Salient Points of Discussions Between 7Th CPC and NC, Staff Side JCM

Salient Points of Discussions Between 7Th CPC and NC, Staff Side JCM

<p> I) 7th Pay Commission meeting with JCM Staff Side on 23rd and 24th March 2015 – Brief of the meeting given by Secretary (Staff Side) – Interim Relief and Merger of DA can be considered only if Terms of Reference are amended Salient Points of discussions between 7th CPC and NC, Staff Side JCM o 7CPC’s query for multiplication factor 3.7 proposed by staff side for arriving at Revised 7th CPC Pay has been explained to 7CPC in detail. o 7th Pay Commission to adopt Minimum Wage Concept (Dr. Aykhrod Formula) as the principle of wage determination o 7th CPC appreciated the proposal of Staff Side for Fitment Formula and Fixation of Pay on Promotion o No Commitment was given by 7CPC on Date of Effect of 7th Pay Commission revised Pay. o 7th CPC suggested for approaching Govt to amend the terms of reference on the issue of GDS. Text of Letter No. NC/JCM/2015 dated 25.03.2015 of Shri.Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary (Staff Side), National Council, Staff Side JCM is as follows No.NC/JCM/2015 Dated: March 25, 2014 The 7th CPC had asked the JCM Staff Side to present their case before the Commission for wage revision on 23rd and 24th March 2015. Accordingly, the Standing Committee of the Staff Side met on 22nd March and again 23rd March 2015. The presentation was made on 23rd and 24th March 2015 before the Commission. We have discussed the memorandum, chapter wise and the Commission made a very patient hearing and interacted with us seeking clarifications on certain matters. It is not possible to provide a detailed account of the discussions. However, we are to inform you that we came out of the discussion with a very good impression and satisfaction. 1. The Commission will adopt Minimum Wage Concept (Dr. Aykhrod Formula) as the principle of wage determination. They will however, collect the retail rates of the commodities that go into the basket. 2. We have pleaded for the adoption of the best international practices while fixing the highest salary. 3. On the demands for Interim Relief and Merger of DA, the Commission finally said that those can only be considered if Terms of Reference are amended. 4. The Commission agreed that there had been reduction in the sanctioned strength and working strength over the years despite the increased workload. 5. They have also noted that there was substantial reduction in percentage terms of the expenses on salary and wages over the years. 6. The Commission enquired, as to how multiplication factor of 3.7 was arrived at. The same was explained in detail. 7. Fitment Formula and the demand on Fixation of Pay on Promotion, were appreciated as the rationale was explained. 8. Date of effect: No commitment or comment was made by the Commission. The Staff Side explained, as to how they compromised by shifting the date from. 01.01.2011 to 01.01.2014. 9. The institution of Special Pay, especially in the wake of de-layering was explained. 10. Common Categories: We have requested the upgradation and amalgamation of the cadres of LDC with UDC and the need for bringing about parity in pay scales of the Subordinate Offices with the Central Secretariat. The problems of Staff Car Drivers were also elaborated. The contractorisation and casualisation at lower level positions and the consequent exploitation of the labour were discussed at length. The Commission has made a proposal to do away with the contractorisation/casualisation. Staff side will discuss the proposal and will send its views to the Commission in due course. 11. Classification of Posts: Our proposal has not been found favour. 12. GDS: While sympathizing with the Staff Side, the Commission wanted them to approach the Government with a view to amend the Terms of Reference. 13. Allowances and Advances: Detailed discussions were held on HRA, CCA, Transport Allowance, CEA and Special Allowance for personnel posted at North East Region. Chapters dealing with the facilities was also discussed at length, including compassionate appointment. On holidays, we have requested to include May Day in the list of holidays. The background of observance of May Day was enquired by the Commission and explained. 14. Pension and Retirement Benefit – NPS: Commission stated categorically that NPS being an Act of Parliament, they will not make any comment thereon. Pension Computation: The rationale of 67% was explained and appreciated. Minimum Pension: our demand for 2/3rd of the Minimum Wage was also explained. Parity in pension of past and present pensioners was fully explained, linked with one rank – one pension scheme for Defence Personnel. We have pleaded that Civilian Pensioners should not be discriminated against. Demand for Additional Pension for both Pensioners and Family Pensioners was explained. All matters concerning Family Pension were also discussed. So also, gratuity to be computed in accordance with the Gratuity Act. There was good response for the demands from the Commission. Restoration of commuted value of pension: The Commission will enquire the views of the Government as to what is their objection to the demand. Medical facilities for pensioners and discrimination between Pensioners in CGHS area and CCS(MA) Area as also the Postal Pensioners was brought home including the higher Fixed Medical Allowance for ESI persons. Certain clarifications/elucidations have been asked for by the Commission. To provide such clarifications, another meeting with the Commission might be held after the Commission’s interaction with other organizations. The Staff Side may meet the Commission after their interaction with the other organizations are over. *********************************************************************************</p><p>II) POSTAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANISATIONS ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION, GDS (NFPE) NATIONAL UNION GDS No. PJCA/2015 Dated: 26th March , 2015 CIRCULAR</p><p>To All Office Bearers of both the Federations. All General Secretaries All Circle/Divisional and Branch Secretaries.</p><p>Dear Comrades, P.J.C.A. MEETING</p><p>As decided earlier PJCA meeting was held at NFPE office, 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building New Delhi-110 001 on 24.03.2015. at 2 P.M The meeting was Presided over by Shri. D.Theagarajan, Chairman, PJCA and Secretary General FNPO.</p><p>The meeting attended by both Secretary Generals and General Secretaries of both the Federations.</p><p>Before commencement of meeting homage was paid to Com. S.K. Vyas, a Veteran & legendry leader of Central Government Employees & Pensioners Trade Union Movement by observing one minute silence. In the meeting Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary PJCA and Secretary General NFPE presented the position of action and development on the 40 points Strike Charter of demands after PJCA meeting with Secretary (P) on 05.02.2015.</p><p>All General Secretaries presented their views and after a detailed discussion, the following decisions were taken:</p><p>1. Disagreement was recorded on items No. 1,2,11,12,13,14,15,16,21, 25,27, 30, 31,33,34, 35,36,37, and 40 of PJCA Strike Charter of demand as the progress is not being noticed on all these items. Secretary (P) will be addressed to settle these issues as per the assurance given in meeting on 05.02.2015.</p><p>2. Due to some unavoidable circumstances the date of Dharna in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi by All India leaders of both Federations is rescheduled as 29 th April- 2015 instead of 15th April.</p><p>3, Notice for Indefinite Strike to be organized from 06th May 2015 will be served to the Secretary, Department of Posts, New Delhi on 06th April-2015. All Circle /Divisional and Branch Secretaries will also submit Strike Notice at all levels by organizing demonstrations in front of all important offices.</p><p>4 Campaign programme by All India Leaders of both the Federations affiliated unions has been finalized and it will be completed between 05th April to 15th April, 2015 to mobilize entire rank and file. All concerned will fix the dates in consultation with Circle leadership and conduct the programme to mobilize maximum employees to participate in Parliament March to be conducted on 28th April 2015 under banner of National Council JCM and to make them ready for the Indefinite strike from 06th May 2015 onwards . (Campaign programme is enclosed)</p><p>5. Next Meeting of PJCA will be held on 29th April, 2015 on the day of Dharna by All India leaders in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.</p><p>MEETING WITH PAY COMMISSION</p><p>1, Meeting of NFPE leaders with 7th Central Pay Commission was held on 25th March, 2015 at Pay Commissions Office at Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi. Secretary General NFPE and all General Secretaries participated in the meeting and presented the issues very nicely submitted in the memorandums. Chairman and members appeared courteous and co-operative with positive attitude.</p><p>GDS issues were also discussed by Secretary General NFPE and Com. P. Panduranga Rao General Secretary, GDS (NFPE) and Memorandum on GDS issue was also presented again to Chairman 7th CPC by General Secretary GDS (NFPE) . Chairman assured all possible help to this most exploited and deprived section of Postal Workers within his capacity. 2. Meeting of FNPO leaders was also held with 7th CPC on 26th March 2015 at CPC office at New Delhi. Secretary General & all General Secretaries presented the issues effectively and Pay Commission was also of positive views on most of the items.</p><p>III) INDEFINITE STRIKE FROM 6TH MAY-2015</p><p>POSTAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANIZATIONS ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION GDS (NFPE) NATIONAL UNION OF GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS (FNPO)</p><p>COMBINED CAMPAIGN TOUR PROGRAMME OF ALL INDIA LEADERS</p><p>(MEETINGS BE HELD BETWEEN 05TH APRIL TO 15TH APRIL-2015)</p><p>SL.NO. CIRCLE PLACE LEADERS ATTENDING</p><p>Com. N. Subramainan G/S P-3 Com. Santosh Kumar President Postal NFPE ANDHRA Accounts. 1. HYDERABAD PRADESH Com. R. Shivanarayana President P-III Shri D Kishan Rao G/S P-III FNPO Shri Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee G/S NFPE 2. ASSAM GUWAHATI Admn. FNPO Shri H.C. Dutta AG/S R.-III</p><p>NFPE Com. R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE 3. BIHAR PATNA FNPO Shri R.K.Tripathi Dy. G/S NUPE Gr.-C 4. CHATTISGARH RAIPUR NFPE Com. Giriraj Singh G/S R-III</p><p>FNPO Shri T.N. Rahate GS P-IV</p><p>5. DELHI NEW DELHI NFPE All available General Secretaries</p><p>FNPO All available General Secretaries</p><p>Com. Seetha Laxmi G/S P-IV 6. GUJARAT AHAMEDABAD NFPE Com. P. Suresh G/S R-IV Shri T.N. Rahate GS P-IV FNPO Shri N.K. Pande AG/S NUPE Gr. -C Com. K.K. Sharma VP NFPE 7. HARYANA AMBALA NFPE Com. Balwinder Singh Treasurer P-III Shri O.P. Khanna G/S Admn. FNPO Shri Jayapal Singh, P-IV HIMACHAL Com. K.K. Sharma VP NFPE 8. SHIMLA NFPE PRADESH Com. Balwinder Singh Treasurer P-III Shri O.P. Khanna G/S Admn. FNPO Shri Jayapal Singh, V/P P-IV Com. Raj Kumar Fin. Secy. NFPE JAMMU & 9. JAMMU NFPE Com. Giriraj Singh President NFPE/G/S KASHMIR R-III Shri O.P. Khanna G/S Admn. FNPO Shri V.K. Mathur Dy. G/S P-IV</p><p>10. JHARKHAND RANCHI NFPE Com. R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE</p><p>FNPO Shri Ajay Kumar Sharma AGS , P-III</p><p>Com. N. Subramainan G/S P-3 11. KARNATAKA BANGALORE NFPE Com. Pandu Rangarao G/S GDS(NFPE) Shri B Shiva Kumar AG/S P-III FNPO Shri N. Ramappa G/S R-IV Com. Seetha Laxmi Dy. S/G NFPE & 12. KERALA TRIVANDRUM NFPE G/S P-IV</p><p>FNPO Shri P.U. Muralidharan G/S NUGDS</p><p>MADHYA 13. BHOPAL NFPE Com. Giriraj Singh G/S R-III PRADESH</p><p>FNPO Shri Samson , AG/S P-III</p><p>Com. Seetha Laxmi G/S P-IV 14. MAHARASHTRA MUMBAI NFPE Com. P. Suresh G/S R-IV Com. S.P. Kulkarni President SBCOEA Shri T.N. Rahate G/S P-IV FNPO Shri R.N. Dohse AG/S NAPE-III Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee G/S 15. NORTH EAST SHILLONG NFPE Admn. Shri Rajat S Das President P-III FNPO Shri H.C. Datta AGSR-III Com. T Satyanarayana G/S Postal A/C 16. ORISSA BHUBANESWAR NFPE Com. Pandu Rangarao G/S GDS(NFPE)</p><p>FNPO Shri P.U. Muralidharan G/S NUGDS</p><p>Com. Balwinder Singh Treasurer P-III 17. PUNJAB CHANDIGARH NFPE N(NFPE) Shri O.P. Khanna G/S Admn. FNPO Shri V.K. Mathur,Dy. G/S P-IV Com. Virendra Tiwari G/S SBCO 18. RAJASTHAN JAIPUR NFPE Com. Seetha Laxmi G/S P-IV & Dy. S/G NFPE Shri D Kishan Rao G/S NUPE P-III FNPO</p><p>Com. T Satyanarayana G/S Postal A/C Com. S Raghupathi ASG NFPE 19. TAMIL NADU CHENNAI NFPE Com. R. Sivanarayana President P-III Com. Pandu Rangarao G/S GDS(NFPE)</p><p>FNPO Shri D. Theagarajan S/G NFPO</p><p>UTTAR Com. R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE 20. LUCKNOW NFPE PRADESH Com. Virendra Tiwari G/S SBCO Shri V.S. Singh V/P P-III FNPO Shri R.K. TripathiDy. G/S R-III Com. Virendra Tiwari G/S SBCO 21. UTTARAKHAND NFPE Com. Raj Kumar Fin. Secy . NFPE Shri V.S. Singh V/P P-III FNPO Shri Jagdish Sharma, FS, P-IV</p><p>22. WEST BENGAL KOLKATA NFPE Com. R.N. Parashar , .S/G NFPE</p><p>Shri D Kishan Rao G/S NUPE P-III FNPO</p><p>INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All General Secretaries and NFPE leaders will fix day with consultation of Circle leaders. 2. Leaders whose names are given should compulsorily attend the meeting. 3. Circle Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO should take initiative to arrange the joint meeting. They should consult each other and finalise the programme. 4. Maximum publicity should be given to campaign programme and maximum participation of employees should be ensured. 5. Circle Unions / Divisional Unions should make maximum effort to make the strike a grand success. Joint campaign programmes by Circle / Divisional Union Leaders may be organized in all Circles / Divisions. 6. Joint Strike notice will be served to Secretary, Department of Posts. Copy may be served to all Circles / Divisional heads also. Copy of the strike notice may be down loaded from websites of NFPE / FNPO & affiliated Unions. 7. All the Unions and Federations of Postal Department are participating in the Indefinite Strike from 6th May, 2015 , make the strike cent per cent. </p>

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