OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] No. 13.] PERTH: THURSDAY, MARCH 16. [1893. No. 5229.-C.S.0. No. 522S.-C.S.O. +, + Colonial Sec?'etary's Qfjice, '111 PROOLAMATION 'uT Perth, 13th March, 1893. 1i.(iltoltrn 2\.u,tralia,} On behalf of His Excellency SIR =rIS Honour. Chief Jus~ice Onslo,:, Governor's la (uit. WILT,IAj\I CLEAVER FRANCIS ROBIN- I. .-L Deputy, 111 ExecutIve CouncIl, has been SON, Knight Grand Cross of the pleased to appoint ALGERNON S. CANNING to be Most Distinguished Order of Saint Associate to His Honour Mr. Justice Hensman. AI,EX. C. OXSLO'Y, GO'VCi'110r's Dcpgty. Michael and Saint Geol'ge, Gov8rnor S. H. PARKER, and Commander-in-Chief in and Colonial Secretary. CL. s.) over the Colony of IVestern .cl. ns­ trl1lia and its Dependencies, &c., No. 5203.-C.S.O. &c., &c. 2 H" Oolonial Sec?'etary's Office, N pursuance of the provisions conta,ined in the V:l Pe?·tl~. 15th B'ebntary, 1893. I fifth section of " The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," ACANCIES in the Medical Servi<.;e of this I, ALEXANDER CAilIPBELL ONSLOW, Chief Justice of Colony now exist, as particularised below, the said Colony, Governor's Deputy. with the advice for which appli<.;ations may be made through the of the Executive Council, do by this my Proclama­ Colonial Surgeon and Principal Medical Officer, Perth: o.tiicc. Di!)trict. Salary. tion appoint Resident ]icdicnl Officer Ashburtoll cC250 per annum Do. Beverley £IOO Tuesday, the 4th Ap1'il p1'0,,,,1:mo, Do. Bridgetowll £100 Do. Gl'eenough £100 <), special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday throughout the Colony. In addition to these salaries, a small aJlowance for Drugs is llHtde, ralJging from £12 to £30 a year, Given at Perth, under my hand and the Public according to circumstances. Seal of the said Colony, this 14ih day of 1\i[arch, 1893. S. H. PARKER, Colonial Secretary. By Command, S. H. PARKER, Colonial Secretary. lVestern Australian Local Forces. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!! General Order. PERlYIANENT FORCE. No. 5230.-C.S.0. Colonial Secretary's Qfjice, }Jleclical DepaJ'iment.-FREDERICK JOHN INGOLDBY, Pel'th, 1fith l'IIa;'ch, 189B. Gentleman, lYLR.C.S., &c., to be Surgeon­ IS Honour Chief Justice Onslo,Y, Governor's Captain. H Deputy, in Executive Council, has been pleased Pe1'manent A1'tille?'y Force, Albany.-Surgeon - Cap­ to appoint D. E. WILLIAIIIS, L.R.C.P., &c., Ireland,. tain FREDERICK JOHN IN GOLD BY is attached to be Resident Medical Officer of the Gascoyne for duty to the Artillery until further orders. District; Public Vaccinator fur the Urban and Suburban Districts of Carnarvon and Rural District By Command, of Gascoyne, and Health Officer of the Port of Car­ H. S. FLEMING, LT.-COL., narvon, vice Hearn, deceased. Commandant Local Forces. S. H. PARKER, Head Quarters, Perth, Colonial Secretary. 14th lYlarch, 1893. '272 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \\' .A. [~L-\'R. 16, 1893. _=l~%9. Department of Lands and SUIi'veys, Depa1·tment of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 14th March, 1893. Perth, 15th March, 1893. T is hereby notified, for general information, that IS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council I the boundaries of the Swan Roads Board H has been pleased to appoint C. D. V. Foss, District, as defined in the Gove1"n1nent Gazette of the Esq., J.P., to be the Officer to do the acts and things 12th January, 1893, are hereby cancelled, and the required to be done in and about the settling of the following substituted in lieu thereof. Electoral List for the Minilya Roads Board District W. E. MARMION, at Wandagee, for revision of the same, and to be Commissioner of Crown Lands. Returning Officer at the first Election; also to a:ppoint the following dates in connection therewith, VIZ.:- Bounded by lines starting from the summit of MOlmt For making up Lists, Monday, 15th May, 1893. Dale and extending N orth-Westerly to the Easternmost corner of Swrm Location 34, and along its North-East For revision of Lists and holding Election, Monday, 22ncl May, 1893. boundary to the Southernmost corner of Swan Location X; thence by n Northerly line to the South-East corner of The previous notice published in Gove1'nment Perthshire Location 104 at Gnangarra Lake; thence due North, passing along the East boundary of said Location to Gazette of 23rd ultimo is hereby cancelled. 11 line due East from the North-East corner of Perthshire Loc;ttion Ill; thence due East to ,1, line extending from W. E. MARMION, the 60th mile mark on the road from Perth to New Norcia Commissioner of Crown Lands. to the South-VV est corner of Sw,m Location 95 'et Bailup; thence South-South-East to the said corner of Swan Location 95; thence by a South-Easterly line to a spot on Depa1·tment of Lancls and Slwveys, the Eastern R,l,ilw"y due North from the North-East Perth, 28th Febnw1'y, 1893. corner of Relena LomLtion 22; thence by <1 South line to the South-E"st corner of sa,id Location, ll,nd thence in a IS Excellency the Governor 111 Executive Southerly direction to the summit of MOlmt Dale, exclud­ Council has been ple[tsed to supersede the ing, however, the nmin Toody"y Road from Bailup to its H junction with the Upper Swan Road, which is ineluded in Roebourne District Roaels Board from this date, the ToodY<1Y Roads Board District, and ,t portion of the and appoint W. D. COWAN, Esq., J.P., to be the Nortlmm Road included in the Northam RO<1ds District. Officer to do the acts and things requireel to be done in and about the revision of the Electoral List of the Roebourne District Roads Board, and to be Returning Officer at the Election of a new Board; Depa1·t?nent of Lanel" ancl Swrveys, also to appoint the following dates in connection Pe;·th, 14th Ma;'ch, 1898. therewith, viz. :-- T is hereby notified, for geneml infonnaJion, that I the boundaries of the York H,oads Board Dis­ For revision of List, Wednesday, 22n<1 March, 1893. trict, ltS defined in the Government Gazette of the For holding Election, Wednesd!l,y, 5th April, 1893. 15th December, 1892, are herebv cancelled, ltlld the following substituted in lieu thei·eof. W. E. MARMION, W. E. lVIARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Commissioner of Crown Lands. "" 9 2 Department of Lancls and Sltrveys, ~~E- Perth, 22ncl Februaxy, 1893. Bounded on the S01tthwa;',l by an Easterly line from JliIount DnJe to the South corner of Avon LOCfLtion 30, IS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council thence East-North-Easterly "long the Southern boun­ H has been pleased to appoint R. C. CLIFTON, dm-ies of Avon Loca.tions 30 and 0 to the Avon l'tiver, Esq., to be the Officer to do the acts and things then "cross said river nnd downwards along its right requireel to be done in and about the settling of the bmlk to the Northeril bonndnry of Avon LOClttion C, thence Electoral Lists for the Gingin Roads Board District, East-Xorth-Enst to that Locntion's North corner, thence Easterly to the Southernmost corner of Conditionnl Pur­ for revision of the same, and to be Returning Officer chase 1.1", thence Ettst by North to the Southernmost at the first Election; also to appoint the following corner of Pastoral Lease 1i\fb, sn.,id corner being situate dates in connection therewith, viz. :- North-North-West 83 elutins ~mcl West-South-vVest n.bout ·to chains from the vVesternmost corner of Poison Le'lse "fm, For making up Lists, 'ruesday, 7th March, 1893. thence ttlong the South bounchwy of s!tid PastornJ Lettse ,Pto For revision of Lists tend holding Election, Tuesday. to its Easternmost corner, and thence East-North-East 21st March, 1893. to J\Iournucking Spring in PastornJ Lease H, <1ncl thence clue East; on the Ec,st by n North line which, if produced, W. E. MARlVIION, would P"SS through n. spot 20 milos vVest from the North­ vVest corner of Avon LomLtion 998 at Eenuin; on the lVcst Commissioner of Crown Lands. by le Northerly line from J\Iount Dalo to the South-El1st corner of Hell'nlC Loc"tion 22, >Llld thence clue North to l1 spot 5 miles South of the El1stern Railway; 0n the North­ Wickepin Agricultural Area. ward by a line st~trting from the saicl spot 5 miles South from the El1stern Ra.ilwtty, nnd extending- E!est-North­ "'" 7 Departrnent of Lands an(l Srwveys, Easterly to the IV est corner of Avon Location f, thence ~""\f~C Pe)·th, 15th February, 1893. El1st-N orth-Easterly along the Northern bounchtries of LOC<ttions f and.T to the North corner of Location.T, thence T is hereby notified, for general information, that clue East. I ~ 74 blocks of land, within the Wickepin Agri­ cultural Area, have been surveyed, and, with the exception of those which have been reserved, will be open for selection, under the terms of the Land "'" 7 Depa1·tnwnt of Lands ancl S1o'veys, H.egulations, on and after the 13th day of March, "",- Perth, 1st February, 189.'/. 1893. Plans of the same will be obtainable at this IS Exeellency the Governor in Executive Coun­ Office, at the Resident Magistrates' Offices, York and H cil has been pleased to cancel the Buchanan Katanning, and at the Office of the Government Agricultural Area, gazetteel on the 17th December, I,and Agent, Albany, on and after 24th February 1891, anc1 to declare the land comprised therein open instant.
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