<p>U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION</p><p>EDFacts Submission System</p><p>C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications</p><p>Version 9.0 SY 2012-13</p><p>August 2012</p><p>U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>This technical guide was produced under U.S. Department of Education Contract No. ED-PEP-09-O-0044 with 2020 Company, LLC. Brandon Scott served as the contracting officer’s representative. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred.</p><p>U.S. Department of Education Arne Duncan Secretary</p><p>Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Carmel Martin Assistant Secretary</p><p>August 2012</p><p>This technical guide is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications, Washington, D.C., 2012.</p><p>This technical guide is also available on the Department’s Web site at: http://www.ed.gov/edfacts</p><p>On request, this publication is available in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, or computer diskette. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center at (202) 260–0852 or (202) 260–0818.</p><p>August 2012 i SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL DOCUMENT INFORMATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Title: Specifications Revision: Version 9.0 Issue Date: August 2012 Security Level: Unclassified – For Official Use Only Filename: 0f9627f9dd5a0e61e75f7c68063a828b.doc</p><p>DOCUMENT HISTORY Version Date Summary of Change Number 1.0 – 8.0 Versions 1.0 through 8.0 are used to build files for school years prior to SY 2012-13 9.0 August 2012 Updated for SY 2012-13</p><p>August 2012 ii SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0 PREFACE This document provides technical instructions for building files that are submitted through the EDFacts Submission System (ESS). The ESS is an electronic system that facilitates the efficient and timely transmission of data from SEAs to the U.S. Department of Education.</p><p>This document is to be used in coordination with other documentation including the EDFacts Workbook, ESS User Guide and the Business Rules Guide.</p><p>Data submitted through the ESS are authorized by an Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data Through EDFacts (OMB 1875-0240, expires 9/30/2013). EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiative to govern, acquire, validate, and use high-quality, kindergarten through grade 12 (K–12) performance data for education planning, policymaking, and management and budget decision-making to improve outcomes for students. EDFacts centralizes data provided by SEAs, LEAs and schools, and provides users with the ability to easily analyze and report data. This initiative has significantly reduced the reporting burden for state and local data producers, and has streamlined data collection, analysis and reporting functions at the federal, state and local levels.</p><p>August 2012 iii SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0 CONTENTS</p><p>DOCUMENT CONTROL...... ii PREFACE...... iii 1.0 PURPOSE...... 1 2.0 GUIDANCE FOR SUBMITTING THIS FILE...... 1 2.1 Changes from the SY 2011-12 File Specifications...... 1 2.2 Core Requirements for Submitting this File...... 1 2.3 Required Categories and Totals...... 2 2.4 Guidance...... 3 3.0 FILE NAMING CONVENTION...... 8 4.0 FIXED OR DELIMITED FILES...... 9 4.1 Header Record Definition...... 9 4.2 Data Record Definition...... 10 5.0 XML SPECIFICATIONS...... 13 5.1 Category XML Object...... 14 5.2 Table Type XML Object...... 17 5.3 Agency XML Object...... 18 5.4 File Transmit XML Object...... 19 APPENDIX: CROSSWALK...... 21</p><p>August 2012 iv SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>1.0 PURPOSE</p><p>This document contains instructions for building files to submit EDFacts Data Group 704: CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional table. The definition for this data group is:</p><p>The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who completed a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields.</p><p>The data collected through this file specification are currently collected for the Consolidated Annual Performance (CAR), Accountability, and Financial Status Report for the State Basic Grant and Tech-Prep Grant Programs under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act (Perkins IV). In the Perkins IV Consolidated Annual Report (CAR), this is performance indicator 6S2 Non-traditional Completion.</p><p>2.0 GUIDANCE FOR SUBMITTING THIS FILE</p><p>This section contains changes from the previous school year, core requirements for submitting this file, required categories and totals, and general guidance.</p><p>2.1 Changes from the SY 2011-12 File Specifications</p><p>Other than the editorial changes listed in the document history on page ii, there have been no other changes to this file specification. </p><p>2.2 Core Requirements for Submitting this File</p><p>The following table contains the reporting period, the education units included or excluded, the type of count, and zero count reporting.</p><p>Table 2.2-1: Core Reporting Requirements</p><p>SEA LEA School Reporting Period Perkins program year or state plan negotiated program year Education units Include SEA Operational LEAs that File not reported have CTE concentrators submitted in programs approved by at the the state, regardless of school level whether the CTE program was funded by Perkins Education units Closed, inactive, or future not reported LEAs; </p><p>August 2012 1 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>SEA LEA School LEAs that did not have any CTE concentrators to report Type of count Once At only one LEA Zero counts Required, Not required except as explained below Exceptions to Category set G – Student count for displaced homemakers zero counts – If your state does not have displaced homemakers at the secondary level, leave that category set out of the file. In the narrative portion of the CAR, you will need to include a statement that displaced homemakers do not apply to the secondary level. Category set I – Student count by Tech-Prep – If a state does not retain any portion of its Tech-Prep grant (Title III) for purposes authorized under Title II of Perkins IV, leave category set I out of the file.</p><p>2.3 Required Categories and Totals</p><p>The following table indicates the valid combinations of categories and the subtotals and/or totals needed for this file. An “X” in the column indicates that the category value must be submitted when reporting that aggregation. The total indicator must be either “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No). o If the record is for a category set, specify an “N” (No). o If the record is for a subtotal or education unit total, specify a “Y” (Yes). The abbreviations in the “Table Name” column represent the technical name of the data used in the file.</p><p>Table 2.3–1: Required Categories and Totals</p><p>August 2012 2 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>) s y y l l u l t n a ) a O c s t i ( n</p><p>S i</p><p> m s k n o u r t ) o n e i a p o t r i P s t c t ( a c o h u S</p><p> i e t E e</p><p> t t s s s n s t n y r S a a m n</p><p> t h t u c n e e i a i o t y t l</p><p> s S e i b i r</p><p> d N E a t e R</p><p> t b t o m n l r m a e I O n l a g S a l</p><p> e p )</p><p> m i l s a u e b e i r d c A o t M a p a ( R t D e a g a C D</p><p> o i T o g R C x A P T M</p><p> a ( e l</p><p> t S s a n i u a c t v e a d t p a S S</p><p> s i y t D i l i b</p><p> a Student Count by Sex s Category CTECONPRG i (Membership) and</p><p>X D X N Set A NT Representation Status Student Count by Category CTECONPRG Racial Ethnic and X X N Set B NT Representation Status Student Count by Disability Status Category CTECONPRG (Only) OR Disability X X N Set C NT Status (ADA) and Representation Status Student Count by Economically Category CTECONPRG Disadvantaged X X N Set D NT Status and Representation Status Category CTECONPRG Student Count by X X N Set E NT Migrant Status Student Count by Category Special Populations CTECONPRG Set F X X N (Perkins) and NT through I Representation Status Subtotal by CTECONPRG Subtotal 1 X Y Representation NT Status Education CTECONPRG Total of the Y Unit total NT education unit</p><p>The category “Special Populations (Perkins)” includes the following: Category set F – Single parents status</p><p>August 2012 3 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p> Category set G – Displaced homemaker Category set H – LEP (Perkins definition) Category set I – Tech prep</p><p>2.4 Guidance</p><p>This section contains guidance for submitting this file in the format of questions and answers.</p><p>Does the data have to be submitted in the CAR? No. These data will be transferred to the CAR. SEAs will still need to submit other data directly into the CAR, for example, SEAs will submit data on postsecondary directly into the CAR.</p><p>When must the data be reported? Data must be reported by December 31.</p><p>What is the Perkins program year? The Perkins program is either July 1 through June 30 OR a 12 month ED approved period. For example, a state’s ED approved period could be September 1 to August 30.</p><p>What data are reported in the file for SY 2012-13? States should report the data for the program year approved by ED for the state’s 2012- 13 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) due December 31, 2013. That data may be from a program year prior to program year 2012-13.</p><p>If the data are from the program year 2012-13, the state should report data at both the SEA and LEA level.</p><p>If the data are from a program year prior to 2012-13, the state should report data at only the SEA level. The explanation field should contain the program year that the data represented. In addition, states need to indicate “zero” LEAs in the submission plan.</p><p>Reporting for Perkins is different than for other files, why? Data for the CAR has historically been collected based on reporting year and not performance year. ED plans to continue this approach until Perkins is reauthorized.</p><p>Which students should be reported in this file? Report students who: (1) Reached the state-defined threshold level for vocational education participation, (i.e., CTE concentrators1), regardless of whether the program was funded by Perkins</p><p>1 The definition of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators is in section 4.1 of the EDFacts Workbook. </p><p>August 2012 4 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>AND (2) Completed a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields.</p><p>How is completion of a program defined? The state has negotiated with ED a definition of what it means to have “completed” a program. This definition may vary depending on the program of study that a student is pursuing. A student who has “completed” a program is one who has completed all CTE courses required in a program of study. The state’s Perkins Plan will contain the definition approved for your state.</p><p>What is an underrepresented gender? The state has negotiated with ED a definition of an “underrepresented” gender. A student from an “underrepresented” gender is one who is enrolled in a CTE program of study in a field that has less than 25% of one gender. The state’s Perkin Plan will contain the definition of “underrepresented” gender and a list of the CTE programs or career fields that are “underrepresented” for one gender.</p><p>What if my state uses a different definition for the numerator and/or denominator for Non-traditional Completion? If your state has an ED-negotiated and approved definition in its Perkins IV State Plan that differs the definition used in this file, use that definition from the State Plan rather than the definition provided in this file. The CTE director in the state will have a copy of the ED-approved Perkins IV State Plan.</p><p>What students in which institutions should be reported in this file? Report all students who meet the stated criteria that were enrolled in a CTE program in all institutions during the reporting period, regardless of whether those institutions received Perkins funding.</p><p>Under which LEA are students reported? Report students in the LEA where the student was enrolled when the student completed the program. However, if a state uses consortia for its CTE programs, the state can report students by the lead LEA in the consortia. If a state reports by consortia, note “consortia” in the Explanation field.</p><p>Are students who participated in CTE programs at private agencies or institutions reported in this file? A state must report on all students participating in career and technical education at private agencies or institutions that are reported by the state for purposes of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Students in private institutions which do not receive Perkins funding are reported only in the state file. These students need not be reported with an LEA unless that LEA reports data for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to the Department.</p><p>How are students reported by representation status? Report students by one of the following permitted values:</p><p>August 2012 5 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p> MEM - Member – Students are members of an underrepresented gender group NM - Not member – Students are not members of an underrepresented gender group</p><p>Are all students reported in all category sets? No. All students are included in category set A by sex (membership), category set B by racial ethnic (using the 7 permitted values),and the total. The rest of the category sets do not include all students, only those students with that particular attribute.</p><p>How are student counts reported by the racial ethnic? The data must be reported by the following 7 permitted values:</p><p>AM7 – American Indian or Alaska Native AS7 – Asian BL7 – Black or African American HI7 – Hispanic/Latino PI7 – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WH7 – White MU7 – Two or more races </p><p>How are student counts reported for children with disabilities? A state can report data by either (1) disability status (only), based on eligibility under IDEA, OR (2) disability status (ADA), based on eligibility under ADA. The election will be noted in the State’s Perkins IV State Plan.</p><p>(1) If a state elects to report data by disability status (only), include students who meet the definition of children with disabilities (IDEA) in section 4.2 of the EDFacts Workbook. In the data record, use the permitted value “WDIS” for “children with one or more disabilities (IDEA).”</p><p>(2) If a state elects to report data by disability status (ADA), include students who have a disability as defined in section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Under section 3 (2) of the ADA, the term disability means, with respect to an individual,: (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment. In the data record, use the permitted value “ADA” for students with disabilities as defined by ADA.”</p><p>How are student counts reported by economically disadvantaged status? Include students who are from economically disadvantaged families as defined by the state, including foster children.</p><p>August 2012 6 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>How are student counts reported by migrant status? Include students who meet the definition of eligible migrant students in section 4.4 of the EDFacts Workbook.</p><p>In Table 2.3-1, how are student counts reported by special populations? Report students for each of the following special populations:</p><p> Single parents status – include single parents and single pregnant women.</p><p> Displaced homemakers - Include students who: (A)(i) have worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; (ii) have been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or (iii) are parents whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this title; and (B) are unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. [sec. 3(7) of Perkins III]</p><p> LEP (Perkins) – Include students who have a limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, and </p><p>(A) Whose native language is a language other than English OR (B) Who live in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language</p><p> Tech Prep – If a state retains all, or a portion, of its Tech-Prep grant (Title II) for purposes authorized under Title II of Perkins IV, include students who participate in an identified Perkins Title II Tech-Prep program.</p><p>How does the EDFacts data crosswalk to the Perkins Core Indicators of Performance? The appendix contains a crosswalk to the Perkins Core Indicator that uses data from this file.</p><p>August 2012 7 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>3.0 FILE NAMING CONVENTION</p><p>The following file naming convention is to help identify files to provide technical assistance. </p><p>A maximum of 25 characters (including the file extension) is allowed for the file name. </p><p>The following is the naming convention for file submissions:</p><p> sslevCTECONPNTvvvvvvv.ext</p><p>Table 3.0-1: File Naming Convention Where Means Limit in characters ss USPS State Abbreviation 2 lev Abbreviation for level: 3 SEA for an State Education Agency level LEA for an Local Education Agency level filename CTECONPNT 9 vvvvvvv Alphanumeric string designated by the SEA to 7 uniquely identify the individual submission (e.g., ver0001, v010803) .ext Extension identifying the file format: 4 .txt – fixed .csv – comma delimited .tab – tab delimited .xml – XML</p><p>August 2012 8 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>4.0 FIXED OR DELIMITED FILES </p><p>This section describes the fixed file and delimited file specifications. The fixed file and delimited files contain a header record followed by data records. The file type is specified in the header record.</p><p>The “Pop” column in the header and data records is coded as follows: </p><p>M - Mandatory, this field must always be populated A - This field is populated in accordance with table 2.3-1 “Required Categories and Totals” O - Optional, data in this field are optional</p><p>4.1 Header Record Definition</p><p>The header record is required and is the first record in every file submitted to the ESS. The purpose of the header record is to provide information as to the file type, number of data records in the file, file name, file identifier, and file reporting period. </p><p>Table 4.1–1: Header Record Data Start Len Po Permitted Element Positi Type Definition / Comments gth p Values Name on File Type 1 50 Strin M Identifies the type of file being SEA CTE g submitted. CONCENTRAT ORS NONTRADITIO NAL </p><p>LEA CTE CONCENTRAT ORS NONTRADITIO NAL Total 51 10 Num M The total number of Data Records Records In ber contained in the file. The header record File is NOT included in this count. File Name 61 25 Strin M The file name including extension, the See section (Including g same as the external file name. 3.0 file extension) File Identifier 86 32 Strin M Any combination of standard characters g to further identify the file as specified by the SEA (e.g., a date, person’s name, and version number).</p><p>August 2012 9 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Data Start Len Po Permitted Element Positi Type Definition / Comments gth p Values Name on File 118 9 Strin M The school year for which data are 2012-2013 Reporting g being reported. The required format is Period "CCYY–CCYY" or "CCYY CCYY", where OR either a hyphen or a space separates the beginning and ending years. 2012 2013 Filler 127 273 Strin M Leave filler field blank. g Carriage 400 1 M Return / Line Feed (CRLF)</p><p>Table 4.1–2: Header Record Example Forma File Type, Total Records in File, File Name, File Identifier, File Reporting Period,¶ t Examp LEA CTE CONCENTRATORS le NONTRADITIONAL,100,euleacteconpntVER0007.csv,characters to identify file,2012- 2013,¶</p><p>4.2 Data Record Definition</p><p>Data records are required and immediately follow the header record in every file submitted to the ESS. Data records provide counts for the specified category sets, subtotals and education unit totals.</p><p>Table 4.2–1: Data Records Data Start Lengt Permitted Element Positi Type Pop Definition / Comments h Values Name on File Record 1 10 Numbe M A sequential number assigned Number r by the State that is unique to each row entry within the file. ID 559 11 2 String M The two-digit American For a list of valid State Code National Standards Institute State Codes, refer (ANSI) code for the state, to the EDFacts District of Columbia, and the Workbook. possessions and freely associated areas of the United States. ID 570 13 2 String M A number used to uniquely 01 – State State identify state agencies. This Education Agency Agency ID cannot be updated through Number this file.</p><p>August 2012 10 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Data Start Lengt Permitted Element Positi Type Pop Definition / Comments h Values Name on ID 4 15 14 String M The identifier assigned to a SEA - Blank State LEA local education agency (LEA) Identifier by the state education agency (SEA). Also known as State LEA ID. This data element cannot be updated through this file. Filler 29 20 String M Leave filler field blank. Table Name 49 20 String M See section 1.0 CTECONPRGNT Representat 69 15 String A An indication of whether CTE MEM – Members ion Status concentrators were members of an of an underrepresented underrepresented gender group. gender group NM – Not members of an underrepresented gender group Sex 84 15 String A The concept describing the F – Female (Membershi biological traits that M – Male p) distinguish the males and MISSING females of a species. Racial 99 15 String A The general racial ethnic AM7 – American Ethnic categories that most clearly Indian or Alaska reflect individuals’ recognition Native of their community or with AS7 – Asian which the individuals most BL7 – Black or identify. African American HI7 – States must use the 7 Hispanic/Latino permitted values. PI7 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WH7 – White MU7 – Two or more races</p><p>MISSING Disability 114 15 String A An indication that CTE WDIS – Children Status concentrators are children with one or more (Only) with disabilities (IDEA). disabilities (IDEA)</p><p>OR OR OR</p><p>Disability An indication that CTE DISADA – Status concentrators have disability Students with (ADA) status under the American’s disability status with Disabilities Act (ADA). (ADA)</p><p>MISSING</p><p>August 2012 11 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Data Start Lengt Permitted Element Positi Type Pop Definition / Comments h Values Name on Economicall 129 15 String A An indication of whether CTE ECODIS – y concentrators meet the state Economically Disadvanta criteria for classification as Disadvantaged ged Status economically disadvantaged. (ED) Students MISSING Migrant 144 15 String A An indication of whether CTE MS – Migrant Status concentrators are eligible Students migrant children. MISSING</p><p>Single 159 15 String A An indication that CTE SPPT – Single Parents concentrators are either single Parents Status Status parents or pregnant MISSING teenagers. Displaced 174 15 String A An indication that CTE DH – Displaced Homemaker concentrators are displaced Homemakers homemakers. MISSING LEP Status 189 15 String A An indication that CTE LEPP – Limited (Perkins) concentrators are limited English proficient English proficient according to (LEP) Student the definition in Perkins. according to definition in Perkins MISSING Tech prep 204 15 String A An indication that CTE TECP – Tech-Prep concentrators are in Tech-Prep MISSING program Filler 219 15 String M Leave filler field blank. Total 234 1 String M An indicator that defines the N – Specifies Indicator count level – see table 2.3-1 detail level “Required Categories and Y – Specifies a Totals” subtotal or total of the education unit. Explanation 235 200 String O Program year of the data if the YY YY for data do not represent example 08 09 program year 2012-13</p><p>Student 435 10 Numbe M Count r Carriage 445 1 M Return/Line Feed (CRLF)</p><p>Table 4.2–2: Data Record Example – LEA level Aggregation Example</p><p>August 2012 12 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Format File Record Number,State Code,State Agency Number,State LEA Identifier,Filler,Table Name,Representation Status,Sex (Membership),Racial Ethnic,Disability Status (Only) OR Disability Status (ADA),Economically Disadvantaged Status,Migrant Status,Single Parents Status,Displaced Homemaker,LEP Status (Perkins),Tech prep,Filler,Total Indicator,Explanation,Student Count¶ Category Set A 1,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,F,,,,,,,,,,N,,7¶ Category Set B 5,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,AM7,,,,,,,,,N,,2¶ Category Set C 7,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,DISADA,,,,,,,,N,,2¶ Category Set D 11,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,,ECODIS,,,,,,,N,,1¶ Category Set E 13,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,,,MS,,,,,,N,,7¶ Category Set F 16,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,,,,SPPT,,,,,N,,1¶ Category Set G 19,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,,,,,DH,,,,N,,7¶ Category Set H 23,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,,,,,,,,LEPP,,,N,,2¶ Category Set I 25,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,MEM,F,,,,,,,,TECP,,N,,7¶ Subtotal 1 29,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,NM,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,80¶ Total of 30,80,01,00601EUPHORIA,,CTECONPRGNT,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,89¶ education unit</p><p>August 2012 13 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>5.0 XML SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>The XML files contain three (3) distinct metric objects and a file transmit objects. The structure of the objects contains a node that defines the education unit that corresponds to the submitted metric. The structure also contains nodes that represent the characteristics of the metric (see table 2.3-1 for a list of the characteristics used in this file), the associated value, and whether the metric value is a subtotal or total of the education unit. The metric objects are contained within the file transmission objects that define the group of values that is being submitted.</p><p>The XML specifications are represented in a table with the headings:</p><p> Element – name of the XML element tag. Attribute – name of the XML attribute tag. Category Value – name of the category. Char – the XML element or attribute characteristic see table 5.0-1 below Definition/Comments – definition and additional comments related to formats or other business rules. Permitted Values – values for data elements.</p><p>The Char (characteristics) column in the XML format matrices accepts the following codes: Table 5.0-1: XML Format Codes Code Characteristic M Mandatory Element/Attribute O Optional C Conditionally Required MR Mandatory and Repeatable Element OR Optional and Repeatable Element CR Conditional and Repeatable Element</p><p>The size of the fields is found in the record layouts in section 4.1 and 4.2.</p><p>August 2012 14 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>5.1 Category XML Object</p><p>The category XML object is used to define the characteristics associated with a count. There may be zero, one, or more categories defined for a count.</p><p>Table 5.1-1: Category XML Object Definition Attrib Data Element Category Cha Element Definition / Comments Permitted Values ute Name Value r CATEGOR Y TYPE M The category or categories for the table type. Representation REPSENTSTAT Status Sex SEX (Membership) Racial Ethnic RACEETHNIC Disability DISABSTATADA Status (Only) OR Disability Status (ADA) LEP Status LEPPERKINS (Perkins) Economically ECODIS Disadvantaged Status Migrant Status MIGRNTSTATUS Single Parents SNGPARPREG Status Displaced DISPHOMEMAK Homemaker Tech prep TECHPREP VALUE M The category permitted value. REPSENTSTAT An indication of whether MEM – Members CTE concentrators were of an members of an underrepresented underrepresented gender gender group group. NM – Not members of an underrepresented gender group SEX The concept describing F – Female the biological traits that M - Male distinguish the males and MISSING females of a species.</p><p>August 2012 15 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Attrib Data Element Category Cha Element Definition / Comments Permitted Values ute Name Value r RACEETHNIC The general racial ethnic AM7 – American categories that most Indian or Alaska clearly reflect individuals’ Native recognition of their AS7 – Asian community or with which BL7 – Black or the individuals most African American identify. HI7 – Hispanic/Latino State must use the 7 PI7 Native permitted values. Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WH7 – White MU7 – Two or more races</p><p>MISSING DISABSTATAD An indication that CTE WDIS - Children A concentrators are children with one or more with disabilities (IDEA). disabilities (IDEA)</p><p>OR OR</p><p>An indication that CTE DISADA – concentrators have Students with disability status under the disability status American’s with (ADA) Disabilities Act (ADA). MISSING LEPPERKINS An indication that CTE LEPP – Limited concentrators are limited English proficient English proficient (LEP) Student according to the definition according to in Perkins. definition in Perkins MISSING ECODIS An indication of whether ECODIS - CTE concentrators meet Economically the state criteria for Disadvantaged classification as (ED) Students economically MISSING disadvantaged. MIGRNTSTATU An indication of whether MS – Migrant S CTE concentrators are status eligible migrant children. MISSING SNGPARPREG An indication that CTE SPPT – Single concentrators are either Parents Status single parents or pregnant MISSING teenagers. TECHPREP An indication that CTE TECP – Tech-prep concentrators are in Tech- MISSING</p><p>August 2012 16 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>Attrib Data Element Category Cha Element Definition / Comments Permitted Values ute Name Value r Prep program DISPHOMEMA An indication that CTE DH – Displaced K concentrators are Homemakers displaced homemakers. MISSING</p><p>Table 5.1-2: Category XML Object Example Format <CATEGORY TYPE=”CATEGORY VALUE” VALUE=”PERMITTED VALUE”/> Examp <CATEGORY TYPE="REPSENTSTAT" VALUE="MEM"/> le <CATEGORY TYPE="SEX" VALUE="M"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="RACEETHNIC" VALUE="AM7"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="DISABSTATADA" VALUE="WDIS"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="LEPPERKINS" VALUE="LEPP"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="ECODIS" VALUE="ECODIS"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="MIGRNTSTATUS" VALUE="MS"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="SNGPARPREG" VALUE="SPPT"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="TECHPREP" VALUE="TECP"/> <CATEGORY TYPE="DISPHOMEMAK" VALUE="DH"/></p><p>August 2012 17 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>5.2 Table Type XML Object</p><p>The table type XML object is used to define the type and value of the count. It may contain category XML objects to define additional characteristics.</p><p>Table 5.2-1: Table Type XML Object Definition Data Element Permitted Element Attribute Char Definition / Comments Name Values TABLETYPE Table Name TYPEABBRV M See section 1.0 CTECONPRG NT Total Indicator TOTALINDICATO M An indicator that defines N - Specifies R the count level. See detail level table 2.3-1 “Required Y – Specifies a Categories and Totals” subtotal or total of the education unit. CATEGORY OR The categories used to define the characteristics associated with the count. AMOUNT Student Count M EXPLANATION Explanation O Program year of the data YY YY for if the data do not example 08 represent program year 09 2012-13</p><p>Table 5.2-2: Examples of Table Type XML Objects Format <TABLETYPE TYPEABBRV=”Table Name” TOTALINDICATOR=”N or Y”> <insert category object(s)> <AMOUNT>##</AMOUNT> <EXPLANATION>text for state use</EXPLANATION> </TABLETYPE> Examp <TABLETYPE TYPEABBRV="CTECONPRGNT" TOTALINDICATOR="N"> le of <CATEGORY TYPE="REPSENTSTAT"> Catego <VALUE="MEM"/> ry Set <CATEGORY TYPE="SEX"> A <VALUE="M"/> <AMOUNT>100</AMOUNT> <EXPLANATION> text for state use</EXPLANATION> </TABLETYPE></p><p>August 2012 18 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>5.3 Agency XML Object</p><p>This section defines the XML object used to submit all metric information. The XML object matrix is followed by an example of the object.</p><p>Table 5.3-1: Agency XML Object Definition Data Permitted Element Element Attribute Char Definition / Comments Values Name AGENCY ID 559 FIPSSTATECODE M The two-digit American For a list of State Code National Standards Instittue valid State (ANSI) code for the state, Codes, refer District of Columbia, and the to the possessions and freely EDFacts associated areas of the United Workbook. States. ID 570 STATEAGENCYIDNUMB M A number used to uniquely 01 - State State ER identify state agencies. This ID Education Agency cannot be updated through Agency Number this file. ID 4 STATELEAIDNUMBER M The identifier assigned to a SEA – Not State LEA local education agency (LEA) used Identifier by the state education agency (SEA). Also known as State LEA ID. This ID is a required field. This data element cannot be updated through this file. TABLETYPE MR The XML Object used to define the type and value of the count.</p><p>Table 5.3-2: Examples of Agency XML Objects Level Example Format <AGENCY FIPSSTATECODE=”##” STATEAGENCYIDNUMBER=”01” STATELEAIDNUMBER=”Permitted Value”> <TABLETYPE> Table Type XML Object </TABLETYPE > </AGENCY> SEA <AGENCY FIPSSTATECODE="94" STATEAGENCYIDNUMBER="01"> <TABLETYPE> Table Type XML Object </TABLETYPE> </AGENCY> LEA <AGENCY FIPSSTATECODE="94" STATEAGENCYIDNUMBER="01" STATELEAIDNUMBER="007000-0000001"> <TABLETYPE> Table Type XML Object </p><p>August 2012 19 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p></TABLETYPE> </AGENCY></p><p>5.4 File Transmit XML Object</p><p>The purpose of the File Transmit XML Object is to provide information as to the file type, file identifier, and file reporting period.</p><p>Table 5.4-1: File Transmit XML Object Definition Data Permitted Element Element Attribute Char Definition / Comments Values Name FILETRANSMISSIO M N File Type FILELAYOUTTYPE M Identifies the type of file LEA CTE being submitted. CONCENTRATOR S NONTRADITION AL</p><p>LEA CTE CONCENTRATOR S NONTRADITION AL File FILEID M Any combination of standard Identifier characters to further identify the file as specified by the SEA (e.g., a date, person’s name, and version number). File SCHOOLYEAR M The school year for which 2012-2013 Reporting data are being reported. The Period required format is "CCYY– OR CCYY" or "CCYY CCYY", where either a hyphen or a 2012 2013 space must separate the beginning and ending years. AGENCY MR The information that fully describes the education unit.</p><p>Table 5.4-2: Examples of File Transmission XML Objects Level Example Format <FILETRANSMISSION FILELAYOUTTYPE=”Permitted Value” FILEID=”File Identifier” SCHOOLYEAR=”Permitted Value”> <AGENCY> Agency XML Object </AGENCY> </FILETRANSMISSION> SEA <FILETRANSMISSION FILELAYOUTTYPE="SEA CTE CONCENTRATORS NONTRADITIONAL" FILEID="characters to identify file" </p><p>August 2012 20 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>SCHOOLYEAR="2012-2013"> <AGENCY> Agency XML Object </AGENCY> </FILETRANSMISSION> LEA <FILETRANSMISSION FILELAYOUTTYPE="LEA CTE CONCENTRATORS NONTRADITIONAL" FILEID="characters to identify file" SCHOOLYEAR="2012-2013"> <AGENCY> Agency XML Object </AGENCY> </FILETRANSMISSION></p><p>August 2012 21 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>APPENDIX: CROSSWALK</p><p>This file specification provides data for the following performance indicator:</p><p>6S2 – Non-traditional Completion</p><p>Measure - Percent of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups in non- traditional fields of study who completed.</p><p>6S2- Non-traditional Completion Overall performance Subgroups indicator (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) Numerator Number of CTE concentrators DG704 (C156) DG704 (C156) from underrepresented gender groups who Subtotal 1 where Category set D (category participated in a program that representation status is set with economically leads to employment in non- member of an disadvantaged status) traditional fields of study underrepresented gender where representation group status is member of an underrepresented gender group Denominator Number of CTE concentrators DG704 (C156) DG704 (C156) who participated in a program that leads to employment in Grand total Category set D (category non-traditional fields of study set with economically disadvantaged status) </p><p>August 2012 22 SY 2012-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C156 – CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional File Specifications v9.0</p><p>The Department of Education's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.</p><p> www.ed.gov</p><p>August 2012 23 SY 2012-13</p>
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