<p> Version of April 26th 2011</p><p>French School Ecole des Hautes Etudes of Public Health en Santé Publique</p><p>MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH SCHEDULE YEAR 1 2010/2011 Master of Public Health - Semester 1 week 35: Monday 30th of August to Friday 03rd of September 2010 </p><p>Module 118: Introduction to health sciences (for M1!) + (optional for M2) Coordinators: Elifsu Sabuncu and Colin Tinsley Location: EHESP, Rennes Monday August 30th Tuesday August 31st Wednesday September 1st Thursday September 2nd Friday September 3rd</p><p>9h30 – 10h30 9h30 – 12h30 9h30 – 11h00 9h30 – 12h30 8h00 -14h00 Techniques you should know Introduction to Immunology Toxicology Molecular genetics Administrative issues for all about Colin TINSLEY Colin TINSLEY Robert BAROUKI Colin TINSLEY MPH year 1 students</p><p>10h30 – 11h00 Registration, students social tea break info MPH security</p><p>11h00 – 12h30 11h15 – 12h30 The cell as a basic The biology of dependence organizational unit of all Philippe FAURE living organisms Joëlle SOBCZAK THEPOT (video of lecture) 12h30 : Lunch 12h30 : Lunch 12h30 : Lunch 12h30 : Lunch Lunch during registration time 14h00 – 15h30 14h00 – 15h30 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 15h30 14h -16h Biology of Infectious Agents Frontiers in Bioscience Homeostasis Cancer Welcome meeting with (Hughes DE THE ; video of Dean Antoine FLAHAULT Xavier DE LAMBALLERIE Daniel BOUJARD Pascal HOULLIER lecture) and all module coordinators for MPH M1 16h00 – 17h30 16h00 – 17h30 + M2 students Resistance to anti infective Science and pseudoscience agents 17h30 – 18h30 16h – 17h00 tea Agnes DETTAI The French Social security Antoine ANDREMONT system (M1 = M2) JM Andre 18h00 – 19h00 Cultural differences 18h30-19h30 William SHERLAW Meeting with Pr D.Zmirou & Pr M. Bellanger Master of Public Health - Semester 1 week 36: Monday 06th to Friday 10th September 2010 </p><p>Module 101: Interdisciplinary - Introduction to global Health</p><p>Coordinator: Philippe Guerin Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Module 101: Introduction to global health Monday September Tuesday Wednesday September 8th Thursday September 9th Friday September 10th 6th September 7th </p><p>9h00 - 9h00 9H00 Introduction to global health Study case: Why smallpox has Exercise: Reading and The key issues about HIV, been eradicated? analysis of articles covering tuberculosis and malaria the topics of the previous day</p><p>Philippe Guerin Rebecca Grais & Philippe Guerin Philippe Guerin & Jean Paul Moatti 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h00 : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 1400 14h00 14H00 </p><p>Paris 5 Museum of Childhood vaccination: measles as a Financing and organisation of Economic evaluation of health history of Medicine case study health systems in resource poor programmes in developing and Library countries countries</p><p>Rebecca Grais Jean Paul Moatti Jean Paul Moatti </p><p>17h00 17h00 17h00 17h00 Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 1st week 38: Monday 20th to Friday 24th September 2010</p><p>Module 102: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Coordinators: Jocelyn Raude</p><p>Monday September 20th Tuesday September 21st Wednesday September 22nd Thursday September 23rd Friday September 24th</p><p>9h 9h 9h 9h 9h</p><p>Social and behavioral sciences in Health economics (1) Health psychology (1): Health history (1) : From cholera to Quantitative methods (1): public health: Frameworks, concepts, models, determinants influenza, infectious threats Designing and administrating a theories and rationales through the world, 1850-2005 health survey</p><p>Jocelyn Raude (EHESP) Martine Bellanger (EHESP) J. Raude & A. Constant Patrick Zylberman (EHESP) Jocelyn Raude (EHESP)</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 14h 14h 14h 14h</p><p>Public health policy (1): How to Lecture: Qualitative methods (1): Health economics (2) home work establish priority in public health? Social inequalities and health Introductory session</p><p>Olivier Grimaud (EHESP) Daniel Kim (Harvard) W. Sherlaw & K. Martine Bellanger (EHESP) Czabanowska 18h 17 h 17h 17h 17h Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 2nd week 40: Monday 04th to Friday 08th October 2010</p><p>Module 103: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinators: Jocelyn Raude </p><p>Monday October 4th Tuesday October 5th Wednesday October 6th Thursday October 7th Friday October 8th</p><p>9h 9h 9h 9h 9h</p><p>Health sociology (1) Health economics (3) Lecture: Demographic, culture and Health history (2) : From cholera to Health education and promotion concepts, models, theories health influenza, infectious threats through the world, 1850-2005</p><p>Jocelyn Raude (EHESP) Martine Bellanger (EHESP) K. Czabanowska Patrick Zylberman (EHESP) Jeanine Pommier (EHESP) et W. Sherlaw (EHESP)</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 14h 14h 14h 14h</p><p>Public Health policy (2): Elaborate Health psychology (2): Qualitative methods (2): Practical Quantitative Methods (2): public health programs, A déterminer work on data collection Data analysis of health survey Lucie LANGLAIS VIGNON interventions, and policies</p><p>Alain Fontaine (DGS) A. Constant & J. Raude Josselin Thuilliez & W. Sherlaw & A. Jourdain Jocelyn Raude (EHESP)</p><p>17h 17h 18h 17h 17h Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 3rd week 42: Monday 18th to Friday 22th October 2010 </p><p>Module 104: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Coordinators: Jocelyn Raude</p><p>Monday October 18th Tuesday October 19th Wednesday October 20th Thursday October 21st Friday October 22nd</p><p>9h homework 10h 9h 9h 9h</p><p>Qualitative methods (3): Feedback Quantitative Methods (3): Public Health policy (4): Evaluate Health history (3) : From cholera to Lecture : and resources for future Data analysis of health survey health programs, interventions and influenza, infectious threats Social and psychological pathways development policies through the world, 1850-2005 of health outcomes</p><p>W. Sherlaw & K. Czabanowska Josselin Thuilliez & Thomas Valente (EHESP) Patrick Zylberman (EHESP) Archana Singh-Manoux (INSERM) Jocelyn Raude (EHESP)</p><p>12h : Lunch 13h30 : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 14h 14h 14h30 Language course Public Health policy (3) Plan and Health economics (3) Health sociology (2) (English) implement public health programs, Social networks and health interventions, and policies 14h30 Alain Fontaine (DGS) Thomas Rapp (Paris) Language course Thomas Valente (EHESP) (French) Level A and B</p><p>17h 17h 17h Master of Public Health - Semester 1 week 43: Thursday 28th of October and Friday 29th of October 2010 </p><p>Location: Maison des examens Paris</p><p>Exams for modules: </p><p>Thursday 28 th of October:</p><p>Module 118: Introduction to health sciences</p><p>Module 101: Introduction to global Health</p><p>Friday 29 th of October: </p><p>Module 102: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Module 103: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Module 104: Social and behavioral sciences in public health Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 1st week 44: Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th November 2010</p><p>Module 105: A primer in Epidemiology Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Denis Bard </p><p>Monday November 1st Tuesday November 2nd Wednesday November 3d Thursday November 4th Friday November 5th</p><p>St. TOUSSAINT 09h00 09h00 09h00 09h00 Epidemiology, a core science in Public Health Basic tools in epidemiology, ct'd Case ascertainment </p><p>D Bard Epidemiological approaches Investigating an outbreak (I) D Bard P Crepey E Counil R. Freund</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch St. TOUSSAINT 13h00-14h00 13h00 – 14h00 Conference: Medical causes of Conference: 13h00 – 15h00 death Isabelle ROMIEUI ENGLISH 14h00 Grégoire REY (CepiDC, Inserm, Holly POUQET France) Investigating an outbreak (II) 14h00 14h00 13h00 – 15h00 15h00 - 17h00 R Freund Basic tools in epidemiology, ct'd FRANCAIS Basic tools in epidemiology SASSON P Crepey P Crepey</p><p>17h00 17h00 17h00 Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 2nd week 46: Monday 15th to Friday 19th November 2010</p><p>Module 106: A primer in Epidemiology Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Denis Bard </p><p>Monday November 15th Tuesday November 16th Wednesday November 17th Thursday November 18th Friday November 19th</p><p>09h00 09h00 09h00 09h00 09h00 – 12h00 Case study (I) Lung cancer & Bias & Confounding Ecological Studies: fluoride in Exposure Assessment smoking: group presentations drinking water Research project guidelines Robert FREUND D Bard & R Freund</p><p>10h45 – 12h00 10h45 – 12h00 10h45 – 12h00 Causality Student’s group presentation Case study (II): Lung cancer & and discussion smoking: discussion E Counil Denis BARD Denis BARD and E COUNIL Olivier Thomas Denis Bard & Robert Freund</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch</p><p>13h00 – 15h00 ENGLISH 14h00 14h00 Holly POUQET 14h00 14h00 Case study (II): Lung cancer & Social Epidemiology 13h00 – 15h00 Article student’s group smoking: discussion Standardisation 15h00 - 17h00 presentation D Bard & R Freund FRANCAIS Thierry Lang Sarah SASSON 15h30 Olivier Grimaud Using epidemiology in health administration Olivier Grimaud</p><p>17h00 17h00 17h00 17h00 Master of Public Health - Semester 1 3 sequences: 3rd week 48: Monday 29th November to Friday 3rdth Dec. 2010</p><p>Module 107: A primer in Epidemiology Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Denis Bard </p><p>Monday November 29th Tuesday November 30th Wednesday December 1st Thursday December 2nd Friday December 3rd</p><p>09h00 – 12h00 09h00 09h00 – 12h00 09h00 – 12h00 09h00 – 12h00 Surveillance Health information systems Health information systems Health information systems Students’ article group presentation D Bard Case studies Case studies (with marks), ct'd</p><p>Group work Student’s presentation 10h45 – 12h00 10h45 – 12h00 Health information systems Case study : surveillance (I) groupework Robert Freund Robert Freund</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 13h00-14h00 Conference: Radiation epidemiology 13h00 – 15h00 Dominique Laurier (IRSN, France) ENGLISH Holly POUQET 14h00-17h00 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 17h00 13h00 – 15h00 Health information systems Case study : surveillance (II) Students’ research project design Students’ article group presentation 15h00 - 17h00 Case studies presentation & discussion (with marks) FRANCAIS Sarah SASSON Robert Freund Robert Freund Denis BARD, Robert FREUND, E. COUNIL</p><p>Master of Public Health - Semester 1 week 49: Friday 10th of December 2010 </p><p>Location: Reid Hall 4 rue Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Exam for modules: </p><p>Module 105: A primer in Epidemiology Module 106: A primer in Epidemiology Module 107: A primer in Epidemiology Master of Public Health - Semesters 1-2 3 sequences: 1st week 50: Monday the 13th December to Friday 17th Dec. 2010 </p><p>Module 111- Information systems and Biostatistics Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Séverine Deguen</p><p>Monday December 13th Tuesday December 14th Wednesday December 15th Thursday December 16th Friday December 17th</p><p>9H00 9H00 9H00 9H00 9H00 Introduction and presentation of Point estimates and confidence Formulation of statistical Comparison of two averages Free biostatistics session the biostatistics program intervals hypothesis. Alpha risk and p-value.</p><p>Descriptive analysis Test the association between two categorical /qualitative variables STATA Software presentation</p><p>Instructors : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote (PhD students)</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch</p><p>14h – 17H 14h – 17H 14h – 17H 14H – 17H 13h00 – 15h00 ENGLISH STATA applications STATA applications STATA applications Reading papers Holly POUQET</p><p>13h00 – 15h00 Instructors : Cindy Padilla & Instructors : Cindy Padilla & Instructors : Cindy Padilla & Instructors : Séverine Deguen 15h00 - 17h00 Youssef Oulhote (PhD students) Youssef Oulhote (PhD students) Youssef Oulhote (PhD students) Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote FRANCAIS Sarah SASSON (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) (PhD students)</p><p>Master of Public Health – Semester 1 – 2</p><p> week 51 and 52: Monday the 20th of December to Friday 31st of December 2010</p><p>Holidays</p><p>Master of Public Health - Semesters 1-2 3 sequences: 2nd week 02: Monday the 10th January to Friday 14th Jan. 2011 Module 112- Information systems and Biostatistics Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Séverine Deguen</p><p>Monday January 10th Tuesday January 11th Wednesday January 12th Thursday January 13th Friday January 14th</p><p>9H00 9h00 9h00 14h00 – 17h00 9h00 Correlation Multivariate analysis. An overview Multiple linear regression Free biostatistics session Simple linear regression STATA applications</p><p>Instructors : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote Youssef Oulhote (PhD students) (PhD students) (Séverine Deguen) 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 17h00 14h00 – 17h00 13h00 – 15h00 STATA applications STATA applications STATA applications Reading papers ENGLISH cancelled</p><p>Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Séverine Deguen 13h00 – 15h00 Youssef Oulhote (PhD Youssef Oulhote (PhD Youssef Oulhote (PhD Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote 15h00 - 17h00 FRANCAIS students) students) students) (PhD students) Sarah SASSON (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) Master of Public Health - Semesters 1-2 3 sequences: 3rd week 04: Monday the 24th January to Friday 28th Jan. 2011</p><p>Module 113- Information systems and Biostatistics Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Coordinator: Séverine Deguen</p><p>Monday January 24th Tuesday January 25th Wednesday January 26th Thursday January 27th Friday January 28th</p><p>9H00 9H00 9H00 9H00 9H00 Logistic regression Logistic regression Cox model Cox model Free biostatistics session</p><p>Instructors : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Instructor : Séverine Deguen Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote (PhD students)</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h – 17H 14h – 17H 14h – 17H 14H – 17H 13h00 – 15h00 ENGLISH STATA applications STATA applications STATA applications Reading papers Holly POUQET</p><p>13h00 – 15h00 Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Cindy Padilla& Instructors : Séverine Deguen 15h00 - 17h00 Youssef Oulhote (PhD Youssef Oulhote (PhD Youssef Oulhote (PhD Cindy Padilla& Youssef Oulhote FRANCAIS Sarah SASSON students) students) students) (PhD students) (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) (Séverine Deguen) Master of Public Health - Semester 1 - 2 week 05: Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th of February 2011 </p><p>Location: Reid Hall 4 rue Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Resits and Exams for modules: </p><p>Thursday 3 rd of February:</p><p>01:00pm – 03:00pm Resit module 118 Introduction to Health Sciences</p><p>03:30pm – 05:30pm Resit module 101 Introduction to Global Health</p><p>Friday 4th of February: </p><p>10:00am – 12:00am Exam Module 111- Information systems and Biostatistics Module 112- Information systems and Biostatistics Module 113- Information systems and Biostatistics Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences: 1st week 06: Monday the7th to Friday 11th of February 2011</p><p>Module Codes 114: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Olivier Blanchard</p><p>Monday February 7th Tuesday February 8th Wednesday February 9th Thursday February 10th Friday February 11th</p><p>9h : 9h : 9h : 9h : 9h : Environmental health sciences : an Environment and health, case Environmental metrology : Environment and health, case Student’s article presentation on overview study (in class group work) pollution of soils study air pollution modeling and air Results and discussion pollution exposure Olivier Blanchard Olivier Thomas Benoit Roig Anne Roué-Le Gall Anne Roué-Le Gall Presentation of the homework on epidemiology study design</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h : 14h 14h 14h 14h Environmental metrology : case Environment and health, case Environment and health, case Air pollution - 13h00 – 15h00 studies on pollution of surface study study Ambient Air and Indoor Air ENGLISH water Results and discussion (in class group work) Holly POUQET Benoit Roig Olivier Blanchard 13h00 – 15h00 Benoit Roig Anne Roué-Le Gall 15h00 - 17h00 17h FRANCAIS 17h 17h 17h Sarah SASSON Master of Public Health - Semester 2 week 08: Monday the 21st to Friday 25th of February 2011</p><p>Holidays Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences: 2nd week 10: Monday the7th to Friday 11th of March 2011</p><p>Module Codes 115: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Olivier Blanchard</p><p>Monday March 7th Tuesday March 8th Wednesday March 9th Thursday March 10th Friday March 11th</p><p>9h : 9h : 9h : 9h : 09.00 Key issues in environmental Student’s study design Presentation and discussion health: a historical Critical analysis of selected Exposure : concept, approaches presentation for of papers on exposure perspective papers on epidemiological and tools epidemiological study. assessment studies studies (group homework) Denis Zmirou-Navier Denis Zmirou-Navier Denis Zmirou-Navier Florence Bodeau-Livinec</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h : 14h : 14h: 14 h : 13h00 – 15h00 Environmental epidemiology Presentation and discussion Study design for Critical analysis of selected papers ENGLISH : design and usage of of papers analysis: epidemiological study (group on risk assessment (group Holly POUQET homework) temporal and spatial epidemiology homework) 13h00 – 15h00 ecological studies 15h00 - 17h00 FRANCAIS Jean-François Viel Florence Bodeau - Livinec 17h Sarah SASSON 17h 17h 17h Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences: 3rd week 12: Monday the 21st to Friday 25th of March 2011</p><p>Module Codes 116: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Coordinator: Olivier Blanchard</p><p>Monday March 21st Tuesday March 22nd Wednesday March 23rd Thursday March 24th Friday March 25th</p><p>09.00 9h 9h : 9h : 9h : Occupational health (1) : an Presentation and discussion Global environmental Microbial Quality of drinking Presentation and discussion of introduction water papers analysis : microbial quality of papers analysis: change, globalization and of drinking water Occupational health health : main issues John Ballard Pierre Le Cann Pierre Le Cann John Ballard Jean-François Guégan 11h : Evaluation of the module Olivier Blanchard</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 14h 14h : 14h 13h00 – 15h00 Critical analysis of selected Occupational health (2) : setting of Globalization and the transmission Critical analysis of selected ENGLISH papers on occupational health occupational health standards of bacterial resistance papers on microbial quality Holly POUQET studies (group homework) of drinking water (group Maylis Telle-Lamberton Anne Laure Bañuls 13h00 – 15h00 homework) 15h00 - 17h00 FRANCAIS Sarah SASSON 17h 17h 17h 17h Master of Public Health - Semester 2 week 13: Thursday 31st of March and Friday 1st of April 2011 </p><p>Location: Reid Hall 4 rue Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Resit Biostatistics and Exam Environmental Health: </p><p>Thursday 31st of March: </p><p>10:00am – 12:00am Resit Module 111- Information systems and Biostatistics Module 112- Information systems and Biostatistics Module 113- Information systems and Biostatistics</p><p>Friday 1 st of April:</p><p>10:00am – 12:00am Exam Module 114- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Module 115 - Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Module 116 - Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences 1st week 14 from Monday April the 4th to Friday 8th, 2011</p><p>Modules 108- Introduction to health systems and policies Coordinator: Suzanne Hobbs, Karine Chevreul, Olivier Borraz Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Monday April 4th Tuesday April 5th Wednesday April 6th Thursday April 7th Friday April 8th</p><p>9h 9h 9h 9h 9h Data driven decision making: More data driven decision History and sociology of the Seminar: Introduction to health Introduction to health systems and How to use descriptive statistics making: Rates and trends – systems and medical profession: an policies in health care organizations what do they mean? policies introduction Philipa MLADOVSKY Sandra Greene Sandra Greene Patrick Castel, Henri Bergeron Karine Chevreul and Matthias Brunn 10h30 Physicians and hospitals, from autonomy to accountability</p><p>Patrick Castel 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 14h 14h 14h 13h00 – 15h00 14h ENGLISH Principles of communication Essential skills for successful The role of patient Holly POUQET Introduction to financing health skills to maximize employee managers and leaders care organizations 13h00 – 15h00 performance 15h00 - 17h00 Philipa MLADOVSKY Sandra Greene FRANCAIS Sandra Greene Sarah SASSON cancelled 15h30: Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz The politics of policy</p><p>Karine Chevreul 17 h 17h 17h 17 h Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences 2nd week 17 from Monday April the 25th to Friday 29th, 2011</p><p>Modules 109- Introduction to health systems and policies Coordinator: Suzanne Hobbs, Karine Chevreul, Olivier Borraz Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Monday April 25th Tuesday April 26th Wednesday April 27th Thursday April 28th Friday April 29th</p><p>9h 9h 9h 9h The French health care system Strategy, survival and growth Easter Health care management: Globalization and health Communication and power in a performance context Isabelle Durand Zaleski Tom Ricketts Tom Ricketts Robert Freund 10h30 The UK health care system</p><p>Derek.King 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 13h00 – 15h00 14h 14h 14h ENGLISH Health care management Globalization and health The German health care Holly POUQET system 13h00 – 15h00 Resources and the Environment 15h00 - 17h00 Power and dependency Stephanie.Ettelt FRANCAIS Sarah SASSON Tom Ricketts 15h30 Robert Freund The American health care system: The challenges</p><p>Tom Ricketts 17h 17h</p><p>17h Master of Public Health - Semester 2 3 sequences 3rd week 19 from Monday May the 9th to Friday 13th, 2011</p><p>Modules 110- Introduction to health systems and policies Coordinator: Suzanne Hobbs, Karine Chevreul, Olivier Borraz Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Monday May 9th Tuesday May 10th Wednesday May 11th Thursday May 12th Friday May 13th</p><p>9h 9h 9h 9h 9h Introduction to evaluation in Health system in transition: a Overcoming barriers to Health management in practice: A site visit to Hopital Europeen health case study application of health Student’s presentation Georges Pompidou information technology: Management strategies that work Tom Ricketts Robert Freund Julia Costich Karine CHEVREUL Alis Sopadzhiyan 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch</p><p>14h 14h 14h 14h 13h00 – 15h00 Performance Management: Health system in transition: a Challenges in Compensation: Seminar: ENGLISH examination Motivation and Rewards Under Holly POUQET Goals, Performance Evaluation, case study Synthesis on health systems Constraints and Feedback and the role of the different 13h00 – 15h00 stakeholders FRANÇAIS examination Bruce Fried Robert Freund Bruce Fried Sarah SASSON Alis Sopadzhiyan Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, Karine Chevreul Matthias Brunn</p><p>17h 17h 17h 17h</p><p>Master of Public Health - Semester 2 week 20: Wednesday the 18th and Thursday 19th of Mai 2011 Module 117- Emerging and re-emerging diseases </p><p>Coordinator: Antoine Flahault Location: Reid Hall 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS</p><p>Wednesday May 18th Thursday May 19th</p><p>9h00 9h00</p><p>Lessons learn from the outbreak of Working groups Chikungunya in Indian Ocean, 2005-2006 Patrick ZYLBERMANN</p><p>Antoine Flahault</p><p>12h : Lunch 12h : Lunch</p><p>13h00 – 15h00 14h00 Resits Language FRENCH and ENGLISH Lessons learn from the outbreak of Sarah SASSON & Holly POUQET Chikungunya in Indian Ocean, 2005-2006</p><p>15h00 – 19h00 Antoine Flahault Exam oral FRENCH and ENGLISH (15min per student)</p><p>Sarah SASSON & Holly POUQET</p><p>Master of Public Health - Semester 2 week 21: Friday 27th of Mai 2011 (tbc) Location: Reid Hall 4 rue Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS Exams for modules: </p><p>Friday 27th of Mai: (tbc)</p><p>09:00am – 11:00am Module 108- Introduction to health systems and policies Module 109- Introduction to health systems and policies Module 110- Introduction to health systems and policies</p><p>11:30am – 01:30pm Module 117- Emerging and re-emerging diseases</p><p>Master of Public Health - Semester 2 </p><p> week 22: Monday the 30th of Mai to Friday 3rd of June 2011</p><p>Module – Study tour abroad</p><p>Visita dei Masteristi di sanità Pubblica 29 maggio -3 giugno 2011 Coordinatrice : Maria Pia Fantini , Universita di Bologna.</p><p>Domenica 29 maggio </p><p>Arrivo a Bologna </p><p>Lunedì 30 maggio 2011 9- 12 Presentazione del Sistema Regione Emilia Romagna presentazione : e del Servizio Sanitario Italiano con particolare Maria Pia Fantini, riferimento alle cure primarie e della scuola di prof cacciari specialità </p><p>14.30 – 18.00 Visita all’Agenzia Sanitaria Regione Emilia Romagna Direttore Martini ed Assessorato Mariella Martedì 31 maggio 2011 9- 12 Visita alla Ausl Bologna, presentazione azienda, Direttore funzionamento dipartimento Francesco Ripa di Meana </p><p>14.30 – 18.00 Casa Della Salute …… Mercoledì 1 giugno 9- 12 Visita al presidio ospedaliero di Imola Direttore Emanuela Dall’Olmi </p><p>14.30 – 18.00 Palazzo Vespasiani Imola presentazione del Professoressa programma regionale di prevenzione Maria Pia Fantini e Dottoressa Angelini Jeudi 2 gigno 2011 Giornata libera viaggio a Firenze </p><p>Venerdì 3 giugno 9- 12 Presentazione asl Ravenna, chikungunya, medico Dottoressa referente del caso Raffaella Angelici, Bianca Caruso </p><p>14.30 – 18.00 Visita A Ravenna Città Master of Public Health - Semester 2 week 26: Tuesday 28th of June 2011 </p><p>Location: EHESP Rennes</p><p>Resits for modules: </p><p>Tuesday 28 th of June: </p><p>09:00am – 11:00am Resit Module 108- Introduction to health systems and policies Module 109- Introduction to health systems and policies Module 110- Introduction to health systems and policies</p><p>11:30am – 01:30pm Resit Module 117- Emerging and re-emerging diseases</p><p>03:00pm – 05:00pm Resit Module 114- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Module 114- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Module 114- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences</p>
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