Statement of Leave should see the bookkeeper or API upon returning. When an employee is absent for any reason, he/she should complete a Statement of Absence Form. If an employee wishes to request leave in advance for the following reasons: CELL PHONE USE (STAFF AND STUDENTS) personal leave, religious leave, or bereavement outside of the family, he/she must complete a Request for Leave Form. It is Staff should not have their cell phones/ear pieces visible in the the responsibility of the employee to maintain an accurate front lobby, in front of the building, walking down the halls, in account of personal leave and/or sick leave. An employee staff meetings, or in the classrooms during instructional time. may check with the bookkeeper to get an update on accrued Cellular phones should be OFF during instructional times and leave. If an employee requests leave and it is granted or professional meetings (faculty, instructional, parent he/she is absent due to sickness, the employee must have the conferences, etc.). days accrued or the leave will cause a deduction in the employee’s pay during that pay period or the next pay period. Student Telephone Use When an employee is away from campus performing school- There are phones located in the attendance and main office related activities (i.e. Staff Development, In-Service Training, areas. Students are not to use the telephones in the school etc.), the employee must complete a Statement of Leave Form. offices at any time without direct permission from office The Request for Leave and the Statement of Leave Forms can personnel. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS OUT OF CLASS be obtained from the bookkeeper. TO USE TELEPHONES FOR FRIVOLOUS REASONS. ALWAYS PROVIDE STUDENTS A PASS IF YOU GIVE Sick/Personal Leave THEM PERMISSION TO GO TO THE MAIN OFFICE. All full-time personnel shall be eligible for sick leave earned at a rate of one and one-fourth days for each month of service. Three days of those allotted for Students are NOT to use telephones located in teacher sick leave may be used for personal leave to classrooms without supervision. It is the responsibility of the conduct personal business matters (i.e. legal teacher to ensure that this is followed at all times. matters, family situations not covered under sick leave, religious holidays) which can be scheduled Teachers should use classroom telephones only during non- at a time that does not conflict with the regular instructional time. The calls should be limited to school work schedule and professional meetings related related business - such as parent conferences, parent contact to school matters. In the event that an employee for discipline concerns, etc. must be out of school for personal reasons, the employee must obtain and complete a Statement CERTIFICATION of Leave Form before personal leave can be Each professional employee should be aware of the courses taken. This form must be turned in to the office needed to keep his/her certificate current. Course work and signed by the principal at least 5 days before needed to satisfy certification or increment requirements can leave is taken. In the case of multiple teachers be taken through the Professional Learning Department. applying for personal leave on the same day(s), Courses taken should satisfy requirements of the DeKalb personal leave will be granted on a first come, County Board of Education, The Georgia Department of first serve basis. Personal leave cannot be Education, and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. approved on a designated critical day. You may check each current Professional Learning Brochure Approval for personal leave on critical days can for course offerings. only be granted through the Principal. It is the teacher’s responsibility to monitor his/her needs Professional Leave regarding certification. Copies of a teacher’s certificate(s) Professional leave is taken when an employee is attending should be on file in Human Relations and with the Principal. school-related, professional workshops, meetings, etc. In You may access your certificate(s) at www.gapsc.com. order to take professional leave, an employee must complete a Statement of Leave Form and have it approved by the principal, Dr. James H. Jones, prior to taking the leave. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING</p><p>Any principal, teacher, counselor, or other school Leaving Campus administrator having cause to believe that a child under the Any employee needing to leave campus for any reason during age of eighteen has had physical injury or injuries inflicted school hours must get written approval from the Principal to upon him/her other than by accidental means by a parent or sign out. An employee may do so by completing the Request caretaker; or has been sexually assaulted by a parent or caretaker, shall report such incidents to the counselor. Staff  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS MONEY members should not interview and question the student. The COLLECTED FOR SCHOOL FUNCTIONS TO counselor will submit a report to the social worker section of BE DEPOSITED IN YOUR PERSONAL BANK the Department of Pupil Personnel Services. The social ACCOUNT. The deposit of school money in a worker will be responsible for investigating and reporting said personal bank account is subject to suspension or case to the DeKalb County Department of Family and revocation of the educator’s license by the Georgia Children Services, Protective Services Division, or to the Professional Standards Commission. DeKalb County Police Department, Youth Division in  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are items to be accordance with Georgia Law. NOTE: All suspected cases purchased or secured without following the of child abuse should be reported to the head counselor in financial procedures. the counseling center immediately. o Funds must be in the account to cover said amount. See also DCSD Policy - Child Abuse o Request for purchases must be pre- approved by the Principal. o All reimbursements for monies spent CHILDREN OF STAFF MEMBERS must be accompanied by the original receipt. Children of staff members are not permitted in the school before, during, or after the instructional work day. No students COMPUTER USE are allowed in the teacher’s lounge. Teachers must secure after-school care for their children. Use of the DeKalb County School System wide area network, school and district office networks, and all connections CODE OF ETHICS internally shall be for the exchange of information in order to promote and support educational excellence in the school 505-6-.01 THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR EDUCATORS system. Use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and must be consistent with the educational objectives of the school system. (See the Internet Acceptable The Code of Ethics for Educators defines the professional Use Policy.) behavior of educators in Georgia and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The Professional Standards Commission has adopted standards that represent the conduct generally accepted by the education profession. The code protects the CRITICAL DAYS health, safety, and general welfare of students and educators, ensures the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability Critical days are the three (3) school days immediately within the education profession, and defines unethical conduct before and three school days immediately after any school justifying disciplinary sanction. All employees are required to holiday and furlough days. Personal leave cannot be participate in training on the Code of Ethics annually. You approved on a designated critical day. In addition, an absence will find the Code of Ethics for Educators in the appendix of on a critical day will require a doctor’s excuse. Employees this handbook and on the Georgia Professional Standards are not to schedule routine doctor or dental appointments on website: http://www.gapsc.com/ critical days.</p><p>CUSTOMER SERVICE Employees of Stone Mountain High School are expected to COLLECTION OF FUNDS provide all stakeholders of Stone Mountain High School, DeKalb County School System, and the general public with The Principal must approve all fundraisers. Teachers should excellent customer service. Courteous communication and not collect money for ANY reason without prior knowledge appropriate assistance should be the standard as we interact and approval of the Principal. ALL fundraisers MUST BE with parents, students, visitors and colleagues in the pre-approved through Mr. Tarver. Once approved, dates for fulfillment of our professional duties and responsibilities. If fundraisers must be followed. you encounter a contentious situation, remain professional and seek the help of a building administrator.  The bookkeeper will provide you with a receipt book. Each organization must have a receipt book. DRESS CODE –FACULTY AND STAFF  If money is collected for fundraisers, donations, field trips, etc., it MUST be receipted in an official county Faculty/Staff Dress receipt book and deposited with the bookkeeper School system policy mandates that all faculty and staff dress daily. in a professional manner. Faculty and staff should hold  If money is left any place except in the vault, the themselves to a higher standard than students are held and teacher will become personally liable for the money. should be a model to students. Dressing professionally shows  Students or teachers are not allowed to keep a high level of caring for the teaching profession, for the collected money overnight. school, and for the students. This type of dress is acceptable in most business situations. Professional attire is required for all staff members in every department, every day, regardless  lesson plans of the weather or the time of year.  following the attendance and absentee policy</p><p>Dress down attire is only appropriate when announced for  financial reporting special occasions. Jeans may be allowed on some Fridays only  reporting to meetings with Stone Mountain High School spirit shirts at the principal’s discretion. Do not assume that every Friday is a When a faculty member has an assigned duty and must be dress down day. Shorts, spaghetti straps, and beach or lounge absent from work, the employee is expected to notify the type attire are never permitted for faculty dress. Other attire substitute of the assigned duties (time, place, responsibilities, that is considered inappropriate in our professional work etc.). It is the employee’s responsibility to find a substitute setting includes, but is not necessarily limited to, tennis shoes, for his/her assigned duties. Duty assignments may include, sneakers, flip flops, slippers, Tee shirts, tops with thin straps but are not limited to, morning/afternoon duty, cafeteria/lunch or those similar to halter tops are not acceptable. Tops must duty, and after school detention duty. All faculty members are have sleeves that extend at least to the edge or roundness of expected to be in the hallways, actively supervising student the shoulder. Tops that stop at the waistline or those that traffic during class changes, throughout the school day. Duty reveal the mid-section when you move or raise your hands or assignments for coverage the first ten minutes of a teacher’s arms are not allowed. Spandex or stirrup pants are not planning periods will be provided by Mr. Tarver. allowed. Skirts, pants or dresses that are too short or too tight are not acceptable. Clothing made of mesh or thin fabrics that are see-through are not acceptable. Spirit shirts with jeans may be worn on Fridays only when the Principal grants E-MAIL – FIRST CLASS permission. If an employee is not dressed professionally, the employee will be asked to leave and return to work dressed The employee should be sure to use correct spelling and appropriately. grammar in all written communications. The teacher/staff member has only one chance to make that first impression During summer months, female employees do not have to which will be invaluable to building respect, trust, and wear socks or hosiery. confidence. First Class must be used for school-related communication only. Note: Please do not use all caps or All faculty and staff are expected to adhere to the professional write in red. code of dress. If you have a question about the dress code, please get clarification from the Principal before wearing Remember: First Class cannot be used for personal e-mails. something questionable. Be aware of appropriate lines of protocol. Notify the Principal Professional dress will be included in the end of year for approval if you are sending an email to an administrator evaluation (GTDRI). All employees will dress professionally. outside of the building. The DeKalb School System Computer and Internet Use Agreement is available on First Class (DeKalb Discussions – MIS—MIS forms). DUTY The purpose of the TKES and is to describe and defined the FACULTY AND STAFF MEETINGS expectations for teachers. Evaluation of the performance of As a team, communication is very important. All staff these duties and responsibilities will be based on school-wide members are expected to attend meetings and make sufficient observations of teachers throughout the school year. All items contributions. The information gained during all meetings shall be scored as “satisfactory” on the annual evaluation will help teachers and paraprofessionals be more effective. summary unless prior to the annual evaluation summary the Employees should place all meetings on their calendar and teacher has: make the necessary plans to attend. All meeting cancellations  been notified in writing, will be communicated in a timely manner.  received written documentation on each incident serving as the basis for the unsatisfactory annual evaluation summary, PERSONNEL and  had a conference concerning unsatisfactory Personnel Files performance. A personnel file will be maintained in the Department of Human Resources, as well as in the local school for each staff Duties include, but are not limited to…. member. Any employee may see his/her file by asking the  campus supervision Principal. </p><p> student supervision If during the course of the school year it becomes necessary  standing at doors between all passing periods for the administrator to take any corrective action, each staff member affected will be afforded full due process.  addressing inappropriate student dress Furthermore, each teacher has the right to see and respond to any and all documents placed in his/her personnel file from actions and comments that are, or could be constituted pertaining to corrective action or other deficiencies. as, violations of local, state and federal Sexual Harassment Laws and Directives. Personnel Handbook A Manual of Policies, Procedures, Rights and Responsibilities for Contractual Personnel will be placed in the Media Center for reference and review. This manual may also be accessed at the system’s website (www.dekalb.k12.ga.us). </p><p>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</p><p>All staff is responsible for their professional growth. Everyone is encouraged to keep abreast of current research regarding best practices and strategies for student achievement, using data to drive instruction, and integrating technology. Other topics such as classroom management, student motivation, and parent participation should also be investigated. Professional learning is mandatory for all teachers in the DeKalb County School System. Sessions will be planned in the form of workshops, speakers, and required book readings. Each professional learning session will be pertinent to the needs of our school and community. Employees must earn 20 hours of professional learning, and they are responsible for maintaining a log of their participation. Each PL must be verified with a signature of the presenter or the Principal.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL DEMEANOR Inappropriate Contact with Students It is a violation of school and system policy to indulge in inappropriate physical or verbal contact with students. Staff members should refrain from touching students in any manner, except interceding in an altercation or preventing a student from harming himself/herself or others. Staff members should further refrain from making comments that involves sarcasm and references to character and also those comments of a demeaning or humiliating nature. Complaints will be investigated under school system guidelines and documented accordingly in writing in every instance.</p><p>Personal Transportation of Students</p><p>Due to possible litigation and other inherent concerns, it is not advisable for faculty or staff members to allow students to ride in their personal vehicles. Staff members are requested to refrain from transporting students and to be aware that they are considered personally responsible for the child/children in such instances.</p><p>SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated in any form. All employees must attend the Code of Ethics and Sexual Harassment In-services on a yearly basis to ensure compliance. All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and refrain I. INSTRUCTION</p><p>ACADEMIC DISHONESTY  Conference with the student's parents and others as Statement of Principle: Academic dishonesty subverts the deemed necessary, and goals of Stone Mountain High School and is detrimental to  Reduced grade (particularly for minor infraction of education for the following reasons: testing rules) when the occurrences of an infraction  It disheartens and frustrates students. have been determined.  It invalidates course grades, credits, and transcripts.  It destroys a respect for learning and its value. BULLETIN BOARDS  It undermines one's academic foundation. One of the teacher’s responsibilities is to maintain bulletin  It reduces self-confidence and self-respect. boards in the classroom. A bulletin board may be used for a  It instills deceptiveness at the expense of integrity. variety of purposes: displaying student work, serving as an activity board for students, posting rules, posting An important aim of every teacher should be to instill a announcements, or decorating the classroom. Some sense of personal honesty in students by emphasizing the suggestions for creative use of bulletin boards follow: value of academic honesty and by refusing to tolerate academic dishonesty. Teachers may help to instill in their 1. Teachers should use bulletin boards to make their students a principle of honesty which they may carry far classrooms standards-based. beyond high school. 2. Teachers should use all of the bulletin board space in the classroom. Definition: Academic dishonesty's intention is to subvert 3. Teachers should strive to create bulletin boards that evaluation of learning. Academic dishonesty may include spark students’ interest. (but is not limited to) any of the following actions: 4. Bulletin boards should be used to aid in instruction.  Giving or receiving information during a test, Teachers should determine which materials will be  Using prohibited materials or aids during a test or needed for a unit of study and decide how to for an assignment, incorporate the bulletin boards in that unit.  Acquiring or dispensing prohibited information or 5. Bulletin boards are a good place to post reminders materials before a test, and or frequently used concepts such as rules, steps for  Submitting work paraphrased or copied in part or beginning a lesson, or a schedule of activities. whole as if it were original work. 6. Teachers should use students to help create the bulletin board with supervision. The purpose of Responsibilities of Teachers: Teachers should take every this, as with all bulletin boards, is to make it opportunity to discourage dishonesty and to explain to meaningful for the students. students its short and long-range consequences. Not only 7. When taking down the bulletin board, store the should students be penalized for academic dishonesty, they materials in a safe box or bin to re-use if possible. should understand why cheating is wrong both in school and beyond it. In discouraging academic dishonesty, teachers Hallway bulletin boards must be changed every nine weeks may find the following classroom practices valuable: by designated departments.  Establishing testing rules and penalties for violations before tests,  Walking around the room frequently during tests and CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS standing in the rear of the room, Informal Classroom Observations  Alternating forms of tests within a class or among As part of the continuing program of improving instruction, different classes, administrators will make regular unannounced informal  Requiring use of cover sheets, and observations at any time during the school year.  Setting reasonable time limits for tests. Classroom Observations Consequences for Dishonesty: Should a teacher observe Each administrator has been given, as a number one priority, an infraction of established testing rules or any form of the function of assisting and supervising classroom teachers academic dishonesty, any of the following approaches may for the purpose of improving instruction. Each teacher will be used at the teacher's discretion, as may other appropriate be evaluated using the Teacher Keys Evaluation System approaches. The most desirable approach would be (TKES). instructive as well as punitive.  Conference with the student, a. The Principal or designee is responsible for providing  Telephone conference with parents, possibly an orientation or update for all teachers who will be including the student, evaluated using the Teacher Keys Evaluation System (TKES). teacher’s responsibility to make every effort possible to get b. The extended announced observation is an important any parents of struggling students to attend Parent diagnostic tool and is encouraged for use at any time. Conférence. Extended evaluations are recommended when the evaluators or teachers want more detailed information Documentation/Parent Communication Log : c. Teachers who are in the unsatisfactory category must have a professional development plan under the Each teacher is required to keep a notebook to be used for guidelines of the Georgia Teacher Duties and documenting all parent communication (i.e. letter, actual Responsibilities Instrument. phone contact, conference, etc.), and weekly instructional d. All aspects of the evaluation process and results are business meetings. Each teacher is to keep a communication confidential and are to be shared only with the log of individual communications they make to parents. appropriate personnel. Curriculum Night</p><p>CLASSROOM POSTINGS Dates & Times (TBD); refer to the API</p><p>The following items should be posted in all classrooms:</p><p> Syllabus (outside of classroom door)  Daily Schedule (outside of the classroom door)  Lesson Plans (In folder on wall nearest entrance door)  Class Discipline Plan  Fire Drill/Tornado Drill Maps  School Mission Statement All teachers of 9th - 12th grade students must attend.</p><p>The following Standard Based Classroom elements should also be visible in the room: Parent-Teacher Conference Dates  Word Wall (relevant and ongoing)  Standard or QCC for the lesson being taught Conferences are scheduled for the following dates:  Essential Question  Three part lesson agenda on the board Dates & Times (TBD); refer to the API  Current Student Work (with rubric and teacher commentary)  Classroom profile  Ongoing visible data wall (Students should be involved in developing data for the classroom.) Time for Conferences: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. CONFERENCES Conferences are fifteen (15) minutes in durations. Parents Expectations will be informed of the exact dates via newsletters, announcements, the marquee, telephone calls, and telephone Parent-Teacher conferences are the most effective means of system. Parents will call the school to schedule conferences communication. The parent, teacher, counselor, or for these evenings. Teachers should call the parents of administrator may initiate conferences. The teacher should students who are performing below the level of proficiency initiate a parent conference at a time when there is an and schedule conferences as well. Teachers should fill in the academic or behavioral problem. In this conference, the times on the conference log early so that there are no teacher should explain the area(s) of concern, and the conflicts. teacher, along with the parent, should develop a plan for remediation. Conferences are normally scheduled in the Tips to Teachers for Effective Conferences afternoons. DO NOT SCHEDULE CONFERENCES ON FACULTY MEETING DAYS, DEPARTMENT MEETING DAYS, OR DURING INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Be on time for the conference. Introduce yourself and TIMES. Teachers are to keep track of all say what subject you teach. conferences/phone calls for documentation purposes on the 2. Hear the opinions and statements of the parent Documentation Log. There are four (4) parent conference completely. Do not interrupt the parent regardless of evenings scheduled during the school year. It is the what is said. 3. After hearing the parent, make your statement in a the advisement procedures. Please make every effort to very positive manner. Be truthful, firm, and forceful, permit students to keep the scheduled advisement times with but be polite. If the student's behavior is a problem, counselors. say so. 4. Be very positive. Always state your willingness to Teacher Referrals work with the student and to offer extra help. When the teacher is aware that a student is having difficulty 5. Never mention students other than the one the with academics and/or behavior, the teacher should begin conference concerns. employing intervention strategies. The teacher must check 6. Never mention the student's performance in another periodically to see if the interventions have led to class. improvements. All interventions put in place, along with the 7. Ask the student for his opinion and feelings if he is student’s progress or lack of progress, must be documented. present in the conference. If the student continues to have difficulties, then the teacher 8. Be prepared to offer suggestions as to how the student must refer the student to the Student Support Team (SST) may improve in your class. with proper documentation. Upon review of the 9. Seek ways to compromise with the parent and student documentation, the SST committee will schedule a meeting without giving in to unreasonable demands. with the teacher, the parents, and the student. 10. Be certain the position you take is supportable. If you are not certain, check with the appropriate administrator in advance. If a teacher becomes aware of a student who has unusual 11. When you return a call to a parent or have a conference, needs in school, the teacher will speak with the assigned be certain to have your grade book handy and be counselor concerning the student. Unusual health problems, prepared to discuss grades in detail. If make-up work is a death in the student’s family, and other similar concerns involved, give a specific due date. should be reported to the counselor for appropriate action or 12. If you need assistance or support, ask a counselor or referral. If a school staff member has cause to believe that a administrator to join you in the conference. student is contemplating suicide or is exhibiting suicidal 13. Do not inform the parent that the student is improperly tendencies, they will immediately report the information to placed. If this is your opinion, notify the counselor as the student’s counselor. The counselor will notify the early as possible. Principal and the appropriate authorities. It is essential that 14. Do not state that the student cannot pass the course discretion and confidentiality be maintained in all instances unless you are holding an end of semester conference. of this nature.</p><p>COUNSELORS Homework Requests The function of counselors is to assist the students, their The Assistant Principal will ask for homework assignments parents, and the faculty in every way possible. This includes from teachers for students absent more than three days when providing counseling, testing, and educational information. requested by parents. The assignments will be due to the The staff shall provide adequate files of information. respective office by 4:00 p.m. the following day. It is Students, parents, and faculty have access to excellent important for these assignment requests to be honored and guidance resources in the counseling office. submitted on time.</p><p>Placement Schedule Changes Schedules may be changed for the following reasons only: Counselors will meet with students in planning their a. Summer school attendance program of studies. Subject teachers will recommend b. Clerical or administrative errors placement. The teacher will consult the student's counselor c. Level of difficulty problems with the appropriate if he/she desires additional information relative to documentation qualifications or limitations of the student. The counselors d. Failures will make assignments to classes. No other changes will be approved. Only the Assistant All student information should be confidential and used only Principal for Instruction and the Principal will make in professional and ethical ways. schedule changes. Law mandates legal rights to privacy and due process.</p><p>CO-TEACHING The following are several important areas for special Co-teaching classes consist of two teachers (one regular consideration: education teacher and one exceptional education teacher) within one class. Both teachers are considered the Annual Student-Counselor Advisement professional educator within the classroom. It is expected that both teachers share instructional and non-instructional Annual advisement is a vital part of the overall instruction responsibilities from bell-to-bell. The co-teacher should have program. Provision will be made for each student to be duties and teaching assignments that are non-introductory. advised by his/her counselor. Teachers will be notified of Non-introductory teaching responsibilities may include classroom, he or she must notify the front office and post a sponge activities, reviews, warm ups, etc. typed note on the classroom door.</p><p>DEFICIENCY REPORTS Teacher Failure Lists The co-taught classroom should utilize rigorous small group The teacher will provide any students failing his/her course a instruction models on a daily basis. Three approaches of detailed plan for remediation. This plan will address low small group instruction include: transfer grades, missing assignments due to absenteeism, need for basic skills tutoring, and any other academic issues 1. Parallel Grouping the student has. The teacher will provide a timeline for the - The class is divided in half, reducing the plan, as well as documentation of parental involvement in teacher/pupil ratio. the process. Teachers should use the form provided and - Both teachers are providing instruction; one attach any necessary documentation or instructions. A copy teacher may be providing review information should be given to the parent, and a copy kept in the school’s while the other teacher moves the other half of student file. the class forward with the lesson. - Two types of instruction are taking place. If a student is in danger of failing a class the teacher must issue a deficiency notice that includes a remediation plan. 2. Station Grouping The teacher must also have at least two documented phone - The class will be placed in small groups of 3 or conversations or conferences to the parent/guardian more students each. regarding the student’s failure status and remediation plan. - Both teachers circulate the room for instruction Teachers must develop a list of students who are failing their and monitoring. classes and submit the list to the counselor and Assistant - Station tasks may include: different concepts Principal for Instruction. and a round-robin approach game, or steps/stages to one unit. Each teacher will need to submit a failure log at the end of For example: each grading period to the counseling department and the Group 1 - Development of writing, Principal. In addition to the log, teachers must submit all Group 2 - Development of a documentation of remediation plans along with strategies for paragraph/sentence, success used and the results for the students who receive a Group 3 – Remediation/Review. failing grade. 3. Alternative Grouping Failure lists will be reviewed by the counselors/API to - The teachers teach different strategies to determine appropriate actions to take to provide the teacher comprehending the same concept. support in helping the student remediate the failure. This - There are both small and large group divisions. may include a referral to the social work department for - Small grouping should not be exclusively issues such as chronic absences or the provision of special education students. This can be the case individual counseling to address social problems. on some occasions. However, the grouping should consist of students with “like” needs. Teachers will assist in reduction of absenteeism by - This approach allows students who were continuing to make phone calls home to students who are absent to catch up to the rest of the class absent. Teachers will discuss the importance of school and quickly. It can also be used to assist students attending class each day. Teachers must maintain a who are struggling with a part of the lesson. documentation log. Co-teachers must rely on each other to make the teaching Teachers will implement a tutorial program. They will and learning experience within the co-taught classroom a facilitate this through a model of cooperative learning and success. The success of the co-taught classroom also monitor progress. Teachers will develop a plan to remediate depends on the co-teachers’ taking time each week to work students with deficiencies using differentiated instructional on lesson plans and teaching strategies for their co-taught strategies, as well as using multiple intelligence strategies. classes. Whatever the lesson planned or the small group approach used, the co-taught classroom must consist of a Teachers will help resolve failing transfer grades by giving rigorous instructional plan that allows all students the chance the students the opportunity to make up low grades by for academic success. providing make-up work for the student to complete. Teachers will document the receipt of the make-up work and DAILY SCHEDULE will notify the parent of the work that was issued and the due date(s) given. After-school tutorial will be re-emphasized A copy of the daily schedule will be posted outside the for students who are failing and/or may need additional help. entrance of the classroom. Daily schedules must reflect when and what the teacher is teaching throughout the period No student may be given an “F” in a subject if a and must be written on the board. If a teacher moves his or Deficiency Report/Plan of Remediation has not been sent her class to any location other than his or her assigned to the parents and direct contact with the parent via telephone or a conference. 4. When forms are returned, either approved or not, the teacher will be notified.</p><p>Teachers must NOT send permission forms, or EVALUATION make any preparations for the trip until the (TKES) Evaluation above procedure has been completed and EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION CHECKLIST notification given. LESSON FOCUS: . Inform students of what the objective of the lesson is for NOTE: We do not charge fees to any student or parent. the class period by stating it. Donations are accepted on a voluntary basis; however, no . Write the objective on the board/overhead/flipchart, etc. student is penalized in any way. The school must pay the cost for students who have not contributed so that they are PROVIDE INSTRUCTION: not denied participation. . Move from simple to complex. . Intersperse practice opportunities. 5. If you have a trip canceled due to weather, illness, . Vary activities and questions. etc., be certain to attach a note to the bus requisition noting "Canceled" and return it immediately to the ASSESS AND ENCOURAGE STUDENT PROGRESS: field trip office. If this is not done in time, the . Promote engagement. teacher is responsible for payment to the driver. . Facilitate active participation. . Encourage overt participation. 6. A legible list of students going on the trip must be . Encourage covert participation. placed in the teachers' boxes or sent via email. A . Monitor progress. copy of this list is to be given to the attendance . Ask questions. office for student accounting. This must be done 24 . Move among students. hours before the trip. . Use extended wait time for responses. . Provide student feedback. 7. Never plan your departure during a class period. . Protect student dignity. Make every effort to time your return to coincide . Encourage positive student interactions. with the end of a period. Returning field trip students should not be in the halls during a class period. If returning during class time, they should MANAGE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: remain in the commons until the bell sounds. . Use instructional time productively. Attendance is to be taken prior to departure of the . Conduct efficient transitions and material distribution. bus. The teacher will send the names of all students . Give clear directions. who are not present at departure time to the . Avoid unnecessary delays. attendance office. . Provide feedback on behaviors. . Expect the best of each student. 8. As soon as a trip is completed, have the bus requisition signed and take it to the bookkeeper no later than the next day to determine the cost. The bookkeeper will attach the check and send it to FIELD TRIP PROCEDURES/GUIDELINES Transportation. Under no circumstances are you to throw a bus requisition away. (Check to make Field trips will be minimized. Only necessary field trips will sure the bus driver's social security number is on occur before Spring Break. All field trips must include the this form.) Georgia Professional Standard included in the lesson plans and must be instructionally sound. All field trip request 9. The last date for field trips is April 14, 2010. See forms should be completed and returned to the API. the API to confirm this date. 1. All field trip requests should follow the activity book guidelines found in the forms section. Use the form for field trips, Activity/Field Trip Request Form. This form can be secured from the front GIFTED CERTIFICATION office secretary. Gifted In-Field Certification Registration 2. When this form is completed and signed by the Registration for the Gifted In-field Certification Courses is designees, it is to be submitted for the Principal’s available on the DeKalb Gifted Website at signature. www.gifteddekalb.com or CaseNEX website at http://www.casenex.com/casenet/jsp/dekalb/registrationPreH 3. The form will then be sent to the Area Assistant AP.jsp Superintendent for approval. The following four courses are required for the Gifted In- GRADING Field Endorsement: Recording and Reporting Student Progress  Nature and Needs Student progress and attendance shall be maintained  Measurement and Assessment electronically in order to provide consistent, accurate, and  Curriculum Program and Strategies effective recording and reporting of this student data.  Methods and Materials Teachers will use eSIS to record student progress and attendance daily. Teachers may also access eSIS from home Please note that the courses are graduate level classes by going to the website, and following the installation which require high levels of participation and directions. The web address for home is: attendance. The four 50 hour classes (200 hours) are the https://gradebook.dekalb.k12.ga.us/production/smartwebt/sm equivalent to 20 PLUs. artweb.html</p><p>Electronic recording of student data will facilitate the GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS automatic flow of information for the purpose of providing all necessary student progress reports, including official Curriculum DeKalb School System mid-semester progress reports and As required by the Quality Basic Education Act of 1985, report cards through the Department of Student Accounting. Georgia must maintain a curriculum that specifies what Electronic recording will also facilitate access to student students are expected to know in each subject and grade. progress information for students, parents, or guardians via Additionally, the state’s standardized tests and the End of the Internet. Course Tests (EOCT) must be aligned with that curriculum. Progress reports are to be issued every four and a half weeks The state’s curriculum is a guideline for instruction that for students at Stone Mountain High School. It is mandatory helps teachers, students, and parents know what topics must that all teachers update their grade postings at each grading be covered and mastered for a particular course. The period by 12:00 pm on the day requested. Final grades in curriculum establishes the minimum standards, and does not some classes will be issued at the nine-week mark due to prohibit systems, schools, or teachers from adding material block scheduling. to it. Some systems may have curricula of their own, but they must include everything that the state requires. MARKING First Semester Second Semester PERIODS The revised and strengthened curriculum will drive both instruction and assessment in Georgia’s schools, providing guidelines for teachers, students, and test makers. We will now teach to a curriculum, not to a test or a textbook. Our statewide assessments will be aligned with the Georgia It is critical that every teacher posts accurate grades for each Performance Standards, taking the guesswork out of marking period. The counseling staff and administrators teaching and providing guidelines for our schools, students, frequently pull grades from the Infinite Campus during and test makers—and those standards will be based on best conferences with students, parents and probation officers. practices that have proven to be effective in high-performing Incomplete or inaccurate grades render the program states and nations. ineffective and may be detrimental to the student. </p><p>During weeks where an official progress report is not issued, teachers should print a grade report from eSIS with a Requirements parental signature line on it. Students should take this home Systems are required to cover, at a minimum, the material in and have a parent sign and return the form. Teachers will the state curriculum, but they are free to supplement it with then file these documents and turn them into the counseling additional topics they expect teachers to cover. Students will department and Principal with their final gradebooks. be tested on their mastery of this material through the state’s standardized tests. Progress Reports with Remediation Plan Each teacher will be required to issue a 4.5-week, 9-week, The state curriculum is the minimum of what teachers and 13.5-week remediation plan to all students in danger of should teach and what students should know. The Georgia failing. A parent-teacher conference should be scheduled to Department of Education encourages teachers, however, to go over the plan of remediation with the student and parent incorporate extra activities and projects that will stimulate and to acquire signatures from both the student and the critical thinking and in-depth learning on the part of their parent. If a conference cannot be scheduled, every effort students. should be made to contact the parents by phone to be certain they are aware of the student’s performance in class. When a student fails a class, the failure should not be a surprise to the parents/guardians when the report cards are issued. Students are not to receive a failing grade unless you have secured a Deficiency/Plan of Remediation signed by the student and/or parent/guardian. There should be documentation of all telephone calls to parents. Any Final Exams student, whose grade drops ten points or a letter grade in one Final exams are mandatory for all ninth through eleventh grading period, should be given a plan of remediation and grade students, and these students are not allowed to be the parent/guardian should be contacted. This will alleviate exempt from them. At the end of the school year, teachers any surprises when progress reports are issued. In addition, must leave copies and keys of the final exams for any students shall receive a current print-out of their grades students who did not take final exams due to legal absences. every 4.5 weeks in order to keep the students abreast of their A staff member will administer the exams during the performance in class. The Assistant Principal for Instruction summer, and a grade will be awarded based on the will complete random checks for updated grade books instructions left by the teacher. throughout the year. Incomplete Grades Deficiency Reports Incomplete grades may be awarded in special cases, but the Deficiency reports are to be given at any time the student grade must be changed to a numerical grade within 10 becomes in danger of failing a class. Even though they are calendar days of the next semester. Teachers must speak included in the Progress Reports, notification to parents of with the Principal before awarding an incomplete grade. this danger at any time is appropriate without waiting for a scheduled progress report. There should be documentation Textbooks of telephone calls to the parents along with the Textbooks allocated to a teacher for instructional purposes parent/guardian’s signature on the Deficiency/Plan of are the teacher’s responsibility. The teacher shall conduct Remediation. All deficiencies must be listed on the failure regular checks of the textbooks to ensure that they are not list and submitted to the Assistant Principal for Instruction abused or lost. When textbooks are damaged/lost/stolen, the for each student who failed a class. teacher should inform the textbook coordinator and take the necessary steps to replace or collect the replacement cost for Teacher Failure Lists after Each Progress Report the textbook. All textbooks not issued must be secured so The teacher will provide students who are failing the course that they can be accounted for at the end of the semester. a detailed plan for remediation. This plan will address low transfer grades, missing assignments due to absenteeism, need for basic skills tutoring, and any other academic issues Cheating the student has. The teacher will provide a timeline for the Cheating on a test, quiz, or assignment is considered by the plan as well as documentation of parental involvement in the school system to be a serious breach of conduct. The student process. Teachers should use the form provided and attach should be penalized with a zero (which cannot be made up) any necessary documentation or instructions. A copy should for the work, with notification to the parents/guardians of the be given to the parent, and a copy should be kept in the reason for the action. Discussion of the incident with the student’s file. Assistant Principal is required before the parent is notified. Teachers are encouraged to clearly define to students what If a student is in danger of failing a class, the teacher must actions constitute cheating. A statement concerning issue a deficiency notice that includes a remediation plan. cheating should be included on the course syllabus. The The teacher must also have at least two documented phone following actions are considered to be cheating: conversations or conferences with the parent/guardian 1. Receiving/Using unauthorized materials on a test. regarding the student’s failure status and remediation plan. 2. Knowingly giving information during a test Teachers must develop a list of students who are failing their administration. class and submit the list to the counselor and Assistant 3. The passing of definite questions or answers to someone Principal. who has not taken the test. 4. The turning in of work for credit that is not one’s own, Each teacher will need to submit a failure log at the end of plagiarism. each grading period to the counseling department and Principal. In addition to the log you must submit all Conduct Grades documentation of remediation plans used and the results for Each student is graded on his/her conduct, which is defined the students who receive a failing grade. as behavior toward teachers, students, and others. The letters S, N, and U are used to signify satisfactory, needs Teachers will assist in reduction of absenteeism by improvement and unsatisfactory, respectively. Conduct continuing to make phone calls home to the parents of grades are recorded on the grade collection document at the students who are absent. end of the semester and on all progress reports throughout the year. Conduct never directly affects the academic grade Teachers will implement a tutorial program. They will a student earns in the class. Before a conduct grade of “N” or facilitate this through a model of cooperative learning and “U” is assigned, contact with the parent regarding the monitor progress. Teachers will develop a plan to remediate student’s conduct must have been made and documented. student deficiencies using differentiated instructional Parents should never be surprised with their child’s conduct strategies as well as using multiple intelligence strategies. rating in a class. Discipline referrals for inappropriate classroom conduct to the administrator should have been made and documented also. Grade Change Policy Once a grade has been submitted, the teacher may change grades with the proper documentation and permission of the HONORS Principal. Grade changes will be considered within two (2) Governor’s Honor Program weeks of the date the grade was reported. This program is designed to give students an opportunity to Grading Scale interview and participate in a summer program sponsored by A report card shall be prepared for each student each the Georgia Department of Education. Students are semester of the school year with the progress in each course nominated on a local level and must compete on a county designated. Students in grades 9 –12 will have grades level. Students may compete in communicative arts, displayed numerically. The grading scale for DeKalb science, social studies, dance & theatre, County is as follows: agriscience/biotechnology, technology/career education, and visual arts. Official transcripts and PSAT/SAT scores are A = 90 - 100 required for this program. B = 80 - 89 C = 71 - 79 D = 70 INSTRUCTION F = Below 70 Progress Reports/Deficiencies/Conferences Progress reports, deficiencies, and conferences are three Conduct ways to keep parents informed of their child’s progress in class. No "U" will be given unless the teacher has (1) had at least Deficiencies offer a plan of redemption. There sometimes one conference with the parent and (2) had at least one seems to be some confusion concerning objectives and tasks conference with an administrator. The rationale is that a to be described on deficiencies. The objectives and tasks parent cannot correct what he/she does not know and that written on the deficiency must be clear and precise so that administration should be involved in trying to correct the the parent(s) can implement a plan of action. Objectives situation if it is serious. should express broad areas such as "The student will be able to pass tests." The tasks are actions the student might take in Conduct grades of "N" and "U" should not be a surprise to a order that he/she might reach the objective. Examples might student or his parents. These grades should be documented be "Take better notes," or "Come by after school for help." by referrals to the appropriate assistant principal and by Another example of an objective would be "The student will conferences with students, parents, and/or counselors. study effectively." Tasks for this objective would be "The student should review his notes on Tuesday nights (Social studies tests are on Wednesday,) and "The student should re- GUEST SPEAKERS read chapter assignments.” Task statements should be activities that parents can monitor. All guest speakers are to be approved by the Principal at least two weeks in advance. Receive approval before you Teachers must be sure that deficiencies with plans for contact and schedule the speaker. It is recognized that guest remediation are given to those students in their classes who speakers can be valuable assets to classroom instruction. A are in danger of failing (75 or below) or students who are teacher who utilizes a guest speaker should: doing unsatisfactory work. Be sure the student signs the signature sheet. You may secure copies of these forms from 1. Indicate in their lesson plans how the speaker’s the API. message is pertinent to state objectives. 2. Have heard the person speak or reviewed Parents who desire conferences with teachers should call the transcripts of a speech/lecture by the speaker. Counseling Center secretary. A Parent-Teacher Conference 3. Be fully aware of that person’s qualifications, Night is normally scheduled for the week after progress including attitude and philosophy, as they pertain reports are issued. to that person’s area of interest. 4. Contact the person well in advance of his Each student is encouraged to work closely with a counselor. appearance date. The Counseling Center is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 5. Make arrangements to have the speaker met p.m. daily. A student must have a hall pass to come to the when he enters the building so that he/she Counseling Center. immediately feels welcome. Copies of Deficiency Reports will be collected by the 6. Be fully aware of what the speaker will teacher. discuss. are being taught, assessed, and re-taught if necessary. Lessons should reflect the current pacing of the DeKalb INSTRUCTION REPRODUCTION County Curriculum Guide for the subject area. </p><p>Faculty members should continue to plan so that they can copy materials before the day needed. The copy machine serves the entire school: administrators, faculty, staff, clubs/organizations, etc. Teachers may use the machine Lesson Plans Must Contain The Following: when it is available before school, after school, and during their planning periods. TEACHERS ARE NOT TO COPY  Daily and/or Weekly Lesson Objectives or Standards MATERIALS DURING THEIR CLASS PERIODS.  Course Objectives or Standards PLEASE LIMIT COPYING TO NO MORE THAN FIVE  Graduation Objectives (5) MINUTES WHEN SOMEONE IS WAITING TO USE  Pre-Instructional Activities THE MACHINE AFTER YOU.  Instructional/Transitional Activities  Formal and/or Informal Assessment Activities  The copier room is open for use during the school  Technology Usage Activities hours 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.  Content Area Reading/Writing Activities  Teachers must NOT send students to use the copier  Library or Video Usage Activities or the cutter under any circumstances.  Homework Assignment Activities  Personal items and items in violation of copyright  Other Comments or Adjustments laws are not to be run. Everyone is on his/her honor to use the machine for school-related, school- Administration will provide feedback on lesson plans. approved purposes.  If there is a problem with the machine while you are using it (ex. paper jam), please notify one of the PARAPROFESSIONALS key operators. Do not leave the problem for the Paraprofessionals are assigned based on need. next user to solve. Paraprofessionals are not certified and should not to be left  Please remain cognizant that paper is not an to cover instructional programs. Paraprofessionals will be unlimited commodity. Everyone must do his/her reassigned for emergencies only. share to conserve paper. Run copies on the front and back.  Keep the copier room clean. There is no one available to clean up all of the excess papers. PARENTS IN CLASSROOMS Discard them as you leave the room. The DeKalb County School System is an open system and encourages parent participation and involvement. To LESSON PLANS maintain an optimal learning environment, parents should Suggested Class Format arrange classroom visits with the Assistant Principal of Instruction in order to avoid testing days, field trips, or other 1. Ensure warm-up problems/exercises are given as similar pre-planned group activity. This should be done at students arrive to class. least 24 hours in advance of the visit. Parents are asked to 2. Call roll and enter attendance via eSIS while students arrive at the school fifteen minutes prior to the beginning of complete warm-up exercises. the class to be visited. To assure safety of all students, 3. Previous Lesson Review & Homework Review (10 parents are requested to sign in at the main office upon Min) arrival at school and receive a visitor's pass. While visiting 4. Introduce New Lesson and Objectives (55 Min) in the classroom, parents should avoid activity which would  Graduation Exam Objectives distract students. The rights of all students to privacy and to  Georgia Performance Standards a proper learning environment must be strictly observed.  List both objectives on the board 5. Guided Practice & Structured Cooperative Learning Activities (15 Min) PARTIES 6. Journal Writing and/or Reading Comprehension Parties are not permitted during the instructional day. There Activities, and start Homework/Lesson Summary (10 are no exceptions! Minutes) SCHEDULE CHANGES Lesson Plans Standards Lesson plans should reflect the highest level of Students may request schedule changes by the fifth (5th) day professionalism and preparation. They should show evidence of school for the following reasons only: of sincere thought, reflection, and planning. All planning a. To correct an administrative or clerical error should be done with the course of study to ensure ALL b. To make adjustments for failing grades OBJECTIVES AND/OR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS c. To make adjustments for courses made up in 9. Tornado Drill summer school 10. Classroom procedures d. To add a course needed to meet graduation 11. Administrator’s names requirements The Sub Folder must be submitted to the department chair It is extremely important that we register all new students by the end of the first week of school each semester. during the first week of school. Therefore, schedule change requests will be evaluated and processed for core area Emergency Substitute Lesson Plans changes only. A five-day lesson plan for emergency use only is to be Schedule changes will not be made allowing a student to placed on file in the office of the Assistant Principal for change from one teacher to another or from one period to Instruction at the beginning of the year and updated each another for the same course. Schedule changes will not be semester as necessary. In addition to instructional activities, made to change a student from his/her chosen elective to this plan should include the emergency preparedness another elective during the school year. procedures. See the Substitute Folder information above for all other items that must be included in the Emergency Substitute Lesson Plan Folder. Schedule changes will be allowed for the following reasons only:</p><p> Summer school credit received TEXTBOOKS  Credit received for a class in the past</p><p>After the request for a schedule change has been submitted, Textbook Issuance students will be informed to continue attending class, Teachers are responsible for issuing textbooks, conducting completing assignments, and participating in class activities random/frequent book checks, and collecting textbooks at until he or she receives an official print out of his/her new the end of the semester. Money for lost textbooks will be schedule if it has been approved. Students whose requests collected by the registrar. If students lose textbooks, the are denied will be notified at the time schedules are given to teacher should contact the parents and advise them of the all students. book’s price and the payment options (cash or money order only). The teachers should stress to the students the Teachers are not allowed to change schedules, add students importance of keeping up with their books at all times, as to rolls or delete students from rolls. This is the DeKalb County Board Policy specifies that no books will be responsibility of the office of the API or head counselor. It is reissued to the student in that class or in that content area imperative that all students are assigned to a class. until restitution is made. A. Textbooks will be issued at the beginning of each REPORT CARDS semester and collected at the end of that semester. B. Each student who receives a textbook must sign for Report cards will be issued at the end of Fall and Spring his/her textbook after the teacher has scanned it into Semesters. The fall report cards are given to the students in the computer database. Teachers are responsible homeroom. Spring report cards are mailed to parents. for indicating the book number (found on the inside Report cards should reflect Carnegie Units earned in four (4) cover of the book) and for ensuring that all classes. information is complete and correct. C. Teachers should write the student’s name, the teacher’s name and the semester/year inside the SUBSTITUTES book’s cover. Books cannot be returned expeditiously if the information is not legible. D. Teachers should retain possession of student Substitute Folders signature list until the end of the semester. If a Each teacher will maintain an up-to-date substitute folder student receives a schedule change or withdraws which will include the following information: from school, the teacher should re-scan the book 1. Teacher’s name, buddy teacher, duty back into the computerized database when the book assignments, is returned. Students are responsible for returning and helpful students in each classroom their textbooks in the cases of schedule change or 2. School Bell Schedule and Lunch Schedule school withdrawal. 3. Course Syllabus (or syllabi) 4. Class Rosters (computer-generated printouts) Textbook Return Update periodically when changes are made. All teachers must take up all textbooks at the end of each 5. Seating Charts semester, as students may or may not return to the same 6. Duty Roster class/teacher for the new semester. 7. Fire Drill Procedures and Fire Evacuation Plan 8. Intruder Alert A. When a student returns the textbook that was issued During instructional time, films/videos may not be used as to him/her at the beginning of the semester, it will rewards, fillers, or entertainment. Films/videos used for be checked out electronically. these purposes should be shown after regular school hours. B. If a student does not return the textbook, the teacher Films/videos may be used instructionally, however, as a should submit the electronic copy and hard copy of supplement to the content taught during a lesson/unit or for the student’s name and text book number under the enrichment at the conclusion of the lesson/unit, provided LOST category. Teachers should also keep a there are valid instructional objectives for use of the running list of students who did not return film/video. textbooks, so that another book of the same title is The use of videos and DVD’s and the use of all films, not issued to them the next semester. must be pre-approved by the principal or the API. This C. Students who owe for textbooks must make request form may be obtained from the API and must be payment to the Registrar in order to clear their filled out completely and submitted for approval at least 7 to records. At no time should teachers accept money 10 days prior to the day the teacher wishes to show the film, from students for textbooks. video or DVD. If any objectionable material-language, D. The student may make payment in the form of cash violence, adult situations- are present in the film, video or or money order only. No checks will be accepted DVD, the teacher must personally discuss the nature of the by the school for any reason. material with an administrator and may be required to send a E. Per DeKalb County Board Policy, students who do viewing permission slip home for a parent or guardian’s not make restitution for lost textbooks will not be signature. issued a textbook of the same title. </p><p>Department Chair Textbook Procedures WEBSITES The accountability for each department’s textbooks and resource materials will be facilitated by the department All administrators and faculty should have chair. All requests for additional materials should be given individual websites updated by the first day of to the department chair, who will work with the Textbook school. Coordinator and the Attendance AP to determine if Homework, class assignments, and major tests or enrollment necessitates the ordering of additional materials. quizzes should be posted each Friday for the next At the end of each semester, the chairperson will take a instructional week. Each website must have the complete inventory of all textbooks and materials, and class syllabus and classroom instructional/non- he/she will submit a detailed list of textbook and material instructional expectations posted for each class. losses to the AP for Attendance Each website must include a list of class supplies . needed, projects, and other pertinent information. See also DCSS Policy---Textbooks</p><p>VIDEO GUIDELINE</p><p>A teacher should only show videos that are cataloged in his/her subject area. Copyright laws must be followed when showing videos to classes. At all times, the videos shown must be instructionally valid to the content currently being taught as evidenced by the teacher’s lesson plans. The videos may not be used for entertainment, rewards, fundraisers, or time fillers. The use of all audiovisual materials must be for instructional purposes. This includes the showing of full-length films and videos used in the classroom. Film/videos used during instructional time should be those that students would not typically view on their own. (Example: Popular films which most students have seen or are likely to see on their own should not be shown in class.)</p><p>As a teacher plans the use of a video in his/her instruction, the teacher should consider the language, the violence, and the social and/or historical accuracy to determine if the video truly appropriate. Approval from the Principal is REQUIRED before showing any video not ordered from the Learning Resource Center. III. SAFETY AND ORDER</p><p>ABSENCES - STUDENT parents/guardians for an anticipated absence must be presented in advance to the Assistant Principal for Attendance. Student Attendance Policy and Procedures All classroom teachers are to record absences and tardies for Students without an excuse for an absence will be counted as students on their class roll for each class session. If a teacher having an unexcused absence. Unexcused absences due to is absent he/she must check when they return to insure that truancy or class cutting will result in disciplinary action. In class attendance is recorded. If the class does not meet during addition, students will be given a zero for all work missed. its scheduled time, the teacher will receive directions from the API or Attendance AP on how to mark the attendance for the Absence from School for More than One-Half Day class period. If a student is absent for three or more Any student absent from school for more than one-half the consecutive school days, the teacher is to contact the parents. school day may not participate in any extracurricular activities To view the Board Policy on student attendance, refer to on the day of the absence. Extracurricular activities include sections 9 and 10 of the Code of Student Conduct, 2010-2011. all clubs and athletic competitions. A student must attend three classes in order to be eligible for extracurricular Attendance Policy activities. Attendance at school is essential to the learning process. Students are expected to attend school for the entire day. Students are expected to be on time to each scheduled class Plan of Action for Unexcused Absences: and homeroom. If a student is on campus, but not in class 1. Students missing three (3) unexcused days will receive the during school, the student is considered to be TRUANT and first warning letter. Teachers are required to call his/her parent/guardian will be called. Absences, according to parents/guardians. Georgia State School Law, must be recorded as either 2. Students missing five (5) unexcused days will receive a EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED. letter from the attendance office, will be Excused absences are defined as: placed on an attendance contract, and will be referred to the 1. Personal illness or medical appointment counselor/social worker. 2. Death in immediate family 3. Students missing ten (10) or more unexcused days will 3. Religious holiday receive an attendance certificate of non-compliance and will 4. When attendance could be hazardous as determined by be referred to the social worker. the DeKalb School System 5. Service as a Page for the General Assembly Tardiness 6. Suspension Students who arrive at school after the beginning of first 7. Court subpoena period are considered tardy. A tardy student should have a note from a parent/guardian stating the reason for his or her NOTE: For seniors, the days missed for testing, school being late. Tardies are excused on the same basis as absences. sponsored field trips, religious holidays, guidance activities, Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action. and athletic events should not count against the days for final exam exemption. Plan of Action for Tardies: 1. Students will be given a teacher warning for the first two tardies. Student should be required to sign classroom Absences tardy log. rd th This process will be used for all absences: 2. On the 3 and 4 tardies, the teacher should assign a On the first day of attendance after an absence, the student detention and contact the parent. must bring a written excuse from a parent/guardian stating the 3. Students with 5-7 tardies will be assigned Administrative specific reason for the absence. The excuse must be presented Detention. Teachers should provide documentation of to the attendance office. The parental excuse must show: prior intervention and submit to the Attendance Office. 1. Date 4. Students with seven to nine (7-9) unexcused tardies per 2. Full name of the student semester will be assigned Administrative Evening School, 3. Date(s) of absence will be denied Driver’s License Attendance Forms for the 4. Parent/guardian signature and telephone number semester, and will be placed on an Attendance Contract 5. Reason for absence for one semester. Seniors will not be eligible for final exam exempt status. Furthermore, these students will be Students are to bring absentee notes to the attendance office referred to the counselor and social worker. Students that before school and submit them to the attendance office elect not to attend Administrative Evening School when secretary; she will then input this information into the assigned will be suspended. informational system. Students checking in after 1st period 5. Students with ten (10) unexcused tardies per semester will must show absentee notes to the Attendance Office personnel be assigned Administrative Evening School and will be at the time of check-in to obtain an admit. Requests from denied Driver’s License Attendance Forms for the school year. Also, junior and senior students will be denied  At the end of the lunch period, teachers are to be driving privileges for the year. Seniors will not be eligible at their doors to clear the hallways and begin for final exam exempt status. Furthermore, these students instruction promptly. will be referred to the counselor and social worker. Students that elect not to attend Administrative Evening CALL-BACK BUTTONS School when assigned will be suspended. Teachers are responsible for their students at all times. If a 6. Students with more than ten (10) unexcused tardies per teacher has an emergency and has to leave the class, have the semester will be suspended and/or referred to the Student teacher next door watch the class. Should a teacher need Evidentiary Hearing Committee (SEHC) if necessary and assistance in his/her class, the teacher should use the white call deemed appropriate by the Principal or designee. These back button to reach the front office. Students should not be students will be referred to the social worker. seated by the call back button.</p><p>CLASSROOM CLEANLINESS Returned Mail Responsibilities A letter not returned by mail to the school will be assumed received by the parents. If mail is returned, the attendance office or the registrar will contact the student and/or parent A definite relationship exists between instruction and good and require current proof of residency (electric or gas bill) housekeeping. A room properly cared for gives the before mail is released or before the student is allowed to impression of orderliness and efficiency together with the attend classes at SMHS. feeling that the teacher wants to present his subject in the best possible environment. Administrative Evening School (AES) shall include the following: At the end of each class and prior to dismissal of the students, 1. Instructional Activities all paper and extraneous matter should be picked up and 2. Campus Beautification Activities (Cleaning Up placed in the trash can. This can make a great difference in the the attitudes and sense of responsibility of most of the Campus) students.</p><p>Floating teachers are expected to leave each room in a neat APPLIANCES and orderly condition. At the end of the day, the last teacher to use a particular room should see that all paper is picked up According to the Fire Marshall code, appliances are NOT and the door is locked securely. permitted in classrooms. This includes coffee pots, microwaves, refrigerators, portable heaters, hot plates, etc. Reminders: When placing items on the walls or in the However, microwaves, coffee pots, and refrigerators are hallways, teachers should not use double-sided tape because it permitted in the faculty lounge (see plant engineer for details). destroys the paint. Custodians will be responsible for routine sweeping and damp mopping of the floors, as well as BADGES maintenance of lighting, ceiling tiles, and touch-up painting as Every DeKalb County employee should have a badge. Badges needed. In the event of an emergency, please contact the front are to be worn at all times. An employee who has lost his or office for custodial needs. her badge should notify the bookkeeper immediately. The classroom teacher is responsible for making sure that the room is kept neat and clean. In addition, all bulletin boards should be neat, content related, attractive and changed with the CAFETERIA PROCEDURES change in units of study.</p><p>Over 400 students eat in the cafeteria at one time. The CONFISCATING ITEMS following are the cafeteria expectations: The teacher may confiscate a prohibited item from a student.  All students MUST REMOVE TRAYS AND However, if the student is uncooperative, the teacher should OTHER TRASH FROM TABLES. avoid a confrontation with the student and seek administrative  All students must remain in their seats assistance. If a teacher confiscates an item from a student, that throughout the lunch period. teacher becomes liable for the property taken from the  All students must follow directions of adults on student. It is recommended that the item be given to an duty. administrator as soon as possible. Items are then secured,  All students must enter the cafeteria in an orderly labeled, and released at the discretion of the Principal. The manner and know their identification numbers. following items are prohibited at Stone Mountain High School: Cards (playing, mystery, etc.) Sports/trading cards To ensure a safe and nurturing classroom environment, please Curlers/head scarves Headphones adhere to the following: MP3 Players/ IPods PSP/Video Games Dice Toys  Keep all door windows clear of any items and coverings. Chains Wallet with chains  Check classroom during each period for any Reusable drink containers Water/play guns debris and books. Sunglasses Metal hair picks  Organize classroom and personal space to Squeeze bottles Stuffed animals present a neat physical setting. Laser pointers Cameras  Report any repairs immediately to the Assistant PSP/Video games Principal.</p><p>Note: Cell phones should be put on silent and not used All rooms will be checked randomly by the during instructional times. i.e., Administrative Team. (hallways/cafeteria)</p><p>DETENTION CONFLICT RESOLUTION</p><p>Peer Mediation Teachers may assign detention for rule violations or misconduct. The amount of time to be served is left to the This program is designed to resolve conflicts by using the discretion of the teacher. The student must be given one day's students’ peers. Trained students mediate other students notice to arrange transportation home or the teacher may through difficult situations. There are guidelines that the peer contact the parents in advance to notify them of the detention. mediators must follow. The sessions are confidential, and a Remember to let the parent know what time to pick up the counselor is present to guide them through this process. student so that he/she can exit the school campus immediately However, students are in charge of the mediations. Hopefully, after completing detention. The teacher should keep students will learn new skills in communicating conflict documentation that proper notice has been given for the resolution and peacefully express and resolve their own detention. If a student fails to show for teacher detention, the conflicts without adult intervention. Students may request teacher may refer the student to the discipline administrator mediation, or they may be referred by a faculty/staff person. for additional consequences. Students may also be assigned Administrative Detention or CRISIS INTERVENTION PROGRAM Administrative Evening School (AES) as a consequence for Tragedies may occur at any time. The following steps should discipline infractions as outlined in the Student Code of be taken in case of an unfortunate event which impacts staff, Conduct Please note that only an administrator can assign faculty, and students. Teachers will use call back buttons to a student to ISS, Administrative Detention or AES. call for any student who may need immediate individual counseling after this announcement of a tragic situation affecting our school. DISCIPLINE CUSTODIAL SERVICES A brochure has been prepared in accordance with the Discipline Procedures of the DeKalb County School System. It contains important information for school personnel, The custodial staff will close the commons and lock the students, and parents. Included in the Student Code of exterior doors each day by 3:10 p.m. Custodians will be Conduct is an outline of student offenses and the various responsible for routine sweeping and damp mopping of the dispositions relating to these offenses. floors, as well as maintenance of lighting, ceiling tiles, and touch up painting as needed. Maintenance request forms are Disciplinary action will include appropriate hearings and located in the mailroom. Teachers should submit request reviews and, in all cases, the rights of individuals will be forms to the plant engineer as soon as possible if he or she is ensured and protected. Disciplinary actions will be in need of support. For emergencies, contact the main office. administered consistently throughout the DeKalb County School System. Maintenance needs should be reported in writing to the These brochures are given to each student who must sign for it Assistant Principal in charge of the school plant. Please upon receipt. Students receive the brochure and are taught and provide as much information as possible about the problem tested on its content. A student must make a minimal score of and describe as completely as possible what needs to be done. 80% in order to pass the test. All new students will be Utilize the “Activity Checklist” for all extracurricular administered the Student Code of Conduct by the Assistant activities which require special set-up or arrangement far in Principal of Discipline upon completion of registration or at a advance. designated time. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS The following penalties apply to all student dress code violations:</p><p>Teachers are to stand at the door at the end of the school Number of Offenses Actions of the School day. Students will be directed to buses, to designated after- school activities, and/or out of the building. First Offense Verbal reprimand, parental contact, and In-School Suspension (ISS) until end of day or correction of the DRESS CODE FOR STUDENTS violation Second Offense Required parent conference The atmosphere of a school must be conducive to learning. A and two (2) days ISS student’s appearance can positively or negatively impact the Third Offense Parental contact, three (3) days climate of a school. Students must adhere to DeKalb School ISS and Local Formal System dress code requirements. Students who fail to comply Hearing, which may result in with the DeKalb School System dress code requirements, as up to 10 days ISS, local enumerated below, may be charged with Offense #25 –Student probation and/or parent Dress Code Violation (see pages 24): visitation to classes with student in lieu of ISS. Chronic  Students are expected to follow all school rules governing violation of this expectation safety in specialized programs that may require the will result in the charge of wearing of protective clothing, safety glasses, or other #19a – Repeated Violation of similar requirements. School Rules - and a possible  Clothing or jewelry that disrupts the educational process referral to an alternative or endangers the health or safety of other students, staff or setting upon a finding of guilty visitors is prohibited. by the Student Evidentiary  Clothing, insignia, symbols, or adornments worn or Hearing Committee. carried on or about a student which promote gangs or the use of controlled substances, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is STONE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT prohibited. DRESS CODE REQUIREMENTS  The wearing of clothing which shows offensive and/or vulgar words, pictures, diagrams, drawings, or includes Students are not permitted to wear clothing representing words or phrases of a violent nature, a disruptive nature, a organizations or groups that are not sanctioned by the school sexual nature, or words or phrases that are derogatory administration. Any article of dress that tends to draw regarding a person’s ethnic background, color, race, unfavorable attention, interferes with instruction, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, or threatens health or safety, or is obviously poor taste is disability is prohibited. considered out of order. In addition, shirts or other attire decorated with obscene words or symbols and/or advertising The wearing of pants below the waist line, bare midriffs, or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco will not be halter tops/tank tops, tops/blouses revealing cleavage, short allowed. There will be no headgear worn in the building. shorts, net/see through garments, flip-flops, between-the-toe This includes hats, scarves, bandanas, do-rags, headbands, and shoes without heels, bedroom shoes, or other footwear that hooded jackets, hooded shirts or sweatshirts. All students are interferes with freedom of movement and dresses, pants, or required to wear shoes. Flip flops, beach and shower shoes, skirts with high splits is prohibited. Note: Students/Parents open-toed sandals and house shoes are not appropriate wear are urged to review local school handbooks for any additional for school. Tennis shorts, soccer shorts, leggings, halters, tank requirements related to student dress. tops, muscle shirts, dresses with spaghetti straps, midriffs, or cut-up jeans are inappropriate. A student’s midriff should be Student Dress Code Violation covered at all times and no cleavage should be showing at any time. Students are not permitted to wear more than one pair of All students are expected to dress appropriately and to adhere pants, shorts, etc. Stretch lycra spandex pants and tights are to the student dress code found in this handbook and any permitted if worn underneath a skirt, dress, or shorts that fall additional requirements listed in local school regulations. within 3 inches of the top of the knee. No pajamas or sleepwear of any kind should be worn at school. Blankets and pillows are not to be brought to school. Students are required to follow the system-wide dress code policy. Sagging of the pants is not allowed. Students must wear their hair completely braided or completely unbraided, no half and half. Students are not allowed to braid hair on campus. Ultimately, the appropriateness of student dress will be determined by the counselor, or office personnel sends for the student. An school administrators. exception to this policy is during an emergency situation only.</p><p>The dress for success standard of Stone Mountain High School has been determined by the DeKalb County Board of HALL RULES Education. The teachers and administration of Stone A student in the hall or on any part of the campus during class Mountain High School will enforce this dress code standard time must have a pass. Designated passes are to be used as a consistently. hall pass. No passes should be issued to students during the first fifteen (15) minutes of class or the last fifteen (15) minutes of class (15/15 rule). Teachers should keep in mind the importance of instructional time and the need for each ELECTRONIC AND/OR COMMUNICATION DEVICES student to be in class the entire class period. IN CLASSROOM</p><p>Electronic and/or communication devices are to be left at IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION/ALTERNATIVE home. If a student has such items in the classroom, adhere to INSTRUCTION (AI) the following protocol: 1) The teacher should confiscate the item and label the item In-School Suspension will be referred to as Alternative with the student's name and the teacher's name. Instruction (AI). AI is a structured disciplinary environment 2) The item must be immediately secured so that the item is in which a student is isolated from regular classroom not lost or stolen while in the teacher’s possession. activities. Students assigned to AI are counted present for the (REMEMBER: The teacher is liable for the item) assigned day(s). Students have the opportunity to complete 2) During class changes, the teacher should give the item to an their academic assignments from their regular teachers. administrator. Students are required to follow a set schedule and follow the 4) The item will be secured in the front office and held for rules and procedures of the Alternative Instruction program parent pickup. Items will be returned at the Principal’s and Stone Mountain High School. Students must also abide discretion. by the expectations and policies of the Student Code of If a student refuses to give you the item, do not stop your Conduct. instruction. DO NOT confront the student. DO NOT attempt to take the item. Use the call button in your room FAILURE BY STUDENTS TO FOLLOW RULES AND to ask for an administrator to come to your room. ABIDE BY THE POLICIES OF AI, STONE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL AND/OR THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL CONSEQUENCES, SUCH AS ADDITIONAL DAYS OF FIRST AID KITS AI OR OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION. THE All first aid kits and materials are housed in the Attendance SPECIFIC CONSEQUENCE WILL BE DETERMINED Office. BY THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR DISCIPLINE IN CONSULTATION WITH THE AI FACILITATOR.</p><p>Assignment to Alternative Instruction: FOOD SALES A student is removed from regular classes and assigned to Alternative Instruction (AI) for any number of disciplinary In keeping with the requirements of State Standard E 4.4, infractions. Assignment to AI can be made by an except for the regular school lunch program, no food items of administrator only. The goal of AI is to reduce the NUMBER any type are sold until after the regular school day has ended of out-of-school suspensions and to empower students in the at 3:10 p.m. After school food sales must be approved in peaceful resolution of conflicts with peers and with adults. writing by the Principal. Students are not allowed into the When a student has been assigned to AI, the teacher will teacher's lounge to purchase food at any time. Employees receive notification via the AI conference located in First should not send students to the teacher’s lounge at any time Class in the Red School House. Teachers should check this for any reason. conference periodically each day. Students assigned to Alternative Instruction are counted present for the day. However, students are not allowed to participate in HALL PASSES extracurricular activities or athletic events or attend any school Instructional time must be experienced by all students. No events during the time they are assigned to Alternative student should be out of class during instructional time. Only Instruction. if an emergency situation arises should a student be given a hall pass. No student will be allowed to leave class or walk the Work for Students in Alternative Instruction: halls without an official hall pass from the instructor. Do not It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide work for their allow a student from another room into your classroom students while they are assigned to AI. The work must be without a proper pass completed and signed by a teacher. Do equivalent to the course work the other students are receiving not send a student to the office unless an administrator, in the classroom. Each class assignment should take at least 90 minutes to complete. In some cases, students are assigned to AI on a same-day basis. At this time, they are placed on the immediately. The employee will be charged a fee of $5.00 “Present in AI list”, and the teacher will be asked to provide per lost key and $10.00 per access card. work for the student at that time. Each department should also provide a number of one-day emergency packets for students who must be placed in AI immediately. If work is not SAFETY received in a timely manner, a formal request will be issued by Hazardous and unsafe conditions regarding buses, parking, a building administrator. Students must receive credit for any grounds, classrooms, equipment, etc., must be reported to the work completed in Alternative Instruction. Principal immediately.</p><p>SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS INTRUDER ALERT PROCEDURE</p><p>This procedure has been developed to alert staff members to When students are engaging in school-sponsored activities or the presence of intruders in the building. The announcement traveling to and from school on school buses, they are is coded so students are not alarmed. Upon hearing the expected to follow the rules and regulations governing student announcement, teachers will lock the classroom doors and behavior as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. retain all students inside the room until the all-clear The board expects all students to be under the supervision of announcement has been made. Neither teachers nor students an assigned adult at all times when they are in class or on are to be in the hallways during the Alert. The school grounds, on a school related trip, or engaged in school- announcement that will signal teachers to put into effect the sponsored activities. School personnel assigned to supervise intruder alert procedures is, “This is an Intruder Alert.” students are expected to act as reasonably prudent adults in lieu of parents in providing for the safety of the students in their charge. In keeping with this expected prudence, no INJURY ON SCHOOL PROPERTY teacher or other staff member shall leave his/her assigned group unsupervised except as an arrangement has been made Any student injured on school property should be sent to the to take care of an emergency. The Principal must be notified. attendance office. The event should be reported to an administrator. The parent will be called, and a decision will be made on the need for further assistance. An injury/accident report must be filled out for all persons injured on school TOBACCO USE property. As of September 1, 1987, the use of tobacco products by Should an employee’s accident or injury occur during school faculty, staff members, other employees of the school system, hours, the injured party must report the accident to the and visitors is prohibited on school property during normal Principal and complete a written report on the accident. (See working hours. This policy has been passed for the welfare the bookkeeper or the front office secretary.) The reports are and best interest of all employees and as an example to our in the main office and should be completed and given to the students that the use of tobacco is discouraged. Should this attending physician or sent to the insurance company. policy be violated, the following actions will be taken: 1. First Violation – Letter of direction from the Principal will be placed in the employee’s file KEYS and will be removed after one year if no further violations are incurred. Building entrance keys are provided to appropriate 2. Second Violation – Letter of reprimand from the faculty/staff to unlock doors at designated building entrances Superintendent or designee will be placed in the that need to be accessible after regular hours of operation. employee’s file and will be removed after one year if no further violations are incurred. 3. Third Violation – The teacher will received three Building Entrance Key Control Coordinators are designated days suspension without pay. and are responsible for reviewing and approving departmental 4. Fourth Violation – Indefinite suspension and requests for building entrance keys, performing periodic possible termination for violation of board policy reviews of the departments' record keeping systems, providing and for insubordination. security with a list identifying individuals in each department who are authorized to request keys, and maintaining their own lists of individuals with building entrance keys. Students should never be allowed to take possession of school keys.</p><p>Duplicate keys and re-keying will be at discretion of Principal. Replacement keys and identification badges must be requested through the bookkeeper. </p><p>If an employee loses or misplaces his/her key and or access card, he/she must notify the key administrator IV. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES</p><p>AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES All students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. Students may participate in extra-curricular BELL SCHEDULES activities as long as they maintain the appropriate discipline and respect for the teacher advisor and meet the necessary guidelines for participation. It is the responsibility of the Daily Bell Schedule student to join any activity in which he/she desires to 1st Bell – 8:00 a.m. participate. Period 10 (1st Block) 8:10 – 9:40 nd All students involved in athletics must have a physical Period 30 (2 Block) 9:45 – 11:35 examination conducted by a medical doctor within the past Channel One 9:45 – 9:45 – 10:15 ~ “E” Period year, current insurance or waiver, and parental consent prior to 10:00 trying out, practicing or participating in any organized athletic Reading 10:00 – activity. 10:15 Per. 30 Class 10:15 – 11:35 ALL STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATE IN EXTRA- Period 50 (3rd Block) 11:40 - 1:36 CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MUST ACHIEVE THE A Lunch 11:40 - 12:09 FOLLOWING: B Lunch 12:09 - 12:38 C Lunch 12:38 - 1:07 All eligible activities are regulated under the Constitution and D Lunch 1:07 - 1:36 By Laws of the GHSA and the policies and procedures of the Report to 4th Block 1:36 – 1:43 DeKalb County School System. To be eligible to participate in th any co-curricular activity, students MUST schedule four Period 70 (4 Block) 1:43 – 3:10 classes; pass at least three during the semester of participation as well as the preceding semester; and be on track for Advisory/Homeroom Bell Schedule graduation. The application of these rules and procedures 1st Bell – 8:00 a.m. promote competition on a fair and equal basis. Coaches and Advisory/Homeroom 8:10 – 8:40 sponsors should be contacted for specific information Period 10 (1st Block) 8:10 – 9:40 regarding eligibility. Period 30 (2nd Block) 9:45 – 11:35 Channel One 9:45 – 10:00 9:45 – 10:15 ~ “E” Period ANNOUNCEMENTS Reading 10:00 – 10:15 Per. 30 Class 10:15 –  Submit all announcements to the Principal for 11:35 approval prior to their being announced. Any rd rd Period 50 (3 Block) 11:40 - 1:36 announcements submitted after 3 block will be A Lunch 11:40 - 12:09 announced the following day. B Lunch 12:09 - 12:38 C Lunch 12:38 - 1:07  Use the announcement form provided in the tray in D Lunch 1:07 - 1:36 the front office. Report to 4th Block 1:36 – 1:43 Period 70 (4th Block) 1:43 – 3:10  Please keep your announcements as brief as possible.</p><p>Pep Rally Bell Schedule  Announcements will be made via the intercom and 1st Bell – 8:00 a.m. school news. Advisory/Homeroom 8:10 – 8:40 Period 10 (1st Block) 8:10 – 9:40 nd  All announcements, with few exceptions, will be Period 30 (2 Block) 9:45 – 11:35 Channel One 9:45 – 10:00 9:45 – 10:15 ~ “E” Period made by the Principal via the public announcement Reading 10:00 – 10:15 system. Per. 30 Class 10:15 – 11:35 Period 50 (3rd Block) 11:40 - 1:36 A Lunch 11:40 - 12:09 B Lunch 12:09 - 12:38 C Lunch 12:38 - 1:07 D Lunch 1:07 - 1:36 Report to Period 70 (4th Block) 1:36 – 1:43 Period 70 (4th Block) 1:43 – 2:40 Pep Rally 2:40 – 3:10 CALENDAR REQUEST EQUIPMENT RESPONSIBILITY All staff members are responsible for school equipment All requests for activities and events must be submitted to the and/or instructional material in their possession. If the front office secretary on the designated forms. equipment or material is lost or stolen, the teacher to whom the item is assigned is responsible for replacing it and/or completing the appropriate Risk Management Form (see bookkeeper for form). EMPLOYEE ACCIDENT REPORT In case of an accident or injury on school campus, complete an NEW STUDENT CLUB OR ORGANIZATION Employee Accident Report with the bookkeeper, Mr. PROPOSAL PROCEDURES Stephens. Student/Faculty requests or proposals for consideration of approval of new clubs or ENERGY CONSERVATION organizations must be submitted and approved by the Energy conservation should be a matter of great concern to all Principal. Such requests for consideration and citizens. Schools are not exempt from inflationary costs or approval of new student clubs or organizations must from the need to conserve energy sources. Each year an include the following: increasing percentage of the school system's operating budget must be devoted to financing the escalating costs of utilities. 1. A sponsor’s name who has agreed to sponsor the As a result, it is important for each of us to do our part to club or organization implement a successful program of energy management. The 2. Students’ names requesting the club or following guidelines should be known to all teachers and staff organization members and must be implemented at once. 3. Goals and purpose of the club or organization 4. Proposed meeting times of the club or 1. All lights will be turned off in offices and classrooms organization when not in use. Teachers should take steps to see 5. Any other information requested by the that lights are turned off during the lunch period and administration that lights are turned off in their classrooms when they leave for the day. Sports 2. Tree lights and other decorative lights will not be used at any time. The program of interscholastic athletics is an extension of the 3. Heaters may not be used in classrooms. instructional program. Students are encouraged to participate 4. Report to the assistant principal any water fountain in the activities of their choice. The following regulations leaks, faucet leaks, running commodes, etc., so that pertain to all athletic teams. steps can be taken to correct the problems. 5. Physical education teachers and coaches must be 1. Attendance at School--The student must be present at certain showers are not running when not in use. A school for at least one-half of the school day in order to double loss is incurred when hot water is wasted. participate in any practice session or in competition on 6. Gymnasium lights, lights in practice areas, and that particular day. In the case of Saturday competition, dressing room lights are to be turned off when not in the student must be present on Friday in order to use. Do not leave the lights on for the custodian. The participate. The respective coach must determine if there custodian will turn on the lights when needed for the are extenuating circumstances that should be brought to purpose of cleaning and will turn off the lights when the attention of the Principal. Exceptions must be the cleaning is completed. approved in advance by the Principal. 7. The media center lights are to be turned off at the end of the day when students are not present. The media 2. Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, or Drugs--The use of tobacco, specialists must make sure that this is done. alcohol, or drugs by the student athlete during the 8. Hall lights, except for emergency lights, will be respective season is strictly prohibited. Violation of this turned off at 3:30 daily. The custodians will be regulation at any time and under any circumstances responsible for turning off hall lights. during the season will subject the athlete to disciplinary 9. All outside doors are to be closed during the school action and possible expulsion from the team. day. Teachers in the classrooms closest to the outside doors are asked to help keep the 3. Participation in more than one Sport--A student may doors closed. participate in only one sport at a time. However, no student will be penalized for reporting to a team late because of participation in another sport where seasons overlap. 4. Beginning Practice Dates--A student will not be permitted fundraising activities MUST be approved in writing by to join any athletic team after the second scheduled contest the Principal. except as stated below: A. A student new to the school may try out for a 11. Transportation for student athletes will be provided by team when he/she enrolls. school bus when possible. When a bus is not available, students may be transported in automobiles driven by a B. A student may try out for a team after the second licensed adult driver. When automobiles are used, each contest if he/she is involved in interscholastic student transported must present to the coach a properly competition through play-offs in another sport. completed and signed permission/waiver form signed by the student’s parents or guardians. Students are not to C. A student unable to participate due to eligibility drive to or from any athletic contest. or health reasons may be permitted to try out for a team after the second contest if cleared by 11. It must be the practice of each coach to be certain that his/her physician or if declared eligible. team members are in the habit of leaving the practice and dressing areas clean. Coaches must not permit students to 5. Each coach should have a list of written rules for his/her develop the attitude that it is acceptable to throw trash, team. These rules should be signed by the student and tape, cups, etc., on the floor or practice field. As teachers, parent and kept on file by the coach. The Principal should it is our responsibility to teach our students proper be given one copy of the team rules. behavior as well as how to play the game. This is especially true when we travel to another school. 6. The coach for each sport has the authority and responsibility to establish requirements for the respective 12. Running Off Campus--If you have students running in sport. All training rules, practice schedules, etc., must any off campus areas, you must be aware of three things: conform to all DeKalb County Athletic policies and o For safety purposes, have the students run facing procedures as well as to all Georgia High School the traffic and always provide very close Association regulations. The coach has the authority to supervision. dismiss any student from the team for violation of written o Limit off campus running to an absolute training rules. minimum. o Do not permit your team members to run 7. Before any student can participate on an athletic team, through or across any yards or private property. he/she must have the following items on file with the coach: 13. Security Procedures--Keep the locker room and cages A. Physical examination form signed by a physician locked during all practice sessions, games and/or meets. certifying the student is physically fit to Encourage students to put a personal lock on his/her participate; individual locker. B. Evidence of school insurance or an insurance waiver form signed by the parent. 14. Out of season group practice for all extracurricular C. Athletic registration form; and activities is prohibited except for ten days of spring D. GHSA eligibility forms completed and practice for football. submitted to the GHSA and returned marked eligible before any student participates in a game or contest. FUNDRAISERS The Principal or designee must approve all fund raising activities by teams, clubs, or other school-sponsored 8. Suspensions -- A student under suspension from school, organizations IN ADVANCE. Only school-sponsored fund alternative instruction or off campus suspension may not raising activities will be allowed on the Stone Mountain participate in any practice or contest during the time of High’s campus. All clubs are encouraged to exhibit fiscal the suspension. The student will be given written responsibility. Clubs that do not collect funds will be denied authorization from the Principal or Assistant Principal to fundraising opportunities. Organizations must file a Fund return to active participation with the team after any Raising Application with the school bookkeeper. The suspension. The termination of a suspension does not bookkeeper will submit the application to the Principal. You preclude the coach from imposing additional disciplinary must have approval from the Principal BEFORE ordering any action. materials for a fund raising project. 9. The terms and conditions of the DeKalb County School System Discipline Brochure will be strictly enforced during school hours, at any time a student is on any LAY COACH school campus, and during any and all extracurricular activities at school or away from school. No person can serve as a Lay Coach for any athletic team or 10. The head coach is expected to attend all meetings extracurricular activity at Stone Mountain High School supporting his/her team. The DeKalb County Booster without the approval of the Principal. Persons serving as Lay Club Policy must be adhered to at all times. All Coaches must abide by all rules and guidelines of the GHSA, DeKalb County School System Department of Athletics, and for dispensing to the student at the specified times. Any Stone Mountain High School. Unauthorized and /or persons faculty or staff member taking medication must keep the not approved by the Principal are prohibited from coaching, medication in its original container and must not share this instructing, addressing or supervising students. medication with anyone including students and other staff members.</p><p>LEADERSHIP TEAM NOTICE TO PARENTS The purpose of the Leadership Team is to: All letters and notices to parents must be approved and signed by the Principal before an employee sends the correspondence  Prepare, review, and monitor the Consolidated home to parents. A copy of all correspondences sent home School Improvement Plan with the assistance of must be filed with the front office secretary. administration.  Act as the school's problem-solving team pertaining NUTRITION to issues of student achievement and The DeKalb School Food Service and Nutrition Program school/community relations. exists to promote lifetime wellness to DeKalb County students  Report to the faculty at each scheduled department and staff by serving meals that are high quality, nutritious, meeting and faculty meeting regarding the findings enjoyable, and economical. Students are afforded the and results of each School Leadership Team opportunity to purchase breakfast and lunch. Students may meeting. not be denied breakfast or lunch due to circumstances which are out of their control.</p><p>MAILBOXES PARKING Mailboxes are located in the main office. All administrators, Students who wish to park a motorized vehicle on the campus faculty, and staff are expected to check their mailboxes upon must have a current decal sticker attached to the left front arrival and before leaving each day. All mailboxes should be window of their cars. The cost of the parking sticker is $40.00 clear of all mail in the afternoon. per year. A copy of parking regulations will be issued to each student upon registration of the vehicle. Students are not to MEALS park in spaces reserved for the school staff. Students who All adults pay for their meals at the time the meal is served. use the decal of another student or allow someone else to use There is no procedure to provide credit to adults for meals. their parking decal will lose their parking privileges. A The only free adult meals are for food service personnel as a student parked on campus illegally will receive one warning; part of their compensation. In addition, no food is to be taken the second time his/her car will be towed at the owner's from the building by any employee, school nutritionist or expense. otherwise, for personal use at any time. The parking area is off limits during the school day, including during the lunch period. Students arriving at school in MUTUAL CONSENT automobiles must park and leave the automobile upon arrival on the campus. Under no circumstances are students permitted to sit in cars parked on the campus or in the vicinity It shall be the professional practice of Stone Mountain High of the campus. School for all parties in a conference to mutually agree if the conference will be recorded or videotaped. This agreement Students who drive to school must clearly understand that they shall be vocal and recorded. Further, all parties shall be are personally responsible for any item that is found in their provided a copy of the taped conference upon its completion. car parked on the school campus. If they do not need an item If all parties do not mutually consent or if all parties will not for school, they should not have it on campus. obtain a copy of the conference at its conclusion, then the conference shall be postponed until further notice and referred The attendance records of seniors who have parking to the Principal or Area Office. permits will be monitored very closely. After any combination of three unexcused or unauthorized absences, If all parties consent to a recorded conference, then the staff check-ins, or check-outs, the student will be subject to losing member should stop the conference to retrieve a tape recorder the parking permit for up to one semester. from the media center.</p><p>PTSA MEDICATION The Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is an Medication will not be administered to students (this includes essential part of our school community. It represents the aspirin). Students who must take legally prescribed partnership between the school and home on behalf of medication must complete the appropriate form. If a student is students. We encourage all administrators, faculty, and staff to to take legally prescribed medication, the parent or guardian join the PTSA. The cost is $8.00. must bring the medication to the school in its original container and store it with the attendance office or Mrs. Caffey SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER School Social Work Department The school social worker will provide professional services to STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM help both the personal and academic needs of the student. The school social worker will also assist with the Student Support The Student Support Team is a system-wide program designed Team’s (SST) efforts, will work with the attendance office, to assist students academically and behaviorally through will spearhead investigations of suspected child abuse, and collaborative efforts to modify existing educational programs. will work with the counselors and families to recommend All teachers and staff members in contact with identified agencies to assist with emotional and social issues affecting students are expected to attend and participate in the scheduled students and families. An employee may make a referral to SST meetings. Teachers are also expected to refer students the school social worker by meeting with the student’s who may benefit from the SST process to the counselor and counselor or the Principal. SST chairperson as soon as the need is identified. In addition, teachers shall complete all necessary paperwork expeditiously NEW STUDENT CLUB OR ORGANIZATION and keep accurate records of attempted strategies and results. PROPOSAL PROCEDURES Student or Faculty requests or proposals for consideration of approval of new clubs or organizations must be submitted to TELEPHONES the Principal for approval. Such requests for consideration and approval of new student clubs or organizations must Telephones/E-Mail include the following: All teachers have a telephone assigned by the school system. 1. A sponsor’s name who has agreed to sponsor the Teachers new to DeKalb County School System or those who club or organization have not undergone training must do so during pre-planning 2. Students’ names requesting the club or (or individually with the secretary if hired after school begins). organization Telephone messages should be cleared throughout the day. 3. Goals and purpose of the club or organization Employees should not leave work with “message waiting” 4. Proposed meeting times of the club or indicated on their telephones. Each teacher is required to organization make his/her school telephone number and e-mail address 5. Any other information requested by the available to parents and guardians. This information should administration appear on syllabi, the school’s website, and any school-related brochures to parents. Since the classroom’s telephone system has a voice-mail feature, all teachers are required to have a CONCESSION STAND professional greeting, to check voice mail consistently, and In order to use the concession stand, sponsors should complete return telephone calls daily. It is critical that teachers utilize the proper form. The form must be approved by the Principal. all available means of communication to reach parents and afford them the opportunity to reach the teachers. ADVERTISING/POSTERS/SIGNS Posters, fliers, signs, and advertisements of any kind must be: Employees should check their E-mail upon arrival to work, during their planning period, and prior to leaving for the day. 1) student related Employees should not leave work without clearing all unread 2) approved by the principal prior to display. e-mails. Employees must respond in a timely manner to any e-mail sent from a parent or from a local school or county NO SIGNS, FLIERS, ADVERTISEMENTS OR level administrator. Any e-mail going outside of Stone POSTERS ARE TO BE AFFIXED TO WINDOWS OR Mountain High School should also be sent to the principal. GLASS PANELS. All posters and signs are to be removed immediately after the event has taken place. Telephone Calls</p><p>Telephone calls for teachers received during their instructional PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTED MATERIALS time will not be forwarded to the classroom. A message will No advertising is permitted in the school or at school activities be taken and placed in the teacher’s mailbox, or the call will unless it pertains to Stone Mountain High School or the be forwarded to the teacher’s voicemail. Teachers must not school’s partners. Handouts (giveaways) at school or at a make telephone calls to parents/guardians to discuss a student school activity that advertise a business or product are not in front of other students. Teachers must not use their allowed and are in violation of Board Policy. personal cellular telephones during instructional time.</p><p>Posters and class work are to be carefully removed from It is vital that all teachers monitor telephones and not allow display as they become out of date. students to use telephones in the classroom. Teachers must remember that fraudulent 911 calls from the classroom will Use of school letterhead is allowed only for official school- still trigger a response from the police. Fines can be assessed related correspondence and must be approved by the if this occurs. Principal. There are no exceptions. Use Of Telephones/cell phones</p><p>Use of office phones by students is restricted to calls in the Attendance Office for the purpose of checking out. Cell phones can be used before 8:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. They STONE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL can not be used in class or on campus except during the times noted. Students must turn off their cell phones during school DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS hours. Department chairpersons are responsible for the management of personnel and curriculum within their departments. </p><p>VOICEMAIL Responsibilities will include Voicemail must be established and updated prior to the first day of school. Voicemail must be cleared daily and parents 1. Planning and conducting a minimum of four local in- contacted within 48 hours of initial contact. All contacts service meetings during the school year. A written should be documented using the Parent-Contact log. report of each meeting should be submitted to the instructional assistant principal.</p><p>VOLUNTEERS AND VISITORS 2. Meeting monthly with the principal and other department chairpersons to develop plans for coordinating, improving, and evaluating the Parents are welcome to visit the school and classes at instructional program of the school and county. the beginning of the class period so that they do not disturb the instructional process. They should check 3. Coordinating all special activities and efforts to in with the security desk, and they will be given a promote public relations, and improving instruction visitor’s pass. Student visitors are not permitted through cooperative displays such as fairs, festivals, except in certain rare instances, and then only with exhibits, concerts, and special clinics. the prior approval of the Principal. All non-students of SMHS should be referred to the main office or 4. Assisting the textbook selection committee by asked to leave in the event that they do not report to involving all department members in the examination the Principal. An unannounced visitor should not be and evaluation of teaching aids and materials. allowed to interrupt instruction. 5. Assisting subject area coordinators in coordinating county level in-service programs.</p><p>6. Involving students, parents, and civic groups in WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES developing and interpreting the total instructional program. Student withdrawals are requested by parents or guardians only. After the request is made, the 7. Sharing with the principal problems of general Registrar will notify the teacher to check any books school administration, such as building use, internal in and check with the media center to make sure all security, teacher morale, and student control. library books are turned in. The cafeteria will be notified for pending charges. 8. Assisting the county curriculum committee by providing leadership for system in-services, course guide revision, and introduction of teachers to new trends and improved instructional techniques. WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION 9. Supplementing the efforts of principal, assistant Without exception, reports of all work-related accidents or principals, and supervisors in classroom visitations injuries must be sent and/or faxed by the bookkeeper to the and instructional leadership. Workers’ Compensation Department within 24 hours of the accident. Time is of the essence. An employee must not 10. Assisting in developing the master schedule for their delay submitting any forms awaiting signatures or additional department. information. The employee must submit whatever information he/she has immediately. 11. Collecting and reviewing course syllabi before they are submitted to the instructional assistant principal. 12. Collecting and reviewing lesson plans of each  Assume any other responsibilities assigned by the department member. (1.) Instructional methods, 2.) principal. teacher made materials, 3.) content as determined by course guide, 4.) methods of evaluation, and 5.) Time frame Common Core State Standards/ College and Career Ready Performance Index should be identified Communication and addressed in lesson plans. Lesson plans should be The department chair will: kept on file for each member of the department.  Communicate information from administration in a proactive, positive manner. 13. Collecting and reviewing substitute folders and  Hold regular meetings (monthly, or more if needed) keeping them on file in a location designated by o For information purposes instructional assistant principal. o For idea exchange o For peer collaboration 14. Assisting administration with monitoring substitutes o For support of new teachers by supervising them and insuring that they have o For professional development regarding new proper materials and sub folders. educational practices</p><p>15. Collecting emergency plans from each department  Distribute minutes of department meetings to member and reviewing these plans prior to members and to administration. submitting them to the instructional assistant principal. Curriculum The department chair will: 16. Observing and evaluating teachers according to  Facilitate establishment and implementation of guidelines of the Teacher Keys Evaluation departmental goals. System(TKES) and as directed by the principal and  Establish, monitor and document departmental instructional assistant principal. tutorials.  Provide administration with monthly tutorial data.  Monitor implementation of curriculum.  Supervise the planning and implantation of LOCAL EXPECTATIONS FOR DEPARTMENT interdisciplinary units. CHAIRS  Collect, proofread, review and respond to course syllabi, lesson plans, introductory letters, etc. The department chairperson serves as the primary liaison  Ensure that emergency plans and sub folders are between the principal and the department members. continually updated. He/she is an extension of the administrative team, and as  Document department performance regarding such, is expected to support the vision and goals of the GTDRI responsibilities, and issue GTDRI Checklist organization. when appropriate.</p><p>Duties and Responsibilities Observations The department chair will: The department chair will:  Conduct informal observations of department personnel (one per year for veteran teachers and one  Report to school no later than 8:00AM and remain on per semester for teachers new to SMHS). campus until 4:00PM daily.  Support and give feedback to teachers who require  Ensure teacher coverage in each classroom at the additional assistance. beginning and throughout the school day.  Provide administration with information regarding  Designate a department member to assume teacher performance. department chair duties in his/her absence.  Collect all “Statement of Leave” forms from teachers who were absent and forward to bookkeeper.  Maintain book and equipment inventory (insure Scheduling proper textbook distribution and collection). The department will:  Order and provide adequate materials for  Solicit input from department members regarding departments members. scheduling and selection of classes.  Attend and assist in planning of Student Recognition  Assist administration in construction of departmental Events (graduation, student assemblies, Curriculum master schedule. Night, Family nights, Open House, PTSA meetings, etc.).  Support Administrative Policies.  Provide on-going support, feedback, and recommendations for teacher support and improvement. All personal and vacation leave must be submitted 2 weeks prior of leave and must be approved by principal.</p><p>When absent, a Statement of Leave Form will be placed in your mailbox and should be returned to 1. Teacher’s Work Hours Mrs. Mayfield (bookkeeper) immediately upon return to work. The DeKalb County B.O.E. has established an eight- hour workday for all full time, professional 4. Substitute Teacher Information employees. Teachers should plan to arrive at Stone Mountain no later than 7:45 a.m. and should Each teacher is to keep an up-to-date file of lesson report to their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. to assist plans for emergency situations. The file is to be given with hall monitoring. to the department chair. The folder should include: a. Current class rolls Teacher may be assigned duties beyond the eight- b. Seating charts hour workday. These assignments include scheduled c. Class schedule with Room Number(s), and called meetings at the local and county level, all Homeroom Section and Room, and Lunch supplemented activities, and specific duty time assignments. d. Duties(time and location) If you are going to be late, please call into the e. Emergency lesson plans for 3 days Front Office (678-676-6602) no later than 7:45 f. Student offenses and discipline procedure a.m. brochure g. 2. Sign In/Out Each employee at Stone Mountain is required to sign 5. Dress/Image in upon arrival time and sign out at departure. The sign In/Out sheets are located in the Front Office. Professional staff members are expected to exercise Please be advised that payroll is prepared from these professional discretion relative to proper dress, sheets. Therefore, exact arrival and departure times posture, voice, choice of words and acceptable must be recorded accurately. Failure to sign in daily manners. Jeans, rubber thongs, and shorts are could result in being counted “absent” and no unacceptable. With the exception of those teaching subsequent pay for the day. ALL SIGN IN/OUT physical education, male teachers should wear a tie SHEETS WILL BE PULLED AT 7:50A.M. Also, everyday. During spirit days, workdays, etc. any person who arrives after the regular sign in specialized dress items are acceptable for teachers as sheets are pulled will be required to sign in the well as students, ordinarily; everyone should be Tardy Book. The Tardy will be in the same dressed for success in his/her role in the building. location as the regular sign in/out sheets. Good taste in the choice of wearing apparel and Additionally, NO CALL, NO SHOW will result to grooming helps greatly to set the proper tone of a Leave without Pay. good school. In every respect being a positive role model for students in expected.</p><p>Special Situations Departure 6. Classroom Security Should a situation arise that necessitates a teacher Each teacher is expected to close and lock all leaving the school campus during the school day, windows in the classroom upon leaving school. teachers are expected to document their departure Venetian blinds should be lowered to the windowsill time and arrival times on the special sign out/sign in at the end of the day. The classroom door should be form located in the front office. locked at the end of the day as well as when the room is not in use during the day. 3. Teachers and Staff Absence When teachers must be absent from school, contact 7. Attendance at Meetings the DCSS’s Automated Substitute Finder as soon as Teachers are required to attend faculty, departmental, possible or no later than 6:00 a.m. so that a sub can interdepartmental, and in-service meetings. be obtained. In addition to contacting Sub Finder, Afternoon faculty meetings, when scheduled, will be teachers and staff members are to contact the Front on Wednesday at 3:20 p.m. in the media center. Office 678-676-6602 no later than 8:00 a.m. If the Departmental meetings will normally be held in one absent is known in advance, contact the Sub Finder at the classrooms. Teachers should not plan activities or that time to avoid any last minute difficulty getting a make appointments on Wednesday afternoons that substitute. would conflict with the official meeting schedule. If for any reason a teacher cannot be present at a faculty meeting, prior approval by an administrator is necessary. A 3:20 p.m. make-up video will be shown The Sunshine Fund exists to provide support, for those faculty members who were excused from congratulatory messages, appreciation, etc., to staff the Wednesday meeting by an administrator. members of Stone Mountain. The Sunshine Committee will determine guidelines for the acquisition and distribution of this fund.</p><p>8. Assemblies 16. Hall Posters, Signs, Etc. Teachers are asked to use care in mounting posters Teachers are required to attend assemblies with their and signs in hallways. Before being posted, clubs, classes. Each teacher has supervisory responsibilities and activities posters and signs must be approved by in that area of the gym where his/her students are the principal. Approved material may be placed on seated, or where assigned by an administrator. the appropriate surface subject to these restrictions: 1. May be placed only on the tile 9. Confidentiality portion of the wall, not on panted surfaces. Information shared with the faculty by 2. May not be placed on windows. administrators, counselors, or other teachers 3. Must be mounted by taping on concerning students and/or procedures for dealing the back with school problems is confidential and should be of posters. treated in that manner. 4. Must be removed at the end of an activity. 10. School Committees Posted grades should have only student ID Standing committees will be organized during the numbers, not student names school year and charged with the responsibility of planning, organizing, and carrying out assigned 17. Lockers activities. Students should only visit lockers during the class change time (Before 1st, before 3rd, and after school). 11. Memos Do not allow students to leave the classroom to Teachers should check for e-mail messages at least retrieve items, books, etc., from their lockers. Set this twice a day. expectation early. Halls and lockers are off limits once class has started. 12. Calendars, Master The front office secretary will keep the school’s 18. Intruder Alert master calendar. To have an item entered on the According to DeKalb County B.O.E. policy, every master calendar, approval must be attained from the school must have a specified code of alert everyone principal first. Changes to the master calendar will in the building that an intruder has been spotted in the be sent out via e-mail. Facilities requests must be building and to take the proper precautions. Since the submitted to the school secretary in writing at least classroom teacher has n way of knowing if the two weeks in advance in order to reserve space and announcement is a drill or an actual intruder incident, request heating or air conditioning. every precaution must be taken each time the code is Weekly calendars are posted on the Stone Mountain announced tin to order to assure the safety of all. FirstClass internet site, under ‘Calendars’. Please check it to see upcoming events. When the alert is given, teachers should take the following steps: a. Every classroom teacher is to close and lock 13. Attendance the classroom door; making sure it is locked Student attendance will be taken during each period from the outside. daily by designated posting time. It is crucial that this b. Teachers in the gym are to lock all doors roll check is accurate. Be careful when marking leading into the gym, including the doors to absences. On the computer, check the end of the row the stage area, halls, and stairwells. Teachers to see if a student has been placed in OSS or ISS. not holding class and not in a classroom Make sure you see the face of the student being should stay in a locked area. marked. c. Person in the offices, cafeteria, library, etc., should lock their work area and remain 14. Public Address System inside until drill is cancelled. To protect time-on-task, the use of public address d. All students are to be kept in the classroom system will be closely monitored. Classes will not be until the alert is cancelled. Continue interrupted for announcements unless it is an teaching as if nothing out of the ordinary is emergency. occurring. e. Students are not to be alerted to this drill 15. Sunshine Fund either before, during, or afterwards. Teachers are to remain clam as to not draw B. 80-89 attention away from the lesson. C. 71-78 D. 70 22. Teacher Accidents F. 69 and below Teacher accidents should be reported immediately to the principal even if there is no A student’s academic grade is based entirely upon the apparent need of treatment. An unreported student’s verbal and written responses to specific accident may prevent payment for later treatment inquiries with the student having full knowledge that by Workman’s Compensation. a grade is being awarded.</p><p>23. Sending Students from Campus In classes where students of more than one level DO NOT EVER send a student away from the placement are enrolled, the teacher will adjust the school without sending them first to the workload and modify the grading procedures to meet attendance office so that parents can be the needs and abilities of the individual student. contacted. These adjustments must be filed with the office of instruction. 24. Teacher’s Classroom Presence Teachers are to please make sure that they are in In order to award an “F” as a final grade, a teacher the classroom on time and remain with the must document parent communication contracts. No students the entire period. Under no parent should receive a ‘surprise” failing grade. circumstances is a class to be left unsupervised. Grade books should be kept as current as possible, If one must be away from one’s students for any and parent notification should be immediate if a length of time, notify an administrator so grade drops below passing. The phone/contact log someone may assigned to cover the class. should be used for this purpose for all students. Please stand outside the door before school and during class changes. The teacher’s presence in Conduct grades cannot be a part of or calculated in the hall makes a tremendous difference in the the academic grade. Students cannot be penalized hall climate and significantly helps to reduce academically for behavior. A conduct grade is given tardies to class. to each student for each class. Conduct grades are given according to the code: 26. Fire Alarms S=Satisfactory All staff members are to evacuate the building N=Needs Improvement immediately when the fire alarm rings. There U=Unsatisfactory are no exceptions to this policy. Teachers should exercise careful judgment in the 27. Announcements/Handouts awarding of conduct grades. A conduct grade is The daily announcements will be read each day determined solely on the basis of the student’s during the first few minutes of first period. As behavior, attitude, and cooperation. As a general rule, announcements are being read, teachers should a student should not be given an unsatisfactory use this time to distribute any handouts placed in conduct grade unless two or more of these criteria are mailboxes for distribution to the students. met: 1. Teacher informs the parent by telephone or Announcement forms are available in the main conference of the nature of the problem. office. Announcements should be written (This step is required.) legibly, should be as brief as possible, signed 2. Teacher takes disciplinary action on several by the teacher or sponsor, and given to the occasions. main office secretary. All announcements must 3. Student is referred to the assistant principal be turned in ahead of time and approved by an for disciplinary action after teacher’s action. administrator. Only emergency announcements 4. Extreme insubordination reported to the (cancellation of athletic or other events, bus assistant principal may warrant an changes, administrative, etc.) will be made unsatisfactory conduct grade. during the last few minutes of the last period. To protect instructional time, announcements that B. Cheating are not emergencies will not be added to When cheating occurs, the teacher will inform the afternoon announcements. IAP, the student’s counselor, and the student’s parents. A grade of zero will be recorded for the test INSTRUCTION or assignment involved. A. At Stone Mountain a report of students’ academic progress is issued every six (6) weeks. The final The following actions constitute cheating: semester grade is a culmination of the entire eighteen 1. Using unauthorized materials in a test (18) weeks. The DCSS grading scale is as follows: situation. A. 90-100 2. Receiving unauthorized information on a Consult the DeKalb County manual, “Testing and test. Evaluation: Strategies and Tips for Success,” when 3. Knowingly giving information in a test developing final exams, major tests and quizzes. situation. 4. The passing on of definite questions or G. Grade Appeals answers to someone who has not taken the When a grade is appealed, the decision to uphold or test. reject the appeal will be based on the following 5. The turning in of work for credit that is not considerations: one’s own. 1. Was the grade calculated and posted 6. Plagiarism accurately? 2. Was the grade calculated according to the syllabus description? C. Conferences 3. Was proper notice of the student’s Parent/teacher conferences are encouraged and may unsatisfactory or failing grade given to the be requested by students, parents, guardians, parent with the remediation plan in an teachers, counselors, and/or administrators. When a appropriate timeframe? request is made an appointment should be made as 4. Are there extenuating circumstances from soon as possible. Notify an administrator quickly if above? an administrator’s presence is desired. 5. Teachers should be prepared to provide the principal with the following information: Two conference nights are mandated by DCSS. All 6. Copy of grades and calculations teachers are expected to attend and dialogue with 7. Copy of syllabus parents. If an emergency arises, please notify the 8. Copy of the remediation plan principal immediately of your intended absence. 9. Copy of student’s work in question (if applicable) A record of all conferences should be kept in the 10. Phone/contact log phone/contact log. H. Guest Speakers Teachers may invite resource people to speak to their D. Course Guides classes when it is felt that these people can make a Course guides have been developed cooperatively by significant contribution to a unit of study. Discretion teachers and instructional coordinators. A course is advised when inviting a speaker. A guest speaker guide defines the general framework and content request must be submitted to the IAP five (5) days outline for a course. Lesson planning and instruction prior to a planned visit and always before the guest must be in accordance with the course guide. speaker has been scheduled.</p><p>E. Field Trips I. Incomplete Grades Educational field trips have a proper place in the The assignment of incomplete grades is not permitted instructional program but proper procedures must be unless approved by the IAP. followed. Request forms for field trips must be completed two weeks in advance and submitted to J. Lesson Plans the instructional office. Field trips must be aligned Lesson plans are essential for good teaching and will with the curriculum objective and must have the be developed by each teacher. Effective lesson plans signatures of the principal and executive director for promote a teacher’s maintenance of good approval. All blanks must be filled. Adequate organization, and it insures the availability for a plan supervision must be provided for students going on should there be a need for a substitute teacher. Plans such trip as well as those students who do not go. A are to be developed on a weekly and semester basis list of chaperones is required for every ten (10) and should be coordinated with course units and the students on the trip. Transportation arrangements semester basis and should be coordinated with course should be made after approval is granted. units and the semester syllabus. Weekly plans are due each week in advance to the department chair. Forms may be found on the Stone Mountain First Class internet site, under School Forms. See appendix Daily lesson plans should generally consist of the for a sample. following: 1. Objectives F. Final Exams 2. Materials Each teacher is required to give a final exam in every 3. Content class. No underclass student may exempt from a final 4. Methods examination. It should count from ten (10) to twenty 5. Evaluation (20) percent of the semester’s final grade average. No Lessons plans should be kept in a notebook on the final exam is to be given early without the approval teacher’s desk at all times and be available upon of the IAP. All exams should be comprehensive. request. Lesson plan forms are available for use on the Stone Mountain First Class internet site, entered after the posting deadline do not appear on under school forms. A sample is available in the that current progress report, the computer calculates appendix of this handbook. them in the next marking period. If a teacher’s grade book is forced posted for any marking period, that K. Lost Textbooks grade may be an inaccurate account of what the No student should be without a textbook for longer teacher intends to give. The progress report should than two days. Please use the following procedure in not be the only communication received by a parent working with students who have misplaced their whose child is not making satisfactory progress. book: 1. Provide the student with a text to be used during class. 2. Please work with the student to secure payment for the text. N. Senior Exam Exemption 3. If the student does not bring the money, then Seniors who meet the following criteria may exempt it is the teacher’s responsibility to contact the final exam in each subject in which the criteria is the parent and make the parent aware of the met: textbook situation. 1. Student’s grade point average must be 90 or If the student is unable or unwilling to pay for the above in each subject for which an exam book, please refer the student to the instructional exemption is to be concerned. assistant principal. 2. Student has missed three (3) days or less in the class for which an exam exemption is L. Plan of Remediation considered. All absences will be counted All teachers are required by Board policy to have a except religious holidays and school related general plan remediation stating tasks necessary for trips. students to make progress. These plans should be 3. Student has not been suspended from school written and submitted to the department chair. A neither In-School nor Out-Of-School parent/teacher conference or telephone call is Suspension. required to explain the reason for the difficulties and 4. Student must not have a “U” in conduct in to discuss the remediation plan which, if followed, the subject for which an exam exemption is would enhance the probability for the student to considered. succeed. Instructions for preparing plans for remediation are as follows: 1. Teachers are to complete Deficiency Report O. Syllabus with Plan for Remediation section on the Each teacher is to develop a course syllabus in progress report for each student making accordance to guidelines and must turn in two copies unsatisfactory progress (D or F), and fill in of it to the department chair at the appropriate time. Item I: Reason for the Unsatisfactory One copy is to be filed with the department chair and Progress, and Item II, Prescribed Plan of the other is to be submitted to the IAP. A copy of the Objectives and Tasks. Item II should be syllabus should be handed out to each student. The discussed with parents who request a syllabus should set the objective for the semester, the conference. materials and texts to be used, an outline of content to 2. When no parent conference is rested during be covered (with an approximate timeframe), special the fist three days the issue of progress, assignments, grading procedures, and expectations teachers are to follow p with a phone call. for the classroom. 3. Parents are to be notified as soon as it is apparent that a student is making P. Textbooks unsatisfactory progress. This prompt Each teacher is responsible for issuing textbooks to involvement of parents may greatly reduce students by using the appropriate forms. Record the the number of student failing. book title, price, teacher’s name, student’s name, 4. Requested conferences should be held as book number, and condition of the book according to soon as possible. Conferences can be held the code (N=New, G=Good, F=Fair, P=Poor). The before school begins, during planning student should initial the form at the time of issue and period, or after school. when returning the textbook. 5. A phone/contact log is to be maintained by each teacher and remitted to an administrator each six weeks or upon In the event a student loses or damages a request. textbook, the student is to be held responsible for the payment of the book. Payment should be made M. Progress Reports directly to the teacher who will remit the payment Progress reports are generated by computer and to the department chair for receipting by the issued every three weeks. Teachers are expected to bookkeeper. meet the posting deadline when given, Grades Q. Use of Videos course selections must be returned to the school. All videos must be approved by the IAP. The form Non-returned verification letters or alternative course can found on Stone Mountain First Class, under selections will result in the student being scheduled school forms. Please use caution in the use of videos for the courses in the letter un less a scheduling in the classroom according to the following conflict occurs. guidelines: 1. Videos should only be used to support After the scheduling process is completed, the school curricular objectives, and then, only develops a master schedule for all areas of the occasionally. curriculum. This master schedule is designed to 2. Viewing a video during final exam period is accommodate the student’s class schedule, to utilize never appropriate and should not be done in all available classroom space, and to assign teachers. any subject area. The same expectation is held for departments, including music, P.E., The school reserves the right to place each student in special needs, and others who may require a class scheduled based on enrollment figures, unique evaluations. The time period should requirements of class size and teacher allocation. The be used as a review period to discuss, school can neither put students in classes with synthesize, and evaluate the semester’s teachers of their choice nor at times of their choice. accomplishments. 3. A video request form is to be submitted ten Requests from students for schedule changes must be (10) days in advance to the office of in accordance with established policies and instruction for approval. The video should procedures. align with course objectives. 4. Under no circumstances should a video be In order to allow students to progress from one grade shown that has not been previewed for level to another, to accumulate credits at the appropriate content by the teacher. prescribed rate, and to meet all standards of accreditation, schedules will be designed in accordance with the following procedures: CURRICULUM & SUPERVISION A. Course of Study 1. English Classes/Credits The required subjects and appropriate electives in the It is recommended that no student take more student’s grade level determine a student’s schedule. that one English course per semester. If an Stone Mountain High School offers a variety of exception is made, the Instructional course I the academic, business, vocational and fine Assistant Principal must approve it. arts areas. Courses are taught on the survey, general 2. Non-Credit Class (Auditing) and advanced levels. Auditing a class is prohibited. However, A complete listing of course of listing of course students may take a class for non-credit, but offerings may be secured in the counseling office. will receive a grade. B. Annual Registration and Scheduling Stone Mountain High School, as do all DeKalb 3. Modified Schedule County Schools, operates on the semester system of Students may be approved for a modified course selection and grading and annual system of schedule (less than five subjects) by the registration and scheduling. This process provides principal only. This will be done when valid continuity in student-teacher relations and increased medical reasons prohibit the student from time on task as well as assisting students to meet the regular full time attendance. A doctor’s note academic structure of their selected diplomas. is required.</p><p>During the school year, students will select their 4. Teacher-initiated Schedule Changes courses for the next school year. These course A teacher may recommend a level change selections will be made at an annual conference for a student after contacting the parent and involving the student, parent/guardian, and the securing the parent’s signature on the proper counselor using the recommendations from the form. The counselor should be informed of student’s current teachers, test data, and other needed level changes. All schedule changes information. should meet the school system’s schedule change policies. During second semester, the student will take home a certification letter which will list the courses to be scheduled for the next year. At this time, the ATTENDANCE parent/guardian is asked to sign the letter, indicating The DeKalb County School System attendance approval of the course selections, or request in policy requires that a student must live in the writing a selection of alternative courses. The signed attendance area where he/she attends school with a letter or request in writing a selection of alternative parent or legal guardian. Magnet and special courses. The signed letter or request for change in education students may be exceptions to this rule. notifying the parent and child of potential on an Attendance Laws and Regulations Attendance Contract. 3) After the sixth absence, the school will phone parents, a The DeKalb County Board will adhere to the letter will be sent to the home informing the student and attendance laws set forth by O.G.G.A. 20-1-690. 1a the parent of the number of absences as well as which reads: Every parent, guardian or other person notification. Of referrals to the School Counselor and residing in Georgia is required to enroll and send School Prevention/Intervention Specialist. A parent children in their care and charge between the ages of conference will be scheduled and student will be placed seven and 16 to a public or private school or to on an attendance Contract. provide a home study program for these children 4) After the eight/ninth absence, a referral will be made to which meets the requirements set forth in law, unless a resource person-the school Social Worker, or special the child is specially exempt. education liaison that will make contact and provide formal feedback to the school principal or his designee. 20-2-690.lb: Any parent, guardian, or person residing If the student is less than 16 years old, truancy charges within this state having control or charge of any child may be filed (after the 10th absence) and student and or children who shall violate this code section shall parent would be required to appear in court. If student be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction 16 or older, appearing in court to meet with Solicitor therefore, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed General may be required. $100.00 or imprisonment, not to exceed 30 days, or 5) After twelfth absence, a referral will be made to a both, at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction. resource person-the school Social Worker, or special Each day’s absence from school in violation of this education liaison that will inform the parent or guardian part will constitute a separate offense. that on the fifteenth absence the student may be subject to loss of academic credit, withdrawal from school The Teen-age and Adult Driver Responsibility Act pursuant to a review of information, and/or truancy (OCGA 40-5-22a) requires that local schools must filed with the DeKalb Juvenile Court System. certify whether or not a student’s attendance patter 6) After the fifteenth absence, the student may be and discipline record allow him/her to have a withdrawn. Parents have the right to appeal the decision Georgia’s Driver’s permit or license. Schools have within five school days to the principal of the school. In been given copies of this law and the procedures to case of further appeal, the final decision will be made be followed when reporting to the Department of by the Area Executive Director. Public Safety. This law is applicable to students a. Classroom teachers will call the parent regarding class between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. absences when a student has missed three, six, nine, and twelve days in the course. Teachers will submit a Procedures: log of the calls to attendance Office at the end of each In accordance with policy set forth above: When a semester. student has a combination of fifteen excused or excused absence in one semester, he or she may be given an alternative administrative consequences, EXCUSED ABSENCES: In compliance with Georgia law, and / or be withdrawn from the school by the all pupil absences shall be classified as unexcused or illegal administration following a review of information. except for the following reasons: (1) personal illness; (2) death When a student is under the age of 16, the policy or illness in the immediate family; (3) religious holidays; (4) is the same except the possibility of withdrawal is service as page for the General Assembly; (5) instances where not an alternative unless the student under 16, the attendance by pupil would be hazardous;(6) suspension. compulsory attendance law applies and there may be the possibility of court intervention. State Regulations In compliance with State Law of Georgia, all absences of The school will take the following steps in order to students shall be classified as unexcused or illegal except implement the procedure stated above: for the following reasons: (1) personal illness; (2) death or 1) Keep continuous illness in the immediate family; (3) Religious holidays; (4) logs documenting each step of the process. The Service as page for the General Assembly; (5) Instances log shall include: where attendance by pupil would be hazardous to his/her a. Date and health. time of each call, b. Name and The DeKalb County School System also recognizes out-of- position of person calling, school suspensions as excused absences. c. Name of person spoken to, his/her relation to the student, and a Accurate and thorough attendance records are to be kept by all d. Summary teachers for respective classes. A teacher should be able to of the call. refer to the attendance of any student in his/her class by the exact day and date on which any absence occurred. 2) After the third absence, a call will be made to the parent or guardian by a school representative 1. Attendance is to be checked in every class The Average Daily Attendance is retrieved by Central Office period. This is the responsibility of the teacher. personnel during first and second periods from eSIS. This Roll is not be taken by students. information is used for certain reports such as SACS, grant 2. Accuracy in reporting attendance is very applications and other reports requiring attendance important. This information can be subpoenaed information. Therefore, it is imperative that attendance is for court hearings. taken accurately on a daily basis. Any student absence which is not followed by a letter/note or a phone call to the attendance office from the parent/guardian describing the nature if the absence within two days of returning to school Absences will be considered an unexcused absence.</p><p>Upon returning to school from an absence, the student must Registration bring a written note to the Attendance Office. This note is to Pupil registration is the responsibility of Registrar Registration be signed by the parent stating the reason for the absence and in DeKalb County High Schools, begins with the parent, the days missed. The Attendance Office will issue a class student, registrar and counselor. At this time the student is admit form to the student denoting the fact that the student has placed in the proper subjects and course levels. a note that must be verified or the student has no note at all. Each teacher is to sign the pass and the 4th period teacher will Change of Address keep the pass and return it to the Attendance Office will call to If at any time during the school year a change of address or verify the note with-in a 24 hour period. Once the note is telephone number is made, the student and/or parent/guardian verified, the office personnel will change the AU in the must report the change to the Attendance Office Secretary, computer to AE. Registrar, or Assistant Principal for Attendance.</p><p>Classroom teachers are not to change attendance codes of TARDINESS-(subject to revisions) students. Students are expected to be on time for every class. Tardiness 1. Excused Absences: Students are to be given to school and tardies to class will be handled separately. assignments missed or allowed to make up missed work within a designated time, relative to the number Tardiness to School of days missed. For example, if a student misses three During first block after 8:15am, all students must check into days and the absence is excused, then the student the designated office. All 9th grade students will check in the should have three days to make up the missed work Ninth Grade Office. All 10-12th grade students will check in at or assignments. If a student is suspended for one to the Attendance Office. Once the student receives the pass three days, the student will be allowed to make up the he/she will go to class and the teacher will assign the work when he/she returns to school. If a student is appropriate consequences based on the tardy procedure. No suspended for more than three days, the respective student should be admitted to class without an excused or administrator will submit a request for work for the unexcused pass from the appropriate office. student. If the student is suspended from four to ten days the student is expected to return to school with the homework assignments. As a result, teachers are 2012-2013 SMHS TARDY POLICY required to submit homework for the students on time. Failure to do so will result in documentation on 1. Verbal Warning/Reprimand the GTOI. 2. Parent Phone Call/Communication Mandatory Parent 2. Unexcused Absences: This type of absence applies to Conference with student and administrator/List Date students whose reason is not covered in the section and time of contact. on State Regulations, or students who skip class, or 3. Teacher Detention (M&F) Academy Leaders will are truant from school. Students may not make-up decide rotation schedule for teachers. missed work due to an unexcused absence. a. Student will be assigned 1 day of (ISS) if 3. Approved Absence: If the student might be absent for student misses Saturday School. other reasons, (i.e., college visits, etc.) the parent or 4. Students with 4 unexcused tardies will receive one guardian should notify the Assistant Principal for day of Saturday School, and be placed on local Attendance well in advance. school probationary contract/counseling 4. The day after an absence: Students are to the referral/mandatory parent conference. attendance office between 7:50am and 8:05am to a. Student will be assigned 1 day of (ISS) if deliver notes regarding their absence. After 8:20 all student misses Saturday School. students should be in class. Students may also bring 5. Students with 5 unexcused tardies will receive one notes to the Attendance Office during their lunch or day of (ISS). after school. 6. Students with 6 unexcused tardies will receive two days of (ISS) and a referral to Counselor. The student will also have a mandatory parent conference with teacher documentation. Average Daily Attendance: (ADA) 7. Students with 7 unexcused tardies will receive 3 days of (ISS)/referral to social worker. 8. Students with 8 unexcused tardies will receive one Attendance Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers day of out of school suspension. 9. Students with 9 unexcused tardies will receive two Do’s days of out of school suspension. 1. Stand at your door between classes to monitor the 10. Students with 10unexcused tardies will be assigned 3 halls. days OSS with a local formal hearing. Contact with 2. Expect and require your students to be inside your the Attendance Principal to start the class and in their seats just after the warning bells truancy/attendance violation mandatory packet to rings. be delivered to the school social worker for possible 3. Close the door when the bell rings and begin your alternative placement for the remainder of the year. class. 4. Admit late students and record their tardies on the Tardy Signature Log. Check Out Procedures 5. Take attendance within the first ten minutes of class. Any student who needs to leave the campus during the course 6. Take roll before and after lunch. of the day must report to the Attendance Office to check out. 7. Sign and document the time when the student leaves Students on the Work Study program are the only exceptions your class on an official hall pass. Download and to this policy. In every instance, the parent and guardian must print passes as needed. give their consent for the student to check out. Students who 8. When students reach there third unexcused absence, leave campus without checking out are considered call the parents to inquire about the student’s SKIPPING and should be reported to the Attendance Office. attendance. 1. Confirmed Appointments: If a student or his/her 9. Ask for the re-admit documentation for the parent/guardian has previous knowledge of a need for Attendance Office when a student returns from an a student to check out early, the student must present absence. a written note with a telephone to the Attendance 10. Check attendance reports daily via first-class to Office between 8:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. for confirm student’s attendance. confirmation. 11. Phone home and report all students to the Attendance 2. Illnesses or Other Emergencies: Students may be Office, via first class when a student reaches his/her given a pass to the Attendance Office where they can 5th, 8th and 10th absence. Students should not have call a parent. If necessary, the student may wait in excessive absences in your class without the parents the office until the parent comes to pick them up. and Attendance Office being notified. However, if it is not necessary, the student will be 12. Save attendance every period on eSis even if all your returned to class to wait for the parent/guardian. students are present. Teachers should not allow students to report to the 13. Make index cards or student data forms with student Attendance Office to wait for parents/guardians. name, phone number, and address. 14. Call parents to introduce yourself and check phone Participation in School Activities numbers. A student may not participate in any extra-curricular activity (including clubs and athletic events ) if he/she is absent from Don’t’s school for more than one-half of the school day in which the event occurs without administrative approval. Suspended 1. Hold students after class without giving them a pass. students (in-school and out of school) may not participate in 2. Allow students to leave class without a pass even extra-curricular activities during the time of suspension. when they are just going around the corner. 3. Allow students to leave classroom during the first 20 SKIPPING (Subject to revisions based on school wide plan minutes or the last 20 minutes of class. to be implemented.) 4. Allow students to stand and wait for the bell to release them. Leaving school or school property, not reporting/ returning to 5. Send students to the office or put students out for class on time or required school activities: Student s are discipline. Use the discipline on the computer or expected to attend and be on time for all classes daily. If a send the information via First Class. student comes on campus, but does not report to a class during 6. Allow students to go to the office to use the the designated time, he/she is considered to be skipping class. telephone unless it is an emergency. 7. Accept notes from students regarding their absences. 1st Time 3 days detention and parent call All students with notes should report to the 2nd Time 2 days ISS and Counselor referral Attendance Office for clearance. 3rd Time Saturday School 8. Count AE, ISS, or OSS against student attendance 4th Time OSS/Parent Conference/Attendance records. Contract 5th Time Saturday School 6th Time 3 days OSS / Social Worker Referral 7th Time 3 days OSS/Formal Hearing</p><p>APPENDIX</p><p>BOARD GOALS Board of Education Mission The mission of the DeKalb County School System is to form a collaborative effort between home and school that maximizes students’ social and academic potential preparing them to compete in a global society. Board of Education Goals  To narrow the achievement gap and improve the graduation rate by creating a high performance learning culture in all schools and sites  To increase rigor and academic achievement in Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies in Pre K-12  To ensure quality personnel in all positions</p><p> To ensure fiscal responsibility in order to maintain safe and healthy learning environments that support academic programs, resources, and services</p><p>EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Fire/Evacuation Intruder Tornado/ Accident/ Bomb Threat Power Outage Procedures Alert Storm Warnings Injury</p><p>. Know the pre- . Respond to the . Know the designated All coaches are Bomb threats Power Outage designated intercom hallway where your trained in first aid: require the During a power outage, we evacuation route announcement class has been assigned. evacuation of the will remain in the building and assembly area that an intruder . Teachers in mobile . Notify the front building. Teachers as long as the emergency for your classroom. alert is in effect units, move inside the office of the should do the generator is working. . Evacuate when you by immediately main building to emergency at following: When the generator is not hear fire alarm bell locking all designated areas when Ext. 66302. functioning, the building . Take emergency door. Do not notified of storm . Take must be evacuated. folder that must allow anyone to warnings. In critical situations: emergency . Use the Fire Drill include a student leave the . Secure the trailers and . Notify an folder with routes and move to roster. classroom. have students bring only administrator. class roster same assembly area. . Close all windows . Students in the personal belongings to . Keep students and evacuate . Ensure students are to contain the fire. hall should be provide protection from away from the the building. 1000 feet from . Close classroom ushered into the flying debris (coats or vicinity of the . Use the Fire building. door and turn off the nearest notebooks to put over injured person. Drill routes . Account for all your lights as you depart classroom. their heads and arms). . Complete the and move to students and report the room. . Encourage . When the Tornado appropriate same all missing students. . Move students 1000 students to Warning is given, direct injury report. assembly area. . Teachers and feet from the remain quiet, students to seek cover in See the . Ensure students should building to ensure calm and the hallways and take bookkeeper. students are remain in the secure fire lanes are not seated. the protective seated 1000 feet from area until the “ll blocked. . Remain in position facing the wall building. Clear” signal has . Account for all your lockdown and hands and arms . Ensure that been given. students and report mode until the covering head and neck. neither you Student Death/Suicide any missing “all clear” . Neither staff members nor your . Notify the Principal students. message has nor students will be students use a immediately of your . Survey your area to been received. allowed to leave the cell phone knowledge of any ensure there are no building during a Watch which could student deaths by injured students. or Warning. detonate email or at Ext. . Keep students in the . Teachers should take certain types 66349. assembly area until your class roster and of bombs. . Contact a counselor the “all clear” signal remain with your class . Account for or administrator has been sounded. to ensure all students are all your immediately if a present and are taking students and student threatens safety precautions. report all suicide. . Teachers and students missing should remain in the students. secure area until the . Teachers and “All Clear” signal has students been given. should remain in the secure area until the “all clear” signal has been given. </p><p>EXCELLENCE THROUGH NUTRITION The DeKalb School Food Service and Nutrition Program exists to promote lifetime wellness to DeKalb County students and staff by serving meals that are high quality, nutritious, enjoyable, and economical. Students are afforded the opportunity to purchase breakfast and lunch. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ODE, GAE, and PAGE are the professional organizations that DeKalb County supports. See posters throughout the school. All organized meetings at all times must be placed on the school calendar.</p><p>CODE OF ETHICS FOR EDUCATORS</p><p>Standard 1: Criminal Acts - An educator should abide by federal, state, and local laws and statutes. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to the commission or conviction of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude. As used herein, conviction includes a finding or verdict of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere, regardless of whether an appeal of the conviction has been sought; a situation where first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt pursuant to the charge was granted; and a situation where an adjudication of guilt or sentence was otherwise withheld or not entered on the charge or the charge was otherwise disposed of in a similar manner in any jurisdiction. </p><p>Standard 2: Abuse of Students - An educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. committing any act of child abuse, including physical and verbal abuse; 2. committing any act of cruelty to children or any act of child endangerment; 3. committing or soliciting any unlawful sexual act; 4. engaging in harassing behavior on the basis of race, gender, sex, national origin, religion or disability; 5. soliciting, encouraging, or consummating an inappropriate written, verbal, or physical relationship with a student; and 6. furnishing tobacco, alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or allowing a student to consume alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs. </p><p>Standard 3: Alcohol or Drugs - An educator should refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while under the influence of, possessing, using, or consuming illegal or unauthorized drugs; and 2. being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while documented as being under the influence of, possessing, or consuming alcoholic beverages. A school-related activity includes, but is not limited to, any activity sponsored by the school or school system (booster clubs, parent-teacher organizations, or any activity designed to enhance the school curriculum i.e. Foreign Language trips, etc). </p><p>Standard 4: Misrepresentation or Falsification - An educator should exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting professional qualifications, criminal history, college or staff development credit and/or degrees, academic award, and employment history when applying for employment and/or certification or when recommending an individual for employment, promotion, or certification; 2. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting information submitted to federal, state, and other governmental agencies; 3. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel; 4. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting reasons for absences or leaves; and 5. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation. </p><p>Standard 5: Public Funds and Property - An educator entrusted with public funds and property should honor that trust with a high level of honesty, accuracy, and responsibility. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. misusing public or school-related funds; 2. failing to account for funds collected from students or parents; 3. submitting fraudulent requests for reimbursement of expenses or for pay; 4. co-mingling public or school-related funds with personal funds or checking accounts; and 5. using school property without the approval of the local board of education/governing board. Standard 6: Improper Remunerative Conduct - An educator should maintain integrity with students, colleagues, parents, patrons, or businesses when accepting gifts, gratuities, favors, and additional compensation. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. soliciting students or parents of students to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the educator or to participate in activities that financially benefit the educator unless approved by the local board of education/governing board; 2. accepting gifts from vendors or potential vendors for personal use or gain where there may be the appearance of a conflict of interest; 3. tutoring students assigned to the educator for remuneration unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or superintendent; and 4. coaching, instructing, promoting athletic camps, summer leagues, etc. that involves students in an educator’s school system and from whom the educator receives remuneration unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or the superintendent. These types of activities must be in compliance with all rules and regulations of the Georgia High School Association. </p><p>Standard 7: Confidential Information - An educator should comply with state and federal laws and local school board/governing board policies relating to the confidentiality of student and personnel records, standardized test material and other information covered by confidentiality agreements. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. sharing of confidential information concerning student academic and disciplinary records, personal confidences, health and medical information, family status and/or income, and assessment/testing results. unless disclosure is required or permitted by law; 2. sharing of confidential information restricted by state or federal law; 3. violation of confidentiality agreements related to standardized testing including copying or teaching identified test items, publishing or distributing test items or answers, discussing test items, violating local school system or state directions for the use of tests or test items, etc.; 4. violation of other confidentiality agreements required by state or local policy. </p><p>Standard 8: Abandonment of Contract - An educator should fulfill all of the terms and obligations detailed in the contract with the local board of education or education agency for the duration of the contract. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. abandoning the contract for professional services without prior release from the contract by the employer, and 2. willfully refusing to perform the services required by a contract. </p><p>Standard 9: Failure to Make a Required Report - An educator should file reports of a breach of one or more of the standards in the Code of Ethics for Educators, child abuse (O.C.G.A. §19-7-5), or any other required report. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. failure to report all requested information on documents required by the Commission when applying for or renewing any certificate with the Commission. 2. failure to make a required report of a violation of one or more standards of the Code of Ethics for educators of which they have personal knowledge as soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) days from the date the educator became aware of an alleged breach unless the law or local procedures require reporting sooner. 3. failure to make a required report of any violation of state or federal law soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) days from the date the educator became aware of an alleged breach unless the law or local procedures require reporting sooner. These reports include but are not limited to: murder, voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, kidnapping, any sexual offense, any sexual exploitation of a minor, any offense involving a controlled substance and any abuse of a child if an educator has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused. </p><p>Standard 10: Professional Conduct - An educator should demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards. Unethical conduct is any conduct that impairs the certificate holder’s ability to function professionally in his or her employment position or a pattern of behavior or conduct that is detrimental to the health, welfare, discipline, or morals of students. TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPECTATIONS</p><p>1. Students should always remain our focus. 2. Student success is dependent upon teacher and staff attendance. Therefore, it is our expectation that all employees report to work. In the event of an absence, all employees must notify the supervising administrator or designee following the process communicated at the campus level and all teachers are expected to call the computerized substitute teacher assignment system. In an era of accountability, all employees should be mindful of their attendance and the impact that attendance has on student learning outcomes and employee morale. 3. All employees assigned an email account must maintain accurate information on his/her resume section of the FirstClass account. All employees are also are expected to consistently check emails for information, updates, meeting reminders, professional development activities, policy updates, and all other information sent via the email system. 4. Instruction is our core business. Instructional time is to be protected at all times. Personal business should not be conducted during students’ instructional time. Use of cell phones for such is expressly prohibited during instructional time. Also, students should not run errands or conduct similar activities that take them away from instruction. Parents expect students to receive quality instruction and to achieve; therefore, all actions that compromise instruction and student achievement are expressly prohibited. All certificated employees should follow the Professional Standards of the PSC. 5. All teachers are expected to consistently implement and document all aspects of the instructional and leadership frameworks and processes as communicated by the Division of Teaching and Learning. This includes the Seven-Step Instructional Process, PreK-12 Alignment of Expectations, Pre-Planning activities, and the First Week of School activities, and Response to Intervention (RtI) process, to name a few. 6. All teachers are expected to plan for instruction. Starting the second week of school, all lesson plans should be posted in the lesson plan conference located on the campus’ little red schoolhouse as directed by the Principal and the Division of Teaching and Learning. The following resources are expected to be used as Teachers should plan relevant and engaging lessons for the students of DCSS: Curriculum and Pacing Guides provided by the Division of Teaching and Learning for elementary, middle and high schools Standards for Course/Grade Level Power Standards for Course/Grade Level Classroom Profiles Depth of Knowledge and Instructional Level Rubrics Educator’s Toolbox of Strategies Marzano’s High Yield Strategies Thinking Maps (If Knowledgeable or Trained in Use) Pre-K-12 Alignment of Expectations Technology resources 7. All employees are expected to attend and participate in faculty, department, grade level, and professional learning community meetings as they are scheduled. Specifically, teachers are expected to attend Open House and Curriculum Night events for parents and others as scheduled by the school. Furthermore, impacted employees are expected to attend district-wide meetings scheduled for school leaders, department and grade level chairs including vertical alignment meetings. All employees are expected to attend the designated meetings as identified or communicated for them to attend. </p><p>Expectations for Faculty and Staff Participation in Professional Development </p><p> a) Faculty and staff are expected to attend district scheduled professional development as requested or assigned and remain for the entire time that training is scheduled.</p><p> b) Faculty and staff should inform their supervisor if there are personal appointments that interfere with attending and remaining in scheduled training for the entire time when the request to attend training is made by the supervisor or supervisor's designee. The supervisor or supervisor's designee will be responsible for identifying another employee who can attend and remain in training for the entire time that training will take place or for the entire series of trainings that will take place when the expectation is for one person or multiple persons to become the school’s expert(s) for a particular topic.</p><p> c) Should a participant who attends training have an emergency that necessitates the need to leave early, the following will take place: (1) the employee will sign-out of training and notate the time of departure on the sign-in log, (2) the employee will contact their supervisor to inform them of the need to leave the training before it ends, (3) full credit and/or participation for training will not be awarded, (4) there will be no obligation to provide a make-up opportunity for training, and (5) a copy of the sign-in and sign-out log will be forwarded to the supervisor. </p><p> d) Faculty and staff are expected to attend professional development activities dressed in a professional manner in accordance with the district's policy for Employee Dress 10 as outlined in the official brochure for the district. Faculty cannot bring children to district- level professional development activities, training or workshops. </p><p> e) Faculty and staff are expected to report to professional development activities on time. Faculty and staff are responsible for obtaining clarity regarding the location and time for training based upon the published information regarding the training. Faculty and staff will not be allowed to participate in training if late arrival is greater than 15 minutes. The following will take place when participants are late: </p><p>- If the participant is 15 minutes late or more in arriving to training in the morning or in returning from the lunch break, the supervisor will be notified. </p><p>- If the participant is 30 minutes or more late in arriving to training in the morning or in returning from the lunch break, the participant will be asked to leave the session and the supervisor will be notified that you will be returning to the school. </p><p> f) Substitute teacher payroll forms will only be provided to those who attend training and remain for the entire training. g) Registration for Training and No Shows </p><p>Should a participant register for training and become a “no show” without notifying the training contact person at least two days before the training begins, the registered participant will not be allowed to participate in district-level training for a one year period. Notification allows another interested person on a waiting list an opportunity to participate. 8. Administrators and teachers are expected to engage parents in conversations that result in higher levels of student engagement. Additionally, they are expected to document that they have contacted and conversed with parents about academic progress (improvements and regression), attendance, and discipline progress (appropriate behavior and concerns) on a consistent basis. All Administrators and Teachers are expected to return telephone calls and respond to emails or letters within 48 hours. 9. Employees are expected to support the students in DCSS. Support is reflected in various ways (e.g. listening to students, respecting students, attending school and community activities to show support of students, speaking pleasantly with students, 11 affirming positive actions, and correcting negative actions by engaging the student and the parent). 10.Employees are expected to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism and respect for one another in the workplace. Issues that compromise safety, student instruction and student achievement will be appropriately addressed by the Principal, Area Assistant Superintendent, or Office of Internal Investigations. 11.All teachers are expected to take attendance and hold students accountable for tardiness. The campus discipline plan should be consistently followed to ensure a positive culture and climate. 12.All teachers are expected to maintain current grades and attendance in eSIS. Parents should see current progress when utilizing the portal. It is the expectation of the Division of Teaching and Learning that grades are posted in eSIS in a timely and reasonable timeframe (e.g. 2-3 days upon collection) and that students and parents are provided timely feedback of progress. 13.All teachers are expected to offer and document student remediation and acceleration opportunities. Students not on grade level should be afforded every opportunity to learn the necessary content and skills to perform on grade level. RtI strategies must be employed and documented, as needed for all level 1 students. Additionally, students on grade level or high achievers or gifted students should be offered ample opportunities to accelerate and enrich their learning. 14.School safety and positive climate are the responsibilities of both Teachers and Administrators, instructional coaches and other staff, as assigned, are expected to assist with morning, lunch, and dismissal in addition to monitoring the hallways during transitional times. 15.Campus concerns or issues should be first addressed at the campus level with the building Principal or designee. It is the expectation that efforts are made to resolve campus concerns at the campus level first. The DCSS grievance process should be followed at all times. 16.Employees are expected to minimize early check-outs. The effectiveness of a campus and improvements in student achievement are dependent upon employees. Employees are expected to be mindful and considerate of one another in this respect. 17.Employees are expected to complete duties and expectations in a timely and professional manner. 18.Teachers may utilize the anonymous Teaching and Learning Anonymous Feedback Link provided below to share concerns or ideas related to teaching and learning with the Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning. However, if ideas or concerns are communicated, they should be specific enough in order to be addressed. Professionals are expected to be collegial at all times and value one another’s time.</p><p>Additional Expectations for Teachers in the Classroom a. To avoid incidents that could impact student and employee safety, as health allows, employees are prohibited from eating and drinking during instructional time and while students are in the classroom. b. The videotaping of classroom instruction must be approved by the building Principal and must be directly related to improving instructional outcomes. APPENDIX</p><p>Board Policy Advertising in the Schools Descriptor Code: KJ</p><p>Personnel of the DeKalb County School District shall not advertise instructional materials, school supplies, or other items which may be available for purchase in stores and other commercial establishments. Personnel shall not sell reference books, magazines, dictionaries, other instructional books, manuals, or school supplies to parents or to pupils.</p><p>Advertising materials, such as flyers, posters, signs, coupons, discount offers, and other printed or electronic materials, shall not be distributed by teachers, staff, or students or displayed on school property except in the following circumstances:</p><p>1. Schools may be permitted to use and distribute materials imprinted with a business or industry name or logo if the materials are to be used for instructional or incentive purposes in conjunction with an official School Support Organization, such as parent-teacher-student associations and booster clubs.</p><p>2. Upon request by the local school principal, the Superintendent or designee may approve advertisements in programs or calendars for extracurricular or athletic activities, in school newspapers, or in school annuals or yearbooks. Revenues generated through such advertising must be used to support educational, extracurricular, or athletic activities at the local school.</p><p>3. Upon request by the local school principal, the Superintendent or designee may approve advertisements in high school athletic stadiums and gymnasiums. Signage size, location, and content must by approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent may approve advertisements at District-wide athletic stadiums only if the advertisement is temporary and displayed only for the duration of a particular event involving the requesting school. Revenues generated through such advertising must be used to support educational, extracurricular, or athletic activities at the local school.</p><p>4. School property or facilities may be used for advertising purposes with the prior approval of the DeKalb County Board of Education. Revenues generated through such advertising must be used to support educational, extracurricular, or athletic activities at the local school. Under no circumstances shall any such advertising activity interfere with the educational process.</p><p>Last Revised 08/06/2014</p>

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