Practical Record Note Book

Practical Record Note Book

<p> CS1307 - DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RECOD NOTE BOOK</p><p>ANNA UNIVERSITY</p><p>DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY</p><p>INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST – 631 203</p><p>1 INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY</p><p>NAME……………………………….. COURSE :</p><p>REG.NO……………………………… SEMESTER:</p><p>This is certified to be the bonafide record of work done by the student in the Data base management system lab (CS1307) of Indira Institute of Engineering Technology in the department of information technology during the year. Nov- 2009 </p><p>Head Of the Department Staff-In-Charge</p><p>Submitted for the practical examination held on………………………..</p><p>Internal Examiner External Examiner INDEX</p><p>EXP.NO DATE PROGRAM PAGE NO SIGNATURE Data definition language 1 (DDL) command in RDMS Data manipulation language and 2 DCL command in RDMS 3 High level language extension High level language extension with 4 triggers 5 Procedure and function 6 Embedded SQL Data base design using 7 Normalization Design and implementation of 8 Library Information System Design and implementation of 9 Banking System Design and implementation of Pay 10 roll processing </p><p>INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 1 Date: Data Definition Language (DDL) commands in RDBMS</p><p>AIM: To implement the DDL commands in RDBMS.</p><p>DDL commands:</p><p>1.Command: CREATE TABLE Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name ( Column_name [ owner_name ] table_name );</p><p>Example Query:</p><p>CREATE TABLE STUDENT(ROLLNO NUMBER(5)PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR2(10),DOB DATE, ADDRESS VARCHAR2(15));</p><p>2.Command: ALTER TABLE Syntax: ALTER TABLE[ owner_name ] table_name [ADD column_name datatype attributes] [MODIFY{column_name datatype | column_constraint}] </p><p>Example Query:</p><p>ALTER TABLE STUDENT ADD(PERCENTAGE NUMBER(5,2));</p><p>3.Command: DROP TABLE Syntax: DROP TABLE table name;</p><p>Example Query:</p><p>DROP TABLE STUDENT;</p><p>RESULT: Thus the DDL commands in RDBMS are implemented. </p><p>INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 1 Date: CREATING TABLES</p><p>STUDENT TABLE</p><p>SQL> create table student(sno number(8)primary key, sname varchar2(20),fathername varchar2(20),dept varchar2(16),sex char(7),feesdue number(7,2),DOB date); </p><p>Name Null? Type SNO NOT NULL NUMBER(8) SNAME VARCHAR2(20) FATHERNAME VARCHAR2(20) DEPT VARCHAR2(16) SEX CHAR(7) FEESDUE NUMBER(7,2) DOB DATE </p><p>EXAM TABLE</p><p>SQL> create table exam(sno number(8)primary key, sem number(3),noofpapers number(2),exmfees number(7,2));</p><p>Name Null? Type SNO NOT NULL NUMBER(8) SEM NUMBER(3) NOOFPAPERS NUMBER(2) EXMFEES NUMBER(7,2) </p><p>INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 1 Date: MARK TABLE</p><p>SQL>create table mark(sno number(8)primary key, sem number(3),sub1 number(3),sub2 number(3),sub3 number(3), total number(4),avg number(5,2),status char(4),grade char(4));</p><p>Name Null? Type SNO NOT NULL NUMBER(8) SEM NUMBER(3) SUB1 NUMBER(3) SUB2 NUMBER(3) SUB3 NUMBER(3) TOTAL NUMBER(4) AVG NUMBER(5,2) STATUS CHAR(4) GRADE CHAR(4) </p><p>ALTERING TABLE</p><p>SQL>alter table mark modify(total number(5),status char(6));</p><p>Name Null? Type SNO NOT NULL NUMBER(8) SEM NUMBER(3) SUB1 NUMBER(3) SUB2 NUMBER(3) SUB3 NUMBER(3) TOTAL NUMBER(5) AVG NUMBER(5,2) STATUS CHAR(6) GRADE CHAR(4) DROP TABLE </p><p>SQL>drop table student; Desc student;</p><p>INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 2 Date: DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE (DML) and DATA CONTROL LANGUAGE (DCL) commands in RDBMS</p><p>AIM: To implement the DML and DCL commands in RDBMS.</p><p>DML commands:</p><p>1.Command: SELECT Syntax: SELECT[ALL | DISTINCT] select list FROM table_name1[,…table_nameN] [JOIN join_condition] [WHERE search_condition]</p><p>Example Query:</p><p>SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE ROLLNO=1;</p><p>2.Command: INSERT Syntax: INSERT INTO[[database_name]owner]{table_name|view_name} [(column_list)]{[DEFAULT]VALUES|VALUES(value[…])|SELECT Statement}</p><p>Example Query:</p><p>INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES(03,”Ramki”,”2-JUN-1988”, “5,Lakshmi nagar,Chennai-24”,87.5); 3.Command: UPDATE Syntax: UPDATE table_name SET column_name=expression[,…n] WHERE search_condition Example Query:</p><p>UPDATE STUDENT SET PERCENTAGE=90 WHERE ROLLNO=1;</p><p>4.Command: DELETE Syntax: DELETE[FROM] table_name WHERE search_condition] INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 2 Date: Example Query:</p><p>DELETE FROM STUDENT WHERE ROLLNO=5;</p><p>DCL commands</p><p>1.Command: GRANT Syntax: GRANT permissions ON objects TO account</p><p>Example Query 1: GRANT INSERT ON employee TO PUBLIC; Example Query 2: GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON employee to username; </p><p>2.Command: REVOKE Syntax: REVOKE permissions ON object FROM account</p><p>Example Query: REVOKE SELECT ON student FROM username;</p><p>1. 1. Create a table student with field roll no student name ,dept marks ,Average ,grade and status, DOB address. Name Null? Type ROLLNO NOT NULL NUMBER(5) STUDENTNAME VARCHAR2(15) DEPT VARCHAR2(10) AVERAGE NUMBER(5,2) GRADE VARCHAR2(10) STATUS VARCHAR2(10) DOB DATE ADRESS VARCHAR2(15) INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 2 Date: 2. Insert the values for the tables.</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 16- 1 Sudhir 86 Distctn Pass JUN- 82Grace IT 88 26- 42 2 Sudesh 79.8 Distctn Pass DEC- IT Thinanur 87 16- 4 Sudharsan Mech 77.8 Distctn Pass JUN- 3tiruvallur 88 </p><p>3. Select the student detail those who are in IT Department.</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 26- 42 1 Sudesh 79.8 Distctn Pass DEC- IT Thinanur 87 </p><p>4. Select the Student those who are not belong to Mech Dept. ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 26- 42 1 Sudesh 79.8 Distctn Pass DEC- IT Thinanur 87 25- 3 Thomas Ece 80.8 Distctn Pass 82new JUN-88 INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: Date: 5. Select Student detailo from obtain grade Distinc in the Examinaation.</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 16- 1 Sudhir 86 Distctn Pass JUN- 82Grace IT 88 26- 42 2 Sudesh 79.8 Distctn Pass DEC- IT Thinanur 87 16- 4 Sudharsan Mech 77.8 Distctn Pass JUN- 3tiruvallur 88 </p><p>6. Select rollno name,mark detail from the table student.</p><p>ROLLNO AVERAGE GRADE STATUS 1 79.8 Distctn Pass 2 77.8 Distctn Pass 3 80.8 Distctn Pass </p><p>7. Retrive the name and address of all the studens who are in IT department.</p><p>ROLLNO AVERAGE GRADE STATUS 1 79.8 Distctn Pass INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: Date: 8. Update the percentage of the student whose roll no is 1.</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 26- 42 1 Sudesh 86 Distctn Pass DEC- 9. IT Thinanur 87 16- 2 Sudharsan Mech 77.8 Distctn Pass 82Grace JUN-88 25- 3 Thomas Ece 80.8 Distctn Pass 82new JUN-88 Updte the address of the student in Mech department.</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 26- 1 Sudesh 86 Distctn Pass DEC- 42 Thinanur IT 10. 87 16- 3 2 Sudharsan Mech 77.8 Distctn Pass JUN- pattabiram 88 25- 3 Thomas Ece 80.8 Distctn Pass JUN- 82new 88 Delete the student details where rollno=3</p><p>ROLLNO STUDENTNAME DEPT AVERAGE GRADE STATUS DOB ADRESS 1 Sudesh IT 86 Distctn Pass 26-DEC-87 42 Thinanur and Dept. 2 Sudharsan Mech 77.8 Distctn Pass 16-JUN-88 3 pattabiram INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: Date: 11. create a table employee with empname salary</p><p>Name Null? Type EMPNAME VARCHAR2(15) SALARY NUMBER(15) DEPT VARCHAR2(15) </p><p>EMPNAME SALARY DEPT Sudhir 7500 Manager Sudeesh 6700 Manager Arjit 5500 Supervisor Bai 6900 Supervisor </p><p>12. List the name of the Manager.</p><p>EMPNAME Sudhir Sudeesh </p><p>13. List the name of all the employee other than Manager.</p><p>EMPNAME Arjit Bai INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: Date: 14. find the sum of the salary of all employee of Manager department as well as Max and Minimum salary.</p><p>MAX(SALARY) MIN(SALARY) SUM(SALARY) 7500 5500 114900 </p><p>15. Find the sum of salary of all Employee of manager Department as well as Max salary and Minimum salary.</p><p>MAX(SALARY) MIN(SALARY) SUM(SALARY) 7500 5500 90100 Example Query:</p><p>DELETE FROM STUDENT WHERE ROLLNO=5;</p><p>DCL commands</p><p>1.Command: GRANT Syntax: GRANT permissions ON objects TO account</p><p>Example Query 1: GRANT INSERT ON employee TO PUBLIC; Example Query 2: GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON employee to username; </p><p>2.Command: REVOKE Syntax: REVOKE permissions ON object FROM account</p><p>Example Query: REVOKE SELECT ON student FROM username;</p><p>RESULT: Thus the DML and DCL commands in RDBMS are implemented INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 3 Date: HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE EXTENSION WITH CURSOR AIM: To study the PL/SAQL programs and to write the PL/SAQL programs using cursors.</p><p>DEFINIYION AND SYNTAX:</p><p>1. PL/SQL: PL/SQL stands for procedural structural language/SQL. PL/SQL extends SQL by adding control structures found in other structural languages. PL/SQL can be used in the Oracle relational database in the Oracle server and in the client side application development tools.</p><p>SYNTAX: APL/SQL block can divide into three parts namely, i) Declarative part, ii) Executable part, and iii) Exception handling part. The order is shown below:</p><p>DECLARE Declarations BEGIN Executable statements EXCEPTION Handlers END;</p><p>Objects can be declared in declarative part, which can be used in executable part for further manipulation. All procedural statements are included between the BEGIN and END statements. Errors that occur during the exception are handled by the exception handlers. </p><p>2. ATTRIBUTES: Attributes allows us to refer data types and objects from database. PL/SQL constants and variables have attributes. The following are the types of attributes supported by the PL/SQL,  %type  %row type INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 3 Date: %type: %type is used when declaring variables that refer to database columns.</p><p>SYNTAX: Variablename tablename.Column %type;</p><p>%rowtype: %rowtype attributes provides a record type that rapresents a row in the tablw. The record can store an entire row of data selected from the table or fetched by a cursor.</p><p>SYNTAX: Variablename tablename %rowtype;</p><p>3. CURSORS: Oracle allocates a memory known as the context area for the processing of the SQL statements. A cursor is a pointer or handle to the context area. Through the cursor, a PL/SQL program can control the context area and what happens to it as the statement is processed. The three types of the cursors are  Static cursors  Dynamic cursors  REF cursors Static cursors are the ones whose select statements are known at the compile time. These are further classified into  Explicit cursors  Implicit cursors</p><p>/*PL/SQL block to perform arithmetic operations*/ SQL>declare a number; b number; su number; dif number; pro number; div number; begin a:=&a; b:=&b; su:=a+b; dbms_output.put_line(‘The Sum is’||su); INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 3 Date: dif:=a-b; dbms_output.put_line(‘The Difference is’||dif); pro:=a*b; dbms_output.put_line(‘The Product is’||pro); div:=a/b; dbms_output.put_line(‘The Quotent is’||div); end;</p><p>OUTPUT:</p><p>Enter value for a: 25 Old 9:a:=&a; New 9:a:=25; Enter value for b: 4 Old 10:b:=&b; New 10:b:=4; The Sum is 29 The Difference is 21 The Product is 100 The Quotent is 6.25</p><p>PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.</p><p>RESULT: Thus the PL/SQL program using the cursors were executed successfully. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 4 Date: HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE EXTENSIONS WITH TRIGGERS</p><p>AIM: To study and execute Triggers in RDBMS.</p><p>DEFINITION & SYNTAX:</p><p>TRIGGER: A database trigger is stored procedure that is fired when an insert, update or delete statement is issued against the associated table. Database triggers can be used for the following purposes.  To generate data automatically.  To enforce complex integrity constraints.  To customize complex security authorizations.  To maintain replicate tables.  To audit data modifications.</p><p>Syntax for creating Triggers: Create or Replace trigger<trigger name> [before/after][insert/update/delete] on <table_name> [for each statement/for each row] [when <condition>]</p><p>Types of Triggers: The triggers are classified into the following types based on when they are fired:  Before  After  For each row  For each statement (default) INSERT: --create or replace trigger ins1 before insert on emp --begin --raise_application_error(-20001.’you cannot insert a row’); --end; OUTPUT: SQL>insert into emp values(&eid,’&name’,’&dob’,’&addr’,’&sex’,’&dept’,’&salary); insert into emp values(&eid,’&name’,’&dob’,’&addr’,’&sex’,’&dept’,’&salary); INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 4 Date: ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: you cannot insert a row ORA-06512: at “SCOTT.ins1”, line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger ‘SCOTT.ins1’</p><p>DELETE: --create or replace trigger del1 before delete on emp --begin --raise_application_error(-20001.’you cannot delete a row’); --end; OUTPUT:</p><p>SQL>delete from emp where eid=2387; delete from emp where eid=2387;</p><p>ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: you cannot delete a row ORA-06512: at “SCOTT.del1”, line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger ‘SCOTT.del1’</p><p>UPDATE: --create trigger upd1 before update on emp for each row --begin --raise_application_error(-20001.’you cannot update a row’); --end; OUTPUT:</p><p>SQL>update emp set salary=5000 where eid=321; update emp set salary=5000 where eid=321;</p><p>ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: you cannot update a row ORA-06512: at “SCOTT.upd1”, line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger ‘SCOTT.upd1’</p><p>RESULT: Thus the usage of trigger were studied and executed in RDBMS. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 5 Date: PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS</p><p>AIM: To study and execute the procedures and functions in PL/SQL.</p><p>PROCEDURES:</p><p>A procedure is a subprogram that performs a specific action. The syntax for creating a procedure is given below. create or replace procedure <Proc_name> [parameter list] is <local declarations>; begin (executable statements) [exception] (exception handlers) end;</p><p>A procedure has two parts namely, specification and body. The procedure specification begins with keyword procedure and ends with procedure name or parameter list. The procedure body begins with keyword is and ends with the keyword end. It can also include declarative, executable and exceptional parts with in the keywords are and end. Syntax to execute a procedure is given below.</p><p>SQL> exec <proc_name> (parameters);</p><p>FUNCTIONS:</p><p>A function is a subprogram that computes a value. The syntax for creating a function is given below. create or replace function <function_name> [argument] return datatype is (local declaration) begin (executable statements) [exception] (exception handlers) end; INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 5 Date: where arguments can be in, out or inout.</p><p>Similar to a procedure, a function also has two parts namely, the function specification and the function body. The function specification begins with the keyword function and ends with the return clause. The function body begins with the keyword is and ends with the keyword end. A PL/SQL block can also be included in a function body. create or replace function factorial(n number) return number is fac number; i number; begin fac:=1; for I in 1…n loop fac:=fac*i; end loop; return fac; end; //Function created. declare n number; x number; begin n:=&n; x:=factorial(n); dbms_ouytput.put_line(‘the factorial of ‘||n||’is’||x); end;</p><p>OUTPUT SQL>/ Enter value for n: 5 Old 5:n:=&n; New 5:n:=5; The factorial of 5 is 120 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.</p><p>RESULT: Thus the procedures and functions were studied and executed in PL/SQL. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 6 Date: EMBEDDED SQL</p><p>AIM: To write JAVA program to implement embedded SQL.</p><p>ALGORITHM:</p><p>1. Start the program.</p><p>2. Create Database using Microsoft Access with the following fields, FIELDS DATATYPE</p><p>Roll no Number Name Text Dept Text Marks Number</p><p>3. Open MS.Access and then select Blank Database. In the File new database dialog give the DBname and save it in C. Then click create button.</p><p>4. Select create table in design view option from the dialog box that appears. Add all the fields in the resulting dialog box.</p><p>5. Save the table and insert values into it.</p><p>6. Next create the DSN by the following steps: a. Select Administrative Tools option from Control Panel. Then click on Data Source(ODBC), which displays a dialog box named ODBC DataSourceAdministrator in which click Add button. b. In Create New Data Source dialog box, select Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb) and click finish button. c. Give a suitable Data Source Name and click select button. d. Select the database name that you have created and click OK. e. Make sure that the path name of your database appears and finally click OK.</p><p>7. Go to command prompt and type the JAVA program.</p><p>8. Compile and run the program. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 6 Date: PROGRAM: import*; import java.sql.*; public class jdeg { Public static void main(String args[])throws IOExcepyion { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String rollno,nam,dep,mark; System.out.println(“Enter the values(rno,name,dept,marks)to insert into table”); rollno=br.readLine(); nam=br.readLine(); dep=br.readLine(); mark=br.readLine(); try { Class.forName(“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:stu”); st.executeUpdate(“insert into student values(‘“+rollno+”’,’”+nam+”’, ’”+dep+”’,’”+mark+”’)”); ResultSet rs-st.executeQuery(“select * from student”); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(“RNO\tNAME\tDEPT\tMARKS”); while( { System.out.println(rs.getString(“rno”)+”\t”); System.out.println(rs.getString(“name”)+”\t”); System.out.println(rs.getString(“dept”)+”\t”); System.out.println(rs.getString(“marks”)+”\t”); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } } INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 6 Date: OUTPUT:</p><p>D:\jdk1.3\bin>edit D:jdk1.3\bin>javac D:jdk1.3\bin>java jdeg</p><p>Enter the values(rno,name,dept,mark)to insert into the table 23 Ramki CSE 98</p><p>Rn Name Dept Mark 1 Arun CSE 74 2 Barathi EEE 69 56 Daniel IT 89 67 Hareni ECE 81 23 Ramki CSE 98</p><p>D:jdk1.3\bin></p><p>RESULT: Thus a JAVA program to implement embedded SQL has been executed successfully. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 7 Date: DATABASE DESIGN USING NORMALIZATION AND E-R DIAGRAM</p><p>AIM: To design database using normalization and E-R Diagram.</p><p>PROCEDURE: Create a type ‘Address’ to represent composite attribute. 1. Create the table. 2. Insert the value in the table. 3. Draw the E-R diagram for the table. 4. Convert the given table to the normalized form.</p><p> a. Converting a table to 1 NF:</p><p>To convert a table to 1 NF remove all the multi valued & composite attributes from the table.</p><p> b. Converting a table to 2 NF:</p><p> i. Find and remove attributes that are functionally dependent on only a part of the key and not on the whole key. Place them in a different table. ii. Group the remaining attributes. NORMALIZING THE TABLE TO 1 NF:</p><p>SQL>create table en1 as select eno, sname, sal from employees; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table en1 add primary key(eno); Table altered.</p><p>SQL>create table en2 as select eno,eadd from employees; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table en2 add foreign key(eno) references en1(eno); Table altered. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 7 Date: SQL>desc en2;</p><p>Name Null? Type ENO NUMBER (3) EADD ADDR employee</p><p>Eno Ename Eadd Sal</p><p>1 NF</p><p> emp 1 emp2</p><p>Eno eadd</p><p>Eno Ename sal NORMALIZING THE TABLE TO 2 NF:</p><p>SQL>create table ep1 as select eno,ename, from empproject; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table ep1 add primary key(eno); Table altered.</p><p>SQL>create table ep2 as select pno,pname from empproject; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table ep2 add primary key(pno); Table altered.</p><p>SQL>create table ep3 as select eno,pno,hours from empproject; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table ep3 add constraint e3 primary key(eno); Table altered.</p><p>SQL>alter table ep3 add constraint e4 unique(pno); Table altered. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 7 Date:</p><p>Eno ename Pno pname hours 2 NF</p><p>Ep1</p><p> eno ename Ep2</p><p> pno pname Ep3 eno Pno hours</p><p>NORMALIZING THE TABLE TO 3 NF:</p><p>SQL>create table ed1 as select eno,ename,sal,dno from empdept; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table ed1 add primary key(eno); Table altered.</p><p>SQL>create table ed2 as select dno,dname from empdept; Table created.</p><p>SQL>alter table ed2 add primary key(dno); Table altered</p><p>SQL>alter table ed1 add foreign key(dno) reference ed2(dno); Table altered. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 7 Date:</p><p>Empdept Eno ename Sal dno dname</p><p>3 NF </p><p>Ed1 Eno Ename sal dno</p><p>Ed2 Dno Dname</p><p>RESULT:</p><p>Thus the database was designed using E-R diagram and Normailization INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 8 Date: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM</p><p>AIM:</p><p>To develop a library information system using Oracle as a back end (data base)and Microsoft Visual Basic as a front end.</p><p>PROCEDURE: 1.Create a book and issue database with the following fields in Oracle namely Bid,Bname,Author,Price,noofcopiesavailable and Bid,Bname,Author,card number,stuname,dateofreturn respectively and insert some record into the database.</p><p>2.Design the corresponding form with labels,text boxes and command buttons.</p><p>Form1 bookdetails Form2 issuedetails</p><p>3.Create the back with the front end using DAO method by creating a dsn as follows a.Select administrative tools option from control panel. Then click on data source(ODBC),which displays a dialog box named ODBC DATASOURCES ADMINISTRATOR in which click Add button. b.In Create New Data Source dialog box,select “Microsoft ODBC for ORACLE” and click finish button. c.Give a suitable data source name,user name and server name. </p><p>4.Perform the required operations like Insert,Delete,Searching and Exit.</p><p>5.Issue the books according to the no.of copies available.</p><p>6.Execute the project. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: TABLE DESIGN:</p><p>Table Name 1:Book</p><p>NAME TYPE BID NIMBER(6) BNAME VARCHAR2(30) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(20) PRICE NUMBER(8,2) NO OF COPIES NUMBER(3) AVAILABLE Table Name 2:Issue</p><p>BID NUMBER(6) BNAME VARCHAR2(30) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(20) CARDNUMBER VARCHAR2(8,2) STUNAME VARCHAR2(8,2) DATEOFRETURN NUMBER(6) INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO:8 Date:</p><p>FORM 1:</p><p>Dim DB As Database Dim RS As recordset</p><p>Private Sub Form_Load() Set DB =OpenDatabase(“libdsn”,false,false,”ODBC;uid= ;pwd= ;”) Set RS =DB.OpenRecordset(“select * from Book”) Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: Private Sub CLEAR_click() Text1.text=”” Text2.text=”” Text3.text=”” Text4.text=”” Text5.text=”” End Sub</p><p>Private sub DELETE_Click() RS.DELETE MsgBox”the record is deleted” RS.MoveNext IfRS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more records” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End If End Sub</p><p>Private Sub EXIT Click() End End Sub</p><p>Private Sub INSERT_Click() RS .MOVELAST RS.AddNew RS(0)=Text1.Text RS(1) =Text2.Text RS(2)=Text3.Text RS(3)=Text4.Text RS(4)=Text5.Text RS.UPDATE End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: Private Sub MOVEFIRST_Click() RS.MOVEFIRST Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End Sub Private Sub SEARCH_Click() 1=InputBox(“ENTER THE BID”,”FIND”) RS.FindFirst”[BID]-”&I If RS.NoMatch Then MsgBox”no such records” Else RS.MOVEFIRST Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End Sub Private Sub ISSUE_Click() If Val(Text5.Text)>=1 Then Form2.Show Else MsgBox”NO BOOKS AVAILABLE” End If End Sub FORM2: Dim DB As Database Dim RS As recordset</p><p>Private Sub Form_Load() Set DB =OpenDatabase(“libdsn”,false,false,”ODBC;uid= ;pwd= ;”) Set RS =DB.OpenRecordset(“select * from Book”) Text1.Ttext=Form1.Text1 Text2.Text=Form1.Text2 Text3.Text=Form1.Text3 End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: Private Sub ISSUE_Click() RS.AddNew RS(0)=Text1.Text RS(1) =Text2.Text RS(2)=Text3.Text RS(3)=Text4.Text RS(4)=Text5.Text RS(5)=Text6.Text RS.UPDATE RS.MOVELAST Form1.Text5=val(Form1.Text5)-1 End Sub Private Sub MOVELAST_Click() RS.MOVELAST Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End Sub</p><p>Private sub NEXT_Click() RS.MoveNext IfRS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more records” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End If End Sub</p><p>Private sub PREVIOUS_Click() RS.MovePrevious IfRS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more records” Else INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 8 Date: Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) Text5.text=RS(4) End If End Sub</p><p>Private Sub UPDATE_Click() RS.Edit RS(0)=Text1.Text RS(1) =Text2.Text RS(2)=Text3.Text RS(3)=Text4.Text RS(4)=Text5.Text RS.UPDATE End Sub</p><p>Private Sub MAINMENU_Click() Form1.Show Form2.Hide End Sub</p><p>RESULT: Thus library information system was developed in Visual Basic. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 9 Date: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BANKING SYSTEM</p><p>AIM: To develop a banking system using Oracle as s back end(data base) and Microsoft Visual basic6.0 as a front end. PROCEDURE:</p><p>1.Create a banking database with the following fields in oracle namely,acno,name,address,balance and some record into the database.</p><p> the corresponding form with labels,text boxes and command buttons.</p><p>Form1 customer details Form2 withdraw Form3 deposit</p><p>3.Create the back with the front end using DAO method by creating a dsn as follows a.Select administrative tools option from control panel. Then click on data source(ODBC),which displays a dialog box named ODBCDATASOURCESADMINISTRATOR in which click Add button. b.In Create New Data Source dialog box,select “Microsoft ODBC for ORACLE” and click finish button c.Give a suitable data source name,user name and server name.</p><p>4.Perform the required operations like Insert,Delete,Searching and Exit.</p><p>5.Issue the books according to the no.of copies available.</p><p>6.Execute the project INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 9 Date: TABLE DESIGN:</p><p>Table Name :Banking</p><p>NAME TYPE ACNO NUMBER(6) NAME VARCHAR2(30) ADDRESS VARCHAR2(20) BALANCE NUMBER(8,2)</p><p>FORM 1:</p><p>Dim DB As Database Dim RS As recordset</p><p>Private Sub Form_Load() Set DB =OpenDatabase(“BANKDSN”,FALSE,FALSE,”ODBC;UID= ;PWD= ;”) Set RS =DB.OpenRecordset(“select * from Bank”) Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) End Sub</p><p>Private Sub CLEAR_click() Text1.text=”” Text2.text=”” Text3.text=”” Text4.text=”” End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 9 Date: Private sub DELETE_Click() RS.DELETE MsgBox”the record is deleted” RS.MoveNext IfRS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more records” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) End If End Sub</p><p>Private Sub EXIT Click() End End Sub</p><p>Private Sub FIRST_Click() RS .MoveFirst Text1.Text=RS(0) Text2.Text=RS(1) Text3.Text=RS(2) Text4.Text=RS(3) End Sub</p><p>Private Sub INSERT_Click() RS.MoveLast RS.AddNew RS(0)=Text1.Text RS(1) =Text2.Text RS(2)=Text3.Text RS(3)=Text4.Text MsgBox”record is inserted” RS.UPDATE End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 9 Date: Private Sub LAST_Click() RS. MoveLast Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) End Sub</p><p>Private Sub NEXT_Click() RS.Move Next If RS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more recfords” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) EndIf End Sub Private Sub PREVIOUS_Click() RS.Move Previous If RS.EOF Then MsgBox”no more recfords” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) EndIf End Sub</p><p>Private Sub UPDATE_Click() RS.Edit RS(0)=Text1.Text RS(1) =Text2.Text RS(2)=Text3.Text RS(3)=Text4.Text RS.UPDATE MsgBox”record is inserted” End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 9 Date: Private Sub FIND_Click() 1=InputBox(“ENTER THE ACNO”,”FIND”) rs.FindFirst”[ACNO]=”&I If rs.NoMatch Then MsgBox”no such records” Else Text1.text=RS(0) Text2.text=RS(1) Text3.text=RS(2) Text4.text=RS(3) EndIf End Sub</p><p>Private Sub WITHDRAW_Click() Form2.Show End Sub</p><p>Private Sub DEPOSIT_Click() Form3.Show End Sub</p><p>FORM 2:</p><p>Private Sub HOMEPAGE_Click() Form1.Show Form2.Hide End Sub</p><p>Private Sub WITHDRAW_Click() Text2.Text=val(Form1.Text)-Text1.Text Form1.Text4=Text2.text End Sub</p><p>End INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 9 Date: FORM 3:</p><p>Private Sub DEPOSIT_Click() Text2.Text=val(Form1.Text)+Text1.Text Form1.Text4=Text2.text End Sub</p><p>Private Sub HOMEPAGE_Click() Form1.Show Form3.Hide End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 9 Date: INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 9 Date:</p><p>RESULT:</p><p>Thus banking system was developed in Visual Basic INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 10 Date: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PAYROLL PROCESSING SYSTEM</p><p>AIM: To develop an employee payroll system using Oracle as a back end (database) and Microsoft Visual Basic6.0 as a front end. PROCEDURE:</p><p>1.Create a employee database with the following fields in oracle namely Empno,Empname,address,Basicpay and insert some record into the database.</p><p>2.Design the corresponding form with labels,text boxes and command buttons.</p><p>Form1 Employee Payroll</p><p>3.Create the back with the front end using DAO method by creating a DSN as follows, a.Select administrative tools option from control panel. Then click on Data Source(ODBC),which displays a dialog box named ODBC DATASOURCES ADMINISTRATOR in which click Add button. b.In Create New Data Source dialog box,select “Microsoft ODBC for ORACLE” and click finish button . c.Give a suitable data source name,user name and server name.</p><p>4.Perform the required operations like Insert,Delete,Searching,Modify and Exit.</p><p>5.Calculate the net salary of the employee.</p><p>6.Execute the project. INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO:10 Date: TABLE DESIGN: Table Name :Employee</p><p>NAME TYPE EMPNO NUMBER(6) EMPNAME VARCHAR2(30) DESIGNATION VARCHAR2(20) DA NUMBER(10) HRA NUMBER(10) ADDRESS VARCHAR2(20) TA NUMBER(10) PF NUMBER(10) BASICPAY NUMBER(8,2) LOAN.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(9) ADV.Text= adodc1.Recordset.Fields(10) TD.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(11) GP.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(12) NP.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(13) End Sub</p><p>PROGRAM TO VIEW: Private sub view_Click() Dim a As Integer On Error Go To err a=InputBox(“enter the empno”) Adodc1.Recordset.MOVEFIRST While Not Adodc1. Recordset.EOF If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0)=a Then fillt 1 Exit Sub End If Adodc1.Recordset.MOVENEXT Wend err: MsgBox(“record doesnot exist”) End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 10 Date: Private sub MOVENEXT_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MOVENEXT End Sub</p><p>Private sub MOVEPREVIOUS_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MOVEPREVIOUS End Sub</p><p>PROGRAM TO SAVE: Private sub save_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.Update NAME1.Enabled=False NO.Enabled=False DESIG.Enabled=False B1.Enabled=False HRA.Enabled=False DA.Enabled=False OA.Enabled=False TA.Enabled=False LOAN.Enabled=False ADV.Enabled=False TD.Enabled=False GP.Enabled=False PF.Enabled=False NP.Enabled=False add.Enabled= True del.Enabled= True BASIC.Enabled= True edit.Enabled=True End Sub</p><p>Fill function Public sub fillt() NO.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) NAME.Text= adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1) DESIG.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2) MONYH.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(14) B1.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(3) INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 10 Date: DA.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(4) HRA.Text= adodc1.Recordset.Fields(5) OA.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(6) TA.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(7) PF.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(8) LOAN.Text=adodc1.Recordset.Fields(9) ADV.Text= adodc1.Recordset.Fields(10)</p><p>PROGRAM TO ADD:</p><p>Private sub add_Click() NAME1.Enabled= True NO.Enabled= True DESIG.Enabled= True B1.Enabled= True HRA.Enabled= True DA.Enabled= True OA.Enabled= True TA.Enabled= True LOAN.Enabled= True ADV.Enabled= True TD.Enabled= True GP.Enabled= True PF.Enabled= True NP.Enabled= True save. Enabled=True NO.SetFocus MsgBox”new record is added” add. Enabled=False del.Enabled=False BASIC. Enabled=False edit. Enabled=False End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO: 10 Date: PROGRAM TO CALCULATE ALLOWANCES:</p><p>Private sub B1_LostFocus() If Val(B1.Text)<5000 Then DA.Text=Val(B1)*(20/100) HRA.Text= Val(B1)*(15/100) OA.Text= Val(B1)*(10/100) TA.Text=Val(B1)+Val(HRA)+Val(OA) PF.Text=Val(B1)*(5/100) Else DA.Text=Val(B1)*(25/100) HRA.Text= Val(B1)*(20/100) OA.Text= Val(B1)*(15/100) TA.Text=Val(DA)+Val(HRA)+Val(OA) PF.Text=Val(B1)*(5/100) End If End Sub</p><p>Dim a As Integer a=InputBox(“enter the empno”) Adodc1.Recordset.MOVEFIRST While Not Adodc1.Recordset.EOF If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0)=a Then Fillt Exit Sub End If Adodc1.Recordset.MOVENEXT Wend MsgBox”record modify successfully” add.Enabled=False del.Enabled=False BASIC. Enabled=False edit. Enabled=False End Sub</p><p>Private Sub exit_Click() Unload Me End Sub INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO: 10 Date:</p><p>Private sub Form_Click() NAME1.Enabled= False NO.Enabled= False DESIG.Enabled= False B1.Enabled= False HRA.Enabled= False DA.Enabled= False OA.Enabled= False TA.Enabled= False LOAN.Enabled= False ADV.Enabled= False TD.Enabled= False GP.Enabled= False PF.Enabled= False NP.Enabled= False save. Enabled=True End Sub</p><p>Private sub MOVEFIRST_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MOVEFIRST End Sub</p><p>Private sub MOVELAST_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MOVELAST End Sub PROGRAM TO DELETE:</p><p>Private Sub del_Click() Form.Caption=”delete operation” Dim a As Integer On Error Go To err a=InputBox(“enter the empno”) Adodc1.Recordset.MOVEFIRST While Not Adodc1.Recordset.EOF If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0)=a Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Exit Sub End If INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST EX NO:10 Date:</p><p>Adodc1.Recordset.MOVENEXT Wend MsgBox”record deleted” err: MsgBox”record does not exists” End Sub Private sub edit_Click() Form1.Caption=”modify operation” Adodc1.Recordset.Update NAME1.Enabled=True NO.Enabled= True DESIG.Enabled= True B1.Enabled= True HRA.Enabled= True DA.Enabled= True OA.Enabled= True TA.Enabled= True LOAN.Enabled= True ADV.Enabled= True TD.Enabled= True GP.Enabled= True PF.Enabled= True NP.Enabled= True save. Enabled=True NO.SetFocus INDIRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PANDUR, THIRUVALLUR DIST</p><p>EX NO:10 Date:</p><p>OUTPUT:</p><p>RESULT: Thus employee payroll processing system was developed in visual basic</p>

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